Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 11, 1895, page 5

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T/H".^ Z7$fW ^S'iTW c y- z THE ESSEX r?KISK. PRESS WINDSOR, JANUARY, 1895. DEAR FRIENDS In bidding adiou to the old year, which is gono, and gone for ever, we aro not unmindful of your past oonfidenco in our ability to thoroughly execute whatever wo irndertako. In spite of hard times, trade atjOak- Hall last year was plienominally large. The great Becret of our success has been the combining of the greatest olomonts of style, durability.and attractiveness at the lowest pos sible cost for intrinsically good clothing. Terms cash, one price to all and no misrepresentation. We feel grateful for the eonfidouoe which tho community at largo has placed in us, and in future shalhdo our utmost to- retain this honorable position by strictly adhering to thoso thorough busi ness principles which have actuated our oflbvts to please all. / Yours truly, J. MOFFAT, Mgr., OAK HALL, 13 Sandwich sf., Windsor. DR.R.B.POTTS,B,A.,M.D. ImporEa! Bank Block, (Ovfar J. U. Allliifi* Ilawlwiuo.) Night Calls at Office J FBIDAY, JANUARY XI, 1805. W TA L K ^T OF THE TOWN> j TIw pay oar pauuod over lib* M. C, II. on WednnHday, und tho employes hare aro ra- Mewing tlioir nubnoiiptiouH to th Fwm PUKHff, -----------1------- ___L OST. On Talbot fit.. Ebhuv, on Wed uohdny afternoon, 11 th mat., a pur of fjold rirmned fipectiu;len. Kinder plont-n ioturu to Rlro. ,]uiulh Kay let bih! receives ruward. Mackinaw uocku and htavy rHubem 81 75 pair at Kmith'ii. Mjusiji. hiereou Bi*js. whu hrfvti cnrdueS- (j(J a grocery and (uglUm bujtiu * in KiBox for Hom yearn, have Mold to Mr, Wra. GohucII, who baa livad m Gonfiuld u North uoar hero for iioma time past. MeBsrn Soreou l3ro*.- will "remain Ja town for a time, and ib in hopud permantely. 'Read Snath's adyt.for Inutfaiua in ladieh' coata, men'* ana boys' olottuug. Tho nuuy Eusox frieudu of Mr. Wra, II. Hall.ionof Mr. U. H.Hall, hero, will bt ploaaed to lvtru that "Will" bay opeued a tinware buninoHs at Bath, Out, where he has parraaneutly locatod. Will findu that matrimony aud tho tmwarn luinoe m what lioifionlri have embarked in yearn aflo. Another of thcae very pleaoaiit uter- tainmcmto, luown an tho "Popular Friday Evening," Rivon by tho management of tho Moolmmo'H Institute, will bo held in tho madyjj roam thin i.veniiig at 8:.'i0 o'clock Tho programme inolodoaa idiort lobture by Mr. A. H. Olatko, LL. 13., of Wioduor, entitled "Epilupbu." ftlr,.C. CruHttwellor will occupy tho chair, J-eff (mlo^)u hIiooh at Smith's. Somotiino between Woudiy night and Tuooday morning, aomt person or psruou* hunu an elligy on the telephone wiraa near the Induitriul Workfl. The raoauini! of tbb notion iu loftMn doubt, an tho iifjure horo njijjjaoription und thora were uevoral defeated candidates ut tho Monday elac- tion*. Kvery reapcctubla pirton in Esnox declaims any knowledge of its moaning, awl tho notions of tho renmiudor of tho population aro not worthy of notice. ITtiavy