Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1878, page 2

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it^i&'&fiaB&aas -f- -'M5f " "SOI l^f !.-f" t ^" m - a^ m MS . KB3EEK3ra! TIIR"' ViiiKig Uli.i j* V r ;: .:.?:: :- ! .T!:e <^v,i:Kiv (iowt nir.enl i'.: *i ; ! lo tlic n-I'iiMl >'!' ill" l.ietvt. t ;..\ i-inC'V. | d.iv <>t MmivIi. -IS7K This Council l"' .liounii"l". " "i._^' -1 \Y Mi'.'.MN'-i --------------' proliOM:.,\~l>V I 111 HI. ">' .,>|,tinilnl. i)n nii.ti'in 'hi' wriv milf.l-vd to l>i- f Uille.l by d"-", th" |ii'iMi duly . .-Vtit'K'd, "A. Mct'iir-H', forJs ;'. Kenni-ilv, for oil lt.u'iiiivo. t'"i two i ;ilT:j Tv'hcrli^'.i'Oi ,'d I.y Mi-. M'-n/.irs ...... f notice 1'Y ' :- "':s ].i.riimothere 'lms b""<i P'-"'*1 ,Hf s itist'aclio'n in ill" Province rrspc;'!- in- tlie Policy >'f <-];' l.' i-'.-du-li.-r- Tiio ratoVa\ i is vi i-v-T!'.M*!Mi':i; iii unc'lit1:- i^iinnii r.t a jtoHc nir--; ii1'^ v t" I'nt.'P.i* . is ill K- l-.r'.Vin MattbeV*'. II-ii!'. villi' MinUtry, ImiI :is it.h:id a. inn joridv in tIi'i,V^-^i^lA!ui-;" it was-ulilo to p.^st'tic liu-.i.-nrcs ^U''il. A Hi!* ' ndiiiiir. .11 .'.tj.iti,; nin'cr l!n- i l'RKSS, MlTON, HALTON ~i ^JEZ^"VKsr?=HCTE^ IjBESRzsBcsgsi jpamHBfcCcS boUNTY, -ON'T., MAliUJI U, 1878. <'6uiH'i] Hotel lie-use in Or.inyevilli' cost, ir.ii.. -. Di-ni.sTin, of Toionio, Limit-CoK Del died <>n Sulid IV. t [iurtna-iit. to nid.iv tin- -1 lli Members:: nil I ,, -.-.,. , . . . ,. , i \ I nolle ilrinkin!' Inuhtiiin.'i tin in t lie eliinr. ) , ...... \, 1 . - i-imkeii o| lor Si, I nomas. ineet in^ w.ri' following minis mid for sln'i'P one having vi/. : - 83.ol to iee] ;|.s:i t. ; frUo'l). .xt.NVe'l.nMLY.eveninu.f,,- -le | |.,id_,,-s,r1. ..f.l..- U,A "11 ..C' -1 .-1 / \ f^ ^ _.H, ntp.M'of d'M-i^Htu tl,iOel\i-.!.iii- i l,.l:< l,ton forun.l. . 'I' is nnndi v ef the l\V-n-sv;i' }; r.i n t i .!CU a I vpecahitimi as to v\hi tlier Mr. .1 nly \\\\] he ahle to e.o'iy en the t.l iy- ^ri'utv.'ii: of t >-leln e. die is in ,t inineii;_\ -nt' twi'Dty in the Ho,.i>e jus1, ii uv.'hut it is liki ly tlnlt :the l'rovino.', in its present temper. | would rej. et ii sutiieieat iimnl.iT of the suppoi'U'rs i'I" the'lite (ioverti iiieilt So give him :i .'-majority, al Alcctiiie: f iii^es. i > 1 i .1 , 11 i _____ li whelliei' it would lie a A nuetin; v f '.he fo'isevvstivcs m ijority or n.ot~is anotliei. mis to a tenant tor .Mr. 1-ear.l ?ic:e's taui-.eiY. 'fliis will he ai. -ioiportant iSn-erin'i; and slio'e.ld. lie "ve-.-il attended, as the expenditure " s-tich a ! u\re Mini of tnotiey -.-.onld bo fully disoussed ly tlie lt>'ll.\VS ; s. id \< .' Ao'.oi; a". i y:.',i.:!y was held in ;r.ew's Ho;..) 1 e.t Th'.ii's.hiy even i::e. '.ii.- v.e.s ve:.i at- i *_^ question. The late t niverinnent [ j.was ot the ni-ist Tory kind, arid 1 ue i::e. :ii.:j v/e.s veil at- 1 ewe'i Its t'Xistenee to too liOiu.iiV Ltd. The inee'.'.nj a-hh es- j l ' itholic ("hureh without' whose I'V Mr. "ll'r.'ttie. ei' Tr.i:'al-ar. ( siljqiOi 1, il is lilUnr.i' 1 hy fiv. nds of Mr. A. W. Wrljht. editor e:"j-;lt' 1 ite .idmitr^tration, no tkivern-j (; Ku.'hi:,,', J. \\j h.diot. hoi-, viilers" l|i h'.anks foi; the kilo (ion. r.iri'ied. (>n motion th" appointment ol e ollic'i-is for the eai] read ::i third time lolhiws, \ i.'. : - .' s. del', ; lVuj.imin .1 l'iolil-1, Aiv'oili.uil Kleteher, Allan _ 1 J 1 tune, dosiiua No Akins. l'lirsn Ki'.ri' rienrv Stini;le an rows./ i tivcusi:i:us oi: .Smye, h). .Kiliott, 'j/iit'.e, T. Siuipsii \V. Mm ray, .1. Kilioti. A. Mrl'h.i \\ Could.,!. l'.'.Ii that, the sum of ;, ,1. Hay, for ists, and other intiuieijiai elee ril-i lull I l'( lit tin-' "1' "' > iiiel lij| pn.ptt K|M," I Willi "Vliiell Wliilhy is niovinv in tin- nni'ler I-1"11.-;,, of..',.euriti.; iron .smelling woi-Ich.; ! j'M,,,',.,t' to ! Il.m.l iii'iniiii there mans' W.tlffi perly I In :i/t ".Iam Ciieiii I7l,'l The Hunltin Art w ih eari'.eil in llnlvlitirioiihy u n> j jurit v of four votes. ' i i " llllililtoti horaunen 'ire. nhu ine.