Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1878, page 2

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Ii - I 2*&fe:-J 1^ -i?>*^:? fey *rl fl p-m \K li-U- B3KBfl THE FRK ii: I'v'i'ifX J KS-ff. VKfcKtii The War NVws. l\i'.".i "..'1-jv. i\ I':..n't,1n\ Movr. u^ J At l o time Mnoi! the {Jl Pop Aaana m -Advauconln' w.-.r in Ttnkey hai Ao-i' ^oiai)-y^oi;Vo8^ luv A':;\'Ni.. V. \i,t n is: To A ^-?;-.->v.f.1 C7 On the 1st of-April we will send out our ncconuls to advei -Users, iuulit,is hoped 'they vill' teetive duo attention, -"^'r have adopted llio K\ st^'in of S'.'lulini; out nur ho counts ij'iirieily, as wo think it will ln> inure satisfactory ti our ad- ' Ytrtis-ets, as w< 11 lis. to onrs' lvrs. BOM'S US. The subject .of *>onu'scs is .again being /figflated*" by . the people of this Village. A full report of the proceedings at a lite meeting (if -i lectors', to consider the advisability of jgrantuig ft bonus to a tedaut of Mr. Beardniore's tannery, will be .found in another column. At tlint meeting the electors seemed unani mous in 'disfavor of granting the l>onus asked, and a resolution was passed to the.effect that the grant ing of a hojuns of 5^,i100 to the tannery. eXclYisively, would be un" fair to other hiatnifacturor?, its well dt'tails of > interna- ,-(tonal relai ion's in KmupcflH'twecii ; til:' _ulout jiow^is assumed a phase l'o! r.ioiv inunii>.ntui;us-gtavity than I as they him ivp ",(',i by 'he last I cable toll-drains. ! Tiie meeting [of i Congress is already regarded as ser-. i.aisly endangered by Kugjland's de termination to reipiiio the mibniis sion of the whol# of the llussio. Turkish treaty. It is now more than probable Unit. KigUnd ' will decline to send u representative, and that the Congress will, thers- foro not assemble. It is expected, lu that ease, that Russia will obtain t!u sanction of (.Jermany and Aus tria at once without dillioulty, and probably t'nat of Italy. England will then have no alternative but to accept accomplished facta or un- E PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT MARCH 28, 1878. t&.e mum Public Mi'cHnsf or Electors. no hosts vo uk <;ivi:n A;publio:iiieo,t of this y Village MaUliews' Hall evening --Olh hist-, advisability of gi $2,000 to it teim tnoro'H tannery. ng of tlio electors \viin held in on- Wednesday to discuss tin; mting a; bonus of t- of ;Mr. Heard- Tim Hull was crowded to excess, nnd. greaj. ex citement prevai ed (luting the evening. Tlio Keevc being absent from town, Mr. 1}. D. Christie was moved to the chair. ;Tlio chairman stated. Hint the d nuke a war to dispossess Russia. .Go nnd hear Watsoii Mon day night. 1 The Government have ; done wisely in a'neuiing tlio Fortul Act in such a way as to.givo the postal authorities power to open letters and packages supposed to contain iminoialior improper publications, and lottery swindle circulars. There is up puJ to the immoral publica tions which are sent into: Canada u Iuir-K-asoiuo- to tlio people. All from Rcri_ s tbo Uae< nmi amthing skilled in favor of grunting a ^e uuthoiities c ui do to prevent bonus to any p-nson who would-1 ihe minds of the youth of the coun try from being contauiinatt-d Ijthis literary tilth and pictorial uas tmess, it will be jnstitied in doing. As much may be stid jtn rt-gnrd to lottery ?wiudie circulars.- The post ! office authorities say that theuggre- gat^ amount of money atinuitlly sent out of tliexduntry in respoust to swindling circulars is something j surprising. To Ieaiii thut any object of tlio meeting was to dis cuss the advisa"billty of granting a bonus to it U'liinit of Mr. Pitmri.I- moru's tannery, what could be doi was absent. Tin: com nmnicat ions 116 did not know a, as the l.eeve e had been soilie on tlio subject- between l\Ir. Beiirdmorc and-IIio R;eve, but he did not know what slat-: some new munufietory, but t:.ey did not seem to favor the i lea of granting .