3a ttl "If ^ OM 7 ~ folnnic HI. XiV.SS -Whole Xo. 130,$ ACTON, ONT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1877. J3. *^TON BAKERY. ~1 X. \T 1 1 S T S. [0BT5D . to enatn"tr%tj |ras- liuj,- ig- all who hT - If tii drou the a e. lit LES, "ir-.g.in'thi* | ^cirried ;rer5 while onr . ~n imoiua 1:0 beooihat coits in Trj r-' "GsnUeaec, Urd tbeehesp- pot juri fai'j ihe i'HlETIHGS. -- In & co 7 t-t. Men to the i kdf o*. TINCr th 1 v uTTT, . ".Tf"o!SM' |,;,: '^^'<"t r esw Your support and influence is respectfully soli6ited for Mr, GEO, END! j^:S "YOUR - The subscriber in returning tbanks for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the lale firm of Galloway Bros., solicits a continuation of tlije same, feeling assured that the utmost soils- faction will be given, and that the high reputation of our bread and pastry will be fully maintained. Uur superior quality ot BREAD, BUNS AND CAKES Delivered fresh around the village ajud vicinity every day. A good stock klsvayi on hand at the Bakery frosu fc.nd cheap for cash. No credit jyven except to prompt paylngjnonthly customers. IVcddiusr and Fancy fakes Made to order on the shortest possi ble notice, and satisfaction guaran teed . ' ' ' ' '., . All goods arc warranted purej aa nothing but Uio beat material is used. R. T. GALLOWAY. f Acton, Oct. 17, 1*77, ' | r UIKU. ' Id Esquesing, on the 21st iusn., Majfgery, daughter of Mr,- Peter Maun, aijed 30_years. . : , UABBIED. In Esques'ine;, on the 2tith inst], by tho Kev. G. W. Calvert, Mr. Bcuj. Nicklin, of Acton, to Miss Margaret Uasby, of Esquesing. Wheat 4t'irO.V MABKETS Flour .., Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Sprouted Spring Barley'..... Oats .... ... Teas Butter...... Eggs (new laid) Chickens' Geese .. ... Turkeys Potatoes, per "bag Apples, early, per bag Hay, per ton, 1 15 to 1 18 0 73 to 1 05 0 75 to I 00 0 f>0 to 0 00 . 0 30 to 0 :u 0' co to o /;r> 0 17 to 0 18 0 IS toO 00 0 05 to 0 06 0 05 ti> 0 00 0 06 to 0 07 :0 GO to 0 70 0 55 to 0 70 10 00 to 14 00 "Wateksiaker and Jeweller. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .Syci- <;IELPH : MARKETS. in the. FREE PBX5S, per. Do7lliu- rJI,H6E OF ACTOX. ie. j Gi:ulpii, l)e Flour, per 100 White Wheat, per bush Tread-well do Spring Wheat.. Oats,...... parley; Peas . . . . JJa'y", per ton rEgg, per doz. Butter, per lb. Potatoes per bag Hogs, per cwt - ! Chickens per pair . . Geese Turkeys Ducks .... . 27th, JS77 $2 50 to 2 75 l' 20 to 1 24 1 17 to \ 20 1 05 to 1 10 0 32 to 0 35 0 45 to 0 53 0 CO to 0 64 10 00 to-12 00 : 0 17 to 0 18 0 15 to 0 \G . 0 60 to 0 70 ! 4 75 to 5 25 ! O 00 to 0 05 ! 0 80 to 1 00 ! -0 70 to 1 00 0 40 to 0 60 rUK A^TON FREE PRESS! I The entertainment giveo m tho Published every Thursday Morning $1 Per Annum in ' Advance J^wF^cHftfssB THi'tisrAY Ju'ornino. Dec. 27, 1877, rr.OHTlSI'IECK FOR A rUOTOCRAPn i ALBtM. Hero fondly turns tiio longirtg cyo 1 o scan; my album thmugb. To gazii on nhadows oagcr.'y I"oud munjories to rouew, J ' |Horc caij be seen some loving friends Who j'pt the grave snrvivc. Whoso presence j oyous pleasure lends To bless; and cheer our livds. Hero too aro pictures of tho young. Whoso race has just begun. Whraso gentle and untutored tongue Ne'er sinful ^victory won, Wbo30 foosteps only yet have known TliQ ways of smiling truth, And p'er whose hoad pure winds have lilown, j Blown transiently forsooth ! Aud here in calm confusion rest *< Great Statesmen, Patriots. Kings. F.iiuod' tviijlil wide for their noble zest. The heart 'their glory eings. And here are shadows of the forms, . Who.tojus joy imparted. ; But all futigued' with earthly storms. This jWeary world