Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 11, 1895, page 4

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*'.V . :.:' & 'i * IT ' . ' i . i"'*V 'ft, fHE -EfiiSBX F^RESE PRESS ^ Win. GOSNEXX Desires to uuununotj to lliu poojlo, of Kauox and yioltnty that ho liKBpurobuBnd ttiodfooary and Oruok*ry Stock of Sersou Bros. And will place a ow ntook and oon- , tinnu tokoop on hand FINE CROCKERY and Glassware, FRESH GROCERIES of all kiuds, TEAS, SUGARS, oto., ote; Which will ba mil at BOTTOM 14UCE3 FOIl CA.HU. Highest Market Price for Butter and Eggs. The old frinndii and pafcronn if tliiti utcro, aiid ull othern aro cordially inyitu I ...,.* to null mid h(jo uh. , Wm. Cosnoll, Noxt to tilierrin'H The Essex Free Tress', 3?IUDA.Y, JANUARY 1L, ^lftltf. Thfc :Noxfc Warden. New that tho municipid doutionu are ovoir, Homo fipoqulation will bo indul^d in an to tho niuu to bu tiulcotod tin warden of tho county for 1805. ' Tho position* thin year ill by tho ordor of rotation, to bo given -to a rt-<<rtb 'Kauox rprocoutn.tivo. The u&nift of Kr^TVnif. iiilliH,- dtputy-reoyc ol HaitUionb, in npoken au tho ono to . whom the honor of tho portion Hhould ha tfivcn. Mr. 3311 ih hau uat in tho county council for tho punt twelve or tnoro yearn, ut.d ban faithfully BorvedtlnrUntoruata of bin oou- Btituotitsa aa far nu lay in bin power. Mr. Ellin, wo behove, ban gut in tho county couaoil .for a lonutr continuoua terra of yoaru than any other man who ban not filled tho wardiin'ii chair. JTt-iM~'lfcitjVf"~I.ih" claim to tho ward'mahip for lH',j" will not Wo'vo'rloolied. The Woufc Aluouia and kiiJi>iilon byo ol- ootiOMii for tho Ontario jVyinhitiiro will take pluco on tins JiSiIv. The nomination will bfl on the 'Jlat, A mob of iiavorul hundred of the lowest elomenta of tho city of St.. Johnu, Nlld.", __paraded-th&-#feretrtTnJTr"Tuaud;iy, currying u i\& on Which wau inscribed, "WorJi or Broad.'.' ThouRaudo of tho mora rospect- able Worhingmon taoitly approvod of tho parade, though not participating in it. Thoy ' advino Wfcitipfi anot(hor week, ro an to give tho Government'anothor obanca to provide for thole rqjiof. Tho mob proceeded to thir BritlRh cruoibr Tourn.u.Iino, now ^in port there, and a doputation roprGHontmflthom interviowed the captain and demanded broad or work and nnkina whothor ho would provout their obtaining food by foreo. In reply tho captain prominoil that he would writo to Goyoruor O' Brian ami other ox- ocutivo authorities about ihir ropruuout- ationn. Ho then udviaod them to roturu on Tburmluy, whuu ha would bo prepared to jfivu them an finawer. IT work or food if not'fortbeofnin^ thu coupon; uonuoti it. i* approhoudod will bo aeriouii. ... An Ottawa corrunpindent write": Thorc is thia safcmfaction to tho nowspapor frat ernity, pertiapp, now that blr, Howell is FirHt Jrliuiutor, that one of thoir own oiaft hau attained to the highoat pouition in tho country. Sixty yoaro ago Mr: iiowoll was arpriutor'a ".lovil," today ho ban tho proud uatiwfaotion of knowing time hiB iuduntry and application luivo brought him houorti ivhioh any man in tho country mi^hl cuvy or ftHpire to. Thoro in ttiin to bo naid lIho ttboat.Mr, Dowull. Unlike other meu who,' whou thoy attain to powitioua of influence forgot their old asiuocititon, tho pre3L*nt ' Promior id thowarno Macken/Jo Uowtll to ono and nil. Porbapu a little bruHqo and off-handed, thero ia that ubout the now Promior whioh drawa ono to him und no man ia ablo to any that Mackonaio Bowcll baa ovor for^ottuu hia old aaaooiatoa. Up in North Haatinya whiob ooubtitueucy thy "PromiorroproBontod for ho many years and which oo OLly loft two year a^o, lon^.aftor ho booamo Milliliter, hu wiui known to thu yeoman of tho oountry an ^Ifaok," or '.'Mr. Maolt." t Whouuvor. ho went up thoro thoy thoy found bim the mime opou-heitpted ru- prouontativo whoiii thoy haa known ad pltiin AlaokrBowoIl in tho 'GO'a. .'