9i m THE ESSEX FREE PRES8 it' r ........... f A .. m Tiie Essex Faw Pro* t o FRIDAY. '.UNtrU: I riilll.i iiiinti Cn-rtuo I uiNt'o tirlCM I muc Tills is tho Oiiitatou lu Official 'Ch-clei ( at tlio Capital. .-^N OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT -Th* Audio Contain* U>o J*</olnUtlon of Further Vormnl Prorogation "Vutll Fobrunry 11, lttlKl-1'ui- Hitiuont Not to hltMifc ll*i- fii' Ifnbrmiry 1-1, Ottawa. Duo. iiO. ^hn Canada. GnvMit-_ to-tluy contains n in^Tm7nidTm~ln:il;iiiK n fnrthor formal prorogation 'of Piirlmnient until l^ebruary 11, 1805. . Thin ita nob uu- ces&arlly muHn that a hohhIoii can bo calkui before, that datu, audit buiofc tit all UJaily thftt lb will bo. It Iiah nob boon ukujiI for tho Government iothnt formally proroguo. Parliament to a curtain date and nftor- wartln to 1h9id a prochmintlon HiimmonliiK the Honno for tho duspatoh of buahifu prior to tho tlmo to which it wjQh0lmly prorogued. TJiBV.protfliUUrfrtATHi liTOwa' at anVj^^I^Jifcthu Govommout Ikim not no mu to jmIkoIhIou on tho qnoKtlon hi 'bother tliorfl In to bit a 'hgkhIom bnfnki* jetiottil ('lection or not. Tho aonrrnl ijulon In ofllolal clrclon is that thoro Is to 'he u nation boforo a kohl-hi! t-loctlwi. In that ca.io 11; would took 'an if it was not golntf to bo an oarly as many supposed. Thero in no liknllnQOiLof Ptirltiununt bolii^ , called boforo February 11. Giio. Taylor, M. I'., tin- Govorniut'nt .whip, was in tho city. On bcintf Intor- viowod, he Haid that thero was no doubt about, thoro.bo nig a Mission buforn a none* Jal i;]fition. Uu ucvor had any doubt on that point. . JI on. Dr. Mfjntnt;ti'h Opinion, DuN'M'tr.XK, Out, Hoc. '2U. flan. Dr. ..JVf'tfntugue, wlHrti rupiilly recovering his usual Htroriffth and was busy in roplyinK to congratulatory let tors and tolograuis, wnHHcen yesterday upon unit to r political. Though ho han not Riven a formal reply to ..the \Volbind ConsLU'vatlvoN thorn is no^ doubt thiiC ho will decline tho nomination,' preferring to remain with bis old con- utitnents, vory 'many of whom iinvo . In fitnony; terms protested against his leaving Ilitldimand. Anlced as to tlio rumors.of a general eloction boforo a .suasion of tlio, ITotisci tho doctor an swerud that ho far as liu know the matter had not oven been dis cussed. The late Premier hnd fiilly*lu- ltmdcd.nllowing tho existing I'arli'amnnt 'to live through its flfr.h session and no 'doubt i.he present Premier would have tho Hfline intention. The G. O. M>]IaoIvo* Muny Cnnfrrutula- tlii# Ills. Vleorouii 8iioaoI. London, Doc. 111. Mr. Gladstone ct*le- bratod bin With birthday on Haturduy, and was tho rociplont nf humirt:dH of lcttora ami telegrams of congratulation and par- cela containing birthday gifts, Mr. Olad- Btono wiw in runuirkubly good health and HplritH, and despite the stormy weather drove through tho village of Hn.wnrdeii to tho church,.where he mot a deputation of Armenian ChiinLlans from Paris and London. On behalf of -Mr. Chulst'nije tlio deputation pretinntod u silver chalice to the church. Tho chalice woh prosontnd to the Huv. Btephen Gladstone, non of tho ex-l'remlor and rector of tho Hawardon church, b* recognition of the Interest bis father has taken In the Armenian outrages. In 'reply' to tho pi'osontatiop