Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 11, 1895, page 3

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m : ,H' I >Y -y\< 'v >:'rlt1fl '*!', ' 'EtfP . K^"f . m^.t ?mi - ^ U ALSa RICKS UnltoH With Uuvmnny' in rrol.wtiittf Ajraiiist tho U. S. Duty on Hujrar. WILL ADOPT RETALIATION IarooAdlnR In tli<. tJnlte.l HUt JSnnato- Tho HlouVnifiiiii) JIIU-A lWioumtlo Oaiiouit I)ioiiluH Thut 11 gnonlnl . MoHgu^o Vroin lit* W<l- (lout lil UnitoiMNury. T* WAHMMrrON, Jim. fi. Huron von Hen- Igolmuollor, the now minlntur of Austria Hungary proweuted to Secretary Grenhani a formal protest from bin Koverumnnt similar to thafc prpontoij by tlio Gorman . umbiuutiulor in MtfiftA last UKiilnkt tin y diHcriminatliiK iluty of-orio-tunth of one percent, pur pound on mitfiir coniln;q:*fron] countrhm. paying an export lxrimty thereon us provided by tho WUhou tariil bill. It \h probable that Oongru.'ts will be notified of'H protoitt. I'Voni the1 (jlmihivlty in wording heLwoon tho luteal pro tout and that of tho German umbufwudoi It la evident that tho two countries* arc acting in concert in tho mutter and it Huomii probable that AiiHtriu will Htlll further follow tk'fmuny'H load by Inaugu rating a policy of retaliation nyniimt the food products of tin; United StutOii. There wiw'u. very lively and . iutorcatltiH dlBCUKaion in tho Seiuilu yesterday oyer Senator Lodge's (U., Maws.) resolution culliuKon tlio President, for iufonuation im to the withdrawal of* American, vessel t of war from thu Hawaiian lalands. The morning hour expired befom any vte was taken, and ilm rcKolmiuu lonb ii:v pliica on this table und went to - tho calen dar, if will Ik; lieanl-no men:. Then Mr. Moi-kuu (Ih-m., -Ala.) finished hi.- Bpocch in .support, of the Nu-nr.'umu canal bill,-defending it against tlio aiisauitsnmuo . upon it by Mr. Turpie (Dem., Iml.) in his three days' .spr-euh. Nu aetiun was talcea, and tht! bill Hi,ill.i'L-maiiirt Lbe ttnlhiished b'umneHHs.. The puusion.-uppropriut.iun bill wan taken up hut, went over'without Una) action and at .J.iVi thu Semite .adjourned until Monday. Satisfaction was expressed by the Demo cratic leaders of the J In use when tho newu reached tho cupu ol that as a result of the dulibttrutioiw of tho Cabinet it wus'dcemcd Inadvisable that the I'ltfsjdeVt tilionld at this Umehrsiid u special message to Con- Kress urging the passage of 'the Carlisle banking bill. Jf the House caucus to he lyijd on ;Monday should docido to support tho bill as a party measure, a Apodal mes- kuk<) will be unnttv!s9ary. "Should the caucus d'.-velop sLriui^ opposition-io-Uio measure- and dcierunuutiun radically to 'amen.! i;, 'r !>.[.-hni^ h^IVokidout .wJU iriv mediaii'ty.jic'lhj-.v the caucus' action with a special i.'\ 't:oi \*-(- inc-^sn^e. NOT KNCUWN IN UUNDAS- Two Straufftiny Found Iud In Hm in ford. Conn., Xtiouulit to lo C'nnit<|la"M, Stamkokp, Conn., Jun, 7.. William Fiwhtou, 110 yearn old, who'bloimvd-tW ]>iiudtm, t*nt., and u woman, thought to bo bin jsMfo, -won* found dead near thu orojirt*K of tho Now York', Now Huvan und/JIurtford Railway, u milo from tdu station, on Saturday. Tho womon'n body wo* bruised, and thero ato two -dm>p KatihoH in hoc head, um though'madn by n blmifc lnntrumont. ' Tho croMliiK whore tbo couplo were found Is a lonoly Hpot, and It ta tlioujcht tboy wore murdered/ The couple stopped at a hotel In tir-uonwlub u, fw. nighta iigo, and it la BaidFiiHton had copBidorable money about him, Thl'w"i"rt not found when hiflclothen wore oxamin- ed,; , Hamilton, Jan. 7. In reftTonco to the press t doBpatch from Stamford, Conn., btatijjg y;ut. Wlllium li'iMhton, of HundaM, Ont, anVif-nt wamrm HiippOHed to be bis wife had lieen murdered nuuv tlmfc.pblce, fliu)uirh*(i,nnulo iu'^undaH rovmij thu fact that nomim1iy~lho iOnoW3?iOiiitoi bad lived there .for many year/* punt and it ii probable tho murdered, couplo were from Dundiw county, Out,, and not the town oi Dundim. a Htatod. CECILr^KHODES' HONORS. ItuelltntllHin Hi Knirluiiil Ar Not t*lnHHd With 111m A)>)ialtitmmit. Nbw Yokk, Jan. 7. A Special London cable to thu New York TirneK nay: Tlio Boloctlon of rjecll Hhodei im a wolltary ilKure In thu first rank of the New Year's honors jars angrily on the Knj^lish Kadi cals. No doubt he bin* a much atrohjici claim ' to he , privy councillor than four fifths of (.hat body, and if he had lieen one of a half dozen awarded Mint distim- tion . lilUo would have bven.