Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1878, page 3

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%a wmmliv^wrommmn>u uuJi ff ijb.m.ulu.. a.ji. j . ..h)mjl...uU^3^.^ m^jiuLJi^^mjunM^i. THE EREEj PRESS], ACTON, ITALTON COUNTY, ONT., MAUCII "14, 1878. Trj.m'- : Tor.""-!-" :' . Ktjw .' its); -;.!' i;.-,lt r.--^r-l -. - "-.." AVe.lcr:-. uiv,; rcfi taiiii.. i .is Allows :-- Mi .i.1.111. t'a.lli. lip.r.i. .las. l.icdithoai t tind 11Vsitom:i>. -Thy annual moot' .iain-luCr. of'rot.-olia. mr at present j ' "r 'll,c Acton ^Branch, of tbo r,t on a viiii to-tmmoof their! Vl'l'"'.'C-umU lh do rJKMMy luw . yr. /.i-jihtlu-arl formerly liv.-.l'! V.,vu l"wt"' Kv dm-ctiott of tho on; -;;..,i..m. r :f.: a. III. :o.' .ova. :17 p.m.' ::wu.,,\. ink. V..-.1-! .'h.-.r.h ovcrv ::~ :.t liidt'-paM MN !i in online, aiulovon-- >al tvuli .if , no'i 15. HV.i;*.'f.\*lor. a -tOCA'L KAT-IESS. St.:: ;.--\Vvd.liiu; nr.ii Birthday i\ro*<-:-> iu-T.nicv U.vds 3.V..I .lewcl'crv i\: C-o ic.-.r :-.v.ii,\l a; U.-04 Hvnds Joy,'- i etkry Si.-rc, i:..:>. Call. ' : ! : V------W:.t>on to night. ' j -""." Mow W.uo Ribbons, i - d. down ai-omul, asid ir.omf >u Ac --(.erven's August Flower' foi Hyxpoysiri, BilHousiicss a!nd lndic,otion .-.t .1. ll. ..McUrvin's l>ruj .Store. there. en coui'idornhlo sUalin.; on tlio iietwithstan.lim* tho fact that t'i.clV lias In-cll about ail ill.Tl o! Water vn the ice. . - r Wade .( Butcher's Bailors, Streps. Shaving Soap, ,\.o., at J, F.. Mv- Caiv;ji> friv; SaVre, . ' -On Monday, -1th Inst., Mo-sstv. .1. Arthurs and 11. Po.-T, near Acton, oat a pnio lo', with a .oro.-s-j.-iit saw, 42 inches ~iu diartu'tef, in "17 minutes. l>c"tv o.uich work. Fiosidolit from Motiday tho 1 Stli liixt , to Monday-nio A[>iil:;J when it will be hold ill tho samo' 1)Lmv itittl :>t tlio hour Wfoio incn- tioni-tl. Tim iilntost" iiii|>i\^si\>ln stnto of tlio road:s would not only.j provont collectors fiuiii-jsoiiifj their roim.t.s, hut. tho puldie from attoml- j illj till! llU'L'titlL' 5.BJ '- J >oJ J. NV, ?'M aciv's new- jd- d. Vc: -^ Y Tho-li tld: S O'J i tl. o 1 ilac bushes '. nr-. 1,-. *i- '.!'.; ot: t. v.. M."::'. Vv , Q. \Vi: :xe at G_ K iff h V;! 2\ro h og-ll :!-.ill^ tO its '[ : at. Wo .do l't lvKv to e\< rural re^ :a; Hta fto1. en. '.: ; G: Co Ol> A.-.i-:; G. 17 M errow-'s lor : -'-:s. '\V y. e.l \.\ve tl .".O'.tt try J. ' 11 MA".: i:\': .a"s \v, rra Poi !'-' 5. - t> _V\" c-s: O:: -']* paper ve; "V c i pat t!:,< Re :y yc ;:r . i^ir. .1^1 ;::i .1 :lower *.cvJj, --.'. : .1. 11 -V-i- i.'.ar V-ii, \h:: - >'...: i. Lu bv s nL .ir U-, Ut?V,' er jttst Oil Saturday- evening, in-^;.', the !>;-\v \iiir:ie?s ,-hoii of Mr. Lit- - r tie, Mi'.toi-, had a narrow escape front 'destruction by fire. The tire was put out hefore'.iny damage was eloiio. On S*tvm\ay, Mr, Alex. 1-ashy was J'ni'.ight before Messrs, Pr. MeCif.r- thi-Veu'ec, ftyoiiMr. l.Mrcn'r..' t>. I'rt'U^.'ii;. Mr. l.r.