departed. Here, kind ' Spectator,".stjjl is room To ph.ee thine imaged face, Kind friends will greet its genal Ititno Wheh here they it may trace. Like all, we too shall soon depart. For life will soui'rbe snared, , Meiuenteos thus will, cheer the heart, Of thfrse whose love we shared ! A kindly word from us or act, Whn We tire laid to rust. Our picture will revive intaot Qnj life by them be blessed. '. Temperance Hall, under tho auspices of St. Alban's, (English) Church, Aqton, on Tuesday even ing,' was a great success. Tea -was served from 7.30 o'clock/ during the serving of which various games and amusoments were indulged in by those -who could not Be.cure a seat at tho table. The .tables were furnished with an abundance of good things, aud reflected great ) credit on the ladies who had charge of that department, After tea a dumber of'scenes, were'shown on a canvas^ which afforded unbounded amusement to the little folks. The tree fairlv groaned under the Weight of toys) etc., which Santa Claud had hiing on, and -it seemed that he had beei: very liberal with his presents this yetir. It was lit up with numerous wax candles, which gave it ii splendid appear ance, aru^-showed off the articles ta good afivantage. After all the presents- were distributed from the tree, the pastor of the church, Bey';- Mr. L-je, was made tho recipient of a beautiful eight day clock and bracket, from the members of the congregation.' $r. Lee thanked them for,tljeir prusent, after which the meeting broke up, and all went homo satisfied that they bad spent a most enjoyable evening. We understand that the door receipts amounted to about $23. Fatal Accident 91 an Killed at Crewson's Corners. 'f o 5Tew Subscriber's. Now is the tiino to fiend in sub scriptions for the coming yjear. New subscribers, who pay in udvunci;, will receiye the ' l!iper from the present date to the 1st Jai). JST'-.'- Only 1.00 a year. ' , -We purpose introducing into the nifxt volume several new 4}t)d interesting feiituc^, ajid .confidently rely upon all tlio old friends of the Free Press, and expect nntnyj new- ones, to snjjport us in our endea vors to furnish a good and lioiia.- ble local paper. - C f> MONTHLY SALE. MUNICIPAL ELECTION, 1678. To -nhe Electors of Acton. .Your: vote and influence is re- 'pectfullv requeited fpi- P. fe.' ARMSTRONG. ^AS COUNCILLOR.. Ii elected I will use all try in- .flaence to "the progress of A( The Actcu monthly sale will bo held at Agnew's Hotel, on Fair Day, Thursday, Jaa.3,1878 AU: kinds of Stock, Implements, &c. will be sold by^n.ying 5(1 eta a.-piece. Sale at 12 o'dock. Your Vote apd Influence is respectfiiMv requested for I as REEVE. TEEMS. Twelve months' crdeit on the I approved joint note3. All entries must be made io Mr. Jas. 1 Ryder, Sec. WM. HEMSTP.EET, Auctioneer. ;-tf CHHISTMAS V/2$K. We Hope;our , ..Jeis will excuse, us in issuing a'Half-sheet this week, as editors and printers require a little rest and enjoyment once in a while. We notice that the majority of the country papers will not issue at all; this week, but, as it has been the custom of tlu former proprietor of this paper to issue it least a half- sheet; Christmas week, we are re solved not.to be behind. By pub- with.a delicately flavored beverage lishing a hall^beet it will give'us which may save us many heavy doctors' ' bills. It is by the judicious use of such Err.s' Cocoa. tiitATEFfL and Com- ronfisu. "By a'thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the line properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables Pen aud Scissor Selects. London has 1,00.0 policemen. Hurriston Has got u fife and drum baud, IJow to get rid