Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1878, page 2

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1 i rtgmwmjHjiiit>r.irrvKgKsim.fl^MS*M.z^ flcvrcMu THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, IIALTON COUNTY, 0NT \ EElfllUARY 7-- 18 rjVIE ACT J.\ tfUKt. IMILK*. To iriiMs"< .yonlion.. t'.rbl-.-lnV every Thu'rulay Morning |' 51 Per Annum in. Advanco the Gointy of Il.iltpa wiiO'dd " nt OalVtllo i i tho town hall, ou AoiahViroo'ifKOSB' IVn uml Scissor Kofot't$. . , i i /. Dominion Pai litiment meets to- Ine of tlio teiioht rs <>f jllv - ' Mr. Jones' -nitiioritv in Halifax v 220 18 Tlil'l,:'. .W is:s ray\v: T, oso v1 o mi' in F.r.l.u- u:id S iturday, January 25 nl -" \ Nova Scotia T. The p.esidonV It. L'ttlo, Iwp- . ia..|, ,11v -.M^ took tlu) chair a' 10 u.u\, on F.i- d.iy lnoiuiiu:. Tho"niinu'tes <>f previous meeting i'iv ivad, and oh motion, 'i Mr. Hu.-baVd, seconded by Mr. Coatos, ^l.sllltill O meets mi' 'in arrears for can urn. Fubu-ripiiii-.s to ' the rs j ,\ eojumuuieation frum r.(i> Mo,l to settle nt"o::oe. , M'hvhn tfa.f read, y>. pressing 'iv! that he Was'unablo t O- 111' \Vo ale Miaiirg out circulars U> tl.oro in. nv!v:it tl.'i v will reoiivr duo attention. The War Sews. present,owing to press of busiiuvs,- mil hope th;it ; The President then' read the 't|uis of business to' bojbrought hf-fore tliu Association", which were p follows : - -. G rammer to beginners, by Mr. Husband. :.-'.. Spoiling, by Mr. McDonald. Discipline, by Mr. Cooper. Fngiish, by Dr. Busk. Object Lessons, by Inspector Little. Our Mistakes, by R. Coatcs. Mr. Little, in an excellent nd ill ess, encouraged tl.o teachers present to bo faithful ia tho dis charge of their duties. ' Dining tlio first session, several teachers from a diatanco wcro in attendance. . Acjou-ned till 1:30, at which tiioa tlio Inspector informed tho Association that ho had a Govern ment grunt of 8-" for its use, and that it became tho duty of the Secretary to inform the Warden of County that we had complied with the Crooks Act'-of 1877, and were therefore- entitled to a similar grunt froui the County funds. Tho teachers were now addressed by a Professor of, ElocAition, Mr. T.-ivemer; his object being to get a ckss for instruction in the srt. Those present' had not suliicieut .ambition"' to attend-to that sul.ji-ct, tind so lost a {olden opp;irtunitv'to becoming tii'st-cl.iis eloqntioniii't!-.""' Mr. Husband read a paper on Grnic mar to beginiiers: Ifi.s metho-l.of iiuroducin-' t! Wiilkut'ton now, wunu to bu uiado- a jiort of oiilry. <'<Mii-ituH('it 2."5e. piccoH mo in circulation in London. Eleven ilo.aUm riieordetj | from H uallpox in Montreal hist'WeeU, A clerk, in the Merobanta J'niik. Kingston, is i default (M'.for i-^'.t, -A branch:- ~.<C tlio i-\'ani;eliciiT Aliianco has been formed at, King- Wheiit is still only sixty, cents I ion. pef bu.sTfel at Wiiinipeij. I , .:..'.. , 1 .. I,. I -V ho;; packing o.slablishiiiout i j Fort Feny honien, Ljtiiinil;ir to bein^ eiyctrd i:i Oi'illiii, Out. 'epizootic. Tho Montreal jin^h ilesire the iilxilition of the olliji; of L'hie'f of Harbor Folice. A Mormon Chuich 1ms been. formed in JOxeti r. The war m:\v, for the present,, be considered as almost at tin end. The preliminaries of pcac uavinp I een sighed, orders will be sent to tne commanders of tho various armies to cease hostilities. Greece h.-cs declared i;r m Turkey, and Gre<k troops hsve fcipssed the frontier; but tlie Government ex plains that the. ol-ject is not wr itself, l.tit n desire to protect the Christians in the Turkish Proviu- cs. | Russia pleaded the same ex cilse, and one is led to regard the subsequent action of Russia-, .(is ^ nietlong very like war. Greece, ^ no doubt, will pl.