>oV i>l .utility, and was lined f'^ and easts. j A lmmlu'rof smart folks called , at this otliee and pointed li> a number 1 of words in the I'nr.r.., Hayini" that I thov were errors. We procured a copy I of \\\d>jtur'.s t'nahriibied l>ietiuua>y I ami shov.dl these folks that tliey wiTo i eutii-elv wniiii; and the nancr was i-e'Vit. A farmer friend liappen'ed to bo in thu sanctum at the time, and spoke to.our .... , editor as follows : NK\V ADYKUTlSliM 1?NTS. 1/ >Al\h. Having altered my intention of re. uovin^ fn'mi Oeiirgelnwii, 1 }w. U) inti- liiil'it to my frieiidti and the public' gen- rally that- i will ^continue tin- practice if my profession nt in\ prebent ollieir, Milliitreet, tieiiri;etowh. \i .1. D. MATH.KSDN. |Uoori;etown, March tith, 1878. IKi-'-it ioh i^ifoftni in' \iL von SAl.'tTJ . llelle lluke.'t lied. .Two years ohl. Sire nr.l Duke of SprlngWuod ; Dam- - Ma^.^ic Helle, lyi t'onstaticu'ri Duku, ^ic. Can he seen on tho farm adjoining tho !.' T. Hailwav. " Slkt-f ... ' t'. K. SMITH. Aeton. ; Sales* extraordinary at the , : ; vin'and Asa Hall, ,lns".ic !di'.i;cn wi'h a:-s.-.edt a:ul -Ti is; in- tlio Con I toa inoetuii; in- ioo v vn i jiro :.iiio:ijil t'h'.ivch last l'hurs.lay evi n- I ill^ \\ iis^oll at-t.-.i.le.l. Ke\-.'s > Sil.-ojL. ofTora;:t .. Ma;iehae.\ : t^aelnh. a;:,l Hob!-..-, and Cisunro-a of Acton jii'u ... I m:; paper on , I ea -- ' ' ' I'd like to be a edytur, ._ An" i:i luy sa-.ic'.r,in stand. The door;i stue.diiit; open, An' a bio chili in my hand. Then let the cuss who didn't like Sonic article I'd writ rome softly o'er the thrcahold, I'd reckon he'd e,ct hit ; I'd hand him one ri^lit on the hca< Anions his brains and things, An' Mjid him thiniujiu' up To sport a pair .*'" \eini;^.', AVe are ,tliild;iu^ seriously of ens; ili him foi :i\.f.".~i'ii, at a hi. rf.tlitHMi'E I,KVEXH. Barbor aud-HairdroSsor, j| a-djoiniiij; Kec.inl -l?ro<.' Store, ^fill Street, Act\ui. Hair sw-itelies and eonil^ngs prepared to order. t&k 0 da Q Everybody satisfied, J.\MI sViMCM would return his thanks to his numerous frionds for tho vory liboral suppoijt Ujay harts already accorded, him, and' be form thorn that ho haa this wook madu laivo additionn to hU Stock at extraordinary low prices , to itl-- A wont to tho wiso Symon's cheap goods tell their own story^AlS now Ku.osonnbld l'ooiU-.-A1I noiv sliados No.crVdit . lU'.co.imU It will pay come twico a day And Strangers' ,to llio ioUowing -Department!* Mind ye not trashy istuif but now stylish good's tho best in tho market for ritylo and Finish, ' , -The No.v Dominion opens this month with'a very itcro.-tine. addresses. to S o'clock. -.; w as A si1.-.-.'! ' ' Tli. -The la.nilv and Aim PoV. ins Priaite, l salary. Monthly '"interest .1 Charlotte -tie. IK- .".'.T\- lao hole V Goods ,-e picas 1U a'cr.-on J;-Co., h :> --.i,- ,;:i'.ly arrivals ot llov i .a.