Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1878, page 2

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x)- '--&: -J 1-^*5" :-mm i^" *. -TV r..- #1 K'^-'tWI K. | j-:^-;3 :"1 ig^^Bi If * tS/ ""-*'-.i ^R-**t^3bJjI Hi ::t.-3 K^^gj HP V^T^^PVlfl inn * FT?~.-1 Vms I -'.I ~" -71' :;i j if-r ""-J".: - |jr ;fe.':T2-3 1 r 1: -r^.-,..-^j^,j.tJ^.K^^ - THE, FREE PRESS, ACTION, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., MARCH 7, 18.7& r rniiE a^ctox full prlus Published every Thursday Morning gl Per Annum! in Advance ^otaniF^el^ces - = :| ay;.\Uo;MM;, M.vluiCT. 1S7S The Yillasc Xewspnpcr.. Y This !s one of the beat- indiea tiom of tho social life of a com munity. iV village that sustains a live newspaper uuist bo a thrifty j-laov So capitalists reason, and olbors who are sel'kfffg a. residence or s. placA-;in which to maku in vestments. - A well cqnipppd journal, going The War News. The treaty of peaces hiis lit last been f-igmd, tho result of which has-cfleoted u complete. chiiiiKo in the aspect of Kinopean -itflair.f On 'Monday the opinion wiih fieelv expressed iu Government circles in London peace between Knylandiuul Kussiii would not;bu. disturbed, and ifV'sia even rumor ed that tho British 1leet htid been ! ' 1 recalled. Sjiiio' days, will, neces sarily elapse before tho correct conditions of tho treaty are known but BOino of tlienr -Uro ulready given. Among these arc a proviso for tho exchange of., ratification within h fortnight, and stipulations for tho cession of Batouui, Kars, its weekly rounds to Hundreds of families and places of, trade, is at i Anlahad, and the. distiict of Ba once a welcome messenger and in-'-tofun. The question of tho fluenUal teaclter. It is filled with tgutior, of tho Dardanelles is. held local facts, brief, ; varied and in teresting. It is a mirror reflect ing tho ever-changing, life of tho people, and so, a silent teacher to them till. - W'hataver co-operation tho citizens of a village may give-to the editor of their paper, either in extending Lts circulation, or contri buting reading or advertising mat ter, is sure to bring" back to them a direct return. it i3 a duty the public owes to tho editor of a newspaper to assist him in procuring news for their paper. AY hen anybody dies, gets married, runs away, steals any thing, whips his man----or his wife fractures or sprains hi8 leg, or does anything that is in anyway -remarkablej-and you jbelievd you kuow as much about itl as anyone else, you should tell the editor of .your paper about it, or send the facts by mail. If any expenso is incurred, sand in your bill. In this way a vast amount of local .hews may be furnished and it takes a good supply of local news io make a good home paper. We request friends everywhere io let as know each item of news 4hat transpires in their locality, and they will greatly obligo and -encourage us. JKeport of tire State of the Militia. This report consists chiefly of a .somewhat lengthened statement by GcuerarSelby Smyth on the. pre sent condition]of the militia forceB within the Dominion^ and on the . best means to be employed for rtudeiing these 'forces more thor- __ . [ onghly einicienfc, and making the cjiintry more .secure in any even tuality; y It is not .necessary* to give in detail thB% suggestions of General Smyth. WVhave no doubt they will be carefully considered by those more especially connected with the Department, as well as by all the Ministers, and treated; with that respectful attention duar to anything coming from such a source. The time allowed for the yearly drill the General considers imuch too short, and very