Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 4, 1895, page 3

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'v: . v-v'V^'v?^ 7 ^ <THEi ESSEX V-R Fl R FIR ESS. 4 STATE The Cold Wavo .Ityuchi-H the Kxtimi of a Howling- Bll'/znril. RAILWAY TRAFFIC SUSPENDED A LAND OF MISERY. In tlio Htulu of Nw York tUn Kt<trn *V* tlio M*t NtiV'il'u Kxptti Jii<l l " DccuUn -- Tinportunc <Jiii**' Storm-t!(>iiti<l- I>unitiK" * In Ciiimlnii, N..J- U r.-i J- ltooiltoTifU, Deo. 118. -Tim Htorm that luui buoii rag-h-jr throughout WeHtoni. Now York wjtH'cmo of the mont severe and di.i- nHtroiiK known hi lhlndeeudo. --The^wnnw 'wiw piled up-from two to 11 vo feet InVl'opLli. Kvery ljjiuof ndlwuy entering the elty whs blocked and all traintf were (roiii two to ol^fht hour.y Into. On thu Central Hudaoii many passtiup;r train* wore abandoned and freight bra 111 o wiw ut a Ht.jiiid.4tlM, The utorin down the GenoHMu valluv hat not, been an Kevero us about thin city, 'rim bUaznrd eninnno' unexpectedly that'cattle have <mh"Wed from oxpomiro uutl country road a are well nlirh hnpunHabh', Aviimux, Dec, 2S.- * been al most entirely cut oft from communication .with thooutfdde world. No mail ban been reeofvdd from any point east of thin dry. Tho drat Now York nuiil arrives hero at tlAti a.m. lint tlui train was stalled midway betw^n Syracuse and Aulmrn and did hi>t reach nris city'until II o'clock at nitrlir. One train from the wet pushed through tho drifts at noon hut could only far ivt Hlvunnteles Junction. Thu imprisoned paHKcn^erH on tlu^it* trains, were Ted by the fanners near by and thoru was not any .atinWin^ through cold or liim^iT. The country highways are utterly impassable and this streets aiid lvnlks in tins city ant very haul to travel*....... Thosnow here has fdlIcn to a depth nf lit) inches. At Lake IMaeid two feet of snow lias fallen, and drifted badly. Thu -Adirondack trains from Jlerkimor are..six hours late. Cha- teiui^uuy trains arti three hours behind time. The thermometer registers four de crees below zero, . AMsTKiiPAttrN, V., Dee. 28. A snow storm alnio>toquai to tho famous blizzard of lass bus been rapine; -in' the Mohawk vnlley^ubout IH inches of snow fallinu. It hasdrifted badly and Central Hudson ami AVcs-L Shore- trail is aru from three to four - hours late and vonm of them have been abandoiRiil. Xu freights have been rim. Tlio E'Upire State express west-hound was nearly two hours late when it reached this city. The storm is still rntjin**. NVW r/i-iMcj- IN'i'I.H Hh Violence. Ca.vim':.. ,X.J., Dec .^, Tho storm in this v'v ii.i'y \v.i~. tin ' most .severe since IHs'i. -*.!(,! r;;'.ti '..'in-ir. ul' all kinds were " "blown tU7.;)rr,y~riTr--~,:td,Vi""\vin<l~' Markei ...a(.reju. i;U- n." ill M-ipcip..! thbi-oii^hfares, was 'jioi J . day. j\i ~V\-i ili an-. Min-'h streets .seven two-sterey l."i:w -. \, en: tinroofefl ami , w> vera J of [)'i- ' ihiiiiir-'s were . injured by 'fullinr,' > . k . :.-. I ..i i er. Mr. ami Mis, W. M. Shirley who reside in one of the hmisjiH hiul a narrow' escape from death., JJoth were rescnud Imdly liurL. Trees by the ncore were uprooted in 'ditVe'rent sections of the city. ConHider- ab!(Tdamage was donci .to shipping, At Coopeis, I'oint ..]t. G. Wilkins sutFered much loss. Suvurnl ftniall boats bcdoii^iiiK to liini were torn Ioosefrotii their moorings, and have not, betm recovered, while several of bis hteam launches were capsized or Bunk. Other vessels ia that locality had . tbeii' niasls blown away ami oM-rorwisc in"- juriHl. Henry J. Clossterinan, a well- Jcnown Ijii-.ini'.ss man, u-ii.s.sLinck hy a I'ulJ- iiazlmt) while walking alon;; Broadway and had a leu b oken. S(-\ITf f'ulll ill MilllH'MMtU, St. J'Af.'., Dce.:2,S. This was the/coldest <lay.f the winiee in M inuesota, the r.em- peraiure raitKiuK from 14 below zero at 7 a.m. to -I b'.-low at '.t p.hi. In the utate the ran^e was tnnn :.': lti.'lcj\\- at Grand Hapids .to MO beloxv at Stillwater. Not over two inches ol' snow has fallen at any p'ointnnd 1 outers an- having serious trouble in the woods. So arc reporteil. TiieMohl is moderating rapidly. "Wjvst .Siji'kiikjii, ,\Vis:, I)ty.'