^'a: r.ndtT u-.o-t fav..r- :1.: New l>rc;s Cooe.s s':a\ds and s:>lcs r.hd dc- pviii. ex tracts from a k-tier >vrit:eiit.>.t.'harlolt by Sotithey, when a^ki'd for his opinio of her verses. It gives-tui i'.ceoi'.nt . Those wisliino to have a shave or linir cut had better call uarly, as Aeton will soon In, minus a barber. 33E-BS5 0-00D5, PIiASTPBLS fto. T^SEDS .W GI:2N2S FUR- Serges (now shadrs) 1() i.ustros, 12, l(i, 'Joo. 1J', 13. L'.'.o. rno Tin: public1 of all xa H } Black Silks, 50 Hhtoi; Bright h Empress cloth Baratheas, I'aranielU's, Crapo cloths, A'o'veteens, (All now shades , TTie, $K)0. stres 1 "5", 20, 23e. NISHIWGS. Twoods40o, 1.25, "': Shirtings, atl tlie,h\t6Rt makes, Quinn's c.elobrato'd Dress Shirts, Ties, Collars, Kids and Cloth Glovos, tliidcrolothing. Braces, . Hats anil Cap3. ';. &.c., &c, kc. ' COTTONS &c. ' Flannels,; Canada Grey, 25, 35c, Heavy Twilled, 25, 40c; Factory Cottons. (1. 7 8, 9c, Wnito Cottons, 7.'9, 10c, :; L jtid giOfesj all new shadesr td matefe - dr-p.S. - dties, Silk Buttons, new shades, Fringes, * . Braids &a., f Special Lines :;S inches, 12^o,! wortli SowiugrSilks, y*er| cheap^ 15c. ' ;. " Corsets, F - - - &c, <fce. 4c.- iKUK lie under-itaiuls Ills li. sal-l. A.lJi- ss Hi; Isl.or HI 15 ItS, lnes-s. Mull \ .La fiuahosso Suitings tho laieal of all, l.j, 20, 25. Usual price,2f>c ; it th, if ..vr. |U1J _\V. l^-mrieJ.tpr ;r:.'ie y.'.ro. '.- ."v .vTltt ev I. :v::-.\s JJrr. of Gilo!;.; -Bff.vee.n: two and three o'clock ; troi litrt Life ill til 'The Future e lav r.-.orai'.i -. tbi ^n Saf.w.l _ .-"r.o'is' :u licLrjcto- by {dr. It. Nv! K:^. {orracrly to-.f.:. fe.w oi Mi -I., Milt.-ai b -...c ii::-.c idle, No ins; fei-'idry and :ov,:i, owned :' tleor^o. >:a'iiy de. -c. Tiw 'VU of an . . .';!r. !!::.,: w;ii on the eve ^ t .^ GoorL:ct...*.vii to re-oficii y, v. iilcU has e-ccii for serac- .?-.'.I tr live-, aiid ir.tiuerous extrae ii ir poeius, which are very ku.i-ivn. Tho story of side " is cantiiiued and Newf.e.nidkind " Is taken up in a ver able ni;:mier by Jr.lues W'liitman, It. A A remarkably clear description, wit cut. of Bell's Portable Telephone is j;if. en by Mr.C.cor.iie Iks, and following it a lively paper entitled " I'larly Can dian Keiiiinisccnces." W. M. J. iii .Lii\eii us an illustrated paper on ""Tl History and 'Practice of Skatinc" wli'nj will be read with special interest by :| W'ho are fond of that art. The Auth |;"RJ0T3'E. Tin* uti ltTsU'nt'd b tk leave to ni^ noniu'.1 lo l-'aniiiT^, :i i.d citlioi s- n^i [i tt lit luuitT in a U i n-fT w ho juirj u.-e ^ctiiiii; "- Ui'W v*h urn . t "ml i.lii*>* \v nlii t'lmsii'l Uit-lrowii inlfrosi.1* ly < nl< iIiil* '-'licit f A. Uolnirs' Etu]irov.i*tl Tii!tit!ar I>asU '!mrn^. i am now lal; n^ orders lor Uh-iii , i hi- j.n> i-iit ri(jhl. to m:iiinfiu'lmo u'litl s. t! I h*-v nro m Uiiout ttmi'H tiu* tifs*. in ih.