" ' ' A\" ". ' ,V.',/i" ..-.: _] ;'"L'i"jL:sv. ' .) '"." " '-. '!' ./.I'. ' , ,. ( ' !"#' w ^^^^fffw^^^wf^^^^^W i ' . '." k^ Jt01iUtL=H<L3. ESSEX, ONT., PMbAY, JANUARY 18, 18ft,6.' WHOLE No. 525 I Anderson & Go. This week we give you^a. ii-.*.!'v" FEW IGURES _ The things you want may not be named, here, but these pricesare illustrative 6( many others all through our stocks : Pure Linon Scotcli Crash TowoliDgs, borclorod,, afc So ex. yarcL Puro Tjiuon Towolfl', Damask and Huck rogu'ur price I2jc, clearing. out at " The best yard iviuo groy cotton ever sold in Essex at the pricos special value 86-in Apron.Chock Ginghams now lOo *. yard Ladies' fine Paragon Kmttod Yosts, shaped, at SSp.oaoli Girls' Tweed Jackets clearing out at $1each " Lndios' Mantles a'o soiling rapidly at present; pricos :all new styles o lino at $3wSO^aoK White wool Blankpte,-good weight and aizo , $1.75 a. pair Ladies' soaralesa black Wool Hose 1 long and strong, at IQo a pair Men's grey Wool sophs long legs and no soains, 3 par for Jc!Sc Men** and Boy's warm winter Capa 2 So eaoh Men's b.euvy all-wool Ulatera high storm collars not tho half cotton "line for $S eao!b. Young Men's iine'Ovorcoats $* oao3a Tho greatest rungo and value' in "Youth's a.vl Mou'i, suitBvshown tiuy- where in the uoiiiity, Wo wilP moefc and boat all nompnfcition in clothing. To seo thorn is to buy thorn; B^tccml line of doublo-breaotod suits worth $10 for Our Men's Yamaska long Beets are admitted equal to a shoomaker's $4.60 boot. Our pi ice $Q a pair Bubbors, Rubber Hoots, Rubbers and nooks and over^Hooo at rock-bottom prices. Granby make, our specialty. All Furs cloaring at cost. ,'. GrouaribB always fresh, MAIDSTONE. Bev. 0. E. MoGee is; attending the 40 hour devotiou in Bello River* PaC&arry ih ib the village, looku nil right. H. Keaflfe is baok wita his old friand Mik again. Thoy made Naoe think \\ ill wm a. da.ndy. ., |*addy Moyuahan mado old Usvage com* to tho trout whop ha ^ot bi wood split. -1'At ban been too far South forthe old folk* f the vilUjfo. Mrs. N. Halford in spending a wook ia Bollo Biver with her pateytB, Kir. and Ure. D. SI. Kork. Mil* Ada Halford has gone to sohoul m Chatham. Wonder H^she will stay. Tho poraou who Hout th,h item to tho Ho- cord laat week regarding Corbott, our man, must have been asleep and wo forgive kim. Corbott ran wall fcr a new man.* Jokwuio arid Tom Kouuy and tboir w_ivea wero in Wiudaor lait weok attending tho wedding of thoir HJHUr. SWo in Mm. Kauo, and ih living with an. GOTTAU. Mr. .Tool Whitney flu mind thr*Hin* aluika clvor uud and iiait abouH 'J00 buslulJ wluuh", at prnont priu,H, will rtial- iao a larKM tmio. W. Mooro of Youa< Ireland, hu bonight a frumo keuiio in Euoox and ia moving it tp hie farm. It pained through horo' drawn by foor team of boeiu, movihjf at quit*, a yuou iaho. Ttit- hchnlara have proiioutad, Mr. and Sim, Ellioit nitU a U'Rutiful burrv uoi aa a jji'tt-aon i, NOKTH -KIDGIv. Til* iu:-w u: uiily ti.irtf.tii, nichoir. dtep. Wo liopo tbo youn^ mun will luke nd- vimtaffg of the^ood uloighiug and ifivo thoir beat girls a ride. Walter Smith, who renidcH on tk Ga> oron rud, had twenty Hiokenti <itol*u on lion day niu;Ut, Oaaunry 7. A fine larg drake waa ulao takau. Dwrtn the utxt HiKbt Mm. A. .7. CdwaH'u hon raoat wan