| nl the I e-uppeai anee of the epi- loved, see.ind.] ?.oot:e. . P.y law for tlie rtain. t iwn-liip rent Yi'ar, vv-e and passed, ;:, 1\\] llll AleXfUl ihnston, 1" ' -r P.,.1-1, .leiemiah ; nosey, llol.ert aish, and ll.ihl. --Win. li.u.rns, Win. II. Bur- Tlie Ootuitv d udt;i^;ha i un^'ated liotll M.iYor K ran/, and KetiYi: Shoe-, maker of I lei Iii). > ' A lnniij was iiiyKteriously't inotli- i red in iii <>raiii-liin .it Port, I'errv, t)nt., on Che' fsth ins:. ; Tiie I, i.tidoii, Oiii.",^.0 lihj .1.7 ) a morn, in^' and eveuiiiL; edition. ' i'o-ha.- Oranrt i am- < " K ^ vn i" ,\i % I'KOJ'KKTV Wllll- ;. - si aiV K WilATKVKlt. i'i.(.ttritf liiWH whiuli eov.!l'ii the I _:'-----. oiiH of Ai^-,)ti..;i ami nutrition, | Ulideraigncil IiaH thc,o\wI ill- ii eueitil applicHtioii ol th" f'i'v j ,'tiQMS iroo:"Mr. John Allhion to lie., ol wull luilceled eoi:o.-., A r. ht 1 ctl(jn. ,lll(.,.j on Tu.-H- a.iirovi, led o {ho r)lU i , elieat.lY llavonal heYen.^e 1 day Aland. J J. O 1 I"t - ' >f' g' W > It ,:, l.y ll,i.j, i,.ie.h,i.:..f.'-ueh/ ranihcontaif.ii.K 100 acien, I-V ol ii ol' ilie'l that a e.Mi:ili<iiti'UJ may |lii:illy-hiiiU iii,iiiilil'iti-.'ii;;'.fioii/tli 'nt, every temleiiey to ilisea..e. sis of Hii'l.tleiiiahidiei! are llo.-i t i nj.* |l us l'ei'lv to attack wlierever m a weal; point.' We may Vsi-upe.!';','/,',','," 7u'id 'cedar, and 8 iioron of v eliall hy keepuii! oi,i-,;el\ e ll.(| t v <) ci 11 - -At tho saino linni ho ........." "'............. will -il-o hoU tlio;i'ollowinij fjtock and Iinpk-iiientH : j s'l't )t;K. .Span Hor.-CH 9 years old, HSmileh (Jo-.v.'v yoito <^xcii S } * a\<i yoho .Sukus'B yfiar.-i old. '1 'I year' old Hoif'ui'ii,, li Yoal'lillfH, /thoioiigh hied Ji'ulJ, H Hhcop, .'( v hick nr under cullivation, 22 acres of wlioal jfn gi;otiii(| and needed down with tii^otti^'; 11 cie ol ryie ; also 'l~> e/icri>s"-piJou^Jied, the .halanco, 2'Z acieu is if/inhered' with rlilii'd \vilhpiirii hlood and a pro naiirisln'd frame." - Ci'.'i/ Surici. . . Sold only-in p.ieketshil.el.e.l-; !:s , lOri's tc <'o., HoiiHeajiatliii !l,M's 'riire-ldueedh' .'jtl'ci:!, -JUli fireii'dilly, I,!i;ulon." Li Ml ,U . J I icr:>\ ini::iL.TS. O.-edld. 7/r I j'laid V.-ni 0 for;:" J. :"'. ren^ aiui e e:iiei;;ees a;-, nt van s'ar.d. It isjnsr pn.-.^iPl,'the ehrjy may no i.invi ver, t Tie (.' ".-trvatlVes" I-'"1' so powerful in tiiis respect es to. d.; 1' Liurv. I.). Mel'ni brook, \Y. N.V. Ihi It mis-v. P. look r,u:i^.".l. .'. ihro hiiity to reibem Hai:en :lt | il-cl.^y- hiiv,; p!aye'l_ an ipuvr- j '"y-^%*^'] r.rt: .! ' h ju, fi, W. 1, o^l :;c'n vii'.-'t-e h. i 1 at Milton, on ' l'at ;W' ruhu^s of the emit-? have,.I. Mah in. J. , y.i,-.,_ I t'rawf.r-d, J. S:ui ir.tav lo:tf iu-t.. vhen the ' 'u'1'11 '-----k.u.i.u......, ..,.t_i.i Ua-. > , 1 . D. q .t:i:.ili.Mi of the P irty.iii th- j t:ons U!""Ult' inUneiic-j uiida- toe i ^ ..^^^ v (.i; statute, so that tlieie vol he a \ T."S:..r, v,' Jan., ciniiKv L'f si:n"thin- like a free | < ' v.-rjiili,^ C._Shej vote tins time. It is to 1 ::;:v \v;:l ! \i:.l toe - e dtsc.tsstd. Xew KnihvttyEiill. ire ti.e ciausis o: D.mii- irovi-.n.- ior he >: .' to :tor co::vc-::i.'nce a::.i sa-toty of 'vii;er on (?a:m iian raiiwavs :. Ti;at p. ie-:'ih'.r ti-vkoc 'shall .ool.nn I. Me'.l.i. titftt. j;;i /.J MeFailaUe. II. ;!;a: the lieiralvhy. will o'fn-y the) ] >;:l, i,,;id. It. 1' orders of th.- -Papal nuncio. M u'r. I l'- 'R-'dpath."i.nil , Oonroy, vdioa sliort time ago formed litem that 'he interests i.f .tiie C-inv:h roqi'iiivd ahstention from poHrics. 1' is quite true that the- Tories are i el vim: on- th- hierarciiv toidie'.j) them back- to j -Mr. Meoi-.i.-s'ui j Mr. Wheelijhan. ' Tr- aaitri.r he ,i: o'.f-th-e taxes of tlie cast par', h. conee.