. :is. The cohl.suap (lid-tint moderate here and a filiarp'wind made .travelliin,' disagreeable. The thennfunertii- was at :j^ IjuUjw zero at ii p.m. and i.s.still falling. Uiiilnlii Vi'iii;iui^ \Vnr on ru^HistH. Jtrf'i'Ai-", I)v. :j^, arrested yesterday another pugilist named Mieliael IiOary, eharireti witii" having no visible means ot'suppoi-l. Leary three years ago had a '"(.'n" with ('hurley Mitchell and was beaten in Mnvi- rounds. Jlarrinir- tonallowrd Leary a week in which to hnd einjiloyiueat or leave the eily. **iSoIIy1' Smith a'nd Johnny Vaiiln.'est have been driven out. of town and the police are alter other p'.iixilihts who have no visible means ofsupporr. Superijilemlent liull says lie \vi\l ch-ar the city of this clans of persons ; before flu: week if out. Tlio Torrlblu I>xeltiith>ii Kxlntlnff lu Mnnj, ^nuutl* In Ntibrimkii. Omaita, Nob., Doc. SU Kobort IJ. Pont- ti(?i.-'J!ltRffLjcoirppofidont of tho World Herald,1 ha.s jti roturnod from a-two wotdwj'timr Into ;nmithwr!Htorii Nobnmkn In ofdur to f imeitlKata-the, roportH of ilcufct- tutfoii i'n tliivt.vportlou of tho' tttate4 Xu Keith, PnrkliiH, Olmae, JI ay oh and Dundy miiiitjutf the destitution Ih extreme. Two- thlrdsof the people- In this c>auitle!i uro dependent upon tiburity for oxiBtoncu. 'I'beru la little' or no fuel and the remark ably mild weather Ih all that ban thus far pruvoutad Iqhh of life by exjiesuro. Thoro 1m no money, In iho county fcrenJturor'H ofllou to help tlio destitute bflcmntoliimmiy- comitioH of, tho fltato no Uiicbn hav<vbon collected alnco Junu. ' ." . , , - There \h a scarcity of water. Vo crop Were raised ltwti year except In tlio oc- cJiMlonal lr,rIj{Htd dlntrlctH, and dltoh Irri gation is not pOKfdblu in hoioo of these coiw'Mcfi, bociUi-so there aro lia Htroams. I\font or thodoHtltute live in frm Iiouhom, There havo been only three cropw. raised In nine years. Iloartrendinw cjwoi of des titution and Ktilferlnp; urn heard of In every township. Tho present cold wave will certainly cnusn death to a lance num ber ofsettlera If it contliiiiea and no aid cornea. Kuol, provlsloim and clothing aro needed and the railroads wjll ^ukiciriilly Hlup'ltiem free If sent to tho county com missioners at the- county ncatu of tho stricken counties. BRAZIL STILL DISTURBED- IVIxotoy Soltllera A rr tut ml tor Nlioutlii[T Xi:w Vouk, JJoc. lit>. A special from Mn'nrcviden says:, KIo tie Jjuieiro ia re ported to bo In ustatoof panic. Thu'troopa refuse to ieavtj tlie city for tho aouth, J'Tosident Monies ba's~cliscovered that tho army is devoted to Peixoto. Tii(u^rlnci- pal oJUecu's 1-efiino to assume command to take the Meld in KIu fJrandu do Snl, and tlio whole country finenis on iho brink of rebellion ajrain. Aloru than 'Mi eilieers' have been arreaLed and aro Imprisoned in Burrotindin;r forts under heavy guard. ,,_ It isVumored. an attempt will bo made by insubordinatu military. Icadorsto res* cue their comrades from prison. Precau tions have been taken to prevent this. President Moraes is afraid to act onor- KftUcully and (irjler PeixotoVi arrest, It is said, fearing to precipitate a serious con flict. ,/; . A special from Itid do ..Janeiro says : There was rioting hero yesterday niorii- IiiK- Many .soldiers have been arrested for yelling "Death taAIonicV' Word comes from Hie de Janeiro tlpit ex-President IVixoto's condition is such as to alarm his family. President Moraes' aettoii in sending troops under Ctenernl Mourat to Hio fJrande has roused feai-s that, the revolu tion will continue. Telegrams from lii- vieni state dial, the rebel cavalry defeated" the govern me ut troojis near. Arroyo Grande. T!m rebels a;, that, point.-have concent rated lor an attack upon Porto AlcKre. A St. John N. B,7 Lady Who was Nearing the Grave. SHE DEGLARES THAT' PAINE CELERY COMPOUND SAVED HER. Th uuHfi of Mm. William Irvine, of Hi, John, N,B. wan a uutl one, and cnutiod hor family and frieu'lH ^reut anxiety |or a time,'Ovcrwoilt, wntebinw, loiiti of uleeji audinleiniB ne;oiiy from kidney trouble mado life alnioyt unbeiu'ublo, J^lfort ufttr offort Willi nicdioincH mid doetoi-s' pre uoriptinn proved futile, Thn nrnvo nnd itfi toirmrw were hec-miii^ more realistic^ and death'u hand ticoinod to be (irmly fa* telle 1 on tlm victim of dtneitiie. There thitdied a bright inn pi ration ,- Paine'ii Celery ('nnipeumi ! a fhutjjdit it a medichic T'bkt hud wrought wonders n r othurn. The VlJIouii liiL-^ivin^ im 0 ion.'