possibly he is right in this opinion. The effici ency of those reviewed during the year was such as, with few excep tion, to call f$>rth unqualified p-~ probation. The active militia at present cofwista of 43,729 men, with 17", field batteries. Tho reserve militia, ranged in three classes, comprises 655,000, making a total of about 700,000 men liable to be called out for the defence of the " country Waen required. General Smylh is Btf ongly of opinion that all shpuld be made o contribute to the sup- portrof of the military defences of the country whatever may be their jtbeoreticul opinion about ths law- filness'of War, as in the case of Canada any-war possible .must ul- ways bo- of a. defensive character. The Military College at Kingston is reported on favorably, and alto gether a hopeful vt^w is taken of the future of tho uiilitia forces in the Dominion. - / over for further consideration- while th7it of the navigation of the Danubo is left in tho [position in which it -was. la fixing the boun" daries of Montenegro and Servia, a zone of Turkish territory will bo left between. the two frontiers to tillow Hie jPort'e to .maintain com- niunication -with Bosnia and tho Herzegovina; Bulgaria will include Burgas, Varna, and Kustendje, but not Saloniea, nor Adrianotdo ; and liussia will hiiTO power to cedo tie Dobrudscha to Koumauiii in return for Bessarabia. The cession of tho Turkish.fleet is not included in tho conditions ; tho indemnity is reduced to twelve millions sterling, and tho-"Egyptian tributo is un affected. Further conditions provide that tho Princo -of Bulgaria shall not bo a raember of uny Huropean reigning family ; that the amount of tho Bulgarian tributo shall not bo fixeaj for two years ; that all the Bulgarian fortresses .shall bo razed, und ull Turkish"!foops fibull leave the country ; and that tho Russians shall return homo through tho Uosphorua^embarking on tho Sea of Marmora, but not entering Consfattinoole. The treaty of peace has been 6ent to St, Petersburg, f&r_ ratification, and some .fartlier-conce-ssinhs have'been made by KpHto^ which the period q'f the OTisnpation of Bulgaria will be limited to eight months, and tho^westerji extension of the new Principality will be reduced, between Salonica and Mitrovitza. Thero is some talk of a. proposition being the CongreKS for the annexation:;to Austria of Bosnia .and the Herzegovina, ; and it is even'asserted that Austrian troops rare moving southwards with this object in .view. The Austrian Government will.demand the vote of credit from the-^delegation to morrow. In addition to the tixty million florins already mentioned, three millions will also bo asked for for use under any circumstances. Tho tioveinoi-tienoral has de cided to forwaid to tho Imperial Government tho iii.viiii'h of all the corps of (.'aiiiulian iiijlittn-juul tho names uf oll'ieeis who luive volun teered to raise tVoops inCuilTi'la for service in the British army in case of war with Russia. His Excel, hiney, by no doit.g, desires to "givo tho lii'ilisli |ie.o[ile a tangible proof of tho devotion of ('auadiunn to the Empire. It costs this "'Province, gdOO pei; W4'ek to pay tho salaiies of extra writings . durii'g tlio present ses sion. ! " ; gin.'U) ot' C>oi of the Word niuro than li liis opinion, lias a right I , (juestion soundness o public expr this iipiritual luivo. ileieiu Tl ley limy and iu every sunso * ' lovers aiuno vers of-God.' " That is and I grant that he i> Conn andhold it, but his gooil lai-to and 'judgment in giving ion to his view of 'J'lio diainoiulH worn by J>idy Svlit.'H at tho (jDVernoi'-GdTigral'a ball, at (.)tluwii, cost 10,00,0. . Ifulifax-Iiiih bi.'on visited by u rain Htorin of forty-eight houi's'- tliiralibn, followed by a lieavy galo. Tho .Philadelphia Grand Jury character of thono ,\vIkv l"(l fo""(l " tio ,. bil-J for libel ed tho .idcatiiiK rink, "gain/it Frank Us[w, tho pubiisli- or. *e no better than. lie sik.vii, but wo ciinnot regard him its competent t cslitnato of (J> form u very reliable Isova Scotia statistics tell- us that during 1877 .there were min,ed in tllat Province 757,^96 tons of coal.