* m\rU<-t. Ymir rutton:i.:o \* ivspivif illv snliriic], i'ii'.'uilitrs :iml l "Mlm"nti. N r r.-f on ai>i-11- fation. ! r*>ri'l|(jry ltn s.ilc. .Minuiiuctur* vA -unt huttl by t 1). !.. Mcl)i)\ \Lt>. 2.'-iini. r Acton, i_ nt. French wt>ve and" sewed; Adjustable lacing, Etrong, Heavy Jean. G2^, . _ , Collars, Cuffs: and Ties, very e&eap Clouds, Scarf7 Huaiery^ &C.j &c.} &c, . In lulliiio'n' to tlio nbovo .Ins. Symon Ins sasiirft'l tlio BorVicos oTa first chvs Milliner who will bo (fti I^ind" for the Spring trade', depend upon gotiing your onrer.s iilUid in tlio Latest Stylos (it the most reasonable prices. ""> . ! .- ' Yours Truly, ' r ' .-- ladies von tnsf m m CSL,rroduce of all kinds taken as cash at highest taarket price ' Acton, January 23, 1S78. POHH JA.^l'*' WOt'SE. Tin. subseiiber has always .'on hand iill kinds of fresh Meat, Sausages iind Poultry, cheap. . : _CTr.\S. CAMF.ItON. A.-ton, Pee. P:;h IS,". 2:1:3111 :r of .-. call tl! - When you wjint anything reaUy i:i-e, choice and e;:er.p'yo-.i sh >uhi ..b io H-.-iri's C.-..-I: -Store, where Voll ;.!l kimisj"^! .'ircerie-,, -h pi-ice-. ,t "tile Y^-.j^: c .re, ;.o. a- aji.1 w tic: 1'Oli ijtav?^ twite' to do- teat- .113 e. an-i eircti ->!r . s Ir. V". jr.= -Ti::t?--:=y ?E3 T.-ttii-- ;Mc=srs. t>: u;e .-\. of "Tile liirl's V,t,-3j-" -writes ' l).i at c5t. Gumiitiou," which forms: r. i;ti i.i'c.jiitliiiiatioa to th= "Winter in I'le " in the February number. A pap on "The ltritlsli American Fisherie: gives a history of the late commissi; at.d is evidently from the pen of e than y.ell ac---.;.-iiii;id with the facts. ' T h^'st j !\1ounj; Pol ks will be entertained by -t ry ot ' loeuei.ette, or the W'h . 1 Hen," an AUatian tale tralistuitted "tr. free en- I the"!-".-: ncli.-" "Jack (traiiyer's C..-.:s: A uab-r the atl3- is VeiiCiiiue-.i, and. the sclecte.l T-rfic I'ivisi.ii, foil's if are as usyial'good. The lioiae l>cp.-i i:a!!,!m le^- t!:c Jfoitlreai ; ti;-- ieiuper: :li:-./, PJth ia' = :i Tho 1 to excess v.'i'.ll-those the cau.-e-. ."' Tclcl^r- Ls V. ire delivered by Pev. Mr. Pavis, nnd and -J-.-li'n Warr.-u. ~i -' = 1 .-. Jit's .very -llev. Mr. Davi preach a :Ul.n, and "and. M'Ua use of the id eTe ist the- ider-. . :s -. jrieto'r. ICA b perfect -li. is roa-.ored that i^a71 ia thi v.-i!! not be the L".ti o these opsu diy.sijrjs, aa they intend to have. 4u NV-^ cnantit. caea;.. i ,-.-H?r on :i-n.l, tui r narp^scs, -wiiich wa ' Ti.e streets ir At p?os%Lt::i a very mud.iy con iitien-r- cbo^t as much so a3 ti.t>- ^re in "muddv little Miltoa." \ -We -have for sale one Of Btatty'c celc'L-ratcd Piaoos that will Le d:nr>osed of particulars ar.-p ,r.-plv at this onice. Mast.r I. ..-i.r ar.d-'Miss Vocr.I tiiusie by'Mr. tj:bi. Aa=-us".a Caincjc-n. At ;' _ , C:ii.ert.-.iiin:e-at ab.-nt 3D persons went ""^*"_;r" ; for-.vr.Vd aa.d signed the i.K-di.