.) w.'.h list;:1, and tiio I't.'sulV.- urc l-ii. II. wet funilb in -ilra. Jivmi/.i h.' nr, i-A- 1 >ws ,-- "I think it u [jreat pleuHiire mi well uh i. duty <io_ put on record what. Paine's (i-i pry .Compound hau done for me. I ba\o beau troubled for the last tun ytmru wiLli kldnoy comidiuht, and have tried ,n grout tnauy'pri'paratioau and doctoru presenp- tiona, hut wkli little or no bonoiit, ]For tho hint nix tnonthu I liavo had Si rjroat ntrti'it) upon my Hyntem from ni^ht- watcbinn^and overwoik. I wu-i broakine, down; my fritndo naid, "I iviii). noin^ faKt to death." I renolved to try your PaimAr GpIery|Compound; and unifd iotirt"' bottler. My kidney troubles duaprjeured ; nervous- noaii aiidjfllccpl(!nni)t'ns are troublea. of tlio paat, and rny general health in greatly im- p-oved. In a word, I am cured ; and 1 vr nl you to publinh this no that tho World 0 in read it. Sliiit.tfiur Out -iljjdiiii'rt Cui,t]! IIkui.iv Prlis li\.l~e . S-hb-swiL ') ! 'IJ :i i .< > : am J Rt/it m::;:.-, An rv-AIdf rmiiii Sltoi l>.v UN Wife.. . , til., D-tfT:.:.- Kx-Alderinan'- CJiarles I-', Juhtison was sliot by his wife, TihiK Johnson, in At torney Johii Mallcy's oillce, and now lies in. a precarious con dition. The Johnstons were married June 2-brii, 18JW, and lived happily to^etlier until last sprint', when t hey bej^un quarrel- line;. On"November Ml Mis.. Johnston left her liu.sbamr.s bouie, (ille.^iiitf tliat becauso of lijs intemperate luuldts and brutalttyshe could not live wii'li him. Hlio began pro ceedings" for separate maintenance, filinK the- biU.Thur.sday.'Mr. Mallisy ot tho two tDKotherin Iii.s odiee toetfect a reconcilia tion, and Jeft them in the conmilation room. They~were heard wrangline;, anil tlienfcamc two shots. Johnston told bis wife ho had learnetl^ahe was uufaithful-tn him durine; a'visit^to Chicago in October, This seems to have unbuluneed the'wo man's mind. The Kliootintj created a sensatiun. Johnston is well known in business circles. Keliof in Six l-lonm \DiHtreriniutf Kid ney and lihuidcr diiif.uiien relieved in nix Iriuru;bvtho "'-NnwGreat South Amcncau Kidney Curik" Thin new remedy i'h n (,'reiii 'Unrprieoiiiijil iTi.hgh; to pliyiucini*'ij"oiV'ac- ouut of itn execcdine; pivrnptnesH in rolioy- iny pain in tho bladdor, kiduoyo, back and vory part of tiio urinary pnuuafloa in male or femalo. It relieVco rctonfciou of water and pain in panning it aluxabt-immqdiutoly. If you want quick relief aiu.1 euro this is yeiir remedy. Hold by John Thome Drug il'mt. . MR. 80WELL TO B KNIGHTED. An Ifnoflteliil Aniioiinnni0iit Tlmfc Ife will lltMuUvo I'hlM Holier. T^ospoN, Doc. Ill, -It i otJited that amongst tho reclpleiita of Now Year honors from .lb'/ MajeHty will bo floji. Mackenzie Jlow/dl. TIiIm 'announceniont Ih unodlehd, but. tho limine of tho Cana dian IJremler. Is mentioned by all of tho \vlio am usually in posnesslop of authorita tive Information upon mattorst of thin kind. ^^ ________ A Mult AtflhiMt tlio T, U. Si U. ,.-. DAMir/toS', Deo, :JI. J. V. TiM.tzel, Q.O., acting for (!. H. Rnilth, benied a writ- on Haturday against,the Toronto, Hamilton and PntTuIo Ifallwny Company forTfl.OOO for ftalary, travellini;exponsH and interest on. baek?-pay for-fouryoarB'pnfttrOV'iinxri^o- numt was drawn up on November 1t>, 1800( between C U. Km 1th and,the ToronU), Hamilton and Uull'alo railway, whereby the former was to ruoolvn fCOOpor month for aervlcea aw agouti of the company and wrk to have nil travolllnp; oxpurtsos paid. The principal part of Air. Hnilth'u )ijsl- nesM was to boom thu road In tho cltlob and towns throughout which it wjim- projiosed to build it arid urt;o upon the municipalitien to bonus iho company. ItoliiH'il ami r.<>l(<-il lit u Vault. Santa Un.'U, Cal,, Dee. .'Ii. Tho Troa- aury of Sonoma county was robbed of f.S.OOO and <.'ounty Treasurer SfoAtr was left insensible in the treasury vault, tho robber locking the dour on him. . The.rob bery was not discovered until f* o'clock in the eveidi:/'. althrmjilr^i'rciisun:r Stofer hud lain on the iloi'ir of the vault yanpiiiK for brenth froni 0 o'clock In the morning. Jfad it not been for i he I imely arrival of his wife, who went In t he oll'ee to ascertain why he bad not.'tvi ur.ned home for dinner, he would have died before i lie door of the vault ^yus opened. The Itlenheliu Will Arrlvo Tu.