Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1878, page 4

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"^^T^1*?**^ PHOB^^ THE FREE -PRESS, ACT-6F, IIALTON (JOUNTY, ONTi, JANUARY 17, 18T8. ] noiuii. r!:rhi. " T will-,"*-PHiM tlu> t'p'iit, jtuttitii: up bis bole mul rubbing his .hands. A certain editor ivhonttc.tulod a party , ., . n ' f . mi i . -J 1 ' i .,,,..' I " Allng-ht, 1 11 IrHwit. done, .lip; \v.->* smitten with, tiio charms e! a fair ' i V t, , . ' , , . , 1 . , o.ivt'i' tbi-house-. I'ul n rml wliel-i - .1-inise'u*n.> wore .a r.v.c mi Jior tiya-uiael ! a, . . i i. .a'l.i thus ^'iv!ic,l -boot if :f- J -\'..ito Iior n.'.-c T-ln re is a t\,.-e : ImIiiu rose There in a itese. ll^SC, 1IOSC, . ,- . NdSC. IMS.'. * Sucet rose, IVtr u.-so. . '. !'l.nv Iut clita, Thi'ir is ;v phi ; Above ; pin /Their is a chin. Till, o.iiili. Chin,, jji.ii. Sweet j>::i, IV-nr ctiii. yVT.crcf {Mil a rival editor thus tip. .tr.viisi.-c;> tho other vhtip :.~ ' Above llio stool There is a .Vol ; Ju-low the fool There is .-I stool. Stool, t'ool. Fool, stool, . " OKI s'.oo.l. . lAimpaeol .Below his seat 1'hero-are two feet; Above these feet" There is a scat. J .Seat, /set, Feet,, Soft seat, Big feet. over you think it is mvded.. l'ut I won't have :uiy on tlio barn." - ".Yl'S SfV," S.lill lllO .'infill SO All! (if joy ho o^inilil hardly sn: tlio wavY to his waggon. "'('.in you ilo it soon i" asked At. I eheitoii. j ".Do it right uwnv," briskly re- i spomli'il tlio agent. " All ndit,"said tlio <>li] gentle man. ' "Put cm on thick and fa; I, but not a rod on tlio l>:nli. We'll lot tlisit o, yon know, 1 Jut cover tlio house, and when the barn is struck I'll pay for thojob."- : ., The agent, who was making for the waggon on a sharp run, turn. .1 around at this, ami stood as, if trans lixod. -.. \ And to this day ther? is not'a rod on that, house. , fYcj.Y.'r,'/ AYi."-*'. But xiot Destroyed. Having lumlo .'irrangonients v.-llhi Mv. Mitclirll.-M' Mjilton, lor mi aponcy t'l'i- tho sale o| Sm."a. ?3:orc.. rr-rj.o-5, l-iOMltUiiija.. Drjc-tfOil i"ioov::i':', Kfljosiasi:' VTii:icco';. tULinc. &c. ', l am "prepared to furnish any (if the hove, at pi iocs defy onin- ]H<tilion, Fiea-o call and see- sam ples of uiouHin.!.', ,iVi\, iie'l'oro pltr chasing ohi'vi hei e. ' BL!!!3S GO GEKTS PHR FOOT- Kindly thinking customers for" pas'fa Vers and hop in;: still to merit ii tail' share of your pationago; J am icsjioctlutly yoiuH *" LIST OF t iSS^ll! ROOKS iS()l>| wIii lciiiilptuid rt'tiiil by Jolm Anderson Booksollor, Guolph. Ihirrov.-os1 rianol'iirln Frimor. ' .Iousko'h Musical C'lilocliisui. . Hoi tini'.H New Method foif tho/I'-iimo^ Clarke's New Method for tlio I'j'imo- Iluntcui's I'iano 1'orto .School. llowo's riauo without a JInstcr. fWilf OP S" .STEWARf&CO Hew Fall ana-;*WS3ater Q-oofis r ' AT xim 1 Bisposcrt Of. A pirty named Aclierton came . 