-siciu. one fi] iimountinu' to John li.nnet; IKl.dasn, W h. a. : .!. .i.w. cott, A. Alex,,n i,!....U, W. (.'...\.-. '). MeTavi.h. .1. leek, 1. 'I'idd.V, , \V. "1 > . 0. \.'.ei!, \v. by. A. 'lve'-oli, < Meliorni'it;. ;ve,i;,,;;,aid"d!.Y t!:at !e '("-"inly tructe.i t.-r nrike jTolni Martin, on ?c | ielying on j lit us?i. any pvi:it-jJ or . :".,,'. , ,, , - ' power a^'ani botn in th-j t1.iao?' >i^rV,.^. t' -* c>"- 3""..... rc -and y Uvtvithsi-iUdi:.-. ,....t. . t;:-> lioeler of Fuch a j -<\ j T-.wnshit) Tie: e: shall -'b- allowed to sl0p at j It 'is rumlTeTTl^t Sir ' Francis ' Mr.AViieeli-1: . - - i I j * intermediate station,.- anil re- i Hr.-.eks ^will bs; t-lie-;VJ. nservative j ficres. am aititin Dominion ] ^1.30, both for t -'samo :'havin* .l| ,- j..-. his journey v.-V.vti v That r..1 j-.;?=;:r^^r s'lali. be red to preiucc his ticket on rii!:!ar tratn titdtris l,e lias :1 an-: that he shall he .required i\ for that p'orti-jii ci the -v Of iV.7':he pjdd ;t;ir winch he tiiin . - !Xor' '- V ^: Ti:at 1:0 extra charge shall .ivvi- where pas?enceis fail :to ise their tickets before onler- /iie bars. '_; r- Tiint- when oniiimry pass.en- ? its are so crowded that seats cand;i;io it: Montreal West at the' (.q,.,.^ l next 'ue 11 oral election for the llou^e U'-t-rjwii:i2 <""i'""1| of Caunnons. ' | at'{1. ifiato munij' 5- ' j tbu further sunt , ' - ' ' booths. U-iri'led thi motion by ended by Mr. V| law was in trod;: requifi'j li'.MHb;-: sod, to ATt-.U-piiii^ statute labor to Mr. Y-jtins, M.. P., lias been'f,jr th.c ousd.anc; elected h'hainiein of tlie Public AcT Tie? ('oijii-rvatives uieet nt Barrit. on ^he 21rt to nominate a candi date to Lpfk'sa M:. II. II. ('ock in (, counts Committee of the House of Commons. - - '\ ~ i- M^:. puvin 'Flemming has accept- it avait.i'ole, passengers shall, ! ed the nominatiition for North out extra charge, be permitted .l:e a soat :e any car attached .0 ti-^tn. - , Any passenger, when fur- d with a seat, who lefuses to fare shall" be liable to ar- 'oy any oficsr of '.lie Company ije carried before any Justice .s Peace and be fined -0 or rUoarmnt for U;n days, ^ut . dy shall be put off .or allowed ;ve the train except at u. bta- ' - \ & . EveFy "paE.senger train msist ut a station for -at le^st thi'ee Brant. Thit railway ^companies i. farni-h to Biid, exjireaa com; ..-. ilip. facilities and accoinmodit- it requires, and shall treat all -titers .ifairly, and .not dis- -,'^,^ , ,.:.;;ate in fa%'or of t'.nyi"^ iron railinj: not less _- ... toot in hej^bc shall be plac- atnd tb.c top'of every car, in to jircvent uccidents ho -men. .1 /'. i That no -overliR.oJ bridge oe h^ss thalr seven iect above p of tlie cars ].i-:dn'4 heneaLh, [ Mr. E. W. Sewell, of Quebec, having' rffered l,iis services t'j run the Northern Li'jht till the 1st of May, h;3 offer has been declined by the Deputy -Minister of Marine. A billiard . match was lately played at Godericb, between F/ed. N"ev.hulj of;-Godericb and Samuel Davis, a.professional from Hamil- toti, for 100 a side. Newliall beat the professor by 42 points in a 400 I A Loft don hair dealer lifts been arrested, charged with brutal treat ment of one of the girls in his em ploy, BOspendihg her by the hands, her toej just touching tho floor, gagging her and shutting her iip in j a dark room, previously repioving 1 her clothing. The girl will pro'ba: Lbly lose her reason. . 1 i.Ub masters, .iiiu| eihpowers. ;thcm the removal of d highwitvs i:n thei| Mr. illutchcot by Mr. Watsot Collector, is hei| empoweredj to l-einnihilj and yrmiakc Jiisj i'lo.ll- Kail \| spi ill Slil'i 1 Ifarleb Oitn l'eis The -L'^ishtivc A'-'iaunbly ci Hi!)/ (.^iiebu: hive ee.o e|l paying ne- : 'hut' counts, the supplies being out". - ' 1"'1 .There aie im less thin twenty tVniKTtf in (liralrax.i coillem- plating removal to- Manitoba thin spring. - " _ ." U is stat.'d that Messrs. Ila-g.