of a mother-in- law rion't marry, -, Pilkington will liave two Dojuity Reeves next year. Brstntford has school accommoda tion for 2,00.0 pupils, About six o'clock last (Wednes day) evening, jr unknown- man was found dead under a culvert on the townline, between Na3saga^ weya and. Esquesing. ; From facta Jrhat we can glean, we learn that' ho js supposed to be a tramp, as he had been seon walking down the track past Crewson's Corners at dusk. He fella distance of about fifteen feet, alighting on hia head, and, when picked up, he was quite dead. He is about 35 years of ^ge, with light brown whisker and moustache ; dark hair; dressed rather ragged,' and is about five feet, five and a-half inches high- He had in bis pockets a paper entitled Tfte Toung Catholic, to gether with two combs, len out of spectacles, two peedles, pipe and small qnantity of tobacco, a Catho-'-. lic tract, and a piece of cloth with which to mend his plothes. Ac the .time of his death it is supposed he was under the influence of liquor. The body was taken to Mr. Lang's residence, near the scene of tjHo ac cident, twhero ! an inquest will be held to-;day by Dr. Freeman, pf Georgetoyirn. -" I take my text dis morning, eaid a .colored preacher , " from dat portion ob de Scriptures what- do Postol Paul pints his piitol to the Fessions. " Hotki, CilAHgEg. The Mount--| Forest Confederate says .that the hotel keepers of Mount Forest have issued a tariff ot" charges whereby j there respective bouses will be governed as regards accouimodation: fur man and l>eaBt. 'She specified rates aro as follows : Man and team, with hay and oats for; team, dav, ^.2-5 J man and '.H'br Said By-law having been intror ducedwas read the first time. -: r Moved "by Mr, Fraier, seconded Hy Sir. Shortreed, that the Treas urer! pay to Edward Nixon the [following' accounts; Shoes for Isaac Warden,.art inmate of the { 81.00 per annum in Adrance per t-se, The township of West Z .rm has |d'ttQ. l-755 laan ,ind toaal|1vKer $22,000 cut on interest. 'gbt, with hay and oats, ^J,-75 ; - , niani Temperance Jtefonn Clubs aro uuil Uam ^ uay> over being i-tabjish|.-d all over .Nova I Scotia. I man to diuneo and team to hay, It is computed tlmt London will 50 cts. ; man to dinner, and! horse contain fully 6,000,000 ! of people ] to bay, .35 cts. ; one horse to hay, in 1900. 'one feed, 10 cts.; team, do. ^lo., 20 ,p, -r, ,. A , ... cts.j horse-to hay, night, . 25 cts. Ihe luiiKin Act was earned m n,, t i i ..^i.ri^i L- A... -r i ; They have also concluded t,o lur Lokeheld, on Saturday, hy a ma- < -J jority of 2.U. Priiigle'i, Je*vellery Store, Guelph. OAST OUT But not Destroyed. 1 TO FARMERS AND EVERYBODY ELSE. Why is Pringle's jewellery store in Guelph the beat piucs to deal at* Because all the watch, clock and I jewellery repairing is cither done | by himself, or under hia personal articles of diet that a constitution may begwdually built up-until strongenough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there.is a weak point.' We may'escape many a fatal;shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazelle.- Sold only in packets labeled "James Eras & Co.,' Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threabieedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." j supervision. Ele being a first-class H.J-. i.1 g" m-'uie arrangemdnts Mr. Mitcbell, of 5lilton[ for-an r.gencv for.-the sale'ol e, j.______" vi___._ ip. iii 'workman in all the branches, and Sasa, Dcsrs. ?r&33.S3, 2ilouIalESS, ', . ., , . , SrSBiSi- Flcsrin^, Siiseiia^, j having the greatest interest in keep- 5 "Waiase^'S, Sidiag, Sjc. i ! ing his customers, it follows that Lam prepared to furnish any of; all the work will be done well- ihe slxjve. at prices th.t defy coiti-. | Every job which comes into the petition. Please c.