. ' Popwlai* Evaryivlioru, Bofiinuinj^ with a nmall local nnluiix aro- Bap-'il" i" ii ili :t i lBMoarculy r-vill.tKoor iiainlot in thoUmtcd ! Statoa whoru it ia unknown^/ ' To-day Hood:i Bursaparilla ntandn at tho hiftd in tho mediuino world, , admirod in prosperity and onviod in mont by thouft- ftudu of would-bo competitors. It him a larger Halo than any othor modioino hoforn the Amqrioan public, and probably greater ihau all othtr namapariihiB and blood pur* ifiara opHibinod. Sttoh buooohh prpvoo merit, If you aro aiok, i ib not tho mpdioine for you to try? Huod'u Barsapaailln CuroH. inKUKWiiDoirr Toronto ViNltcd by an Unusually Dcs- trnotlvn ('ohftoffiution.,/;;; ' . >&;< A LOSS OK OVER HALF A MILLION The (Jliibu mid NhVojii) Xuiportiiiit (Jjim- tutn'cljil DuliaiiiKU lturua>d~la-lli . A l'lr<,ii)iu)i Kltltxl liy rnlllliu WuIU, ...Hi Hlx it- t'olva Itiul Jd^JiirlaH, If your tongue ia coated ueo Efioljav'u Liver LozeBUa. Thoy will sot your liver working healthfully aud purify the blood. W "' ToKOs'to, .Tun. 7. Ono of tho most dU- uiitroiui oonflriuratlonM Which liavo ocour- nid In thin city toolc.phico ycntorcluy moru- hiK when tho lavge bulldiuff oocupfud by the Globo newspaper, on tho corner of Youko and Molinda iifcrooU, together with N. Konjujy'H dryg^oda. adjoining Harry W'uhh'ti nmtumnt, on tho oppostta cin-nrr, S. l.,L. McKirumn& Co.'u now bulld- inK, "" tlio.cornor of Jordon und Molhida( wore ulmnut totally;doHtroyed nud sovoral. tithurbulUlhiKa bndly KUttod-.Ouo'flremMil IohL hi:i Ufa flghtlnp; tlio (lamoa and six othoni rocolvod uorlomt InJurioA. '" Tho uufortiuiato ilromah waa Robert Ilowory, lined Di, wliiTes'lded lit3G4Patlldf* niont Htrcut. Chiiif Avdiyh rocolvod a had K'^li In tho 'l^'Httl7'Vmsiilef( InjurloH to hli back; %' Hoburt KpHtor, ilroijian, of Sftllabttry' nvt-'iiuo, had bin loft Iok brolcon, loft arm injurod und received serious InUrnal injurici. Harry .Saunddrii, flroman, of Portland atruut, Iuk broken and. foot badly crushed* Ho uiis t.ukou to the hoMpItal whoro it Wftfl found neeesNiiry to iiinpututo tho broken li-'K. . Cluuf. Smodloy, llroman, of Nassau street, received Herioua internal In- 'jurieH. 1'Yank Koisylh, firoman, of Uiclimond ai.iiM'i, badly cut'abunt tho liend and ro- CLivi'd iuttiriuit hijurios, '.Jiuncs Davidson, fireman, received alight injuries to his hand. Tho lire brdko out In the boiler room In tlu liasumontof tho Globe build hi #, and quickly Hpread. It wan llryt discovered nbout 3 o'clock by tlio iiiKhtwatchnian, who, on i;oint; to tho bollur room, wad' cunfrontfid by tho damns, lie losit no tiino in nivintf the nlann. Tho central section of the lire dopartmunt was hurriedly on tlio si:i.'iui, bub ho ^roat was tho lioadivay inndu liy the fljimes, fcliat a yonoral alarm wii.i at-once'fitflihiVed, Und soon tho whole departuitiiffc of the city way at work Jipon. tin; burning building. . .. " An-.attempt wan lnudo to reach the top Htorie.-i of tho building with tho lidse, and the hir^e Ariel truck bolonj;ing to the city -wa-i-pl;ici:d_uu MHinda street. X'Mrcmou ui.ri.'inpp'd to nscL'ijd l-bi! ladder, which n'Mi-lii'iI ilio tup of the hililditiKi but so tPrct:and h<t". wen: the fbinies 'that tln-y wuj't! driven huclc and tin.