^aid.' T.: isolate film at the top'of'the liM, was a tactical error und thir liadienL papers havi; Haiti so witJi romplete frankness. It wil' not. mitigate this feeling |.o know" that he is in Constantinople, Ik-mil; reccivi'd h} the Sultan with extraonlinury honors and to hear that lie is 'seeking the couscul of tho. Porte for some during eonipnnj proitiotin^ schemes notsgiecifled lmt. uuder"- ,stood to Ite conneclcd wii'h K^ypt. and tin- fxp:tnsi.Vii of the British' empin- in Sirnil, Afrioa. " Is that the kind of work whicii I-ilji'iali-sni delights, to honor I-" inks tht Daily Chvoniole, and it uiimvlm's uriiiily. " WUi think not." THE Tt3ateX T^^FllS F>T*FDSS. *. I I . Can be VGUGhed for by .......Scores of Heckston People. Terrible Oouditiou^TISfr., John Irvine. FRIENDS EXPEOTFD HIM TO DIE. Medical Men did not Under- p.tand Hin Ghh&4 FANGS OF l'HE RAlTLEK NOT CORRECTLY DESCRIBED IN MnsT BOOKS Of REFERENCEi. Puino'H Oolory- '(.'onipountl Mudo PorniiumtiL ('urc. A BAD YEAR FOR EMIGRANTS. HAI'.D TIMrlS IN BUFFALO. Tho .ISj'rttttutlnii ,lniim:{ thu City'w Vtwi . Orot\n i- j^t ,..>') imii tAittt War. Iii:FFAi.o, dan. 5, The poonaaster re ports KJ'i'iiter destitution this winter than last. The uumlier of families who are re- ^vinBpoor relief at' this date In ai3Jljm a^iiinsTTTOrnrrrnKr dilfe last year."r "^^ There are, too, more applications for ad mission to the county poor nouno than In any previous year. Of coursu, thero w'ln- creased .population, hut the poormaster says that tlie perentae of actual work- iiifj;men, who would do work if they could p;ot any to do, and who are applicants for relief are greater than in any previous year. An KmbeKxter Iraektul to Cunailu. -~-s Boston", Jan. r..-~,-V warrant haa been issued for the arrest of Hurry 13. SpaldinR for the alleged embezzlement of $15,000 from the Mrm of Wheeler, Blodfcett & of 100 Kingston street. Spalding, who\IVas fnrII"'rly Miin'confldentialbook- i-A rof ^lfl ,irni ,l'id had been twenty itt-epij. ;t(! .. . ,____ tt. A fireul. Di'up In r,inl-iiil ii|i from llrtlaltt In Cuioula Ooertoise to Iln> Li. S. J/jN'don', Jan. 7. There was an astound iiiKdrnp in einiuri;ati(ia V^Caiwula dnriiiy the jiast. year. TheVoiai' n'liiiihJ'f ^enii- grants who wont, out, to Canada la \rfA' was cjily Zi,7M aKniast, r,o,;jsi in IHUK. -niii.Ja-iuiLtdiJJio.-.Wor.-it_ retiord of any emigrant reeuivin^ country. ^ _ KiyiKi-ation to the United Staler, h,t\v- ever, during thir^HmnU-Tieririil i|:cliiied tweuty-livi: per cent, as compared uith IS'.iV The Au.iiralia eud^rai.ion.liaH beur about ^Lat.ioiiilry. rv, t ;i - A wonderful story cntin-H fioni Hi.ckstnn, On!, ]i in full of edinfort, vshiirance and ;^:kI, \vj conn.* lU'Wii for the hick and thonu whom ])liyhii:ini:H enmioL euro. Mr. .(Mm Irvine, ol H^eknton, Cre'iivi!!-: Co., Out., wril'eji ati f<.lt<>\yi: "Tlir'O yen ni u^o I b;id n- hbVor.i utttiek, of 'la t'ripptj,' which left meiu u \ery wouk and diihiliiuted eoiiiiitimi. The next nut limn I unotlu.-r uttiioif which left mc in a vt-ry had tdato. My health waii 'nearly wrecked, J had no htrcngtli, and felt tired all the time, I wuu o wauJuLhat my le^n would i:ul support my "body, und I JniVu often fa1h;i) lo the ground whrri,>iyiii^'to attei d to toy uorkhotH' in tho fluid and in the barn, and would ho compelled to lie wherfavor I hud tallon, until I could muutey Fufl1itHfiitMtrej]({tb to riao. My tippotitc wuh all Konc, and when I _wouUi try to nut, in order to [;mu ^truiiu'"h', I would Hiiffur ii.itnld iniuory far iiourn. \> nmliiniln ^ a^erf^p^rlmri^^RnrptJ^ ou Meohniiiam of the IU|>tl)< I>adly An opp/jrtunlty of dtuNeothicc-ilio buulr neH