* f>ooi!s to*'induct- any person to leiuairi after a b isi- ueid Lad heiiu estiiblhshed. lij_a bonus question was discuFS ed OiiJe before, when ,the "\'i!Lgc was sj badly -humbugged over the bru sli lactor; bus and tin pjjple seem now desirous of seeing j value had ever ,b_-eu. received for something tangible unci definite in- i the money so sent w'p'uld be some- Etead of false promises before they "thing moro surprising, still. wjjl pledge themselres to grani-a boiius to auythiug, ;md; that only as heretofore where the"most ample Esewritj- is furnished. In the latter Those who are inclined to chuckle over Mr. Rine's unpardon able oiiduct in Stratford, should ! not forget that tbo. teini>ersnce case ^t would, no doubt, be judict-1 * i, , j cause is not responsible for it, nor ous toi-grunt a bonus, as more than! ^ ,, , , r , should they s_-ek to coDdema that an t-quivalent wouid be gained. ~ ' ' One of our citizens has bten cause on account of tbo wrong do ing of of its advocates". Mr. communicating,-with a Mr. King, j Kine and others -may fall but that of AIi:cbuIJr: wixh referince to graut- should not efiect a cause which has inz him u iiouus if he would re iji-ivh his extensive works to this -JirtC-. 31:-. King manufacture? ituu ai.d *oiid-working inachinwy, ktcain engines and boilers, safe 'notliing to do with the misdeeds of its advocates. view than that of able person to occu In the event of its a lijjljt. stock -tannery it vrould, without doubt, einploy twice the number of men now employed by me, and, in all probability, more. The Village won! J, of course, bo justified in taking security for the worki by the. The Russianarmy of the Danube, it is stated in official reports, lias . , i. . _ . .. , ,! captured"] 5 p.ishas, I 13,000 otHcers i"c.. slid ciupJovs a Jjrjra number of i , * r Ho bus bum- otiered; , . r, rrin ' . .'.. ,... ' i muskets, 0,000 tents, 24,000 ijjtuises from diL'-rent nmnicipali- ! , orift ,,nA ,, , * j horses, 200,000 small arms, 13,- u, and writes to aee what Acton \ Q0Q lunces unj dagKers. In Asili v.-ould do in the matter. So doubt ; the K ssidU3 captured U pashas, the matter will be discussed at: 50,2t|0 otfi-iers and men, 66:3 guns, some future meeting. A flouring , 16.0U0 tents, 42,000 muskets, 16,- aiiH, rto. be i.un by a joint: stock j 00 borses besides large stores of company, is aLo talked of, and j-1 aiuunitioti and'provisions, is altogether likely they will also ask f-ir a bi nus. On Friday afternoon the Premier The question might be asked rcceive,i through the mails an un- Will it pay the Village' to grant | no"ylous note in which lie ^ these bonuses ? We say it would,' provided the promote!s furnished ample security to continue the business. A large manufacturing establishment located iti our midst would be the means of greatly in^ creasing our population-and the business of the Village. A large amount of money would be paid out for wages every week, which wouki naturally be circulated in the Village. The .yearly tales paid by the extra population, aa j. informed that he had but "two dayt Great excitement has been creat ed in Guelph over the disappear- ancejrt)f.a,young lady namecl Aliss BuWsell. The lady bad been suf fering for some time from mental well as the money spent in the fBisorder, and on Frida}' morain" at ? Village, would soon repay the Corporation for their outlay of a b/UUS. -T:i-i offering of bonuses to __.':.;f^ -.":r,rs is becoming ijuite *"- j :s.r, now, und municipali- i-.'-.j' considerable ' each other, and if we --- [> pjice with other - : : s must how a sjiirit -ot liberality. Theo-illage of .Mitcheil has granted a bonus to a firm of $15,000,- and Acton is' in a* good iJEmtacial circumstances, and in as good a Lpoi.ition-to grant a bonus as what Mitchell is. i Since the question., has been again agitated, it would be well to keepr tho agitation up until wh have.a few more manufactories in our 'Village, as the granting of to lire," and that he was to be shot., Mr. Mackenzie paid no attention to, it, but the letter baa been handed to tho detectives. For want of room a number of i editorials and other interesting matter, has been left over. bonuses to induce manufacturers . to locate in our niidstf is the "bill v which Acton jt!iH>e made to prosper, and grow. an early hour she escaped from the house at which she was visiting by jumping from a second-storey win dow on to a ledge, and Mim thence dropping, to the ground. When the occupants.of the house arose in the morning the girl was missed, and ii search was immediately in stituted, the river being dragged, and the whole surrounding country searched, but no trace of tier has yet been discovered.. The