-iy the same game,, \ ut she is rather too late in the field to effect much. Roumruiia Evidently feels annoyed at Russia f..r coveting a slice of E'er territory, a::d has sent to the Great Powers, claiming tlse right as a belligerent, t> . serM -rejTi tentative to the Conference. This,-r.o doubt, will be opposed by_ Russia the Cz.ii h.i-ving assumed the right to manage 'everything for Rotimunia. and now he turns round t-o steal oti" a ! ir^'v portion of territory fiohi Lin alii. \ ' ' ' '." Gainbetta his spoken on the war J'iverv, e.c. and, on behalf of France, declares that Russia-must respect the Treaty -of Paris. l.This assertion is signi ficant, pointing as it does to the fact that Franca will soon arise out of her apparent weakness, and as sort her rignts as one of the.great Powers. The Danish Government seems somewhat nervous, and,, has made arrangements for laying Sown Gold and silver-lire reported to ' have li:in discovered, on il faun fcuear Faikhilll .' | A barber in Dulmquo has beenj IT.-rcil S10.000 for \\ patent' lamp chimiu'y which ho has ire vented. Tho Hai:lton Mayor in em powered to ollur $a(IO reward for iho detection nud eonviotion ol ici-ndiaries. Ft is stated that Lord Dufferin will receive tho degree of LL. D. from McGill University dining his visit to Moutreal. Ottawa proposes to cut, down the expenses of civil government by reducing the salaries of the city otficials liO pel cent. The By law to raiso 2,000 for tht purchase of a public cemetery for W'alkeiton has been carried by a vote of 121 to 2-1.- Kotico is given in. tho G^ir.-lU that tho license has been, with drawn from the, Provincial Ius-pr- unco Company of Toronto, - -! A button factory is proposed in Hamilton ; a company with 313,- 000 capital has been formed] of which 0,000 is taken up, Morris, of Pit-sburg, has dial longed'Courtney, Tnckett, Hanl.ui, or'anv other man, to a thi'ec or tjvo. miles' race at Pittsl.uvg. A S ilein, Unt., firm, of chrr.^^" builders have just shippi d jiv_ ea; - ri.'i^e l-j A. Sinclair, a !.ir:;e r. i^rar planter i U ck'.Ss was very lntnrestl'.ig i;ii'i tr.'-t^itu'. A- ;!:itii,'-< w,-re brought j i . .:- :L:ic*. :ii- ' ::oin or. ii^:u-- subie't P'-'n.'-er in j Cowick, I fa fa, Natal ,, i S-.aitii Aiiica. A short-hand reporter is to be appointed of tho r/nulon Court uml {Jonci'iil Si.'Miiien.H. * Three Gitelph Inyw lmvo been arrested for snow-balling, raid com pelled to pay a lino. Tho feeling in Quebec is; that the, bottom of tho civic troubles i." by no means reached. S !,000 was raisbd at u meeting th!pay tliu John utrert, l!ellcv:l)e Pieabyterian chiffch olubt. : The liquor setters in tho county of Bruce uro coinbiniiif; to tent the legality cf the Dunkiu Act. Kivu . hundred' dollars . haH biren voted to the IFckctt fund in jl'eh tri'ul by tho Toronto :Mr. A. J. Brewster has been appointed Vilbi^eC'Ie' k of-Hespeler ill place of Mr. Y. 1\. Conway, who reaigned the otlice. "," C'ordwood is selling ,in Oriinge- ville at 62 to $2.2") a cord for good dry beech and'maple, 1 iwer than it has been for six years past. ' A note, ious scamp named KerreU unit-rilly iivnulled' Mr. Foy, a pro mitient (Jhirks-villaii, iililioi t kil ling him ; Farrell awaits trial at. lJ.::'i ie j.ill. i The speeches of ino iUeform leaders .t pvlilicr.l pie iocs iu-ld during the siiiniiicr !i;ive been pub- o>i:-.-il in ] ifnp'ib-t form, inaking a vollllliii,of"l!e:irlv 2v>0 pages. W c;< '. I: tlec'.Sot'.s fi.-!.'o\Ve-i'ii,e i'aits ot ..Speech. F.i!.-e'.Syntax should have a place in every system of Griitnttier, because it wits inrt with in the badness of every day l'iie. Teachers should at all timejj make; it a. point to correct it in their pupils: Mr. Husband closed bis paper by "remarking that he had not at all exhausted tho sub ject, but must leave it for some other time. Mr. Cooper thought that Gram- urer, History and Geography should torpedoes in the Sound for thl-pro be taught to beginners without a book. Ifo .considere 1 some good selection should be ii-e.las a text tection of Copenhagen. Although the preliminaries of peace have b~L.