Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 8, 1878, page 2

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' ', r: i .'tif;.v V" O ^^f^DKCldr^^ MtcKSSar T.1II.V FRHE PRE SS, ACTO^T, HAlTON COUNTY, ONT. A.UGUST 8, 1878. s " V - -:J^ ! % i- :',s -"- ~^~"\ i- ftl V t J--'-!.Ui';;:jH .! 1 * : r' " HBi < i r* ^; : fgl *1i IE if &! 11 -:* u ' K ? mi ->v fl ill:' tVyt)N Vlttt PUKSK":i.lcilowry Tluir><Uy-Morn:.iif; >1 Fcf Annum in ;-Aelv;uice- Tlio. KoitndiVry $v.eslio:i Trial ot'Xicitiiv'ajl .r;ii5R*MuriJ Wlio wore Ari'osttMl <>u : I he l:J(U of v5"l>> u> . "j. : 'i-i mS , ir,^ is l lu> uwiii d 1I tin' Aibitrai hi\ \anp czqM toss" 'h* - w,., :i,n..,i.iua i.v Tim trjul of the Orangemen nr: rested on .the ut'Muly, which wAs 'postponed till ' TucMilny, wan i\lIlea bototo T. .Vl.VMViIT MOOUK, Kvifo;;. fjivtw-i ay Mousi.w;, Av...lfs,.' ih; ~ -.ji-'h ."r.f^r - ?S^' if i< - ^vi 135- :Sg I /A tei:ibh: famine is raging in S.mihern Morocco ; it seems tilun<t-t rs if it woio an extension yf tin* great Indian f.iinino. As usual, *:.nt of r.iin is iho cause of "the. tlfstjvss : the cattie are dying by U.ousainis, and cows mo being ihivtu into Uiv ci<\" anil told for a dollar. '"tv',-ieliof bii K-tit-easily to tlio starving people, nl -nhvady se viral s.eioie.s luivo l*rn'}'Aili'i>lil foi' tliatPpmpose, tho Bi'ui^r Uovtiiimi-nt soWctih ir<i $1,000 to tin- fund raisi d in Ud>'riiltr-r--. l'ilV a:>1' dour 1U' '"' ing imported from Iv.ighii-.d and sctirg most gi neroiiidv in tf^is cTUi.vs'tiliseiiliiui; both larije sums of money and forwarding ipiantitrcs cf food of all ilcsL'.-ipuons. Mr, M. II, Cruill h:ts dcoivKa to the nomination of t!ip Cor.- sci vutivft jvnty for Moivtival Wcm*. A strxm^ fivlini; in f.vyor of Mr. T!;o. Wliit-.- i-xists in ihf div'.Mun, aud scn: cf tl.o le:'.dii:g Torus E:-k [ to ihetlRot that Mr. White lu^ bct'ii troatcd uufaiily. . Tko op;vositio:i to him rests on tlie ground of tlie'-jiestt^ijn taken by tlio <S'i:.-it; on tL^ ij2::iof\^4' troulKt. The Jinyliih r.J ' Fricch-sprakin^ Conservatives ft-ej sore it the itand I cf the Iris-b Caibclics niio pi-linly *tated at the c:\iCii3 that it wfis be cause of iLe G'-izcJ.W-- ooinments. on tiie 12l1i of July Jisjrder^, that tro Award of tho Arbitntton*.- a? i~ ----- - -Tlio-Mij;iuiu-nts in tlio boundary mso cUiM'd .^.ijffr lay. Tho i'olloiv- I ho award of iho AI -bit rat urs : l\u' [ oalloii' bot'oio i\lr. 15i'< haiit, J.'olioii t-iovovni'ioiit:< ot t'.iiiada and On- ) y\.ijri^tratof in tlio Coin L ol liui'cu'H !u io irc< inbiU'iUoiH to <|i oido as to. l!ruuli this nl'toruoni. ' Mr. Don: ibo Kniudarii-a of (ho Fro\ inoo of It',.,, called upon tlio. con unci Ontario.; do-hereby dotoruiino ami fuv 11> pionotmtion to pro: do.culo timt- tho following; aro and j.v.0( K\ wi111 thte caso of Mm phy V. sslniil bo tuch bouiulario-, that ij to | li,;,!^, mid Ollu-IH. . Mr, t.'.iircr .f.-iy : 0-oin'irioiiciik: at, 'a point on-' sfited that tlio oa:ai luid been post: -t!u\ youtlivrti s!o>i-ii of Hudson s ,,ib>\v au urmnj,'oui.iit to i'ny , .i\in>ii)oiily called ihlines. l>.iy. iL ; maibi wlioreb'y H uii^lit bo Iroin _ roduccil ilno. n?ith tlio Iwad.M' 1/iko niin^Ue woiilds4riko tin! Said ; ou'.h >lioi'o, lhcr.00 alori; l!n shnii! gi: speooily < -oiiiicil." to 1H.IV illipOh: brought bofoio the Privy' llo royri.ltod, hosvi.vir, 1 that it lnul been foul hcr.oo alori; iho ' seulli inipOhsililo to C0111O lo. mioli arriiny lioio WtsU'ily hi tho luonih oi tl 0] monl. Aflor con>.'nlciablo biekfi': Alb.-uiy liner, ihcticn ,up t> the !oi\^ .brt ween tho ivuitia-l, for each uiiddto of the said Albany ll: vcr j.'Mde, 1 lie court adjourned until two u'el'oek yesterdny. south 1. f iho said liver at, tho'Ju'iid.l _______. _......._. oi Like S.!..'om^i1i, ihciio-.' by; ;lie nearest hue liiUho e.i:.teriy nild of Tic Sail-U-iiv' the bend wait-is i.f lioiisK'.H Vohu Sliirdoi*. Tho caioh'.i'.s investigation into tlio Jv,i-'ltsh Uiver, tlanco v.T.ntcrlv | tho circnitistances leading d t!ii\Hli*li I lit! UHUviro m, o.-ui miii ueaui m ^inmouii, uio ^1111. said Ir.lj; Uhs! Kivfot to a point where the 5,11m' wiillbij intefsc cli-d by a -true 'nioridi^naU line, drawn noriheily from tho intern itiovu nroniur.i'Ut jdacvd lo uiaik the most jiortli-wcstt-rlv im^le \i tin 1 U 1" A: heavy, ruin niid hail irftorm visitild Toronto, tin Sirfitay lat;t, in:; property lo I'ho cxieni of about 11 ipiar'.t.T of a n.illiim ilot: lair/ Thu (niluro of. Iho Union Iron Weeks in Jloavelaud throwrH ru'iuly 0110 tlioumud 111111 out of'eil'ii'hiy- ineiit. Tho liabilifiea nro 11 lit tin over two hundred thousand didhira. The Kroticli O.inudiiin iiownpipi'iii join with theii KnglisJi cnnteiiipor- alien in hpenkin^. in Cho hi^liesl tt 1111:1 of tho iippoiii.tiiHlit id' tlio Maiipiia of homo as Oovernor (l.