-niornav. IlAI.If'AX, Dec. .'ih Lord and Jwidy Aber deen, Lady TlMimp^nii, Jo-i-pb Tbonvp^ou and meiMli'*!':, of i i;i- I'.'tiiily, (lovernnr and .Mrs. Dewdiiey, Sir ". 11. and-Lady Tapper and .Mrs. S;nifn,-d have, arrived here for tlio stale funeral. 'The lilenhcini is ex pected to-morrow morning. Landing at Ordnance will take [dace about noon. The funeral will start from St. Mary's shortly after noon. Col. Kherw'ood, chief of the mounted police, is to act an e;raud marshal and he wdll bo assisted by about ton local marshals. A I.uvn-Steli Youtll Slllcldrn. IJHKKAUvDcc. ill.- MiehaelR Bchrank, h), stran,!ed himself "to death in the lioiue of Ids adopted father on tjppcr'Main htreet. 'J'he buy left a letter for Miss Lena Jlrecherer, of t7a (hfiiesee street, "a comely (jeventeeii-year-old j-cirl, in which lie stated his reason for eommit.i'.iir; iho awful crime was because his love for her wnx not rorurned. COMitlMAr't^N OF TICOU.I- Ij^H WHICH 1WADK LIFE MISKUAUbK ttlr. i:il Joyro HtfliMr* 1*1^ Kx;r l<i tVUHXIi.-,i,o'a*roiiUI<r-r:uil <* fnln KWoJ and wn* TIuMl( l Il.youd floi>- ot * ii*-" lii H^'iV't ^iinio mih* KJe Ih,Nhv.i \\'vl\ Mutt. Thu leaduri of Die ObimrVwr liiv heonnm familiar with thu reuiurkahlo curen eif.ot- od hy thu inn. of lit. WiUiymu' Piuu PiIIh fer~PitIu~Pufi'plu"tbroiigir their r nttiil in tbeMo onlumn*, mi t-ikon from othoir roptit- ublu hvwtiimpiTtj, It U now our purnolju te tnl ibeiu of tiiruro, hardly nhort of Uiiriio- ulouu, which wau ulbiaivtl on u panum with wliorn many of our irourKrn uro iicniiauitiKb Wo r*for to Mr. Bh Joyce, formerly'of i>aville, but now liviiu; at Ayvril, Vt. A f jw dayy ato wo sffv, Mr, Joyce and awltrd liu/i ahnat Ins rcefu-ery. Mo st.ato.1 thin for fouror live bo had hoen alllicur'd with rheuiuiitbm tine d>i-pepiii. Jf * wau laid up and una I do to do anything cu tin avurn^t four /nonilni ;tiJ a J^tirs,ail wr.ii o timtant l_v p[rowir.i.' \vort>e all jWHllfNi^Vtl hv t;ond [ibyHJoni let mid Uyim; muin^mis ruiuerlieit ri cnuiun'iMh d. j\ year aiin bmt Auipint. he want's.'ten Henoindy ill while lit liill Hictei V. IM I n. Dulh ff, of ]>i wide. He o-ul'.! net vui,\i\i ninthj e' 1,1, bis htouiinii elo ! the pliy.-iciiui'i v. Id nHei,d('d bun \^--n- po*v<-: l-.hi in iiii; 'I'iji'ii > i:i-, ciiiMlif iin. of tbernslHted ihut ei: b-id cancer nf tho .i.o'u't-;li and fMiil.l 11'.t. live Ion;.!. it, was e/hilu.iu tbih ) !-t cHi".0:1:1 conditio;! ilt-it lie di'ternuind to \vy Dr. William-' 1'inlt l*i|ln ii d l'i lure Im;; w.n aide t > I'-.-tmu food nn his t.Lnrimcti. Ili.i p'fin ^raiuully beciuni: 1"-m tied in rix Wt-rl:-. tilli" In; nan ha tic to his herr.e in Averi'. (eelii ;; tlmt ho bud ub'vinod'U new lea 'e ( I life, I Je ronl u.i.'ed tailing the Pinl; l'i.l-: for nome lime hai^u- a-i.t ^innud so much in health iue.1 s*trent;tir that be in now able to do the baldest kind of !i dny's worl<," and lie frankly ^tves I)r, Williams' i/ink PiIIh 11U the credit for bin rejuven Ated condition, and buys he helieveti tlnir liiaily use i-aved his life. Tho Oh- te-ryir Jinn verified his t'fory throuoh never CHURCH DIRECT ORY Uktrodist . Die. I'ukooo, I'astor. 8orvU3* every Sunday tit) U a. w. *ml 7. p. m. finbbaitL Bohool at 8:3(1 p. m, O. Hi. ttaylor, ftaporintemT out of Bohool. Kpwoita Xjomixottray.rmooting Tat*<3ay ovenliiff at H o'olnak. x>(ny J aieetlu^pn Thumiluy i void tiff.'"- ......".""*' Ouunoii ov KNorjANu-Ilev. AJ-i.Hnvorly, in- oanitimit, Ht, I'tin In, Kbbox. l>iy iD tranrvtoa ivory hiiinliiy ut 7 o'clock, v in Huudar School at 10 a. in. iVItiity Church, Nortli IUHpb BinV luy*Hobool ut.I.irip, m, Tho nubll.j aiu cor- tlitllylnvitiiUr -.......... -...... I'ukhhytisiiiam. W. M. I'Momtiifr.'t'iwtor' 3(tr-" vIuohoii Habbutli at 11 a. 111. mid 7 .1W p. m Sub* >aiU Hohool ut li;U0 i. m.