-n..signed, the end ia not yet. Ho: JiT, Blake's ResijrEa- tiou. i.The resignation of Hon. Mr. Blake w;is Landed in to the Pre^ onier ilasti-vjlmrsday and accepted. ICoitjnueil ill bea'rh w;.s tLe sole 'cause of this step on the part of the President of the Council, We fer -Euro that .the whole country will re- jr^itho v. rtbdrj.Tlof Mr. Etake frcm the Ministry, a regret iSat -will be deepened by the knowledge that Lis shattered health id the result Qf close and continuous application ; J-o.-bis public duties. Mr. Blake leaves the Cabinet in full sympathy fcnd accord with the pirljlif policy of hisi; colleagues, and should Lis LealtK, permit, he will be found actively supporting tbem from hi place in the House. We feel sure we-only echo the wish of the vast majority of the people of Canada in expressing the hope that Jilr. Blaie may speedily recover that strength and vigor which he seeks ia withdrawing from- the_cares and ,nuiuitie3 of office. According to the calculations of Prof. Elliott, of Harvard' Univer sity, a young mun pursuing Lis 8tndie3 in that institution requires an annual allowance of about 1,- 7C0, in order to live respectably and comfortably. If that is the cost of college education at Har vard, American fatliers"during the liari tiuius Lad better send -their sons to Canada where they'will learn aB much and live just as happily for eonsiuearbly less money. A committee of Deputies end merchants has been formed in Paris f a- the purpose of promoting trade with the United States and the conclusion of a commercial treaty between tho two countries. Major Allan Frazer, Reeve, of Fitzroy, is mentioned at appn> bVrdo .candidate in tlio Reform interest for the representation of Carleton at the general election. for a Grammar lesson. The discussion was continued in a humorous and familiar manner by'Mj'sr3.'Coatcs, McDonald and Dr. Lu=kf; all agreeing that ydiinji pupils could get a ilair knqwldege of Grarnmer if it were presented to them in a qonimon s-e^se manner. The President remarked that learning the rules of Grammar be fore the pupil understood what he was about, seemed as wise as telling a boy not to go to bathe before he coiilif swim. Mr. McDonald read his paper on Spelling. But .vvery faint idea of this paper can be derived from this, report, of it. i Its -importance and difficulty- of Tacquistion, the meth ods of mastering the art and best kinds of exercises to be -uted by tlie teacher in tho various stages of progress, were very nicely brought before the audience. Mr. McDonald was congratulated on all bands for his maiden effort, and a vote of thanks was unani mously tendered him fur bis able and carefully written paper. Tho dicussion was continned by R. Q. Stuart, Dr. tusk, R. Coates and H. Husband, all considering it very important - that Spelling should begin early in' the school course, Mr, Cooper thought there was much difficulty in knowing when we are correct in Spelling, and sng- gested- the phonetic method, ex pressing a belief of its being intro duced. ' Under " methods " the Spelling blank came in for its share of criti cism as an aid' in Spelling. Those who Lad introduced the blanks and tried "them fairly, considered, they were of real use. Some examples were giveh. It was1 suggested to use them only: as tests or for ^est lessons say, when five or ten pages of the readers had been mas tered. In all cases corrections should be made at home by the teacher. After an intermission of ten niinr utes, Dr. Lusk took up the subject in an easy, gonVprsational manlier, to the interest anl profit of all who heard him. The session closed about balf-past five, all -present feeling they had spent a pleasant afternoon together. :" mi!..:, r : -,'t^ . for 52,:'iou. The telegraph from 'Winnipeg to Kdmonton - -Sl)0 miles is now in working order. This is; the longest circuit without a repeater on the centineiit. A merchant named Pickering was robbed on tho Dawn Mill and Uil Springs road the other niyht by three high Way-men, who took ij'oOO from his person. The Guelph Lumber Company anil other lumberois are pushing opeiationH briskly iU Parry Sound. Seven million feet of logs Lave beentaken out thus far by two camps. Alex. Rooney,- of Garafraxn, and Manasseh