5i[> from New York hist (spring ilik! iniilt a h<.mt'_for stininici- boanlt-i-s at Like LomonJ. lie jmt up a thi-i'e storey hitildin^ with a French roiif and pisti, and ui:nU> a very nice nixce of it. He .lJso erectt d a The fcotie; of Hi.?' widow---" \Y: is lifmii' vithoHlt.another !' Money, that bank oilievrs get ri.way with is ehar^eil tj-ninnint: expenses. Whenever you liar? ten minutes to spare, go and bother some ore who hasn't. Von can now- use a-postao-stamp I'fivuv. The first time it will cost you three cents (he second time, fifty dollars. An impoverished fop wears a ten. cent silver pi roe on his shirt bosom! and calls it his dime and pin, which it certainly is. The English r.ev.-.-papors lmThtrT.v.; Sh'-p 11! Ml" <> Aeli.t., ISC -;;ili, 1 -THUS. K!1HAiii;,: Agent. |1.u.(jJJ.,'ii lNow Modern .School. ir>: mil Btnli'l Gitzu's Pailoi- Of J.tai:. Wly. NOW SHOWINQ A veity lui'ije mid very choice assort- \ Juetit of i'-J'l '<J L xL?' lie arc prepare.! to pay the h'^io-l i-a-h price WestYof lyroiit.-.i fill' ill! classes of > : !iIioil)s!;i:t.-i.r:i:!".] C'alf^'i.ns in .^o.n! .e.iiuliiion ic.livi.-r. tl at .>ur tan'.icr'v. JiV v.-hh it to us.! :-.i!,....,l . .; ...... ., -( that'we pay. t lie ' i I:.;;.' -1 i'i:i.i: for /' !-'- ----- sacli. 'V'artiiei-a will : tmly iater- csts liy liri'-.-.'fn!.' their .-hius t-. si;, ia- stc.i'l of s'.'liiii..: tlic'.n to .Miiiiticti'cu and lVi.h'er::. : 'i >v < t1'. rei'-->iis lc.vhi.: -!ii::- aft'je f.lct'.l-V iif U". II. Sri.::i:v .'i Co. wilK a!.-u' re ceive the hi^hc-^t price.for Iheai. Silver Wreath (A'ccal). Illy iliilerent ^Iusic. Hooks. A VAii Eiscount on all BO.atCE UiW'->>i.--v-viw-. J.Ai-->.'>iv.-'.l(.>_lvl.I.l., - , , - , rwt . t t-^n for staLIin-. Mr. Atoh.-r.ou ! ^rT^ '| <^ '-' was not anearlv nser. loving las ! .h,i .l'" i l:' ', lwn:1r ^^^ >ie<i too well to get cut ot'it before noon. One morning in J-ulv ];ts: he tor, t>,),^i^ nines. i " -A-!vo'.iii^ man v..:o na- was liwakcned from iiis slumber to | t-">,"1' witV's.iys he-did n.'H ti'.i.l it see a iiKta who w:is;Uixiu'.!s io have '1M'f -s0 '1:i:i' to *' .- a talk with the proprietor. Aicher- li"'i to =r" ";i' >nni:riro. ton seriously ot.jected to br.>aking j Evevv plain sir! has 0:10 co:isO:'.'i tip his nap. but believinS that the j tion tlio'ii-h not. pretty youn- anxious party meant business, he. hide, she will, if'she lives" lonl' got up to receive him. The read- i>rs can fathom the old gentleman's disgust when hu ilueoveuil that liis visitor was a li'5htning-rO(.i ngeut. Thrie a u:s;ie.>;tu.u to jkick tho intruder into .the lake and go back to hedj but- as that >cnrrely within ibe limits of hoVpi- ! t.Uttv. to s.iv nothing af.tie require-! 11 1 1 -' , ordv c> n.-ral meni-s of the law- tee lundluni j 1 , ,. , , . instructions 11s to the iiei"!ioornooil fimotaeie I his wrath pauentlv , ^ , , .-.. ........ ' "-."' *. where it was concealed. enont;h. be a pretty old one. John Ilo!.Ion, surveyor in Ferry county. Miss., has tip a treas ure oi -JoC'.Gi.i.i in coin, t_o which he was guidtd by nil iiiitruiuen-t of iiis t own invention.I Tim money is hn; led by <jt!i-ri!|.is iluiin^' the war, who ipiarn-leil.