Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1878, page 3

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' j h >u tfHE J?REE PRESS, ACTptf, HALTON COUNTY^ ONT, AXJGUST; 8',- $87&L h-' -V,,,-,: - ' ' __[ T<iT'nm mail ' Ti,\y P.xpro-.i . 1 v ' KM"" -> ..- = ' V --. >- r--c i i - a "V. "Kt'chs K\}-iv?s 0:t miM-d or.s.- \\ f'.i'ni mail I.An'.'n r.i:xvd em\n tri xktimi: tiii,i;, Train? civoAoi'Mi as f.-llowU : :- - f i.til SC W **- XigV.t Kvprers i. --' >. (0,.ii,. j . .">. 17 v>.m. 7:07 i'.i'.r.- ;<:.".i a. :u.- ".... r.i. V17 p.m. :o -, .111. rud |-w.V.g. the r. for- * - h:.t!h: Mll- Ii-nr>- fctrliv pr.?- i-tcd.-- i of . " Mid rma.-. , If.).* -" hpVrs. -.v-ed, " ry. Ml, rvi.-v'in the Methodist Church ever Si'-ViUi, N-t:i in.-,,, (,, hi il o n*lv~ at lfSo an 1 fi u'rlivk, rvMooliv.i.v. _ Kkv. K. H< :. PtiNlor. LOCAL MATTERS. Circular Combs/Hack Combs, Vine l\>mv. \ at-rs- Purses,. UoM .V PiaUSi'.iery alLKimU of Watches piiro.l icweliory (irr.l '5Jj-i-oS.iv.-Ics re- Geo."? .-Jewellery sloro. \"are. such a* I'l-.-.eJs, PTcUlc. <fsr.s, Knives, ,R*l;.Jf bSy . OATTlOXi -When v;.Y. want Ki'ii rutd vvn brands, f rv-i a iH-rf.v.i u iiosc Hue of-bus^t-irs* tt is in, \r;,. i'r.-:n experience* .k'o"w^ how t-.1 ?Moc: these itvhms. Tito only ' j-;.i.\v ;-.: tv-w;-;^^v!u-rv- vv1,:- v'Ati.s.-v' :-, >:.>,-!;. of p'; M.iroiis, at Geo. Heads' J-. -.vel'v ,-y Side. or\i-' red vlir-^ *- * l-i^. frgar.- KtaJ-ta- "'. 31. v!.-.vsJ No : rill 1 vvi! iv<,-l-.; ,-. siileriiiio. vt irojn-tii.c 1 ':; .-view :.;.-.-^d l'.,r . SoM .f!,(.i:<- f-.r o-isiu \V3:-:!i::-.-ikr ku-.l JewclK r, --MoVitiiiv- >tt-l to-vAiiy. * s:ito i at 4cw .tj: v^biv; in Ui.v ^tor^,. * J:V, I.-::-.' ;^i> o e i i:i <-..'.or ; 1 - Taori m. ?!i'.-.t -ho ii.-n o. .L-n:i<:.l for Mor v. i-^'. In- ii.\s o it i:i- \\*i nrts Sufoi-tmul i\\-.\l .some ]'X0[vU- >iii\V-i> .hi Saiul.iy motniiii;. - Tiio Acton Hrnsa Dnml ia jtr.-wt-iiiiij s'.-uio sj'icaiUvl iic\vtutH-:i, -i-'uso-\T. . K. -MoOaivin'.s Kly S!-\-';or. It rs ilio l-cst. .A cents n AcUmian Tr>itv".-tii."usta nro ff^iaj? toAt^orjrtto^n to i,ij;ht to hcai- Uo Bul'joct \isciijsvili'tios wa'ijtinx gPtnl jiaVHttro for-livirsoit o.itvjlc or slu-.-p, c.itt-'lio fvo- oomujovl.itiHl l>y "applying to ..brnes J Mnttliowii. or- Sii-gln ri.ilitvl Siivor \Vaio wltou ymi c.iu buy tj.t.nlruplo lM;ito Toy Ions money (it J; K.. aiciJatv'In's DrUj; .StoiO. --Ucv ^fr. Davius, !of thvjs "V'il: l.iito. ov.-1-r.viovl tUo jtulpit in tljn t'oii- < l'l:nroli,,li'ao!{>!i, on'Siiiulny I:v*t, lii.s pvilpit in Vl\i.s N'iU.v^o w.isooou- j.ii-il l>y Mr. r.t-\-ui of Uni-lph. It yvis a mistiko. The i'vjut)- r;l vli' ht l.isli, Vis .ii:tu-uncv-.l in l.i-t i\-,-riv'i -i.i.sno. It "'tis the school boar.t that ili<l uu-i-.t. Tho o.'iiiivil i:iL-v-t3 uo\; nun,lay ovontn.^. i..'K. M'-l! uvi-.i, I'rusiti-st, ..Acton ': Avjpnt -for (ho Moiiil.iii tJ-iAilrnj to i'iatc t Silver wore, in Cruets, ii.itfor un.I I'io'.ito Disho*, jSpoou-s, Fork-!; lev S'l'vijes, Ac. V^c. i Kvery article fully \.vrr.uilo J sold vc.