L^esoti, ofjCbvingeville, were fined the sum 'of $20 each and_costH, before a bench of- Ma^is - trates in Orangeville, on . WeJnes day, for selling liquor without license. They were prosecuted by Mr. Anderson, License Inspector for Dufferin. j A fire started in Scott'a brick Week, occupied by Mr. Scott as a private bank, on Friday morning about two o'clock. By the most streneous efforts of those present tho fliiues wero not allowed to spread to the adjoining buildings. Messrs. Elliott & Talbot lose heavily by the removal of goods. Both parties arc fully insured. The Minister of Education has very properly revoked the certifi cates of the forty-ono candidates who purchased the stolen ex amination papers, and na most of them confessed the deed they are to be allowed to go for examination after July. But entire disqualify cation ia to follow the repetition or committing of this offence. | Last week a littlo girl, daughter of Mr. Geo. Bailey, of Godrich, met with a fatal accident in a very peculiar manner. It seems her mother had placed a kettle of hot water upon the floor by tho stove liftv . .'f i.-r' HrtmU-on Chief Constable s 2i;i:-v:.:!a'rii m,,3i!G larcenies, !. --'. -'K-l y"l ilriui'ks '.:! '. a total ^('F 1 GO. over any previous Sear miiSc li>73. i - Mr. .lames Pe-irson'.has gold, be tween srx and seven hundred mink nkins on tie Guelpli maiki-'t^r.his season. Tho anitiials from which the pets were tak.-n were c-qitured on the Sangeen river. M". T. A. W. Gordon ha3 ex p-essed bis intention -of opposing Mr. Gi'o. Drew for the representa tion of North Wellington in- the House of Commons- at'the next generiil election. ." The 'Dominion Government is- siid to have taken, action against tlio Bank of Montreal for the- re covery of $G,000 of the Secret Service money, paid out ifter. I'h fell of . Sir John Macdonald's Governuient. Mr. Bethume bus the case in hand. - A number of clergymen an I doctors were fined in Ingehso'l, on Thursday last, under the Registra tion Act. ' Detective Smith, of London was the-ipformant. There is hardly a municipality in..'.the country that there is not neglect bIjowii in regard to registration: Tlio freight, trafiic on tho Great Western Railway during the past few weeks has been, unusually heavy.' Recently Cover ono thou- siund cars passed over tho line within twenty-four hours, and the number of special trains passing London is stated to bo unsurpassed in tho history of the road. On tho Canada;Sonthern Railway the pressure has also been great. Information has been received that tho Governor General has pardoned an old soldier named Hart, incarcerated for an alleged criminal assault on a young girl in Montreal. After the prisoner's conviction it was found that the girl was of a very bad character, and strong grounds exist that tlie charge was fulse, The prosecutrix JtisqucfsliiKPjOotiiicU.; ,. Tho members elect, of tho Town" ship of Ks<i'uc>iing Municipal Coun cil, I fill' .tho year 1K7S,. iriot. at Clark's Inn, Ste.wai tlown, on the 2h,t Jan., nt IT o'clock a,-in., and Hiibacribed to the dedajation and qilaliliealion- iff olliei), an lollowii ; Win. Clay, I!i:t!V(!; Win. Mel^iieiy, Kirst. D. puty-I5e'vo ; iiliniiin Lind- i.iiy, Second IJejiiity-RiHJvi.. ; John Sliorlieed and Richard : Graham, Celilicillol'.-l. ' The nienibci'H having (,'il-cou their seal.'i, tho Keevu iiddr('li;;i:il the Ijouneil,' The aerounl, of -Black cfc^Dillrr, for I'lijiting, HaiX .t R-iuliiison, for elecpoii blanks, Luwmmi, Bros, for liim[i)er was read ; .also applica tions!.for the olliee of at;sew,or ; also a statement from tho Pnthiuas'er, Glenwiiliams, minting to woodcut on the hb-Jijvjiy;-' Mi'. I 'inlsay. moved, seconded by Mr, liraham, that leayo be gr.m'ed to introduce a appoint am'.itui'.H- of the Township accounts for tlio year 1877. Cur ried. Said I.iy la'w liaving bean intro duced was read the first-.limn. M^vvd bv Mr. Mel'hie-ry, licco'nd- Mr. Shoitrnal, thn't-the V>>- la'.v to appoint .auditor:! of the Township iicviiiits be ' read the second/iiud thir-1 times unit pa.s3rjd, and tl;at the name of .John Brain '.bo iu.iia t ;d :;h auditor. Thelleeve apptjjiiled David--Cross aa au.dito:,'.