Teonmseh Base Ball Club, of Liondon, is advertising for a' change catcher who^ is-: capable of tilling other positibns. This is brought abouf m consequence of the punishment of Quinton, one of their players, by being fent to (jaol for three months. . \ ' - . Mr. E. King Dodds, the anti: Dunki'n lecturer,, was lately pre sented with a purse of 1,200 in To i onto, by his admirers. He pu/'poses travelling through the ddferent states haviDga prohibitory liquor law, for facts in connection Willi the movement. they contained, mid it would be impossible for the meotlng to. pro ceed unless they kjnew some of the pnrticrhtrs. ' Some persoii st. ted tbat-petlinps Mr. Ross, thecleik, bad thu cb-n munication in his possession. Mr. Ross wont homo for the communi cation, which ho read as follows : Acton, Jeb. G'.h. 1S7S. To.fL,' Munio'jiuiJ'uuih-ifn/ ihe Gentlemen-, You are doubtless aw.ire nf inhivving-iisk-d the J if they w .-j'ild be v. [ bonus to any p/i take the f iiinery vacated by me, guarantee to em number of hands (1.1- nil-. iiii'd of 1877 iilg to ur.- lit :. son wiaj would nl>mlt. to iP.d loy I b. why lie wiinteil a bonus. ltneetiiH as if Mr. Ilearilinoro wiiiita the lal.'tii'irs to niorlgagii their jnnipcr- ty to. put money into "bin own purse. (Hear, hear.) It would be better to give him his luxen fm n while than H'vo him a lonup. lfe eonsiderctl bonuses a fraud. llo thought to givo Mr. Kydor, who had lately been burnt' out, a bonus would bo nothing but fair, but to give it to a rich man' like B-jardiiioru it wnH-siinply ridicul ous. (Hear, hear.) Anyway, Mr- Board more- duos not pay much into the village. . M'\ Jldl Ko pays.:" out $U5 [ier week for wages. Miijor Allan Yuh, that ia nil very well. Most of that in given to the" farmers' for their bark, It would bo better to adjourn at once and not grunt n bonus, hear, and laiightir.) ' Mr. Henry Smith thought the meeting altogether one sided. We are receiving jf-NJO per year fion'j- the tannery for taxes, and if a larger number of men were em ployed it would largely increase the taxen. Major Allan said that Mr. Smith: was in the mist. Dues ho value each vat or the whole tannery in ono lump ( Ho thought thnr. they would value the tannery in one lump., lie did.not think tb'irc w.. any danger of Mr. Biardinorn leav ing Acton when he had HO much money in tlie tjiiinery. Mr. Snith-4Mr. Bjarduioro left Guelph, and lie is a man that would leave here too, if he said he would. ' : ,; Mr. HeiiU'ison siiitt llmt tliio was,a question (hat should be well considered. They should consider whi-fiier tut tannery ..should be re- liiot ..I until our midst or not. Tile i.i'iii, v ,-.-; .l I ..ii! by Mr. ,i aiduioio u.,m paid lo f.iiiiiii s near tins tiie p.iyinaii of was and we would get the giving of . bonus of $2,000 to Moved by Mr McEnery, keeond- tl,, taniii-ry/exeluHively,- would be <^ ^ Mr. (iraham,. that tl.p no- unfair to other niiinufai tu'rora, us Count of thiH tiiiinieipalitv for the well as burdensome to the people. ! .vrai- 13/ 7, nud.le. ,< pawd by . Tim olii.ii'ini.ti tbnf tliu Mh Camncl, and tha', ';i0 copieii of ,nolion whs open to rfiiirl(* . j the ,.mo. lm pnufed fur (liHfjibu ; -Mr. IfenderHOii thought tl)f\t'.J t-ioiii Oarrietl. V.iila. r,!:o would also somi-thiii a certain | tho hi-in-tit --'f I uiideistaiid j a--li fliein if lin /that'wns ii respectable, linvwer to Mr. fJaiii'dmoro? It expressed ro- .irl at the i' inoval of the tunnc;y, and give their rcasoii for not ing a bontin. We have other men in industries of tho same kind, who had not received any boiuin, and are making money. It would not bo fair to aid Sir. Boardiiioro and not aid others. It would not be right to impose, a burden on some to benefit other.-.; and, besides, they had other things to look after, .itiuli as an addition to our [school, Ae. It IVolllilt be liurileiispinu to tliu people of Ael.on to tiix the iatO]):iyei'a for the extra amount. (Applause.) Mr, P. H, Armstrong-Mr. IlMi'duiore would be more luitiiluif to a bonus if he would put up a tiue 1'i'sitlr.nce. in the Village ainf take up his' leiici! ..'1'inillgst, us,- and spend liin money licicAj (Hear, hear.) - Mr. (Jood'ill Ilia men live here and spend their inoiii y, ho it is all the same. Mr. CoatiB ('bought It would be advisable, before the ui"o;in closes, l'o appoint a night on which to meet to consider the (jueslioii of fire protection and the advisability of granting a bonus to Mr. IRvder. Hu requested them to remain sea'- etl after thu meeting waft clo.icd, as he had a motion to read.