- Vmynr uu aUdr and " lutor'fl lilblu olnsM on Tuo^diiy ut7.a0 j. m# H")olul Union on WduH(luviwt fi.lftp. UAWtttrCuvuoU. iUiVM.V. OnUlpboll. I'ai- zot, Korvloua oitoh Hubbatb (it 11 it. m, and 7 p. m. I'rnyor iiiiilhiff 011 Wodnoiidiiy.ovoniiiM ut t) o uloaU. Hniita ttun.' AH aru comfally wu noreoi]. UotfAh Oatiiolio. IV. I), V. MoMonoinlo 1'iuitor. K'tr/lo. ovary othur Humlay in. HuiUluy Jobdo 1 ut ii p. ni, 'H4LVATWM AhMY. *i\ W>-ItohoOtX, CapUltt, Fjalvutlou nna.'Miuin on Wudnoudiiy, Thuraday 11 nd H11 udfiy tivoidtif{fi; J>*rod awl MaHy, Haturday nvaalnu uutl Up m,,Sunday; Hollmiflii mootlngi for oJirlHttioaiI"rldii.y MViiui(! imil il a. in. ana- day; Knee Drill 111. in, overy Hunday, All wo Wblcoiuo. LEGAL. r Tj, I'KTKUR lUn-liitorj Hollo I tor, Xataiy rtiblfo Money Ui JLohu. ^jr,uthet-ir lliiiik. J'jUiicx Coatro. OJif 00 crtor I"/'^^SjTStail^t. baninter, HnllaJtor, Notary] litiiu Hl'Hrlt, uji-iitiimij I'atiiox. \J tern, utc. (JMlc u, MfiUUury.HJoiil*/ W rriyuto Inii'liw to limn X. II. cukkk, U. h. Jf.' K. A. IUutiSI a. Jt, U-ta-ruvr, 11. A. r f KNItY t', WAl/l'KKS, T(.Ij.U , Attorpuv and I I. (..'uiliiM-inritt In v.; wiUi AllfJ/iLini A I/id'-ll AH (JoiuiruMi r.t. wont Detroit, Midi, (OnHaitian cliuiim iiiiuinut perforin la tbd" I'liiti-.l tituti:* eitlln. I.cil ) JiefiM-eiieem Ini|iorin,l liiink, K*iiox, Out, .1. L ivtur-. '.'*,<], Jiuril.r.M*, etc., Kiiiuix, Out' h.A, Wiriiiivi', Khf|., Iiitrrali i-, oU:., Kmiox, Out. MEDICAL. J . Li) . KN, M l) J/. K.O. P..V.H., Kin,;fit0ii, .Nreinlii'i-Oollefjd or l'livH^fiibu in:rt tivr- ,OnL. (ii'iKhiut*; ;;f IttoV /orlc. JiRtTrl'aU- Mediral Hcliool. All eiilln pioinptlym c.mtUnl to. Ali.o Hj'tcJiiI utteutifjn ijlveii to, dhiniiiiefi of the liitifjn, tl.roiit, iioi.0, eyo nial oar, Oftleo ovor Jiriiui A Co'.i. D1111; Htnrci, iinfl all culm, uli'bt or ilay, lint them. lY-jephono in coimectiou. N, ll. CnniiiiltiitJon roonm evoumJ II mi and 11 rfil Hut above. jytfi. DKWAH & MaKEWZIK. til of hiM-nei'dibor, who tuiy that it wan Uo Trinity Umvornity. Mombor t-'ollo.-'o Vhyt t..ou-ht that ht, wii-. a', the [ oint of ricatli hMJilht."'1 *rfiIr'-'te0,V,,' uU ^aiaonac! U'nlbd huoclt.'i, , ! 'I'liree iiariu'd t lienlh. GltANp. HAPIUfl, Mich., Dec. ai.*-A tele- phono nie-ssa^e froin Xewuy^o states'that a farm house tliree miles fiiinl from there, was burned last'evening and. that three persons were burned to death. An IOiil'IIhIi J'JmJicz'zNn; A rrtrwted. St. Lours, 3)ee. HI.- Cbas. Hoss, eliarj;ed with crnhe/.zlin^ and forKery from th.e Gaa and Coke Co., ol London, England, tu tho extent of fiiO.OtX), in umlur arrest in thit city. A6CRAMBLE FOR LIFE. * i Attrinpt t< r.yneli tx (.olored ,\Hsa>*.';iii. AiTKiJsTA, Ga Joe .Murray, the detective wounded in Sunday's ^hooiiiu,', iBdead.- TJn'a is the second death as a re eultof tlie. affray. Immediately after the nows of the death of the detective boeamn tcenemlly eireulated in tiio nfternoon, the tnlkof lyneliine-llie netrro Wi^ins, who did the shooting, was revived. A largo armed feree is in the: jail. The Hiciinnuid Hussars, reinforeed and ready for duty, are under arms at the .armory. Their horses are- saddled and bridled and all is- in readiness tu movu at a moment's not ice. Tltere are fears of a conflict before mbrn- inpc, fur the aiUIiorities swear they v.'ill give their Hves in defence of the law. There is a feeling of unrest in the city. Jt, will lie impo---ib!e to lal.'e t hti pri^inu-r from the jail if resj-tanee is tciven, and the sheriff has given his word t he will pro tect tlui prisoner.. Steamer Surtilii IMs;i Uhil. GLASCi(>\\', Dee. W,- Cajit niii Cainpbell, Of tho A uelioria, wliieh a 1*1*3 v>"\ here, ^avs that hi latitude an north, b.:i :-i:in!e "l:J west, he si.L*lited t he Snruia. < \i iJt. 1 iuiieb', boituil from I'ori'larrl to Lii to iv mi d ijUifuuLauJ.'. 1 - 1: 1 < > 1 . it \ 1 -. I ! 11 1 'i.'-'l'ool. 1 ]ic . t or t wo d:. ' < ,\\r - ,,,.. north Of PuFiitiire! Of ev(-rvj]^cr[j)tion for tho next thirty, _(layHlyi^tbiir{4aiiiH 'over offerojj juat rend below: I Bedroom Suit, (QlaBBiMM) I Dining Table, 6 Wood Chairs, i Rocker I Sideboard IX FOR $23.75 A lino assortment of Parlor furni- tore and oai-y chair*-. K>vrythiii(,' at lowest posHible ['rices. All / oln delivered fr-e ot charge. N(j trouble to quote priceu.'eoiijo and see for yourm'lf. Aliotler ot I l>o- lirr.if;> X. V , 1).' man, jr. i el a.;.'(. d from thi 1'i.fl-'. 