diofm tfoodn, 1.1c, 20c, '25a, 30c, choice for 10c yard at Smith's. / Rev. Geo. Elliott of Citnbor and Kay/ Frault WheaUn of Colckeator aro oxpootod to spoak at tho miOHiouary meeting to "bo held in St l'aul'o church, Ehsox, on 'X'uaii- day ovonjofj utxt, Jan. l.lch, and in Trinity ohuroh North ltid^o, ou Woduoaduy ov- uiufj- Mr. Wboalen ban ooaio ounoaitioH uellt him by bin brother-m law IUv. I, 0. Sbringar, who u a miauionor^ to )ho Eh Id mo on tho nhoru of the Artio Oooan, with which he mulien bin addresH vory interontintf. lie aiHo relate;* norM peculiar cxperiencaK in that Jand wheio tlioaan d<)e not Bot for bii wflelm, arm whore nomociiaafl thoy Bleep oat of doom with tb thermoju-[ otor 54 bflow zoro. ,] "Wmtor" and "Sumwor" woro novoe rooro nharminclv pinturod hhn Miv nra tii o u'aaoi oil It 'n.Tu .->itLliitpi una ^..,. ,.' dar. Tbu calmiiJfir iu iiimlj inthtitbapa of a 'li6arl*vur;cl 'is ornuraeutod with two ohiid facott, litho^raphod iu bright) and na tural colorn, one pccpinjj out/amrl the ruow flakes; from a dainty oap, und tho other lighted up with all the f lory of tho aurumar nuutihiu*. The uauul information about tho lunar ohangou and other uutrouomioal ^ *yonta ih fiiven, aud tha calendar, boaidos bsiug "a thing of beauty" u alno useful ovory day in the your. In may bo obtained at tho drugirint'a, or, if hi* supply iu t x- hauiiUd, uit otnta In Htamp* Hhonld ho uont to 0-1, Oood A Co., ^ropriekora Hqpd'n Sartiapitrllla, Lowoll, Ma hi., vrlVo will for- krd * calendar free. For ten onfcu two idara wfirhB-aeufc, . ..^ Tho luuuo ot th' pOHt ofnoc -at Tilbury, Centra hau boou ohan^od to Tilbury. litnt thiH year will begin on Fobrnary 137th aud liJantor Sflnday will bo ou April lith. Umn "School KwrniliAiNMicNT. Tlio ro- oital by MiHH Johuaon and Mr. Smily haw boon fixed for Fob. 11th. Dotroit m to bo tho Michigan Ountral'a headquartorH, Tho & neral fryiyht ofliooH moyad thero on (7anuary Int. If you waufc to koup yourniilf at your beat tuko plenty of idoop. IE yon munt cheat uaturo iu any way (jo without enough food, but never without enough sloop. Goo. Yoaug has ro-rjurchftod thd bar- qorinK buBtnoya whioh ho formorly carried on bore, and in-nr/w-Jocated in fch premises aJjoiiuna;-tho railway, north mdo Talbot ut. Goo.'nay he moann bufunesa thin tima aud in g.:mg lo li,Lup ri^lit ut it. l-aclidw* ventu all wool, 30o eucli Bmiih. Job lot ahoou and a!ii*|>oio, 81 '2o, 91 ."iO for tifia ut Smith's. Tho Ontario Govornmont intondH mak ing ijgnio ritoiiuivo m'provainouto ut tha I'niid J.!aii p'li k Men with ^oitvblu inillu wiii bu put tu v.oi It 3 LTiiiig lniiibor for a now lioustt for tho r^u^er. A dock will bo conatrisoted, payitiou-i oroctod fordai oiug, ota., and a geucral oleauin^ up of tlie ^rouudii kegun. The mout important deal iu Detroit real eututo during the punt deoado wftH tra,riB- aoted Saturday afternoon at 0 o'clock. By ltu tcrmu th buillin^a and ^roundu of th* Detroit Kxpoaition Company were trana- forred to the Solvuy PraooBO Company of Syracuso,' N". Y for 