-y cheap, : - Wo nro Jos ry to !:virri Mr. .1. .1". Sjjor.l, ::i.-K-:,.nt: .'f th l-..-e..l!.i.U-l-:.l Aj?ijc\v!8|- *-J"ito a nntnlior of Acloniann intcml ttv tiiluJ it\.tlu\ esoiwicin to H.nrie, to nee ttio rcijatw next Monday. - Mr. .1. Miit.tluuvH irtnl wife, left Aotnn on 'rnesiluy for HuvlU'W, where thi-yiitti-ml'rnstieAiinrt for n few ilaj-S. 1. .; Thb il'e-f at tlio ted crrniu Jiinv-j lei- w'as liuishevl on 'I'uesifay l:Wt| ctm- soipiently tliero will he nil more ico cream tlii^ kc,i>voii. ami rj eg 5 Mo:: i the X i.tru.ii at if evening his Vil- I t., lvive A'.-t.'Ti, anvl ?t.-.:: a ^r.'-vry liasin^'^? in *l\rjn^v': lie w ill lcive-'iii .1 few ivcebs. Wc l\t in:-" hi^ tmn- s :: v c J--- l. to 1 new J. Di-evr, -who ]:i!r- -rrioj from the probers be;:, is ji-.ts\- n .-.-.:^:> ir.r.-.' :" ?*. >.">. !p'.i civic h.ili-.'.ar wilt 14:h ::'.-t. An e^cur- ;'.< >.-.r:- -r.i' il-.-'^V.c it .irr^r.^e 1. :. -A. I-ir^o ex.-.i~sion. :ti-iin. t:'.!e-! Tri>h hi'.n e.v-.-r licrca'^inx- Mr. F, M.-5C-1 Btr.l-.t'l in til's vo-inity his clVee-tnl A s.iti.~- ji-t*.le:iieht with his creditor.', |';r.:i.l will contih-.u- hr3 .oyster r.V't fruit ha^irf-Si in l;-.;.;:i:i. . lie -().;id twenty e*-<:tt.-< on the j.lelh.r'. Wiir notitio that Mr. Totor Mjf.ean, of Miltoli, hivi eaeecisfnlly passed his examination nt Toronto, for a lirst-clnsii eertilieate. Wo. are tnfci'mcd that Mr. Alex. Hums, of Er.imoj.i', who went, fo the old country i sliort tiutu 'o^o, 1ms totumovl, Ho looks well. rA lnrgo crowd iot delegates left .-Vst<m to attaint tho'o Convention in Milton ywstcrdny. A report of proceeding next woolc.. ; Mr. iJotit. K. llnri-iHOHj of iS. K No. S, Nelson, has successfully passed the rrvifeauioiial l^xantination (.for'KT-ondel.iss ceititicato Rt Ottawa. --'Aeliaifgo lias been. made, in the American lfetel; tinelpht Mr: -rhi>nia3 Watt re-tire:i, aiul the former liiullorvl, Mr. Thomas I'.llia n-unines. . Mr. (t. 1*L Avimtia announces by ndy. i'i nnotlitt'eoTituin that he has pnrehivsevl tin- 'tailoring Department from Mr. J. 0. Hairjtj in the lU'gent Uftllv - Siiino of our citiionj? coiifpltiin .ibvint tile'nightly eroticj'rta ("iveh liy n lot of viol's. Ntjvt to to the e.iterwaul- !::es of a eat at mi.liii^ht is the howling of a half starved err. C ' Furniin^ operations i_n tbis vic-uiHy .ire jilmc.stl ^spetitlCvl,-' owing to the wet-iseaso;T we jifv) now ha>-ing. A large amount of-gr.iiu remains tin- harvnrthV, ami agriculturists nro be; craning uneasy: . ' 1 i -" Whosj) n!e iff tLty f' ftskoil it tramp AJ h^.sttin^d n >;l(vas of beer-in a Abot't b: i-i5sevi thrv.o.iLrti r^in^. -on-its w.-.y ~iQ \-L5 tfita m:i:: : t : - : --*.ct'a on X---^-b-.y *-i Tereotoc -Tfajere is an excursion from ' to Rirrie, go-o,l to ^co =0:1 frv.'cr.iiy, I0:u itist., :^;d re-.ur.n c^: iVea^.,-ia.y, 14:1: ;::-:. rare^l.t-O We won! 1 s'.rotgly ti.ivis.e the ! : Vic \J\ Mrc':,aiO their S'i:er VV.irc, Cruet.-, ic. r.t J. . .- L'.-'-i^ More, iie has th lO lj;tslie;s pf new v.-.u sold oa th" in.