-. J ..Mr.' E. Nicklin sail that he had been in Ham'Iton, riTid'every eighth Htoro Oil King .st. was empty, and in Caledonia everv lii'th, so that Actoti is not so bad after all. Muj ii- Allan said that New York had lost, (luring the last six months, 350.O00 inhabitants, i .Mr. John Kennedy was in favor of gutting manufactories in our midst, instead of granting a bonus to Mr.. Beard more, h. But he would i R v Mr. Cooksaid tint if Mr. would not bu pay-> ii'.irdmore would till all the empty Aloved \>y Mr. Bhor'reed, secondi- ed ky Mi'.'Ornliiiin, that tlio trea'i tli'er bu ntitliorizi'.il lo piy to1 the order of John Sprout, patlima'stur, thu sum of .?.13 paid by him in the purchase of six cords of atone, and liaultiig of tlio fiaiiie to heiwed in the building of a bridge on l(|t 5, 4th con. Carried. i Moved by Mr. Lindsay, second- Oil by Mr. Graham, that tho 'mud of !?5, each, be paid to Dr. MeCnl lough, Dr. Webster and. Dr. Htan, disb, for exantining Win. Wallace and malting out a certificate of in sanity in liis case ; also tho punj of S2 be refunded the collector of Ward No. 1, iiii -error in arrears of tuxes in thu case of John (/foil: ogliuc. (>arri('d. ' Moved Jiy Mr. Sliortreed, neebnd- ed by Mr. .Lindsay,' that leavu be grunted to introduce a by-law^ to divide tho township into Hectpnil ilivisimiM, and that said bydaw bi .read the (irst time. C-irrietl.:' 1 Moved-by 31". 3IcB'ifry,.Hfci>ld- ed by Mr. J/ndsay, that the by 'law to divide the township into elector al divisions, be read the second ar.d: third times and pasii-d. Carried. The council then adjourned, i J. Mcrkay, Clerk. 1878. msmsmao raana^i SPHIN|G OPENMG Has now i Su,c!v a largo and well assorted lot of drt eooDs, ..-,, QBOCBBIBS, : y -{' CROGKBR^ "< "; ./Which ho wiHfiell Cheap fpr Cash. ' READY MkM CLOTHING A Ifyrge and -Early Corn at McGarvin'ai IJI-VE'S RASCALITIES. HIS FOItMER IIISTOItV. a specialty; : assortment of iPelt Straw" Hats fors ' : Spring*, wear. ' / The hig!|fst; ca:h ]>rice paid for Produce of allvikinds. :-. " iAc^nn, J: arch II. 187*. 37-Jffi A special <fibpatch from Pitts burg,- Pa., to tho London Free /Ve*.V8iiya : The Rev. D. I. i K. Kane, who ha. been arrested1 at Stratford,,Canada, for coiniuitliing an outrage en a young lady, and whoso trial was set fur Wednesday, has quite a history. In early life he was a printer. Siibsequeiit- ly he turned preacher, aiid for sairie time was pastor of the Rebecc i houses and build new ones and fill j Street church in Allegheny 'ile ihein then they would bo better c-ime into proiiiiuenct) here ill (jon- p'.'epaied to grant him a bonus. ! nectiou with a scandal in which a (Hear, hear.) He did not see how ' certain Bev. Mr. Gray was iiiv.;ilv- it was giin^tf) benelie the general', ed. ',: Ur-y so.on atierwards w. nf'.i )' as Mr. Beardniore. lie. referred j It might benefit Btiuie, but it wUild' to <iivin,' Mr. Kyiler a bonus, aiul MESCKAffj TnllQR, Takes this Apportiinity of announc- . ing to tiifj pu'lio tlint his*itocJi coniistiog of English, Mcotch and' Canadian TWEEDS, CLOTHS ' "-" I ^ J~-^J-J-J-^, PSd and despatch, on th* Bhortest notice, the< Main Street, ActOU, i ? ' f ______. ' .1 j. . The iindersigned; is prepared to do < A.N& W3S3T3D-0-DOD3. Is |n6w complete. that no deunite aiiti;1:! wns t.ikfii in^ too much lor tnis aUvuuta_ at that time. I un itlcairoua to by gtatiutig sueh .ii large bonus. know if tie village would grant j Hu would like vury much to sue assistance to the extent of 2,0;i0 j the tannery carried on oh a; larger to an^- one who would comply with j sc.ile,. but he did not see why uny- the conditions desired by tho one should not got a bonus as well ! community by granting a biluiii.' K His.iH, wlier..)' he Martial a litiv- Munieipaliiy. My reason for wish- as Mr. Beardniore. lie. referred j It might benefit Btiuie, but it wimld'. iilli-tui" IJine soon fuliowcd to j,ay ing to know at present is thtit, in to giviti,' Mr. Kyiler a bonus, ami not benefit hiin and yet lie .would, him a visit. Oa his return i he advertising the property, T might _ thought hu was more deserving have to pay his share of the t.i-Xes. Jfoinul occasion to relieve McC'-.r- lie is prepare 1 to ruike tip in the l\tk|$t 8Tv;lj:s, And good Workm inship. , ' '". T A ynll i:i S'^iteM. . i ' , '.J.OiiN-.NSr.