8233,000. The grounclH contaitifl 10 acrtju, do that tha prico in at tho rato of 3;j,338 poraoro. PnipurutiouH uro com]iloted for tue an nual Farraoru' Inn ti 111 to to bn' bold in Am- horatbnrf; on Thursday, January 17th. Thore will bo morning,ufternoou and even ing iieufiiona. * Tho outnido . ^outlomon who will bo proaont, aro Prof. J. LI. Ruod, of Guelph Agricultural Collo<>e, A. II. Potit, tho colehrnt-ad fruit grower, of Griumby, and Wra. Dioltimon, of Atwood, Perth Co. A Masonic lod^o of icBtruotion will bo hold at Leamington next Tueaday, .Tamj- ary 15th. A PaHtHustoru' uHHOciution will be formed in tho lodpo room at 11 a, m.; from 3 to-1 p. m ,^11 quefitionB relatinfl to lint degree wdrk will bo dmonuaed, from *1 to 5 p. tn. tho necond dogrue will bo taken up and at 7.-10 p. in., tho oflioeiu of Leuna- in^tou Lodgo will exemplify the third deiiree. Hero in uood uewa for tho owners of nh'eep, A now procofio of weol wanbing in. vonted by a German chomiat and tho Btato ohoruist of Connecticut, ifl espocted to add from threo to ten contu a paund to the vidua of woo]. Wool oil oonntitutflfl twenty por cent, of unclaimed wool, This 10 now ontiroly loat, but" the uw proooaa will anvo it. Tho oil in valuable in making ointmentB, aoap and other propanvtioni, and ia Hold for mxty contu a pound. It in more iiQOcfluary now than over that a thcnounh spraying of fruit troov should be made ut the proper tirao. Evury iutel- h|{0ut grower of apples muat/know, that iu this nectiou, at leant, there lmu boen a eteady dteriorfcion of fruit for tho pant ton years, und utiles* a peraiatont effort in made, wo may as well tfivo np trying to qrow applt'U. Orohardd in thifl vicinity, thut should row from COO to 1,000 bairelH.only produood from 50 to 100 barrolu, and a Urge part of this amount waa .yory infer- \nv pud wormy- Mr. ITUhorn, who hati cl nrg.i ol t t ili^l x't*' 'J.i ' ' " tawa, for Rome your*, and Wiiu J m u. irm now of tho Jdxpurimeiitui SGutiuu in Mun-eu, '|,iuu made aoverul exporimenbo iu oonnuc to)n with tno poanli, aud fnruiftUoHthn fol lowing rh a epc-ciiio for tho jtcuoh boror, t^a^reatait ono ray we have do fear iu thm ae'otion. Partleu intereated Hhoulrt pro- aerte the forooala forf'umro rofoiouao: On<butihol each of Htono limn aud wood null*,. ou pint of oriulw oarboha uoid, tho whole rauud with wator nufncioht to muko IIoumsTO Runt. On Talbot St. with ntablu, hard aud noft water, ood location. Apply at Hfcono'ti oflioo. Tho Balvution Army ofticorH and noldiorn horo, intend giving an oyutor mipper in tho Dumitan Block, on Thursday evening Jan. 17, to^ho followed by an ofiiaora Jb iIob, ProoooJ'u for bouollt of olfioeru horo who had all their clothing atolon a uhort time ngo. Lait Wodnooday ovonin^, about 40 of tho young pooplo of Wosloy Methodiat Rnnday nohool, AmhorHtbuvg, went in a body to the .residence of Inspector D. A. Maxwell with a handaomo Uathor-HQated rooking chair, aocorapauiod by au addrann. Betli Mr, and Mro. Maxwell are" earn-out workers iu tho Buuday uohool and tho ad- drenH