-.rkct in iTLrclpiti on Tt-.ei-la'y l:st at 70 e^nts per -tuliel. The ^r.viri.w.u very li>;ht rh, anvl " dir.k in color, t,nd ar.ey Mci. ; besit ; v:ti bashcli . ' "- r- j T/iie itation's ^alory !3 it! its i free 5-_-"ii-t>ss;L A jt'-'vt-.l hare back rider ; jreu ^Ui,(.KnJ R year, .llt.l a b.;5e-bali Iplayeta c.'uple of t'wtv-'d for a sc.T.-ei, vvl.i.e llie avcra-.'.: tnisiijte.r and hotel ve'rtvrday. ItillV w:us tho :e Bill . I'fl pay him;" uaid the traTttJ*; atrhe eerene-' ly loafed out of the caloon. Mtll.IXKItY ANIi MASTt.-KS-. Till) KilrnseS of rtir Millinery and Marrtles | shall be cleared out at one half price, and le.-j iit nraify rfl'^arte?. Linen ease would we>=-h about 4i or -Jj Ibr to t'hcl -Vstl,,,n;:si \VfirPcbi- nn'!,I"!11--" ,.h"'- ' - I ers, dceivievl bargayis will l>e ^lveu. Aeron. ___T:.:- b Ae'. -r. : n- < Tea ioa."3>.-o--::5 :" .l-c^r-.-c--:.! t 'Y.' K_^ .-. -t W^.\.,tL lv';lr: -. -<.iil r^iti .-. " 'Mr: Kujjh <.'afln.-n^.: ,.irr:e.l by Wre. iir^r. of t:<:j 'lei; Ac:oa l.^-f:.^::t, fvr l> u j._-:-j a: *a: .<j:i.;i.:^ :->jm i^vr^p'.k::. 'V.j U'?-' ^tf ^ last. vllu i.Mr:-'."-y.. leiVy h r" i,-' accotn 1 Vf.'.-v-'. j rioter; i.-.Ve t 1 Lr-.trdn.-ils. The .ie.1.1 Lut to the ; pa: ,-w:ti a tew tf literature. -M! I ' this ' -1.1 :;rr.r.t, jt :^ei: to Mr.-ii, 11. AJa-n.-.^. *jr ruit yet deii.le.l v. !u-rv -'h ur. it is :.;.i he ir.ter.'is ^r.:: Ko:)..l.s 1..-.3 '. ttTi-r- 1 f-,!d hi? Mr! Jlnrst 1 i-.iil n.', -.'; to llrei;- 3hMid. I'i : 1; a. M: (>: :'.c r.rj Mir.- w::l make ti;e tr.:;-.. ;-::itj" , farar-'airi'^ >Artm_-ar. :jus.i^fc33 a tirec;.-^ . Adiins rilij: and of l!= Whoever H-.1ut5.tu ^1 to tho several ex- caraii-ins, now is your chance. MclAod; Amler=Vu * Oo., Ueargetoiru. , -=-Mr. 5. : b'uconl shit n very large crane near Nicklin's pond mi Monday morning. It mcvured G feet C inelu-s from.tip 150 tip.'aml -t feet Mr iieh'r* from beak to -toes.' Tticre are rp.litc .-i 'ritllitlirif of tbe'e bi:"'1s iii this vicinity, but triis is the Ir.rj;---.'. that has -Ijeca "hot, fv.r f.^inc time. 1 ^Wu Im'u tlio'iideii.-ure the other ev.V:;iitg'/f. ::;'. pL-vt'aj a'beautifu'l set -of ([-.ladta^'le sil\-.-r ware,'.rreil by tho Merivlan L-o:n(aiij-, cou-;ir,titi^-o' di-li. QUADRUPLE . Hated . CRUETS. &C, fifaniifivcttfrcd by the o Cleanse yotif Houses, Who ftt-i! I'li-ejikical t'o ' % And tlio'rou'yhly llunovato houijus at tho very Ioweat ratca. ISm "SRRI 1 f CIRCULAR li Ordora ito'Hl towtf ittnl ttmmti-y nttoinlwUto. All orders to ip feft nt William Walkor'n re'aiitunct!, .Kilin-ut., Actoh. Aoton,itprii'.it, i878..m Walter &c Oarnerod -----1JL..-.I-!__! EER .piei: 1-1- SV.K'pnUr il^iarvi;:^ ~:'.':.r::, ?cc:'a cure. Try r Xatio: Ardifor ?. a 4-=:-.-rrt :i_T C^!?0 gt !.-! , .e!:-.-re !. i'y- i "> -^t iU'J l> uif I .Mx/ or.q ;s will k:il la.-.r? .1 rro.-s .i--lv r.i t- a 'v.-h..le :.:a.-'.,|i, a thin p.*rte, : " ' .-Allan's lies than a r\ ari't or.e -^A Id .. wh, tca- rbes AM _/"" \' Co. AST -A IE AIL tl.e ur. s.r*T I J. i^- |t!l-r,f 1 A 'vVr.vb'. wi! A S-. ; j arc tinc'-re-t. I T'o-b^^r a crnet.i, batt'e'- e ! cre.'ini ii'ifcli-rr, .1:1.1 tiioir I1*."!; 'p'.l?- elr.