parte of the CroUluw liorrldmi, or, in plain KmHl-Hh, the horrid rattler, which 1h tholttcral nieaulii^ of thlw, lta boIciiMuc niunoH'gouH to prove, wlmt many aolniitillc IHjrflotfH will tell you, via., -that tbo en- cyclopedluH are tho Very womt KOiircoH to go to for any ncournte information on Hclentljje miv^tori*. The Iwiafc tiuwupnpor* now furnish tldw kind of information. Audvory truly thlHholdnKood In regard to thlH roptilu, wbidi \n churned anionic tho viporn, and of tho viporn It in huUI: "They have but one fitnu." The accmnpimylnK drawing in from lifo, or, rntlicr from death, of a Kood-aized rut* tier, carefully dissected. Tho voptilu way myirly four feet lonft, had thirteen wittlcM, and when opened wim found toliave (lined not lon before, on three youn rahbltH, which were lying imutfly in its very don^ Htomucli, leiiKthwifio, one after tlio- other, an they were Hwallowod, Tlio tiiil at tlio junction of tho rattles ia formed of a bun dle of (IlircH much like these of a tarred rope, one-third of an Inch In diameter, twisted in.the nimiii manner, and crowed, bo asj to Kive a ^reat force to tho end of the talj, on which the loose rattles arc arrang ed. J lilt the other end of tho reptile | of the moBt intorest, because tlm exaniinathm completely upsefis all the popular uotionn ho far hold about tho fan^u. There were four of these on cadi .Jaw. One was as slinwn in tlm drawing,- rjuiie lare, ivr half an inch in length. This is the needle, but not the conveyer of the poison. This is a triple fan^, or three separate fuiiKS very loostdy uLinohed to-tho moving inus- clt!, ho tliat they arc very easily drawn out, and they are almost invisible, tm account of their clear translucent color, so that they might, easily encapo not ice in a wound made by the real fnn^. Those poison fan^M are hollow and are diruetly attached to tlio Hitc in which.tlio poisuiiis contained. In separating this .sac from the hollow neon in the root of the fang, the poi'son ducts became loose, with the muvmkI were oiwilydrawu with the sac out, of the opun- iiiK cen at Lho hack of the fang. Thin fanjj iawolUlly ait ached to the loose, hol low bone seen at, its lowc end, which is connected by a. hinu'e of strong muscle or tendon to the art ieulation of the jawbone. By the action of thin /liint^o the fany is A TALE FROM WINN 11'EG, now two FiioraiNKNT<^rr ; ivJKNH of %iu; ritAitM r; OAI'i^A i^ it jc*Va i N s: u HllAKTU. i$fr OHORCH DIRECTORY Methodist , J>r, rancoe. Pastor. Borvice. VoryHundfty dtlta. oi, ttiut 7, p. m. Bab bath Bohooln.t2;BO;,. m. O. W. Nnykir, Hui>rlutfiim nt of Boliool. JOpwoith Loiiijurtp'riLVruioiitlng. 'iidHilny ovoniiiK ut8 o'olonk. Uttnb.-itlTpjay"er '!'tiuv nn Tbur'Hiliiyovniihitf. QliCltOU op ENutANO liuv. J..UI!ovorly, In- oambaot, BC. Piiula, ICqrox. IHvwbiUitvlEa t>very butulay ut 7 o'oloctc, p m Kuauay Bo boot atlO iu-ui. i'rlnlty Church,North Itldgt Btm- la-yHflhooI at t.4fip, iu. Tho publlo ura cor- tflally Invited. - ---------- ---... PnitBliTTKHKAN. W.M. Fleming, V*ntorB*f Vlooflon Habbutti ntll il. ui. and 7.80 p. m Bhiy hath Hahool *fcu:lioi>. m. prayor tm tttlua and Pastor's blblo olaia on Tuesday at7.30 p, m. HooIrI Union on Wo/lnuBUtv at 9.16 p. ' iikxrtur OiiunoA. jiuv^U. i*, CamiitouTVa.* tot. Hiirvicoti oaoli Uubbuth at 11 .a. m. and 7 **:w\ ^"^y**'"'rtotlnu on Wotbiotday evoolnc HtHqalook. HontHfrou. All ant .ucdlally wol" oenuid. Uoiah OATiiouo.-l.*r.,t>. V. MaManunla i iintor. hftY-tlm uvuty othpr Buu<luy' - m. (jitnutiy School at ft p.m. Haj.vatiom Ahwy.-T. 11. UcLnotl, Captain:- Hiilvutlon niui.-ttnurt on \VoiIuoiduy. Thmaday *"r una miti'lay tiVMiliijwir'ruiMtnd Kimy, Haturday jwim iiKundJlpm. Bumluy; MoMmihh nieotinns lor o|irfiij,iiink Frldiiy uvtninifl ruid 11 it. m. Hun- OiiyjKnoti JJrill7u. in. evury Hunday. All aro xvolinnntK < . LEGAL. T b.PKTKUfl Ititrristor, HollcJtor, Notojy I'tiblio Mowfly to IjOhu. ni1 Punk. I'lutu k floutto, Ouo ftiiflr*r'd from ' *C fflmv tlnrlu . niMl lii<lla'Mt'>i>, iU<* OOif." Irhti N*rvu..,I'ro( ruilon'i-Their tttory n*ToIdu irlbuiio lti>orler. I'rorn tlio WUinlp*)(j Trlhuiir. .