w*h road by- Minn Clara Olvor End tho primentntion mado fey David Johunorir Tho youiifi people npent tho ovoniMg there und icporteclau enjoyublu timo, Do not fail to attond I\I. ,f. Wiglo & (Jo's (j-roict aule. The noholnrH and toacheia of Bt, Puul'n cliuro|i Sabbath nchool h^ld thijir uniiuiil fJliriitmuB foiitivd ut the reiidenc of Mr (j(?o. Thoni is on vV, inejdav vptnrg of I . ' woek. After amuuiUK , thomliefyeT:~wTFTT fiamoi, ninginf* and reoitatious," they woro invited to a woll-ullod tablo. Aftor partak ing of tho good things and enjoying'them- nelvea greatly, thoy wero treatod to the usual bag of candy, nuta, oran^eii, oto., all feeling wall pleaaod with their ovomn'H ontortainmont. M. J. Wi^lo A: Co. aro giving bartiaiim in ovory department. ' Tho Chatham Planet in rtforrinu-to it rialf, maliOB the following; very truthful oh- Horvationa: "There oanbcHUch a thiny an a newiipapor-ridslun community. Tho principle of "live and lot livo" it no ' iore obuorvdd in newnpaperdom <than in other dopurtmonta of commercial outorpnno. Competition Iu tho pubhiihinR buHineHioau bucome tho doath, iuutoad of tho lifo of trade. Tho "crowd in" propanoity Iuh hampered tho uowupupora of raoro than one town in Canada. Of oourao, the doctrine of nurvival of tho fittest holds good in any hucI: case. Men who nmk their mo&nu ia the vain effort to make noveral papers live where only one may exiHt, and wbore that ono toauugoH to servo tho constituency with duo fidelity and natiafaction, have only tliorjiiiolvoH to blarno for their -Iohbob." LaHt Monday niflht about 10 o'clock Conotublo Gardnor wau onllod up by tele- phono, and anked to dinporno tho crowd of youutf mou aud boyH, who had bom parad- inu the BtreotH und mabinjj nifiht hidoona with thoir noiao for sovoval hours. Mr. Gaidnor found tho crowd iu poRnenoion of J. A. UioltB' promiaaa hut thoy rofnaod to dinporno. Mr. J. 13. Stone, who wan piiBfl- in& wiih culled on to uno bin porauusivo oloquonoo. Oao of tho ringlondars, who had a cowbell, wan uflkod to ooana, and on refnsinH, an attempt was mado to broak up thoorowd by taking him iu ohartfo. Sev- aral othera~"rtiabnted tlua by pouncing on tho two mou and Constable Garduor, e- poeially, who was roughly huudled bv tho arowd. On going tho noxb day to iuyjn- formation agninut tho offondorn, tho town mayiiitrateo rofuoed to hour the ohar#o# If coudtabloN aro not to be protected in tUo diHcharao of thoir duties, it will be in ardor for cifcueue to wear shotguns to protcob ihoiLfiulvou. TUB -OOUMTY CJOTTNOIIj. IjIm* of Olioiteii ItopreeoiilMtlvoe l^"~' forlSUfi: . . ^ JvJ Tim following ^ootlwfifiri wfllv^o^poj^ t^J^ tho Musmx, or)iiiity ooiiuull for IhSTS',*' tbu mtM ilouvos buiun planjd firtit in ordor after no}) municipality, Audordon O. Hoautne, oounoil oloot deputy, AinliorHthiirii John Auld, W. T. inHou., Haiti* Uivor M. Ii.Muuo.fdr Tilbury Wont J. A, Uualtauan. l^eox J. B. Laird, J. MoDourfall. goloIinUr Kfiufch A.. It, I'errlH, Milos Tatton. Coloheater Noith IX. Burrotfc f Handwiah W*t