uddromvthu. .jJx-.Prt^ mier expressed his sympathy Iwlth 't!lie sud'eringoftlie Arnioniuii Christians. Tho ileputation took luncheon wbl) Mr. Glad stone at Hawanhm ca.stle. The Prince nf Wales and Lord Aherdccti wore anr'-ng thosu who tnh'Kraphed' theii: con^vatuht- tious to Mr. (iI.uKlono. Mr. Gladstone, in his reply'Lo tho depu tation's undress, aid tlut it was not their duty to assume that I'.Vi tho allegations of outrages" were true, but rather to await tho roiailtoQho'lnqulry which had_ lon imdi^u^^g^iowcivei', he said, the' pub- .J^Wtsl accounts pointed strongly to tho conclusion that the outrages, slu and abominations committed In 187" in liul- EXPORTS TO THE U. S. Trailo Went Tip AVltlr tho boworlnff of tlio Amorlciin Tai'lil'. CUSTOMS REPORT AT BUFF'ALO Tti I.iikI four Moutliu of This Yiif NlioW h l>Iiii'lfix) InnroitMo In (luiiudhtkl Im- IMtrttf t Tlmt l.ii-t itM <,'nm- puretl With Oio rrevl- 1. THIRD PAHTV AT PlCTON. l>ulton O'llrinn !Vj JtlcCiirlby unit Colonel Aihli't'f" ICIi'fit lirfi. J'icton, D;-e. :'./. l):dt.in .McCarthy and Col. OTlrio;i arrived huro ycMurday and proceeded direct to the court house, whoro it was arranged to do the speaking.- The 'party' \S;a"a~n"HTt~nt"~Uio~statioii ljy~t\vo~ baiulfl and a lar^o,number of citizens and prominent, polUiciann from all parts of tho county. A procession was formed, handed by tho bands and followed by a Jarjja number of ciu-rlagoH and people on foot. 2]ho court room wuh well filled be- fora tho bpeal:erw4 arrived. Mr. Levi "Wil liams, of North Marysbat'K, ex-warden of the county and a prominent Liberal, _ was chosen as chairman, and introduced ' the Bpeakcra of the day in an eloquent and proofing address. In Ins opening remarks he gpoke In feeling terms of ihe death of Sir John Thompson and paid a high tri- huto to the virtues ami worth of the dead Premier. Mr. McCarthy then stated his position in relation to the? present govern ment and stated that hw opposition, to Mackenzie Howell's government was on the same Hues as to the lust, government. . It was not a question of men but a ques tion of measures. lie scored the present Premier for his lack of backbone in not uj>- posing tho Jesuit bill ami by bin vote 'in- Bisting that the people of tho XorthwoBt ubould have soparutohchonls imposed upon them whether they would or not. Mr. McCarthy then went on to deal with tho trade question of the Government, taking ' kin usual line of argument. Col. O'Brien ' followed by a short speech. Another meeting was held in the court house ut night. Ontario Poultry A*iiehitinn, New JlAMwmn, Ont^ Dec. a). The annual exhibit of the Ontario-Poultry Ah- , Eooiation will take plucttttivre next week commencing January 1 and continuing until Friday noon, January !. Ovcn.ftOO entries from !" difTerent places in Canada and tho-United States have been received* rhijOO in prizes are offered. The stock will be tlio'finest on f-he continent. The exhibi tion hall has been enlarged and greatly Improved and makes a splendid place for the show. I*\ Goeble in"the superintendent. Tho judges are Sharpe Uutu-rHeld. Wind sbr ; L. V*- Jarvis, London; Thos. Smelt, Woodstock ; I. J. Johnston, Toronto. Tho . aujiual meeting of the poultry association ,-. for tho election of