* attempt hml to be abandoned. ' WliiIn the nion.wuni-employed lowering- tlu* ladder and maliln^ rettdy to reinovo tlio truck from the dangerous viclnh'y tlio arridi'-nt, which n-s'iii.t:d so riisasti'ously- o.'.vi.t. 1. Tin..1 Ho-.'ili wall ol" t.lie huihliii^ lull wilb a U'j'ribh: /; "Itoburt Jiowery and Ilobert^-Kostffi; 'wore jitandluK' on tho .side of the truck nearest tho building when tin* w;'11m fell and tho two men wore buried beneath' tho debris. Tho others, who i.senped injury, hastily' released t.hem and they \vero removed to"thu hospital, wlieru Jluwcry died a few hours nftcr- WHI'dH. On Jordan utreet next to tlio Globe building stands the huildfiij; of Ilrough & Cii-wtdl, priutei'.s, Cliicjf A.rdai;h and a number u llreiiiHi bud tiiken up .their -position in the oMice of tho jinn when tho sent b wall of tho Globe building fell upon the roof, crushing- through. It was hero that Chief Ardagh' received Ids injuries. I le was aL once taken to his" home in a carriage. Smedley, l^orsyth, Saunders and Davidson were dashed down tho elevalnf shaft and were seriously injured. Tins building was totally destroyed. A suiithweM: wind was blowing at tho time aud the flumes were carried across Melindu siivet. to the lunch roums of lliirry Webb. These rooms which have almu-[. a provincial reputation, were badly 1'iiyed. . The ronf and upper storeys were completely burned, hut the yreat damage was caused by water, tho build ing 'being thoroughly soaked. Adjoining the Globe to tho south was the wholesale clothing house belonging to Nicholas Uoouey. This building is a com plete wreck. y Kroni the west end of the Globe build ing the lire was emnmuuiented Across Jordau street to the. large new building and S. I'\ -McKinnon & Go,, on tbeKiuith- eust corner of Jordan and .Melinda streets. From the top storey of this building (ho flames spread downward through < the seven stories, working complete ruin as it went. The building was almost destroyed iR'foru-tho walls-showed any si;;ns of fall ing, and it was the hope of the lire men' 'the- substantial walls would ('liable them to keep the hVa/.u within Lhtjir boundaries and thus prevent it.s westward .sproad. Millions of sparks were carried to tho west ami fell'ou tho roois id' houses as tttv distant as Dundas -.sLmet, but tin! snow which covered tho city extinguished them before they could work any Injury. The flames then communicated tW the building occupied by Jleubenj, Sadler Sz- llaworth, leather beltings, 'on Jordan atreut, adjoining tho building of Brougli 6c Caswell. Tliis wuh also totally du.stroyed. Millar & Uichardb, type founders, also on Jurdan street, are heavy .sufferers. The building though badly gutted, was left standing. An immense amount of dam- ngo, howovor, was-duno to tho stock by water. ' In the rear of Harry Webb's building stands the grocery store of Michie <& Co. The. ropf 'of this building was Imrfied, but the'damage done here wa.s compara tively trivial. In tho Globe buildiiiL', occupying tho first Mini second Hats, wn.i rlui 'i'on,ni-i i.i' .1 ,.-,1 . i: ,J*. . . also a iK.avi io:ier, ,i.i t..a.r ,i<i .: i.. jug wbieil Were -iOIiuj .Very Valuaulu i.iciues,' was entirely destroyed. The firemen worked iiard to ti;i\-..! tbe buildings, but wi-re unable r.u leiMlor adequate service, owing to the beiglu of. the buildings and their inability to play upon the upper storeys. The piv.s.mre was not strong enough in for;!