-and kille .' ;j~ ^ r-.r ITa On the l!a-i ;>leeoi W yn .1'n S; feet Gi-i' tiy reaitlrf: r.nt! Jirccttclnf .... -.------itnablc irir.h'i coir ^-7 -re A; strnnge sccr.o cccurre-1 the other flaw, at Slei'ek, on the Mo- etibraitie Tto the'infliftion The a.-ent Was a smooth-faced End smooth-talking, man. He said he had been most favorably i,n. j selle, Frahe?. Hcrr Sohmid had, v. pressed with the appearance- of the ! do3 ^nich he w:-she..I to g. t rid of. -place, which was l-ea'Ily imposing, Rowing out into the middle of ths. ^nd he was confident that in two years or less the host would be doing what he .fi-lt justified iu call- -ing a smashing"business." " Cut I see yon haven't got any rods on your place. How's that fiver, he fastened a stone around the doij'a; neck 'amii'threw- him out into the water. Tho; animal sank at ence, but during his .struggles the rone slipped oil the stone and he nan in .rose to the suriaed and sure fitrltcfrap the'Si'tfcrer. l'a!.:'.'.::::r^ r.v SET!-! IV. PCYYL.U ii. GOWG, SJ iiASai.-i.v AV!::a ::r K^O^ ffih,^!a!i:i B4.B\ W SW jalncd In tlio be-1 medico, tinctc ever biKrt, cntillrt . Jll U ^ECaB on rcoij.t of .price. I- tr.'.SBfr.xhrnvti-d Vitaiilv. l'rccu.lur.' Dcr'lno ti-rvold" c-a.l I'livi.-i! Dcl'iiiiv, an ! llic ciallcr! .-f-;;::. - j I ri''.iit i!li":ai:l ftatel-l iahciir- tint 1. '-ut "/-- i::rlrm - ' - ! U'rlntioa--, i.:e.-r:n-.ef T.!achisMi:!i!!ic J'ric:. ol .-. - ,j : Csi'o!:. lli'stc.Uwr.i written I vih.-iro trs J I I i rsiTcr.rilri"!'.'. l.elhs 11:^-1 f..!:;!falpr3c:air>r.w :' '-' - ! l3A:::c-r:,-:;,(-}i-!ii>:iiWi.i:e.T.-.rJfilii[:o!il=n.lji iv ; l..H'yt!ie .Mia!ic:.l.-V-i>r'!r.ti"n A r..:.v!.ht, i!l'.ii:r.-.:i-d with t!; viry t-uu " ' rcl cf-cVt =a.l iKutav- b'lfi-tV .... vV,- f,.!i-1l. S.rJ H.Jtij4r>ll^l r:l.: l-ta:^ tj'tll. S.r.d f-r it nt _A>hir:^5 J-oii FALL WEAR New Black and Colored Silks, Now French Cnihtneres. New IMbhoutJ.cnd Tics, ' New Drees Goodp. *J(.>w Staple Dry Ooodc, THEG@LI We desire to caf uu r attention to the very hrge assortment-of eWci,,../ goods pf every description which wo are U07.. o/ferfn?. ' r "^~- Our importations from Britain nre now all to hand, and we claim wttw* fear of contradiction, that our Stoek of , ' M, (iltACi-:'.-- ct!:i.::i:t;.\n :.), Is a \*ej: tab:*'. Pi eeara'i.ei. Invem.-ilan la- 1T t 1 - tl .111 lir..e--, .--- i-.ii :ir:uv.- i".: r->.-L'>i r .- l!! 1 u,: !lu- ,- M-.i'.ri.l- Ui.'l hr.:.|. I !: ri ..' .r .'< ! a.i' alt wr.n '.;: ie L.-:>...'a.'tor. _ !>v ill- v.": :. I - .! . > , a ii" h.m i.- a ii I'in ATOPY MEDIC'Aljir-a n no ,7 r\ JP H lXSinUiT, No. 'Uliil. (j fji V/rS^O ttirU St.," Hustoa, Jlnts. H U U li \Jl-3-z -iQ, \zJ.r. .. .^.-j i':'b .. iia; ii U C O 1-^1 ;i, |.l i -., >\ Ix W i iM.jf- :.-;\-' .; l-j t_-it,,/v_i ,.... -,v .\, ANI> n*i:l'!!IT.:.ll ill: iT'lV'si'W.I"-: !'.i: riiiii ip'i.n: v. jj-'.Niii.'i'.ii r.\!t- 1 .i ' ic OK" ; .X sr. t ': . -m'.