-iti Iboi.,"of S'. Tiiomas alio I'ralnploli, .are about, to start a huge fjilndry in Koudon. F.leVi n failures have taken phie.e -S ill Montreal sine.- the lslnf M-.nvh, i.U'ji_:.M-ing !iabiliti,-s of .^'Jii/I, ("filti And ns-ets'of iJtl'.'.IM;!). Mr. J mi";. Tiant. I ltd lge Hi|i"r- in'i'iih 111, cm the . Croud'- Trunk, diei! at Pie'leviih-, sc'djfl,^, fr.Jlll il.tliiiiv.i'.alii.n of tl-.e lum.o-. A R'-Ui. eouu'y man named Vh.'rit, . \\ ileal. . :j .t() to .*! OQ 1 1.1 to-.V :'M (J V.i t.i 1 do 1 Spring. Wheat V Vo to I (Mi llniiiwAV;;.- L I. Pht lei Am, d. . l>, P..ll'b.H'-e. Wii.yard. W. k 1). Wingrov.', ,tt, A. ,bill',, em, idte. H. llheie. Mehiir-n, .1 h'.'J. V. I'a.ler- !,' U. l.di._', A. w. 1: -id. V,'-. hee.n.'.l. k'leh- ,!. I.' d-.p.ihoan, :'M',"M'MdeIr!^-'---l-M"l..oh:iveelo;.-. nviell (J .).. Tail. l\.t -. M-l'i. II; I !'|.. V\"!. 'I'r S t.i il.'. 1.1. il. I'L.l wii'-.- .;n.! t hlee : 1111 i!A'hii-, 1 1 en . ,\ teni] it:i:-('.' elu'. Ives b.;n foin.-d at ililawa, and '"'.,1 iiieiuheis ui Parliament liate agn r.l i " to contribute .tow'aid.s tir .support. , - A fiichafol dynauii'.!' exid.-sion j-ol 1,e.Mil-red on Si'.urday at ilim don's t.'do mills. Merrition, killinu'.-t h. foreman and woiuidiug two otheis Rriouslyi - A Lund .11 woman named Hath away r-lope 1 with a hoarder named in the I'udS Vroom.,11. biking ':*li'.li of her Inih- urth of nn acre, and the taxes of 11 the '.Vest' part hind's money and- a great, part of the furniture.' The steamcj"" Comet" left (,'iiat,- c-mci'SMon, fifty ]mm. On?., on ihedili iiisf.., for Ihe to the Mim 0! ^ jnuittlf .of the Tilamns, going for -Jirh. This is the tiest departure of the season. r \ Ceo Abbott, absconding pai'' of the brokers, Ab'ooit A* < '.o..?Xew York, was arr".st'ol at Acajinlr.i by tiie. I'nit.'d. States Const'.!, and ^1 ~i,- 000 recovered. ic-vear 1S75, tpe en paid to-the rer. fJarrioil. in-moved, ?eco:nb ecji, that t!;e suu'i to tho Township expenses of tin: , and poll clerks, ip-il election, and SI,:'; }. for polling A U r(!':'.",!i roll'.) rV:.a!i.;.l io!b) (liylit) (.birlij .. .(new laid) ' Ji .. ' , -., ,.,-r 1, ., perl.:, n-.-r "in, 11 r.o t.. () (id 0 :io t.. 0 Hi 0 li'l to (. (i.'l (.1 do to (I lo 0 l-J tu 0 l-l 0 ID to 0 111 o'os to 0 <>:i (I l'J to (I It! 0 or, t.. 0 bo (I (I., to (I II.". "(I. I) (Hi 0 <-:o I., n :-i1 00 to 1 -j:. in on to it: 10 1H7*. SPRING/ OPENING 187g," 9 Hy ^yr 0 lias iicAv iii Stoek a huge and well assorted lotxif DRY GOODS;;- ^ V G-RO CURIES, : GBOCKERY, V ' ;r- ..V GLASSWARE, &i, Wli.icli he, v.'ill sell Cheap for Cash., ".. "' <;i-r:i.t'ii .ii.tit:^t:'iv>. ' / . j'i- Yi-.v.r. I'm : < r !> ,niu- , . (irr.i.rn, -March Vtli.j 1AJH ivV-!' H'-i 'J 7e \\'!,ea', [..-i- lael ! '.-.-11 fi V, heat. . i-.-r t"ir . ,.,,' :1../. .-ii,. per p.-nr I l."> to 1 "0 1 l-J to 1 IS '.I.'l I" 1 (ID I) :;'! to 11 : 0 .:i (I (iii'to 0 TO l'l !' ! lol'J (Id store l'ius;Mii'OOil j-'ow. I' I J'I :vl-KN' T.->: Lumlk-r Wa-on. Kaniiing'y.Mill, light Witgon, )iair IJob-Heiglnf. long .Sloigh, Rel double Ilarnes-, set cliiiin H/irnera, 3 I'lougliH, '1 IlarrowH, Cradle, (Janj; Plough [Oo.ssitt'H make], conib'rned Heaper and Mower, land Holler, Seed Drill '[.Watson's], Cultivator,. Cutting Uox. - Also a cjuroitity of Hens, Turkeys, noe.-oand J>ucka. AH.o-Househohi Furniture Cooking Strtvp ['new], itc". .'Hid a rjiiiiiifity of other articles,' '.1 lie above property must be sold as Mr. Allison is leaving the epulis iry.- '1 he Implements are tijtariy all'new TK'KM.V-OIO rnnrl under, cmhIi, over that amount -I 2 months' credit on approve'i joint notes. On real estate ?'2,0l:ij)casb, llie balance in to suit ,purchaser, at six' l>er cen 1. inunesti . '.Sdii'lo coriimence at 12 o'clock i-b:i:P,. ' . '- W.A.V. RUE, Auctioneer. ?.', :;-t. .' - A tTjiM MALEv' VILLAGE' j\ llol.'-lv AMI l.'.T, l'Al'.