Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1878, page 4

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J. t >w^^ W>M - m X>! l-^f w :^f! m- t t ftf hi 'f WBWMUMI11WM THE FREE PRESS, AC^ON, IJApON COUNTY, ONT., JANUARY J31, 1187.8 Viir. M' oit;v\. Wi ;.\U i',n--r Ucs uu' <r;in'li; _T>.L:Y'\oA,n' j'.lM what llirt s,\i,l tlii-yM An.I ;'. '.. > rlnnvli. 'riuv'rv i .v.m.l tl' riilt.-v shall In- soi-n .U.-'.v.-'tli.' fi-v:u-!-Vl-'s Ml.-: TIu-v'm- l.oistt'.l up now ui.vliilii' : - In' oVr\'s .-.i-lit. i Thev'vv- ;i v-lioin^ti r :m<l .-hoir . : _\;.;;\ir.>i -.ny voior nw.l v^to : V\*v v, was u.v. i- my *U>itv To tl-.o I oi-il In nuti'-. Tvi- l-i.ii a .-.:>'.< r g.'-t'il alul Ullo - K.'i- .iv<--an.l-thirly \ oars ; .iviH- \\ hal soi-HH-il my y:\ri to i\o, ^iini I'layoi! my ,hit\ o\onr. l'\ (-.-;: 11.^ t Ik- hymns 1-otli slow alultp: k_-k, .hist ,.s tlu- I'ri-.ii-h.T r.a.i : - \inl ';<.', when 1'i\.\.-lu\- PrakV"'\v:is 1 'took the fork :vtKt Ivii. . \n.l now tln-so l.okl, nvw-f,inj;loi\ ways Aiv oomm- all aK-tl.t, A:;,i 1. r:-h: -,u m\ l.-i::or .lays^. AltlJAlllx il'OWiit'ii out. :'i'o.,!ay ;!;o l-.-vai-.ln_j, "jw.! oKl iloar." With !v:irj all-in his cyi-s. r.o.iit. " r.a.l my inly ohTav"-! "L\ maus>ons in ihc skies," t iklw.-.vs J.ik.-.l tlialhloSM-.l u\ mil. J s'l'oso 1 :.-l\v.vys ttlll.v Itsoimh.i-a or.itilii's'mv nhim ' In ^ o.roia.J.lsiowol' ' . . Vo.t; whih lh;\l oy.oiv p't ay to sino, I .-or.l.i not on'.oli aw or.I ; l'l-.vy sau- tho mo-.*. .l.oi.,mikLht lliiu^ A i-.'il\ ovfr" tK.u.i. " >.:r..' -.-...ri.'ly that's \\ ol-o ^taioiino Hoar, Af.'l v. bin t soo '.hi m o.'iii'_',' 1 i :.i fan. i\j0il ; > .-\ .n :\ar At...'; kol.iiy \va>tiv. \\\. 1 tlioi'i^li: I'll vh:s.-c iln ir linn.- nloiii:. Alio. Tm-.i with all i!l\ ullyln : no; s.i .1 it r-ltt. \~u:i ll,i_v \vi rv hi-ii a-.i.l An.i also co::tr:.ri\\ :sr : An.i I :o.. las: al..i ll;.-\ To. To -:i-;n>:.-:i> i:i :h.: ski. vas low. V ': l.i!.'-.v, j 1 '_ ' I't ui-aii -\-taliu, an.i .-o 1 starlo'l in too M>, ii. I . :y im'.i.iliiii, huh. \l..l !oto}ic.l .i. l'.i>l\ t.;uo:. lint. :iii'. lilas ! 1 li.;:-:,.i tint :i ^^".-.^ ^ill'jilli: Xholl IkioliO. ": .Tiny lan-hoil .i lirtlo.'I tol,l. i'.r.t I liaii ih-iio my 1-. s; ; _ - A'.i.l Lot a V ;..V|- ot IT. uhlo lolkil Aoio=s my jio:i.-^!ul hnast. - Ay\ Si.-ttr I'nok. I coi-.l.i l.til look ^ ^i.o i'aVvr Y,,v; no-sitij;ii;=' luiiil;, ' Arni tiovtr wiiit In ho. His Honor ami Itljah. Ho wns n fiiir inilnloil citii'.oni llo liii.l h'ulpi'il liii Iniilil tip the town.. Hi.-luiil onttM'iniso, jititriol- ism uiul atntiition. lint ho o lit. llo wt'tit to ;i ptirty. It iw;\s ilittlii putty 'wliiTo ;i ohoii't' Ji'W w'oro gutliolod to (hililc milk", out pumpkin pio ami lulk ovor-olilon titnos. Wlion this oitizon Ktnrti'il for homo a million futiirs twihkloil bi't'oio his i-yos. Ho lit'toil Ills fei't iih though, lie mr.uit to..step oyor n (met: l\c waHsod this wuy nud thnt like t'liinoso wriiins;, gnd soon ufior sitiiiit* down on ilm wnlld to rest hiuisolf n jioliooinnn soritod.; him. "Now, sir, \vtis