1 Li > which h-' \;;\r njnik,.i fe-ise-i and f-'.v-J ;,< lioul.Ii J, TH. ( ;{|','--vV; V: Hn-w ' : b '-y Liill! ' (1 ,l! 1 ,0 ,', I s * I ' i.O .1 .- kV-d t I'll : I 1 ') UNDERTAKING ArJD T.MBALMINC ft D*lovnn IToiiflo, Albany, tinttod by 11 Kvoriil GiiPBtH Jlitdly injured, Amianv, X.Y , Doe. 01. Tho Delevan house wa- :."i:' :>d by fire lasl night. There were 100 gu,-,-. ;a the house. All escaped; although two women and one man who jumped from the third Htqrey on tho Steuben street shle were badly injured. They are: R Foolces, wife'of tho ftgentof the National Cash Register Co., of this city, formerly of Dayton, Ohio. Benjamin lleilman and Ida wife,of Brook lyn, who were on 1 heir wedding tour. Mr. Fool;es was badly burned, but will re cover, IIis wife was internally Injured and will die. Mr. Heilmnn wan badly burned about tho chest and internally in jured, lie will probably die' Ills wife in badly burned about the face, her noso be ing split (men, and slip was cut 011 tho ankle. .She will recover. is'o one above the main floor hnd time to save anything ami before the affrightenod guests emerged upon the streeU tho ilam.08 had brok-i-n ihrou:;h iho roof. Those who were not. able to get. by the elevator shaft so as to pai-s down the main stairway .on Steuben .street were without hope of es cape fur seme minutes until their way was directed to the servant's stairway in the uori.ii section of the strueture. There were many narrow escapes, MUST IMPROVE THE CANALS. Ite'iorc of M10 Superlni intent uf Public Worbs- ftnvNeiv York Stuff. Al.ilASV. Dee. 111. Stipe'-i ut eni'en t Kd- ward 11 1.. dm, .--juttj i) --lartaii.-.d or tin: e.-e m' JMnh Pills ; ;u 1 .ei:l' (1 in v.i i > one of > ,' f e:k1 r-tt biin li'f ."aid' ;! t'.;:o When e-ir,:he'l' n t' I'd.: .ii. In I.I'.Im Neb me,1 tiny ale f'l.'j ..". . Hi 'A'le ; u .. 1 ri . o I'm' 'ie;.' r n't 1. r*-: , > : -ill: J.'i' '.i'l . V * ]i ins1 t'nik . Pilln contain the elementt n-eehsary tr> giyu new life and rioluiei-.i to tho blood and rorttorc nhattured ueryes. They nroan unfaiiint; opectic for loon trio tor ituxjn, partial paral>HM, St.* Vitun' daaee, -.eiatiea, neural-;i'.i, rhenmatihiu i:ervoun beudache, the'"arter ^ffeetH of la ^rijipo, j'tdpitattnn of the heart, nervous lion, all dinoa-ieH dep^ndiii^ upon vitiated humorM' in tlto blood,' uticii uh ncrofnla, onronie er)HipehtH, etc. They uro alnb a apocitic for. troubles peculiar to. fenmloo hucIi an HUfproHHioiiM, irretfulnritieH and^all forma of wonkneflfl. In men they effect a radical cure in all troubh-H artnin| from mental worry, overwork, or exceasoH of uny nature Dr, V/iJIiamii' Viuti Pills: may bo bad of all drufaiiutn, of direct by.mud fn-uu Dr. VViMiumi' Mediciue Company, Brockvilln, On'ario, or Schenectady, N. Y,, at Od otH. it box, or ^ix boxen for^SfjO. Tho prio at which therio pills aro no Id maken a oourao of troatmonf ooraparatively inox penaivo uu courp'i.rod with other remedies or medical treatment. 1.....-in-----1 -nil " 1 11'li-r- > Ci. McKkn-jii-, M. D. c. M., 1'ollow . Trinity JlirtJcul CollHRu, (iraduato Trinity CuiUWufty' Itei.hleiH'e; 'ii.-lbnTHrrflilt", WnHtof JW. C; It, Oillcohoiir'i-HtJli.i. rn.,1 to n nud utoHp. m. UI.oj jii -iiiip6niiMJui;K- hlfcli froiuiit Hbbr, ni;j.t to'I'lio.-ni:'-, di-in; litoru.. > '," 1'f.dr.nhomilij rouiujction with o0|eo aiuT denijn, (iroeis ItUi ut Timrue'ii ilru oloro will pr',iiij Hy aaon bat tu. rAMMh NAYLOIJ MUCOR tliiu opportunity of . 11 mi<nii'f;[n., -n tno 'pcoplo cX llio 'J'own aiul (unity <t' Kiihox, Unit hi- liaii ronoilohal tJioEii- nx Holler Mills uc-coi'dinK fro yd aim preparfu] by It. N, ,Jrieo, Ht.'Tlimuaii,. imd Jiaa iiIko Hccurod 'he liovvieoH or ltrlnmtT Stjwohan. an export- .'uieil 11 nd thoroughly conniotent miller. ThauliHii; tjie puoplu'of tho town and- county rni- tlio -1'itroiMie.e tieiitowon upon biin In'tlio ra-it, will f{iinriint(M> HiitiHfactiDji in tlio futuro Gristing ahd Chopping a Spocialtv. 'Ttl' HK^T fJUADKfl ni-M-'Xinuwi, VV.V.X* AND ( I'ltW.MilAh Kl'.PT IV KTflOMANli S^rd* .'.'l' i.o;/re l-'JC'i-.H. DENTAL, P. MARTIN, D.D.S., 8, Gmduuto m in Dontintry, Iloyal Collogfl of Dontal Surfjoonn, Ontario, and Uiiivomlty of. Toronto!' ClairRiiH.TnodunUu. Oalon, ovor Brlon A Coa'vl irut; utoro. " 18-ly . 