- 1. -I t '.nod nl.'l aic-t i rrmii's iv.'r li':f.i:e " In la. i i:. a It pi: rale:: ^ i c::nts a . rf:!i-:>! ' it! The old man said he did not ( tr5etl to ?ot !"'lck in' tUo !,0-t- think he heeded them. '. ' i itis master, however, d to " There never was a place that needed them more' than this does." Bald tin? rigent. " How's that J" ' \\ hy, here you are with a J oft v n.r :r - :.: . ililm'M, ein.i.l;:. \: s -. s:.r.K i.:r-. .i.avsii'i Wuit 't -.'a M.i'-: -'. - ' i i.o it j. > e:i.\ ' -.':' liA"-I'-. IlfllVS, I ..N"t .t-'j. j ! !. nsTi:'.st - w.r.:--. :::;:-. J I'U.ts ,\a . i:'iM;'.\'-, si'an:.-, ;. i;.^-. inn: >, ( : - -.'.i' ."rj/ v,-->.i:~i,~ -j::.i- rtit.ts, a-..'. I'l-lflJ.s, -lUs.^t'JTO -\ ." structure on high groubd;;in aii i Vt the dog, seizing him by Ttl.4-- open phiee, and surrotindc-J- b.v ' 2-0:lt succeeded in bringing him to puslrhiui btiel:, but as the-d-.g per- SevereiL, he: lost his patience, and, striking at him w'ith his oar, losl his footitig ftnil fell into the y.-at-.-r i Anil cita::- hiiiiSelf. He was li.uith'e to swim, |' rally. Fnrs-itf ftiy ali '!r^i;/iTii:<.ier-ccrs. at:. cl nmti.o-; ,. land, after haying b-^cu ivpea:e,i| washed av.-;'.;. by the current. The-} dog's hfe y.'a.s spared. Some Edito::s' S.M..\r.ii::;. Ac cording to tint ^Ye-.y Orleans 7V:;:-.'.> the leacling etiitorial writers on the rockg. There's-every thing here to' produce an"oatpouriag of Ji"ht- jnng. The old man cent- outside, fol lowed by the agent. Both looking np at the buildim,'. " Yotl think there is danger. ' L>mlon Tlni^n get 20'JO guineas, tli-->n ("' aaked the old gettjeiuan. j w.aicii i.s a very fair salary. The 'after a pause. _ j iaigest salaries paid in America " I don't think -anything. ahonN ant not fjiitc cjaal to tiiis. D. it, my good'.sir, I know it. C'.m.- C'onnei-y," the managing- editor of. jnon te;ici;e.s rue iiista build- 'the ifttw York Ifnoid receives .53,- ing situated as this oue is in danger, j 000 : "Whiteljw Keid, cf the li I-owned it, anth.a man should'! the Trlln ,-, si 2,000 ; Charles A.J J- inline along1 with thiikind of rod, I I Dana, of the Xew'York .'inn, $12,- v.-oiiid slip it on quicker'n yon coujd | 000 ; . Kuriburt, of tho Wnrl'J. say Jack Robinson. Why, I'd be- j Sifr.OOO. Tiie Boston newsjiujiers i- .-".:: -1 JJriti'-a provim c s. t'rjc. .'('c.'lli . TpnT'yro-'f.'.Ariiijr-.s sh-mid tor- -a- war 1 riie iucir 'iil.ire.-s if tkey v.'istT to obtain ti I'iano or Organ in exchange for Piiotormphin^'. Ad d'tess.DANt:-:ij r. CKA'il'Y, Wash ington, New Jersey. lieve I was committing.architectu- rn] siiictde to delay an hour." *' Yon don't thi.ik it is safe, then, to go tlirough this season" without the rods/' " 1? certainly do not. Why, just lock at it. Here yon ate in an ex posed plsice, with a most elegant liobe!. Everything in good shape, ;uid .-i healthy business befoie yoti. The future opens up to you like n j'ath of gold. Suddenly there OMies-n storm, the lightnings f>lay,' suddenly in a twinkling there is a crash, and a : most valuable jiropeitv is swallow-' ed tip." The old gentleman was visibly affected. Tiie ag.