-.-'N. K.->e.jCiv.,od,-5iar. !i ), l-t-77 ' o'i-V II mist seasonable. pric*s. - lie. keen-. cWnatanttj-bn bind al! binds of of the driest dpaigns, - \9 V- V *ii Etc be able to state t prepared to grant a person. I may ie Village was and .entitled to a bonus than Mr. bonus to HUch Beardniore. There was propriety state distinctly in, giving a man a bonus, to come that I have no odier ^motive in -here, but not in giving u man maintainance of the person ir whose fa was granted, and, occupation of the taxes accruing there in all probability, sutliciont to ie coup the Villago after a term of years. . ' .Hoping the tuattejr will your" consideration, I am, gentlemen, Yaura ruspec Geo. L getting a suit- j bonus to induce him, to remain. iy tho property. Bonuses are generally given to a being used for 1 uian to put him on his feet, but as Mr. Beatdmure was already 0:1 his feet, he.did not see the property of granting him a bonus, and he was not in favor of assisting the tannery to: the ani-Hint asked fjr. He would b-- willing lu exempt the tannery from taxation, which would be better than granting a bonus aud encumbering our pro perty. (Applause.) Major Allan sit iti a fire engine was moro required than a bonus, and he, thought it would be well .The chairman linked if they jveiu , in ick, tilt: reaper man, in a sl-fep ready for the motion which j had i ing ear, of paj M AND . Ait "ir -iers for iiejini'ng and eve- trou^hii.u' strictly atiended,to. - lapers and c lot been read. Considerablo di^cu'-tsion then farreste 1 eil at 88,000. For this he was! d spt-nt some- time1 in ; 1'iir the bonim by continued property, the. from wo ild be, Tbo chairman sta,ted that thev receive tfully, Beardjjob- for thu them to consider the qnes- fo'cloek, to di-cus the advisstiility " ' " Of getting a lire engine and hook and ladder company, and granting % bonus to Mr. It)dor. Curied. Tiie meeting'.then rdjourned. tools place as to wiietlar tilt! jfrce- ] j ill inCiiicigo, Riue ejaimed ijiat boltlers or lei.s-li-j|dyrs, or both1 ho was in liquor at the time Ale- had a light to vote on the motion. J Cnin ick lost his valuables, and ilid when it was decided that both had | not know what hu Wis doing. !ile a perfect right, as it was a mee'ing; appealed to hi* hrotlifr-iu-iaw' ill of ratepayers that the Council had , this city to help iiim out of',his instiucted the It eve to call. : 1 trouble, and lit! did so. After this ! The motion was then put, each | Itine returned to Pittsburg, and one voting to stand up, when it | got.up a lecture entitled "Out' of was found that 37 voted for and' 1 j Hid.l," being a description of |his agaitist it. j treattnent in Chicago. Pie was Tiia motion was declared car- next called before the public, by rb'd. |.being caught .in the act of going Mr. C nites moved, seconded by ' through the till of his btiltlicl'in- M< jor Allan, that they meet on I law'n place of business, on Diamdnd Wednesday evening, 27th iust., at 8 I alley. For t,hts be stojiped 'at At'jT3!>.M" SA5..K VIL. I'.iri Th"'- undeirsigned ha-i'beep in-|C;ll and.-bo convinced lhat. taflf ..ruc:ed by '"Sir. John Kennedy ti j \-ibove statements are notbAlcifcV-'" t.ell by t'liijlic Ai:c'tin, at Kennedy's j dasbor frothy babblings ' firick Block-in of Ac'wn.-I - ~ Wil. LfilTH; Prop^oV;. Acton, Dec. 29,1&77- . 1 lion of all ei'gino' at some future meeting. If they had had an engine at the late fire they could have saved .Mr. Ryder's house quite easy. That was a considera tion better than 11 bonus to Beai'd- had heard the contents ,of i the more. ' (Hear, hear.) The tannory was idle once before aud thev did communication, and it was for those present to Bt.y ..whether a bonus ' ahould be * granttd. ; Ht called upon any one present, who wished to speak, to give tbeir views on the subject. Mr..John Speight thought that Mr: Beardniore ahou or be represented, and explain what fcecurity he was goin not miss it, an 1 he did not think they would miss it now. (Ap plause.) Mr. Speight said that Mr: Beard more does not guarantee to employ twenty men, or eveL to run the tannery at nil. Ho would go in favor of gutting a hook and ladder Go and hear Watson Hon. day night. Esqucsing Council. on i hurs layj AprilMrh. tne splendid ! new d"uble': briek_. house'and lct.J situated on ; II,in ft , Acton, two! d.ors north of Agnew'.i. Hot-J. The i 105 acre far in situated. Oil J/U 1'5. ! 