____ ___ Thn meUfrrn World 'iuuVeirledly Hkt'ptioal, and itt th* <-ann'r,f curna by utlvortiued oiedioineK, it i*. *orm-tiini romtirUod thut thoy ccour at Ioiir diwtuna. iUcuntlyi however, the Trihwiiu mm ro]d that, a Wiu. nlpu ^otitlcman had punned tbronyb ><u ox- p*rlotiun nu remarkalib> in. any of thonn piihtinltnd, arid inquiry into thv-iuntter re. voaled tbo fiiet thut wvcY(d prnmioont cit. iHfljUH of Wimnptft; butl bunn grvutly Iioi.h- ilted hy.thoUHoof Dr. Williiimn'Tink 1'iIU Ono of thi'no-ctti/.ijiiH ih Mr. W. A. Clmrlo- worth tb wfcll kno\vn contractor, who dor- itf hiu rHidenco in Wr&r.'pen hau addnd to tho beauty Mid \yi;altlrof ilitt-4Jraii"io"Capi tul by erecting uomo ot ilullii^ fiMThfnrnit mihutantihl buildin^i. Naturallv what Mr. Ghurlciuvorth would ny m to the "merits of a medical preparation would bo reed with uiUiruKi. hy tho miy ottizona who huvo . met him in* buhinerm and Bccially, und a Tribune reporter wan dotuiled to & t from linn Honic purtieulm-H in tli-* noLtlcr. Mr. Cliiirlfswortli wHivi.i'oi' nt, 'uHbrtiiutifnl and cony home en William ntreet, n. ?r.w rhiyit ttirico, and w|ji]n nnwilimj; to iniruet pub licity, yet, for tlio bonofit <f ihf'sni [uifforinjj us hn once was lie consented to ^>ivt. a wim ple ulatemeut of his caac. Aboui tliiHe^n yt.'uro hj;o, while living in tho HftiUborn part ot Illinoii), uuttr Cairo, he hnd n.'vcral nttackn of malaria fever and tupie, which which left bin blood poor and thin, and ho deranged bin ystnm that for about, ten Yearn: after ho was n. 'aiiff^rer from chronio, indit.'fDt!on. He came north artor renidiiifj tht re for oonao years in order to nhako off Lite eticctti of tbo malaria, hut without- ^^ . , ,------------------ _____________ much yucaof.D. He hai not bud, while in I D??.' 1>KWAU * Mo *2lE. the aorth, another reul attack of aguo.'but) atn^itHHrn"!?!:?;.?- ;!*": T- "-.? Q**** every Reaaon he ban had incipient attacks, 0*er K. lurintor, Hnlicltor, Notnn riibllo ' il'"!'!^^)^!*!! P'" " 1l1 utau Hlnuii, ii]i.ntnirii, Ki.tmx. i-] I'riViite IuihIh tn Until u A. II.Clauki:, !,. I,. i(, ,N. At jiAUTrjl:.- _______ A. K. ]l.\ii'l r,KT. J{. A. * IPrm.n (V wAJ/i,h,cs' U-l'-l! Attiiino7a iioimvi^Snt. went, ljotroit, .Mi.:). "^'-U-j K-iuiioiMu cliiiinii .in.iijiHt iiei-'-orni In bmtt-d State;, ci.tlrnvtcl ) Itererftinyni lmperhil Ilunk. Kciwjx, Out. I. h. I otei-M. 1-:h(| ,, t tc, Kuwx, i'..A. Wiiimer, J;H(|., Uarrihter.otc., Kmox Ont Out. MEDICAL. f, n ..*> * .Out. C/riuhiatoorNi-wTtorli. rantGriul. .. Monioal Hcho-oT. AU call "pro pUy at fuoVwl "i,/1'!0 "Puclal attention. VilJu to d 1r uiob of tlic unn.1. throat, none, oyo ab<?uV cS;:,^ ......____________x.. THE NEGOTIATIONS WILL FAIL. Jjipiui \VJlli!i.d.tllM- (Inr TeiniM Till Her j.iuij <;it* littci r.i.'Lin. London, Jan. 7, The Times hears from its correspondent, in I'ekin : "The Uliim^e, ^pence. envoy to Jnpau' had" a' farewell audience--with the Kniperor ou'Saturday .Japan' refused lo conclude an Urmistiee Mr. Uenby, the United States milliliter, believes that the present nc^otiationH will be frtil;Iess as the Japanese^ will withhoic the terms till their army'shall have oo cupied IVkin. .lapanoHe landiny partiet are exploring the bays on the east coast Ol bluing Tiiuk." ' ) irsfe-its cmply. disappeared from Bas- i in\fil,tf',nljtir 1,ist- Sp'iWUiK always - Blmt m7ileyf 1,lvi?l,ly uml U.,H 8,u,l! .Wil n f reouentoE po1 r'],lins- blIlc^ 'll(J police boimn to\vPrk on U, case ^Ile>' ^^ve lonrn ed that ho wonfc *? Motwnl. hut there all trace of hir" Wlts ltlHt- PllOKNI murd wore by D.,...... . hrouyht here.l , . , , - , ed and Youn J WIli' sho in ,the1lc' U(!Pty Sheriff Protlft WftYh^ '" the arm' In* formation of! tl,e "i\t](i, ^'euii tho CHcaped prisonfrs lUul tll(' Hllcjrlff H P08M w meagre. I _______________ A Vi til1 ,>0,lt,cal Qrrl. HAIH10I)BBuiGri MKi;\ JlHJ-. ^-Si,Wlf John I. ViinAtHfln11, ,illotan(l killed Dr. F. It. Harrod political esterday as tho result of a Frel,. Cluni I-'ord unil Hny