-nls eyes were moist, aad liiH cheeks flushed. "-What ilo you Cay 1" he asked aft/'V a pause. "I don't know," replied Atchet'- -, ton", as a man deliberating. "You think the l.irn is in danger too? - " Certainly". Nothing can save either of thein but the rods. If they were my buildings I wouldn't begin to think of taking tho risk." ' 1 s'poso said Atcherton, inter- rrigHtivelv, " that it would be best to have a full number of rods- on . tlio iiouse. Tho more rods Hhe HafiM'." : . ' Oh, yes, IS don't pay to do tho thing in a half way .manner." " Well now, what would it cost- to put rods all over the house? J The jig-ait's eyo glistened. * . ! " I/;t me see." Ho took Out a __ memorandum book, figured a mo ment, and then said: "I can put k tip fc ' aehf corner, on every.chim- n<"t. and onexiii -top tli3 stall' for $" ". and you' -will have a job that JuJii'ts C'tcsi-r inight be prou/1 of." ' 'Yon will ccrrer tho house then - for $.52-} J"-. '"iti pay well. Hascal, the editor cf' the Herald gets $10,000, and has just received a year's leave of ab sence, to go to Europe, his salary being continued. The leading editorial writer on tho Chicago ; Tiiiics gets S'j,060 ; and the man aging editor 80,000 ; Watterson, of the (I'.m rirr-Journal, $7,500, and an interest in the profits; 'Sheehan, of the Chicago Tribune, $0,000. The krges.t"_fium. p.iid. in America to any editorial writer, is that received fiom the Xew York H'lruld by' C'harlft.sXordhoff. lie gets $10,000 a year, and -writes when and what he pleases.' BOOtS-:&"SlL0bg. -U la RAINE a have just received a fiiil line of FELT G03SS, for winter use. "WAGGONS. Itepairing promptly attejidcd to. CHAINS & SDK. X)jcnmljer i7 1ST". Sovr Is tlic t^mc to leave your order At J. BycLer's .Factory for a Siyiisii Sn;rs;y or Scrviccaljlc Wit.UtTOll. Iaminaking up a large stoel: for tin- present burson, from the best material. Cull ami See Our IlinuUtnnc lhujyii Now- is :a good _ time rto secure bargains. . . Strict attention given-to - jlor-sc-EhcciitE & G-ciicralSlaci:- .tami:s nYDi;i:. Acton, Feb. HGi 1S77. Siifri it .!! -, P* A E"'-^ "'"i ."CS li'id Ui-rlchL, aic ti ,'4 fe'3 '<U> Ci> I'oonotu eedby H,0 ]v c- s ami tlie pi opjo: AfjD as|ti|e most Lea'^ilfal and sivw t-| *-k Piimes ..y r maniiJacti:r-i v"^ 7*^ ,-'"< ' <:i- K'M:'- <>nl Li'-~'i Wi ir1* ': C3E5l-J6:ai<SaTSC.-.^..J+Ui3ji3 \ nni.n.i.i ial tn,- ;V A3 ' . tew ol 5IMGVOH. Ml.--i.-iii tin- world JsiffSCY. l-li-ally's er-L.-brateii Ti.Limi'-d Parlor Ojiran. <\\\\, niamitaot'ireicl'iilleiitrf'd "trf(:<inal them 'I'ney piis-cSTi pov.-er.'ileplli,-. lull Iniify iiul Kympiii'liotle -lolieacy. -ex-^imsitel'v s-'ilo ell'ecrs, a mi t ne only slop action ever Inveiiled eann-.l i:"e dis'- ;irr;uig'.'U by mo.' 'J'Ik* bc-JIov.-s -'aiaciiy is so I'i'i nt tliat out Utile ( (tort is ici-juLr,-"! ( il yltll fliohn., tu ji|l|'l)l> till Hu. Mr* nore-s iry.' I'.iM uinileanii raost (Uou'iu.t eases In tlm market. *\\ s-jlhl w-ood iirivini oit>. It very [nHt.rur*ii'nMull>' .-: ar_ ran Led for s tx years as st.i ietly lirsl -class, in.I .scut, on from 't to la ilay^* test iria' i.. .- a ali-l n .-I: y- lic \"- ... - - lei t-e l:i- i v.-i I el'i-la'paliio i rle. -! !