visited, but tb tbiof got noohiokeni aatwo you nc tnon appeared on-tha aoene top aooa with fire arma. Ho loft a lar^a tin pail bahiud him which ba oau liavo by provina; property and paying for Walter Smith's houa aud rha c^^u thev wonU lay daring tho next five yeiim. William Aeavau fotiad a bu^y robe a abort tima ago in tba bnoh whan ha waa nanrcbinR for ntrayed oattl. Ho advorfei.a ' od bin find in tho Ebhux FnKii Phkbh, and Henry Barlow, who bad lost u. robe, read tut advortiaemont, went, aud iw, and proved hu rightful owaofuhip to tho roba- Who aayu advortiain^ dooaii'l pay ? William Blair keepa moving hiftitaa out of Eaaax Town. Ha puasad through horo laat Tuciduy with a houne sat ori four bob- sloieh's, and to (hem wero hitohod. four taamaofhorMa pulling tha house along with oaiio. Thero waa a bob eloign under eaoh corner of tho house, whioh wlh bainsf moved U tha ' farm of William Moora; of Youutf.Irelawd. Mr. Blair told your ra- portor that ha has tha oontraot for movme aavaral more buildinita out of Ssaax Town as booh ao ho can got at tham.' - ' KINGBVIIiLE. Mrs. Alvia vTIrU baa returned from her visit to London, ,, Miaa Martha Fitch haa secarod a aahool uina ml lei east of Blanbalaa. RT Pascoa.D. D,, of EeaM, preaohed both morning aad avaaiug at tha aiinlver- nary aorviooe whibh war* held last Sunday horo in tho Epworth Matkodiat ohuroh. Johu Lonuan, Br. who lives a few mil** north of town tripped and fell iu Irout <1 the EiolmUKo Hotel here last Batardy. He wau partially stunnod. and 'being an old man li vaars of met the fall in liable to prove ftal< Hiu boo, ronsovod hlso by aleigk to hiH homo BaturdayeVeiiiag. Tho yiotyn'Hrtpino-HfleweJ to be hurt badly. Thbj Hut accidsnt whloh lately befell Johu J.Jtfaloat.inakeu the fifteenth.serloiiH ouo eKporienooil by that unliioliy poraon jvithia the taut fow yearn. Ha haa had both UgH broken, rlbn brokuu, bonen ortuh cd iu two flucorn, ttcoidcutly uhot in tlic hip vory bf&Hy, laid up for raoutha through ovorhaatirj^ tholtlood, both foet badly cut with axo, tto <!ta, HfirvL'Htirij* ico bot^an iu big^almpo Men- .clay. It'H a flight to uoo tho way Mr. Bului ia Ulllnt; tha lVlottawau iocr-houoe. An uo- Uhh olj'ain iOO faot louj; on carritirfffctjd run by Htoum putfi in ttixfcy cakow a uiinuto and mora. 'Mr Soram huh a large foroo om- ployed and iti loading 20 cars at preaout. He ia having a 'iihuto mado that will ourry ico up aud over tho batik right 'to tho car door. .'- . ' ' . YOFtONTO'iT a!Q FIBE- GREENFIELD, ^armors hcroara buuy patting away ioe Mr. and Mhi. A. Taylor have moved in to tho housu bolongiug to Mr, Wm, Leo on Talbot otroat. -t ' .\.- Croft Bros, uro proparing timber for tho amotion of Mr. K. Wilnon*D barn. Sumiir-.l Edwiird Uakoy and fatr.ily have riGtirij<l to thoir old homo on Htrawborry Lo'olt out for a wi>ddiug v<?r> noon. .MAlUHTO'NJ'iTOW-lrfltffcfcV-r1------ MihH lii'-o Komiwly te vi-utiut* frundu hi,A ruiatiVi.j iu .ilaidu-Oiie, .. Miuii Minnie Hall ia vmitint; horauni, Mru. J. lJooninfiton( of Windaor, liov. G. W. Konnedy paid his siatar a short viuit on Tuoeday list. Eovival maotin^s aro boinu held in tba M aid t. ton a Muthoiiitt church. Tin people of Maidstoue have a fino obahoo now of enjoying a good eloign ridft* John Hyland, sr.