Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 3, 1878, page 4

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i **mi inserts-. N?w,&secsf. THE FttEE PRESS J ACTOT, HALIM COUNTY, ONT JANUARY 3, 1878. Fiutuiuu fate. IS . A hoy about n\s o'nl Was' just boloie O'lirihlinuM seen dmggmg a big. Mieakitdi-Iooking tUi' along ll.c sllet't- tti find uli oviiiT lor the'canine. , llintiinj; u liool' bell he said lo l'ho hoUhCUm.d" vim misweivd it : ' "l'\e brought your do;; home." *" ^ly dog'." kIh> excliiiued as she -l>ok<.-U ii>>\n upon tlie oiu:biirrus.->ed dog. r- " Yes, ginitv.o .two ubillinga nnu I'll tin him up ill tlio buck yard." " I'll - give you a broom-sticking il you"iiloii't leave '"' she jjicreained _-jis. she grubbed lor hitn. / H drugged the dog across tbo ' t,to-p first. etpoejj to where a girl was scrub- Lilijj the front fc-t<ii, and bringing ii &ui;.h/ to lus fuca ho 8siid$ * Your feller in Chicago-sent yoithis durg by express to put in your Cliristiiius'stockiru:. The charges. re fifty ceutsT Where shall I tie Tho.riu.saiim.rxUuiiitea for 1878 show, u ili-tiuluiVy GV nino million dollars. Two thousand American firms arc said to have uliv.idy uiad'i ar latigeiiieuts to lie represented at tin' Paris Exposition of 1878. ' An exohango wants to know how the Il'in les happt-'ued to leurn to light so well. NVliv, liian, nmst ot tin. Tajik Lh ollloora huv'o hull" u do/.cn \vi\;tp. If you put two persons in tbo Batne bodrooni, one of whom has the toothache, and tho other is in "love, you will tind that tho person who him tho toothache . will go to 3 A modern poet thus criticises some cluux'li going people .-, ' .-uur. church,* tho p.-ii-son cries \' Vo elm roll caoh f.iir one j;"e ; The old go there to close limit eyes, The y.ouiij'to eye thcirVh>thesv',-'. Liui up .- - A passenger tr.iin on an Irish I'm no green- rftilw:(y !V fnv juya b-mco nm 0Yn- :horu.i"5h"o said us she reused the| ,m .intoxicated fellow on the track, bmsh to hit him. j He was so Unsensible "to the Tho boy pulled on the rope with Loth bands, and got too reiuftaut dog half a block further, vrheii ho met a boy carrying home ten pounds of buckwheat ilour. He blocked the vrj, and said : : " J3ub, yer;father told ir.o to brixisr chisi uorij ii}>. to vou uiid col lect thirty cents." ' 0A8H.F0R We are prcji.'.red to pay tho highest cisirrprice 'went of i'orimto for all chute's itt' Sheepskins ami Calfskins iu good condition delivered at our tannery. We wi:th it to le distiuetty nndor.itooil that we jiay tho Uiuiikst Pltler. for audi. rarnuTii will .<-tmly their inter ests by bringing thoir skins to us, in stead of soiling them to Middlemen and l'eddlerj. STOUEV, MOORE> CO. ] .lVraons leaving skins at the factory of \V. II. Sxonr.v it Co. will also re ceive the highest juice for them. " ed the luo. ' \ Who said yoiiJittd-=-I was onl' fooling. SayY-trirtTj this 'ere is the btuii;titon-est dvi^ you ever sot ey* s oil. lie kuv'srug, dance, clean otl- hliow fioui the .walk and bring in rubbiui irotu the ci>irntry. ^I'll taki- n ipiatier for hiuf." " I hain't gut'no uionev," reuficd - the Lor. i \. ~* " I'll'trade him for.a knife." . ** AiiT old skates' t" " Jfo," answered the hov'wiih the fiour, as he dodged around the dog and hurried on. The other looked down en the ; caRiuii wi'.u ijiiugled siuiness nini indignattoa. ITiie dog br.iced back at an;acuts;angic, his eyes shut and his ta! lying ou tbe walk, waiting for the boy to say : ," ' Oli-li-ii.! if. I knew how, how ^ I'd blast ye/. 