- CirriedT\ - Mov^d by Mr, Sliorlreed, i<"- ended by Mr. Lind.-ayj that the T'ea.-air'cr be hereby . iiistrucle 1 to pay the foHlowiuL'- inn-:, Viz : l^lack i l^il::,-' -for prin:ing l';,']av,.s:, miuutr.s, etc., ^"li.'J'J ; 'Hart A; -R I', for ehctipn r,'J-:3.- G4 ; (.Ihj. ' l^lae!:, lor w-olIi u::tl timber o(i en >,a road,, Jot 1.3 ;;nl F'., 1th eon., .fl'l.Oo; Wi!- liartis, a refill.d ef school 'tax for .-irt-r in desi.-i ijitio-n of his properiy in ;S. S. X,.. 1 !, "l(;.i;r>. CariiV'd. Movcl by .Mr. Liivi-:ty, ::'.c Hid1-d by Mr. MeFuyry, that'the T.-eas- urer be her< by :.ut!.-.>r::' to pay .Mc:.-a:i. 7 Johii L-.-lh" a:id Aj>->:. 'i.irret, cymii.i.-t.ionei'S, fifty dol- !-ars P...r'"i!ig hills, \>Xa 22 an 1 2.'!, 1 lib. con. ; also that o?.'e dollar be refunded to Wm. X,-!!^' dog tax paid by hitn, and for iv.hi'.'li he was v/i'unguillv ue::es!a;d. - Car ried. ' '.' : ' Moved by Mr. McI'J:ii-ry, si.'C;iid- ed'by Mr. V;rah..m, that* leave . be granted "to iiiiiv.juci; a J>y hiw for the ajip 'nu.t i!aent oi'vo .-e.aeer: -, ain.i tFat said liy-law be read the -iir.j: time. Carried, ' - . Moved by Mr. MoFni-rjvsae.nd-- ed by Mr. Shortrei-d," that t'h- Ad- lowing sum's be paid by the .Treas on r to tho undermentioned partie;*. fur lo.'-ses liuf.taiued to their" fl,;ck iif s!.e"p. by doge, the 'u'.vnor or ownera-'o'f^fvhieh.are iin'.:iio\%u>, yiz ; K'ClianL^Oiiortiil, for one slirep, -'3.;> '): Freilciick Near, two sheep, i'.i.S'-'j ; nlsj<| that the sum of one dollar be refunded;to R. S. Hall; ik'i' fir one dog it.^r.vsi.-il td i . J. llowson, the former oecui>a:it.Carried, ' ' ' v- Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by MivMcEi'.erv, that- tho By-law appointing: one assessor for the Township of F-qnesing, for the current year be now read the -cond and third time and" passed, that the blank be filled up with the namo of- Chas. M'cCie'.laiid, and that his salary be the sum. of two hundred dollars. Carried. Moved by Mr. MeEuery, second ed by Mr. Lindsay:, that the treas urer pay to Wm. Robsoir, .the sum of eight-dollars, for the purpose of .procuring necessary eluih'ing for James Clark, an indigent. Car ried. Tho Council -, then adjourned until Friday tho 8th February, IS7S. Herald. ed hiniHolf in ntlaeJcing.Hon o of the strongholds of' his oppoin ills (as ho .termed thejn). jle first said they ralceil every scripture passage from G!,'iie;iifj 16 Revelation,- wjiich re fers to Jewish baptism (a thing of which wo never :Heard before) to support' their viowa mid to mislead people (a thing hoi;ai(f he duo not tin), but iiicthiiiky thin Very n'tatti- incut in ea.h;iilati.'d to mislead, First, baptism was iu> part, of tin! Jewish ritual, aniltherefoili is never mentioned in tho old testa ment ; Second, wo emphatically ala'.ii that'.baptiiim was an institu tion ordnfiif-d by Christ, and we contend that/it is to.Christ and his Apostles wo rthould-go to find what it is and to whom, it should-bo ad ministered. We never' go ;to the' old Tohtaine.nt, o>,ly wheri [drawn there by -our friends who from us, -when they cannot find infant baptism in tho new! Testa ment, Goawiiy,b ick to Abraham t-o find it in circumcision, after this .'itatemeiit, out>- friend occupied con siderable time endeavoring to ex plain that John's baptism iviia not Christian- baptisnl (a thing which we di) not dims).; JHo next refer red to some statistics showing that till: population, of .'Judea at the time of Christ waH about G,000,- 0U0l; he thus ruduced this .number one half, and endeavored to show that it v,-as imp'.s^;ble for John to immerse thin number. Bat if the. passago - in the . 2rd of i'Jatthew means that blithe inhabitants were liapliz-d, Way .ciid-.iee it one "half ( ii'nd if it is not to be" taken with j fiiih st..-eii.