( baa raovtd to his usw raaidanoa, which Chan I^jpan lately .oo* on pi od. kit I'liiii-riduy'ri IKliri.v,t ToiiONTp, Jan. 1U.-Thu Iohkas, of^Fhura- d*y'w blji flru amount t $800,000, aVuV^th iiinurjiuco in force on tho hurried propof 5v totnlludtATlt.ItOO, dlHtrlhuti*4] iu followft:^. J.'W. Wo<m1h, owimr O nifoodby building Iohh ),(KKJ, luHur-aneo *i.1,000: CoIm-ii Ui-ftH., nianiifaof-urlug JowlMt loua JO.000, li)(turinit! fl.SOOi G. D. Rowt'ds Co., Montrehl, Iowh i,(100. Union Curd iu>d Pup^r (]o., Montreal lo hh n.OOO,. Iirmir/iii co $7,000, Somniftini & Evl, midi?rtnki*rii' Hiippllea 1okhI.VXK); luHurmico *lii,000. E.--41. Mc'IytoHh, iiguiit, 1oh $-100, in- Hiirniiooull: " George HoLfera, ugout, loan |3,0OO, In Burance $1,500. G- T. florrlw, die (tinker, loan $4,000, ln- Huraiu-u $1,000. J. H, fiecconibo, nuddlory hardwacu, lotu $4,000, liiHurance $4,000. . W. S, JolmKlono & Co., prlntorH, loan $12,00O/InHiiranco"$10,).fc . Jiw. K./Knux, agent, Umfi $-tl,KO0, Inuur- nncb $23,000. Ilobovt darling & Co., clotblpg, W" V5t> 000, .In'Humnoo $JlO,0(M). Spnrro.stuta, biiiidlngFi, Iomh $;jr,00O, in Hunincu $25,000. Bfttudo-&Co.,fui'H, lossja.OOO.'infmniuce $3,0fM). . Dr. Abbott, building, losa $2,500, -in- Huranco $2,500. . J. Y. HIed&Co., bulldhiu, occupied by Buntln, Rold'&Co., and Hurt'& itkldell, Ions $afl,lW0, Insurance WO^OOO. Buntln, Koid & Co-, iitock, o.stbnatcd lone $ir,00O, iuHnmncft $ir>,000. Cotticolli SillcJEVj., romovnl, Iohh $1,000, Insuranco $1,000. HurtJ &,Rlddoll, Iohs $3a,000. insiwanco $25,000, ' Wyld, Grawnt & Burling, loss$.15,000, ln- surap ce $32,000. K. II. Gray & Co., utoclc, Ioha $100^000, lu- auranco $70,000. R. H. Gray & Co., building, Ioh.s $40,000, insurnncif $.*10,000. .. r._...... Major Carlaw, building, Iohh $40,000, in* aurance 825,000.-. "" Bunnott & Co., fuw, loss $50,000, Inaur- auco $40,000. BoiHHeai^&; Co., Iohh $SO,000, InHiiranca $fiO,00i>. - ^^* ' Broroton & >lnunJ^irrrfurTi, Iohh' 5*10,000, inMirunce.^tJiywor^'^ . t Riiy,Jtrt'riTt! <fc Co., Iohji $100,000, inur- amio"$rj:,P00. OLhcrJosauS, $20,000, insurance. $10,000. _ Xke.Ouardinn Insurunco had'$-15,000 on "the stock of ITuTiry DarTTng &; Go., and $10,000 on t;lin "stock of Gray & Co. ; iiIh-i $J0t,O0 on tho ritock oC Wyld, Graaotb & Barling. North Kttaci JTromotlonH. UJUDHTONK. B. B. No. I. To Br. IV., Alfred 3Poiaoai, Hilaira Charon, Ed. Dreabourg* To Jr. IV., Kdmuud l'oisaon, WilHam Strong, Y'oter Maroatette. To IK., A.lex. Oual* Uttv Ibxymond Parent, Irinie La-forot. Fiva \ar promoted to ?Jnd olaas and sight iol?fc. Ii. S, S, No. 2. Te Jr. IV., Viueent Mc Cloakoy, Thoa. Towaru. To III.. Thomaa Moran(|Joa.Morharr{^ AnbieMoOrao and MagyittMorau. Two Were promoted- to 2nd oIhbm an.4 four t>o Ft, II. S. S. No. il., tfo Sr. IV., Lillie jjamo. To Jr^ IV., J. 36aiIlarg ou, I. Lamay, M. J. Lokuay, Barah Buokuheat, A, Bouillar, A. Pitvit, II. J obi u, Sovtin were promoted to 2nd oIumh anil thirteen to Pt. II. H. 9. No.;4! To %r. IV., Jennie Chriotio, Gliaw. rtoltz. To Jr. IV.,' A. .Scbooloy, M. Griffitha, F, Oriffitha, C. Alliaon. To III.. B, Ketiyon. Three ware pre mot od to 2nd olaiu and aix to Vt, II. . fl. S. No. fl. To Jr. IV., .Tamoa Bann, Oaasio Kllia. Two paBHed to 2nd oIuhh and Ave toP: ir. ' b. S. No. . To Jr. IV.,, Walter Wiuto- raute.iUary