- To produce this coal the labour of 1,3.18 cutters, 270 labor ers, and 350 boys underground; 324 mechanics, 5^5 laborers, and 152 boys above ground ; and 1G3 men engaged iD construction works, was required. The total number of days'"work demo was 067,148. The underground men worked on an average 195 days in tho year, the surface men 244 days; Each cutter produced an average of 575. tons during the year, and on each day an average of 219 tons were raised. 129 horses we're in use above ground,'and 175 below ground. The number of coal pita worked was 15C. " ' . i - -. - Huron County Council has de cided -to establish & poor-house. Three or four counties have lately taken this step. Tho poor-bouse in Wellington county is a largo and substantial structure with farm attached, it be hoped these institutions ' wilb be made to pay their way as far as possible. Poor-houses in England some times do more than this; for linstance that at Homerton made a profit last year of four thousand dollars, Nnssagawoya t'oiim-il. This ConnciJ mot pursuant to adjournment, o^ Saturday tlio IMrd day of February. Members all present ; tho Reevo in tho cha^r. The minutes of last meeting were, read and confirmed. On motion rt was orderod that the sum of $7 be paid to Anthony Jackson for HG loads of gravel, for division No. 11; Slli.lo toy the Township Glerk, for registering 72 births, 17 marciages and 30 deaths, for tho year A.P. 1877v tlie "same having been duly certified by the Inspector of tho Registrar General of Ontario; $G.10, to Innes k Davidson, for printing posters and ballot papers and SI.59 to the Township Clerk for furnishing materials for tho Returniiig-Yjtlicers, and delivering boxes. On uidtioii tho petition of Wil liam KAsturbrook, and four others, praying for aid in tjehalf.of widow Job,was receive*! and rend, und tho destitution, oi" Samuel Sei;iber and Richard Watson, being duly lepie.-ier.'.iTl to the Council, it was ordered thattho smu-of $S;bo paid to William Eastcrbrook, in aid of widow Jol>, 8 to S.tinuul Scriber, and $-t to Robert"Irving, in behalf of Richard Watson. On motion a' by-law was intro duced and read ti first and second time for tho appointment of Fence- vicwers; Pound-keepers nnd Over seers of Highways, and. partly filled up. On motion Hugh Fr.iser's dog tax was ordered to be struck off, said dog haying been hilled two weeks nftj:r being ussessed; and the dog tax of James O'Xeil was ordered to,ho refunded, having lost his dog previous to tho closing of the Court of "Revision. j The auditor's report was received and examined by a committed, oi. the whole. Tho report having been duly ex amined it was adopted. The auditors.were ordered to bo paid the sum of $6 each, for tht-ir services. ' . On moticfn tho Council adjourn ed to attend a meeting convened for the purpose- of organizing a Township Teacher's Convpntion, for mutual intellectual improve ment." ' Council resumed: ' The directors of the Nassaga- weya Agricultural Society triade ap plication for aid to their funds; to meet ithe balance of'arrears dun for prize money at their last exhibi tion. It