1L VETERINARY. WH. Iticn/UIDBON, ^VotorTnnry Bur- , Bt!on^arnduato" ot-tho Ontario Votor- lunry C'olluf'o, Toronto, troatH all diuoiuiefl of doiuiiHticatuu Hiifrjiuln. Tolophouo In conned tiou. lioptlntry 11 npeolulty. lUmhlonco, -ffrur"1 doom Boutli. or Grist Mill. OUlon lii iioatotlico OiiUiHnp;Iiinvniary dirootly oppooitii." . : IMJKolOoat bualuoBO in town. Hotabliam lavii. Firnt-oliinn broad and cakou oIl ldndn. WoddliiRotilioflii npoolid'lty. GrooonS! provlbionn. Hour, food, nalt ud pork, Oonioc tlonory, crockery,jjbiHfiwaro, Cannedfrultwacd VflRotubloiiof nil Idndn. *fioodn promptly ta tivorod tbaUpartnoltbo town. J. M. VJQKlL' I01-tf SOCIETIES If 0. 0. K-KNTKHPJtISE Lodffo"Ko-J9rJ 8 mootHovory Thurnday, ovoninfl at 7.IK) in Oddfollowfi Hall, in third HfcoroyDuniitau Block Vifiitinfimomborfiuf otlior lodf/ouwill rooolvo * iratormil wolcomo. .J. JOflNBTON, N. O. OHNTKAb KNCAMI'MKNT, No. GO, mootnlB Oddfoittiwi." r-lwli, Duuiitan'ii Uloolt, on tho ilrot 1 Mid third Tuoiiday in each month. Vinftoru nor "| diidly rocoivecl. Mciuborn of oubordlliato lod(JO( In thi. juriDdlctioi), invited to Join. C. IIANNAN, C. V.. G. F. HILL, G. fi. . |j^"8RKX "CENTJtl-J LODGJN, No. 10, A. O. V.W kit Meotii iiooond and fourth Mondavi! lu ouch :noiieh,tu'thu Od'TfolIow'a Hnll, at 8 0. m,. Viultlnj* brothron will bo given a fraternal wol*.- cotiifl. JOHN LAING, Miuitor Workmun 0. H. -PUIiLEIt, Jtocordor 7?IKT0 BUIGADE.-TIio Fii-o Brlflado . moots 1 Docoud Wotlnoflday ovontii^- ovory niontht J ut 8 ]i, ni, in tho council clmmlior. All flrcnmL rorjuunted to MtontW .1, M^oMUltltAY, Chlof A F. McCJUKKN, Boorotury. 'fO,^ ---------:------. _..------.--------- l-----------_------ TN-3 p(junT koyal, no. avi, 1. o; v. \J Aleuth necoml uad fourth Tuoudav'H In oaoli month in J. O. O. I'. Hall at fl'o'olook j>, m, ViMtlnc brothurn will bo f,'ivou a. fratorui(i.*o**i?*' come. K McCiiu:daud. C. It., W. C. i'Uiiw; Uecy, M. J. \VIi:lo, CD. XI. U. It. eiliipl i.*(' h I'U. . "i, .s,-l^!i::. . Stiv.-i ' iiVie ioai. .1/ wi,' Wheat .:' .: ' S00bu.-.h. - il ^ at :;*i ! -11-. Wheal -1 **nv i '.', -U:. in C'luenp[0 on sell- intf onTT-V fro m Xi.-u- Vitrk. * Corn and oats lost J-Mn '1-4 in -sympathy -with .-whei^t. . At Kas(.:iiiilV,".h 1 lu: ofrcrin^s \y/.'ri) noi . oxcessivt- (l* .*;n*^;, Iju: outside buyurs were notta.kii^ stork mvitiK to 'Worm, railroad.-, . refnsuip-'io nee. ,it li-.i> stock yenrerday, Vl'hero were >i:: <*:ns of (Jatiada'.i i 11 (dtided in the nUVriu^snml tb-- hteal demand w.i.i ' good at hi.^lu'r prii-es, ('losing firm,' Mosff Of the (*::iiadn lainhJi sol.'l :>l.;ii!,' u fw ,t,fd.-lO and prime Canada sheep alift to $-1.10 per owl. . Min"i vi'iv the only antivn uiai-k'et id Dondoti and even the-no show si;/!H (,;' bhiekeniiiK. .AunM'inins ivero Hat, clo-lnjc. however, above.thi! loweut, There were some important. di*vehi|, inonl.-j 011 Wall '.rei.M, but, it, siauns ut lerlv (mpn-^'-ilih- to ri'vivo f.p.-eulalive interest lift lie shirk market. These1 develofuuunta vvere aeeept.d .wii'.li-.'t languid lutoreHt and less than ]!int(ji)f) .siiari.'S or sttjekn wi-^c ri in : nf ii 11 mi-iIi rcr ! t;ui';"<I, !l.. :> . '.:.." --T-.vo S:lel:a 'ii 'i' !"^i i'mi* a. ic.'i i[(il^ miii'der of lour r'mviiovs 011 , was Ii.-ui.ued yesterday by ursJial -Miiler iu t he pre- H;iiee of li.'i.1 p'ophj. I'mir oher Jndians were uii/.-iii-'ed in 'the niiissiicre, (hie uf tli. pa Februai I'nii.ed ; these then the v, .t'VJ.'iit-l hy a puivitiiriir posse and ' M-nterua's in A' ij(,i:i.',.: in i i-;;j;ed.v. ;Va-:-:a::, -Mich., Dee. :J!/:~Gen. Dnhner and hii< wife were found'with their MipiatH <-ui. lyiii'^ oead '011 the iloor. '('be eoiiplu bad. It a, 'li.ved ba:;])ily im.l it ! 'hi.dieved that !Jainu':r killed tiie '..'otnati and tlieii cut his own tin-oar,. ' A l^i'tlUli sa.i'nrnt'i: ItiiriMul, L'^... Thu British the opening the .market wai heavy but j ah-aieer Mnsonie was ili.scoviu'od to be on . ivbeii 1 be Xew York .declared ita rl^iilrfr I Urn in fho lun'hor here. Tho Mm t-rovecl* ';.,'? "kind tor tho quarter,. pt*Iec4 moved uji.l to be very di-aslnniH and rosultedin tho ]..'l e-Sper eon I:.,, CoiitiMl' leading'.. ] loss <d" one life. vo were few'weak npotni' notably Dis- .4, Headuip: ami .Tersey Central. .Sup;ar. jirnel ieally unobaiiKed on tho day, irk'et. cloned irregular hut in tlivj ninmlnil ritin-idwtrt 111. PAlits, Dec. ;t:fl. MiirHhai Cauroborfc in ueriounly ill with inilammatory e;out. ]fe (a vorv* we/ilc. "HICKS.