Hutxel, Lillio Thcman, Willia Dahl, Clara BaMcr. To III., Lizzie Hut* zil, Annie Laudfraff, F. Landgralt. Fiva wore prpmoted to 2nd olaaa. ' S. S. No, 7. To III, Lottie Millar, Ber tha Lappau. Nina wero pramotad to 2nd olaaa aud fiye to Pt. II. 9. S. No. 8. To. Sr. IV, J. McCana, M. Potter. To Jr. iy, AMooney, M Scully, A" Croft, H Barnea. To III, Gcrtio Kano, Gerald Moonoy,' Edward Dumber, Five wdrc proraoted to 2nd ola'HB-ahd-tbrofl to Part S,flcondr"*% S. S.No.O-W Baldwin, R Girard, J Carroll pasaed to Jr. IV. To III, H Trim- bio. / ' .. . 8, S, No. 10 Tq Jr. IV, Henry Kerr. To III, Sylveater Price. fcUvon.waro pro. matte! to 2nd clubs. PECK'S GREAT Mid - Winter SALE is now on: ex . 'out. AMHERBTBURG. Capt. J. Luframboisa hao been vim ting rolativeyaud trianda in Cleveland, 0. Mr. *:.()'Wm. Slbort Aralin, of eiiicntfla, buu hoi'u rnitinj^ relutivert in town. J. I1. Hurt't- urapjoyera pracaiitui him wi'h ahiindsnuio lureruohaum pipe on Nsv y<i ir'n *vo, Jlisc Mny. Gillonn haa rotarued hera from Thtmaidon. Ont., tttid will remain at th Lako View antil Spring. Mr. and Mra. John Gdloan and-their daughter*, Miis Maggie and Gortia, re. turned to London Iafc Friday. Miae, Winnie Gatftold haa ontiraly rac covered bar usuhl boalth again, and her numerous young friends are Rlad, Johu Gleasou, of Datroit, aeeompauiad by Haitov jfohut\MT in town Ihia weak vlaltiue at tba realdonoe of Capt. D. Girar- dU. s The lieader breaks on* ioto poal7,: ;Mayor Mullen .tried once agaiu to" vflJFiH tha mayor'* ohalr, . S$po^JEKaBAr> entered the tray, nd lifted Johu'a hair. SOUTH WOOD8LEE. Munioipal elaotioun -oauaod -inito rm oitomont- D. D. G. M. Ryall hao inslallel the of- floors of Lodflo No. 220, I. O, O. F. , Mr, F. Wiutors is painting tbo soenery for"Ton Ninbtaiu a Bar room. Mr. A. Walker haa ranted Ura.|R Horn's otoro and iutends to pub in a a too It pf fur niture. Tho infant daughter of Mr F Wintora died ou Sunday morning after au illnaim of twa waeka. The taombere of the U T of T aro_reL hoaraiog "Ton nightr in Tho Scottish Union Insurance Company had $-10,000 on tho stock of Wyld, GriiHott & Darlinjf, and noveral small nuniH. Tbo London, LlvornonJ and Globa In- Burance Company held 130,000 on the stock of Wyld, Grasett & Barllnff, $5,000 on the stock of Hart & RIddoIl, and xeveral ttmallor aumn with other firmfl. The Imperial -Inaurapco Company had $10,000 inHiirance on tho ntoclc of BnUfioon' &Co.t $5,000 on tho fltock ofBuntin, Hold 8c Co.,' and $S,000 on the atock of the Mon- treal Cotton Company. * The Norwich Union suffered to tho ex tent of $5,000 nn tho utook of Buntln, Bold & Co.-, and #i,000 on tbo atock of Brerotdn & Maun Inf.'. Tho Etna and tho London and^Lancnahirj* each had $20,000 on tho J. Y.Uold building. MenurH" Munxz & Beatty, of tho Cale donian aud Queen Insurauco ConipaiUoe, carried $2,550 on Cohon Bros.' Ktock, in tho Caledonian; $9,000 on the aame stock In the Queen, and W.OOO on the stock of MeBfira. Wyld, GraHett & Darling. ^To Ciye pilU and purgative* for BluggIah- h'eea oMiver Is like rfvidg a- weak man whiakey to keep him workla*, Th<(y exohe tha o(i^eative,rgaaa to everworWbut leaya them weaker a^dleiB ahle to perform thair fabpfciona. Esalj^y's tAvet Loiranftea aaaiafc hatura to do it* work and at the same time- a*renf,fchen(iha, dlgeatiy^.