-e and rt;- - . '. ccivtd a blue ribucn. We uuderstaud a joint [_t! ;t a largo j d r:^-. I other ic a fe-.r'weeks. - . ' fi C'UEap! Chf.ap '.'. It is :a fact lat thii Spring are tiiidoubtediy etieap. A small amouiit*,f money if iu- CiVal aj ii^ ri^iiL p:a*:e v.ill buy more :cu a larger am^iint would have ir ago. liistaucc. a go""...l ;tiund Canadian Cotton at 7c worth lite a year a-;o. iiut to get goods at the right price vou must ^o to the ri^ht place.' Chnstie, Henderson & Co.,"'i>ave the very best facilities for securing goods al iioXlom prieei and sell decidedly cheap. K.xamine the new stock and be your ot; judges..] Kciaeanber-the famous 50o. tea. -.rill sill ! : mei-.L opexis ths moiith v. it li tlie st< of "John Wilkinson's Widow," wh is founded on fact. The "Antobidg nhy (^f a Vegetarian" is a true narrr.ti atxd is a striking instance.i-.t what ir he-done by indtiftry raid economy, attracted nrtich attention when it oi inally a].j>eared ii'i. Friztr't Hwjazl The story of "My Lady Help, and \v! she Taught Me" is .concluded. Un| the.head of Literary ^Notices are a n^ ber of extracts from ."The Art of Be ty," by Mrs; llaweis, containing vj See YMON. FI IE G-_H,^k.lsfDD i.CLBiRAKCE S~W\Ti E3 Plltij / >J S. HalfYeaily ., Of air classes oif el to J Garden -and Flower SEEDS AT - J. E. M'oCjARvrisrs: OT cli^; a t ler 1U- lu- FJPli alilehitits eonceniint: costume, colortind furniture, and tlieir relations tobeayty. fubjished by John Dougall t foil, Montreal. $"J per year. ''w going on! h tile If 1:'- ^: ^11- at fej iS=i G-TJ-Hiiaj-Pia: this Vilhigo are ' u'""t >3t bargain. For Actcu ttillase Council. The Council met in Muttho Hall, pursuant to adjournment Monday evening, 11 tli inst. I ent ^The Reeve in the cl Messrs. John Speight, John,Col; and Henry Smith. The mitiMtes were react an< ed -G. E. Morrow cas just roctiv- Ur~i assortment of .Patent' J/edi- ,1y 6 CJt See, ibf' ^of-inU !' . ion oi lb* e hap* 5 PAt < . - *-?? be beJ<i a* Lfaj"; .' *. 7tt a-piec- )Cfc _" ', dfedft oa i Hi". J^ uotipo<=eT. r r cinfcE, iic, -nhich you fihould call and ee before- purchasing elsewhere. Watson will lecture to-night on the " Particular Allurements and 1'rOper Ac3u~rnent3 of the Yoath of Both .Sexes." I>on't fail to hear him. . Mr- -E'i Snyder leaves Acton .E.bcut the first of April for Lon don, Ont., where he iiiteuds goiiig I intn the'eoal arid wood htisintts.". I Goorge Ward . aged 20 and Wrn. i'laia about 15,'who say they are consjjis \y-ere last week arrested for breaking into-tbe. gchool house at Glen- willlatas, and stealing a bible, bag, and pencils, also" for stealing 4 bible from James Watson, of JS^lson, and. a bosk from George K. Moras, of Smithville. They each carried a rifle, and an old batcher knife. They were tried .before Judge Miller, who sentenced Ward to two ycarss in Central Prison, and tSlain to live years in the Reformatory at Pena-. tan^uishine. They appeared to have school V.