Itnvolver. Tokosto, Jan. 7. It Is stnteil In police circle's tluilrVsonifl., startjlnj; evidenci is buliiK Jprepareaf' td'-^ibh' present- ed at, the Vnal of Clara Ford in-March foi the ninrder_o/J[rauk We.itwood. XI. Vise, a tailor on Queen sereet, with whomClarf Ford . formerly 'worked, i.s said to have stated that on one occasion ho found a re volver in Clarn'K coat. .On asking hci why she carried such adani^erous Weapon film is Haid to have replied: "That revol ver bus helped me out before this. When I was on the other side I was persistently followed by a man who annoyed mo until I killed him. If it hadn't been for that 1 would not be working here for you for $-1 per week, I would Ko to the Stated a^air ifldaro." This .statement, if proved tc bo true, may tell strongly against her id her trial. Hc*uieri to mo thut I wan nlowly to dun: h. 1 tried different doctor*, hut did not .- iivii any buncfit from ttjuir treatment. JV.'i niiij_' i.o die, and 1 venly bclievo I would have died hal 1 nf .trii'tl'your Vuiho'o C.d';ry (3 impound, 1 "ought m'.\ l*ottlcif (mo (en < mooioniiou1. y Ruy I'recoivcd moro benefit from it than I ever deooaod.of; it waa worth moro to me thftU ouo liucdrod iloUarH worth of mod ieiuen from tho ctocloru. I bojiau to improve In hoiLlth. before I bad finished tho urat b-.)ttlo ; and to-day I am completely roiitor-. ed to health. T can do an good a dayn woidf ub I over could, can now eat nny kind of food without experiencing fcroublo after- ward*, and can uletp aa w*dl au.hpnIwaH a boy. "I have not had to ubo any o! the Com- pound for monllm, which convidces me that the cum ih pormaueat. I fool ifc my duty to Ut t-vory Bufferor know what Paine'i Golery CompoHnd haa dono for mn, and it Hooraa impoaHiblfi for mo to ay all I iihould in it favor. My wife, who has been a o'nf foror for yoaro with chronio rhourjoatiim wan groatiy benefited by the u'rq of yoor medicine. I Kend you this toatimony tin- nolicitod." ~xr ^:1sMm f;V <:^* "} Tom into, Jan. fi, iwn, t.T.ole.^ hen 'n 150 buaholKwfilfc C00 bu.h-d- linrl. y .ac .'4V !;o -iS lT^:;;'j>c bushch' of oats -' V,:\ i.o U41-Ue. Winter wheat iirmer. .Maidtobn wiieut firm at V8cakcd vest,. V AtBuiTal-j Kvli-y was in active demand, r..-iini!. Canada value-, Wflro made at an advance on a sale of 5,000 busholB No. a att:icdrlc higher,'which cleaTH tho communion chargoft and loaves freight and jluty only out of tho Canada price. ,> _ Wheat offorlnKH in ChicnKo wero ih ex- ccmot the demand and prices foil off l-4c Corn was dull and cltmod 1-a to l-4c lowor Oatu wews forced down 14 to l-20 neat the cIoho by a heavy Belling movement. At East Buffalo In- nheep and lamtw tho offerinpiH were R3 cam; opened fairly iie- ^tii'o; CaimdaH closed, hlKbor; bulk'of pfferlnga sold ; eomo prime Canada lamW bronKht $4.05. The lata cuilea were/of superior claas Htock. Best quotafclo'iis foi* choico Canada sheep .not above$i.7fi nnd BCllora can realize about aa well in.thU -Bowa market, considering'duty; i Trading at tho Now York otock oxebang^ waa leu active. The opening 0fJWMnnur3 JcetwaH featiireleH, but'noon nffcerwardu tho entire Hat moved up 1-4 to i'3-8 per cent. Tho advance wan kooji chocked by the engagement of ISJJKO.OOO gold for ex port to Europe to^lay. In tho final deal-' 3" A Montreal Wommi Buleldea. ^San,st^dlor t0? Prevailed and a rally $ Montbbav Jan. r.-Mia Poninton n loftolTabout Htondy. auloido on/Biiturdliy byabootlntr horaflll ::.vnhoro wuh a letter torn genomHy in through tho head with a uhotgun S :^on,the]Parhi-3Joui>fio.heCotV1]iiK?|trne PouJHton Klncd^ip death of a favorite AYgentlncB were exceptionally f)ftfc brofchor, who wan Killed while racing a .ontmuodriHOof the gold premium, fow monfchtt ago, has b&a subject to:Sts kn gonondly were better, except J of deapoudenoy, and it was in one of theai viiicmc.-iii.whiohttfurtlior fall Is 4U that h* Ulllwl W*M. .""'-. '"' I '.-.-.'. ' ]>fHtriictlvu l'lro ut Ton.nto .