-M AMI. l-'Ait.M- ie:i'i.i-:.Mi:NT.s ' . l'be under.-iened has l.eop in- uetod by Mr. John Kennedy to ell b v.J'ii Id ic Auction, ru Kennedy's r i a specialty. '": . A large - assortment of Pelt, and Straw Hats tor ',...- ,; Spring wear. "~The highest c^lc-ju'ce paid for Fioducc of.all kinds.: , - * Acton. Mi.-rch ) I, JSTe. - , ,\- g^ggj. ,, " .'" ,! '/f ructod by Mr. John Kennedy t lei.. :.H1 )S | .......--;.. . .. . ,* *, , ' '"'"to " p> j U'iek'jMocl: in the Vilkige cjf/cton. i'h'i (,, ()"(.;") 1 oil ' h'.n .--lay, April 4i.h. tlie splenciid t-.(i io 1 ( !> i nc-w ilouble brick hoiitc and-lot, ,iu.' St , Actoii, two . -1" to 'I (i'1 j ' mm powdM Ai:3^I3A^T >7A:. E .71 IE '?7ATaH2S L ,Pr.IC2-3 sitnati-il on .M.Mir st , -Acton, two !'._,_--_. . nr,- /~..- . ^-. _,-,- . l;^tt:T^oV1^.\ \V i T Q .0 ^V. Are the bestia j lien's. (t* >viiich irf'ol".1. rd-dj lj;iUince j.v/vlt liruij'M-fl'vvith c:l:ir, Ulnnk i-u "; ' ,-.ri'i ..])ir,.(*. -(loo! lot: 1joi:>o imd ] i i'iiri). never TuUing H]jring on the 1 proiiii.-fL-. Voting, ore jnr-t -cii' .^jilen- /'U'VA'1'^ I ""J ; * I j * I li^rcb in, .uorxt concli'.ion 'I'lie ; fiiMij T.s in iu^aod -state orculliv^tion'. use. STOCK. (d l o o is: -s \V:ltht I". Nf i-: Watson,-M-c; ,Ti<.erigI'ian, a l.'.y- ed :and Vead tiie- of times And pas- e tho_. aui'iunt of nd f je pertornieo. nm. and -direction o: As one indication of the terrible' diBtreBS prevailing in the Old Country, it is mentioned in an Edinburg . paper of tho i.'Jth of February that during the preced ing month 4-00 masons ha.! enlisted us soldiers in Glasgow alone, while a tlio'.i.-and mote were entirely out of employment. AC the Biimrjtlime 700 tyii-j,[inters" wcro idle, and 300 bricEl-ivers, with no prospect of matters nii|iroivr>o-. of itfj eiiact'nents to take action for. Instructions o:x the r several divisions. moved, seconded , that W._ Logib, - and pollect the balance. ig tinpaiil for 1877, final return to: the Treasurer,"' Carji'led.- Zil'r. Watson ijnoved,"seconded by , that the sum of Henry Stingle, us |eeping clean, heat- the town hall and providing fuel, oil, *, both for political, Is, agricultural;ami poses, for the, pro- I that half 'irged to Prospect f Temperance, N'o. other purposes not Tho Township Y hereb)', empower- eako the following II persons engaging ; hso of the said [ject is self-benefit, n -sidva'nco for ,the '\\ mei'tings, noct;t]s,' |as denomination " - :iat no buit'iii.g shall bo ccm- $ within less than tineo feet 5 ; otitarde'of any passing car. . -1 Act is proposed to come fjree. on the first -of July .-: return .of the Glovernor- ral'a expenses in Manitoba, - l tli2-.Commons table, uliowt. Tdr cost-to have been .?10,- : '). Of this sum S8.000 has ehnrgc-d against the vote. .- A three-ton iron roller lay at the top of a hill in lih.ireka, Cal. A boy called ihiH companions' itt- -Lention to the chance for fun in seeing it go down the long and heavy grade. They started it wjtJh considerablo difiicnjty, and at the very outset it ran over a pile of slates and school hooks, ensiling them to bits. Gaining speed as it whirled plong, it soon overtook and flattened a dog. Next, it smashed a waggon, from, which a man jumped just in tiiuo to save his life-: and then quitting tho road it cr'>sbed through a' Chinaman's I slmntv.and buried.itself in antvine Mr. Wheejighai 820 be paid to caretaker,- for .k ing and lighting iintc-rdotn, and ic, foi' the sum municipal, scho temperance pu| tent year, un< amount be ch; Division Sons ' 233, and for all ftbove K|)ebifie(j, Clerk be, lind i, ed and shall i charges, viz.: A and having th hull,, whose ol alicll pay 3 satno,' and for t ic, ;by religi the uuui iif ;?_ after pnying tl able amotiiit. f| for fuel. ligbLin necessary by tile biiliinceAji to bo p.tid ' i" Carried. ()n motion I ed to meet agl 27th day of ythe Court/ (if I and for other T, -.J. East , ,., .oii,i , i - ' siiuniv.iiuu uuiim.ltseii in antvine. , - :iaiic, er.,oi JitH, hos been (/ni { i . , i ' ' ' ,. '. llho boys are eaid to have been ' .