5th c .n . Xass.'.giw.ya,: about -To i acres of which is cleared, bal net*! well timbrv..l with cedar. 6lack a-<l( I ,-.nd pine, finod Jog" hou?e nnd i THE GREAT CAUSE of , human Misrar v^'e Have rrcf nVy pu^itel\et\ * nr'-w villr Lk>n or JOr.ruivfrwfir* telzbratni a-. br-- ~ - i ."ty <:"> tue raiijeM,' ant/ iierrnani'tit coco ' arn. never failing spring on t he j (.; ,,i,oarm <iii-ir:e)ef N.'r "ti> (4b.I premi.-es. Voting ore .ard of splen I 'leiii'aiand Pliygic-d Iac:<i arltj JTmpofll- did trees, in jrood condition The ; , ' V'-lrr,nB*, eic, ri-sulUfiBIKim.'. Clareinont- for two years, and after his release he engaged ill the patent ' go Id be present .company instead of granting a j to give. It would bo ull very well to grant a bonus of 2,009, as it was most likely tnat the tannery would run until- the mouey was run out, and then we could whistl.jfor it. That was the way it bad ieen done- at many places. He jdijl not believe in, putting this V!ilia e in debt, and lieLwould not vote for any one who wdiild put it: one cent in debt. (Hear, bear.) They had kept the Village out of debt sc far, and he hoped it would be kept out of it for some time to. come. He was dead against this bonus question. It would cost about $-0.0 to submit the by-law, and he would lik ilr. Beardmore to subject before-hand, wljat security bo was 1,'ive. ! ... The chairman askun auy person present Mr: BeilI'dUKire. M-. Tilall said ho wi.s prenent to represent Mr. Beat Beatdmore was prepared to' give all the security thiic-vas required for the 2,000, providtjd be gets a tenant for the tannery . Mr. Speight How many hands would they employ in the tannery if they gut the, bonus. Mr. Hall The tannery is so large that it would require from toy'run it. business in a small way, and tin vested -most of his earnings \ in drink. When -.Francis Murpby strttck Pittsburg Rine joined the temperance ranks, and became ono of the shining lights of tho caitso here. H/ an exhorter was great. After laboring in the caHHO here foi; some time ho struck ' out-for/ Canada. Tiiera bo made The Coancil met., pursnnnt to 1 "' a hie." Ho was the only active ."I'ljourntnentj at S'.cwurttown. on ' teui|)efance worker in Canada, and Friday 15th inst, the It-tnvu in >he chair. Members all present. Min utes of last meeting were read and confirmed. explain the and state prepared to if there was lo represent bonus. He did not think that we required a fire engine, as a book and ladder company was sufficient. Mr. yniith Raid they wanted water before getting an etigine. Auy well could be pumped dry in fiveuDinutes by an engine. If we had a good hook and ladder com pany it would' be ibetter. (Hear, hear.) ; MHS8rB- Coates and Hill were asked to speak, but they preferred to remain silent on this question. Mr. Jamep Goodall said 'they only discussed what benefit it would he to Mr. Baardaiore by granting a bonus. The question should bo "are bonuses beneficial or not, no matter to whom given V If we ara prepired to grant a bonus say"so, and if we are not, say so. If we think we will derive any benefit from granting a boon's, grant it by all means. Mr. B/ard: more could not nay what security he would give nntil he seen whether ! wT,,!'""/ \? i.',i" t t ., -,,- - . t , iti tward Matthews for burying and they,were willing to grant a bonus. 