>uutlou. .Toronto Junction, Out., Jan. 7. About half past nine Saturday evening tiiu fin alarm was sounded and a fire was found tc be raging in the factory of tho Canada Wire Mattrcsx Co. All the efforts pt tht town brigade, assisted by two detachments from the city, were powerless to arrest the destroying element and the factory with the entire contents and machinery wiw destroyed. ' The flames communicated with tho Weston road .bridge, which wiu considerably damaged, but was saved. The Stanley house, the Electric .Light Power House, the Queen City Flour Mills and Itomlnion -Art Woodwork Mnfg. .-.Co., were in imminent dangor from'-the".'flying- inher which were blown, ,aboua by thi .vJ.iong gale. Amount of insurance an- IHiowi . r. - y \ Ktl'ltk'.-n With Vnruly/ii*. Qltkiieo, Jan. 7. "While upettking o'rj v bill respecting l.ho Speaker of thu LegixJa- Live 'Council in that Jlouae tit 1 o'clock Saturday tho. .lion. Mr. Starnos wn btrinkon with paralysis on tho loft aide, At tim inomont of tho miahap Hon. Mr. StarncH was Komewhiitexcitodover u mea sure introduced in tbo Council. Ho sal down and told Hon. V. Garirtmu'that he was ill, at the same time calllngHon. Dr Marcll to Ida aide. Hon. Mr. Starnoa it 78, aiuTbaa represented tho DiBtrict ol Salaborry eight years;'ho 1b an ox-Speaker of tbo Council under Morclor. Hon. J. A, Clmpleau Vlaitod Mr, Starnoa nu lio lay on a couch, with Father Carro, S. J., at his Hide._______________________ I'ut 1'arla Green hi Tholr Kood. . ScitANt'ON, Pa., Jan. 7. Mr. Mlchoo' Wormnn, of Forofit City, wiu arretted and committed to jaii; charged witk attempt ing to poison her husband, hin father and mother and 'a boarder by putting pari* green in thotr food. Sho confessed hoi guilt. Mr. and Mm Wonnau had boon married but three xnohthu. The woman Roliof in Six Honrfl. XJiotroHHiog Kid ney and Bladder dioeaBeo rolioved in bix hoqru;by tbo "New Groat South American Kidnoy Cure." This new remedy in a ({rout eurpriHO and delight to phyflioiano on ao- ou nt of ite exceeding premptnenB in reliev ing pain in tho bladder, kidnpVH, back and very part of tbo urinary piiHoaKOB in mule or female. .It rolievoa retention of water and pain in pauHin^ it almmit immediately. If you want rmiok relief and enre this in your remedy, tiold by Johu Thorno Drug giut. Of Furniture! TOMGt/e A UATTLlCn'HiIlI.'SlNKSa'KN'D. erected.and,forced throug-lMjho o^eniuir lir tho front of tho muscular covovinfc by which it is concoalud when ifc in at roHfc. It then lies down on the jawbono at tho back ofthoaharp, hooked teeth,, wot firmly in tbo jaws. This covering muscleliea like a soft cushion at tbo back part of tho jaw, merely showing tho rounded oriilco through which the fangs aro forced when the muticlo hi contracted. Thin muscle is shown by tho clear lino drawn around the fangs, and it coven* 'ius well tho loose bone and tho jaw around which it is wrapped just behind tho .ar ticulating the teeth. .There are eight teeth, quite .small, on each side of the jaw. The jawbone."haH a ridge, running length wise, with flanges on each side of it, by which it Ik attached to tho muscles of the cheeks. The tongue is, a thin slender fiber attach ed by strong mitsclen not forked, ns popu larly supposed, but appearing to be so by Its rapid vibration when tbo reptile is dis turbed and nhowB its hostility to tho in truder by giving some of Its very sharp tangud. It ia very clear under these cir cumstances that the most apparent fang is thewuncvuring instrument, and when it has dcHe its .work tho deadly trno fang, which nre tubular, enter tho. woundu a\nY discharge their load of poison. These ard. plainly seen to bq tubeB, and arc made ex actly like tbo horna of a cow. Thoy nr*> Bhowh of tho actual size of tho specimen, oa are all the other drawings. Under tho microscope the substance of them looks like pearl, and has a delicate polish and flniKh. No aurglcal' Instrument i.s made no delicately. , ' * A *2(t0,000 Tomb, Two great piles of granite erected by C. V. Huntington, a railway magnate ndi unknown in Canada, ono In New York City and the other In Woodlawn Ceme tery, bear witness to tho man's, financial solidity..