-.,-.-I to unforseea expenses. ^fl'yy Eatisfied with the diversion.. expenses. curetakeY u reiiyiin 'Otll Slich pfOtC'ds, ,' and cleaning, m'ude ich extra occasions, tlie proceeds thereof iito the Township. he Council adjourn On on Monday, the ay next, to organi/.e fttvisiiui, and appeal, o'.vnship businei;s. ;:nanooK, Tp. Clerk; flttiUjuted water by sjewtj to The fatl heads, at S has refnst dollars pile to exbieit (1 % k-ed fit fbr five years. Tiie Hamilton Police Magistrate, has raised, the iine for drunkonr.s.v- 'o-?l(l. liopjllg" iiy tili'S li'.i :iliS to d'-crease the number v.hile incrtii-,- ing the funds. A meeting of tlie Cots.*'eld breeders' Association of Canada was lodd in the Agricultural Hall, Toronto, on W'ednesihn-., Ijt h inst. There v.'ere present- : Messrs. John i 3.- ilope, of Krnnti'ord,' Prosiilout ; Willi 1111 M. Miller," Treasurer ; Arthur Johnston, Secretary ; John R. Craig, Secretnrj of jtre Agricul tural and Arts Association ; -Win. Hodgson, S. P. Ptiymer,' XI. G- Armstrong and others. Questions- relating to the breeding, manage- tnent, mid register of jietligrota of Ciitswold sheep were discussed, and nearly fi thousand pedigrees were Mibuiitted to the directors foi' 1 ntry in the registry." It was resolved to hold the tmiiual ineeling in the f-icMiltui'iil Hall, in Toronto, on the 21st iiiHt. Stock..taking at. the .Glasgow [tou.-ie, Acton. Goods e^ine very eheaji. Xo readoiinide ea^h oiler 1'efueeil ; etwi- sttli. your own interests and make your money e;o a : far in yc.iruan. that iamous oOc tea ; in o lb lots at -ioc tier lb. Christie. Ilciidei'&on ,'c Cu. i H situate I within -1 miles ..f Ac'on and liockvvood ai;d ].l miles (JUe'.pil. ii00ll';: .ECllOol llOIISC?, chinches and post c.-ilice in the; vicinity. -- The following will also be' sold at: the same timenud place. Buggy,-' single Wagon, set Bob- Sieiglis fingje. . 2 set single'liarno-s, ', j cfua'jiiily'-ol framing timber, ilours j y-^, /-~w-r -rs K t-> r tv -r /-f r~t ilnt' S-'.sh: some Lath, Bricks, 'sume 1 I3r W J-4 !_) S i~t-l ly v_"r3, ! llon^eiioal 'Y'ui-!'.ituref:'aird.' otuer I" ' y____ "' j articles tin nuiieraus to men'ion. t'ihe aeev.e mji-tbe sold "without le- ! .-e:ve :i> .Ml. iventiedy is about leav- 5 i 'i.-ij; Acton, jenus on Village an<i A Li'^rge Stoci:.- 'j Farm rropeny Half of purchase mouay doivn.' the remainder in five I years, o/t iti liv.- instalnie'nts at 't> per ! Join interest, to suit thel'urciiaser. tlie Moral .CTOK" LMiiin ::ttii E'nacy M pjir y- f-f rn r~\ {~*~\~?y~ I Terms on Buegy., W:\gon,." ic, :J5 .11/1 Ju O X \j KJ i_, '~:\ - *? 1 3lam Street, Acton. HUWIORli ;n i.(...>K o\;'.r. l'l WATCHMAKER ly St. JZWS'LE?., Pod 0;.7r.' .SVore, jlrton. A tC'i'IOX HALE ' TUOit- \_ i'I' II-l:Iti:i) KAK.M JsXDJIC i>'i/ litl'LE.MKSTS. i'jie nndii'signa I hzi. heejti in- uctetl by .Mr. Alex. Walclio, to 1 by Public Auction, the Farm '....... - >.l"<! " months'! ci-6-lit-<n rppj-,.,ved jo?r.t notes.. Any stock brought in to the Mori lily Sale .will also be sold at the ijiniip p ", and on the s tine terms tjs was fpieiiously "tigreed upon, tale tojxoiiiuience at .10 o'clock tharp. Vf-Xi. QEjIbTTtEET, Auctioneer. p i \ ' The,-undersigned is prepared to dff .- all k:nds of WOBK, witfeneat- " - j ness and .despatch',-on Jha i - shortest notice, and at the ..-" -' -- - ! most seasonable prices. . 1 lie keeps constantly on ~ -I biaci all kinds of . ' 1". Will ."Lactiire in the AUCTION SALE. &l." Joha.SibTjald :: 1,4m; the N. \V. quitter of. Lot l2-l.>) Having disposed of diis farm, has t'i' "' T,0;",'MSU!,1, >L";!Tin, ,= l0 ii^tructed the "nudefsigned to-sell gijther with'the thoi'Ough;br. dl'.um 1 ,jn..,,:..,..