1 kept you hid away for a week, and I've hauled ybu all over tovn, and you hain't even a three cent dog I, I've t fite for more n a. ihoiilL to *;it sbine chiuK I for Christmas, and here I am, dead- broke and no .assets but you, von "^ Alold sole-leather colored skulk : I've goTtlesptmitt;, and I'nr going to shed your blood '." He slackened on the rojie to ad minister a "kick, and the dog m:ic!e "janip auu gained his liberty-. He ran off around the comer, and the boy leaned agoiost the tree-box and mused : ' I "There's only one plan left. I'll take -paregoric enough to make ine sltep from Monday night to Wed nesday morning, and I won't know nuthin' at nil *bou5 Christmas nor nuthjV!" uitudo of husiiiiisforJaiilo- as to ro maik; to tho guard, <iii'ho looked at his OJtfn laceratedr limb, " Arruli, liow,];thio is too bad I didn't Aueau to stop' to train." The Stratford Beacon says "that an idea ot tho proportions to which t)" ' jrv interest in Ontatio has i.r>'u.., 'nay be formed from the fact tli." during'the past ti'ii days, Mr. Ti.onnis Rdlantyuo,; M.P.IV, . i,..e! out for cheese over ^1-10,- Ult). . "ihe elieesd -Was mostly the ;.u'L.'ii:et of tho. district of which Stmtfeid is the ci'titre. Boote 8i Ehoit 'B^JFE'-^EXTS ACMIX. . ." / On and after the 1st of Novcmljer, !JlfiL! will be Bold at tho following rates : Per Quart:, 5 Cents; Por Pint,-.Si Cont^; Xew Mciue.nv, :21 Quart -Tt'c/.iis fvr Lhislivlhu. 4V Pad Tkkei* far Fifty Cmtn In advance, ' . Anion, Oct* IS, ls77. . "t^nim-HiK/VPHtJKS siioulrl tor- -fi- ward' ;ne their address if thoy wish t> obtaia a 1'ianii or -Organ in exchange for Photographing. Aii dresJliAMIiL' b\ BKATTV, Wash. -fn-^ton. Xew jersey. SADDLERY, _A.Oa?OZNT3 luce to pet tne best ior the least money fj j TruQ to the. latt A well-uiade Loot. A lazy fellow lying down oh the grass said, "Oh, I do wish that this, was called work andfweil paid for!" - !u" It;is the custonf now to buy: two wedding rings instead ol one. The groom, wears one aa well as the bride. t "Any Xeyada husband who beats his wifo can be publicly flogged .for the offence, but if a wife beats her httsband every body laughs. /"'It is apparent to a parent that a great many children -get on the wrong track because the switch is misplaced. Fall many a gem of rarest hae eerene, The dark uafathomed caves of ocean be^r ? Full many a, maid ho toyed with kero sene, j ._' Has gently clambered up the goldenj stair. _ ' " j Trickett, tha- Australian oars- nian, and champion sculler of the , w-orld, has accepted -Courtney's "challenge to row a single scull race .of three straight milei;, in American -waters for 10,000^ ! ', An agreement has been come-" to .hotween the United States and 'Canadian i-*o&S OSce Depjirtuients, whereby letters bearing a request ' to be "returned within n given time failing to find the person addressed, will "be ro-matled to. the place whence they were forwarded. He wrote and told her he would be abuur. .