-'Mr. JluntingtonMoOH not HYo In anys oho. was forced by the parontq U 'marry the.mnn against her will and hated him intensely. Of every deRoriptJon for tho noxt thirty duyn, beet'bargains ovor offoirod, jost rourl *" bolow; I Bedroom Suit, (Olans 20x24) I Dining; Table, 6 Wood Chairs, I Rocker . . I Sideboard AUL FO $23.75 A flno ttHBortmenfc of Parlor fnrnb i ture and oapy ehairtt. Kverythiny at lowest poaaible prices. Ad *^ KoodH delivered free of charge No troublo to quoto price a, come and rco for youraolf. . UNDEItTAKCING AND EMBALMING A Specially J. A. HICKS & CO. Essex. C. P. mTNTrrWGTON'S TOMB, lilB big Rtbno palaco at Fifty-novonty stroot and Ififfch avenue, nor la ho to bo found at hia huge mausoleum. Tho tombf facet* tho eant, on the very crcBt of Chnpol Hill, a sentinel placed to look out over Wcst- chefltor County. Tho mujUHoleum of tho President of tho Southern Paolflo Railroad la empty. It hoa boon five years In the building. No thing in the neve world approachca It in durability. Katjh tier of tho fitops in tho fifty foot of solid rook, from tho roadway to the door of" the mausoleum, Ih hewn from a single plcco of granite. Tho main platform Ih a single forty-ton utouo. Its foundation ia sixteen- foot under grouudy :. ThemauBoloum I-43foefc long, 29 feot wldo hnd 24 feet high. The gato aro of brom-A and the Interior ia of Italian mar ble. ItcohtalnB sixteen catacombs. The arcbltocturo Is that of a Roman torn pie of the Doi-rc order. It coufc a quarter of a million dollars and thoro inti't a' ntoue' In lfc that wolgha loui than eightoeu tons. Over tho top of the door 1 tho nmglo word, in plain letters, ,4Huutlngton.V ( ' A fodl can ak bo many questiona that only another f<K>l wintry to f-iiswor them. hifh wf<re on'v wnrdnrl off hy the prompt tlw-ttr i.':d ni 'lir -7)0. ay. ITo n!no ut-fforrd * -i-^iy (<>>n\ . ij liLv-t-'ic-j. Detorniioinu- : > o ke i>. .wci'-.ita \U> ri. l.r, i ot rul of hiy i- inr.i'0"tif n *4 dn-orde <\ he b ^u.n in ihn " l: of .181)1 iou"oDr. 1l\':1lri*r.^i 1'iuk Villo, trc '-d'vt rt it "mi iila rf w dil, h b-,gi r'und' in d-, i:.:iw..rta'cr'i. M ; t*\\\r\Q,Y,ir h be au t nuo th;pillo in October, and for thu flrsh .month ticatcoly felt any improvomtnt. However, from that time on improvement ^annrapid-uininhTTffiJcfc maivelloq*," Thq, coldjof tho wiHtor of 3801.2, as will be re membered, was intonse, and yet ho fjreat was the touinflop of the syBtjmand the enrichment of the blood, that ha scarcely fclt the oold at all that winter. Um iyidi- fioslion waH removed, and since that timo ho bm not had auotber attack of malaria, fever. Ho continued taking ihe pills up to about tho middle of January. In closing hia interview Mr. Charleawortk Htlid : "However, do not rely upon my authority alouo.fbat aee Mr. fairohild, who has nsud tho pille." The Mr, Faircbild, it io noedleas to aayi* is Mr. frank Faircluld, the lartfeot dealer in vthiolas tnd fnrui macbinory in wontoru Canada. Mr. Fairohild'n name in too well known to readora of the Tribune to mod any further introduction, Ho was alao aeon and fully confirmed what Mr. Charloi- werth (laid. Bdme timo ago Mr. Fairohild Buffered from nervoui* prostration brought on t-y ovorwork. und KUlIerod also from a del pain in the back of tlio head. After - ponding aome timo at a fumous Chicago nanitarium ho was advised- to take Borne- thing to build up hiu.blooi, the doctora m*utioniHg|Piiik Pillaln their list of thincs adviwed. At firht ho took a fluid prepara tion, but t* ho found this aubandy to tnlie with him as ho tra^olltd, ho decided to try Pink Pills, aa Mr. Cburledwortb had vory strongly recomaifludod tliem. Ho found Croat benefit Jrow their ubo and continued tiluug them until reat&rod to health. He has no bcsiiation iu'recommendiup them as a ureat buildor up and purifiorof tho blood- I)r, WilMftn-o' Fink Pills roay no had of rtd drut'uistB, or dirnnt by moil from Dr. Williunnr Medioino Company, DrockvdU, Ontario, or B'hohfeCt(idyr'N.Y at Oi) da. h box, or nix boxen for 92,50. Tho price ut which thooe pills aro nold nmkon a course of treatment comparatively jpox- pcnaive !is comp/i red with othtr remodics for medical troatwent^", wS1"!'