__:_..".._ fl............:.. _ gi tier wan tie thorough ui. ii j-.uu, ,, S, i v, . , J bv Public Auction, on the premises, block, and Implements, on Friday,' v + " >_ t > ":: -March. tdinutli,Ball '-Young Audley1 lyear j STOCK. "V:ilua|ilef,pan Horses Pl.i, Cow "Kock Kose 7 ytaisold. | (rr(.n,.lal purpose), 4 milch Cows hi ...... -.----- ~ j.........., .,..,.. - ,. vi ti: :,- ..':.. _.. irn c.____ n y o bed Kose" 5 years old, " Flora'- ^ } ^jr % jj'.jc'es'in' calf,' 2 Steers 2 ?.'irs old, "]>00f- Hose" II 3 years; ,, Q .._ ,,.i-,_ c^,,.,. n ,..iii d. ,- Ruck Hose" IV 16 months old,' \ ?*^*Z > e-ttI lmBfteeIV "e11' Koclt- Kose" V 4 months old, bred She^ a qmuUity of Povvltry. AUCTION SALES. March 14. The fnnn, faim l-tetk and implement.-) r.i Mr. John MifIntu>li,.Iot 3; can. 1, To'wn.sliip of Krin. 'ti. (iibbf, Auctioneer. M.arch Id. The farni stock and im- ptciiieats of Mr. Aliens' John: on, kit 11, con. '}, Tounldiip of Krin. Geo. Giblm, I Auctioneer. , and further,-that j March -IS.: The farm stock and im- plemeiit-i /.f Messrp.AV. Urud^c ao,l 1). Keicl, let 15, eon 5, jVassagaweya. W. \V. Hoe, Auctioneer. , . Mnrali-lOe The farnij-farm^took and iinpluinenti. ol Mr. John Allisrm. lot 27, con. e X.Oiieier.wuya. W. AV. Itce, Auotif ncc r. ' Lot 4th, con. 5rd, Erinr On Spring; TEMPE^^OH .HALL,-. TOkWI&sn aadv'STOT&i i of the latesd desigDSj Japan Ware,;Hts. All orders for iiepslrircg ttnd eve* trdughing strictly attended to. COAL OIL A SPECIALTY. Call and be ^convinced tlijrtotbsf above statements are nctbafder- dasif or frothy babbHags W5T. LB1TH, Proprietor. Acton...T>ea. SS^ISTT. ! -. 1 -' March 'li.- The farm, Uiornugh-brei stoeliy and iiiipleri.i'iils of Mr. 'Alex VVnl./ic,. lot 24, con. >, 'Tow./rhip of \ best land in the Township an li-i.pic.Hiiie. For pnrticiilarB st-jiadver- ' 6<>ed condition. A young o TJip Torontj pnpers record . the' death, on Sunday, of' Jlr. K. L. Denison, well known us Treasurer "p.of the Ontario Agricultural Society for many years.' An inquest at Belleville, Ont., baa decided tint the typhoid wliii caused deakh i a the Asylum, was |Llio pollution of tbo rage. - ; er (if a child with two holastiqne, Quebec, wtuity-iii'e thousand him for permission tisJuicat." YV\. licinu'treet, Auc'tiniioer. ] MfifcIi.CG. mid. im- plciiieutJi of dohii & Sons, lot 10, con 7, .Township of rJranio;a, near Kverton. ^". llcmstrect, Auctioucur. Afarch 27. The farm stack and iui- plcinelits of -Vr. John Sibhald,. lot 4, con. 3, Krin. Win." Tlem.strcet, Auc tioneer. jVarch 28. The fnrm1 stock' mid im- plements of Mrs. \\r. O. Simpson, lut 28, con. 7, Bnunoi'ii. \V. Ueinstrcet, Auctiouoer. Marali 30. -The farm atock and im plements of. Mr. John Arthurs, lot 24, con, 3, Esquesing. Win, Hemstrcet, yluctioprcr, , - v4pril 4, The farm, farm slack and implements,_o J/r. John Kennedy, lot 2o, con. 5, Ni^sa^aweya. ^ilsoa new double brick lionise and lot, hituated on .iVnin street, Acton, .ftinleat Keuncdy'a brick block, .lelon. V'm, Ilemstreet, J -'luctioneer. lJiicbess ol Kent" 5 months old, J I M Lady Mar" 9months old; All tho love animals are tlie oll'spring ol t|fc prize cow " Kack Koso." , Span Hoiyos 4 vears ofti, Hcrso 1.) years-old. Mare rising JEtyeai's in olt. (Jolt rising 2 year (Wllfraini liuke of Argylo and-,an imported Maip, Grade ileilers 2 years old in c ill". 