-? the ' to tho top of the buildings, The members of tho city council como in for a good deal of eetiHUro In this respect,as Chief Ardagh ban continuously pointed out tho uuccMdiy of procuring JHleaiH' Ift'o engines, but bin request wits as continuously>ij'(-l;Uried^,'4-,li.-' diaastor of yesterday, bowuvur, will no doubt,open the eyos of tho new council^.to tho reiJiiiromenta uf tho deiiartmohb. Tim Lou una by thu Fir**. Tho loHseajind hnuvr/mco on tlio property destroyed aro : Globe 'printing and pith- liablnc *.!. .4xA/wirt' iih^M^ aUm *.t^ *mmwt Total Ions about tir>0,000. Insuranco in various Kntflish and Caimdiau...cDUitwuiieo amount to Wi.OOO. Toronto LlthOKraphinK Company, in tho QloLm bidldlng, Iiom an estimated lon of #ir>0,(HX), with. iiiHuranre In varloitH com panies to the amount of .1.1,000. Harry ^ hljlj-lAOutort*r( Yongo utrent, -OHtiu^owd loss mT%tfTKuiiU, *L7,(H)0, with liifffiVanco,amounting t^^l.not). . Nicholas *1tooney, dry goodn, Yongo Htreet, esrdmuted lo^u, .*',".,noo, "-wHb- hiHur- ance aiuouuUng to 5 MX .. ' M. K. MclCInunn ^^'-Vt-oHthnatodlrtKrt'Vm building at from $<HM> > to JdbO.OtH), and on Htoek ^10,000 to ^UO.OfM'. with Insurance on both building and ntoc: to thu amount of $11)0.000. .....l_ MIcldtJ & Co., uMtlmatod loan-;, *t,000, dovorod by lniniraiicn. - ': Brougl^IMutiug Co., JnrAan Htretjt, loss on pluut!&Ot()flOt with Insurancoamonutlny to sgtlJl.BOf*. Alexander Mminlnpr, osfclmated hms on' Harry Wohb'n building, #10,000, covered by Insurance. F. M. llelKSmltb, urthit, loss on picture.' In Wobl/s building, ^,rx; insured foi fcl.SOU Ganadlnn Photographlo Journal has Iosh of *l,K00. Williamson, Rubber Company, damaK*; $ (,000 by th* falling of MoKlnnon'M build ing, covered by Insuranco. wtfter tho fire novornl of tlio city tidwh- p/ipers camo fwward andofl'orod tbeCHobe company the UHc of their plant.!!, no as to "turn out tho edition of the paper as usual. Tho .offer of the Umpire was accepted, and to-dny tho chief organs of tlio tw;o groat political partloH aro issued from the HamQ otHco, Ono of the worst features of tho Globe's dimculties is the total loss o! their mailing lists. It is rumored in tlio city that a direct result of the Globe's loss will hounlou ol the Mail with tho Liberal organ. This in said to bo .highly probable, as these two newspapers combined would prove aunlon of great financial If not political strength. MRS, SMUCK IS WANTED. In A VitluultU) \VlUmn for tlio l><'foiictt tlm lliiiuloriihdtt Cane. St. TmftfAH,' Out., Jan. 7. Thrcb wit nesses were examined at tho Investigation Into tho Middhunarch murder on Satur day. Charles Welter, cousin of the younger prisoner aful brother-in-law to prisoner, John Hendorsbott, was, on the stand for four boinrs. His memory has-not improv ed since the inrjuest and nearly every answer was prefixed liy " 1 dnn'r, rennun- .her," or "As near lis I can remember." The only now matter elicited from him was that he hud seen a branch cut frVmi ;tho fallen tree at John Hendershott's ; on one end was what looked like a bundle 61 hairs. This brunch had been out in j,wo and witness placed the pieces .foe- wife .keeping In-a room In John Hertdcrshntt's. ; Jle nf|er\vnnls in funned bis sniici, oi\ M iMcDonald, of the Ihid'. What hud become of the chips, or where they. were^n'oY,' h'.: 1 could not. say. i Wlien -Mr. I.')ouabue fie.-tired to question " "^Jbarles Welter a's ti in-itomr Jfeodcr- j sirott's defrauding the Ancient Order uf. Korester.i out of si--k b.