-.sed frbiii'Mr. (K-or^-e lHii.-lf. )t '13. i' a very i:c it set an.I_ ret'e.-ts rC.'eTTity on j- tne o'e'd. i into -.u-ts, t':o str.a-^-cr 1 . I j.r. A1 Mr."-V.-n! lb. .-*" .^ . r.. v,.-. -. :i 2 e -.-r.tCr Dr. o * \. t-'iCli ^1*1*0 5 ?-' Jon t. im- .rst-i: ib-il-; fl-VlS . / IL. \v.'. ;r. ^res.sir.j far-.riblr,' The Mcreiiie.-i Sapper wis admiarK <dUfs and St. Albar/s 1 laSit Sandayn. Ji-v. London, cSciatc-d i 6nd the rs:Jtn: iriini^terj Lb-:-, in rit. AJbans, Mr, 0. G. Ilertzo annoauced to preach in th L.tvt lll.^ej -Geri Mele .-' Tif i uieiis' ttra-.^- pf the Lord's _A iu the Mtt'jo- ag!i*h] churches Mr., .f the- Methodiit, Ib.r. C. B. h^t.<. fit lr=s 7 !c C J. clothing ... <;- ir.;-. r.i a!! ile- ..- f-, get'.-. v' I'.-il' ar- i oii- !vdt -a ttrs.^3 iu ib.-ck, l'JV.-ii: ; ,C;. -----ite understand "JutiJtr. G-o flibbs, of O-.'.rL'itown, has been -*%t a. chniltnite- Cr.-io Mr. ilj^h (-.irndroTi, of Acton, to piteh i-i the litter place for SlOJa hi.ii.-. Mr. Uil,b answers dhat he will -r.'ot, jit pitch *n Gti.rt wlio was on-' r f- :r?in e rated ire. lie at IlLS 11b. M'jndjy fcvcnitiir, was prev doicg so, on acco that hi-J was dead. He -pas thr-jtrcu Acton <ra ilo.-Vday evening -for" Nia^ara^ where he resides, -Gee' day lafcl v.-tek a ron of ilr. Karxard, of Es/saesinir-,- acci.lently fell ia the barn, hurting his-h^ad, an-l Tendering hitn anvmEei-j-as fof a" time.-, I>r. Lowry was immediately Etfit for,: h'X". wiien h-; arrive 1, Mr. K inard liad t-i^jveie.l, and war able to cyramuuee uork again. v ; On Saturday last, os ^60n of _ Mr. I>yx4e..', of tlii Village, wu riding . Jiofee-j/a-jk, n dot: rati after the horue, trid sifired it,;throwitio the boy oil iilid fracturing Bis wrist. T)r. Lowry_wa8 immediately called in, ami the boy is ' progressing ,as favorably as could be expected. . COBBECTIO'X. ^Through -. a mis take we were led to brdieve that MtKHra. faraeroa'and fiibba yitched f|-uoft8 for the championship of. Hal ton county, on Friday, July 25 th, 88 well as for 525 a ' Bide. \ We are now informed that the ehainpioasbip-. could noft be won from Mr. Camerya, avj lie did ao{ Uohl it. :' . . Tho Kecro~ baa received 11 eornrauuieation fronr J. V. -McMillan, Vif- i-Juelph, with respect the proposed deputation fo Lord and Lady,Dnffcrin, previous to-their 'departtrre frojn Can ada. The matter.will come up at the next meeting of the Council, ne^ct Mon- lay evening, and is looked on favorably fey the Iteeve, and the several members f the cauncil. - I \.~i----------------r i] Acton, - but will :n for $100. or in' .Silver Creek for ~>>\, but Tefn.-:e to pitch -in Actfin. M"e would like to kuow his reason fur not. wishing to pitch ia Acton, of recv1ii,3 news | Another grand picnic and nx: j. \ curs-.on to \ ictoria Parkr Scarboro Heights, is announced for Wednes- tlay next. The excursion is from fiuclph, that day being declared, a civic holiday for that place. The fare from "(Juelph, Uockwood and Acton is iff.Oy, ami Georgetown 8'Jo. Those whcTivent on the last excur sion say tl'iat it 13 a very pleasant and beautiful place for an excursion and picnic. To' t'iie many ctistan!tr3 of Geo. Hynds Dealer in NYitchc*, ^Clocks, Jewellery, .Silver Plated Ware, and -Fancy Uoo'ds. Havinjc made special arrangements to purchase direct Mr. 11 j-ads wh.j br : town. ; " ' A lady {}} was put off the .'5:1,7 train at A jtoa. station, going east, Mt-n.