7 Leicester Kwes lam>ed or in I .ml), 6 Leicester Shearlings, Set double Harness,; 1'lovf Harness, limning Mill, Kara 2 shears, 2 store i'igs, a lot of good Poultry, Horse Lower and' Culling liox in good unning order. Cultivator [Waidio rnke : Milton], Cutter' Lumber Wagon [nearly nowj, pairllob .Sleigh q "uinip Uiill [Dunn's make], Iron Plow [t-'tep hen son mike], Gam; Plow. Itron Harrows, Iron Beam lTow, Wlieedbvirrow, Turnip Slicer, Land Roller, -2 Sugaj Kettles, combined Reaper and i\ldtver, &o , and other articles too numerous to mention, Tea farm contains ;"0 acres of the best land in the Township and is'in rchard of 100 trees, good log" house,: frame barn and never-Jailing spring on the premises. The farm is situated onlv one nrile from" the flourishing Village of Acton. Th-ere is over 8 acres of Wheat, and 4 acres of Rye In the ground. The above farm and articles must bo sold as Mr. Waldie intends shortly to remove to Mani- ptobu. .Sale to cortrmence at. 12 o'clock sharp, A iLtinch will be provided. TJ3KMS of STOCK and IMPLEMENTS. %a and undor cash, over that amount 9 months'} credit on approved joint notes svill ba given,' Terms and conditions of farm mnde known on day of sale. Uonyoynnces will bo at Campbell's Hotel, jAeton, at llo1 clock, to take buyers from a distance to the sale. Catalogues of Utock sent lree upon application. WM, HEMSTREET, ; ' Auticoneer. Ksqussing, March 13, 1S78. IMPLEMENTS. Plow, set HarrowB,' Fanning Mill (good),^ Lumber W>igon, Buggy (single or double), Long Sleigh, l)e'mocrat,, Cutter, Wagon and Sleigh Racks, J Land Roller, set team Harness (new), set single Harness, set pliw Harness,. WlieolWri=6w, Cradle Scythes, Shovels, Piclf-ux and' Iru* plenients common to a farm. Also Ildnsehold Furniture. A quantity (if Hny and Oats for ciish (uiilcKS ]irovioui{ly disposed of). Sale to commence at 1 p. in, sharp. TERMS Sums of So nnd under cash, over tbat iiniount' 12 months' credit on approved joint notes." s .' WM. IIEMSTREET, ; Auctioneer. To tlie Electors ----OF THE ! ':, _. ICTOI (( SUBJECTS." ^a],tcular Allure*- , zasats and Proper AmusomQiits of the ,. Youth.[[oi Both S|ss." lj_ BEATTT'S . PIAHP& PARLOR ORGAN JAyPARLOl |XST Rt T Or fa 3 PUBLSGJEETiNG A Public Meeting will bs held in MATTHEWS* HALL) ' . - .' " Wednesday, Haroh 20 at 7:30 o'clock, p.m., to discuss the advisability of tbo Corporation Granting a Bonus to a tenant of Mr. Be.ardmore's Tannery. All-are invited. N: McOARVIN, Reeve, 37-lt f ' . '.-.. ^'-' Doors iopen at 7:30. ' I ; commence at & o'cloclc. Containing tueelementsiT aiTile.*IJ*< easvami prosrefsive exorcises tOPt""' the'pliiy'fr in ,thu art of .*a.Orae'5*irf}- sixty Waltzes, Pottas, MBrcfie*eWJ< Dlieratic- Meiddlps. Dances, etCrbJ lei F. iieattv,- WaslilspWn,^?*?;;r one'of the b^st tVorSs ot its Wd^L < trodticcdr'iind In the*>^ e.very ptanoandorgaWplayer. .""JS^V paid f, atvy part: 01 ttre T-m"ed.?tt":-,|t Canada for OTily flfty cents W-P* huftng heon reduced to lUlregnee^ everywhere!. Addrc^i DANlbli '< BEA1TY-, Washington, New JereeJ. ' :" THE-, GREAT \ C^PSB OF KPIMAN MISBI^ lr- ,edl' Wchnvc recently r-t>UsR4<' * V&, kZ- . lion of Br. CtllverTrcH'i Celt****" 55L,-., nyontlie radtca/ and permaneDl-C"^" (without mMliclDCJof Nervous J}!":S^ ' .Mental and Physical IncflPad^l*?}v0In ' toents to .Marriage, etc.,reslUni'1"" - l'rlce, in a.sealed envfiore,o^Tyf *". ortM-opo-tapestaJt>* , t^,.'imW-' The celebrated nultiw. In this j, able. Esuay clearly' dentfCnstrlCfi| ( thirty years' suecrssful Prailu l,ii/ iilarmltcconsciiUPBKsnjay ftetcr' etired -wttliont tiro dangerous nMJrtSfJe nnl medicine or the appllcaUontn knife; polnLlDK put a mods'or cnr - Once simple, cortflln nnd eflW^u'f mciuitot which every suflerer.nBni. what his condition mny e'.",*SeJ|. Himself chcaply.jprlvateiy tt^erJ^,dil . This J.ectnTeshould be in }|rr*.liA every youth axulevery man In *no u" I Post Offlae Box 45Sff. . *-iy Admission 15c. Children Mo, A CTOfN MONTHLY S.U-B- The Acton monthly sale- will bV|eW *" - Agnw's Hotel,, oh Fair P*- . " Thursday, MsttchW All fcinits of Stock, ImOentrikJ*:' yti\\ be sold by paying oO cts a-piP- _ , Sale; at 1^ o'clock, . TERMS.i-'fen month*':"*&' *9-" approvednolntnotcB. : \- - _ AllcntrieWBUstbomadeteMr.; Ryder," Sec. ' . ; : - : . WM.HEMSTR^EI,^Ilee^, - 25-ti ' - U.l ."_._ U. -. " - >6:o a \ ciFv 4

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