-ayatam.vThay Ibrangea a^dv elabl are25 olB.aidru^ tterea, .-, .,. -,$' . d I through the' yeAr^' ( the Bar Room" with tUe intention of playing it tba bacin- niug of next mouth. The munioipal elootioHH for Rocheater roeulted in tbo elootton of Doaiel, k*eovo; J WiJoox, deputy; Bowhirat, Laudooaur, Sylvester, councillors. J A Baeith, onr taller, ia turning oat some very nobby nuts. Hia visit to New iTork aud Jna Mitoheiro onttini; aohooln i has done him aomo good in roftard to the latent BtyloB. M Til Florida FrnAsso. Fit-ridit-rrnit crowcru arb. loud in their f'lmpl&mt of rbonj^lietnoe ft the WMiitbur inii-eaii m nut giyjntf'thern timely warniNtr of.th^.-frf.oze tbat waw no dmaatroufl loth" nrangu and fruit I'.rowiu^ industry In th Statu. Thi^y eutimatn that they could have eayad flGOp.OOObad the warniug been-given. L. E. Faruaworth writes that tho flgurea of lose have beou place a aa high as 1100,00;),- 000. This, of course, would include tho entire less of the fruit crop,* the.- iminouao quantity of green vegetables, tbo diroofc lose of treea aud foliage, the poaslbility of ireaa damasad that will aot reoover for two years, and the Urgent item being that of tho depression to all real aetata valuation and foreign groves, whlab ueoeaeanly follow hu avout of this kind. Mr. Famgworth iaya: -"In my own (jrovie, -where there wero 50,000 yellow, lu anion a oranges, alaa lobooiiH, limes and ((rape fruit, all ware fro zen aolld. The thermometer dropped to 14 degrees above sero, and made Ice one abd one-half inohea thick. Not aince J8B0 haa suoh a eataatrophi oomo to this State. In that year it waa even colder, and killed . aowji to the;reoti neatly aU, the orange, tree* in Florida. The freena Din* yeara a^o. while doi&g cousideratle damage, ex"' tended over only a portion of the State. It ia partloetarly hard on the poorer people of 'Flbrldft;,rwbo,:'c1*feqo>bi*'*Mr orep of * "ea 16-oarer-them Mth. Caven, wbo was injured by jump ing out of a window, la programing favor ably at St. Michael's hospital. Other^Kront nreH In tha-city war* the IrbtrBlocic-Iii 1673, lona $400,000; dama^o to the name promUcfl a few months aftet*- wardH, Iobh $ir>O,000; tho Kaplannde fire in 16^JnH_Hja5i),000^-auiUtha~Univeraity.flr(i, which deatrnyed nearly half a million dbllarn worth of property. FARMERS' INSTITUTE-MEETING. The XCast Klein rannuru' IntilltiitB Mr.^tlnir Continue to Slamma Fitfiii Topic*. Atlmer, Ont., Jan., 12. East Elgin Farmer*' Inetitutp resumed at 10 o'clock ycBtorday morning, tho attendance bolng rather small on account of the clangorous state of the roads. After routine business Prof. Hold, of Gnolph, gave a very able and Inatructlvo addrcsn on "Tho Common DlfioiiHeH of tho Stomach of the Ox," which delighted an appreciative audience. 'V. 1m; J. .llruwr",' a graduatn of tbo O. A. C. GloIjIi, gave an addreHB on tho ndrn. -\,yv ol an j'.r<rlciilturai Allege edu- catlt u\ fr.'uuWid 1^- S. T. Pettl't, wno gavo a v< tv fiu:-Votive iddrnHson "TheDangor- onit WV.'uCilted I'lellhie Weed." Mr. A. W. Ca.npl^ll, civil engineer, gave an add runs in behalf of tho Good RondHiV^ouIut ion, which waa no well re- eelved rbai' tlni iiuibil.uto at once appointed two delegates to attend the Good Hoods AsaocIatI6n convention to be held in To ronto. J. C. Dance and Tlioe.. Roberta were appointed delegated. A. H. Pettlt Wa called jipon and gave, a aplendld oil- :dreKH.;; The *. proceedings' woro" closed by Prof. Held, who gave nn iidtlreas on "Breeding Horaes for Profit, Lawn of Brooding," etc.; MontrMl fnuitvy sHmw Prlae WlMitak'a. Moktrkal, Jan. 12.