appears that said defici ency is caused through tho negli- genco on tho part of some subscrib ers in paying thoir subscriptions to tho directors in time to have the full benefit of tho Government money. The matter, after being discussed pro and con, it was moved' by Mr. Wheelihan and seconded by Mr. Hutcheon, that the sum of S30 bo granted to the Treasure^ of the Nassagaweya Ag ricultural Society, in aid of the funds of the Society. Curried. On motion-the Council adjourn ed to meet again on Monday the 4th day of March next, for. tho purpose of'passing by-laws for the appointment ond-guidancoof Over seers of highways, etc., and for other township business. ' . . J. EA.STcr.Br.ooK, Tp. Clerk.. their state, feeing, that iu so -nnlii sitalingly prolioiincos j ],; them to bo ungodly men. . J Tlio question qfe-xpeiidittiro lias beiui a good deal alluded to, and as there, is an inipbrtant principle in- volveil in it,!.I would liku to seo it put lin a better light than your correspondents liavo done. J)o they really maintain that iijT out lay on objects of pleasure is sinful ? If wo uro to hecept Mmt view nnd act upon it, our eujoynieiits will bu considerably curtailed, for evory ornament aboctour persons, dwell ings, and churches must be rempved aml.strictjy avoided in the future. It is desirably that this- p">int be satisfactorily [cleared, and 1 hold that those, who introduced it into tho discussion! are bound to do so. Though' I have much confi lence in the' strictness of the supervision exercised by tho respectable niana- L'cis of tho Acton skating rink und do not greatly fear that any thing rude or unbecoming will be permitted, yet! I doubt '.lie propriety of masks' nnd peculiar cohtuiiieH. To avoid giving further ofTence, I venture to 'support stbeir discon tinuance hencteforth, ,'for it deems that these slightly ludicrous ex .hihitious uro fins" only things that are K"riously objectionable. ITopiug thiit this controversy will help to promote sound moral seuiiiueutd in tho village of Acton end ii'.'iiihboi'hood, and that, it" 'Contitni'.id, it will be cancbicti.-d temperately, courteously, "and in telligently." i I Remain, -'.; Voura truly, "SouniETV. Tlio Popo has intiumted a doHf'ro tjiut pilgri.iiH iibiuuin from Kpoeful 8knti!i^ Kink. Correspondence. We jciisli he. %[mleritvud that ire do not hold ourse-leeir'ftMpiDixihle for the opinions expircssed by oiw correspondents. The Skating IMuk. A despatch from London says tkafc Lieut-General Sir Patrick L. ilacdoiigall, K. C. M. G., Chief of the Intelligence Department in the war office, will in May take com mand of all the forces in Canada. It is understood that in event of war ho will have authority to en roll 10,000 Canadians for service in Europe.] i_J y Canada will W well represented at the forthcoming World's Fair at Paris. The commissioners for the Dominion are, Sir John Rose, Mr. Gordon Brown, Mr. Gustave Drolet, (Montreal,) Mr] T. C. Keefer, (Ottawa,) and -CJ P. Pel-, letier, Ministers of Agriculture. The Secretaries nro Messrs. S. Per- To the Editor of the Free- Press/ " . Dear Sin, The discussion on the recreations of the' skating rink should prove beneficial to the community, as it has directed attention to tho moral ity of that and similar amusements. Though desirous of upholding .the cause of truth and virtne, I do not sufficiently understand tho matter in dispute to justify mo in oppos ing or defending it, nor am T much enlightened, on tho subject by your . correspondents. If these gentlomonwould uro a fosv sound arguments " instead of so many strong assertions they would far moro successfully convince, your