officers will take |dai:e " here on January ;lrd. Hon. Clarke Wal lace, Hon-' Jno. Drydeu, ,L J. Gilbert, ICx- porlmoutnl Farm, Ottawa, and other pro- minont geutlomen will uddrcfis the moefc* - 'log- ______________^_______________ X>niatfLutloii In ^Juobou. Montreal, Deo. *J!). Thero are said to bo in Quebec from 4,(100 to 5,000 people out s. of employment whoso condition is describ ed, na most deplorable. Tho federal and local governments and tin" city council have been called upon to e;ivo work to tho unemployed, Judge Valu b&j4"t,.,w,Qrd , from tho St. Lawrence beltfw Hagueuay that, wont of tho lumberingestabllfdiments ii'ii-v itml th:*t tho t '.u/cret: j.')(. :j i*.. n nlo;i^ inu coast arn reuueed to t.he last extremity, lie fenra that there- will bo many deaths from starvation. An Ofllinwa I'*lr>. OeitAWA, Out., Doc. ao.-jl'lro wiu dh> covered In thoPodlur frame buildings ou Bimcoo afc. It started in Salter's barber shop wlMflli it coinpieiely gutted. Damngea tdJ50. tyl Rolph'fl liarueHa Hhop also siiHtaliyifl damages to extent of 8300. i UamK*3 to buildings estimated ut i^JOO.' .AU fully covered by insuranco. AH <*hl LnUtt Cuptidn Dead. HiMILTOK, Doc. 139. Capt. TVm. Wood, . who baa resided in Hamilton for thirty- ' Bovon years, aud who for quarter of a cen tury has boon In command of It&ko vciisola, died at his tcstdonco hero. Deceased was ; ^ native of Orkney ana cu'mo-to Hamilton Whaalad. Ho waa woll known ou tha Ukm and highly 8pected. kioutv-i'ivk vi:ai:s or agi:. gariahad keen repeated in 1S01 In Annen- la.- If this were true it was time that there should bo one general shout of exe cration against these deeds of wickedness from outfaced humanity. .If tho factH were established it should brf written in letters of iron upon the records of the world that a governruen|t which could bo KllHty of countoiuuiehui* and covering up such atrocities wjis u disgrace to Afa- boniet, the prophet, a.di.s^race to civili sation at lar^c, and . a di~i;riice to man kind. * .Mr. Gladstone, continttin^, sai<l: "Don'; let me be told that one nation lias no au thority over another. Kvery nation, ;iv.every humnn hein^, bus. authority in l.e- lmlf of humanity and jijstiee.'J Ho had lieen ."-den:, be saul. beivii'-.i' lie ljnd 'full : iiiiilciii"' 1 hat t l.i- \'ir:< : iinii-ni knew It.-, "duty." If the allegations unide should prove true it was time that the execration of humanity should force itself upon tho ~Vars of Uitf*Sirttnii'~of^Turkey iuur"malctr him sensible of the madness- of such' a course as was lining pursued. Mr. Gladstone spoke for a quarter of an hour. lie was remarkably deliberate in bis delivery and vigorous in action and. gesture, and was loudly ch sored as he con cluded Ids remarks. All tho inoniin/jf papers refer editorially to tho visit of the Armenian deputation to Mr. Gladstoneon Saturday. The Daily 2srews'\varmly applauds Mr. Gladstone's1 denunciation of tho Turks. The Times says: "Mr. Gladstone has the vastly preponderant body of British opinion behind him." Dtintriictioii to tha Orangu Crop. Jacksonville, Doe. 111. Despatches to the Times Union indicate that tho cold wave has been very destructive to tho orange and vegetable crop. Oranges on the trees are fro/en solid and it is said that there is now not. a__Koimd._bo.x.