--.t eii;ht o'clock in the 'evouing, concluding his note with '-' tJie following couj-dex : ' Wi'.h breath a3 Sweet as'rosea, rThou'lt breathe upon ine, ibvo " -And she coldly answered, "You'd -wu had ouions in the sjup to-Jay. Tlie fuliowitig is taken from the last edition uf the l'udal Guidn. have just received a full lino of FELT G003?i ASS RUD3E22 for winter uc. . TO. OP^SZSP -vTC^S. ', ' >., Itepairing promptly attended to. h ', ,- ,:.CRAIH2"&3Q. -Uecember 11, IS* t; LIST OF ! MUSIC BOOKS i yohl wholosnlound rotuilby ; , John Anderson Bookaollof, Guolpli. JJurrowes11'innoforto Primer. . | Jousso's Musicul Catechism. j Bortinl's Now Moihod for the Piano. Clarke's New Method Tor tho Fiiirio. ttunton's Pm:iojForte School. Howo's Piu*o without a Mnstor. j ' ! Uiclmviuou'B Now Motlorn School, JiiUo's l'arlor Oignu. Silver Wreath (Vocal). / 10(3 different Music Hooks. A Rig Discount on nil . AT I W.STEWART&CO ABB r* r^ r> r-1- v'"* p CKSAP 330t:STCRE On tho side of " Street OUKM'II. ) Br mdtng and pnetlctst the lnc.Uinji.ble iruuis toa t&lncd In Ibo best medic* took mr l'5utu, entitled iSKJLF-PItESEHVATIOll IVlccoulyJl. ScDtbrmal _------------on receipt of price: Tt trcU of Exhnstctl Vitalitf. Premature Dccllno Kcrrous and PhysicalDcbtutj. and the endleij coucominmt iUs sod untold miseries that rasuft dcrcfrom, and contains man than COorij^innlpro criptisnj, ony one of which li worth the prico c) the book. This book tras written by the jnort eaa tensire ocd probably \hc most skilful proctitlonei In America, to trbom was awarded a paid and Jew eUcri medal by the-National Medical As*odaUoa the phice to pet tne best UarneES ' 4- Painphlct, iUu.irated with the very 4m :- .1. 7. .. ..... , Bttcl Enprevinp Ycl of art ancf bcauly 0">v"inpr to Hard Tiruos. Prices have been Reduced. All Orders I-ft tri.'h ina irill rccciw ' cartful u!tci:ttui>. GGLLARS A SPECIALTY' As nil farmers i-not? Jheir horses csnnot work with sore necks, throw off tho old collars ami get anew pair tint will give entile satislactiou. Tne place to get them is at tho ONTARIO SADDLERY Another lot of those famous American Whips Just received and will be sold cheap for casih. Il-pniriri'j D:,t Xralhj, Cheaj'l'j, autl on the Shur!i:st _Vo.'(c#. R. CREECH. Acton, Aug. 21, 1S77. cut rues to all. Send for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL: INSTITUTE, No. i ISul- Ancb St., Bos-.od, ilais. E y fti*51:L \r, &cA J k V o iiSAMOf2&-OaaA2^S gnACE' 0EIEDRATED SALVE,' -A Siiic Be'Dcr for the Suffcrrr. . PitLPARED BY SETH VJ. FO'ULB &. SONS, SG i!.VRKIS02r ^V^^ITE, ': bostos, :.iass. PEACE'S CELiiBP-AT^D HALVE, Is a'Vegetiible Preparation, Invented in lUr- l"tn oentuiy by Dr. Wii- Uim Gr.ic,. siurgeou lii Klni; .James' array. Through its ai;enc>' lie .'mreil . Uions-intls of tne' most serious aores and i -wounds Uiat balfied tiie Skill of the most omLnent piiy.-iici.-in.<i of Iwa d4>tund wiia rrgirded i>y all wlio iiiievr faitn ii&- a pub ic benefactor. FKICE Z~> CUS7S A BOX, ' AND WAGGONS. G2AC2'3 fElEillllTED SALVE ctrr.Ea FLri.'jir -\youx2j.s, yr.GZc.v limbs, salt ltUEUir, CjriLKLAl.NS.