--.;l and.see sam i ^^ ;s examined by him before it pies of mouHinp; &c, before pur ; ;.S-T;akcii'away. ., * _ ^ I lou can buy watclie3 anu clocks KU.i-S 30 CHT3 PSf? FOOT. ,i cheaper th--re than anywhere else, Wily thaaking customer for , , ^ pr;p&;e having bought from pastf:i,.rsari'lii'>'j instill to merita fr . c, ". , . ,, drsh,re of vo-ir ,." ,w Tlioa. Russell & Son .fo? cash the whole of their stock in Guelph, and TTtAHM FOR SALE. f - The subscriber is offering'for sale: his 50 acre farm, bein^ North We3t half of -!;Lot 24, 2nd con. The farm is nearly all under cultivation, a good house and farm, a young orchard, and never-fail ing welLon the premiies. , Apply to - . ) W. iWALDIE, i on 'the premises. 25-3t;"r'xr ? i. am rc=pec 1U. U.S. f. jliV \OUYS >:bea^e, A^ent. ^hrtp at '* r- O-f-reon's oid Kiunil Aci;,n, i),;"(;". 2T'l!l,'W7T. got it cheap, he can afford to sell F.ii-iy. ch< tp. All stock bought by him X SVk: Tn\ai ts, l:Eor old ,nd "itid Xma3 pre youu.j, .:.t PETBIE'S BOOKSfOBE, ASASO.MIC ^t-OCK, 7 Upper Wyndiiam Street, The bet place to yet your Xraas Pres ents, A *plca'lid a-^iortment 'ol X-IAS CARD^, BOOaJMAIIICS &c till- S I' in future will be bought for cash. Merchants and traders know that this is a great advantage. Pringle. has no couuuctiou with the firm-of RiiKstdl <fc Son, any more than he is still their.M-uthoriied agent for the Russell watch, which is ac knowledged to be the best watch made. (Jr. J). Pringle has also ln-en- established as agent for the Wal- tham and Elgin American watches, a^id a full line of tliein, fioiji; tiio lightest to the heavy six-ounce case, will be kept on hand. Remember that nil those watches are now bought entirely for cash, and there fore can and will b) sold by him chi:jper titan they can be,'got any where else. Tifiiulif'ul Ohristnias ^oodu coming iu every day. Gold . This is a progressive age. New features are coiistautly.^eiug in troduced, old theories are revolution ized. '" Mnsie, which but a few years since vis iinthought of in that cornice-. tiou, ha3 been introduced in our Public Schools in many sections of our country and it has become almost a necessity -for every family to possess either a Piano or Organ, or-both, and it is im portant that all should know where the best instruments can be bought for the least money, lianiel V, Beatty Esq.; of Washington, New Jersey, has a world wide reputation for making the b.est, and we believe his-priccs coinpare" favorably with other iirst class n^fkera, \Ye would earnestly recommend\ll to write to him "'for information before buying* ; " ThohAnnuais. Hiitisil- W'orkm ij) k .Workwciman, Su.-iJ:iy ilig.iz:ii,"rfanrt.iiy at Home feisuro ilour, C^iiyer, CuaLteijbox. *S- io- .,. -'. j,_ w> pjj/.jju 1 chains, gold rings, lockets, brooche'P, ' . /11 ""* m^ j ^:22 3m. : Os* Who Know. '.";. it" Dr. S. P. May, of Toronto, On tario cbmmisaioiieif to the Paris Exposition next yeir.lias miblislied an 'estimate of tbxs cost of a trip thither. He has completed arrange ments by which Ibe yisit can be made, including threo wepk's stay in Purls,' for S200.'