-nejits, .Mr. Mo j Donald objected to ; >)'.' <-vi- , i 1 it was dceiiled to iidinit. all evidence ;i^ to Hcndershott's attempts or alleged ^at tempts to defraud insurance companies. The other witnesses examined were Mrs. Welter, wife of the forme'r witness; and their hired man, George Craig. 'Dig lat ter was as stupid, slow and unwilling a witness as his mistress was bright, quiclt and apparently willing to tell, all she knew. Nothing now was elicited from either witness. At tho conclusion Mr. McDonald said that his niost important witness, Mrs. Peter Sniuck, a cousin of one prisoner and sister-in-law to the other, who Is said to have seen the two men in the woods when the tree fell, bad been spirited away. .'Ho asked that if the Crown of lice rs had her in safejeceping they would undertake to produce bur as a witness and he would be content. County Crown Attorney ttoiiiihuo and Detective Murray warmly repudiated Mr. McDonald's insinuation and promised to do all they could to find the lady auuLlmve. her give evidence. The-court did not sit to-day, being eloc fion day. The investigation will :iguh> bo proceeded with to-morrow. 1 Tho Prumior In Montruul... Mon'tukal, Jan. 7. <3ir Mackenzie Do well arrived hero from Halifax and spout yesterday jn Montreal. A consulta tion was held between Dr, .Rogers, of Ot tawa, tho Premier's physician and Dr. Hirkett, a Montreal specialist on throat diseases, regarding tho Premier's health. The doctors, after.a thorough examina tion, decided that the Premier had no or-1' ganic trouble, and was In a very healthy condition. He is suffering from a form of largryugtis which causes the irritation in his throat and frequent, attacks of couching. They are of tlio opinion that with care the Premier will fully recover within two weeks and in tho meantime they have ordered perfect' rest. Sir Mac kenzie returned to Ottawa in tho morn- 1"K-_______"__^i____________" ICuniiin From a Jtiirnlnjj MiillcIIng. Ottawa, Jan. 7. Fmr persons narrbw- ,ly escaped losing their lives'in u flro in a three-storey stone building, on Duko street, on Saturday. ' They wera Mr. Tousiemonde, a-Belgian wood-carver ; his wife and two children. Tlio husband saved his family with great difficulty by pushing his way down a flight of ntaira which was completely enclosed in flnmeii and so far burned as to threaten 'giving way at every step. Ho then broke through one of tho largo front windows on tho ground floor.' The property is owned by Mr. J. O. Urenimn. and tho loss will amount to at least $!t0OU, TlH'ro'll bo a Ititr Jump In Halt. London, Out., Jan. 7. Tho. salt inuuu- fncturei-Hof tho provinco mot, hero on Sa turday. All ,tho . flrniH .hi Jtha province wore, represented and ' ;'-.i. m-: Hkelv that i< ,l'uii' pi ICC dt e.'hiCL for a ciusldemble. cii):,: to us," said one of t h were litdng taken to font to look after the interest of 'fit manufac turers and to maintain butter pvlcea. Mr. Gray, of Soafortli, presided, and Mr, T. H. Carter, of Courtright, wiw .sucretnry. ./- 189 <*'/ a. We Start the New Year WITH-A Great Stock s( v Reduction Sale. * Bargains in every department. Gome early and secure first choice. Handsome Parlor Clocks Free- Yours for Bargains, aDtTasrsTAKr .