-:Tho Sir Donald A. Smith cup for the breeding lion of any variety ueorlng the highest number of SolntH at the Montreal poultry exhibition, aa been awarded to Meaura, Kent & Oldreivo, of Kiugaton, Ontario, on a pen of bhiok red game fowln scoring 18 R-0 points. Tho AHAoelnttoit Game Cup, given to the compotltor aeeuring the hlglieat score of male game, Iiilb alao been awarded to Meaars, Kent & Oldrelve, a.blacjc-red cockerel exhibited by them, scoring 00 point**. This being the third year in Uc^ cession in. which thltv (Jrm haVo. won this prli.o, the cup now iMcbmes bhelr property- The Asabolatlon Silver pupfor,beat breed* Ing pen of rWyaiidofctes wju* awarded tb; Mr. G. C; Howison, Broolcvllle, Orttario, wlthja pou,of, \vl>llJu...W;y^lotlfcefl. $core 1881-2 points; .;' Mr, Victor-'^Former,; 6f Montreal, was awarded a silver cup pre sented by Mr: O: R. Dsniela', of Toronto, for the beetiexblblt of oli*h,foyrl. llOCnEHTHR, - S. B.No. 2 ToKr/lV. fcdilh Wilcox, Lorua Kobmson, Thomas Wiglu,' ThoinaB Cottor, ClartnutiPewhiMt, Eddie Mitchell. To Jr, IV, Dtlla Smith, Victoria KoMyoiT, Willie Miller, Eddia Taylor. To IIT Borniae Crogan. Three woro promoted to 2nd and four to Part II. S. S. No. 3 Parraolio, Lali- berti, Alice lawy, A Chiliere, Landry, To 2nd, Al)yraSylveBtrelExiIdaRonuud ida Kmond, Kaoul Demers, Nioliolaa LqIi- hurti, Ulrio Varraetfca, TTjaliborti, Maria Girard. .8. 6. No. A To Jr. IV, Emwa Wooda, Arthur Btothaird, RuyBoll Simona, Stentau Km'ater, Ethel Knister, Herbert Kniater, Fanwy Wooda, Delia Knister, Willie Hill, Libbie Diotrich. To 3rdf Emma Smith, Walter Stothurd, Jobn Hill, D MeNaught, on, Charles Wilson, Jobn Jackson, Prank Drown. Fifteen pasaed to tho 2nd and eight to Part II. S, S. No. C To Jr. 4th, Theodore George Rose Queuneville. To Srd, ' Adelaide George, Perdmaud Lalondo, Dehma Em ory, P Cottor, Lncia Beuglet, P~Qtibnna^. villa. Tkreo woro promoted to 2nd and three to Part II. 8. S. No. 7 To Sr. IV, Simon Loaper- anoe. To Jr. IV,, Hannah Murphy, Al* bert Strong. Five wero promotod to 2nd and elevon to Part II. * *ANDWicn BoaTn. S S, No. 1-To B'r. IV, Henry Fitxpat. rick, Davi4 Ure, Ewnice Ur*. To Jr. IV Florence Ure, Victoria Smith. Ten pais- ol to 2nd olanfi and niuo to Part II. . S. S. No. 2 To Br. IV, George Marshall Joseph Pernor To Jr; IV, J Ferry, Char Nagarsen. To III, Alice Ferry, Jno King. Mary Heddom. Six .paseo3 to 2nd and nine to Part II. S. S. No. 4. To Br. IV, Clariise Paqweit 'Rosa Dufour, Rosa Bourqae, Magie Fiolde Vide Sbuol To Jr. IV, J O'Kuil, Irene Webster, Pan Pi">etli, Aliae JBaakar, Alphs Paquede, Gaorge Dufour. Fourteen ware promoie^ to 2nd and eUven to Pirt II, . S. S. No. 6-To Jr. IV, Jerry;Collina. To III, Royelia Farougb. Three wore promoted to 2nd olaab and tbVeMto Pt. It. ' S.8. No.W-ToSrIV, C Cole, M D*n. eau. II Burns, ELopsiu, A Kavanagh, M Burke, R Burke. To Jr.TV, A O'NeuY F Driacell, D MeKoe, Ida Burko, Ada Burke, A Kvan*Kh, .0 . Cahill, F O'Briau, B Moore. To III, R Roadhouti*, Chaa .Tea. sop, M O'Neil, W Jasaop, L O'Neil, UCola, h Lemay. Every Overcoat, every'Suifc and every pair of pants in our Men's and Boys' Clothing Department if* included ih thia Sale. You can now save from one-third to one<hali from reg ular prices. A chance you cannot afford to miss. /.ndsoh.On Windsor's Londlnc; Clotitier. 