-, :".:-ies, aii-J .the :. , .' .-r. 'J i,, ... <!<.|e- l-lf-r .1 iiiMi or ija .-.I an-.i'.hci (-1 on si' li ial. Mm. >..... -. cl ai-.'< . p-.--,(t S.ot! II -al ; . at. a a r -r . - -t i :ei I v lji--t- . ix r.: it.\!, !';' -- I - e. - .'.is, . tl: " :.:, 1 at one.- N.-'v i ia-!ra'. -I .VcV'-r:': c- ii'ira- ;:;.' >',u w.ti, h.-t . i w - - ,, -. a Ic. -. >,f :, -.a--!i.. lad- In \-.ui. OAT'tHLj;-. CiiATTY, -. < n. Nciv -li i>c\ , Fiv; C > r"> V T> -1 & " \ *T V oru stoCk or i Tweeds, Clot Its, Y " ' [and .' CvfM'coatii)'^ Is ve y choice and cheap. We hold a very siiperior end lar^e ; "lot of "IT,, G O O TO"^ In every Brancti, is - .! "-"' THE LARGEST, .. - ' CHOICEST, AOT ' ! \ , . BEST A^SOETiEtl^: OUTSIDE ' TOUO^TO, : i ( ' >'V,. E>B2S3- D^PAET Y JW";. Stewart & Cc, OctoVer 10, 1S77. fc-=ijvj^Barjj ^g .-itji; T'lHP Our stock of rtres-s Goods is so la,r--e that iMs"impossible "to eiumeLte-' the varieties.- J, ..lies may depend, howevpr,--oii hu-Jing^t THE tloN aH the new materia s -all the fa-hionab e shade* and at the same timesoas (>i the cheapesi jjoods ever tesn. Tiiis is acknowU-dgea by ail who hata looke-I through bur stock. j . ~ * ' L ' - - - - -" No lady ever leaves THE LIUX without getting exactly the dres*-he WnnU. ; ' . '..if ' We invite-.special attention to the harg.-iiui We ar.a offering in this it.' " In tf,e-AUI;:neiy Brunch! HE U'/N: has. ai'.vars^dar'ried'iha' jialc, and this seasoi)jwJie are shoivipa cljoicer articles than e^ej, while bur - disptajrof La<iie=' Jackets is .unrivalled. \Y.e havi imnorted an immeDSe' assortment which we guarantee to bo the chejpest ever shown ia Gful|,h. ; . DRESS MAKING. \ - ' // " T-adies, do not forget thisf branch.. Mrs. Thompson, as she be'conieft' -known,-ivmonopolisiug all work of tnctowa. '-Siyies unequ3nK- ' '.Frict's moderate.- ' , *\ ^ -f- EEADY-MADE CLCtniXG. Just received a large stpek of Clothing, including Overcoats in yf. fef}le, very cheap. *reiy TWEEDS AXP OVERCOATINGS. ] 1 CROWDED -STORE, immense Sales 02 Therois no manufactbrcrofPinnos and Organs in this or any other coi|iintr3' who has received as many uns'-licited inilorsenents as lias Mr. Bsatty. From every.State and Ter ritory comes the Same verdict. " They are the lies:t in the world." Illusttfvted : Advertiser, {Catalogu- Ivlition; free: .Address DAN1KI] F. 13EATTY, Washington, New Jersey. "VyrAM'ES?.- ; ' : . ' ' Ladies mill "afint'Ienitn to ler.riii'l'elc- grajih Oper.-iliiig for ollioes ojit'iijiiig in tiie Domitiioii. Stamp for ansAvdr. .Address .Masa(ii:i:7" ' Tlo:; ,.)r^>, Toronto. _____ t^ j mmmwmk gored. AN I'ltv." -ci.\:.'. '.tin il lr. in nr'.I-.c prac- llt-r, Im.i,,- !, .| ,,-,,n.i h. 1,1, |,v nil Itart 1 fiitlit Ms.:.,i.,,( ii,.- i,,:, V,.x,.-a!,lc liclmilj' -ur ll,L. ,..|.,lj. ,.,.,1 |.v.r,r.jCciil i-ini- i.f Coiilimiijitloii. .t.-lliimi, jfroiic/iltisA Cariii-yJi, cml allTli--^-.* nr-n j.,,nir Ar-i-lfpn.i: -Rt-of a rodlivc BTifl la .liml Oi.l.r K,-rx-r.n lie-I blllt-r o,,.I nil ( nftcH luiv-f lD|r.thfiron^!il.v Ic-lj J ;:, v.