-oi! orauces in the state. Peas, tomatoes and other, vegetables are ruined. Despatches from the east coast nay that the pineapple orop Is ruined. It is estimated that there were 13,500,000 boxes of oranges on tho trees and that 2,000,000 are a total loss. Voting orange groves aro reported ruined. Old trees'may pull through! Tho total joss wHl likely reach W.OOO.OOO. Tho fro ze is more dinastrous than the memor able oiiu of 1880. Tho average tempera ture early this morning over Florida was about _0 degrees. A J'ruuolior Thr*ntnneil by WliUacuitd. MAIJJKN, Mass., Dec. 31. Rev. L. W. Adams, pastor of tho Maplcwcod M. K. burch, who, following tho recent, aw he dalmed, unnecessary death of Miss Mabel Webb, denounced tlio so-called Christian -icieutists from tho pulpit, has received ,everul anonymous letters within a few days. Tho latest communication Is as rollows: " Maiden, Dec. 20. Rev. L. W. Adams, Bigot. If you don't stop your daudorous talk yon will be visited by tho whitccapH." Mr. Adams says : "I think I am in tho right and will not allow my- .elf to be 'bluff-d' tauso tho language of :bo day. I do not believe tho whltceup* u-jll visit nie, but if they do thoy will dud mo ready for them." nt'i'TALo, Dec. UK The Buffalo ciistonw house-Is generally regarded as u good baro meter indie/\Uilg tho trade wltlrCanada, and as most of tho Imports entered hero nro from Canada the eufttoms report has unusual Interest! It Is shown, by oftl-hil i ilgurcn tliat not. in sixteen yearn liavo tlio impoiis entered been mo tirnnll h*i In 18W. The value of goods entered tlihi year sub ject to duty was but SI,781,1107 untl tho duties collected M7'J/JR Th goodtt en-' tored free of duty umpuntwl In value to 101)0,501, while tho your previous thoy woro valued at *.U'*,B2. ' "".,.. Since tho adoption of tho now tariff thoro has bison a very largo Impetus to tho Canadian trade. 'J'hls is host shown by a comparative statement of tho vuluo of oiitrienof goods free of duty for*tho four last, months of 1S9-1 an compared with _8f)3: Month. 1801. ' 180:i. Sei.icuibor . .-. . Slf4,:M5 WS.B47 October .... 1.1H,:UH * a,088 November .... IWi.lttl 31,058 December ..... 3110,000 SiS.OOO It is also shown that during Qio lofitfouv month.H of 180-t the decrease Tu cuntomJ* collections has bo en bufc$4l,HO0a_fi compared with the previous year, while tho docllno in the preceding.eight months was fully ^7.1',l)0iJ. Indicating with the lower tnriff rates a very largely increased huwineflSjnnd it"must Ijis reinembercil that with tho ad- valorem duties *!-iihhiitutcd for specific duties tho valuai of goods bus been naicli lower and due.-, not fairly represent the actual increase. Details for the var ious commodities represented aro not yet prepared, but lumber. forniH ono of tho Ijiggest iteins^for tho free list goods in crease. .We Start the New Tear _____ ___------' WITH A ............. Great Stock j. Reduction Sale. n CREMATED NEAR REG1NA. A ( Iiil.l lliirned to D.tnLli-Th Fiitlmr I'nrlHhi'fe .Sufficing v/\unlflttinr. HKOIS'A, NT. W. T., Dec. 31. Tim ifouso of William Thompson, a farmer living liS miles north of Kcgina, took tiro on Satur day while tho family were asleep. Thomp son's youngest child "was