-si on I'L'S- Jair; 'ates leo.i- PEOIAL lOTS In a ia ON lA.CT-.oia:- 1:0 avoid i >ve-f carrying heavy gcbods yet iri^tock, on account of the unprece, dented mild winter abnounce a w, weeks Stocktaking will begin, and by that time, if ,<f^i ^m GRAriD _Tbe "tiu* is rapidly apPro#- | ^ J~ .p'l n^1f sChool ' books, crayons, penholders, &e. fhey ing.when the sapieat p)litical econom! - will Epvnitwo dollars' wortli of time] catching five cents' worth of euckerj -' -"Tbe additions, to the Jiiil and Court Ho'iite now nearly, completed, 'fie cell" are in order, and the prij(iucr3 ere nci longer sent to Brampton, Vham- /jior. __-? ' ' e *>Ir. J. B. Watson, who wan to*lisave lectured in this Village last Monday evening, haa postponed the Itc- ture till to-niiiiit, on ac^oniit of his Laving taken tuddonly ill ill. Cheltcu- barn. - Many men are now resolving Lto have a n.odel vegetable e'arden. 'In two month;' time they will wt ih the front yard fcmoking, "while their wives prod around a consumptive red currant buih. "" - We learn, that Mir. Edward Kiililin,"of this village, will remove to fcifiuiarh, about th iirst of M^ay, -wliere- he his leased a flouring-mill.. The ihil] here will be run as usual under thc'iiame of IB. &. li. >\icklin.. ._" Theisulject of a borius to Mr. Beardiuore's fapnery. iri this Village v.-asditerrtLel at theCJouiici.l meeting on crayons, y were-ahiO tried on a charge of carrying unlawful weapons, but were'acquitted of that offence. Ohn'injAun. -The chewiest'cottons in tho arket, at the lilasigo'.v House : i-a the their advice and buy from Chris-tie, Ilen- ma laoies say. Tai-;t your cottons liov derton t Co. _ On Saturday evening last W. Si Shaw was brought befotie Messrs. U. D. Christie and Arch. Campbell, Jus tices of the Peace, on a charge of em bezzlement. It appears: from tbe evi dence given that Shaw was an agent of Mr. iJonald McDonald, for the hale of a patent churn. Sliav,- Hadlicea boarding at Maney's,Hotel for a short time, aiid; had not X'aid anything for Ida-board. "^.Vhc-n Sliaw was atked to paydtliesaid be had no money, but Rave Mr.Maney a sample churn as necurity, ...Mr. Mc- Bonald, who had not received any or ders from Shaw, demanded the churn fiom Mr. Maney, but was refused it, whercupou l,.e entered an action for em bezzlement againiit .Shaw. Shaw was found guilty-and sentenced 'to pay a fine of S'S, theipriee of trrtKchurn, or he tent to jail to Island lira trial. ^ A. sub- taken up milting of luot meetin firmed, The. communication from CeardniOre, which wus rend foruier meeting ol the Council,] again brought forward Mid di sed, when it was Moved, by Mr. Coates, scco by Mr. Speight, that tho I.eeve cjall a meeting of ratepayers tc got tiheir-exniession in regard to mitting a By-law to grant a 1 to Boardmore's tannery. Ca -Mr. Speight presented the report of the Finance Committee recommending tbe