-niiil.ilMl riirntivcl puwcip in Iliuisnr'I^ ej it-.i, (h-:* ii hii. ilntv t mite It knnwi, to |ij, ..nti.rii;- li-l'iim. Al'III- atol hy tie. molii.. ui'l n i'...c-i--ra<<'ii- ili-.lre ... K-licve l,i:ti..... .u!'i:;:.;-. hi- >.i.: m-,.,! I-'IO-.K I "i .CIl.Mllii:. f .,,>-!,,. a ,|.: ,,.,'J, ' vitl, (,,a -lim::,,,-- u.r ,,r,,. ,i.a- -i.,,,, ,ii,: ly i:mi.-. .-,,,: ! ^.aiit.,!,,. Wiai ctati.p, i:i;i,;u - c;> j :;; . ... -i ]-...<. sn.'vi:;;--, Uiii-to, Ui.-.,e::vii.i.c Oar. tl L . . . pTJrrt^ 5 Ar,y Person M iio will make IfiULa-U ami forwardine a list ol tho H-iairies of reliable pcrsoos of lliilrae- IpialiH.i' who -wish lo prrcure r-n 'n 'st in m cut, eillicr Piano or Orjrnji, J li'lj . . Ul 'line my host, endeavors to tall ihem-on., am! for every I'iano J sucecoi In selhii-r tot lieii IJsl w,thin ore year, I will-credit them- w iVfs stIO. and for every tlrftim $j, to Ik- d on payment of eitlier* a l-pino or Oriran; niul when it amounts lo n sum 'aifileiem to pny U r an-f nstrcnu-nt sclieleilat too lov>(".f wjiolcs-ale iirlrc, I wllM-nrinc<!l;itelysh!p * h" ilislrtiniem, free, or afterany anionnlsls credited tin- litfJnnce mn.i' 1-e ) ;ild me In easli.-md I will ttien sltlji them the 1 nst,rurn-i:t. '1"! ry n-rdiiot he known In the mutter, ami will he del in; (heir friends a realselr- Yie", us iKhnll inula' Kprcliil iifTcrs to tlirrn, Kolllmr a iipcrldi- iiistiiiincnifor fri m titic-liiiir :lo iw ii-llin i'-. .what'Ik orillnarHy astreit'iiv nfteiits. IMrnsf-Kcml me a list nt on no and after .vol. llavelinadp i,i,i.. i liif|iilT.y you can pihl to -It. Address fV "v "i^'v I--B:,.VS :i, i^isliln-.- jia'n.1I.:I..I.\BHATTV- WaslHngton^ew ton .->tw .icrst-'i . . . ^ Jeisey. %] Li Li t ^-* 41 H tB 3 * - J kZZS AT (>:i .-.:: .,.-. , rate: j 'A it ,f-.'. I- l\\ . li H M fe Pcr Quart. oiCcii!?: | Per Tin!, 2y'0:it :-Y-.v Ita;. ..'i.-d y.-..:. ;, ~!I U.--,;1 Ti-;.-- '-. - ' U..c-Du'1'n. I! 1'iJ 7Y-Z-./S f'r.r 77:77 C;it;< In n'lv-nee. i'.' ;i. ARMf-TitOX'G., Oct- H. ls".V. BESS .GOODS PAGK^MABLE i 16ST EMO, 600 to 700 Yards SELLING DAILY. Wc are .showing, without exoep'ioii, tho .. ' Largest, Most- Attractive and. Qhezj^Ht ".. . STOCK of SILKS.AND.DRESS GUOPS Ever shown in this town. Ladies visiting Guelph and buying Dress- Goods, Silks, Velveteens, '. Minifies, A/illineiy, Furs, etc., without first seeing our immense and beautiful stock, do themselves a great injustice. We, esteem it it pleasure to show our goods., a > Ladies, come direct to the Fash.inable AYest End, the.leading house for Silks, Dress Goods, J/nntles nnil 3/Jllinery. Full-stock of fashion able Trimminos, JJtittons, Friuges, etc., to match all. our materials. - .A'.-'-aJ-.'BUCHAM. Fashionable West liiiU Oress, Millinery .and iM-imtefetabllshmeiit, CHielph, Oct. -Z\. 