-i.iy eveuirci/, incntsv; blio ha^l no ticltet,". nn I r'tinfort'Hiately, had 110 money to purchase one. .She hady.ex- p'.'j'.cd her h'.tsbau't to meet he;' on that train at (Juolph, but as he Uidh't come she got .a th? -cars to vlead beat her way to. Toronto. it was no go/ After Miiiiin.4 herself for some time, at the station, by dweatintr at the conduc tor and other ol'.ieials, "she attempted to btirro-.v cu-'j'.i^h moiie^' to take her to Toronto,-but as she abo failed in this, she proceeded; after telling everybody j to go to ioinu warm plaei, to walk to t!io city. > . AwiDtSTi r Tho Benson for thfejhini' machine accidents baa opened. The-' first on tho lis*, in this neighbor hood occurred on Thursday Last, on tho farm of Mr; Thos. "JJuckray, near Crewsou's Corners. r^Jtorgo"'Sopor, son of the late Samircl Souer was the vic- inufactu/ep-of pl/i-ted ware, (thereby saving ttie wbolesak; from a leading man ;e, (there! _ nts profit, atid giving the benefit to I C/orriparFy of Oonn.j Unitod States, -As*-} i TR1PLB WARE, Manufactured in J.. E. M^jGAfviu^drujojat, Actoa mv cust/nncjrs.) 1 intend keeping a splendidstock or Cruets. Pickle Stands,. Butter Coolers, Knives, Forks,Spoons,' io. 4c. always in Stock. Give me a call. Goo. llynda. It:. baa been rumored that Acton intends taking advantage of the Barrio excursion next -Monday, arfd tliat the reeve intend.-! to proclaim .it a civic holiday. This vvojild be J a poor oolicv as very, fo-.v of our citizens would the able to take advantage bf tlio exj cursioil. I5c.iiikr as tiro farmer.-^ in this neighborhood are so busy' iu .the Jiarvest fields tliat they .could not,; on account of the very short notice,; go with "the excursion. We thiult it would bo much beetter to1 put off the hoHday'-tintU about the 1st September, and then it is likely? ,thcro: will'bo an excursion to Something to this elFect is spoken of, if tlio .boli- Iiayds until that time. tirn. Aftpr tlfo'days work was over, nml while they -s-*ro cleaning the floor, he foolishly jumped on the horsepower to talk to the driver, when he 'acci dentally fell into thn wheels, jmd, had tho. machine' nit been going slow, it would certainly'have torn tho heedless young man in pieces- As it was; ho escaped with tbe loss o'f ouo ttro on the right font, and slight injuries to his other foot and ankle; Dr. MoCullougTi^ of T'ockwood/ who- was immeiiirttely sent for, i^csycd tire injuries, and at last accounts he was progressing favor ably. This should be a waruinx to all thoughtless young men against going too near threshing matltiuca wliHo they rn-e in mo*ioi>^|?. i-Sulling out.-. Btiat Rubber Paint 1.60 per keg, usual pries $2.2.>. - -^Best No. 1 White Lend 1.90 4>er ITeg, usual price 2.50. No. 1 White Leud.