burned to death, another child severely burned aiul bis wife badly burned about t he buly. TIhj'hh^'Ci. wIio,w:ik perfectly nude wlieii h......fiaped from the house, hastily placed his wtti-. :nui liurued etiiUl in an old i.niildiiiL; atnl start ed for a neighbor's. The, thermmiiicUm* registered nearly 10 below zero ...and, VTrompson was frozen' to death before ho roa'cbed th'j bouse. ald- stiiwaiit i<t\:-\; If Is C'liHo t<i C(tm I'p for Ilejuinii: on I'll- fluy Ntixt. XQKQXJQ^nn_c-.J).l^iHx-Ald^Steu-art,who Bargiiina in every department. Come early aqd Hocurc first choice. ' o-A-SH:-, Handsome Parlor Clocks Free* Yours for Bargains, . r>rrwsTiLir srioai-c essest. s ItttTNICIPAIj NOMINyVTrONS. A Sulvutlmifut Attempts Suicide. Bl.'l'i'Al.o, Doc. HI. A woman who at- .empted to jump into tho Hamburg canal was arrested and at the station gavo hoi* iamo as KUon Muschew from loronto ind was Hecond tambourino player iu'the Salvation Army> When placed in the :ell she sang many army hymns and final- y became quiet. The door man grew measy at the cessation of alio noiso and -oing to her cell foulul her trying to uranglo herself. Bbo was black In tho r> '.nd would have been dead in n few , ._ . ..".us. AHur her re^cu.i ,u wa*:. uecos- y to ])Ut hor In a Htraight jaekei. jiiid r. ul hor arms. Sho^wltrho examined as > hor sanity. <ity I'.nllilluirs l>oHti'.veti. HinDKKOKD, Maine, Dec. 31. Tho city uilding wna gutted by flro down to tho rat storey, * Tho building contained two ...ukH, tho polico utation; four stores, a .,iw onlco, court, room, city council, munl- sipal oflicefl, city library, opom house lud Masonic hall. Tho total loss in osti- nnted at $100,000. Insured for $30,000. Many of tho municipal court documonU vero lost. Tho po^tofKico was burnod^out indsomo mail was destroyed. ' t_ To Swell th Irluli Fund. New Yomc, Dec St. Joseph P. ftyan, 'letnetary of tho Irlah National Federation if America, report*.' that thd federation liiia to!rwarded throuyli Ifliifione Kelly & Co, *1,000 to tho trustees of tho Irlah Par- 1YJ1S. uiHjMMl under arrest on TFubTy, enmo mion Sfttui'diiy'clrargtKl'^lrlT^TTltclTuTjr^ briJje for.his iniVuence as altiernuin u'liilo in tho City Council. StewarLpleudednnt guilty through his lawyer, John Qrier, and the case was remanded until Friday noxt, bail to tho amount of $-1,000 being renewed. The case is ono -that tho matfls trato bits no power to try.summarily." ThiHin UininrtipuloiiM Acentii. ITamiitoV, Dec. 31. John Kane and his wife Mary were applicants for charity in Mayor. Stewart's o/Ilce. Kane says they were \=+*<_[n>t of tho eviction in Galwny, Ireland, and on representations of un truthful emigration ngents had sold all their belongings and sai*led for Amorlca. They say they were led to bolievu that they would becomo wealthy in a few months in America, but their expecta tions have not been realized and they be- lievfl tbev would be^ better off in Ireland II1j)"<1 thjP Saving* Itiink, Halifax, N. a', Do;;. 