-SOltE b'ueast, SIBE 7,11'S, Et'.YSIfKt, A!', KtNG- Ann niiiiD tll/.n'EIi 'HANDS, j u'ub.vs, c.,::c;:it,i, kklins, WOUNDS, STTNCS, SIIISriLES. i'kstkus, v,'j-::;s, , ' stiks, i-iLK-i Aii'.-,i-:s.-:f. vitKciz.L.z:rlt *. II'-V IONS, -Ki'J'ilX.S, il'HLS HITF.-, CUTS WHITLOV/S WAKTS, III.I.STCBS, T,\:t lTMl'I-i:S, ITUiNH," SrcKVY, ITClf, ING'!OT7I-fi >*AH.S, >-RTrm; UA.Sir, XjIUStiUl-To AM) 1I.S:* niTiS;-, Sl'IHEU STIKOH, And all cutaneous dSwasia and irupUout Beawntly, 'Forsile l).v /ill.clrlwpiMs, grocers, -nd >it-:oI ciuiif-i,K!ore-iTir'"ii^|]iiiit tlie F/nl- t-d Suit--s aii't IJrltisbr ProviuifcH. Prloe tijr-uiarl,';uc!:lit!< I . - -________________Li___:__________1. l? V? A ?v7f) >] o m gum jm* \gj Thereisnomannfiicturerf fPi aos tnd Organs in this or any other It. will be found of iriLciest to Ltd- ) country who hits reeeived ;as many veitisers and 'titliers : " Lettijt> addressed to; initiate, or to fictitious iiairieHj cannot bs delivered, but will ho returned ' to tho writers through riia D_-ad Letter Otliee, nohhi the ad.ii eiBc.i.tains a desig-" uated place of deliverv. ^PbtiB-u letter addressed A- B.,^!' ' Office, Ottawa, would be returiieu to the " liter, but a letter addressed A. B.. cafe^or Joh'j Jones, Box No. 785, or No. 650 Rus,i4'l .Street, would be d-livcrcd to the' address .designated." unsolicited indorsements a!s husTtlr. Beatty, Kroni every .State and Ter ritory comes i the sam verdict ' 1'hey are the]best in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue E lilion) t'ree.>r" Address DANflSlj F. BEATl'Y, Washington, New Jersey. Lairie? and gr;iitlcmen to learn Tele- ^r.iplif Opuriitiiiy forioliicta Opening in ilia U'jtainion. .Statiiji f>>r answer. Bj:; 0.;.7, Toronto. Now is. the time to leave your order | At J, Ey&er's Factory for a Stylish Jiasjry or Scrvicefible Wasson. I am making up a large stock for the. present seaso'ti, from the best material. Call and Sea our Handsome Bugijies -Now is a good timo . to secure bargains. ; Strict attention given to 3orso->S2iooi2i 8: GeneralBlacfc- smi'&icsT.. : TAMES RYDER. Acton, Feb. 26, 1S77. rtmtmmfadtitmnrn ii jninj, tquaro V~ B F'i SO Vjt & . pronounced by the ptesn ntui tlie pi-ople AMD a tne most ceuultful andsweit- ^aa^M^a estlorjrd l*ino3 tvt-r m:imifaclur- PRO A MR, fed:t t^i.1 .,.. am".r TB75-i t, pi-ouonnc-ctl the 'WASHINGTON.-best in Uie world. WfiVV J5RSEY. Bfatly's celebrated Jol'ien Toiisued Parlor Organ. Any miinut;ictnrercl>nllengei to t-ejual them. Tli*->- pnsn-i-:; power,-Ut-pl-li,' brllliincy mU K.vmp.'iiiictie deficasy, nsqu.ttltely bcautifiniy ^.U, elice(8, and tne only Htop action over Invontc-'l Unit caniuil bo dis-1 :irranp"(Miy in-e. Tiib beiloivs capacity' U ho !_-reiii tinit. but .Iti lelt-Ilort Is requir ed wlin t;u- rcu; to snj.'plj all tde au hece-s^ry Ji(-sl rn*u.'c aii<l most elegant. c:iii'-H in the ufarke'. All ^tilid -\rood lrli'un'-n'K. Kvi-.ry lnt.rum"nt fully > nr- rmted fors'.s yp'iirs asstrlctiy TirN|. cbiss, and ronton Irom 5 tc* l.'j d.-tyH1 test Irlnl.' A'iUi-" mtHFl t-', EEATTS', Vvushlng- tbu New Jersey. The undersigned offers for sale tliat desirable property situated on Matin street, now occupied l.y Mr, Cbas. Camercn as a store and dwelling. The property is iu first class condition and with a, good cellar. Terms libera.1. For further particulars apply to 1 : - f ' i Montreal. ' Ol W.H. STOUKY. Acton. Actjm, / >. 