^nd qual ity .-S1.59 pr keg, usual prico S2.25. All other goo'ils equally cheap, must bo sold during the next 1.5 days, mil* and other dishes slaughtered, comoand see. Record's Nobby Grocery. 1 j-Bccot'I'h Nobby Grocery soil ing ont and going to1 Toronto.- Having decided to rtainovo to the cityof Toron to about the enitof this month, where y:o have already secured, a stand in a rirst-'clasa locality, wo will rijeh ont all' out prpscnt^stoek at rushing gushing and -'ten-ibis slaughter prices.- Wo, don't want to'take any goods with lis- to pay freights'iind have broken on the way, so fo -avoid th:H: i','c will rush them off Uulow-eoat, and it Will pnyiuT to do so. Now is the to secUra ^applies at bargains". Don't delay-or miss your chance, a3 it-is a chance inn life,time, people with a dolbr got from' ?1.'23- to SJ2.O0 for it every tiuio. Sceord's Nobby Grobery. Tlis only store in town tn^t keeps a ser lbotion of tMs line of goods. GEO/H"THDS; -~u ,, hew brick: stohe,,; j C>2T- , MILLfflEEY OnlntOa Stripe.-* and Checks liandsotno. ,1 N 1'lain Cambrics iff tt'lnck and Navy Dltrc, Seal lirown and Myrtle ' Choico designs in Black and Wbilb'. 1'rints, Another Lot of Dress Linen's*. Very latest sty Ids in Ritglish arid American Linen and Lu'co Sets, Cuffs nnd Collarsi Magnilicent i'arisiari Ties in Lacti and Silk. Best Stock of Fancy Hosiery in. the whole trade. ' ' Now Goods altfays find their way to tho Fashionable West Kpd fii-it, rendoring our stock always attrac tive, and keeping us busy even id .the dull season. . We are opening 10 Cases New floods thoroughly reploniihiug Our stock, A. 0. BUUHAM. F shiojsablo West End'Dre., Man tle and Millinery Establishment. (iucrphj.July 1j, 1!*73, id Siodk. of* Stable ^and Fsmcy Uvy Goods";..v- consisting' of black and clop--j e4 SMks, Cashmeres and Fant^r] Dress Grodds. Kid Gloves, a\U the neiM Shades (1* 2 and 3 buttons)j Lisle Thread. Gloves, Parasols,. Sunshades, ; Lace Goods, Triniming's and .fringes, Prints, ComtricesV- Muslins, jGrey Linens^ White and Grey 'Cottons! English,, and 'S-isaian immt tims ^S3 o EL" r- p & M o W S3 rn m o o CD m CO o )MUX PARLOR ORGANS ET.feANT RTYl/tSi-irithVnlna'blo Im'pr nt-at*,' New &nd JJcautllut SjIo Biojl*. Over ThotLutnd .Orrnmlsta end Musician" >-- - -' brtrauS ana ruconnnciiil them bs eti lnTonr, Jlcchanlam and Durabntly. Wxycnr*. Newspaper.fnn\ . Adtlri-5 BKATTY WaHiilngiotr, N. J. ~fc'. A- trfl CLEE&YMEK a?id schoou teachers. Sl T.IITT . ~ . You can ensUy Increase your aryiby dcvunii^ & very baialt jortion of your lolauro ttrjie to my interest. I tto in.t expect you to canvass for my cclc bratcd Boatty's Pianos nnd organs unlesss'outcpnttoj but tho service Ircqulrc)Of you U both pleasant nnA profitable. Pnrtlciilars froo. Address DAMEIi F. BE.VTTY.Waiililnafo^, New Jcrtr, Uultcd-Hlateoof Anicrlciu BiagPAIKTBBB ST^TS^anl PreA-Iaces io oniavor tnls ftflvprtlwmcnt.. Paper Itw. AdJresi DANrEll F. BEATTY, Woli. tnctOB, New Jersey. V..H. Amcrlciu - t can .buyflrst-cla** I'itinosantl Orgnnji [thtaper ot UANIEL . BEATTV, YVnsbincton, New.Jersey, than ot any ethiT cstamish.