'J - Mr. James Monro re'marked that the Village- was decreasing in pop ulation, an I something must be ooiie. . Mr. Speight Wo had bettor give everyone a- bonus to induce Ihern to stny. (Laughter.) Mr. Isaac Francis was in favorTbeing expenses incurred in procur- in .the Dominion ho was as popular as Francis Murphy was in Pitts burg. " Tho Rino movement"- the name by which ha designated The petition of H P. Lrwaon his work in fact took the Catia- antl others respecting Council dians by storij], and the .papers of the country teemed with columns in l.: Chamber, was received and read. - Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Siinrtreed, that the rate payers of S.S. No. 5; be notified that a by-law will be passed at the next meeting of this Council, divid ing said sfiction.'nidking it iiito.two separate school sections ; anil t|iat the clerk bo uuthoriz-d to give the necessary notice. Carried. ' Moved by Mr. McEnery, second ed by Mr. Shortreed, that the treasurer piv' the following aums to the undermentioned parties, thoy being in indigent circuinstances, viz. : Andrew Kennedy, for the relief of Mrs. Allan, Glenwilliams, $10.00; The Misses Storey, Asb- gi'ovo, $1'5,00; Gilbert Sinclair, Scotch Block,S15.00. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lindsay, second ed by Mr. McEnei'3, that Dr.'Free- raan'a bill of $1.75 for attending us praise. In addition to bis temperance lectures, he was fre quently admitted to pleach in the Baptist churches, to the great edification of all who attended his ministrations. Me is a shrewd ftdlow, but thoroughly corrupt/and needs constant watching. It is to be hoped' the Canadian authorities will ileal less leniently with hiin than those of Pittsburg have clone. Barley Outs ..... Peas ... Butter f fr^3h rolls) Butter (salted rolls) Lard (light) the poor be-paid; also t'he-biil of L"d (dark) - - Kgga (uew laid) - Chickens other expenses connected with the Geese death of some unknown person Turkeys killed ' on the railway, toi the amount of eight dollars be " paid. Carried. . " Moved by Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Shartreed, that the sum of live dollars bo paid to Mr. Murray, ACTOX lIAUKET.*. Flour ....... .. 3" 50 to 3 00 Kail V/heat, . . .. 1 IS to 1 20 Spring Wheat.'. . ;' .. 0 75 to 1 05 Sprouted Spring Wheat 0 75 to 1 00' - 0 SO to 0 GO 0 30 to 0 34 0 60 to 0 65 0 15 to 0 15 0 12- to 0 14 0 10 toO 10 Something twenty to thirty hands Major Allan was Gait U,wn limits are to be ex-rl Beardmore had made hits of money grefc "f ^ contemplated removal LA - ,a..a - x 1 .1 . . _;...' - /f of bo industry,; wo, the I two-thirds value one lamb, 2.00. tended, l-l.i- -if-n- j, i.,- ' 01 bo inaiistry, wo, the I two-tlnrc ib this Village and he cbd not see ratepayer*, are of the opinion that" Carried. /*ocTr cory sure'* Mr. if a bonus. He was willing to his sban? of the bonus must be done, as the place is pretty flat jnefc now and is getting flatter. (Hear, Hoar.) It was then moved by Mr. John Speight, seconded by Major Allan, and resolved, that, whilst acknowl edging the great benefits derived from the working .of Mr, Bearcf moro's tannery, and expressing re- ing conveyance of a small parcel of land 011 loj, 13, 2ml con., Esques- ing, and for registering tho same. Carried. : Moved by Mr;'Shortreed, second ed by Mr. McEnery, that the fol lowing 8uras"be paid to the under mentioned parties for losses to their flocks by dogs, the owners of whicli'ai'O unknown, viz.: Thomas Crawford, two thirds value one sheep, S-l-.OO ; James Hamilton, Po^tuoes, per bag Affp'ei. per bag - Hay, per ton. 0. 08 to 0 09 0 12 to 0 12 0 05 to 0 05 0 05 to 0 05 0 0G to 0 0G 0 60 to 0 i)G 1 00 to 1 25 GIIELPn MARKETS. Sjoeciat to the Free PitEss, ^>er Domin ion Line. - : GuELrii, March 28th, 1S78 ! Flour, per 100, ... S2.30 to 2 75 White Wheat, per bush J 15 to 1 20 Treadwell " ,' 1I9 Sp-'ng Wheat. L Oat1?, .. . i B.)i-jey, '..'. Peas ..; Hay, per ton Egg", per doz. Batter, per lb. Potatoes por bag Hos, per cwt' Chickens per pair Geese .. ... Turkeys Pucks 1 12 to 1 IS _ 88 to 1 00 0 35 to.O 37 0 45 to 0 51 0 60 to. 0 "<l 10 00 tola 00 0 10 to 0 00 0 10 to 0 13 .0 50 to, 0 55 4 75 to!5 \i 00 to !0 00 - _ 80to X 00 v ^ 70 to 1 00 40 to 0 6Q _ . - . , e Xf-er.p farm is in a j;ood state of cultivation, ! I'nce, in p. ;p 1I.1l envf[o;fpoolr6ceot rsisitu ttel within .4 iniles of Ac'on 1 "r l"" l'7-t.-.EreVrf.mifl i f ,. ' ' "e "tle'irat-ti a.iiiinr. in thin adnnr* ana Kockwoou and .-]] miles fr-m . :,hi.. fm,\-.-clearly .fomeusinnw, from- (Juelpli. <idod' school houses thirty yi ufh' stircuslul i-rnrflre, .tti.t churches'; and post-ofUce in, - U, J S|" Lat^r^uTn^^ Kip!