it milk, pop, winV, or whit-kcy that flooii'il youC ilonnimlt'il His Honor. - " It -I-..1- '" " Ooii't- toll i\ lie," warned the Court. " Will, it \vi\s Nvino--'ohl wino," admitted the prisoner. " Thoii- you looked upon tin- wine ivlii'ii it was red, did yon !";> ' It wasn't very red \viiu\!' " Hut it pive you the spvi-Vg-iiiilt' did it not i" ".Kinder." " And you wish you hadn't dime it, don't von ?" " 1 do."'" ': "And little parties on <!iove sti'oot will have no entertainment/ tor you hereafter."!" ' " No.sir " "You, can. go. - 'When niiiht oheils her sntile mantle o'ei the earth a married 111:111 should boat In.1110 to shut up his heneoop, taek down oarpots-, clean out the collar, iiinl bo ready to yell his head oti'i-i ease any ehiinn-y in the liei-hbor hood Init'iisout." in: inn it with uis 1.1:1:. Jolin Caleins was introduced toj the Court and tho luuiience in just as iuitd'a voicis is liijnh would have usi-d to introduce the Prince of Walos. John was. lame. It wns all he could do to got before the dfrk. If tho distance hud boon a mile fur ther ho would have given Up in j dispiiir. i v Drutik?" said His Honor blimt- h'- - ' " No, I ain't, either," replied the prisoner. 1 -- j " t mean you were drunk last ! nioht. 1 mean voi: were found in LIST OP . ^ MUSIC BOOKS Sol<( ivho\osnlo iuid rotull by John Anderson Booksollor, Guolph. Ihyrowes' Piniiofbrlo l'rinior. lousso's Musical Cutophism. liertini's No\r Method for tho'Viano. Clarke's New Motho<l for the rhino, lluiitnn's i'iano Forto School,. lfowo's riaioo without a Master. Kiohariiaori's Now Jlodoin Scliool, (iitzo's rarlor (iigar.. Silver Wreath (Vocal). MXViliihu'piit Music Hooks. IIV arc prqured to pay tho hi,;host A ni Discount on all cash price wost nl Toronto tor all 1 _ _ _ _ j_^ , ___ ___,. " f I MUSIC BOOKS SlivrnsUins ami Cairsliins in'o.iinl condition ilt'livvM'd atoiir :,l AN D E R S'Q W.S CAST OUT But not Destroyed. Ha\inK made arrangements with Mr..Mitchell, of -Alilton, lor an agency lor the sale of Sian.'DoorD.Fraraoo, Mouldings, Drocaol Flooring, shootinn. "Waiaacot, Siding. &o. 1 am proparcd to furnish any of the hove, at prices that defy com. petition, l'lease call and see sam ples of moukling, Ac., upl'ore pur chasing elseiv here. BLINDS 30 CENTS PER FOOT. Kindly thanking customer* for. past favors and Infpini; still to merit :{_' lair bhiiro of your patronage. J I am lcspoctfully yours 1 TllCS. E1J1JAGE. Agent. Shnji'al Ml" Overton's otil sttuiil Ai-lon, |i|.|.. 'JTtti, IS7T. ;"jti-l\;. that wo p;A- tin- llli:iii:sr t*l:ii'|-. stick. l'aMiicrs will ..tud\i their intrr- I'sts hy hrini;ini; their skhi;; tu us, in stead of selliilLt them tii Miihllemen .unl IVihUorj. ' . ^ si'(ii:i:v, Mooiti: .^ en. Persons leaving skins at the f.iel.i.ui-y ot" \\". 11. s-1-..iiK-i .t Co. will also re ceive the highest price for tlieru. CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the Kast side of .\Vymillion Street I ; (jCKI.l'H. KNOW Uy tcMUn^ nnd practicing i the inmiimnblf truths co:r j t^ln'td iu tin* bc.