-iitnt In the United States. Why? Bccanoo ho sctld only- Tor cash, takes no risks and has do ------ book nccoaxUB. Krery lnstrtuaenttully TrarrantM for .six years as strictly first-class, and tent on from 5 to 15 days' teat trlal.moaey rcfumled and freight paid both- ways by him ir they atts un- aatlstactor7-. &md far niaktraten AnvcaTifica and read testUnonlals' trom his patronveomo of whom nn miv know. Illustrated Kewspanrr. sent free. JJendy-Made Clothing, Black "antl Bluei'-Broad-. clotliSj Dia|^onalsj Ehglifehj Scotch ' and.-* Canadiait Twee<ls. SUlfs l,iADB" TO ORDER, AND A PERFECT* FIT .GpAKANTBEDf OR KD SA^LE; i A full a$s6*rlm(jnt of Ge"tits* Furriis.hiijgs.-; Whites Dress ShirtSj Coiiars; Cnffs, Ties, etc. A splendid Stock of Choice Family Grfjcrfrie's. -( TEAS -A SPECIALTY; " JAMES' SYMON", in returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers fbtvthe very lihcraL support a,eco'nle'd to hini srirce he commenced-' liusines^ih Aeton,- would remind them thatinever liefdre* in the history of Canada were such bar- t;aiHs offered in Acton. The Goods havef bceri lidnglit for Cash and \ylll he sold ata small 'ad vance on cost, t'ro'duoa ot all kincU tnken iti exobarige at the highest market Arice. . REMEMBER TEE 2L&QM -l tHE XEW BRICK STtTRE---MAIiNr STv, AGTOw.- /JLcton, /April 10th, 1878. lllustrati Tlnvr Jrrnfr.: United tiHaten of Atnurlcn. you niBy kBnw, Address DANIK.t.P, _.........jpatx-l. F.ATTY,-.\ytthlingtou, A c'to'x aioixTrtLY a.iirK. The Actor? m'rtn'tttly side-will bo h'eld at j ; Aguew'3 Hotel, ouiFair D.vy; TJktrsday* 6tW Sept. toil PlUJiTlSOofall&inrts Adl kinfits ot .Stock, Implements,' &c. will be sold by paying JO eta a-piccc. 'Bale" at 12 o'clock.; jr'EItMS.^-Ten" m'dhtlls' credit---on approved ioiut no^Cs. All entries must bo m'ado to] llr. Jas. t Ryder, Sec. -WM.1IEMSTR.EET', A'nctioricer. 25--tf . _.~^. lvATENt fAjj. 31-cGitr'vhi, di-iiggist,,A-ct6u-'" J.- E.HcGavvin, druggist, Acton I '" - '- t Jjoblolnn-l for hie- t2cliivnlcul devices, .....___ medlcib or otner compoundH. .o'rnani'ontal designs,, traue marlc", anu IUIm.Is . .,"'.- CaveitSi AHSlirnmpntP, Interrerrmc-v, InfrinKjiiontHV nud h11 miilti-R rqlullliK to l'ntont-s, ntten'IcJ to- 1 INvBNTlONSter^ j - - A.0'i-t)y the t'a'teht OlTloo mity g't1!,'1ri'trrost,eitB s, be, s^eured by u*< Being uppohlte thb Patent 0'illc'e,- wo ari, able' to muke Oloaeif eStiinlmtlons.antl H3ciiro Prl"nt m^ro promptly snv.l with Ju-oador a'ud betterclalmn. ti-nn those whoure remote fro Wa-itilnglon. :INVE1NT0BS& UB o"r . i, ri.iiKh sketch n n'I. do script Ion Of JTiiur device f wo will mnko .an e*vmliiat)on, iron of, chnree, nn'ifidvlso you nH to .Its, pitoiii,abiUiy. )> All corrfcBponjlouce stri'elly oonnionilal. I'rl'i-oH as low1 us tnos3 of aiij.1 reliable i Wp refer to .Offlt-lals In tlid_Patent CJOlp.-'. ail I to Inventors In o very Slate oi Uto Union. , 4 ndaltly i i I ;>ron illy exoeulod at th ; r/REE PKES-S OfFICK,' Xcxl tlie 1'Dtt -O.Tlco .Mill Sitl-cot. ^ R.