readers. Surely tho PiovJ Mr. Hobbs should not bo condemned for warning his bearers in temper ate language (for I presume he used nothing else) of evils which it seems he knows from his own observation to have resulted from carnivals and masquerades, " Member Methodist Chu To tho Editor \>f the Free Prc*s. Dear Sir, We notice [ several anonymous coi.irriunieations in your hist issue. Wo would say that wb"will-take- no notico whatever of such. Your readers have had ample opportunity of learning who compose the Acton Skating Club, and the opinion of thqso who afraid or.ashamed fcjl~ncknowIedge their work over th^ir true signature wo can afford to 'despiso. - Vour^, i<kc, . J '; Jons Cameron, J. "E. McGabvis, John. C. Hill, Jamks Nkklin, C. W, Hill, ' :. - A. E. Nicklis. ,. [\Ye will hot publiili any more correspondence at present, on tho skating rink question, as it has, no doubt, been discussed to the satis faction of both sides.- Ed.' Fkel' Tress.] . ! , Actpji Scliool Board. The Scliool Bourd met on Mon day evening, 4th inst. "AH the members present, except Mr. Fearnloy. Tlio niinutos of last meeting weno read and confirmed.- Mr. Henderson presented the second report of tho Finance- Com mittee, recommending tho payment of the following accounts: John' Itoss, salary for February, $.43.83 j Jume3 Ityder, on a wood contract, 74. Total 8119,83. ' Moved by Mr. Henderson, sec onded by Sir. Lasby that tho second report of tho'Finnnco Com mittee be adopted. Carried. / Moved by- Mr.' Henderson, sec onded by Mt;. E. Mooro, that tl)e chairman of tho~Boat;d and the mover bo a com mitten, to procure, and'cause to be put up, suitublo blinds on the windows of the-Junior Department and Library. : Car- riet|. . Moved by Mri LaBby, seconded by Mr. S. jloore, that the Board adjourn, to meet again on.tho first Monday , of April, at 7:30'p.m. Carried. , tilifsi()ii to politics in addipases to Edmund Galley, transported ."to NuwTiouth Wales forty years ago for mui do'-, is now found to be innocent. i ' . An attempt is being made in Peterborough to' form' an Irish Society irrespective of religious dif- ferences^of opinion, Ingersoll is about eroding u new Utomati Catholic Chapel, to cost 15,000, and promises to be tho handsomest ecclesiastical edifice in the, town. ' - ' A State Union Telogroph and Telepliono Company is projected in Bostori with a capital of S 1-0,000,- 000, "to operate lines in parts of tho United States and Canada. ' A Toronto grocer paid to tective SfiO to compromiso his breaking tho law, Jfo has been secluded for tliieu months, and has to break stones into tho bargain. A Western p.iper affirms tliat thero is u man in Palmerston, Out., on tho Wellington, Grey and-Bruco railway, who is now in his 113th your. " His wifo died, recently at tho; i.igo of (S7. 1 '- A young girl, calling herself Zag-el,1 receives $oUpU a week from, a London circus for tho sta.r'tlin" feat of diving through" tho nirfrom a cornice near tho roof, lauding in a net 00 feet below. j.- A tavorn-koejier of London townv shi])r nieeting a debtor on the road whom ho had frequently dunned Hi'i's' Cocoa, GliATi'.rUL and. C'om- Ypnrma.-r" liy, a tliorougii knowledge' of tlio natural jaws which govern the operations of diguHtion and nutrition, ' and by a careful application of the fine properties of well Boleljlid cocoa, Mr. KppH ha!i provided our breakfast tallies with iv delicately Jlnvored buverago which may save uh mntriy heavy doctors' billo. It is by the judicious line of such articles of diet that h [constitution may' hcgradually built up until strongoiiough to ruHiHt every tendency to diHeaso. liuudrcilB of Hubtlo rnalndiuu uro floating around us ready to attack wherever there in n weak point. Wo may edenjio many n fi(tal shaft liy keeping ourselves Well fortified with pure blood ondn pro- porly.nourished friuno. 