J. Duroolior, J. ^ottU. Sandwioli IJuat Mailloux, Alex, atumj Hundwioh South Abram Coin. Maidmtone Oo. A. Wiutomuto, Win. m\u. Kooheuker J. A. Dziol, John Wiloix. Lonmin^ton W. I*'.'McKon/ie, \V. ^/^* Hwofii. Handwiah Town Gow vVutnou. Kiimiivilla lliibork Wi^lo OoHflftld Noith J. Brown, Clm. kio. GoKflold Bouth Chna. G. Fox, Shunkt!. Tilbury North Rtimupl UatherH. WTorHa--E. Scratch. d*pn(y eloottd h> couuoil. Wilk ifl. Pa- Itu. Ili V tock-Taking Sale. THIS MONTH wo will givo tho Gvoatost Bargains ever offered in Esdex: We moan to Turn Our Stock Into Gash Clotting I'xrroiMOM. At tho closing oxerciHon Indd in tho pub lie nehool, on Uoo. 'J0th, Ia,nl, ' u hii'Ko num ber of quoHti woro prouout, an well kh ohair- man Tjnini,', and othM* inenihoi-M of the ohiol board A vory pluanitrit protfruuj wiih dinpoHod of and iuteruHbinp; addrowiitu yivun hy flovcral Kontletnan .prcfHeut. Ilo- %iol wH oxprt'HH.ud at tho rom^uatiou* of MigH Stone, and of Minn KmoricU, tlio prni- oi pul, und all tho teach orn were com pi i inonto 1 ill tho nucoeof of tlio nehool aftfio oloHini,'pro motion oxiiminaUnnu.' The following addr^f wan read to Mihh Hmoriok : ' Ehhi'.i. Dix, 20. Ifl?J. J>kiu Mm Kmi.iih k: Ah .v t ui'O fjatfttir^d iiuro lndV f"l iht* last Linio, w f^ol that \vu * iniot Heparutt* from ono wh ) ha<i boon to ih tai'.'h a trie friend and faithful toucliur, without trying ii nnrno n^owniro tc expriiin 0'ir dui pout tii 'titndc for thu many Inn liiohi.b v,e h*iv c ! 'mrnl* 'A f fi")J-d ait^ i of ilit. LM.rui -fini' Tf clone prices will do ifc. Wo have cut prices to Cost and !Bel<aw on a greaL many linen. To appreciate the tfrcat ciita wo aro giving you must see tho gooda. Values apoak for themselves, . All ..lines of Dross Good^ from 25c per yd up, one-quarter off regular pitco'. ^.^-jj^Hpc^al inducement wo offer our reg ular ;35c Serge in all colorn Tit "93^4,Jflo a job lot^ of lieaVy dvem goods, regular prices 1'Cc and 20cper'yfl-'JiIt^wUjP'CIOc. Wo aio bound not. to catry ono ovor, iuhI oflfor tho balaxico of our ntoulc at about half pntio. lto^ulai' 5 OoaU for 2 50, ft7 for $3,7^ $8 for I? I.a5, 10 for $5 f,0, gis for $7, Sgl 'or gH.25. Our Htock ia Kotting low ia nbovo, bui wlnt wo havo aro tho latest and ovory ono now goods. _ FOH-MEN AND BOYS Wo huvo bad extra ^ood bucocbs in iht linos.' Tho biilanco munt ro this month rogardlcss ofprofita. HogulaTI $4 Overcoat or Suit $2 00, $<\50 for SJ4/V,, $B for $r,, SlO for $0.2Cf' SldforS7.7fl, $ii and $10 for $'J.50. Odd panto and other linos in pro! portionate reductictisi. 3oot and Shoes -- 'i.1hj3ffo.'\vo~a:rf(n"8iicrifioo on to'mako roum for now spring goods. Wo carry tho boat Yum niadc. 