! This is via New York, but it is probable that even cheaper fates will be given by the Allan and; other Jines sailing from Canadian, ports, . ' " : English is the point lanjguage of Germany. It is a proud imomout rnheii a Briton or American yiait- ing tho Palace, IS saluted witll " Dot vas a pooty. sphjendit morn' i-ng, ain't it," a couple of day's recreation in which to prepairp ourselves for the coniiug year's toils. Ere tho next issue of nish no free stabling in future,-, consequently parties requiring,) The French Republicans have a ' stable room,for their horses, with niHJority in forty five of the Coup- j dinner or 'hay or oats, wilt be cils Geuetul. . |charged 5 cents for aaeh :horse. When -will there be onij-twenty, J When a man tdcer dinner and five letters in the alphabet ? When ! BiM(!S h,s team -Without ha^, his you and I are madu .one. | Jen lives aro now belioyed to have been lost by. the Barclay- 6treet, New York explosion. . One thousand Sheffield iron workers have, quit work, owing to the Free Pkess the New Year will 'the proposal" redaction of wages. bo ushered ; in, and we therefore w&h ] our readers A Ejtp^rEf.qus Nfcw Year! Parliament ia again prorogued till the loth of January. ' Old inhabitants say the winter of 1837 was very much like the present season. f J[t is reported that Lord Dufferiii's successor will be the Marquis cf Normandy, who is at present Governor of New Zealand. As Lord Mulgrave he -was.a feW years Governor of Nova Scotia. Since the foregoing was in'type a-'rumor comes, by cable that the Duke of Manchester will be our -next Governor General. X- ' , Tiie war .corresponded in Bul garia are having a r magnificent time. Most .qf them) get hanged as spies. | . ' bill will be 30 cpnts. Oats will be furniBlfed'at not leas than ID nor more than 15 cents par gallon. Esquesing Council. Stewarttown, 0th Dep.j 1877. Thecouncil met pursuant to ad journment. The Reeve in tho Chair.' Members all present. The minutes of last meeting were then read and confirmed. The account of Hart & R^iwlin- Bon for- Collectors receipts 'and Driesbach, the lion-tamer, died'other blanks, amounting^ to S5.13, on his Ohio farm, on Wednesday, was presented and read. The ap- a poor but contented iiiiu of se.ven-' plication of Geo. Schrahl and others 'for a grant to^repair road, Lots.9 and 10, 2nd concession, the appli- ty years, ! The largest aqueduct in the i i - . i n . ' j L r cants asreeins to expend labor to world is the iCroton aqueduct of ""= ."=>.' & _ f. , i -vx ~ir i mi * . " the aniouob or olA was read. VNew Tork. This enormous struc- * ture coat ove, $13,000,000. 1 Elora Cabpet" Factory. Mr. Moved by Mr- Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Frazer, that the sum of twenty dollars -be paid by the Christmas Trees. Tlae Hcthodlst Ctanrcls. The annual Christmas Treat, iven Unde,r the auspices of tho Methodist Church Sabbath School, Acton, toc-k place on Monday evening. The churcH was well filled, there being between 300 and. 40Q present. Rev. Mr. Hobbs occupied the chair. Thechoir opened by singing a hymn. Rev. Mr. McLean) of Georgetown.addressed the children at considerable length, after-which the presents from the Christmas tree were..: disttibuted. Some of the puesents were gorgeous there bmng gold watches and chains, gold pen cils and several sets of mink; furs among them. The tree was valued atftbout $500. The choir rendered several beautiful hymns during the evening which added greatly to the enjoyment of . the entertainment. The door receipUamouutedto about .$. . ... W. H. Frazer is jn Elora, muking j Treasurer to Mr. Geo." Lyons, being an effort to .re-establish the carpet two-thirds value of the- datnage factory there, on a.firm basis. I.done to His flocks of sheep by dogs, The defeat of the Toronto and *1 owners of wbidh are unknown; Ottawa bonus; by-law in Toronto' aIs0 the Bum of four dollars: to J. on Thursdav has caused the with-| s' Nixon, for one Bheep. Carried. dm Will- of" the by-law granting1 Moved by Mr. Warren, seconded S200.000 to Have -been voted on ;*>7- Mr- -C-indsay, that the following in Oitawa on Saturday, ' ' accounts be paid by the Treasurer, _,, _j ., ! via t Robt. Moble, for plank and The Toronto and Ottawa Bail-j ttmh Ward No. 2, S131.40 ; way Bonus iiy-law was Ijeateji t on I rr.i.