^- vicn.iiy. The foliowiiig will al?0 *>e | iiaj rn-illeine or ihe aiMllcalton ot W sold at the Same time anil p'are. j kirtfe; t.lnilmr uut .1 iqixfo nf care;. kt ~ y, -single Wagon, .sijt B'>b- "'"""' "" '" ' "" "~~ ' .Sleighs sinfc'le, 2 set.single rlftrna s. fjuaiuUy ot, rj-aming timber, Lhjurs mid S:ssh. son|e Lath, Bricks,. suine Household-.'Furniture;' and oti^r articles too hta-arous "to taenti'on.. The above nni^t; be sold withou'tt*- serve as Air. Kennedy is about leav~ ing Acton. TerniSrOn -Village-and Farm Properly Half of purchase money down. ;the rehj^inder in five years, or in tiVje instafmentsat 8^ per cent interest, ta suit the Purchaser. Terms on Bir>gy, ft'agoji. &c. 5 and under cash, over that amount 7 months'crojlit on approved joint 'notes. Any stock brought in to tfae; Monthly Sale jwill aleo'be sold at the same place, ntid on the same terms ss was pieiiiously agreed upon. hale to compience at i o'clock sharp. ' :| WM.HEMSTREET,- ^ -t j Auctioneer. Ui>'RKRaVKD AFCTIO.X SHE OF FAB11 STOCK JLXO Messrs. A, ^rown & P. S. Arm strong have instructed the under-, signed to sell by Public Auction, on west half Lot 27, con. 4, T'p of Es- quesing, on Saturday, April 6th the following Farm"!Stock and Imple ments : Heavy IJraught Horse 8 yrs old. Colt S yera old! good BuVter Cow, Heifer 3 yrs old in calf, 2 two- year-old Hteer3, 4) yeaflinr Steers,, yearling Heifer. 21 welt-bred Ewes lambed or in limb,'5 shearling Ewes, 6 fall Pigs well wintered; Buggy. 2 Iron Plows, *[ !, ."-'tephenaon m-tkej S wooden Ploiys, Horse Kike,,Grain Cradle, 2 ..fanning Mills, Washing; Machine, Grindstone, 2 pr Harrows, Turnip Cultivator. T ; The above must be sold without reserve, as the proprietors ata going into the diary business, and must dispose of all surplus stoel> 'to make room for dairy stock. Sale to com mence at 12 o'clock:"sharp. v . TERMS. S5 and under cash, .over . that amount. .9 months' cxedit on . 10 00 to 12 00" "approved joilit notes, 9 per cent, discount for cash. :' ;. W. HEMSTREKT, Aijictioneer. BBATTY'S: PIAN3 & PAftLQJ? Q3CA^ . ; I\rST'Ri; T,OK Cb'ntainlui; tlieeU-nieiits^'f niesfc.-vitti easy an.1 prog>-c-i>sivi 'exe/eii-ei to rie'ifefi Hie'iaiiyer in tiie v rt i>; me-ieailher piano .ir ortm.) to v.-i-.icii i>.tid'i<(1 ovLi- -Ixt.y WiiltzeF, rolir.'i'-, 'i.rd,^ Galei-s. ijeratie M-loOli-s. Dmic s, enj,,^v-l/un- iel K.. iieatty, M'as.'nii-teH. New Jeisev. ..lie i.f thi: !>>Si Workji ul i!K l;lll(levfl 111 trotttieerl,-iivl slilnl,| be In ttie tinnils of .very piano and org iiu player. SentroM- paliit'iaiiy pari 01 tue United Stalrn or Canailu for only nrty cnntB tne pt.'ce ha-olns been reduced to Jntrortnce li overywtierp. Address :rXAP?IEIj jf, liEATi Y, Washluglon, New .Tersiy. . i one simple, cermln unit <rtTectul/^jr' m-'nii.'of wnfc'i every ^ufnrrr.nomatic what, his con.l tlou m'>y be, my enre mm etrch^aptv, nrtvat.-i-vanttrvltcaliy. ,'Tiils Lecture rtioaldfe* i f hfi>HJiBbr ivtery-j-outh'anileyery mm lu tielrtlifc THE CLtVESW ELL UFDiCAl.fJ ^t .irinSl NevrXorfc. PostumJoUox 15-^C. A CTO\ ilttXTKLY SAt5.^ The Acton monthly sale will^>eheHt Agnew's Hotel, on Fair Day, - ,' Thursddy-, April 4ti ' r-------------- ... 1 AH kinds of Stock, Implements,' 45- will be' sold by piying .^0 ets a-pieee,' Safe at 12 o'clock;X .. i. : TERMS. approved joint notes - ,j All entries must be made to iff. Jts.-> . 'Ryder, Sec. 25-tf "vVM. HEiESTREET, AnctioneoR... : ^/ CAIT Colors- -: :' -M !. ' AIT Shades, lat ^ ' !-! : . ]< SM McGAEYIN'S- . DftTO STORE.. Epps' CocoU. Oratitu-i. ahd-<^ JOKriSQ'.-^-" By .a thorough knowWjg of thc^ hatjiral: laws which goveW! bper'atioiis of digestion and; aatrft^fc. - and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected-cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our Ijreatfast table* with a delicate!y ;SaT^-eiI beiertlje- whic'h nuv'savc uamiuy heavj erctor^, - -tiilW..-- It "is bv the j.itiiciiani-irsnrfBUCtt, articles of ilwt-iiut a c.i:istiiawui*in*jii bJgraduallv hu'ii*. ap until s-^^c^cmSp, .> re.-iiiit iivery tandea^y to diseajfta iiUiidreiU of sdotlo malaihesaru llojtWR around us rcjilv ro attack vrhcfeTaf there a weak point. jAVe.iuay escp% many a fatal shaft Ly'k'eepihg ouraelFB* well fortified with pur? blood aadaprp* perly nonrisuod frame." CtrwAem'T Oa-Jttc, Sold only in packets ladled;-, ','Jamks Errs & Co'., HomffiepatluQ Ghe'iniBt, 48, Threadneeaic Streffti *. 170, Piccadilly,' London.". 4.; eil , -ti al eij 111 'v.

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