-t nu-tlica. ' bdnk ever lsutt), rntitlci [- WKafeal on receipt of price. I* treats of Kxhnu^tcrt Vitality, rn-miiture Utclinc { Krrvous ami l'liyrieal.Di-tt'uity, uiul tlic ciuIIcfi ' tonct.niit.Liit ills and untoVl tii^crk'S that lisuU ! lluTvfi'oiUimul contains maro t!iai Mrl^inal]>ro ' :*rintioii?t any-otiu of wliich l-wor(-lit!ic price o) (licTKu,k. IhUljook wat writtcn'by !licino?tc.i t tensive and probably tlu'most !;tlful practilionei i In America, to whom was awarded ,\ fjoMandjcw ! r I'lKd medal by thif Naiioniil AffocIuiIoii j. j A I'ampliU't, ill^tratcd with ttio very fines ^% _ Stcd Enjrr^ ini;9 .1 mar- IIP! I Vrl of art ami beauty l1f"Afl_ nn* for it at once. AddrcM GRcrs q.uwat' s lvE 1USSFTHYSELF W.STEWART&CO I HOW SHCWie 1 ' A vlery large and ver;y ohoioo asaort- rueiH of Now 15^7 Goods FALL WEAR i.y N*w Black and Colored Silks. New French Cnelitnejos, New Ribbons nd Ties, New Drees GoodB. Now .Staple Dry Goods, MdGNIFICIKT IM^ali .OF-: Hew FalLana -printer fooii AT GOLDEN LION nwr OUU STOCK OP . r.-:.....rilil.-l..-,kr;_'h:.:hro'joh, ; -he rear of a tobacco ware, house ..: i: \c;:!i" ' " ': with old boxes, oy.-ter cans, east lie: v, to n she tr;..l th:.- i:.or:i;i:j. 1 ';.: I h-e! :.- !:di_-!'i "T o : it kept !o-r herel a ! so It tlill :, Iio.^t C-:.::.e -. !;. A;'.-.irrc-.-:':ierl>r.a,v.!!ei;;)in_-i .V;-.-.i..".vn As io.:>,' inti'hl ^ttpp-i-l- t lo t.i.ik. "iif io-.k at Sister Ih-.ek ' -An.T meekly scratoiieil h:s-i:"so. A Sure tti-llef I'm- (lie >iill'ert-r. .. l'i:ti'.u:l 1* l;v .SETH W. FOWLE& SONS, s(i ll-lliias.N avkmi:, " liosrox, MAss. _"h and lint then she aHv.-ns tried to .1. T!:e Lest she oo-.:!.i : she said An.V . I iron and tin .scraps freezing on your 1 1 ! hair." ' : j . ' I "I -deny that. -^\ lieu a man r has a laihe lej^ ami falls down it isn't riulii-to say that lie is drunk." -" What nihs your leg V " It's lam.--."" " What kiial of lam'etiess ?" ' The lame kind." "How long has that leg been lame I" " Years and years'."-' "Is it. in tLe joint j" " It's iill over the leg.".' !l " Travelling down tho alley at midnight, your legs gave out and , >ot Ion- ago there died .as the yoa we^t tQ sl(;t? j ^ Lqw u ilo'.el Dion, Pans, (.'mlsuoal, imi'w m old- and quarrelsome -character, *'Yes, sir; that's how it was." whose anxiety to light with any- ..J^t's how it was, and tills is r.ody or on any or none, ]10W jt jH . nine'}' tlllVii." w-iui not more absurdly excessive j --It's all-fired curious that you J tiian that described iu "Komeo and j send n nian to j^.l in thi town for being lume," exclaimed the j>rison- UI!lC!;'.l CEI.KhltA ll-l) SAI.Vl:, Is'a YcsVlahio l'leiiaratluii. luvoiile.l iatli-i l"th o- ntiny by Dr. Wil li 1 m -=Vir.iiv, Snineon In Ki'ii- .lani.s' awn.v.' Thniiicli lis agency lie .-nreil ...I tlie most s-.-rioiis sores and won mis that imille.l tlio .-It III oftlic most i'iniii-iit pliysleiins of tils ilty.aid was r.