^ t*p 4* Address, fpposlte Pftl?nt OB&e; WnsWnirton, JJ O. j&HOK'F HOItV BtLL. I " Itoy'al BbatiTo'nV," il'am', impi'"Lady Btvrnes," sire,, imp; 'Lltotal Oxford Ghvynno," will servo ebfe's oa te farm adjbining the O. Tilt., jActon. | Terms. , Pedigree, Cows, ?7.00 t1 Gradiu Cowa, 1 I.Til), owh ; 2.0U, credit. eo-cnr; . i-. c. s. smith. Livery [ Stable- llaving purcbasad th,e Livery Sta-ble and bmlnoss formci-ly owned by '. "Mr. 11. Adams, wo jiro pfe pared: to ft'.rtlisu1 Firaii-Chiss Bi?;s' tit? thts Most' Roasftualjic Kutesw TEKMSCASU.. Good.Cohi'mercii'aL itigs always on band. ' __ j. '- -I".. Kr/-'--i : 'MATTHEWS & NtC-KLUL. k5--'0;n - [, . John Street, Melon tost Office Store ACTON. Sells OLeap. White'fn'aney Is so hard to get, it should bo the first onshlerafcion of lificJi.p'ersori where they'can secure hebo-it vilde for their money, in .rroceriea, crockery glassware, wall inper, &c. Tho Wst office Store ffi : he. plaice; Soj. 1 Round Herrings fot-Sl.SO p 0 ! half barrol. ' - ' -";" No. 1 i;'plit Herrings fo'r gl.75 per half barret. No. 1 Trout for S2-00: per " Three Patent Pails for 50o;> MaUhBs per Box, 12c. ,**sY :- Vfarr'sn^ei dood; Thi Best 50 oeai Tea In the 2ar&9t.-. WAMj i'APKRS' FROM 4 c'ts. UP. And everything usually kept; ih' a first-class Grocery, cheap for .cash'or ' JAS. MATTHEWS. Acton, May 1. 187S. "1 -.<aLoa?c>.Dvr N ~ ;- Maiti Street,-A.cton; Would respectfully call the at- ; terition of tire pubfid tb' his iramcDSfe stock of TINWARE, ,^, STOVES, .ftp. vVltidli he is n'ow selling :'.' . Very Clicap.- IiiaTing lia>t an experience of marfy yeafs,all'ufders'fof - and E!a7e1b6ugidE,g wilk he iillocl in ilie shortest notice, antp.^iti' the'best style. Be sure and go to'. Lei th if you wa'rVt good - ' [_ or ! a ; good job or Eavetroughihg done.; - ' ' - . SitortlTiceTTalten iii Exclsansc. ,: \W^:;^filTH, Proprietor. ' ictouHI-ardi 29, 1377. ' . w. m Gtf^SIaPH solicit special attention to H^ Cheap, Attractive) and FasMoadlila Liae% -" . ~j j Our groat speciatfie? af.e 5ILS JA>iS3T3i \ - v .0.23^ S1V&0S- lVU^SSS, - cssi.?1 i T3E,T^ 033^.? \- 033A-?: ' iia xrEaTDrorLaa'Yor? Cfciis3-'-" '," '. ."_ < y - . C Linc'r\' CosinfnV', .w,o are OffSfing^doV. cirte'd bargains, v." "-" " Cashmere Jackets, every price,. Corsets Every siaa. of our. popular Adjustable Corset. L I ffents' Fu'riiishirig.', very attrac'tiv <i^+ ililline'ry, fashionable; f Linen's, C >lt<vt?, Hosiery, SheetiDg's P'rints, Qirtlts/ic. ".-| Blaok Cashmeres C-ut' stock is7fui:y- Assorted. . ' ,' } ttt*g?cttmi rartlculay ".luierf Cor. W. 'Stewart \k Gp;; -GL'ELPH.'-' "\/: Ill "plOW FACT-ORV. OPSNEpi"'.^! "Clio itibscr'ibor, Jiaving pnrchased "J:>i ' Aeton Plow Works; is prepared to iVf nisli Single an.l .Uonbto JL-'ramo" L-.u Plaws, as well as the- B->~ Uing l'!6-;, v.-bioli has gained the rep>itation of bebi t!: :.- best -lian'g plow liia'ds, at tba nsnB i-itci. Ail repairs done on tbe .^v<rV.<t. notice and at thcclie.-ipusc pricsJ' 37-rt - SYUlSa-if'iSJlI-Til'. u

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