22d, 1877. "J - I BEATTY iiii& li^S-l-. ,\NI> 1'1'ltl'iliT. 'ii KKv'iTV'sfKLl - IIUjTKD li'H.DKN UlN<;l'KI> I'/.H- 1,1 IK Ullli I i. rir.' II.i- ' p. Iisl ioncil innst p.r;e(^ li^t tin n-s rVi r U fn t- nmn" f nur!il in '. lo> i>* ;'iiy < t- ' r i-rlii.- lr>. 'J'lw v <-.rl i is t-i'ulli-i.L-i <I lo c-'i":i. llif-m. It' .-t ill-Oiium - -ml u-r in - tv.-i l.- r..r. j.iv it. i;.o^ i'U' p.-ujic i r:c t.; li..w .....N 1.. la 1. l.-. .-..--.-I. s.-un-J tb- ir.-i.i-In gi-ni'i ill. An i.flc'r. 'Iljr.-f Cdlb- bratt-.l iii-iriiin ii^k ,ii;h'r li:.i.r. <,i i 'i:au% b'txci :n- vhipi cd :.iiyi5li-if, on five ..r iif:i>. n ii:>>>".< i-l ubii. Mi in y re fill d*-'i uiid frci^'-l c-1-Hicii p:iul lion. wnyji if l:i -my M-:;y ti.>:i'i^fjictiny. I'n!!y vrarri.nlc' ' r siN vim.-. :-s slrlri :i- lirM- elasi. KXTdAtmLlN.-xHY- l.IMKltAl. m-r<>r> r- xi-. c< to n.u l.o<Ip' s. Hull!-, Minister*. Tt-n* li' ik, e" ., Ill miler lo have ilnon intrnluced ai onci wbi-rc I I'aV" nr> : %< Ills, "'riiu.isj.nils n<'-\.n i:sc. Npw l'lii-tm-o^Vrt v. ri'.f-ei (.- "an l--jriie Edition. Wilh list <f 1 i-Hl moi. ials, il-iv r'.'a'v. j-i nt ir'-e. I-'t^ .'ii-l].-l: -* J. IS.-.D. A.uires DANIEL. P. 3AT7'.', \\ nslil' cinii, .Nfii Jertej . Slill'Street. ACT.V, UEALEXt I-N Qrooorics, _ Oro'cic?7r . Ssota Ss Sices, Vail ?a?cr, "v7i2.aov 31iadsr ITails, Glass, Putty, Linseed Oil,- Palzits, ffurj'eatiae Coal Oil, Salt, otc- 411 of which will ho sold low for cash BOOTS and "SHOES Selling pff at cost.' Also agent for the RUBBER ALNT COMPANY Of iClevcIand, Ohio. nsli for IEi(lcs( -^cton, July 18, 1S7R. irqw SHOwii^ra A very large and very choice assort- mentj'of FALL WEAR i' f New Blacl: and Colored Silks, New French Cashmeres, Jtfew Hibboiia and TieB, i - Sew Dress Goods. New Staple Dry Goods, OPB stock oy f Tvveeds, Cloths, (and = Overcoatings Is varj ohoico and chenp. We hoi4 a rery superior and large, lOt Of ; HEW MANTLES AND MtUMERY. IPGNIF OF- 2T^ Fall and Wiate &oodi AT T We desire.lo call attention to the very large assprtmont^ of clwlctrtrtl goods of every description .wl^ich we are nor^ offering. ' ":. <% '.' Our importations from Britain are npw nil fp:haridjiand e clslm.jrithint ' fear of contradicub'n, that our Bto'ck-of " |rr a' ' ' "' ID IR ^5T GO Q X) gi In every Braiieh,: is J .? THE LARGEST, : -^ CHOICEST, AM> 7 WJ| H;']";:- ."-' BEST!ASSQETEi> V OUTSIDE T0K0NT0. DBBSS DEPAETH^NT. v: W. Stewart & Co., GFELP5I. OctoVtrl^ 1S77. sees A /.a CONSUMPTION CURED. Ajt old pHTBirtAH, retired irom active ptv- | tlci, b it hi j hftl p 1 sail In !ii handj bv tn Eatt [ 1 jndw WlMloTmry the rnrfnn'.a uf YrgeUbJ* I Htmcdy fur tlie i^etdy und ptnuaneirt cure of. Consumption,, jixthma, Iironchiti99 Calurrlif * mrtA 11 Thmat <*."<1- L'tue AJTecttoxtS : l*o PoilUro BTirt Hnlical Ctrc for Nerviun De bility ami all KprviiiiB ('(iinpla'nt*-. after- haT- ICX llioronchly tpntctj ill Wi!