-irir.le.l nyall ivln>kno.v Mini i.t a piin. 1 'e hs'in-rai tor. JAN lEjJ^BjyiTT Ygt PIANOS 8B~0RaANS' BBATTY p^DS s'.JV^.'k Tweeds, Cloths, fund Overcoatings Is very choice and cheap. Wo hold a very superior and larco lot of NEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. We desire to call attention to the very large assortment of choice . goods of every description which we offering. Our importations from Britain.are now .'all to l^and, and we claim rj(hn. i ': - . fear of con traldiotion, that our Stock of - ^~T : Iii- every Branch, is ; THE LARGEST, : ^ 'j'J t CHOICESTi AND r best assohted } OUTSIDE TOKONTO. n PRESS DBPARrTMENT. ~ ' ' - "J ' ' ' r ' - .,"...-;,-? ; Our sjtock of Dress Gooa*-i? so large that H is impossible to enamel* .'tlio^varjeiios. . l>aies may ctepead, however, on finding at THE,LI"N all Itho n6vw materials -all the fashionat.'e shades; and at the same lime soaje- - ,of the| cheapest goods ever setjn. This-is ac&nowledged by all. who hare^ looked through oareftock. : ! ] ', j--. ' i ' ;Sa lady ever leaves THE tlON without getting exactly tb iieii:l3ia Wants. .' . - ' ' le looke-i his iiynin r:_:ht t An'i lai.i i; 0:1 the scat; And th.u .1 j'easivc si^ii hL. .ireiv Ao.l looked-c-oiiii.'.etely heat. A Daelist's Deathbed. JnKett."" Tht- reams of paper he consume 1 in -svriting challanges, tlie tfionsands ii]>on thousands of ev. lonets, who would be bold enou " Jolm Calkins, every citv has friend* h-c thousands of op-) h pec:ilijirities. . Your sentence is . ,.....- ,rl ' * _, , ,* , . . .,.-.-,- o" I one or the peculiarities ot Detroit. Chicago might let you-go, Cincin- atti 'might give a medal' to boot New York might send you up to eoui'iute As the old "man' lav living in the. Lu'ipital ;v was sent for to afpird him tli" last con solations of religion. The worthy -for ,;fe j jlave ;,one -t,lat- w|licj lather. did not sjiaro to tell him fratiSly in wiiat position he was, liow'obnoxious to Ifeaven was the desi>erato life he h-id lerl, and the iif-cessity for his prompt and thor- ougli repentance. When- the f,'ood f.riest had iefthim C'adsudril heckon- . ed feebly to a friend who was 1 - _, ; . - , , . , , - , , iseggsir woman : " Pleasy sir, watciiins by his bedside, and /. . -, , . , , 11- 1 ' ! give mo a few pennies. I haven t hoarsely wiuspered : . - 1 r . , c , c ' . , . , ,.r,, n- . ' ., . . ,, , ' tasted food for nigh on two days. ' . ,, ,/ ,.- , tt 1 11 triiilantliropic "entleman : " Can t dress. He has used language to { . . - stop; am late, now ; bnve got to make ^1 speech at tho Hocinty for seemed well to me. Lower your nose, smooth out those anxious lines from your intellectual brow, and tuko the. bent seat on the red pliislr sofa 'as you turn to the right." "'.no that l won't take from any niim living. If I of ohaf-------" And before he could finitih the .sentence, the veteran-duellist was ;dead.; - . - ,'. '.A volume that will bring tears te your eyes. A volume of sfnoke. [.A New' Yolk papef calls low necked dresses, foul dress- neat and expressive". Two Kentucky hunters amused themselves by firing wads-at each other, and there was fun in the ' sport until one forgot. to ' take the rairrrod out of his-guis. A letter-carrier, after walking nine miles, and tendering the same Jotter to. a hundred and thirty- seven men, none of whr.m would receive it, sat down and wept. 'J'he- goiter was aiTc-cted to Air. Smith.' Air. Lawrence Barrett is describ- -; ed as a very hard student. IFe has been such from early boyhood. He was foufid in an.Indianapolis book .shop one-morning lately mousing about the shelves, and in the course of fifteen minutes he.bough.fc trans lations from the Greek, ohl play, history arid biography. The book seller said that Jjiirret never visited the city "without parrying away from ten to tsventu books, and he added : "I never '-sold, him in trashy novel or ehea]> book of .arty , ii\x\<\ in my life.'"' tlie Relief of the Destitute.' Boots & Shoes. CRAINE &' SON have just received a-full line of FELT GOODS, OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS for winter use. S FECIAL ATXEl-TTIOiT SlYEljr TO ORDERED ^ORS.'. Itepairing promptly attended to. CRAINE & SON. Deeeiiiber 17, 1877. l'llIOir Z'i l-KNT-i a mix, . l.llil'K'S I I LIJJK tl i:l> -II* V. i' 1' R i->; 01.I-.SH Wol'NIis, |'|:i ./.KN r.!'!lisr s\|.T Uiir.i-.v, 1 'Uii.i',1, u.\s, s.,i:i: ncnA-i', ' SOUK l.H'S. 'r.l-.VSIlT.I.AS, niN'i-1 \Viii:M-,r.\l.i.l'si;s, ^oai.ii llll.vli 1 I'll Al'l-Kli HANI'S, nci:NS, o.v.N-em:.-, n:i,(..\., s.'M.n^, s urns, ri.iKits, J woi'Ni's, -srrM;-, SlllNOI.l-.s, ' KKSTKI:-, 1V11NS, STIUS, l'll.r.s, Ki:i:rKi.i:s, Il'-NIONS, SI'ItAINS, isill.s,), niTi:*, errs. wiiiriluws WAKTS,. m.IsTiaiS, TAX 1', <-"i:ns, sn-uvv, iTeii, iMiitowiMi n \n.s, M:i"n.i:"ui\sii, MI-.S.1C1TO AN'I> KI.KA .IllTllS, sh'IPHH . -TINOS, Anil all cnfanoon^'iliseases and . ruptlons . 'sjiMierally, For sale by'all itru^^lsts, grocers, ami a't all on lit ry storey tli roil- In tilt the I Mil. ted States ;md IlrUlsti Provinces. .I'rlce by mall .'iu cents PnOTU(lRAPHl'JR.S should for ward me their address if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photogrnptilng. Ad- dress DANIEL F. 15EATTY, Wash- ington, New Jersey. -*sv V i ' " V'-v~li "Vr-Tv WAaGONS. "Now in the time to leave your order [At J. Ryder's Factory fur a Stylish Bussry or Serviceable Wauson. I am making up a large titnek fur .the present Huaiion,.froni the best material. Cnll ami Sfe our Jl'.tjhJ^nnir J_hitj<jU:t? Now is a good time to f;ucure bargaiiirt. Strict attention given to Horse-Shooing.& GeneralBlack- smniiing, Actonvl'Vb. 2(i, 187, Jamks i:vt>ei;.: BEATTY.yg >?iTnlf: ""......"'" Jt?ruii<l,,s(Jimic and_ upilglit, ,.|rc _ prciipiuiuicil Ijy.tlje " pies.^nnd the people AND as t'.io most kcHUtiful 11 ml nweel- ~*mu est lonoU t'lanos ever mnmilnciur. $&BJ&!Mk '- ^ n3 WWTFVWftaamnAVtZXKJ prnnuimceiltiio WASHINGTON, Dest in tho world. NEW JERSEY, JJeatty's celobrateU iioluen TunuuiHi Parlor Organ. Anv cl'iiHen^ed to oqiial them ossess power, depth, bill Inncy They p.. and nympiuiictlc, loliency/extiiiiiiite'ly iK^utlfnlJj- solo ell'ectH, mill trie only stop uctlmujvet Inveuteil Ihntranuol, 1. dm. arranged by uso. '1'he hellown oujia(.|ty Is hi> urent that but little ciiort Is retiulr-- ed with the feci to supply ah-tlie nir neCecsiiry.. Best madoiind most elegant casen in tno market. ^11 solid wood orndmenlp. Uverylnstriimentnilly war- anii I'pititijiT.aii 'he vrrv's eni;i'.'- lll'.vTKIl Uil.lWN 'IIINCI'KII I'AIt- l,i ill i ilUi \ N are the sweetest totu d anil lllost perleeL IllstUIIll. Ills tV.'t Isfoie iiiiuior.iclureil Iu this or nfiy ether rmin- tr.i-. '1 he vii.rl.l is ehul lenijc d to e<)im, i heui. II. st discounts 1.nd term- <-yei be- r.'iv i;!vi n. It.-rU Imiiom imnir prif'sl iioir t Jo-.ln rs, iii.'lilK. and the lrad"ln iteneral. An otter. These cele brated i 11 ,t r;i 111 ills il In r Planti or Or^an' boxed mid shipped anywhere, on live rr fifteen .laws' test -trial. Moipy re- rnndl-.l anil rp-iirlil rliarso p.-ilil both ways if In 'iny way ui.satlsfiietory, I'nlly IV. in., lit. -d ...r si.N V(:ils ;.ssllieil\- liTst- ehi.-s. l:XTHAOItDlNAKY MItKKAL I)Ol'uUNTsi;li otitoClniu-li* s. Schools, l.od-.s. Halls, Ministers, Tearlier.s ele., in oiil.-r lo b:'i\'i\ tlietn uitro lneeil al on.'e '.vliere I halo no iii/enl*., 'riionsiimls now muse. New Ulilstra'cil AiU'r-rt iser (Cata- b urn. I-'.dltloni witti list <l l< stinmiHuls, 1 ik.w redely, sent Inc. K-'al.lishc.l In I wvi. Address DANIEL F- BEATTY, \\ asliliiKion, New .leriey. W. Stewart & Co^ MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS AND MANTLES^"/ nvito. special attention to the bargains we are offering in thT -P1::.1? tbe Millinery Branch 'Jllfi .I0N has aliray. earned OctoVt'iIC, 1ST 7. '!- ,.1.11.111 F,v E (EXTS A (MIX. On an.i after ^tlie 1st of November, .MILK will be sold at the following rat<-.i : " ' . __ Per Qiiaii, 5 Cents; Per Pint, 2h Ceivts; ! - Xew ilmperial Mc.isu're, ..'/ ('Iwirl Tu-!;rt-< for Our DoUm'. .it Plul 'Tiri-vU for Fifty Cent* In advance. P.'S. AKMSTKONO. Acton, Oct' IS, 1877. ... PIANO OR&l"Sf There is no manufacture^ of Pianos and Organs in this or any other country who has received ns mnny unsolicited indorsements nsihns'Mr. Beatty. From every State and Ter ritory conies the same verdict, "They are tho best in : the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (iCatalogue Editidn) free. Address DANIEl, K. BEATTY, Washington, Nfew .Jersey, w 4XTED. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tclo- grajih ' Operating for ofiicea impelling in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. ".Address Manaoki:, jinx '.)'>'>, Toronto. M CONSUMPTION CURED. aw olt7 PmrBTCiA^. n-tircrl from urtiv* pnic- IodU MI*fiunry the lormula nl" a \>KdnbIe Hcmcdy fur the jimly mid taniiBtirnt cure of Corijitiiijitioiif -t.tthitia'f JirvtlchHls, Ctttnrrltf end nil Ttircntt nr>(\ I-unr AfT(ntlonB :, ilio n l'cialtlrc and Itediral Cn * fur NorvoUB Do- bllitvui'il nil Ncrwni* ('.inii)la:iil. nfler huv- IrC thnroti^hly tcsicd lit whimIitIuI curative l>o!T* in tiiniicai'dV d rjin-is, U-rU it lid dutj to known to fiii Millrrlup Kllowi. Actu ated by lh:i nioti\(- ami ti eninrifiitJuui driirtf lo rdlt'Vt: human' . hi' will aend KttKK OK CHAIUiK.'to nil Kiuraralrv'it, Mill trrlpe. n-Un full 'Jirn-tJoim ior pn-parliic any aiirrcairiiL ly iminjr. ' St-oJ \>v n-uirn mail hy adtlri-aaln^ with atmiip, uninhii; tlili Jmpcr. ' Ijk. c. s'j'i:vi:ss., . JJUA 60, UltUCKVILLE. OUT. erz KBPrS^-.m i y; PBJEE | Any person tv-no will make rflCC ""U for ward jne a Hat of tho niiines of reliable persons of their nc- qualntnnce who '\v1k1i to procure en <n- Htrument, either Piano orOrgnn, I avJH use my best, endeavors to sell tli em one, andfor every Piano I Niiccrodlnsollinc tothoirllst within one year, I will credit them -with $10, and Tor every Organ $5. to be applied on piiyrneiit of either a Pinnoor Orpnn; and wlion It amounts to a sum mi/llclcut to pay for an Instrument elected nt tuc lowfNt ^vIioIoniiIc prlrr, u.jlMinmtdliUelyHhln ihohiKt-ninirnt, free, or after any amount Is credited the hnlimce limy t'o I'aid mo in ciiKlnind I will then sbip'lhcm the Instrument. Tl'ey herd not be-known In the matter, and will he doing theirfrlendH a realsor- vlee, a I shnll mnlte Kpeclal ofTerH to tbem, selling a upcrlor limtrmiicnt for from one-hulf lo iMti-tlilrdH ^vljat 1h ordinarily aslced hyaKentK. Pleasosond mftftllBtatonoonndnneryouhavemada AddrePKUAMi;!, p. BEATTY. WaHhliir- (.Inquiry yon-can add to It. AdrfreKs ton NowJor.sev. " ' ' nANlELfF^BEATXYr Washlflgtori.New . _- Jersey. - - -riintedforslx years as strictly lirHt-clu^'s and sent on from 6 to lo daysUeHt trial.' A C10WDED STORE. ' i Immense Sales of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END, G-UELPH. 600 to 700 Yard SELLING DAILY. i--------------- We are showing, without exception, the Largest, Most Attractive and. Cheapest -7^ STOCK of". SILKS AND DKlESS GOOrS Ever shown in this town. Ladies viBiting Guelph and buying Dress Goods, Silks, Velveteens, . Mantles, A/illinery, Fura, etc., without first seeing our immensa . and beautiful stock, do themselves, a great injustice. "We esteem it a pleasure to show our goods. Ladies, come direct to the vFashinable . "West End, the leading house for Silks, Dress Goods, jl/antles and: .Villinery. Full stock of fashion able Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, etc., to match all our materials. A. O. BUCHAM, ^Fashionable Wost End Drees, Millinory and MauileKstabllshnicnt. GllOlpll, Oct, 1!I, 1877. ".-."- :We invito, special attention to tne bargains we are offering in"thitide*"- pirtinetit._ In the Millinery Branch 'J'Ii iLlON has always carried till- palm, and this season we are showing choicer articles than ever, whilsour ! display of Ladies'Jackets is unrivalled. We have imported an immenw ' ' ' assortment which we guarantee to be the cheapest ever Bhown in Goeli*f* .. DRESS MU.KING, . I-'" Ladies, do nofc^forget.tbis branch.' Mrs: Thompson, as f^i'e beoomei known, U monopplisingipll the best work of "the town. Styles une<^lle< Prices mo'derate.j "_.".. "' '- EEADY-HADE CLdTHiNa **""" . U ( Just received a large stock of Clothing, inottidibjj Overcoats in vtexj _ j style, ;ygfy chtnp.T " ".-" ' ^ .' . TWEEDS AND OVERCOATINGS, i - ' -. ' r New styles for fait wear. latest patterns, figures very low. Gentlemen,' ineniher we have the best cutter In town. A perfeqt " riinieiuuer we nave iue Dest cutter fa town. A perfeqt fit guarante<i., 1 "| WINCEY. WINCEY. WINdEY. -^ ;:_' >Ipro than 1,000 pieces; plain and tancy, from C cents.a yard -thecheap-1 : ?.stin|town. . _> .; BUFFALO EpBES. .:/ CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALE! FRESH ARRIVALS ^t the East End - ' M CLOTHB&MC STORE. Large additions to our already supurb stock of Tweeds &: Cents' Purnisliings, Just opened, ,which we are olierin.i; from 15 to 20 per cent less than their' \. " . ; real value. I : Having bought largely and for cash we are enabled to plaue in the hands ot our customers a good, sound, reliable article at less than auction saje priceB.' For example: " . A largo selection of paterns of Barber's Hleavy Canadian Tweeds at 70 and 75 cents, worth 90 cents and %i per,yard. These goods are noted for durability. Heavy Checked Fulled Cloths, from G2i and 70 conts. Rare value. Scotch and English Tweeds, from 80^cents up. A good suit of clothes made to older for $11. Special, value in Qvercoats from $7 up. And also everything in the . wajrof Gents^-Furnishings, at bottom prices.. ; Kemember this is no moth eaten bankrupt stock, neither shoddy auc tion saje goods, nor yet goods damaged at fires, but sound, reliable goods fresh from the looms. We solicit a thorough inspection of our^Btoo.B. Cheiper\than ever, Prices from s'l'upwards. ,&. large lot ju*t in jihe highest brand, "A 1, perfect, Jrom 3 to f JO each. "' : ' GREAT BARGAINS IN WOOL AND UNION-SHIRTINGS, r i] Ho to the Lion, tlie People's: Cheap Store. .Guelph, Oct. 30. 1S77. iTHE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE, To Merchants and other Business Meniif : Acton, as well as throjigho^jt thi:- r j County, the Free Press is! 4n V: ;; invaluable Advertising ; ;i Medium. f ^ :- | 9ar Unrivalled Facilities for Executing aU kinds of "t', BOpK AND JOB[ pfeirsLTMGj Ihjalku us t* turn out work equal to anything done in the citiM.r I us IE3 X^A.JSTQ 1 Grand, Square & LTpriglit. Agents wanted; everjwliere. Address v -.' "{'" ' r Washington, JVeitiJer&V-, :- - TO BUSINESS MEN. If you want Billheads. Statements, Let ter-heads; EnveloreB, Mercantile Print ing, of any kind, don* in business style, sentl yonr orders to the Free Press offlcn. Batlsfnctlon guaranteed. Acton, Nov. U. 1877..; SIGN PAINTERS :*&etlonof the United Statei and Provinces T7'"V"TP1j' 0T MnM A T> I to an&werthliladvertisempnt. Address H X J? Jh <% JVLCJN AB. oamcl t^bbxtsx, Wasuington, New Jersey. ' :, l! SCHOOL TEAGHERS": TT<ar <** easily increase your salary <>7 cTetoting a very small portion h your.leisure tiirie to.-my inteif do not expect you to bw*:nl my eelebfited Beattj's PiMe Organs unless you see fit J.0'-^.^' the sjervice I reqtiire '.t-J0V!if* pleasant and profitable. -*"/ tioularfl freej. Address pAW"^" BE&ry, Washington, New f** 7 %r -A

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