1~Civil Service Oa-.rlte. Sold only in packets labeled '"Ja.mkh Ki'i'a k Co., Jiomieopa^hic Cliomist, 48, Thre'adneedle Stroot, hod 170, Piccadilly, Lou'clnn." ./NVEOUP HAIE OP FAIOl \j ANJJ 1'Alt.M . I'KOI'KKTV WM'il- OU'JP ANY UEKICUVK WilATEVKU. ACTON MABBET8. Flour .... ... .. $2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat,1 ,-. .. V 15 to 1 20 Spring Wheat, .. .. 0 75 to 1 05 Sprouted Spring Wheat 0 75 to 1 00 '" ' ,0 CO to 0 60 . ti 30 to 0 34 . 0 CO to 0 GO O 15 toO 15 . 0 12 to 0 14 , 0 ,10 toO 10 . 0 08 to 0 09 . .' 0 12 in 0 12 . 0 05 to 0 05 . 0 05 to 0 05 . O 0G to 0 0G , 0 GO to 0 5G . 1 00 to 1 25 10 00 to 12 00 Barloy Oats Peas ... Butter (frnsh rolls) Cutter (salted rolls) Lard (light) I^ird.(dark) .. . I'kKB (new laid) Chickens - .. (leeso ., Turkeys. Potatoes, pcr'bag Apples, per bag ' iliay, per ton, "'.. for tfl^riO without success, knocked him down and kicked him in "tho neck, pausing his death. He .was arrested. >.- - Tlie1 second annual meeting of the Dominion Artillery Association was held at Ottawa on the 26th ult. Jt was derided .to send a team to England next year to compete for prizes offered-for-that brunch of the service. .- MARKETS. Special to the Fuei: Press, per Domin ion Line. GuELPn, March 7th, .1678 Flour, per 100 ... White ,\Vheat, tier bush Tr-uactwell do Spring"Wheat.. Oats, ... ... . . li.irley, ' ..' .--,.' Peas ... .. '), Hay, per ton ~. . Kgg, per doz. Butter, per lb. Potatoes per bag .'. Hogs, per cwt Chickens per pair ... Geese .. Turkeys .. .. Ducks .. $2'30 to 2 75 1 15 to 1 20i 1 12 to 1 IS 1 00 to i 0G- 0 .T2 to 0 3r>: 0 45 to 0 53 0 GO to 0 64 10 00 tol2 00 0 13 to 0 15 0 15 to 0 18 0 GO to 0 65 4 75 to 5 12 00 to 0 00 80to 1.00 70 to 1 00 40 to 0 GO JK7SSELX. "WATOaES, AHERI0AN' "WATOSESj S"WI-~S| v7ATCHSSJf,-. ALL PRICES- ALWAYS -"- STOCK. nor is eh" en titled to characterize those who " resort to the columns of your rault,.of Montreal,-and S. P. May, | pflp0P to^ vindicate themselves" as of Toronto. not";" renewed by the converting ' populijtion this year. Gen. Grant is-nt Constantinople. Enibro Council meetings oj)0n with prayer. The price of lumber has advanc ed at Winnipeg. An anti'tobneco society is being organized in Montreal.: There is- talk.of abolishing tho haibour dues at Owen Sound: ' A club of Mollio Muguires is aaid to exist in St. Catharines. A now comio paper, tho Jester, has mudo its appearance - in Mon treal, i j . * i It is reported that' Hon. Mi-. Irvine, Railway Commissioner has resigned. The next Orange Grand Lodge for Western Ontario will bo held in Guelph, | Godefray B.rossoio Saint Marc, Gtirdinalf Archbishop of Eonnos, If-rance, is dead. , _>;.- ? It isestiniated that' Kansas Statb will receive 200,000 additional A span of good working horses, in fair condition, were sold on the Elor|i, Uiit,, fairground, tho other day,j for eleven dollors, a set of double harness for four dollars and Bcventy-flve cents, and a neck-yok? for thirty cents'. " A widow in Vermont, sixty years old, and having ten ehildren, recently married a youth under nineteen, much to tho disgust of her sons, one of whom, immediate ly after the wedding, knocked Mb step father down, , Two of a gang'of fifteen. Molly Maguires, just unearthed^ were arrested at Irwin, station, Pii.,x0J1 tho 25th ult. The prjsoners con fess that tho gang has committed incendiarism and murder, and in