------q.. _ 1 Thursday by a large majority,', in every ward of the city ; the total majority against it being 1,943. The total of ballots cast was 4,303, A fire that was kindled in a standing elm tree on the 4th day of Septemberon Newton Johnston s farm, lot 7, concession 13, Camden, was still on fire on Decenibe'r 18th, having burned continuously for, 105 days. A prominent citizen of'Peter- boro', while attending a chancery Bale in, the Court Souse, had: a farm knocked down to Him, and in less than hatt an Hour he had again sold it, making four hundred 'Und ten dollars on his bargaiu. ' . The Montreal Board of Trade" will reccfeimend the discission at the Dominion Board of Trade of the amendment of the Insolvent Act, so as to require the consent of two thirds in number of the creditors, representing three fourths of the liabilities of the insolvent. 1 Hart & Rowlinson, Torori,to,tfor blanks, 5.13,; Robt. parper, repair of road j^nd" bridge, Norval, $19.75 ; Mrs. Abbott, extra allow ance up to death of late J.! Cooper, 5.00; Isaao Bullevant, for his relief, $10.00 ; Mrs. McPhersou, do, $10.00; Chas. Williams, re pair of bridge, Glenwilliams, $6.00j; Geo, Cooke, for lumber, 2.50- Carried^ [ Move! by Mr. Shortreed, sec onded by Mr. Warren, that the sum of twelve dollars be paid on the order of F. .l^eCalluni, Path- mast^rj on application of George Sohram and- others^ to bo "applied in;repair of road, liots 5 add 10, 2nd concession, on condition tbat- the applicants pay the amount subscribed in work. Carried. - Moved by Mr, Warren, seconded by Mr. Lindsay,] that leavej be granted to introduce a. Byrlaw to appoint places for holding the Municipal Election, and for the appointment of Deputy-Returjjing Officers. Carried, poorj house,' $1.25; [Clothes 4or Johit Douglass an inmate of the poor ho^ise, $0.80 j Total, $8.08. Ca.ried.] .""'"!'. ;MJ>ved by Mr. Fraze^sedondexi by Mr. j'Lindsay, that the Treasurer pay .to Donald McMu^chy the suin pf ten dollar^ iorr the imaintenanoe of an illegitimate child left in his jcarej Carried. ! . Myed. by' Mr. Lindsay, second ed by. Mr. Bhprtreed,.that the By-^ law ,tG appoint places! for holding the Municipal Election, abd^ for. the appointment of i Deputy-Re turning pftiijers, .be apv Tead the. second and third! times and passed. Carried,^ Moved by Mr, Lindsay, seconded by Mr. Warren, thatj tho sum of sixty dollars be paid to the Clerk of thiB Municipality, for Che Regis tration of Births, Marriages, and, Deaths, I Stationery, etc. Carried,- Moved by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Shortreed, that the Treas urer be authorized to'pay, in con nection with the Municipal Eleo, tion,1 the" following siims, viz.; To; each Deputy Returning Officer, $4,.- 00 ; ; To each Poll Clerk, 2.00 ; Constable,1 SI.50; also the neces sary! sums for Election blanks'and tallot paj>er8 ; . and also: that the Resye and Members of the Council be pjiid for their seryices as, road commissioners, as follows: The Reeve, one day, $2.00 ; Mr. War ren, two days, 4.00 j Mr. Frajer, three days, $6.00 ; Mr.. Lindsay, twQ-jdays, 4.00; Mr. ,Shortreed two days, .$4.00. Carried. Tlie ponncil then adjourned. i -----'----. ' ' - ---- County Council. The Conpcil met in the Court House, M'ltou, on Tuesday,' 18th inst.