? " rBity/ Momho, i'oHofio Phyi Ht Eant UUt" 0llt* ItOB,llno*. Talfid M^dllfk^i;^ D>. C" M- FulIow trinity -mouiciLlColJuflo.-firaduato-a^iuitv-Univoi'Hltv Uoflliloiicu: Tulliot Htroot,^o7t!Sf ft. C,"l * ' lonco.PUon0in cannoc3tio with ofllco and real- Ordoi-fi loft at Thome's drug ntoro will J, pi-omptlynttoaGodtij. will De DSNTAL. HP-MAUTIN, D. D. B h.- Dr S. GVaduiile BurkDonBrOntilrJo.and tJnlvflwHv of. Toronto." Obajfloii.mouemtQ, .Qlflco, ovo^rion A Cob flruff etoro.- VETERINARY- 4W n- KIJ?H^RDfcJ0N Veterinary Snr- innv * ^f " Gr'llluilt0 ot tlio Ontario Vcter^ y (?oIi',fi' Toronto, troutu all aiBotuau of' domofltlcatoa nnlnmla. Toloplmuo lu wanX- tlon. UontlBfcry a opoelalty.* -WflBWoneSrSor doon. Bouth of GrhiE Mill, onioo, in iioitolttce bulhUng; InOriMiry directly op^onlto, lu*tomce T11^!110^ buolnofls in town. RutabuBbe kinao. WoUdluGoakonanpofllftUty. QroooriBH provlalottB, flour, feod, aalb aud Vnt\c. Oonf". tionory.Drookory.filaBBWQro. CuimoilfrultHaiid voaotabloiiof'alVbinaa. Goodu promptly -Jo HvorodtoallpartB.oftbo town. JT. M.HK3JKH, SOCIETIES f 0. O. P.-ENTEKPltlBK LodW No OddfollowB Hal^nthlratVySm^ VlBitinemomlioMtif otbor lodcoHwlll rooelvoi jratornal woloomo. J. JOHN&TON NO ^CENTRAL ENOAMPMKNT, No. 60, mflote!n 0d?i?lIowa* Hall, Dunstan'B- Block ouSS?nS and third Tuosday inoaoh month. VialtorHoo* SJaUX,I00S,v^di*t Sowbora ot auborrtlnato |odei .. nivuiv,]u^W0n" hivitod to join. O. nAMNAN, O. P., Q. F. HILL, Q, B, '"", u* fiBRX OBNTItB LOfiGK, No. 10, A. O.vJw Mftota Booondand fourth MondayH 'lu each the Oddfollow'ii Hall, at 8 ri?*m. ViBltiug brofchrflo wM bo given a fratorual wel. . n0n?r- ffr?r?Sn 3nA1NO; Ma8fcw Workman 0. H. FDIjljEIt, Itooordor- TpiBB BBIGAt)E.-Thc Piro Drleado meTtg X Boooiid wednonday evonlnff ovbry month, atop, m in tbo council chamber. All flwrnftn roquosted to attend. J. MoMORRAY, ObleC J. 1\ .McQuKKN, eoorotary. COUKT ROYAL. NO. <mVL O. F. MoptB socond and fourth Tuoaaav'B in oaok 0?fcb In i. O. O. l\ Hn)l at 8 o'elook p. in. VifcHinabrpthorn win uo Hlvon a fraternal we)-- (.AMD AND LOAN AGENTS f> EORGK 0'. THOllAB, Oonveymieei>; Ooia- y*. miwiouer, in HIeb (!ou of Juatioo; dealer in Ili-al Kritiite and MortuueoH. Mobey to loan attholowest rata of iuteroBt. Fakn boUnat and nold, Inanranoo taken in thu wont reliable oonioanlQB., Umwinco! doods, raortuaeaB and leasan a epoolalty. ObaveoB moderato and all bwnluoBa preiaptly attoudna to. Call at t*i Uontral Tmu>bouo Qflloo. KsflexOoutre. fio-ly On Rood produotivo Farm Property at B^Ss 6 por cent, BtralKht. No Valuation Fees. r i 1ST ConvoyancinK Dono up ib Nbat Style MARRIAGE LICENSES. Vy . DEAMAN, * , ' lanuor ofMarrlitRo LlrotiBca. ImnirailaBaBpee- Nlght oBloo at DwolHbtf. ... . TA][jB OJ faltgET, MSSEX, MBARRISTT, iaeuer of MartJa^e Llcanw.. ConmilHilotier in 0 .J., oto. Goito, Oot- MAIUUAGK Lloonana or Woddlug Klnca Mt too procured tit B. D- rork'B, the old Hablo jeweller, Esflft^, Out Piro and life nsuranceV "'* A.E.LOVELACE, ' , flffifJBX, ONT larOffloe: Whitney Block, npBtairs r^UANK MoOtOSKKY, Matdatooe, thi*V ([% tile data for a sale ean. Have thomtelve* a Jrlvoby oiinioa at the Fheb I'nBBB oflioe. Wo liaveaWaufifiuVwitti-Wir.-MaOUBkey' attd will fix the dateiffor naif by telegraph, entirely froe of allohargo to the berfloH holding toe hkIo. Ad dress Frank HcOioskeVtUaiditoMeOroitt.Ontri LAND SURVEYOR. JAMH8 B. LAtRD, Provincial Iband Bdrv6yo and Coanty Kncliieer, &Bflex Centre, Out Ollloe, JDunBtanBIook. upstairs.. ARCHITECTS. tohn^'maycoob:, AROH1TECT, &o.i , \' ' Room 10 sua Xi; Fleming Bulldlos, ' " ' Wludaor.Ont Phone 210. ' ' UNDERTAKING. TT PLUMMER, Undortakor and Famltm* 1JL* Dsaler'. Oofflnu, bonle a3d factory saaAo. rom*ato80. MoGregor.'-ODt ft, . * ", ft'1 . *!V",.i"r . , I. , >. , I !,' ^A.i':-:t;'v.r.hi-t;';^liiv-' ,,- ' fy..-:^-H*^'*-<'&^

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