-u oral. !.OGA).Mr.TTEi!i I 111! Krurboi'!)' il3';li(:* I^xcfit'sion. r 1 11011113 ;riifc Tip under t\li'n iitis- l.iiiaa 'ot; -lli-u T5-:rIin ,M t'hurcli lo .Toronto and'Mi: ii.'iylitH on Thursday 1-iitt rand ;-uieces:i in p:ii'nl of nil mid would liavo bneii: n tlnir enjoy.(Wu nHair hud it in for tin meagre accolnniod.vti viik-d on tho milwiiy, whi .IhjiIijA irbffio' Willi a :ii);oia"i, ;ii-fily t -llOPIl jn pio- 1 wan Ti\'H'luivobccn dccjily'rooted;, Xie:; I. A follow who inarriod 11 gill f: 'haWi'beeli cuiiHrcratr.d tliat',, catj I Hiii>p(.Tisioti llridyo, N. Y., .robbed iiover fadd ot wVtli0r,vuiul- to m j ll("'.' <Jtn-ljli, leaving her 11 blush ing bride niid 11. jduiideii'd (.'r.U.8 -widow within twenty four bourn. ilyiii;{ day 1 iilmll roiiKhiiber with' (iu'liii^!), ' cannot .'lie cxprci.'u.'d i-li' v,'or<lH')tlio in.ii'ks of. rrnpect iiBid and Tho of tho Wood.; b lar, at Itoilse'sL'oiiit, was idueliul: oif o\\ -Moo lay. Tlio Cvidenu-j educed went to >trciiglltcn the eaiie ii^uinsi L'obtailoraz, | .i Point produced a pair of pants I belor.ymy to the- juii-oiicr which were siaiind with >vh,it up]ioar*;d to bo l>lood. Whi-':i the coroiulr asked the prisoner.if he had any ipiestions to ask the witness, he tho' 1 ocelli IJoimdry (..'oniinis.noii, and tluiav due .south following -,;l:o said nrc^ ridioiud line to the sriid iuterna'iioi:- ,d .uioimnieiit, thcnce.southerly and eailcily fo'doiviiig; tioiin the inter- [ rose ((tiiekly, and dive.->tiiij; himsi'-ff national lino'belween tlie I ol bis coal ajid Vest; pointed to Hiitish possessions atul tho United .stains on his ihirt irhiuli liusii'd 1 ...... 1 . . . 1 1 1 were those On. which he used Uij.e at'-'S?, 1 It is not often t-bflt a member Stctes of Au.erica into Like Jiu- peiior. Bat if a true niei idion-.i! line drawn nortueily from the said iuit-rustional bju:i;hii-y at C'O said liV'st iiorth -wi-stt-ily utiglo of,the Like of the Woods shall bo found, to pass to tho west of where the Kiiijii.-h ' Kiver" eiiipties into the \\ unjipeg lliver, 'tUeii and in siicn ' tho northerly boundary of On- ] t-ario shall -continue down the mid dle of tho said English lliver to where the s:inie euipt es into the. that of Parliament c.;u claim to Lave Winnipeg River, mi 1 shall con- lepr^eiited the same con^iiuenev "." tbce ia a lino drawn due west from tho co'uihiencj of the said -Eiiijli^h River with tho saitl Winnipe-' River until the a;ue wiu iuu-rsect the meridian aI>ove for thirty one years; but, op the lOthof x\i\% mouth that will V.e tu:^ length of -Siiiio that t-lspsed inc9; John ^J.ig'it represento-l llir- mingbaiu in the B.-ULH H-j;i<;;of Comr.ions. It is only natural tbat -ihia Ion -tried frieadibiii "bttwe-tu t - ' . ' . I - . ...the representative and ids constuii- aliboandary- line between the Bri: ents should be duly acknowledged, ; ti^h possessions and tho United lies of .America into Liko Su- wi'ie produceil, as his pant?, by acids in his business. Tlio e.ironer reinind-d lliim t!i he would bo .privileged to produce tvidenci to " lljis i-ffeot if he were coin mi I ted for trial. After some further evidence, tlie ciiSjO WKaj^iven to tlio jury,who brought in a verdict of minder against the' prisoner, who iv nc cordingly coiiimilted 'for tri d ai the October iwsizes t\t S".. John's, Quo. ....". Fi'ver is piovaletit nt .Nicosia, tlie prineipul town of OypiiiY. Seventeen men nnd two olltceru of till' Jirititib (letm'lillHMlD lpiill'teil'd there liavo bjeli attackeii by 'tlio disorder. Thu colonel's jury in the House's Point, ciisi! have returned a verdict of iiiurdei' iigniiiht t!:o ]nispner l.'oSt'iilloru/.,who has bei'ii coiiiiuil- teil for. tiial at the October Assize;! nt St. John. !>' The Sionx_ in tho North- West ! nro said to bt* gathering for a big. on (liciie'dlneo in tlio neigbohoml ot Wood'Mountaiii, but thero is 110 indication that Sitting-Ilu'll iutuids j to cross the frontier. Alfonso, of Spain, is about ' ,' n liiagiiibceiit liasilica to | -,loiig thi' t'oiiti m late Queen, and will contribute j dining th" ' a million reals yea.i ly for lthat pur- p<>!-c. JCs l^leen Isabelhi bus ;;iveli her jitwcN, valued at liftujn million reals, to the .same object. Judgi- Ross recently decided that the retorts, purifiers,, and gashold ers within tho buildin^t of the O'.'.aW.i Oas ('ouipany weiv real e.i t:i!i! and not personal pro|n'l ty, and were tlni-i assesable us part in coil nretioTi with the property as-iessed. Mr. Ilick.'inn, (>cncr;:l 2\r.iruii_t-i- of t'e t.rrand Trunk Ilailw.iv, w l.