payment cf "' following accounts : If. Hutu, D.r, Lowry, auditing aceomit: Hart <fc Hawlinson, for auj 84-.SS ; W. Maney, keeping ti 80c. ; Moore & Galbraitb, jiriiiting, 15. Total $-lXM. Moved by Mr. Speight, seconded by Mr. Goates, fbnt the ropjort of the Vinance committee be u'l| Carried. Moved, by Mr. Coates1, ~ffr><^niletl; by Mr. Smith, that thu'seve counts reported by tbe 1' ComniitteG bo paid, iirnl th] Reeve do. issue:|irs cheques ^or the payment thereof. Carried. Moved by Mtv Coates, eel Mr. at .a was CU8- ided sub- onus lied, third |f toe and plmv, imp's," Invite attention and inspection to special lot of "*; 5,000 YARDS OF KEW AND FASHIONABLE hy Mr, Speight,^that the (pouncil adjourn to meet iignin on iDRESS GOODS Purchr.scd at a Discount Cf 33 per cent. "WILD Dp IT, - K We will not hava a siigle pie0e.| of Heavj G^ods leflj,.. SPECIAL PARG41N3 DRESS COODB, TWEEDS, ' " '< . BDAITKETS, 6 4 opted. onileil.. iiT :icT 'iiuance_| it the )V :onded le sec ond Monday in April. Ca'tjrierd. The lot was (retained in transit by cable beuce tire large aacrillce. T'lies^ goods are-eheriper than hirve been ottered for years, and J CuUld not be replaced. NO FAMILY SUjUI.D UUY ' V.' ' Winter DB.Y OOPS &c., &c. VERY SWEEPINGr SALE, COMMENCING ON III " a Hswi tatr | S** All lines of heavy Wooleti Goods Dress: Coods, 3ancy Goods In fact their Entire stock o^ Dry Goods will be offered atl PilGES.': the Monday evenj-ag, and the; lieeve was in- I -icription was . .tructed Ui c^H ft nieetirig of ratepayers i present and the fine was paid, and Shaw *j hear their views on the subject. 1 was allowed to go.. .,. . | ; " '" METUft. L - ; - In ^fassagaweya, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr.:D. Williamson, of a son In Actori, on Wednesday, 13th inat., the wife of I). Heiidurson, I'lsfp, mer chant, of a son. TpL<9WFA TORlT OPJG.\. - The Biibhtrfiber, having pnreliiaaed the "Acton Plow" Works,- is-prepareld to fur nish tsingle .and Double Frame Iron- Plows,--as well as the Boss^tlangPlow, which has gained the reputation of-being the best Gang Plow niadc, at theusual rates. -"All repairs drtno on the shortest notice and at-the cheapest prices. j' 37-tf ' i . ' SYDNEY!SMITH, before they see our immense stock of New and Fashionable Goods W/Ste^rt & Co., LEFT J. D. WILLIAivtgJON .& CO. Guolpb, Feb. 1-1, 1878. Two co Ld months yet to foe provided ;ibr. Heavy Over * coats, Tweeds, Blankets, Man tles, Shawls, Bbirtings, Win ceys, Furs, Socks, Hose, Mitts, &c., &c, will be; absolutely: reauiried. Don't fail to secure them at "phe right place and at the right | price. / >' h .'-- [ March 1 18^cV, THE POST OFFICE S JAafflES^ATTHEWS, 3:a tara S^ls- No ^ojods charged . except at regular marked prices; 1 'I -"' Aeton^ Feb.l-t, lo"b'.- In 5 lb. lots al .45 cents, Alctou, Etec. D, l=i>7

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