| The Warden iu the chair. The minutes pf last meeting were read* and confirmed. The Clerk read a communication from the Minister of Education, relative tV Model Schools for the training of Teachers,, and. regula tions J for Teachers' ' Associations. Also a:communication from Water loo, relative to a memorial to the Legislature, asking for an amend ment to Municipal Act, transferring entire control and responsjbilty for construction and maintenance of roads'and bridges on county lines to minor ."municipalities. The Warden said only two ten-' ders had been received in answer to the: advertisements for the pur chase of County Gaol debentures. The; tenders were opened; one from Ddvid McCarthy, lor premium on those due in 1884-85 86V87 ; and one from Mr, Ci-o.wther, Toron to, ogeiing J per cent, premium on the whole-; the County to pay all j expenses certifying legality of by- Jawj ' " The Wadren stated that be had drawn-:"P a copy of debenture, the cost' of lithographing which would be $45 j iq letterpress the satr.ej woiild cost about $25. **- The iW^arden alsQ reported that the Gaol Committee had paid $11,- 200 on construction account. .. _ f Mr. Waldie moved, seconded by Mr. McKenzie, that the Warden, Treasurer and the nioFer be, a committee to dispose of the deben tures to be issued by thip County for 11 10,000, and that, tjiey have full! authority- to accept sjich offer as shall secure the most inoney to .the County. Carried. r.' Mr. Young moved, seconded. by Mr.; Warren, that the sum of $S 0 be granted to the, OakviJle High School. Carried,. Mr. Waldie presented the report of the Finance Committee, certifying to . sundry accounts, which was adopted. The Council adjourned to give time for the Committee on Deben tures i.6 prepare their report. Council resumed. The Committee reported in Tavor of jAie debentures being sold to minor municipalities, Trafalgar and Esquesing to be allotted $3,000 each ;.!the balance of $4j000 to be taken up_by the Couhty with the money! iu the treasury belonging to thelCredit Valley Sinking Fund, . On motion of Mr." Waldie, sec onded by Col. Clay, the report was adopted. The: Warden submitted a'sttite-j nieht of the. expenses of-the Build ing Committee of the new Gaol, $125, which was ordered to be paid. The Warden stated that the Committee Had ordered iron stairs! fori the new Gaol, which would,] when erected, cost $148 Mr. | Waldie said they got for* $140 exactly the same quantity and! quality! of work that cost the County of Oxford 250r TheTWarden added" that there were improvements in the ' stairs, they bud ordered that those pur-i ohasedj by the Oxford Council did} novpopsess,- . j. Mr. Foster said there, wan * question/ whether the serViceW of; _ the Inspector of Works shonld b; retained or not. The question "was referred to ths* Committee i the Warden observing . ; that, the man employed was thoroughly competent to perform the work required from him. . The messenger was ordered to; be paid the sum of five dollars for his .services during, the past Half - year. ' : . - On motion, the Warden Ieft.tha - cbair, .which wafc taken by' Mr. Waldie. :-)- Col. Clay moved,, seconded by Hr, Young, that the best thanks . of the Council be presented to" Matthew Clements, Esq., for his courteous and efficient -services as Warden during the past year.' j The motion was oarried unani- . mously, with a standing vote. j Mr. Clements "expressed bis grateful sense of the. compliment paid him^and invited the members to an oyster snpper, which Tie had ordered at'fche Wallace House. j The Council then adjourned to. ths Wallace House,' where they partook of a splendid, repast pre pared in " mine bosj," Wallace's usual "good style. | Owing to the fact that many members had to leavo by the early train, the speeches