-BtioaK,, esse2T- -rU'-* 1- \.Going* Out of /Business ib K mvifffrT^JWHrgTaay ] 323 Will dispose o.f Ms entire Stock of Cloths and Men's Furnishing Goods at cost. We want to close oufc^rapxOiyT^ to leave Essex and the, present prices asked for our goods will make them go. *" j : H ."'". We welcome all corners. Don't wait till you need the goods. You will not make money faster than lay ing in a supjplyfor future use from our stock now. CASH t ONLY CASH N -B.'-Ail outstanding accounts must be settled at once. Wc $. BEWAE, DunsttaiDL- -Hloeki Esses:. " jump. ..iole:iled 'n'-'tj rtilnpufi 1-^-i.i.oy, Sfopfi in assoeijitiou . Itui'HKU I>rowi)il In ' Pn ni'tio J-uU, WK8TMEA.TIT, Ont., Jim, T.~ Wh Wm. Wright, of thin, placct Whilo croaslupf the Lower AUumotto Luke with ah empty slcifj[h, tlio horses, n VuMablrJtoam, broko -blu-ongli ilio i^io and were-drOA'iiod. A.fow .honrrf nfterU'ardit iVrr.hur ljawIos was cro.-fiin^,noar tho mime Hpo'r. with a load of outb und without wat-ninH the team, ioiftli and load dimippuarcd tlitougU tho ioo, ha imroly hud tlmo to pvlYie; 'ftQtfiJite.-lorul on to firm'Ice. Tho ico in iicnVKy .olfthfc Umhi^-.ln thlckucuu> but owing to tho (jVefo co1d'ln full'of cr6Vu. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OP FAQM8.IN Rlaidhtono find Colchetdcr North. TTNDKU AND UY VIUTUK OF THE POW- I I oni of nulo contained In two iudunturou of uiortnnrto which will ho iiroauccrt at tlmo of milo thoro will ho o(fared for nitlo at; public iiuot'iou ut tlio ALcrdoun Hotel, in tho lown of EhKflX, on Saturday, January I9y 1894, Ati'2o'eloclc noon, tho follDwhic.very valiiiLblo farm propertied, viz: FjIlflT Iti tho TownBbip of Mfiidntonu, la tho Ommtv of IS^nox, boipR corapotiod or tho aunt half ol lot No. 27, id tho ith con. of wit4 town- nhlp cavo and oxcopt ilvu iioron tboroof on* tho nartn-onnt coruor of oaid lot oonvoyod to ono D. 11. ViinAIlon. and that poitiou thereof oouvoyoil to tho (lunadn Southern TUilwuv Company, for riRht of wuy, c<mtiihiin by admoanuromont Oi uuroa inoro orlofla, About 7SaorflD of this proporty tnoloartd m.d in a Rootl-ntatoof oiiltiviitiou niM tho balanco in niidnrstood to hn wqU.tiirjborod; there In undor- iitood to ho Jt" Rood 'youiic Di6havd eyi^tb6TrttfH)0, iilno a cood bouao nd laYRo Iramu bam and j-rnnary; Road ftmaftfl; tlio situation In in araont (Pwli-abloiiofphborhood, ona ood road, about ftiib-fl frcm '] ) ttr-tv!-r Tp"-:inf T^1"" SF.C0ND tn tlio Tcwiislilp of (o|. ("Kit Voi-tii, in die County of l&fuiux, Ooing cninpni,.*d rif tlio wuBbliaUof tho wt'flfc hiilf of Ut No. 3.'!, 3muli of tho yuildun Boiul, mtcoptiuB.!^ HiMtt^off tbo noith-oftMt cornin-, onntaininff by admeaHurivaiont id nor*imnoro nr lmis. . About SC acres of tliin property in olouvod, but unco oulIodbuHh; thoro lu undomtood to ho w ihopropflvty a two-ntory frame houpe, fifimo jiim und Hlicid; (food fmjctia awd orohurd, Thlapropurty limlHo in on oxoollont ihbor hood, boinir al>outi 1 ttillo from -tho .'VJHrb* of Goato und t5nillo from tho Town of ICjuvx. TERMS 0J7 BALK;' mi!- noont to maku up tfnt'thlrd'of tho purohftiio mnnoy within two woolen from tho duy of b*1s, Iiiilanoo on Urina to bo afirood iipon ut tlmo of hu!#. ... ,, . Tboiio tortarimay bo v.rld on dny or uals to unit puroliHtior. , For all furUior vBYtlouliuri, apply to GIBBON, MABTIN * OHtJft^ltfr *1 or U> V#indnr* Bolloltor*; Hamilton,,Out- E, A^JVy/SMEB, UturriiUr.'Buox. 9 ai . t FARM TO RENT. ITUIM ADJOINING THK TOWN OP KBSEX X to rout for iuiprnvomfiuH, Apjilv to 01-tf JOHN impWNHUOMHK. * fotrolou, Onfc. NOTICE. ESTRA Y\. CAMR INTO TnE PREMltejiR OF TirT", UN- tMiniicuod, lot 0, con. ID./ Colehost*r North, on Doo, 1, a medium afzud njuT cow. Owner ill xuquoiitcd to provo pronortyA