-.u of the term .why insist j thai Juhu'Ijillht have baptiZoal one j i:i:It" (for .be, "said bo" must, have j btp'.ize I oil': hall at le.ih!) / iS.iiely ! thjs must be inf. rencv hut let' us j try it with (.'of:'a word. ' We read j that the r> -1-iI> a andt-Pharisees re- i jeo'.'-d ti.e c'.le lire (A Gj'.I ! !ve::, not being.baptisyd with J :!:e bar tisa^'of J^Tlifi-: * 1 think we. tiaiy, .-.afely s.'iv lh;:T_ the Saddc.cees ed it, to, for, ft hey ' were the! t . /if * 11. i i 111 (1 Ii In Wrig - - I w: 8. nruriiK. Acton, on " tl.o lit -inBt., t)i<i v/i.'c of tin late .Mr. C'lini). Dean, of a son. isji:i>. ! JJnK.'ubridtcc,. tin the 4th hint, o, ihuijditur .i.f tho late CJiarles l;it, aged about 17 years, I'll'I's' 'O'fCOA, roier; of.tfu njieral and 1 prop, Kl'l'" with which bills. f r/MTlJ't't, A.'.Vl Co.M- <' "Uy.a tli'.in/iigli kiiov.Ic'Igc natural la-.rn ^\ go\crn tie.: loin; of.digc.-i'iiai and nutrition, n careful apiilicatifjuof the line tic.H 'of \vcll Kelected <:r,cfi:t, Mr. las'Iit'ovlded our Ireak'f.'i;:t tabic!, a 'brl '. ilely llavorcd beveTage may :-;ave 111 nian^- heavy dfictrirs' it is by ulje jifdxciouh unc-of / a of diet that a con itit.iitl'ui may In ally lie ilt tip un til iitniiigcnoiigli int. every '.tendency to ilisense, rein nt siibtlomalr.licK are Mnating 1 us ready to attack wherever in a weak poiiit. We m.iy tscapf a fatal nhalt by keeping oiu^crve ii'tii'ied with prrehlofid andpjiro. nourished '--ariic." Civil tb-rcice. o. Sold only in packets labeled KS Kuts & Co., Ffontrj.-njjatlii Chemist, 4S, ^1 "' ' 170 beera to re Blind nroiin ill ere man v weil'f perly (J iiv t . r . _r.'iii':edle StrcetJ and .'jccadiilyi; London." . 'AC'TOX MAKIiETS. I . . - ..;*2.50 to 3 00 .. : 1 15 to 1,20 .'.- 0 7.r> to 1 05 Wheat 0 75 to 1 00 .. 0 SO to 0 60 0 30 to 0 .'i-f 'Flour ... Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Sprouted Sjprin Barley'- ... Oata Peas" ... Bitter (fresh .p>!1h, f'aittir Calted'rol]s) I.ardrflifht) f.-irdlfdaj!:) Fggs (neiy laid) . Ciiiekeiia Gee.-/ Tar): :yl Pot.1 .Appll- n.v. t Sjicci'il t'j th>: le !n:j'. Floti W!ii Trea Sj'rii Oat? e so j p, ...................., - ' . | i ea= in tko-jtime of Ciiri.v'. W e know I Hay, that '.hj.-v"-iejec--e<l Christ, llrcref-jru K,-go they w-ve'Dol-bapt^ed by'!,;., -\\n\\fA' - *' 1 I of, c-iplcs. , .1 liese '. two great '- sects | -r,,., formed r'le u'l'iater lurtion of tb,: ,<.';,; . popcl: vet w bapliz i"1..... '!"'-' safelv led a T the Itreat lion aa.l read tha d more d h h:, ba.i :s. T...T illl-1'il ! wiiUir !",na.-e -Xt not: lea p jiaion cie u J.-.ius made and eiplcs than -John, ptkad not, but his et'ore, we .niigiit e titijiiber to. hi'on.e ce of millions, i iomo veil of t! "P'i-^ . Wt i-ks in J'erl Due r :--, [>?r hag ,. pcrjjfg jr ton, . o r;o tfi o e"; 0 IrT-t )"0. Iff . 0 ltlifrO }', . 0 10 tofl 10 . OiO.S toO 09 . oyitooTo . 0i to 0 0.v . 0 0." to 0 Oi . O OG to-0 OS , o no too 70 . 0 7.1 to 0 00 10 00 to 12 00 tji'txpa 5J."2niii:T9. i:M Px'.r."!=t, per Dumin- J i. per. ton per dcz. r, per lb". oe- p.rr b: . r,-rcv.t lent. [* : I ^j'3, :- ; GcTKi.rn, Feb. 7th, 1573 i'2 50 to 3 00 1 !;") to I 20 j 10 to 1 lo 0 S3 to I or. 0 32 to o ?,r, 0 4 3 to 0 53 0 CO to 0'6-i 10 00 toil! 00 0 17 to 0 IS per 100 , .'. \Vheat, per bush iveil . ito : Wheat.;.".- _a. 0 IB So 0' l.S o <;o to o fio i ."0 to 4 7o 0 Of! to 0 OC - S. f-0 to 1 r,V Cr 7o in 1 oe 0 -10 to 0 6'C HW DOMINION" B0OT& SH0. STORE -Cpposi to -A gnow's'llite. Main "Street, Actors/ . airily to ^ftSS, soots, & (JEocsKsa' Compnaing all the latest *!. ; " Iioots and .Slroes. """ _:-"** Ordered Work receWeJoBMDe. . Our Grocery Dfepart,^ Is well supplied with " 1' ' Teas, Svjgars, ; Fruits, Biscuits,'.'-. Tobaccos, Soaps;"' w Cpffees, <Scc;y;% . Please call and examine Our etoc-k. ' KESSEt i &'-80* : "Acton, Dec. 12 1877. ' ,'";'. --------------------------: -'-'r' _" ACT H PiMmtSi MILtt , -V. CASIPBELU Prop, Baling .purchased tlie aiiva 'nmaii eitrib.inuiiieati I am prerjued to mum. : facture :' '.'"- ! SASH, DOOP^S,. ; MOULDINQS,&c ,^-'U:ini3:of - -' ..-' i Promptly ajteiuerfeto. v ' i D. Vj CAMPBELL. Acton, fjec. 4t-h-JLS3f.--- <M-Ja. i - :J-:- I GET YOU r1 0?-"^^^ ,1. II r.l.n lie'levi! I..:-. ,,-eiVi 'I: l.T. character. is now undergoing six months' im ftnTt\e^Tl7or(aboitTwo yelkrt I P"isnnient for b6' 3 a disorderly of age), putting her mouth to the j spout, inhaled a considerable1 quantity of the steam, ' She died three hours thereafter. Nothing can be a better index to the. confidence in tho future of The Stratford and Huron station at Listowel has been completed, and is under the management of MrrWm, Greaves, an "'experienced , hand in railway affairs, having! ah int to enter the British Cabinet pbeen for some years employed in . bthe G. W. R. office at Guclph. The Duke oft Northumberland is nut to enter the ; as L.-)id P_rivy Seal Manitoba than the substantial growth of fd^e town tT Winnipeg. During the past season it has at least, trebled itself in'size.,' Hun dreds of bouses-are njiw inf course of construction. Tbefbuildings are nearly all of a good class. . The de mand for mechanical 'labor is very great. . Fir.-.t class tradesmen are getting their own rate of wages," posters are up through the. town by the Hudson's Bay'Company for fifty carpenters. -. Mr. O^den," chairman of tho In dustrial School Committee, of the Public School Board, is gathering statistics, with a view to ascertain ing. ho-.V ma::;'.- ebiljtre}} have been coinruitted to. pri.ion! daring last J yei\r.7' Jle proposes Ito establish an industrial .sehooMn' tiietold House of Refuge, east of'%lie Don, grant ed for this purpose by the Property Committee of last |year. Once in operation t-hi3 school will be sii|i- p4r-ted by the Crovernment and 'jirivate contributions. The Masonic Mutual Benefit As sociation heltLthoir-ann'ual meeting in London-on the 23rd ult., a largo number of'members being present. The number of members enrolled at tho last report was 1,800 ;' appli cations during the year, 92 ; losses by death, 21 ; and withdrawals, 212; leaving the presont member ship at 1,080. The financial report shows the receipts during the year at$10,053.37. Since the formation of tho Society, six years ago, 102 deaths have occurred, of which 33 wore from Canatla. | ~r . ' Two young men, named McLeod and Johnston, were_recently tried at Woodstock for criminally as saulting Miss Sarah Jane Hunt. Johnston was let off on swearin^ that he never saw the young lady on the day in question. Johnston was afterwards called to give evi dence in McLbod's case, when he swofif that he had" committed the assault,'and -that McLeod had no thing to do with it. He was in stantly ordered by the Judge to he/ committed to stand his tiial for perjury, which, if-proven,,as it no doubt will be, means ten yearj at least in Kingston Penitentiary. fi.ange. 1:1 would ii!: a.'oani^e we ' Ii: .-aid vie Uhi! siun U hi:'::. "(.A-i.i i:j> k'ciow) d.-nied that .baptis'-1 catn ill :\\i- pl.i/'.'e of circuij.flj'.sion. We do, but h. did not a-.-ert '. hat^'.t did, therefore we cannot take .that" as- his sure u:itbCt He says they te; U-s do: ' ' -v*-" f 1 ? 9 5? h THE SUF1JF.0T OFi-BAPTISM. To the Editor uf the Frfo press. ' Deas Sia,^ e- Will you Ho so kind as to give mo space for the following in your valuable .paper 1- Having heard that one of our clergymen intended giving an ad dress on the subject of infant baptism, last Sabbath evening, and being desirous of ' hearing what Bcripturo teaohing could ho brought forward in favor of that subject, I determined to go to hear him, and it is a few statements which he mndo I wish to draw attention to. He first appealed to tho in- telligejErt minds in his.congregatioK for ho said it was "not these he was afraid of, it wps only tho ignorant ones that, were led away. :It has been said by some people, even by some of our own people, that we cannot have very good ground for our views on this subject, as we said so little abont. it; it was be cause our .foundations wore so sure that we had no occasion to siiy much about it, only those who stand on slippery places need talk so much about it. Buty we are sometimes called upon to preach em this "subject that our people may know what ground's we have for our views that they may be able to give an answer to >eyory one that asketh a reason of tho hope that is in them. Ho also said ill the course" of bia sermon that their opponents had nothing but inforr encesto uphold their views, and stated emphatically that he would, not admit of inferences in connec tion, with fioripturo trutlif. How ever,- I think he forgot to give u3 their.sure foundation, but content- that it is not. co.muiiUi-'ial, but tliefl lie Said it is rejC forb.idden. fjut there are plenty pf.. not f.n-- biddi.ii in seriptuifc-which, likeln- fatit bajitism, is liot in aecoidaiice with its teaching. ; Is this the surei <J-'&'nr foundation or is it uieeu inference 1 In fact he foi got to.give .us it, and sine: iw does not admit if inference on 'thin subject,- and' hince In; lias shut himself-.-out ii]io- t-ha_ Old Testament.,'! concluded that he nuist have formed .either a direct com mand or.-apostolic example, both for sprinkling , v.a. baptipiii "(for it would be as consistent to say that a man was a monkey; as to say that Hprinl-'iing was baptism). Also, for infants receiving the ordinance, now if this be-the Lords will con cerning this ordinance, I want to know it, therefore T ask our Friend as a professed teacher of the Gcapel of (Jhris-ti, since he forgot to give U3 the sure foundation that for the sake of tho poor ignorant ones that he, will give it to, 'uaiibough the medium of the paper, so that -we may all know the Lord's will. A DisciPi.E lov Cubist. Acton, Feb. 6, 1878.; -li U B C C;: ii it ^i-it,fiotatS jj AM Ifciad's -cf Ucaallitiss S03i is. -' ; Bai>tism. To Mr. -Hahls, Mdhcdid MinUter, Acton'-.' , Deah Sin, You ilefied, in y,pur sernqtm.-Eeveral times on Loi'd's Day evening last, any person to prove that. Cluiatiam Baptism to bo immersion. I will take i the responsibility of haying it proved heforo a public assembly in Acton. Anlil you wanteti somq light on 1 C-or., 1, 14; I promiso'.you shail have that also. And I defy you to prove that the so-called . infant baptism that you practice to be scriptural. I respectfully invite you to a; discussion of tho above subjects. . . j " .Respectfully yours, LORENZO D. CltEWSOiT. Eiqucsing, Feb. ,i>, 1878. To Alvcrtiscrs. Those wishing to have their ad vertisements changed would oblige us very much by sondirig in the copy by Tuesday at noon if possible, otherwise we cannot insuro- its in sertion in that week's paper. -^'-.- s"l^i':T'U^"S)U!lsi5 ]re thebfestin use. Main Street'-JAeton. -""- J A *': ( ' TfRS KsJ , IhG FOE THE Only $1 a Year, AOT.Q,iq" The Undersigned is prepared to do - all kinds of-Wf.fSK, witn;tieat* 1 nese and rfe^patch, .on Ui9 ahorttst notice: andJat tl. most seasonable prioes^e lie keeps constantlyqn hantl: all kinds of, "^ . , of the latest design^ -"* Japan "Ware, jEte; All- orders for Kepalnng sad troughing strictly attended to. COAL OIL A SPECIAUTY. Call and be convinced, OjiHffi9 - above:statemenlsarenotbBl<ir* ; %. or frothy babyifig* m WM. LJ5;TH,:PropTitor. " "n I Acton, Dec. 29, 1S77.: BEATTTS . - PIANO'&PARLdlROI^i', r....._ ......,_______ i*": filxty W', roIKas, Mar^tM.^jr^ -hieratic Sleiotlies. Ounces,,etc faur, , iel F. Realty. \Vasiilngton,.^"jyUru- j-one of the besl wdrfes ol t'J^L^Sr of 1 troduceu.'anir.-hoiila be m lb^S;pon. every piano anaorj;anpJn}-er.i ^irt paid Uany piTrt o? tno Uui'eUSt*1^.^ Canada for onty fifty canfn"3it*" havJnp been rfedncell to-'ptfSgf^/. everxwhere. iVUdress ; WSfW^.. HEAYl'Y.'iV "------ In advance. asbjnttop^e'ff JeI^ll^. n^iiii, >iu>uiupui*. "______^_ i I The undersigned "offers-! to |a^ ( desirable property "fli^ I ^ street, aoiv occupied By - -^ Cameron iia a store and <lweK"* ^ property is in first- c^SJSk. With a good cellar;- Ternw a. .... For further particulars apply. -., - MESSRS. W. DA^WKG^ or, \"sTOEEy.:Act."j Acton, / 'ig. 22d, 1877., "; ' '.' ". ;;1 809563

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