-o tlie.yc.iiUi)) ol gronV (li:<eointw ii'ilioyunee to all on lnmli|v train* It It liialin v-itpt lliirtel'ii cars, ivliich were well Idled brfoi'd reach ing (Iiielph, mid.when ij-verw nvail- ihieohad linen packed Wiout, ihi two hunJr-d were hit behind. A [ '>?'. ^'\ OanipbelJ. King to erect :!, nuuiberof jiiMseiigen Wei -over- at Acton station, but they were Hccominodatoil by tho "Dutch .Mail." Passenger:) hud to hu 1eff. over in more or leiei nunibers at all htiitioim- along ' tlio lino *> (Ji'orgftown, whi'io-t'-vo addition-iYs, ens wtro uttaclied,' niid by -til') time thpy reaehed Uraimiton every corner from tho tenilfi' of\|m en: tho ooiidnetoi'ii villi wan packed to Miff-jiMtiiiir. About Iwo liiindi'.'d weio Ii-1l 'behind, mid Hi apnoiiil Ineiit and clugriu colli; i' in the f.ic.-H ot those rem lin ing after the train innve.d-t-li'.' The !l 1 liii and. Pi estoii , b.iinla aecom- inie-l the exeiiiiiioiiists, and play- I many line selections nt stations aJid at 'tlio Heights 1 ..iiiing tlie ijay. The train arrived in Toionto a little after (-11 o'clock, j^oud will'l have received from my Aeton friend.-'." ' (f JIksith. J" . Tho foHowling uoiiga 'wore- then rendered in 'order :- ..."- " Red, Wiiito'and Blue," by I),ivie:i, of Toronto; ' ICrin, tho 'I'ear mid tlieSmilo in Thine l"y('i" by J. Mr. 1 Murpliy, of; G'uelph.;. ".Scots wliii lia'c," by Mr. (Jiiule- ron, of K:i:ilford. j- . _ Tho .toast " I,[QMt,'ianil Ifo^ss" wiih then given iiik| fcKjipudcd to- "' Inlouglier left ' fougliabby my strump folortm," by M-i-. Zing, of I'eilin. Recitation, ."Thi:i World ii nil a Klrctiii^ .Shoiv," in good Htyle, by Mr. Ilan Mm. After tho toast, " Jlsppy to inocf, s'jrry to part, happy to meet again", wan drank, lMr. Otmpbcll "jiPupiihcil that " Aiihl. rtyiio" should be simg b"fore tlm crowd' [disjiei-M-d. A most pleaeunt even- ;]'"/; Wrts sjient, (Jimr. ^ Tho, Clearing SiI.j will eon- limie at the. Mainniiith lloinxj u;> to tlie'-Utli day of w\iigimt. ( bar gain* will lie >tiji[tii^ip to-that l:itu in- 1 Viler to eli'eet a elcaisjiieu. l>.iilie.i aiid geiith njeii, lie will:giv_) iiif*T4.e gooiU at ]uii.'es you nevi-r lieanl of before Imp, etiim invited. No troublu to (ili'iiv tlie ifi'idu. Now i'l j-oitr time to in.-iU'v money by. saving it. : McLeo.l, (p8VIO HOLIDAY issr g-ttzeilie'ih: - /-' . Vfjy b and iiniiiediately in w.iitiii", on iu:riviil .- wliicli ' whs it boat 1:0011 been on a visit to L-j .ill,'Ell: GDirespoadss.oo. desreribej, und . thence due $ym!i following^the said uieridionat line to tho s.iid international .-11101111 ; uieiit, tjji-ire-' soutlitaly uiul east crlr:f'jllowing njion the iuternation \Ve icish it to be uadersto'/t thui tre -d> not h'A'l.our$;!c\:.< r<i]>o;u<io!o\:":iU/', Hi? opinivni vxyfCSfcd bj uiir cory-:-<i j .1 .1 . - / - 1 . A-^ vife ' :. & *:3 i '^m -Mm IV '-. :\i-.. 11 ' -; Lt<*.'-v--. ..... -1; \-H .:= 'i -m J -'^- '-*r*MtYJ rmm and the good people of Birmingham on Saturday next inten-.l, doingjeo in a monsier fete, anl- erecting a statue to the m-iii.. whom thoy S3 i<ie5erved]y delight tvj lienor. It-is' tco bad that the " he.itheti Chineu" can get- no rest for tho sole cf Lis toot; even in Peru they ere " quarrelling about. Li.-r:. Some of the.good tfeop!there' want liiirfeni- . pldytiS on a free labour system/and; not after the old stvle cf peonage y But otliii-s, from' .1 social point of ; view, won't rave him incorj)c;-3tcc as "a man and,a brother in the body social. This great 12 likely to lead to gravo -dingi rs,~and the relig:ou3 papers of/|Peru ore' already poiutinj out results which- would ensu& if tho followers of Confaciiis were-allowed to become part of the general community;. r_~ I the Iinjieriul HouKe.of Com- tooiiaT-estetdny the L'-hancelbr of c - tho Exchequer announced a deScit cf i,300,00(y. for which be in tended to provide by issuing Ex chequer bonds for three yea is, this year's aggregate reaching .2,000,- 000. After severe criticisms by Mr'. Gladstone, and" Mr. X-hildcrs n resolition authorizing tho issue of bon-i* to thit amount waa adopted. Tho yalue of gooh? imported at tho port olf 0'.t\wa in the month ending, July 31af,?wau $119,701. Tho.valus of goods entered for con sumption was" 815,029:" The amount of dutiable good3swas S/51, 349, tho Jtities co-Hectect being $11- 775.32. 'Flip v.ilueVof exp-jrt.'i jfor the.tnoiTth was S1G8.75-3:;- The neir Auditor General, Mr. J. L McDongsll; entered upon his duties, at .O'-taw.i Thursday, The - anialgfira-ttion of the Receiver.*'a ofnoo ^witli- the ifinance onartmont- aisb took placo the "Fiuia- day. v ., \The Toronto, Grey and. Bruce Jvi\l'way contemplate greatly im proving their yiad, in anticipation iff tlio imruemw amount of business v/hicti tlrey exp3Ct to Ik; able to - take inta tho Qiecn City. , Sx-TjTeut. Governor Morris has arrived in Winnipeg, where- he was. received with, great enthusiasm It iosaid that Mr.'Ryan: of Mar- qtie.'.tif, wiil retire, and Mr. Morm. will rim'for that constituency. : pei lor. Death of Dr. Cohrov. Randall, ^"arr &'tot to Ihc E.Htur oflh^Jncc R Sis: i: in coiimction with the scheme for secuiing for that ro'jd dir'ict and independent- coinmiaiicuti on with Chicago, failed for homo on Thurs day lust. -'" The oldest man I'.'M been gat'ner- | ed.^o bis futhers. , He was u Cb r'- living in (J-.-Iuhansen, nnd. was 118 years old.' His life had IHj-en 11 protracted strngglo with poverty. lie left two sons, six'ecu grandchildren, and 348 great grand children to inouiti h;s loss. - ) l .,' Hi '- A. l I I '.'/ 1/1 l III 11 I L O J. I . O-. '- T I t ' * - . ,1 j !, . ierrc.oon-r.e lias been yi.sited by a -DiUlt SlS: I- notic.i r-a .short"y*hock. of earth(|uako followed by 11 rticle in^our issue of tli3 tSlji nit., f lu-avy fill of hiiil, which deitroyed ii Mr. Randnll's letter in tho Mail I ijpiantitieix.f glass in the town and '{,the 12ih. . I nnd S'-rionsly injured tho" *cro|r.. tlie 12 J N'oir.-df ton was t!-.e i.eene 1, lintil fuartier :. developements, - Ij remain under the impression either in ' the report,' of tli* statement, eiiVil of tho fac'. I take t portunityCf bringing th^c . The announcement of the'death of Dr. Cocroy. tho.Pap-,1 lA-le gate wiil bo nceie-.d with wide- spread regret. Entrusted with a most-important, nnd delicate mis sio-i in ' countrv, h.v iliic:i.irirr-dryu.iust , his duties with rare,tact atd uUJi.jf"1 th^-ls a ,,llsUl ty, w'hichWon for him the rfspeejt- of. all. classes of tho couiu'mnit .' Ili3 niisst'^p'" to this country* was one of pnac, and to this e.nd he lahorcd incessantly, and wa3 able to accomplish much good. Tnis was especially noticeable in tlie'iu- ijiicnct'.he exerted in Cyn-bec,'and by bis persuasion and ..efforts he did very much in that Province to effect a separation between purely political and : purely eccle- siistieab issues. for ;lhr; bet-ter fet-lin'g that fi:i3 sinccV.-Kvail'.'J'tbo communjjyi is .indebted to his .ear- n--st effort?;, and it is to-be hoped I'-'De-ui a :on 0{ ' Now.-ll,' for one, do not believe J Sunday, Wasliin that a geii|ieman'of Mr. Massie's ', of a hurricane winch unroore high repiitHtion- and holding tho ,'tliiity or forty houses, and more or position heilces, wjuldj at a public I less damaged several publio buii 1- meetiny, make a statement he w/is ) i:igs. Onehfo was Ids', and several On Friday, Captain Webb c nineiiced bwim- ming thirty six hom s continuously L"" j without 'rest- in the Thames. He !'- ' ili\x-.l i.lftbV)"Panide at Wo, wai lilled. As a pleasuie -paik Hear biiio' Heights has litrlo preteiisions. but as a' picnic .ground it would be hard to liud a be,fe|' ph ee. The grounds aro Well laid out, and abundantly provided with booths, ta!des and swings. The obrrrva: to-y. Hiti-uctcil n fjood ijial of attention froPi.TIm fact, no* doubt, of t'ho -nagnifcent view foJie ob: t.iiined froih it of the lake, the city and tiio lairioe.'iding country. A light' shower fell Iretween twelve and one o'clock, whie! interfered wit! by this time wcre^doing um tico to t!>e contenls of their lunch ba^ke'san . the booth*, and on the tables pj.ic'-d uronnd tin: edge of the grounds, sheltered by the sjirubs an J trees of-the hmh. This over, a geni.-rai e'xploratioi; of the urroiwiilii)g.s t.,ok placi>, which' ck, winc.'i in no \v) tho picmicers, who It- jus: Anile. (.0. was Kepi llj, turned, when till t! many ateamer re: went ba. ok in ill lit-' , "'[six Mr. jlassies notice ruifuil con!]- i(;r.|VL.Koru denco that a silisf.ictoay,'. exjilaua- (I t'ion v.'jll be forthcoming. Yours it,i., REFORMER. lwic.'l lit Counterfeit S2 Dominion are circulated in ilintreal. . Bill Sonio of our :ha*. the wir! jc uopei auspiciously Canadian^ stock raisers'have decided to compete at the Detroit Statu Fair. ho_- so commenced will u'.vt be broken pff by .his.death. - It'.-is 'seldom that."so voung a nian is entrusted, .with'.such res ponsible woi 1; as was Di'. Cd.r.roy, a'.id-'ihe c jn:i lenco repo-ed in him by the authorities at R mm show ed the estimation in which his ab- iiitir-s v.irrv held,, arid the f.iith they had in his tuct and prudence. The-ivork that he has accomplish ed rU Canada fully.-'jugtifiea these, expectations. He was enrplrfili- cajh- a pOJcemnker. Hn curbed the'rxtr.'iyiigant claims and absurd pretensions of tho Udtramontancs in Qiiebec, and taught them that political affairs a-nd the intercsts^of the j Church which he'represente 1 .sheiild bo disassociated. This'in itseif .wiisia great step to advance, npd to feisr efforts 'miul wise states-? manship are no doubt owing the results of. the election in Quebec, which gave to it u llefiirm Govern ment. ^ II id Dr. Conroy lived, his salVi- Iai-j inlbienco would no' doiiljt iiaye been felt in manj ways, in keeping 'tho church altogether apart from political influences,- which serve only to debant and iower: any church that me'ddles %vith them.. The general belief ji that bia commission as Papal Dele gate, granted-by the lito 'Pope, was continued by tlio present one, and formally extended so as to in clude.' tho United States, so that with increased responsibility cme Vie necessity of increased exertion at a time when re3t .was absolute ly required. It will ba difficult to lill his placa with one so gifted, so ;; well acquainted with Canadian !iffiurs,iaiid whosa action was con trolled by a tact and prudence t'Jiat 30 fow possesa. ' .'"jQwon Sound fJouneil has offered are'vard ofi$2:J,'J for conviction of incendiaries. " ... Notwithstanding- Ross' defeat la^t Vvreilnesday, his backers are inclined to match him again with JIahliin. . '" The sales oi the Nova Section mine owneri for tlio past tix months show an iucreasud output of A o,500 ton's. There is a' possibility that- the Australian criciceters will -play in several cities in the Eastern. S'-ates enr'y in.October. 'Aaron; jloyor, of W^lkerton,ha's been r.ent to rilanitobir'. to act as ageri'^ for a batch of "M.ehuo'.iites hifely u-rived from Russia. The British Columbia Assembly 011 Saturday adopted a bill impos ing a tax of ;JG0 per annum nh. cv-e;ry Chinese person in tho Pro vince. The Orangemen of Montreal ar.e coming to Tirouta' on the IOui'tIi- stant to join_in celebrnf'ting-'. the opening of tho gate3 of Deny on tho. 12tb.. j- A.Conseivat.ivo paper,"to bo call -ed tlie, Manitoba Tunes, is about to. bo started in; that Province. Gil bert. MeMicken 13 among its lead ing promoter.-}. An Opposition daily paper has been started in S\. John, N. B. It is called the Sun, and tho first number on tlio ; day ot the solar eclipse. ". .- This year twenty-fivo new build ings, valued at.-$o5,0C0, .arc being erected'in Gait, including a largo "i-ist mj.ll for Messrs. Ilarvie ii Co., of Ghisgovi, Scotland.-"' Harvey township by law, grant ing $15,000 to Whitby and Bob- cuygeon Extension Rail way, has been, curried by the 'casting voto" of tho township clerk. In 1837 only 53 per cqtrt. pf'the peoplf inherent Biitain ciVnJd 'sign their namea ta the marriage, regia- tni'. The .percentage has sitfee risen to 81. Scotland leijids with 91 per cent of written niffnatures for men and 88 for women ; England comes next with 8i and 78, and Irejand last, with GO'-and 73. o'clock, swimming tov, ;/ids He relimpiished his itte:n[it.-for t he .pre: i-nt in coiise- 'quence of the high wind. 1I(. ;,f;. l;he water at 10 minutes past three, having s'.cui; for ninj hour..^ .in,! c'omjileted twenty two iijiles. The. following onr.-nneii have en tered ' in .the professional .^culling Vucd to'be. held at B-irrio liuiiin; tho regatta on the 12th And 13th inst.- :- . Wallace 'Koss,' St. John. N;vR. ; Wm. Mi-Ken, Toronto; Pat Luth er, Pittsburg, Pa.; Alex: Edict, Toronto; J. A. Ten Eick, Peek- skill, N. Y. ; Elward'Ross. St. John, X. B. ; J. Diuglass, Toron to ;' Richard Niigle, St. John, N. B. ; David K'-nnedy, Lowell, M.1.1S. ; Fri'nchy A. Johnston, Bos ton ; M. Lynch, Salem,^-Mass. ; Fred. Plaisted, Boston, und Evan Morris, Pittsburg, Pa. There seems to bo no limit to the extent of the Canadian (ihlicrie3,' nnd 'our far Wisteni'i territories seem to bo even more1 productive th.13 the older established Pro-' vi'ucea, and when the Pacific lliil- w'uy is completed a very large over* hind trade in this commodity, in its preserved slate, may be expect ed. ';. Tho New Westminister Herald, of a recent date, bears us ont-in^ the ftateruent, ua follows :. "to'io .salmon are getting thetn- selveR entungled in the nets of the fishermen at tho -ruto'.-of 25;000 to 30,000 in twenty-four hours. It is probabTo that tho catch wiil bo- better in a day or two, as tho has only fairly commenced." .1 Tho Sopcrato i^chool troubles., in Toronto ai'O yet unsettled, in fact ihey seem to bo getting more num erous and serious. Ono bonolof contention is the demand nindtf-jb}' the lay members of the board* to employ certificated tsachers only. Tho clerical party, which ia in the majority, retain1 tho .uncertificated Christian Brothers. -The former allege the disappropriation ottscbool funds to chjurch usss, tho most not able insfanco being that of the proi>orty oh' tho corner^of Rich- nioiij and Jarvis streets valued by some nt :$200.000, brqueiHlied for Sennrafo ^chdol piirpoacn. by the ,Hou. MiV Ehnsley, Archbishop Lynch expressed his willingness to help to raiso money For the erection of fcchoel buildings but will not agree, to havj tho title of the pro perty vested-in t'.iu Sohool' board' crush rh, her to spend the remainthr (if tho day in sightseeing round the'city. A heavy tliuiiib-rstorri prisa-d over tlie city about L) o'clock, but Was of no great, duration. Jt'after nine. 0'1-loek when 1 bu tr.iio nt ured from Toronto, and a!tho;i_di two extra c irs were aadci: to if, the was c'.pi.dly as gt.,- it as in uioi.-iing, and for the comfort: aldo iiCvoru-uiod'.t'tiou of p'lShengers four more, cars .would have-'been requjied. There could not.hive bei' thai-six'.ejn hun-drtil 0:1 the train. .Twelve o'clock w.i's the "tjine A.;ton vvas readied, tlio. vrearv hours Jief.viren- being whili.'d h iv by siiieing. Every cir had its ow!iclioir of , singers. Tiio only accidci t leported iv is that of a mar.,, hailing from Betlin or Water: U)0,'i'aMing oli' (ho steps of'one of thu cars w bile in motion, but ow: ing tj the slow speed of tin! tjrain ho wis little the worsj of his turn lib. I'arcvyell gugjter. j \ The following report c-f the fare- \Vell given fo Mr.',I. \H. liaison, was left ovjer from hjst week. ' , [ A'number of friends met ;at Campbell's Hotel on Friday even ing. 2Gth fib., for the purpose of giving Mr. I. II. Hanson a faro- well supper. Thi! room* was beau tifully decorated, and the table was sprejd with all the delicacies of the season, to whieh each did ample justice.- After the removal of the cloth tho usual toasts were (Irani niid responded to. Tho^chairninn then arose and said- he was nbcut [to jiropose 'a toast which all /'would heartily join it, and this was, " The health of our departing friend, I. H. Hanson, who- leaves us to morrow." Hi) eulogised his stay in Acton, and Hoped that the bright beams of happiness might ever smile on bis countenance. The toast was then drunk,, with " He's a jolly good fellow." In response, Mr. Hansen spoko as follows : " Mr. Chairman and Gontleineii Before iitten|pting to express the. dee|>gratitudb 1 feel, not only for tho kind reception you have given n.10 to-night, but still more for the kindness I liavo received at your hand3 durinir the present memor able week, I may just stato, as many of you are aware, that- cir cumstances of a peculiar naturo have drawn lis together to niyht, and I auj .satisfied the result "will bo to. my advantage. -Miv fJliair-- man and Gentlemen This i.s pro bably the last tinin I shall-'liavo tho pleasuro of finding myself in your company, and-in order "tfcat a pleasant evening may Lo spent,.I hasten to conclude tho toast. Dur ing a period of four years of your acquaintance, I havo mingled with your society, I jiavo taken 11 part in your sports and pastimes, and havo become one with many of you in thought and -feeling, for which I havo always received at your hands tho kindest considera tions and tlio most indulgent syiri- piithicu. I believe thero is it sonic- thing inoro deep, moro lasting, -Rtimor says that Gcnrgeto*n has beJ-u in a stt'o of great-czcifo ment during the past two ^ee'.s. 11 ardly "bad iho excitement over the. quoit match subsided tlnn a most aiiiusiaV.hymeneal transaction was. enacteirWliicli went a long..Way to-J wards thu \r1ppines3 of at lea^l, two parties. ltSia|>peneiI that a brick-. Iiiyoi niinicil-nCl'ickfiiu, m ulo bis nppoaranco in Kpor^etoiTn a'liuut six weeks' ago. ^rrrr boariic.l at C arlfs: hotel, and iunnediately on lui .iiirival, riroceedcd to1 fall in lovo r.'i>h'a pretly dim-\?lnho tcrve'.l at that hotel. Aftei buying many pro- sents, and te'ling tho story of his lovo she pro:r.i-.ed to t,o his own ivif'e, and J.o at enco proceeded to procure a license, which ho shorred lo a largo iiuiriber of people. It seenu thai this lady ll al a former lover, whom she had also pro nisei lo marry, but who bad been rattier cooled in his nr lor ol lite, llow- ever, lie beard that Dickson intend ed to many the girl, and determin ed to spoil ilia fun. Ua also pro cured a, which, by the war. fco bid to gi to .-tevTartt'jwn, as one license bad already been .issued for | the lady .Alter getting t-!iO license bo brought a mnu::t-.y- to C'la.i k's hotel, and the interesting ceremony was ;,e.i(oidied in the sitting room,. I L'iclispn .-tin-ling in tho ha.i dl the- 4im iiu-i U^oliirjr- on. Alti-r the : ceremony Ifick^on',ent up lo the I blushing bride an I'demiusle 1 those i presents bo bad give':i her, .which j . ei'c dcli/cred forthwith. Of course J a wc-dd'ng t.air was nece: s-iry and I the r.oivly m irridl {r.iir proceeded i to Toionlo, accompaniet by tiick- son, -who coui 1 not bear to lo.-e. si^ht of the idol of bis heart, alter. f'oKo'.i- ing the wedded pair tojivo orsix'dif- I'eient hotels, Iiiclc^ on %v is bounc ed" by the laii.Uoril; ami the cOTipI-e were .-illo,\ ed toeijjjy the remainder ol llieir honey:mauii alone and un- intc-rrupted. Thoiiext time Dick- s-iii was beard fromj ho was in Liei rce'.o'wn, where ha was pretty much ' tleivcd," and alter a lime ho became abusive, apd damaged a young man's faoo to a .Con-iderab'e extent. A Simmons was handed bin to. appear ^before the rnaeis. trate, but before the time he rsuilc his wa'i'y to the- G-.i'. Ii. Stition, and thenco on tho 'ilutch Mail" to Gueiph. but a telegram had reached that town before hin^/and when he arrived he was taken by tho hand ei ffs, "nd tiken back to (feer^e- tewn, where be was requested to contribute to'the corporation a fine of jji and j9 costs. Tho mnrrigd caup.Ie arrived homo safely, and are. now working ,ijiway as busily as though nothing had happened. GRAND PIC-NIC EXCUR3I0H . FROM GUELPH. TORONTO AND J -ON- /~^, . By </rantl Trunk KnlMvfiy, forrtron(o< Int-'u-i! liy ulniuier " .ifa\tl'" / \ to thi- llelchl^. y-, J '; Le.aAp Ouolj-h at 7 a.m.. Rf5ck. wood 7j25, Acton 7,4"), Georgetown S:14, /liram^tor. 7 35 Faro from Guolflli, Itockwood nnd Acton, nnd return, $1 ; Georgetown, SO cents, Brampton, 7-j cents. 'iho chovo fares are lor tho round trip, includ ing, eiitranro to tho grounds. Tho bojif makes four or fivo trips daily, sojthot persons toTlo bu-i' noBj.\ji. Toronto will liavo ample time. >^ Ticket? c-'.n bo procured ot tho stuiion,-previous to'.au.l on ihe day. Pur-tioi iyrlI tiii,!',;r a fivor by seeur- in'heir ticki-'is as eirly r.s poss f^le, s'ojtbat tbc.ebiii.T.itUe may be ublo to [iiovio'i- .-iiillhaen t coirs'.. KetunJing, tram will leave Toron to station at 7 o'clock p.r->, giving a ;nl of nearly 15J miles on the beautiful Untiria. and "8- liours ut the I'jik, or 11> hours in the city of .roronio-. . ' ' (y It.. ~*3 -please hc.-ir0!!! ViIlagC;Ciistomcr: nihil 1 that no IriH-ijatting is done .Satur day niylit<, except for puiutry jjonp/e. All villagers wiu'iing ,a shave will much .oblige by calling during daylight, on Saturdays, ns country work will occupy all the time after dark, until twelve o'elock. , ' -. " GEO. B. XEVENS. ^T-OTICB TO DSKT'OKS. ; All parties indebted to the uade'r- signed are re^aoate'd t--> call and scttl-/ their account in fall, on or l>efure the -tth . o A'"K'ast, and oblige, 5-'Jo I U. T. GALLOWAY/ CfSNABlAH PACIFIC RAIiWAI*' To Capitalists & Contractors/ "t Tlie'Gnvcrriment of Canada, will re-' reive :prniw,Fals for coiiRtructing apd working ;( bin) of Uailway c?xtc*limj from 'tlic'ifrovmice of f>trr,ir{<> taVtho vrattrs of ,the Pacitic Ocean, the ^lis-" f.iyre beini aboat 'i000 miles. ij .\Ir:iuarrtndius:of infornntion hr'-pat.- tics prrtp-iping to Teii<}c-r will be.for- wardel oA application an nnderiieath.- Kiiifiiioc-ajiltcportii, maps of ;tho coun try to be traverncd, profile*of the tvf. vcyed lino] npecilic.itionii of preliminary works, ecijliea of the Act of th& Parlia ment of Oin.i/la tinder which it ii pro- pored the Railway in to"be constractc-A,- (Icscriptiops of the natiiral features of the country and its a^ricaltmrjl and' mineral resoiircesfarfdjother/informa- tif/n, may be iseen on application at this IfL-partmeht, or to the Kiigineer-iir-Chief .-it tho C' Govfjrrirnent Officer, 31 Queen Victoria etreet, -EX'., London. .Scaled Tender?, Tii.irke<l, "Xenilera /or I'aoHiq Railway," will be roceived, .idd.'Cf?r.C(t tc/the midersi^ncd, until th lit day of December iicxt. - . , .., ! F. BR AL'X, Secretary, . / Pnblic Work? Dcpt., Ottawa. Ottawa.-MsyST/, 1678- %-it N 'f A suiart indnntrioin) irci' eirf,faf' .1 few months: Apply" .it K f?. Arm strong's, near the (i. 3tati0, Xii O, Xi. All membera of Loyal Oningo-; Lodges in this County, arty' hereby invited to attend the rNSTALLATiOH OF OFHCER? Of tc-i: new jjodge" lafely brgan^ ized in this Village, The-rji'!?tll* tion wilt take place in the ;'Laxlgo Room, over S^mori's store in,-:.'this- Vllhlge, - '.'/;.'( . The County ifaste? ai District - Master wilkjje present.'. ' ' Br order- o- It, .." T.' McMACKON',' ^W. 31. TIN-WARE I tVIio Wants Tinware? - All parties having any clojm against tho u"n:lerMj, rsque.-t'cj to send H. Ti GALLOWAY. .m their adco'iisi'ts; l>lGS'Afc1}RAY. Htr.iv Ti/ltoa", at,-.. Pigs, one ,iil. ,T!ie owner remises of fl.'. e l>e ItiiitU,; of .Jli-i;;, , and the oilier \v] : liivj Bti-- saav.' proving pr ip.'rty taking- a;.v. 5-3t ': " . ro'iiy exoeus'. twf, i: l . ' y . id T.Stewart fe Co ACTO^v, ONT.. / i E. TOLTON. Argreiit tetiiperanco inovement is taking place in tho Hereward neigbbor.h'iod, East . Garnfmxa. About 0() havo already signed tho pledge, and wear tho '" bluo rib- boil." A Mr.. Anderson of South Simcoo is tho lecturer. The Kingston News :-r-" Wo-are -informedjthat an insect never bo- foro (seen in this section of, tho country, had attacked tho, wdieat with tho lniost destructive results in Pittsburg nnd that part of the township of'Kingston. It is stated that thero will, not bo moro than the third of a crop this year, owing to the ravages of this insect." Lord Beaconsfielil, when depart ing from Berlin,} left $250 to be distributed tjniong tho servants of the Kaiseuh'of, the hotel where he stopped, This hotel reaped quite a harvest from the Congress. The staff of tho Englihh Embassy, who inhabited nearly all'tho front rooms on the first floor, diad to pay alto gether about $I0,0CO, or about $"250 per day. . . . , -T?= J. J:. -M.-'ju ",-in, drujgiif:, Actju t' ./. ij- Mfdu'/iu, d'r ig^i't,Alton J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton J.'K. McGaiviu, drug3ist, Acton than your good will towaids me. Wo 'ars "Si-akirag friends by tier-pin % a fiFSt-cl'ass stock-of all kinds of l'iuir.ire of the _' r ivhic'n, for durability and beauty, we DEFY COMPETITION. STOYEs ALWAYS "IN STOCK, \ EAYETROl-'GITING a specialty. Prod'.ice t-iken ,3,'ime as Atl work guaranteed.' -11-3^.' T.,STEW.lRT&'CO, I '-) I will bo! able in ji show a few days; to fflNB" ST Baglisih. and SootciL -T'wsods, Faaoy' Coat- iags, ,' ..Blaols JBroad Olctlij.Doe Skin's, WANT .GENTSV/i FilHWSHlNCS, . Which I will sell at tho LOWEST COST PRICE. Tho balanco of Mr. Husst's stock RIIX BE SOLD^OIT AT COST, "; In- order, to muke room for my new stock.i- ' 6-ilm. Photographs,' I PliotpgrapiijS. 1 niRTiis. ~ In Acton, on the dth ink., tho Wifa of Mr.iWm. .Thompson, of'a son. '"i GIIF.t.Pfl 3IAU5iETi5.' Special lo tkv FiiBii Pkess, 'per Domin ion iiacl: Guclfii, Aug 8,1S78. Flour, per 100 White Wheat, per bnsh TrcA-iVwcll : do Spring Whdat.. .'-. ' Oats, ... ... ' ,.;. Barley, .. .. Peas^ ........ llp.y.'pcr ton ' . . TCgHS per ili>z. Butter, per Iba Potatoes per bag ..i. ITogs, per cwt Wool Pelts...... 2 50 to 3 00 0.90 to 1 CO 0 90 to 0 95 0 80 to 0 93 0 3'i to 0 30'" f> 65 to -0 70 . 0 5:1 to 0 GO '7 00 to 8 00 6 .11 to 0 12' Oil to 0 12 0 90 t 0 95 1 50 to 5 00 0 24 to. 0 25 0 20 to 0 25 ttwa.*W. PHOTOGRAPHER,, Wishes to anhotmce^to bis custom ers jthat he has added greatly to his former facilities for taking Pictrres, and is now prepared to naake Photo- graphs seebntt to none inthe County nntl at pifices to suit all. "In Ficturo Frames 1 keep a larc<> nnoj well i selected stock. Also,' ,ji greatt-variety Of Mouldings of th/- latest) design, which will bo -mn'tte. to qi'der on short notice. Give me a calU " ' ; 32Cm CFIAS. w. nr^L. iSEHTliELIsr^' - ; FVS35S *"0R'SJLI.& .1 j KEEKLY MAIL i E*aptlr* 'H'isUEns t ' Sell Advertise 1$g ^Cirarlirs VlsljSng fo . j bny, There. >tlverii>em-nts of Farms for ftule aro . fuse r led f n th e. Wkejci-t .MAir., 'J> T_ord3 rur'SOc. "Midi i nscrtrbn - eai h ad- . dltiorial. wrd 3c." j A civc-niff raei-ls f J i f aHtd3Tf r isale_ lire i Inser 1 e d Iii' the Daily .Mail, SO; j wordi'fpr" 25c. cacli. , erlloi.;' earhnd- Ultl i.i'.at word IJ cts. Adverflsfmeiitsol ll/ive Slock, Auc'lon ;S,ire9 oriS.oek, Im- ililcmpnos, etc, (Seed Ilor Salfi-.Ksblblt- Itions, cfo., icserteil iat the same rates, - ACUrtes 3IAH. I Toronto . G T. HILL ofieiiivg for sale in. 'additi6n. , to his stock of : . ! ' Groceries,; " . . Grookery!' **" The following Goods : ; I R&7 Raises, Say Forks, Grass Scytlioa, Bradlo Scrthess : Sc7tSi9 Stoives-,; ' - 1. "-' - Saaths, 588. :'., Also a sjilentlioTrot of Carpenters' Hand Saws, Meat ; Saws, Keyhole Saws, . 1 . Masons' Trpwels, ' e'tc. -' '-,-- POINTS & PAINT OILS with ihe celebrated Rubber * Paint Always in stock. ' j E^-4il will be sold low for cash. Casli for Hides. CIIARLES.T. HILL, Mill Htrec-t.'-Acton; Feb'.T8lhrl87o.' . V5& . -^tj m - -; "T Af^H "33? Md

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