pay ttbavgoa mid take her away. 5j-yf I.llNUR DOAN, Doc yi), 'Hi. U' ------V" -t~ ESTRA Y: Elford P.O. 1 1'JUULICNOTrOE'IS HKHKBY GIVKN THAT 1 Of Emiox Kluetoval Piviuiou Aflrloultural Booioty wilt bo hold in Cuthory Hall, South Woodsloo, ON WEDNEBDAY, JANUAICY 10,180n, At 1 o'clock lu tho aitornoon, ior tho purpnoo of rODolvinR tlio roriovtH or tho adlooround of oloct- inR oillco boatont for tho noxt onauinu yoar. A ineDtlnffof tho dtrootorn will ha held, at tho namo placo at 10 a. m. of tho numo day for olofilng up tlio biinliioeo of tho pant voar. T.F.KANE, Sac. MiiiLhitoiio.DecIU, 1801. AUCTIONEER HHNIIY HEDHICK. Auotlouoor. Balon promptly attoudod to. Addrosa South Wooduloo, Out. PcrnnnH dmiirlriH to aooiiro me may loavo word attho riiKU Puianfl ouloo.- -- '. tf II. Hl'jDIUGIt, JAMiilf* NAYhOll alfoa thin onportnnitjot1 onuonuoiu^ -u-tno people cf the Town' imd/ Conntv of Eimex, that ho bnnromodolcd thoEti- no* Holler Mille iwoordin(( ti>lanin>ropavoaby^ K. N, ?rtoofBfc.Thomiiu, and turn uluo Hnomro^V tbo Borvloos of 'Xohhiit HtuAohan, nu oxport ouood mid thorouRbly oompotont mlllor. *4'f Tbftuldiiy.tbo peopl< 4UHUo " l>opirt of tho town and ooii for tho patromuio bsntowod upon him In paafc, will anavnhtoo satlufuatton Jn tlio fu Gristing and . Chopning Specialtv, UHH BK9T tfJIADMH OF FLOUK, FF.KP AND COUNMHAL KUVtf IN BTOOK AHD SOLD. AT HXGUT FfUQHGL t Gwfi'PdHffcr. Wheat and:0ata. -/ . C1AM,B INTO THE PREMISES'v OF THE i uiuloroiRnod.lot 7, Intho 7th cotK of Gou- fltlrt Nprth, on or abnTit.Ootobor lot, a Voavlttipj whltu hoifor. Tho owntj'r iu voqnontod i\n provo' Broporty and tak tho animal away, or nlno will o aojd to pay oxpourjoii. v jA8.BiiErnEnD.x- ^I-Sl Cottam P. O. ESTRA Y. lfi INTO THE PRKMISE8 OF THH ^, juiidoi-fliRiiod.lot B; cou.y, Saudwioh South* on oi>ubout tbo jut of Aufjunt, A nhoop audU rum lnm6, Ownor id roouuHtod'to provo proporty, pay oxiionnoa and take thorn away, orthuy will bo noW to pay oxpoiiBOD. "' P. U. O'CONNEL, )B2 111 Muidiitouo CroHd P.O. -- NOTICE. XfOTIGE IB TIEKEBV .GIVEN, PUKRUANT. 7 to tho pvovinln>iti o' Ruction 131.01 UioKidl- wav A'ot (ljornii'i-'iij in.n Lui fJiUiirlu' Bouthonr ijiillway iJoinpitny w 11, nfuir thu oxplratloa of ^bewooitti from tho firstpublicatioU'Of tliia no>- moo, apply to tho Ilullway Committonof tho ^rlvy uouncll to sanotlnii tho btilldhnf of a. .jiriinobltni) of rtillwuy in th Towiuditp of Itooh- loutdY, In tlio County of Khwox, from their elding Wt'tttmooaib.on tot 10,'on ranijii north of Middle Itoadi In (mid TovruHlilp. to Smith's Mill, oh lob '20, oon.4, of numo 'i^wnulitp, und appropriate tlio nocoiiaary lund;i for that pnrpoue, undo* tbo compulsory now^M voatud In it by thaatitd act or by any otuorilot in Ito b^liult. AUd tako notice furtlior tliut tho Canada Houthom Hallway Coinpuny lmv, Hor to tbo publioattoi) of this notion, deposited tho map or plan Jirid'boOk of rofurenoo indication the looa- tloti of thoduidlitit'Of roilwiiy lu the Keglstry Ofllco for tlio Htttd County of Ehhox:, and that uftor tho oxplrntion of mix wouko from tho first pu'dloaUon of thin notion thu said map, or plan, and book of roforohoe will bo ftubmlttod to the ft^idBallway OommitUo for appro'al. Dated thla lttth Jay of Novombor, A D. lBCt. ,* v kmOBMUfBjflAUNPBSe A TOBRANCB.-;' BollolUro for tho Canada Ro:ithrn HaiUay Co* Firnb puhliBbd \n the Kb t^X FniH rill88 "pUj tbi> lUth day, ofNoVombor.lsiM. ' ,jJ V. ?! f>': t-'iWyi-, MmM&M^^Ss^S^^

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