stigated riots and strikes. A police officer ~lms arrived at Halifax, N.S., from England, with a prisoner named Malloy, who is charged with having lost year ca6t away a fishing vessel of which ho was,captain, sold tho wreck, pocket ed tho proceeds and] escaped to England. \ :. Mr. John Cowie, of Downie, has returned from Mtiskoka, whore ho has taken up 400 acres of land. Ho has gone beyond the rocks, 50 miles, north of Braeobridgo, and speaks favorably of the country and soil, it boing a clay mixed with sand. , The CrownT Prince of Austria has given 3Q to the crew of the Kingston lifeboat as a recognition of their bravery in saving the crew of tho Austrian brig " Oiinski," which was wrecked off the Kis'h Bink. Ho distribured 25 a* mongst tho shipwrecked crew. A farmer named Samuel Squires, near Iiondon, was brutally mur dered by John Mu'un, a hotel- keeper," last Satiirdny afternoon. Squires owed Munn 81.50 for drink, and-when asked to pay the moiibyi ho refused to do so. The result was that Munn knocked Squire; down and kicked him in a' brutal planner, which resulted in ,tant death of tho latter, gave himself up to j the authorities. ~^ A vordict of "murder" has bten returned by tho coroner's jury in tho London Township homicide against John Munns, the tavern- keeppr i who fatally assaulted .the man Srpiires. : A man named James Neagle, of Pilkington, met with n terrible doatk at the G.' T; Railway crossr ing, hear tho old Central Sohooli Guelph, oh Monday night, about 10 o'clock. "Deceased had been in Guelph for some days, and had been drinking pretty ; freely oh Monday. Ho was crossing tho track-as an eastward bound freight train was approaching the crossing, and, by some means tripped, and fell backwards, with his head and arm across the rail. He had not timo-tp^rise before, the locomotion ran over him completely severing arm and head from his body, which caused instant death. He.was 65' years of age, and leaves a wife and two daughters. O 3L O C Avu&lcan Spring Weight. in Very Clvcap. Plain and Fancy GOLD RINGS. V j star, xf x*Za z: B."ir, A Large Stock. . tho , in Munn CALL AND LOOK OVKB Mr STOCK. (L lJYHDS, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, j i 35-ly Post OftceiSlorc, Acton, GET y6uR' Framing DONE AT G.W. HILL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY i All Mais of Mouldings feept la Stock.. 32-Gm Soots & S310QS. I Thff.andor^igned has received in structions from Mr. John> Allison to sell by public auction on Tups- day March 19, on lot 27, in the &th con., Township of Nassagaweya. the farm containing 150 acres, 120 of v hich ar unrter caltiration, 22 acres of wheat in ground and seeded doin with timothy;! 1.1 acres of rye; also 25 acres ploughed, the balance, 22 acres |s timbered, with pino and cedar, and 8 acres of ihardtyood.' At the same time ho will also sell tho following Stock 'and Implements ; | STOCK'. Span Horses 9 years old, iJ-milch Cows,/ yoke Oxen 5 years old, yoke Steals 3 yoara old, 4 2 year old Heifers,, ? Yearlings, thorough; bred Bull, * 14 Sheep, 3 islore Pigi, brood Sow. I IMPLEMENT?. Lnmber Wagon,, Fanning Mill, light; Wagon, pair, Bob-Sleigh8. long Sleigh, Bet double * HarnesK, sot; chain Harness^ 3 Jr'iovighs, 2 Harrows, Cradle, gang Plough [Oossitt'a make],' combined Reaper ; abd Mower, land Holler, Seed DrilMrWatson'aJ, Cultivator, Cutting Box;.' ' Also a quantity of I/ens, Turkeys, Oeese and Ducks. Also Household Furnllure-^-Cooking Stove [new], &c. and a quantity of other article*. The above property must be sold as Mr. Allison is leaving tbe coun try. The-Implements are nearly all new. TEKJIS. 