5H Card of Thunkfl. The underainned deaires' to thank tl| of hiu frTenda and noi|fbbora who,so kit lent their asnistanoo to hia family dm their beroavem ent at the death af hia aud to expreua a sineere uppreoiatiui the many kindncsa shown. JonK McKiHtii Colchester North", Jan. 14,' 1895. Hog It al ft nee For Profit. Hugh Gibh, of Anc'erdon, last week Bold to D. Barron, of Ambarutbnr!, twenty-blue dreafled-bos. probably tbe> bast lot for their age ever no] J there. Seyon of them were nine months old when killed and the balance were one vear old, aud the average weight waa 305 pounds each. He got nearly $600 for the lot. What Mr. Gibb did every otbor farmer iu tha county oan do. Observe. Por a delightfully refreshing Uteres;*; and a quick cure for eiok headaoke, and deran^meuta tf tha Btomaob and Lifer^- 'Dunu's Fruit Saline" ia DKBIVILLKD. It aapooilly keeps the Throat clean and weal thy. Doctors recommend it, baoauae U ii a puna mopDor of Salts of Fruit, Bad a and Potaah. -Through all chemieta and stores. , . William U; Dunn A Cot# Worka .Late JLYternryNewfl. An old* -fashioned eon. story full of inter eat and adventure, witk a strong love motive, is bogun by W. Clark Bunnell iu the January CoBmopolitan. - "Oaida" wo. oeeda Proude, Goeue, Lane, aud other dio- tinguubedu writers with an metalment of the "Great Paaaioua of Iliatory" aeries^ whioh has boon appearing Iu The Cosmo politan. A difcoujrfiou ib arouaod by Mr Edward Bek'w arsinlo ott "Tha Young Uau aud Tho ChuirchV whioh will eotmuue ton tt ink beforo it ia Qt^ttlfd. Juut pra- cedingth* iamoua Chareofc'u death he pre pared an urtiole for Tli* Oonmopolitan on Fastoar. to bo pubJiulmd after Pafltaur'e dftath. Put Charcot bim di^l livat, and urn with the eouaent of Charcot's executors, the article ia given now. Tba present "Theatrical Reason iu Now York" iacrHio- ally considered by Mr. James 6. Matoalfe, editor of Life, aud there are etonea by Pourcoo, Howalla, aud tbo famous Prauoh w*iW Prauoola CoppaeT" "All run down"; from weakeniDK affecta of warm weather, you need a Stood tonid and 'blood purifieVllke3Io<>d>BJij$krilla; TyJL," V.;;\;i\-. ' JLiOOk Out For Cold Weather 'fcut rideiuaide of the Eleotrib Iiigbted sin* Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment train a of the Cbioago. Milwaukee A St. Paul Kail- way and you will bo aa warm, comfortable aud ebeerful aa in your own library or bou doir. To travel between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, or between Obioago, Omaha and Slou^ City, in tbaae luxuroue- Jy appoiutod trains, ia a BUpretne aatiafab tiou; and, a a the Boncewhat ancient adver tisement used to read, "foe further partio- uliraae'e email bills." Small bills (and arge ones, too) will be accepted for passage ; and eleeping car tickets For detailed iu- formatioQ address A. J. Taylor, Canadian Paeaenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. A i. .>! \<: