kwl k-J^-rwswias: TanaaisaBn TI1K FREE PRESS, ACTGN, HA^LTON COUNTS, ONT. AUGUST 1, 1878. '."5B . ' ero> free ruES'pf ,ry TUurirla^-' Moraii'K num. m Advance t. Ai.r-nirr moosu'. rnnvn. : W M>:; MNi Af. 1. 1S7.S. ThVttoverjior-fJcnoralship. ?ho ~>T;~rov.:s cf Loijne is offer ed iv.:d accepts it. ar:i: tlit past few days the . havi1 contained _l'i>' '.:' mi'i'.t tk*t the Marrpus of ,-.' !,:..-; :. . i-r ii'.Vi-i'tt'l and 1ms m> . d the-. Governor Generalship ot" lllr Gt-iivi;o Iviward ll.-mv u "Mi Sai TT>-u-Al.ts* Sutherland C.inipb ell, Puke of Argylo, quis\-f l.v.n-?, was il,'n..s! SOU of hc liv vvurte-y M-u l.o-rn a; "?..>;kM-d IIou>e, London, hi ]?,-.; .livinl M. P. U>>. Ai'lJ-yIo- tl.'r-\ j-.j t'.o .IM<'"^iiitore4.t-,' in -3>7>; in iVo-.-iuWi- id tin' s-aino \v.n ju'.i:,..'i'!>\:'.U- secretary to his f.-.'.I.or ;;i ii.e India Oiliee. He was created ,i Knight oi iho Thistle on tiif. o.-c.sii a of his marriage to tin1 ,1V::,- s- L.-.ii>i,\ March 2lst, li>71.- jiiis."fik^.:is noble father, TFrli+rtMfil liotQS - f spring demanded lii "f**ir hIiouM. EttltOnai ^0^93. I *.m wu HiR father tu-qm- : . I * ' . " . .. il........1. ..T ln-\ ei-iir. Hon. Mr. Liunier lias nec"ptcd ii rvnouiination in Quebec K.iBt for the House of Commons. John "W. Harris, manager of the- Hamilton 7'iuu:-; died Saturday, uft or vi lingering illiu'xs. Tim T'.nwshas \ost iyn excellent business iu.ui, and Hamilton tv good citir.'.ui. Business of cvorv kind in Mon treal, is continuUr falling oil' since the troubles on tlio l'Jih July. The ;nerclmntssay that Mon treal mr-rchauts .e.itt tliauk them selves for it._. Tin? Ui-fiirmprsjpf Queen,s coim- tv, N. $.,; have. 10 nominated I>r. eseed, anil nt tlio oiul- of tlio year, James 'was to receive thu titipulatod Hum; but James was not content, with this, und (iWbiroil control of Uis futher'a gains, ' ' Just ucfiM.u dark on tlio evening bffoio tho murder, without talking to uny ono, ho pioki-il up an.ohi \>i}'mj tiiiulllo, which was lyim; liy tlio siilo of u wUfut Htack, iiiul: cut t nvtind pvuuutblis it in twiV, anil swaying it U of its fl11f 113 if-to jllll pllcct in a bloiv. At tlio, usual iiour tlio fanuly ro tired. Tlio father bring:a widower, the girl tluiut managed tlio mono tary utVuits of tin: housoholdi ti>id wan eutiusted with tlio family purse. Tins was kept in u bureuu down Rtairs, tlio key of which she Forbes fo the House of Conniious. I k,,l,t bexvi>vrsoii. It , was al- i ------. (j^ (a a siring, w!:icli jwas DanatUaii l'roiliu'iH in (iroat Itrltalii. (lamulian ptoducts iiro fast guin- iug favor in tlio lOngliHli inuikntH, whom they aro iui\v rcguhnly (juot- ell and hh n mliv moet with lK.tter | deuiand than must oilier importul mtideH. On iluno: It is uniiotiilc(!(l in tlio Into; Lon don papers that u limtringo is arranged between 8ir : Krancis Turville K. 0. M. (., and Lady Lisgur, widow of tha Into Governor GeneraLof Canudui From a ParliaiiiinUary pdpor it I upriuiii'H (hat (luring tho hmt .17 '.... .,i l ., . U1:. Ilt Li*'(!l': Iv'^fH i:08p,820 Cs. 1ms boen Bpent pool, cagoeos of C.ihiidan ,,, t.XJl5|.illli.,ltB M.i. r-itiiTe, projuc mi a 1>). ^ . t'..e }i.::..l !i'.ei.iliue era iles, : ILC'.V HK*.iL 1-s J frviuilv .......-.1' A Groat Western ami Home tbrou ... , . rropie.-i,""-since v Lich ho c.'.t.-i'.dfi-.ible attention to -tlio nid legends of tlit' west- nd has also produced n Mi version of the Fialins. hiiS so blessed the Uiarrt.-tije. ~ -. Willi n.-fert-nco to tlio appoint uv.nt, tl.e 'JloK i;iYM ThoappuiuU jmct;: ofjlio Marquis of Loing to the.Governorship of Cmada is one 6('f the surprises in which the veaer- tv>ic'.Prime M^inis'.er of-England de- P.j,-l:;s. We doubt whether any ad- ifor less enterprising would m-i. have c:- tL"J SC.T- m-- [11 r?%gi?_ Hon. Wm. McGul iuid Hon. Peter, Sinclair aro the U-form candidates for Queens', P. IS. 1. Tho amphitheatre which ' has been erected on James street,. To ronto, by-the Woihingnien's As sociation, was opeiied Monday eve- ing last. It will be kept open Monday and Fiid.iy evening until after the Dominion Elections. It. is officially 'announced that arrangements of u satisfactory char acter have been concluded "between and C.\nnda Southern Railways for a. division of the entire competitive traffic. In consequence, improved rates and economy in the working excuses of these lines may Lo anticipated. The Fisheries Award is raising more trouble. This time it conies from a most unexpected quarter. France claims a share of whatever may be paid by tha Untied States, on account of the fishery privileges. By tjhe treaties of Utrecht and ParisVlie right of fishing and cur- ing* fish on the coast cf Newfound land waS'flccorded by Great Britain to the subjects of .France y the samo- right has now been granted to the citizens of the United States; and the French argue that inasmuch as the treaty of P.vris was ono under which the concessions made by one State in consideration of "undertak ings made by tho other, it is im possible for England - to barter away or se14ier rights irrespective of those who participate on them> ; -M^-essrs. jlackenzie, Cartwright aming the navigation of. the St. Lawrence between Mont .eal nnd Quebec. In- his remarks to the Montreal Haibour Commissioners, Mv Mackenzie said he recognized us iv.esr ex'-iibition b>- I 1U ful1 tlie u.til't>' of tile work from ^'i.-sn of the kindly goodwill U national point of-view, and he v.'bii-h she h:i= always shown toward .declared that the deepening of the tiie-Jvuiuiion. _ | St. Lawrence at certain points to i;:i -*L-i:7i:;;s oi ,4,irne and his I " ,' r ' '.. . i'1 - " i , , i twenty-five or twentj-six feet is a cj.iSovt v,-;.i recc-iv.- a in Jul wtri.eotue -' . in CiuaJa, and- nothinr'": will h?! 1uestlon "'" removed from mere ".:-irrd to l'cnier cJ the-idi'a of sending '.v el" the Queen to this .\;;:::t._As a matter of course Lov.i l.v.Ws appointment will bo j lercivvd iij Canada (with univ.c-rsi! jo;,-. Her Majesty uiid Let- council his u:sp,...ys.-d the utmost good- tov.'.'.rds ti:6 DoMiuion in the l v ci:o:c ; they i'. i ave made. No s'elec- uave shoaJru greater coti- ':. fninre'of tuis country, ouid ba more beneficial. ii ieiice i nor. I; will turn all eyes it: Britain tc wards Canada, it will bring thou sands of tou.'isltj to udmir&apur nat al = ise we ffi ut;-! s'.U'lv our matur- IC-.. LLiili. .nu will secure for us 1 kavs :Lui of the- "jich must ce .-nt -. ;r^t:cn tuke j'lacs is again mad' li'ils .C'intin^n*. \Ve ar<} sure every inkabiiunt of C.niads, of tover crii'iu, wiil "receive itudc n ot uen active manifest w 11 i- theirc residence* localism or sectionalism. He thinks that the western i>ortion of tho Dominion is mainly interested, and he is confident that the intelli gent people of Outario will appro- sbo.WR^sfeV'of!'citt.t*tho inp^nce and profit of conveying their products to (the ocean by means of vessels of large tonnage from the nearest navigablo iff :"SSrSfe v-'y Im % ji_'rc-c-uWe. As a matter of ccmrse, 4Jie change of position wiil be for ,tbe:n a trying one..- We4have few nt'-rdCions i-y: the rich and grea.tin this couuiry. Those who fiDd en J0TOiUt \\\ tli iifj are not apt, to think well..of CanaJii. It io Lajipens, however, tha:iLc<:h the Ma; and his c-j:is=urt are possessed of quali ties wLich render them independent of many sources of amusement. ' T'.:z ?\Iar.-ri:s is of literary tastes, with a disposition to engage in pub lic buoinesa. Ho comes-, of a race v. Ltob. for m^iiy generations has earned distii.ctioA in the service of the State, and ia not likely to feel in the responsible post which . : Li is about to assume. The P;:-CjS3 has artistic taste3 .whieii c -. } iu :nduIgtiJ.-a1-jQGat as well at Ottawa as at London, and like all tha,;da'.ig'at'_-is of-the Queen, she - is' 'clv'.'cr aii-1 induilnous It remains So l>2 seen whether this Jutelngent ji-irr can und in Canada suificient it interest to induce them'tq remain daring tb-3-duiiition.-.of a Governor-' Guneral's term. I*, has been said, ' we.kno-.v not with what truth, that the .Marquis of Lome's jxKi'.ion in' iiii^Uni ;s an wiomnliis one, and "not ki rfays agn-seable.' Wii sincerely trust thati.L'2 will find in Canada a career suited to liia tastes and talents. 1'he Canadian people are by no means wealthy, and there will be ciusa for" regret if' the presence of the jl.irq.iLs and hi3 wife is the (sig nal for the introduction of txtrava- g-ittsa in equipage or dress. Ap- : prehensions upon this score may, yit hope, V laid asido. The Queen Las always shown a proper souse of economy in the management of her, and we have no doubt that = her daughter and son io-law will . exhibit, to the people of Canada the -r.ifvisfuL' example of a pra-Jeutly regu- ^ Lite d household. The Marquis will unquestionably prove an excellent constitutional ruler, and tho presence of the di-aghter of the Q leert will bring joy to the hearts of thousands of loyal Canadians. Tho arrangement may not bo permanent; the experi ment, may never, be -repeated, but no harm seems likely to arise from the appointment. point. THE JAR VIS GZUA$. A. Toung Man Murders his Father, and then at tempts to kill his Sisters. After which he Commftts Suicide. i!S, M.-Garvin, druggist, Ac ton Jarvis, July'24, 1878. Scarcely baa, the comimtnity re covered from the shock caused by the sad death of J03, Culvert, at Hagersville, liy the hands of bis feilowman, than the neighborhood has been thrown into a state of the greatest excitement through the oc currence of a traajedy, the Revolt ing character of which is almost unparalleled in the annals of crime in Canada. The terrible event took place at a very early hour this morning at aifarm house about five mjles distant from this village, ind probably about thirty-Bye miles distant from Hamilton. ' i Oii tlio 10th" con., of the"town ship of Townsend, about a quarter of a mile from .the county line between Haldimand and Norfolk, and not very far from tbo village of Piockford lived a man named George Smith, a farmer, with his family, consisting of ' James, a young man 21 years of age; Jane, 18 years of age ; Jessie Ann, about 1G, and George, a boy of 13 years.' The family wore pretty well-to do, a fact attrubotable to the father's pareful handling of the resources. Coming to Canada about 22 years ago without a cent, ha has since managed not only to obtain control of a 130 acre farm, but also to bor como possessed of considerable money. It appears that James, who had been trained to do farming work, was getting1 impatient to obtain control of some wealth?and. last J. ILMoQarvia/driig^isfc, Acton ways attached to h'er person, not round her neck but by houio other meth od. Sometime in the dead of night James rose out of bed, stealthily crawled to thu couch of his sisters, who hlept in all their girlish inno cence. " Making sure that they were not nwako lie uoiielessly re moved tlio bedclothes, cut tho string by which thu bureau key was attached to bis sister's person "and stole down * stuira.. To open the was but the work ol a moment. He grasped hold of tin* casli jbox, abstracted what after wards turned out to be about $75, and re locked the receptacle. His sister; on waking at about two in the morning, was surprised to find lUitt'thu keys had dieen removed, and, going down stairs she told her father that such was the fact, and suspected her brotuer. Juines wasj the guilty party. Ho was standing near liia father's bed, stating ho meant to go with .tho Oddfel lows excursion to Hamilton, while his father SAid ho should'go to a neighbor's to work. After a littlo altercation in which James was blamed for stealing tho money, the father got,out of bed, and went to the field to datcli a horse, saying ho was going to.Simcoo or Water- ford for a policeman, if the money was not given up. James went outside with his father, wnen moro angry words were exchanged, and Jane returned "to her bed. Sud denly the voices ceased all was hirwhed and calm 3 a gentle sum mer morning-1 when steps wre heard on the narrow stairway. It was Jumes, who had returned. Ho advanced to.the bed on which kis sister lay, and gruffly said, " Are you asleep, Jane 1" Tho tone of his voice and tho n-cent angry altercation which she had heard between her brother and father theu-as6red'"J1eSJi;tfi'ix^r?J)'J_-. He 'asleep, and she replied. " No" and the same question being again put to Jane in a still more angry tuuo, she replied " No," Without a mo ment's warning,' ho raised a club and dealt Jano several blows abou t tho head.. He then- turned his attention to Jessie Ann, who~8lept with hersistsr, aimiug at her sevral blows. Fortunately she held up her hands to protect herself, and received tho blows on her ui ins. Falling on tho floor terrified, she screamed, " Oh ! Jim, Jim, you've killed me !" and he believing that was the truth, left her comparative ly speaking, uninjured. The-, furl- ous'fellow then went down stairs followed by George, and her sister Jane, where ho again attacked her. He then made for George who, witli manly pluck, seitzed a.copper kettle, and parried the blows, after- , w-ards Iijtting his brother in the face with it. The boy then ran to a neighbor's house and waking them tolit- about the awful deed. The neighbor hurried to tho scene, and there found it worse than ho had expected. Near the hay-stack, in a pool of blood, lay Mr. George Smith, hi3 head one tnass of pulp. A careful inspection of the prem ises, revealed facta which lead, to the following".conclusions ; It ia supposed that after the high words between father and son, the father left for the field with the intention of_ bringing home a hor'sa with which to proceed for a policemen to arrest his son. Incensed at tho action of his father, be followed him up to the north end of the barn,-and stealing up behind" him with the pump-hiindle dealt'.him a blow on tho back of the head. The whole of the bones of the skull were broken, as also those of. the face and the brains protruding. But what had become of tbo.mur derer 1 Alas ! he had trone to meet liia reward. Tn the barn,, but a few feet from where his father lay, James had completed the terrible tragedy by banging himself. The girl Jane, although uncon scious when found, is much better, and waB-4bie to attend the inquest. " Losd Duflerin will leave Canada on the 28th of September. The average daily attendance at the Paris Exhibition is 75,000. The crops ib. the Ottawa "Valley are reported to be suffering for want of rain. Tne Manitoba Provincial Agri cultural Show will be held oh the 9th and 10th of October. , The White Star Line steamship Adriatic ran into a brigantine on the ' 19th inst. near Queenston. The lattbr vessel sank, and of her crew of six only one was saved. J. E. McGarvin, druggist, Acton. wheat brought 9s 10d, red spring, lJs ; nnd red winter, lis 8d, or nearly | as high a prien us v>is obtained.for i California white. On tlio name; tdatt! a cargo of Canada oats brought 'Js Cd her bushel when oats wore nearly unsaleable. A few' days before Canada white \iheat Hold in Liverpool at 10s; red spring ut:Us id and red wiuter at 10s or at the samo price as was 'obtained for similar vloscriptto::* .from Chili, lJomb.iy iiind California, and only lid to 3d kinder the California. On thu first of July, nt 'Mark Lino, London,-! Canadian peas were in greater request than any other kind: At Ixiedd on July 1st, Oa'midian vault) weivsold lor 1 Is id per stoncj whilst native cattle sold at 1 Is, and lK-st D.injsh cattle at Us to lOsper stono. On tho next day at York, a largo stock of Ca'imdian beeves wero quickly soldand realized from Us Gd toilO per stone, whilst Kt'g- lish stock only fetched !*sd to 10a and met with slow sub'. These eal lie W(!-re all sold on th\:ii merits us Canadian stock, mid at' a time- when the arrivals <i( our cattle in England were the heaviest. ll"cent shipments of sheep and hogs fiom this port have likewise taken top prices iu! the L indon and Liverpool markets.' What's the use of Flics. A communication appears in thuvTordnto Ttlegrum of Monday tlio 22utjl inst. It sayH that iiifrnv iv . one this hot weather has abked this question, nnd no ono seems to have given a satisfactory answer. Here is ono by Emerson, an Eng lish chemist : "Hu noticed that theso tantalizing children of Beelze bub ofteii rub their wings and body with their feelers, nnd Ihen rubbed their feelers together under their proboscis. Ono would hard ly give iho matter further thought, except perhaps to think how much they resemble silly coquettes, who spent thjeir time in brushing and fixing uiid 'flyiJig about, But no, wo do tui-ni wrong-to suppose any suck resbmbhuice. A more careful inspection under a powerful inicros- coniiectlon with tho'construction of ships of wiil-, guns, and gil;n carriages, tor- podoi'K, rifles and small ai'miw A,', ciowil of roughs nttneked Hnnhiii and his-fiarty in Clairmont Mouse', on WatuYauy night, where they were sWing, i- with tho in- toution, as ttk'V thought, of blow ing out lluulau brains. It is nil-; necessary to say that tho crowd wero tint allowed to enter thohotvl, and Haitian escaped unhurt. A lad limned Mnrin, who went out to pick strawberries a few days aincn near tho woods^in oibo tf the ro'ir cettlenu'iits of Hiinoubki, had n narrow escape from a huge bear, which -suddenly/bresented itself in his path and rushed upon. He escaped with a sever.o fright by making good use of his legs,on the homeward trail. Tlio Shah of Persia left twenty, five of bin thirty-six caskets of gold at Paris, where'he spent 000,000. His expenses ut tbo Grand Hotel were $080 a day. Extracts from his disputed bill at Fontaine-bloatl are published. Ho was' charged $>0O for llowers, $12 for a melon, $,1 for a cigar, SI GO for three |car- riago.drives, and $4 each for twen ty chickens ; his rooms wero seii. down at $ 10 a day each ; two boxes of cignrvttcs cost10, $2 npioco f>r a dozen peuohes, Ho received dur ing his stay at Paris 5.400 beggiiig letters, risking amounts varying fcoin 50 francs'tq 3,OQO,000 francs, tho aggtngato iLnipunt'Sought being nenrlv 50,OOo,6pb francs. W. llill'a. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY To t'anUallsts & Contractors. Tlic Orivornmciit of Canada will, re ceive proposals for couiitructiiig and worliiiiK a lino of Kailw.av exteniliiig from-'-thu I'roi-ini'tf of Ontarin-to the waters of tlio Pacific Ocean, tho dis- ta'-ec liciiiu about 2000 mi Inn. , 'Memorandum of information for par ties, proposing to Tender will be for warded on application as underneath. JviiL'iiioo-ri-- lteiiortii, maps of the conn-: try to he traversed,.profiles of tlio pur veyed line, HJiuuilicat-ioiuiof jiruliuiinary works, copies 'of .the Act nf the Parlia ment, of Canada under .which it is pro posed the Uailwayin to be constructed,: de.iciiptioiiH of tlit'natural features of the c-oimlfy. aiid its aKi-icultural and mineral, resources, nnd other informa tion, mriv bo ucun oii application at this Department, or to thu Kii^iiieer-iii-Cliicf at thu Canadian (Joveriiment Offices, 31 (Jueeii Victoria street, K.C,- bondon. Sealed Tenders, inarked, " Teuilurs ft>r Pacific Railway," will he rectivcil, niblriiHsed to tho anilei-si^ncd, until the Ut day of December Bext. V. IJKAIJX, Secretary, Public YVY.rk8 Dcivt., Ottawa. Ottawa, May 20, 1878. 3-lt ' A Binart iiidustriuus servant girl, for a few months. A]>ply .it P. S. Arm. Htrong's, near tho G. T. It. Station; Acton. ' 1 V ! A /-vrrfV* HalL? AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITION U TiieHSasS System ftOresit Success Gall and see oiir cheap Dresses, Prints and Cotton^, Parasols, Crloves and Ribbons sure i to^ please. - j @m fine ^rps hbiild be used in every faihily. tnem. L_ O. L- Anotnei^ /car lQad bfl ^ _____ ji All members Lodges in tl <t'f Loyal Orange is Countv arc -"Ice Cream /it C .' There will \n five silver wed dings and imiW.golden wedding ctlo- bratoit in the ^ourts of Europe in. 1878. Tho golden marriage will bo that of the !Duke Maximilian, of HiiTariu find the Duchess Ludoyicu, father and mother of tho Empress of Austria aiid the ex Queen of Naples The silver marriages aro those of tho Duke Earnest of Al ten- berg, Lankgrayo Frederick of ijbsse, King Albert of S.ixony, King Leo- J pold II., and the Duke George of Waldeck. In 1879 the golden mar- copu s'hrjws that they were rubbing riage of the Emperor ot Germany . " . . .. - is to- bo celebrated,'and the silver nnriiageof Marshal ile McMahon. : hereby invited to , ! - iittenjd tho lNSlkLLATtoiH OF OFFICERS ' Oftiie new I^'dgeMately organ' ized in this Village. ' ^lie Installa tion will take place ;in tlio I^-jdge- Rooin, over Symen's1 store in this-l Village. . ' Tlie County Master and District Master will bo present.1'. i By onler 5 It T. M<;MACKOK, W. M. receive5d,Ho,be rushed off-at" a bargaini- i- I*- . ".TorouMJ - - OFidtPl '-.-"" ; Xigh't' ^alt'r Day Km \S"c?tcTJ . j'on.iU"' f- "jSernc C Fine -< I'latcd C'lt'cks - paireJ CA1 -riatedl jHsiidil f roni a f ia in;i how. to -placa'iil Btrick Hynd.l , Triple ] -, nerer- i- Picklel "o.Coolerl " to-n-ivi u .gooGti ":.. gooc/.f Busy^ Busy in the TAiLOBIHG DPARTWlENtl Still they come foi? our stylish fitting Garments. ':, V _ Ladies' fknd Gents' 7 TINWARE! Who Wants Tinware? T off and devouring thousands o minute jiarasites, that had attucTTeil themselves to their bodies nnd wings. | These little parasites are, however, the products of putrid unhealthy atmosphere. ' Hence you find in fresh pure air very few and very leiJn flies. Wlic-rover rotten- ne-ss fill}; a sultry atmosphere, there you will find plenty of flies as tat as they can well be ; they aro do- ng tho best they can to purify tho miasma of breathing air. / Scribbliuss and Clippings. Tlio |Montrenl Musical Jubilee resulted in a loss of $700.: JohnlBeatty, Fergus, has'" St.000 Mount Forest school deben tures at! 92!;. ' . . . I - - Sitting Bull ,is again said, on American authority, to be contem plating 'a raid on Montana. . The Dominion telegraph com- [Sjjny has declared a dividend of th|e6 per cent for the half-year end. ing June 30. A seizure of nearly 1,000 worth of uncut diamonds and jewellery was made at the Quebec Custom Hohso on Tuesday. J, The' Hamilton Standard base ball club, which collapsed a short time ago, is to>de ve.otgunized un der a new management. Twenty four thousand nail mak ers lire on strike in the vicinity of Birmingham for. an advance oi tnirtj per cent, on their wages. Chatham Council has decided to be reptcsented in presenting a civic address to His Excellency the Governor-General previous to his leaving Canada. The traffic receipts of tho Grand Trunk for the week ending tho 20th ult. were $145,794 ; a decrease from tho corresponding week of 1877 of $23,284. The Georgian Bay and Welling ton Railway Glenolg by-law for twenty thousand dollars was carried in Durham, - on Monday, by a majority of nearly 300. -' - Lord Beaconsfield is to receive from, the British residents of Cali fornia . a, SI,500 silyor brick, diiounted in native wood adorned with specimens of quartz. A largo |number of cattle were shipped from Toronto on Saturday by GrandoTrunk en route for Eng land. During the week 800 cattle and 3,000 sheep have been sbipped- from here.. n The Supreme, Court of the TJnit- ed'States rendered a decision in a liquor case, in which tho right' of the Legislature of a State to pass prohibitory laws is fully maintained. Altho-jgh much suffering still exists in the Chineso famine dis- trictsi the' prospects for the future have greatly improved, owing to_a continued rain-fall and the conse quent prospect of a full harvest. At Artie-, IUKI. Linu-hciiise, on t!ie 31st.'ult.; hi of Mr. John Moore, aged 3 I ACTOX JIARIir.TS Flour ... Pall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Sprnato'l Sprin Barley ..." ". . OatB...... Per. ... Batter (fresh rolls) Batter (salted rolls) I,ard'(liKht) j .. - Lmlfdar!:) ! .. K),'Ke:i;ticw laid) Potatoes, per hag Apples per bag Ifay, per ton Timothy Reed".. C-lovcr seed :., DaV Goons ., 2"2o to 2 75 0 :") to tl 9H 0 SS to 0 % 0 70 to 0 To O- U0 to II 0(1 0 30 to0 34 0 00 to 0 00 0 1'i'toO 18 O 12'toO 12 6 lOto-O 10 0 OS to 0' 0!l 0 Iff tn() 12 0 CO to 0 05 1 00 to r 25 10 Of) to 12.00 "2 25 to 0 00 ' 1 25 to:0 O/o : C'llCAl* 'Stpwart&'Co ACTON, -ONT. "We are zaakiag frieads ;-. ',----; " *>Mt-nl-i3s stock of all kinds of Tinware of tne LATEST DESIGNS, -- "" iThich, for durability and beauty, we DEFl: COMPETITION. STOVES ALWAYS IN STOCK. and,/Caps. New styles selling very cheap. ' Xourlniluence and patronage solicited for the success of this great cash system. ;* ;- " .- J. C HURST. ft ,EAATI<rrPiOUGIIING a specialty. - Produce taken samo as cash, work guaranteed. All 41-3m n:i.pri MARKETS. Special ti th* Ifi'.KK l'ltcsi, per Dumin- hn'Linr. GuF.i.rn, Aug , 4878. Flour, p%r 100 i .. ?2 50 to 3 00 White Wheat, p|;r bush 0 90",to 1 00 { Tjreadwell 'do 0 90 ta 0 95 Spring Wheat.. ... 0 S5 tlrt, 0 90 T. .STEWART & CO. Oats, Harlc>j, . i Peas .. . i Hay, per ton ' Eggs, per doz. Butter, per 11)9 Potatoes per big Hofja, per cwt Clover seed .. Timothy seed.;. 0 34 to 0 3G 0 40 to 0 45 0 55 til 0G0 7 00 tio 9 00 Oil to 0 12 0 11 to 0 12 0 90 to 0 92 4 50 to 5 00. V-00 tio 5 00 1 80 tio a 25 J^OTICE, j " j ' Castomers will pleaso 'bear iu mind that tho Bnrher - Shop is closed at twelve o'clock jou Saturday -whditaiid no shaving or Other work will he donn after that hour. Those indebted will plexso pay up without further notice. (JliO. Ii. LEV-ENS. N OTICE TO DEBTORS. DO V0U Acton, June 11th, IS7S. S'Orit OSo Store ! ACTON. Bells 02ioapa While money Is so narct to gel, it should-be the first consideration of each person where they can secure theiast v.ilua f^r-ttieir money, in groceries, crockery glassware, wall paper, &c. The Post office Store is the placev t : _ PiLOW F.1CTORV OPENED. . The siibscriher,-haviug purchased tho Act&n Plow Works, is prepared to. fur- liish Single and Douhie Frame. lron~. Plows, as well as the Bocs Gang Plow, which has gained the: reputation of being the best Gang Plow made, at" the nsnal-- rates. .All repairs <lone on the shortest .notice a'ndat the cheapest prices." 37-tr . SY-UXEY SMITIIU V I No. 1 Round Herrings for $1. half barrel. i No. 1 Spl^t Herrings for $1.75 p half barrel. 7 1 No. 1 Trout . half barrel. Three Patent Pails for 50c. Matches per Box, 12c. 1 Warranted Good. for $2.00 per Tho Bost 50 cent Tea FARM SEETIIELIST1 or/-. FARMS ion 8ALK WEEKLY MAIL Parties wlshlns *o Hi'U AdvertLsc Tli crc: Parties ITIslilna lo bnjt, Itrad Tlirrc. Adverllremnnts of l-'ai-mi for Hale aro lnser-4-i'ci In tli e Wekki.y .Mail. 2'i -.vords for 50e. .each ins<j.rtfon ; each ad ditional word 2o. j Adtvcrlltmeiit.i of | 8to0dTnat"^le Aria everything usually kept in a Daily Mail, -JO first-class Grpcery, cheap for cash or words for 2)0^. each trade, Inserrion; cachud- UlMonul worU IJ cts. Advortlsementsof ljlvo Stock, Auc'lon Silos of S:ock, Ira- plnmentM.'elc. Heed ' lor Sale, IcxlilblL- tioiiB, etc., inserted at the Bame rates. Addrtbs MAIL. Turoutc. ' In tho Uarkot. , WALL PAPERS FROM 4 crs. UP /._____ All parties/"indebted to tho under signed nro requested to call and settle their account in full, on or before the4th of AiiL-.iat, and obligo,' 5-2t R. T. GALLOWAY. N0 THE. All parties having any claim against the undersigned arc requested to s^nd in their accounts. Tv. T. G ALLQjV " " ^llORT HORN BILL. "Pioyal Beauford," dam, imp, "Lady Barnes," siie, imp. " Royal Oxford Gwynnc," will serve cows on the farm adjoining"the G. T. R., Acton. ,TermB.; Pedigree Cows, 87.00; Grade Cows, 1.50, cash ; S'2.00, credit: $0-6m . - * U. S. SMITH. "DIGS 'ASTRAY. Strayed to the premises of G. & 13. Tolton, about the middle1 of June, two Pigs, one black, and the other white. Tho owner may .have the same by proving property, paying oxpensis,.and taking away, o-3t G. &E. TCLTON. T^OTICK. All persons indebted to,the Es tate of the late Robert Fisher, are requested to pay tho same ori or before the 10th of August. - :A11 account unsettled at that date will be piacod in suit. ~5-2t. Maigaret FiBhor. C T. HILL Is now offering for sale in addition to his stock of Groceries, Crockery & Q-lasfe-ware, The following Goods : Hay Ralsos, Hay Forks, Grass Soythos, Orallo Soytlios, Soy tho Stones, Snaths. &o. - " Also a splendid lot-of Oarpen,ters' Hand Saws, Meat Saws, Keyhole Saws, Masons' Trowels, .. ' etc PAINTS & PAINT GILS 'vith.the celebrated Rupber Paint Always in stock. . S8F&i\ will be Bold low for cash. Cash for Hides. .^ CHARLES T'.-klLL, jMIll Street, Acton: 1878.. . Feb. 19t: f *m> ^ JAS. MATTrlEWS.4 Acton^ MayT. 187S; TIN WORXi. Main Street, Acton. WM: LB.ITH "Would respectfully call the at- ;tention. of tho public to his immense stock of " TI W^ABE, 5T07ES, &c. g which he is now selling Very Cheap. Having had an experience of many years, all orders tor Repairing j and EaYetroiig&ing will be filled jn the shortest'notice, and in the best style. t- Be sure and go to Leith if you want good j ' or good i job of Eavetroughing done. - Produce Taken in Exchange. Wii. LEITH, Proprietor. Acton March-29, 1877. ' -,'.." y\. TEWART&CO G USi*P7Lk 'IT solicit snecial attention to Sffe-w, Clieap, Attractive and ^ ' ' Fashionable Lines. weati to Le their .'Hotel ppr hor<i ' say ' towr pie eyes mac -gras| tfolfi wisa "larril chilJ fee v V tedl Jasj ., "'tha to| ;/ j.- /-' T'-^.- Uur great speeialtiea are SILS JAOSBTS,- - BLACS LjJS?RES,\ ,- - OPLORSD. LUSTRES, SUN SHADES, CKEA? - - CSEAP CHEAP 0SSATP- y tll il& Umhrollas Yory Cheap. t --;V Linen Costumes, we;are oSering^e-" cided tjargaias/1 Cashmere-fackets; every price. Corsets Every site-of our popular Adjustable Corset. . Is Gents' r-urnishing^jS^^y^ttractive ilillinery,-fashionable and cheap. Linens, Cottonf, Hosiery, Sheetings Prints, Quilts, &o. '" '"- Blaok Cashrneres-^Our stock is fully " assoited; ; - '. Inspection Pardcularlj- AiVcd For, W. Stewarts Go:, tUELPn* Juno" 4,1875. x ^. 7/, Ml ^ P^^r^tafhsm