10 . and under, casb, over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes. On real festate S2.0WIJ cash, the balance- in instalments to suit purchaser, at six per cent, interest. : Sale to commence at ,]2 o'clock sharp. W>W. EOE, Auctioneer. 35 S.t. HEW DOMINION BOQT & SHOE STORE Opp^Agnew^,,^ ' wish tocsii tbfr-rttea'iattWtii/" haBiionsoftheVilia^ ^ stock of BOOTS, f3S0BS *'" Comprising all the 1 '*J~ tBooU and Shoes. ""-""--"^'R i Ordered-Work recei^^jX . , Oar Grocery BeM^ fewellro^pUedirhk ;-, /Stigars, : :Pruitsf Biscmts^r; ; Tobaccpsi Soaj^ V Coffees, fi:.,^ ;. " ._ "- * - t - Please call an<J-erooiirie OnrStpcfc, '. KENSEr*Sl)j- Acton, Beo. 121877. ' W0Ri\] POWDERS Are the best in use. W A T:S 0 B the Moral HUMORIST Will Lecture in tbo TEfiSIPESAfiCE HAIL, 1- AOTOK n On-the evening of feiONDAY, CBAIME & SON havo just reooivod a full lino of FELT GOODS, OVERSHOES I AMD RUBBERS ; for winter uso. SPECIAL ATTE1TTI01T GIVEN Ta paBBSBD WORK. Repairing promptly attended to. CRAIIKE&80N. Deosinbor 17,1877. *> SUBJECT: "Particular AUure- monts and Proper Amusemsnts of tho 7__ Toiith of Both Doors open at 7:30. Lecture to commence At 8 o'clock. For 'particulars see hand-bills. Adalsstoa 15c. Ghildrea I0c> EosprokSoata! ago/ %m wotfe Main Strctet, Acton. The nndersignod is prepared to ido all kinds of WORK, (rithneaii- [ ne3s and despattlf, on th*^.' { shortest notice, and at the ^ most seasonable prie;- l; He keeps Constantly oa ' .7. "T hand all Kinds of S TI"rA&St';;'-;K i an|ST07|5 - ,~v " ' - *^ -^""'"_. Japan "Ware, Etd. ' All orders for Kepslring awl .- troughing strictly attended to. coal oit'A sPEciAcnc ; .- -. - :- - , \\ "- i.-'.1/if- - '-: Call vand-?bo conviheed \tb*t tba ' above statements are notiWdfrr- >dash or frothy babblingtj;' '\ --.= WH. LfilTH, Proj^rfof. Acton,~Dco>: 29, 1877 '-'(- PIANO & jBEAtFT^i ;.: INSTIH? feti Oontaln!nrneelenient*of"MiJi eary and prosreui've eMKOM-WPHS!. tb? player IB the-rt ot n^VSS 1 piano or-orgs!.), to wJUBh J**pST sixty Wukies, Polkas, MarehoiMg; J Operatio Melodles.;Dane*,tftWfK ' lei F. BeaUy, Washington. HewWJv;! one of tbo best wrk.olili Kn4*igjli troduced,and should bo t hh,^ju every piano and organ player. _J*5E7I5-. paid to any part ol tbe Un}te<r8UT; ., Canada for only nny eentt -Ug.s5* having been reduced *0.*nui"j everywhere. Addt*t .VAW*i SEA1TY, WaflblDtton, New JenWrf: t JOB PKINTIA Go fall kinds neatly iu'l promptly oxeouted at th ; ' FREE PRESS OPFIOE,. ', *- Next tbe Pos. omce Mtli 8trc*t. T>USINESS PBOPEinre- Tbo undei-sigifed oaeaM-to'^iW^S desirable property.sitnated.po w street, nW oceu^ed by Mb' flfoL Catncrcn as a store 6ndaw*uiB^. '**? propertysis in firet dass *W"ntoSJ-r with a good c611atv. Tprnu lio**. -ForJurther parti'cukis_a6ply to ; MESSRS. W. PARlbfffiW., Or, W.Hl STOREY, Afltoa. Acton, >ig.-22)j,'1877| ' -*^L, THE GREATvaAM&>>-'; OF HUMAN Wehavorecont B recently pabllijfied**** vlon of Or. CalTerwe'i^'^iSJUSjJJ* my on the" radicsiranaparmaMJ^g* (wltboutm<<dlclH*Jor Nprvojrt ^"KKT Mental and PUj^Ical L,PaJg^J|fhf maawM -________ Imr> raonts'to" Warrlag^/ etc., resultingr "ric8orin aseal^derivel0li,onlyfl*W able1. Essuy clearly dmojisUtj tj, thirty years', successful PJ^ajeSly nlarm-lDfr consi?nnf!Hces may ^TJ^tuMr- cured wltbout tb*.dangronaieoi, rtal laedlclno or the P^^^STit Ernlfo; pointing out ^*SefSr* once simple, certain **^wbk*t mean* of whl cb every BnfleW.n^yJK what his condition mwr.5e.i5SJ, 1ilmeircheaply,prlvateir.ana/J^, This Lecturo should be 13; tbe nan every ypntb andeverymau^ In ?.;_. Post Office 130X4539. - j

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