& CO. Essex Western Advertiser lfl-Tufji* AVetdily C(i Oolumiu, Now to Doeemlior 31,1805. Kal.ance.-of iho Year Fro I :ading Weekly of thr West Nothlnt; letter. Few it a Good, LARGE PRIZE LIST. HANbSOflfJE PREMIUM GOOD INDUCEMENTS TO AQENNS. For At'oiitn* Tornifl, otu., alilrduu- Advertiser Printiiig Go,, IjOndon, 6nt.< ai I in:. '-ii. :.'i " l'.l.S>" . f'-ll!.,. n-tiort ;*"or tht) ' ,.rl i.X.'. K* tl.iin- i.J.- \\ e'-.O . '<.'< iviis; Thibbo W-n-k^ on t lie.opei'fitu-'i pustxo.w, !. T u- iiii'i'i'i:;' on the lviii lis ibir;i.v. b--!-I C'-Dij',/. : 1-. "ie cm a <i.l !1, p.a-u r),r>i),:ir'j; Jjbiek River !>S,b-i:t; C'a \'Ui;.i and S-miit' pared to ltiil.'J there JiJ.u.Jo TinA past; setusnu's hinna-e i.-- smallest that IniH been tramporud" upon the eaunla liny sinee IS^li. 'I'he Snperintitudent says: "The time [y fast approaching when operution-o .tho canals in u praerTail nianuer must ceaso unless the eanals nre improved, for practi cal operation cannot continue unless tho business done 1 hereon'can be'-done at 11 profit to the huntsmen. It. is clearly, evi dent that 1 he duty of the JVjLcistaturo: will bo to provide the measures for const ruc tion of lmveat poRsihle canal.s iufeudi'd for tlto inundation of.bonlfi.of aueh ton'struc- tlou im will lie able to navigate the inland waters of thin H';ate." NEWFOUNDLAND'S TROUBLES. Tlie (tovt'riimi'tit I'niiHH 1111 IJiipopuIiir ItlU ' Chiuuje In I'ldoa J limit bh-eelomto. h P iid for Wh SI" Ou.^ood prouuetivo Ftrm I'n-peity at .IjJ, A 0 per cent. hlruif{ht. Wo ValuaiioH Fees. i-v. Canyeyauouii' Done up.iu Neat Stylo r-AWO AWD LOAft) AGEWTS i l^JViti!"- J. 'i'lforJAS, Co:ivoyr.iioor, Cam* \J ui'.-iDionor, in Hi^is Coium ol -hintlco; doatar ' ei jmu. Ji'itito cm. Uutt/ajjen. JJ'onoy to Iom iutiK)lo.-.H.t ri.tti ot iuim-ortt, i'liruu botinht.. ,11.4'I'liln,. Intiurunco tj.lion in lliu laentroliiibla Mtupjuiion. lirn'A'ijji; ot i\i edK, iicrtfiiigoH and ., iniisJOH a specially. Oliurflof mtdornto and all 0 ijiit'ttt. eruimitly nttondurt to Cull nfc tbo,; ::ohiir'i 'Itdftdiotie oincw I'lfiRoaContro. W)-ly CARRIAGE LICEWSES. 'V Fire and Life.nsuranco. tA.. LOVELACE, ESSKX, ONT '.' Office: \Vhitu<:y Block, uphtaira W" P. BKAMAN, jijnuor of MiirrinKo JAcciiaon. IiHiuranco'riSfl&c Night olllco ut Dwollind. . . n TALBOT KTMCVJT, KSSEX,/' M. liAUKETT, idfiuor of MimillKi Iilooiuiofl. CoinnilfiHlonorlr 0..T., oto. Qosto, "Out. I MAimtAQfel Iitooxiuaii or WcdilluK ItitiKfl can :ii bo x>roeurod at M. U. l-urli'B,- tho old..**", II Uiililo jiiwcllor. Ennx, Ont. ______-. '; -, , . ,;l| AUCTIONEER St. .Toiiks, K/Id., Dee. in.-rThe Govern- j fyKNny iri'lDItlC^. men fi curried itu bill for tho p;narniil"eeing , ,( j Aiiotloiiccr. S it 1 0 o inuiuptly iLtton'il'od to, Aiidronn' Houth o'f bank notes fhrou-1. the council on Jrat* !. Wimiiidno, Out. l^w0?"1^ me urday nlKht byHuiaiorify of one. Tho | '"^ -jy word at tho 1'U^ ^Jf$haQVL *diK.,-.;L.;-";Kiio[i with tho bill iu ho gcncml ' hol'e tlw.t' the uotu ho!ior;i hnvo decided to call a nuiFs yneotinp; at which resolutions will bo adopted peritionhier tho Governor to refraiji fioni ;it:;Lebiup;his fjliruaturo to tbo'Vhoasuro.. ^ Tho Unidirihmk'a HliaroholdorH will lioltl nv nicotine; to-dtiy. to romovo tho pro- Hontboarilq^diroetoi-H aud appoint a now- ona Tlio cpwMUuiVof the Union Bank, It la said. lH-Vorv. sutJsfn,ctory,. , , w thditto f-a wiTa th hvo thomiiolvoir a nl'. .Lc.^ f./nnVi-. MoOloukov and will ibc ^ iovon yoiira' fljtjiorlouofi an nu auptlolioorfu inn onrontanaMo tonna. Vurttoo donlr nrf tQ_ 105 ^^I^N^URVr^R;^^ . TAMKS . LAUtD.rrovlnpialLiUul Bucvoyor j fj timl County J'hininflor, Kmiox Ooijfcro, One,,-J Oinco.UuniitanBloclt, niuitaiin. J ARCHITECTS. 0UN A. MAYCOOE, , ARCniTKCT, &c Ittioiu'lO and II, FleuJiut,' Bu(lijla7 Wlnduor, Oat,.-A nPTiUMMEK, .^ Doulor. Oomnu, homo Atid rttotOrv ncaflo^-a row 83-to 1I0..' MoOrojior, Ont ....,,: 0-, - -;,.*$& ' 'fv^>,I V-JL V,-.._. rrv'-fc___ / " ' iv""

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