(J.rful curative powen in t/iou'Rrtl* ot cniff, tVflu it hi> ilutjr to mike U knpwii to hit mllprinc U-ILpwi. Aclu- ated by ih:a muth-r onit a c>ni-l*:i[ji'ii desire io a rcliere hutnnu tuflL-riiig, he-wt'.l tCJl KllF.K a Or CnAIKiK^o till vlio tl'Kiro it, tliii rrt![*. nei'eii('ul- iX. uiinjr. Sent ti* mwrn tiiatl ly addrc*iInK "*""i ttnp, liautirf); (lii^ paper. J.n. C.STEVKNS, U.8.T. : BOX AG, iJUUUJCVIL^B. O.NT. S3 CROWDED STORE. Immense Sales of GOOD AT Til* FASHIONABLE WEST EK0, a-TTZELiFiEa:. .__________. i - 600 to 700 Yards SELLING DAILY. We are showing, without exception^-tfie :'.. Largest, Host Attracjtiyo and CheapeEt STOCK of SILKS AND MESS GOOrS Ever showu in this town. Ludies visiting Gnelph and buying Dress Goods, Silks, Velveteens, 1 Mantles, Alillinovy, Furs, etc., without first seeing our immeuse aud beautiful stock, do themselves a great injustice. We ., I esteem it a pleasure to show our goods. Lidies, come direct to the Fashinable West End, the lending house for Silks', Dress Goods,-Afantles and J/illinery. Full stock of fashion able Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes, etc., to match all our materials. h. O. BUCHAEVh - Faahlonnble West lend Dress, Millinery aud MamieKstHblisnmecL Guelph, Oct. -a, 1877. Our stock of Dress Goods is so large that it is impossible to enni&enjt* the varieliea. l.ailie> may defend", hoivivftr, on iiiiUing a*THE Lixtii ail . the new uV^terials -all the fusuionab e thades and at the slme timeabita ,. of the clieiipeii goods ever setn, Thi ia ackaowlcdgeu by all who hare , looked through our stock. - . '.':"! Ho lady ever leaves Tii .LION without getting exactly th*drW ibe wnnts. . | - ; ; illLLI^C'EY, TltlMMINGS A^B M!A.XTLE3, - \ ; We invite speci.d'aileution to the bargains we are offering in this-do. partoieui..] iinilie jjil-.i;iciy Braiieh i HE l.ikSi has- always.carried tl.: palm, anditbifc M-:isuii'we are tihowiui; ciioicer-ariicies than eter, *iuI<>or .- ' di*pjay of L;itiier" Juckels' U uniivalieil. We h;iye-ii&oorted an imioecta ! assortraeiii v.h.cij we yuarauUe to be Ihe cheapest evershourn ivtduklph.. .; .; '>:\-: '-i,:,-i- Ladies,- ila not forget' tids firauch. Mrs. 1'homp'son. as sh beceinti " known. i-ltiotiupoiL=iiig all the bes;. work ui lilc mivj. tj-yies urjequiUd.' , rricts ' . >i- BEADY MADE CLOTHING. v -x .' dust recpivetl a large stock of Clothing, including Overcoats & rj style, very cheap. A ...>'. . __ " '.:" TWEEDS AND OVERCOATINGS. " :- w styles for fall wenr. latest p:itiei ns, figures very low. 0enilema, remember.we have the best cutter iu '.oAii. A.perict fit gu^rjoiceii. , , .. ;' wincey, wi:suY. -wincey. 'v.V; : M6re than 1,000.pieces, plain and luncy, from o eeais ayard e^tin town. {' . . [r- <- BUFFALO KOBE3.-- " ': ; ' : :' Cbeaperithan ever. Prices from Sl'-iipwanis. i large lot jaf tin j lie' highest bra id,. A 1, perlect,.from SS 4 ^10 each.. ' - . *" GREAT; BARGAINS IN Wo6i AND UNION'SHIRTIKGSJ " ;Go to the Lion, rive Tecpic's Clieap Store. 'I -. I.. ..-' J: D. WILLIAMSON & 0Q.- Guelph; Oct. 30. 