nsual on such occasions were dispensed with. REQUISITION -TO W-H.STOREY.ESQ Sib, We, the undersigned ratepayers of the Village ot Acton, recognizing the urgent necessity there is thus, men of sound business capacity should be placed at the helm of our Muuicipal affairs, especially so i.r the ensuing year, and, having grateful recollections of the atratsht,- toiward, business like and honorable services you rendered" ohr Village during the. tirsi critical j ears of it infancy, when you *ot ably occu^tieel the chair and discharged Ihe ardu ous du'ies of KeeVe, and, knowing ihe influence you exerted; in the County Council, ; We woujd, therefore,' respectfully ind earnestly request that yuallow yourseli to be placed in JtOmmation for the offioe of Keeve of this Muni- qipality for the ensuing yeak'. ^; Should you consenv to oorregueikt, we hereby pledge purselyS's to_ do our utmost ta securs-your election. We are, dear-sir; - -! Yours respectfully,. Hansom Adama, " ' U.X.Sear^moie,' . - ....... AdHnrDUon Joseph b yie. r-eter MeNaB^' Asa liall,. - .. 1-red. Bet^irCf,-'- Robert Ramsbaw," Jo-iall Adams, Peter McCann^ K 'ward ilou'reV Williuro NlcnoWn. T-1). Halii_ , Matthew Kerioey," Josei-ti Feiirnry,- -: Jam s McOulrc, Jo tin Kpflght; Samui-1 Carter. -CUas. Cameron jf^ James Cubbeu, 1-uae Kinrcis, Kooert KJsher, George Forots, Henry: Tamper, Jos. H. Hacking, Ai'rum Multhews, Robt. tiallouay, Rubl. Rtarey. ' - 'Joiin Kenney, Mm. Kenney, Jas. B. Wtlson, Jas. Wilds,- James M oore, Ed. Matlho^H, Georgf Levens, Win/Thompson, Sfm, Kamsay, Hamuel Moore, Thomas Moore, Thomas Warn!p, ' John P. Secord, Dr. Morrow, ; OJivt-rlxriler, Btephen Bents, W. a. Walker, Charles Ulerke, Juan Hawfeluf. (To Ramom Adams^ Esq. and G. .' Beardmore, Esq. and 1(6 others. GBHTt.BMES, I sincerely thank you for-ihe t'jc' pressions'j contained in the above; Requisition. ! I _ - -.:- /Also lor the kind manner you have alluded to my past association with the affairs.of this Village. lI am grateful to know that apj pub'lio. service 1 may have rendered the Muhicipality has been kepi in kindly- remembrance" -by the people- of Acton. ' 1 . assure you Buch service , has been rendered cheerfully vp& heartily as to a people'iWhOr with Lmysell, are anxious to promote, fby every justifiable means fconsifftwt jwith "econdmy). the material jbiOH. perity and growth.of oir Vi'Ia^e'.'- s Un> my retirement'from the Reero- ship, two years ago, I had no further intention of again becoming a can didate for Municipal'bbndrs", "":' I assure you J should not apw, had not your Requisition, influential . in character and- embrucLpg all classes without distinction in polities' or religion', beep placed in toy hands." I regret that, owing to my ;being J, surety for the Village Treasurer, which renders me ineligible for - election, -,1 am unable to- give" your Kequisi^ion ah unqualified accept ance. '- ' I had, however, requested the Council a few days ago to release me, therefrom,, the 'irensurer. being prepared to lyle new bonds 5 and asked the Reeve to do me the favor to oall a meeting of theV Council therefor; not later than Monday, the 21st inst. . ." " - . ' Although my request has .not been complied with, X understand a meeting is; called therefor to-morrow" , (Thursday)^ at 2 p.m. . ' [\\ Should i be. r<deftsed therefrom." I shall cheerfully cbmply with'you'^ request and place myBelf and ser. vices'at your disposal. If elected, I shall do my utraoet to stimulate the material in teresis and prdsp'er^iy of Acton.; -! - , ' - I have the Honor to be, > Gentlemen, ._' Your-obedient servant, > ;, W. H. STORED. Acton, Dec, 26th, 1377. I 1 i! 1 m m-^ \ :-V