31. Tlio Dominion Government Savings bank agent at Syd ney., C B., B. G. McDonald, of tho firm of McDonald & Han ran, iu defaulter to quite a largo amount. A special ugont from Ottawa discovered tho defalcation and McDonald was arrested a day or two ago and tried under the speedy trials net by Judge Dodd. Provious to thfcrfriends are Haid to have niado good tho deficiency. McDoimkl pleaded guilty'and was sen tenced to three months In Jail. Tlio affair bascroutcdquitG an excitement throughout Cape JJroton, as many of these .bunks nro in tho hands of business firms. , 1X<MV the IMllloy art) WnclnB Imoug Out* P*elglilir. MAIDSTONli. *..............,' '" ' Foil I1KISVK. Candidate -' Mover. Seconder. G. A. Wintemnto, N TowH'uuant, A. Martin. Piter Corbet, W. WrIUcs, D. M-.Konrli. DKroTY nnitvi-:. V/ru, Dllis,.....Wm.&omt-rvitfn------Jos. Cote, Win. GrscDwuy, Jolm Leo, P. Hugyabor COl.'NCILI,onf>. Juliua. Damni, C. Fif.o'.a, X'.'ltugcabar. Wui. Prij*. A'. C.-Gauthler, A, Louporauoo. i-hiwin Sl*tit, VV. A. Tottpij, Thos. Furroll. Tho.. Piirtlty, P. Un/jyaber, N, Gauthicr .1 K. Vi ,1.11, ..J.ia Pn.-rv, .lot. ToUei: J.4. t\ S.-yiuj'ir. W. .1. JoIhuiLjii, Ji. tViluo 3?, B. Fiiorth, J. IiMp-jrauclo, M. Granger _ _________M,3InH.oaii,_Clpck.___.___ 3. Hi Hodd. iinvo with- To Ittiform OihiIiuii'h I.llxil l.nw. Qukbec, Dec. 31. Hon. T. C. Casgraiij, Attorney-General, has submitted to the Local Legislature his bill respecting news paper libel. - MTr. Cns^ruin bythls project cleverly defines tho libel law aiid further establishes tho boundary lines as to ro- Bponslbility In journalism. Hitherto in tlio Province of Quebec a newspaper could he sued for tho most trivial and uninten tional article published. Now Mr. Cus- grain's projoct, if sanctioned, will protect newspapers and will define tho general public privilegea concerning its latitude towards the press. ** How Ileut) Miles IVu Adirdflrod. ,'BitANTFOitp, Dec. 81. Particulars ro- teivod here from Washington, rogardlng the death of Houbon Miles, who wan shot on December 1M, say tho affair occurred at 0.15 p.m., and the shooting was do no by one Tom Craven. According to a letter from an eye-witness, Craven and deceased had a fight and wore separated;and Upon latter resuming his meal, Craven grabbed a revolver and shot him in cold blood, Tho remains arrived heTeT on Saturday and W I" ' ei O i\\'. .<.'hh> V 'i 1 "V i Cak street,, whence tli^Tfuu-i'm '.. .ik place \ yeatorday. -^/ , Flro ut St Mary's. St. Mauys, Ont.-, Dec. yb Lust' night flro was discovered iu J. F. McGurvey's grocery -stove in Guest's old stono blotk. The building which boloneed to tlio T, B. Guest efuato was damaged to the extent of nbout *-00. 'Tho grocery ^t6ck' Wuh com- pletolV'de-luged with water and Is almost n total loss. Both Iohboh aro tally'covered by iiiHitratice. my story. Tho origin of tho firo la a J>oath of mi AkU Vrtvui, Ottawa, Dec; !. Bov. Pathor Dayton, Tfftther of Mr. Dawfton, ox-M. P,, Algoma, died bore on Saturday ovcnliiK in blfl 85th. year. He woh chaplain of St. Andrews Society for n cbuplo of years.. Ho wuh only ailing for a fuw days and death was not OKpeoted, 'COLOHKSTERlTOttTH. '* KKliVK. Cundtdite. Mover. Sacondor. U\rwood Barrett. T. Gaya, John Thomua. Wm, Campbell. Wm. Quiult, Wm. Booao. JJ. B, Davis, J. H.Bodd, P.CunninKham. J H. Rodd; >V. Boyb,' P. Quialc. Misura. Dd-visand Kodd have withdrawn. CQUNCILLOltU. Gao. Braob,. Yenn , Olseo, John Millon. Lowio J.moM, Job, Keuaud, lp- Swoot. J. Thomaa, W. H, Sweetmun, W. Quick. vValtor Bojla, F. Sweet: Wm. Quick. John itodd, ' Kli Tinlin, H. Baiter. Tailored Cays, C. E. Weldon, J. Thomui. DaBiel Kennedy, W. Quick, W. Irvine. Frincie Bivcet, D. K. Dayis, M. Barrett, Eli Tinhu, P, Cnnuiugbura, MoiiU'n. Htvtu)u aud. Tmlin drawn. . J". A. CouLTEn, Clerk. GOSPIELD NORTH. nuKVB. y CandiJato." Uovor. Seoon'der. JolinT. Brown; Geo. A. Bodell, B. Mooro. Thos, Morris, Joe'. Myom, Bamul HioIch. MCPUIY'nlEEVK. Ghae. Helltin, Geo, A. Bedell, ffrod Gorbot. A. J. ^crutch, Hflnry Barlow, Jno.Chnroh. cooNCinLoiui. J, M. Kny, Wfr.IJ.^eviUe, Ul H.1 Phillips. J, F. Millon, Alvi'u Qttoii;."Zcukh MMott. Isiiuo Thornton, G. A..Bodell, W. Clirko. Henry Barlow, A. Lounshury, Z. Malott. Jai. Nowmaa, S, G. Brookor, Isano Riloy. Jao. Boratoh, Jooepb Phillipo, Wm. Moj. Mr. Scratch resigned. Isaac Jaciciion, Cleik. ,--------. ------------- For Teacher* and Stiuleius Dopnty Ministor of Education Millar has Isiuod the following oironlar to High School toaohors and studeatu throughout Ontario: Tho now ourrioulura of tho Uni vornlty of Toronto will nooosuitate a roar- rangomeut of the High Sohool' oourses of tudy. The naodifioutioaa will como into oporntioh m Soptembor, 1895, and an au- uoaaooruout f,'ivin>; coraploto ditaila, will probably bo raado by thia Department noxt May. s^ While examining for thoPrimary, Junior Leaving mid Senior Leaving Examinations* will ho.b)wed f<*v 1H0.ri on the ooumoM tiro BCribj)l l'.V l'lli !""" .. w claim? of camiida^oH wno bnvo been \ ru- pann^ the uubjeeie cf tho proioufc ourriou- lum will be reoo(m^Kod mtbn examination 0U8O0. It may bm further utnumed thttt iu tho new Hi^lt Sohool course tho bubjeotu pofdoribdd for Part I. of the new matri. uulation curriculum ; vi;:: AnthWatioMid MotiutiraUon, English Grammar and Ithg- torio, English and Canadian Hibtory, and Physios, will ho required of all aawlicluteu at the Primary oxuminatloile, &ud that the standard dot for matriaulatiou in theaeeub* joMtt will bo adopted uu the etaudurd for the Primaty, Tho Department iu uob In a portion to ma bo any further stateraeut ou tbo ulijout of the ootoing changes than that now made. 'T GET THE BLUES .-',<> ! If tlio woathor ian't over/thing you doHirowluitcall nnd 900 the many now and lmiiclaomo linca of Xmas .and New Year NovoHich and Handsomo UoIiJay Presents in many linos. . SOME. SAMPiifK J&R.TiaiJES&. ^.-^ Beautiful Art China ware.-'1- ? Iy. Plush and Iyora ^V/ork Boxes, Shaving Boxed, ' Ana an uorts-of-l^ancj^lAxticles, _" V/o huve have In Aluminum- Photo ciiBes, curd EeceiverB,. Photo FrumeB, Jewel Boxes, Pin Trays. Games of all kinds, Albums in Leather, Plush & Ivory A good line of Bibles, Poets and miscellaneous books-P^tn Fancy Goods and Fancy-Goods Materials All tho latont und bent - An Eiadless variety of Bolls and Toys To make a genuine Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, call at I MAY BLOCK, ESSEX. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTRA Y. FARM TO RENT. fT'AIlM ADJOINING THE TOWN OP E8BBX X1 to rout i^r.uiipmvimipmif. Anply to" 51-tf JOHN ItrcOWNHCIOMUK. I'otroloit, Out, NOTICE, CAMR IMTO TfiE FIlBXnSES'OF THE UM- cJornleaod, lot i!0, con. 10, Colobtator North, oh Doo. 1. a uxdiuin Hixod rod cow. Own or in Mquiiitod t^ prove pronorty, pay oharuflfl and tak* hor away, ^ 64 Hi LINU8 DOAN, Dee. 80/04. "/ '-' ' Elfortl^.p. , E STRAY. PUBIjIC NOTICE 19 nKREBYGlVEN THAT the annual meotioftf of tho North RUUbr of. JBbbojc Electoral I)ivlnlou Anricultural Hooioty willbtkeldin Outhory Hall, Sduth Woodsloo, OM ' WEDNESI>AY, JANUAHY IB, 1B9S, At 1 o'olook in the oitornoou, far tho pnrpoao of rocolviua tbu Yoportu of tbo oQloornand of oloot- iiiK oillco boftMrn f*r tbo uoxt ontiuinc year, A mftotlnff of too dirctora will bo hld af> tbo earns plnat* at 10 a. m. of tho sumo day for olofllofl op tho buflhioBu of tho punt voar. T.P. ICANH, SbO. Maldotone, Do. HI, lBOi, . c .'NOTICE. PUEUO NOTICE IBIIKREUY GIVEN THAT l". tholith annual nii'otlnR or tho Colohcuter North Aftrioulturitl Sooioty will I hold In Pook'a Hall,, Town of Essex, ON THUr^DAY. JANUABY 10. lfii)5., . A' I " >/ riniii"' t :'. ,.' o.iijir, ami if]j iniliot'iilbifcinrti, rind tty the. olootion of olhi)iri (ur tho uBUini? year,oVoUiirhunhH.un ooBncof id with thn Hoouifcv. v- ' ^iVj.-|K'B033ErjIj, Soo.-TroftB. /1AME INTO THE PUBMISES OI)' THH \J. uiidoralKiiod/ot 7, in tho7t!i con. of Goo- fleld North, on or about Oatobor Int. a yourllng whito holfor. Tho owner in rutjuodtod to prove {iroporty ami taHo tbo animal ilway, or oho will >o sold to nay oxptiuHon. . ... JAS. BUErHEUD, / AJ-ai . CottumP.O/ .........E'STRAY. OOME INTO TEE PltEMIBES OS1 Tim underalnod, lot fl, oon, 0, Banawloh South, on or about tho lefcof Aiigwnfci 1 nhoopand lram Iamb, Ownor Ib raijuustfid to prowo proporfcy, 1 ny oxnotifloa and tulto tliom away, orthoy_ wfll bonolutouay oxtionnoa. ? Bani MaidHtoiio Oroun P.O. NOTICE. To the'Miiic.tory i' Wi\n\ No. 3, tiKmi'S AND GMTtUUKN; I (|6nir(i to tlmulc roy many frion'lH tih^ Miipportorfl Cor the confidonoo rnpouod' j$ mo duriniifche pant your, and to Hohoit '% oontinuaino of your favor for tho year 18954 Should! bo a^ain olro^cd toHorvoaH ooun- oillor in \vird No, 3* I. )\ui\ ouduavor' to nerve your iutoroutH to tbci beat of my ability: ' Yours faithfully. t . T. B. Scott. ;.: ' XTOTrCEIttKIEUEIlY GIVEN. PUItflOANT . " - prnvlniov n' ' " -"WW oltlionatt- w iiiJa Southoro IVjIiwiv i>mpimy will, uli^i-tiv oxplrntloii of hU Wooka from tho flnit iiubbuutlou of this uo- tico, aooly to tbo Itailwuy Cominlttoo of tUo Privy (jonnoll to HanoMott tho buildiug of* bmnoUUui/ of railway Ih thoTowiHihip ofltooh- anU>r( in tho Coiiuby of Kauax, from thoh iiidlntf atliaano.nU.nti lufcio. on ranao north of Mlddlo Itoad, iu said Township, to 8mith'n Mill, on lot 2, oqo. i, of fcflHie Town Mill p, aud appropriate tho nofto0H&ty Unds for tbuti purpoae, uudur the oouiptilaon' i'owoi a v^ntoit in It by the eatd aot or by any oti-or adtiu it** hobulf, , ,' And to.Ua notice furthur that tho Oanada Honthoru Uutlway Coojpmiy havn, tirior to the publication of thia uotlco, (Uyonltod the map or* Jilap and book of referonou iudlcatluy the Ioca- limof the Raid Hue of vnllwayju tlio Beguttry'/hci OfTloeforrhesaid Ooauty of t3b8ox( and that'>.: fald Bailwinrpnnmlttflo forappro/oL , . Dated thl8.mii day of November. $ ;mM* V; \ ,* KINOBanijlj, HAtJNBERH & TOBBAKCSl." \-U BoUaJteru for the Canada Boutharn Hallway 0ot Flrnt inblUhed in the EsikX Faasl (the ltith day, of November, 1894. . , , b ;'.>!ij ^&| ^^^a^^iiiS