1S/7.. " '". CHEAP SALE! CHEAP SALE! Jl FRESH ARRIVALS At the Bast*End , ii*. -Y'.V I an: Largo additions to our already supurb stock of Just opened, which we aroj oQcrins from 15 to 20 per cent less than- their . teal value'. Having bought largely and for cash we.are enabled to'place jn the hands q! our customers al ge-od, sound, reliable article at.loss tUaniauction' sale prites. . For example!!., -- '; A large si Ijction of paterns of Barber's Heavy Canadi&ri^Tweeds at 70 and 75 cents, worth 90 cents and $f per yard. ThesVgoods are noted for durability. ! :- ' ... J|. Heavy Checked Fulled Clpths, from 62\ and 70 cents. Rare value. " Scotch unci English Tweeds, fr-oru 80 cents up.r A good 8t*it of iclothes- maio to.oider for irllJ | ^ Special value in Overcoats from $7 up. ; And also everything in the way ofOents'Furnishings, at bottom prices.' ..- itememher this is no moth eaten bankrupt stock, neither shoddy du'oi tion ealo goods, nor yet goods damaged-'at fires, but sound, reliable goodB fresh f'nom tho looms. We solicits thorouKh'lnspection of our stock. >Tew styloftTor fall wear, latest patterns, figures very low. Geqtlemeti Y remember we have the bestjeuttur in lown. ~A iiertej-i lit guaruttUed: ' - -, VTINOEyJ. '" V-" More than I,C00 p:c-ce, plain .ind .fancy, frctn C cer.ts a yard ttiek-hesp- est.-i--loun. c"- - Y . ,- \ ' ' ~ ' BUFFALO 11QBE3. . T.^yA" C!:e.ipr-r than fver. Prices from SI urwards. A large lot jastin- tUe'V' -' bic'uest brand.-a 1, pericct, Irom ."S to SiO eac-h- "" ~ -' . GREAT BAKGAIX3 IN WOOL A3.D FNIONBHIRTING3. ".. - % Goto the ion, she People's Cheap "Srere.. tA > ' J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO' 1 ' Guelph, Ocf, 30. 'IS77J. " ' .' Y':*'-/ r THSi'FBBJi] PBESS ' ~?A. '*> u ri V-* v2j- - - -r !.' is To Merchants and other Business:Meai^il , -Actpn; as well as tliroughout'"the'",-.':M County, the Free Press "is .an i'. * iiiviliiable Advertising I ~- y ' ' .- . " ,' a 'a-J Medium. ~nl OurrUnrivalled Facilities for Executing allkinds of , -;' :- BOOK, ATMD jefe BRINTINGt^ " - ', J- v'-:" : Enable us to tqrn out work equal to onyfhing done in tiecitiet^Ya '/'. - . t ;Tf" J^,l BEAHY FXj&.3S$~Oil i .-! ' - : ~^ Grand,; Square 8z Upright ' ' - ! "' V^ Agents ..wanleti.:. everywhere." Aflclress DAI5IL R BE ATT Y, .V, HashTngicn, Xeio Jersey ; TO BUSINESS; - want HUlheiids.'-.StiitementB, ,' t6r-honiii5, Euveloi e?, M(?rcantlU> PUnt- ItiR, of any kind, done lrt business stylo, send your orders to the Fuek Pbess offlc. -HatlsfaotlouKimraiiteod. Acton , Nov! SIGH PAINTERS. 7g% tumor the tJnlttil Htntesjiknd Provinces m-VTTTITTV 0_ Tl/tUtvT a T> tK)_aiisj7crthis HdvertlHorlfent. Address FYKE & MpNAB. MAXreiiF. BEATrY, Wnsjilngton, JNow 1 Jotsey. .. .- CJCHW JL TEACHEnH: V f"?- '^ IO easily increase yo-ir salary "J-j - .- .: devoting a very small portion;* - J. your leisure time to my interest, -^;i ^. do not expect you to oanw-|igyi:; 'rC-"'., my celebrated Beattj's Piaof-.*;..-: ;v my Orj. tho-service I requirorof Organs unless you see fit to; I . f you is SK*1* ; tlio-servieo 1 icH""" , , - r-ll niiv- " - . pleasant and profitable^ "11J?^-..-; .. ticulars free. Address DA^rE^ --^ >- , Washington, New wrs^ i^Y -*. i. t-;' ? -r"^*"f>"1 sA' * ?&jg$m its-* :;.?s;^ssm HHL-

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