25 percent on nil fino linoa of Lailioa' Dr Gonta'Shoos, from 1.23 per pair up. Our wpooial lino men's long Boota, guaranteed waterproof, hgo thorn. '26 por aont. moann a pair nf ^J for y. No troablo to ahow goodfl, don't bo afraid to ask to boo - wbat-you want, purohasjng or not. Ont pricoa spot cash. f: Tffl vi W LK3 J WHITJN'EY ULO0K, ESEX 9 you havo ciirnud wiih. you throughout our compnmnnuhip,tb<) holpuig to nohlur ifl oa I pi and tlio ohowinp; foith bv oxamplo unci highnat hfo iiurl cliaractor. Out wordn *iooiu to convey f,o Iittlo of our foolinijo, wo shall just ask you to ucoopt thin photo-holdor ua ft token of our love uud uppieciutioit, nnci woul'l hope that when you aro culling to memory tho fndudw of formur dayn( tho hoyn ami tlirls of l^nHOX public Sshool may not bo forgotten. Let ui add ono wor4 to- wish that your UHefulneHB in tho MaHtor'w ncrvico may in- crc'iine nicjro and moru, und that in loving ascrilico for othen you youuolf may lind the truotit liappineau und Wobbin^. Kiueo aorvicG in the lushest lot aud un- ^ola know no higher hlina than with wluit her cup m franuhu Who wun created but for tints ? Signed on Jiehulf nt tho firm cIivihiou. JIthki, Luso, Lilly Wioijs. IL. <-M I -Wf- UKETJ '25 to '5fi C5 10 26 2 20 G 00 to fi 00 0 00 1 ,10 to fi 00 5 00 to 5 50 I il() to 1 (,)6 1 CO to fi 00 1 ,r)0 Canadian Wliout llftriiot. j .' Utiflod wliitowanh, and appliod to \hwh 'IrofiM from akoct thu.midcllu M May to tho middli of Juub, will protect ihoin frooj tlio horr, Apple troo should also ba traukod iu ih* Hatno way, hut tho waih oau he ap plied ut any time. 1 UnKOMATihw (yniurn tw k 'Day. Soifth ^~ c foi Jtl. l-ii1'- ail' -\'lll'-il' i !' \n ill) um OH in 111) .'1 day. It* tuition upon tho rijHtom in ro* mwrltahlo aud mynterioun. It romovoH at niuco tho iiuuiio and tho diaease immfidiatcly "ritA|j|juhTrfi. Th) flrnb doao hono- lltti, 76 oonth, Sn\H by J. Thoruo, drujj- tiiat. Oua of tho mout patiufaotoiy featureo of tho grain nituation iu tho udvunce in tho prioa of Manitoba wheat. TJufortunately eh the farmers in tho wont havo diupoued of uearly ull thoir .holdiiica, tho hunofitu that have acoured fiaru tho adyance havo boon last to thorn, tho middle man hoing in thiiouaa tho partiea who prefit by tho riio in bh market. In On tan o the offer- 'nifja of wheat ave not as largo as thoy wcro uonne tuna ago, aud thore in tulle of hijjher pricoii for whetit hi our Proviuoo before lon^. It ia a well known fact that a great dual of-whoat hfin liaeu fad to nnimalH in Ontario during the past yoar, und there aro tihoho ih the tfrain trado, woll oonvar Hunt with the mtitatiou, who Hay that thorn ia no moro whoat in Canada now thau will uufiico for lionoo connumption boforo tho noxt oropbe^ino to conao to market. If thin prodiotion io any where uoar the mark wo ahould hoo highor priooo for Ontario wheat thin winter. A lot of wintor wheat flour hua latoly boen recoivod at Montreal from St. Louir, and, whilo tho prenonfi un- aattHfaotory utato of thu flour mid grain trado in tho United Btutoa uonthiuua, it will bo,diffioult to advttnao Ihe prioo of whoat horo. Wheat rod por buohel ....8 Wheat, white Corn .... Outu .... Timothy Seod ' .... Glovur Beod .... AJuike _ .... Iluy per ton............ Beef per cwt............ Perk ............ M utton ........... Hulea Ohirl'oiiK per lb.......... Butter ........v. Lard .......... I3a. por doss ........... Potatoes, per bushel .... Onionn .... Applet! j .... Turnifr s^-^-'^ .... Garrotu ...., Boota .".,. Parflnipn ..... TurkoyH por lb.-......... BucIcb .......... Celery por do^ .......... Cabbage .......... Illrum Wnlkofil: Sons IflnrlcotlCciiorC No. 1 Kye, per huahol .... 15 1 Com .... -15 OatH .... 20 Tho abovo pricos aio pafd bj\ H, Walltor Bono, Walkcrvillo, Ont. o T.j H "srt to 75 to 2.1 to Tto (I 15 H 10 15 80 10 20 30 25 30 8 7 00 25 Bells UflrVGfS m cases weepers Fancy Lamps Are seasonable goods now and can be bought cheap at At RXay's Bazaar The HolidayH aro over, but wo havo yot ou hand - - - NOTICE. A limited quantily of good dry etovewood will bo taken from nub Boriboru to Uio FnBiB P^Hit)^lKLylrif,1, t0 pay injbat ruauunr. , Ovor.QoaLa, uuitu tweeds, fur oap-^ob^a, Udiia fur,-ua*ntlo olotlu. ahawlu, dfens Uaodn, all at clou ring; priuas foraauh, at M. J. Wi(?lo*Oo'i, Buuwn At I'jriRuK, on Doe. 28th, 189'1 byRttv. A, It. Beverly at tho par- Bonapo, William Brown, widower of townahip of Tilbury Wtmt, to Mimi Mai- tio Alliuon, of thofcovvtinhipoi Hoohfutor. Some Rare Bargains In Celluloid, PluBh, aud otlier Nov(,lien, Bric-a-bruo oio., rniitnqlo for woddinj* or hirthdav prenentn* an woll an Topn, Dolle, uto, Wo aro liGtidouartorFt for - - - School Books and Supplies And keep all ruoh re^uiaitoB. Call ami aeo nu. jWCits- ar^usj- 'SrfSli&'sr 1 Hardware, Essex. THE AMERICAN HOTEL Essex, - Ontario. rp O. LUCK, PBOPRIETOK, HAS BEEN JTJ tliorouRlily paintod und iroploulnhotl with now (urnfturo bv tho preGont proprlotor. x.Anan ni.nN jk cohki;ctioh. Fivnt-CIana Aocomorlatlou Quarnutood. AS GOODS. A largo iiHHortmont of ChriBt- uiuH GooviH just roooiyedat thu IjBaex Uood'a Pillu aro baud mado, aud parfeot in proportion and &)ipoaranoa, !35o.porbox. Mo moru nauRwoim pilU roquirad 1 Knol jay's Liver LazuugoH are "plaauout to bake aud batter thau piUh* "All rundown" from wenkoniua ifftctu of warm weather, you need u ood lonio and blood purifier llko Uood'sSaMftpD.rtlla. Try it. . Wotm'fl x*xroxiior>iNr3Ei. The Qvent KnurlUIi Hoiticdy. Six JTrtofcrtcritt Otutfantami to promptlv and prrmnaently oiuro nil forniii oL' Act vote Wcalncui, KmiB ttpiu,{lparm- atorrhen, Jmj>otuno]/ainl all cjhotnof Abxina or Kxeeaaej, _ _ Xfyhial Worry, easeeatva vac ftrmlly, Jntiantty, ConsumiUion and an early grave. ]Tu bcidn preitflrlbod ovo* Unyonrit hi thousaildaof enuMi In (ho only Jtultabto and Slondat MtdlclnB kno\m, Af.kJMimfldtfoi' Wood'n Plionyhodliiojlt ho oilor* onnio worthloaa moJlclno la placo of thin, Jnoloao .prico la lot^or, and wo will Bond by i-otiini mull. SVlcn, ono pnoka^, filj hIx;, $6. Ona tvlii phew, *h) will cuy& Pnmplilots troa to nny aitdirmu, ttiii Wnnl Contort my, Wludaor, Out, Cauaila, Hold In ^ism by all drUfiuUlH. Hood's Plile ar^ the best' atior.dinQBr pills, aiiiet digestion, prevent conetipakioa. Celluloid NojKoltios. White Metiti Goods. Dolla, Toys, oto, Albums, Photo Frames, XmaG Cards, etc. G. A, SHERRIN, ESSEX, - ONT.l V 7156

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