1877. . :' . r ' .' CHEAP SALE I CHEAP SALE! FfTCE I Al^y vorson. ujio will make- til&> nnU forwiiFd meallst of Hie niimth of rolliib'e poiBi nil o( ilu-lr oc- quuinti-ncc who wli-h to procure i n hi- Htruni"iii, c-ltber Piano.lor Oi gun, X v'ill nsr ray bpst cntleavors i'o sell them one, und l'or overv Fluno I mitrcr eel In Rellmp totliLh- list within ore yeiir, IV. Ill credit them \ilth J10. and for every OrcHn $5, to l> mipllpil on P'j"n.enWof riiher n 1'irinborOrcan; nnd when lt-nm'omtKto a Biiin r.iifflclent to ppiy fi run liiKlri-.mnnt sen cleO nt t c lowfnt -\vt:i>leKiLlc price, I v llllmra lilntely snip ihclnRtrnnK-ni, fret,orn-fii-riiny umonnl Ik creillteif tfin Im'iince miiy be I niri tne In onslmnil X will thin Klilp lluin tho instnimont. Tl i y. nn il not'be Itimirn In the nialter, anil wll I be d^ini: llirlr frlcntli; a renl rct- vlt-.i ,.'iih J Klmll niukn hpcchil <>iT<tk lo tiieixi, s-oliln<_'n uperlcr lnstriiuicut for frrrri iiiii-.tulf to Iwi -lliirilM what; Ik otiIHi.'ii 11>-.HKltiid hv iiucius. PIciibi send ni'ii Hn nt once and nf. er jolt linve made Inquiry yon i-nn iilil to It. AiI'Tphh II AN I EI. F.llEATT V WusUIrgtoii, New Jersey. FRESH ARRIVALS ' At the Bast End itHjNO' STblE, Large additions to our already supurb stock of tweedi & aits' FusMsMags, Ju^st opened, which we are oSerint; from 15 to 20 per cent less than their leal value, jHaving bought largely and for cash we are enabled to place in the hands of our customers a good, sound, reliable article at less than auction sale priceB. For example : A| large selection of paterns of Barber's Heavy Canadian Tweeds at 70 ! and 75 ceuts, worth 90 cents and $1 per yard. These goods are noted for durability. , ' . * . \ .'.'[ Heavy Checked Fulled Cloths, from G2i~and 70 cents. Rare value. < < f~ ' - Scotch and English TweedB, from 80 cents up. A. g6od Buiu of clothes I made to older lor $11. Sfjecial value in Overcoats from j $7 up. Ant? also everything in the ' wayof Gents' Furnishings, at bottom prioe3. liemember this is no moth eaten bankrupt stock, neither shoddy auo- goods, nor yet -:dods damaged at fires, but sound, reliable goods fresh from the looms. We solicit a thorough inspection of our stock. FYFE&McNAB. 4eton,'Kor. 11,187?. , ;" i , . ~ I V. ^ THB;FilES PRESS BUI i SE. To Merchants and ^ther Eusiness Men itt/ Acton, as -vVi3ll: as throughout the l; . ,. {> \ * |County,,"the Free Press.fe an .L3- - .'( dnTaluable Advertising : ; ' Medium.' ; ." Our Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kirid* of . ;.' -. [_' ^f j ' BOOK AND JOB PRirsltlSii || =~ \ !" JSnable ns to turn out work equal to anything done in'-the dlfat. .3P-j:uA.2ar'.cyj::"i; Grand, Square & Upright.;, | j Agents wanted everywhere. Address .:.^ :'-,' i " *S!i \. -.< V-- 7Vas]kngton^N^o^ff^T' O BUSINESS 3HEX. tf you want BUItwuds, StuteAients, Let ter heauB, Envelopes, ,Mercantlle Flint- lug, of any kind, done In b.i3in<-ssstyl<y send your ordeia to ine ki;es Press offlc1. iSalUfacilon guara'nteed. SI6N PAINTERS ^U". tlouof the United Suites and Provinces to HOBwer UliU iidvcrtlsennnt. \ Address ItAMEL F. BE.VTI, Witshlngton, tsew Jersey, = " !-. easily increase y0,!^1^.^. ,.., devoting a Tery.^^^l* V.?r vour leisure time to my mtar^., * |_^_ .-J do not expect you tc, ^9^Xd my ceiebrJted Beatty's Ef?^-, Organs unless you see .^S'Jrfh; the service I WQ"^ OftJ^S pleasivpt and P^Stahle^^^; Ificularn free. ^Address $f^ BEATTY, Washington, New J*"! * , ' fi yfSM S Vf^&tjJL .'-%

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