Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1877, page 3

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1% *,, '^ ^ a^U*"1 j# > . ss3 iy& *-r v 'i A Splendid Assortment of, Clocks, THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., OCTOBER 11, 1877. Back Combs, Back Combs, From 5c to 40& A&itai&^iitfjfiittfii3i^ jSs. Hi. t-V.-:|- '^fei^i^Vffl^B^^^l^iSif^6^^WiyPi%^ffiiBifr*f-'r-<",'fi^"-- , r. a..ijwi,.-M.T>>j^iMjjpv1ijuj1~.iir.j!^.iii^.M^^7gi^L.^i.-ijtr^CTirr-;-nj-- . ungrf U*. Jewellery and : Fancy G-oodi,- just Anived- Ju^ Opened. Circular Combs, Circular Combs,. From 3c to 25c. Ladies, call and see my | Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Spectacles Repaired and "Warranted at &E0. HYSFBS' Jewellery *'store- Gall and see me. - t HAMK1 ** op fer&ait h\ Gnelpfc. |rte .Priajaj^ "*techwatf sod ft* tEsPiao.. I '. j Modern School;. f e B*K>far >BnlonaII t - SOU'S rfcPH, & <y&&. *8 lr >tw Trains leave Acton Ire "fallowi: ; GOISO WKSif. Right Express Toronto mail Dy xprci 0Uwil<i '* ocrtwo rAffT. I <"' 1:0-1 a;m. 9.10 &,m. I.fi7 p.n>> 5.20 p.m. 7:07 y.m. Hrght Expri Gall mixed Day Kxprs . WMMta n*fl * etloa Killed 3:S8a.m. 9:10 a.m. 11:34 a.m. 5:20 p. za. KilOp,tru Q^TJct in tb* Jtf*tho4st Church avery *iM>alh svaalna at JhaH'paal six o'aiotk: and both fnororhe and evan- ! lo on the flrat Rabbath --pf, eaeh j moo to. R*v. B. Hobb*. Pastor. Lt AL MATTERS* 5 -T JAMBSjBT^ Id ftt the Gent*! *V .-< land fre.gbtg f 1BATTY, R"r <" 's. \P tndt our thinks to tho of our- patrotu who responded to our rwqueat a few; weeks ago to I>y np their aocounU 1ub tlifa office.^ There are yet, however, a"^^ge number" \he hare ncft.' ;. I pkid foe this yomr'a FREB PRESS, I kiii some whose indebtedness I extends *rer lst" yer. We ! would be very much pleased to e or ber from them soon, Rft*r Ball.. A nxRtch was played hero on Satur day afternoon, between tho young P.-va- times of AcUm, and tho young Hock- woo<l of HockMood, which'rosulted in victory for tho Acton boy by a eoro. of US to 11. Tho following is tho core i YOVXO PASTIMES OT ACTOW. J. Agnow, r f - P. Kolly, p W. Smith, o. f II. Ryder.' o ..... >. Nicklin, '.". W. MeMftekin, lb J.l McConncll, 2 b W. Spoight, b .. . .. JfLoiisr, H ;n, o. 2 4 3 1 2 28 21 A Supposed MuniiEiiKB. Tho Colborno Erj>rc*x anyB " Not u Httle .snrprisu wns occusioucd in this section by tho nnnotihcoment thftt John Copo JIallory arrived hero by tho Into train from the west on "Saturday night lust that ho proceeded home to bis futher'o, and that on Monday lib surrender ed himself to tho authorities and was placed in jail to await his trial at the approaching Assizes on the chm-go of complicity in the murder of JAist Wndo at Castletown early in tho Bummer. It is now qui to evident that all tlie fuets connected with tho sad affair will- be reveal ed." BOCKWODDS ' Go into McOrvin'B. i. __Pnring the absence of Mr. S< "L. Fr, his dental hnsiness will be tocdacted by Mr. V. H. L^e, *ho haa tn;gd as his assistant. First-class Work and prices reasonable. __Special services will be held (D.V.) in the Mthodist Chjirch of this Tillage every ereniog ot next weok. Service to commence athalLpvst seven. All are cordially invited.. Good Drugs at McGarrin's. Morrow, p .. Hill. 3 b Blytho, c .. M array, 1 t Stfewart, r f Coiilson, c f Horn!, lb.. Hemstreet. 2 Stork, a a .. n. 0. 1 3 0 5 *i 0 o 1 S o 1 T > 3 1 1 '2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS';- ^_A trtmpe styling themselves th >e- Orlen< Minstrels, are an; nounced tp give an entertainment Ja the Drill Shed this -evening, From what we can leam, we blivs they arc worthy of patrcma^t ------------ In a paragrnph last week, we rationed that Mr. Wm. I>niKe, of 2ssssafraweja, bad ebown us samples of fall wheat brought from Manitoba. Wo .should hive Mid fpfbtij vheat. It ap pears they don't gro* fall wheat In that province. We ttid>ertrtntl omitted last wrek to mention that the Volun teer! of No. 6 Company were Inspect-d by Lsent-OL Murray arid received flattering praao for their efficiency in drill. Cpt- Shaw.give* notice to a11 the member* of the company to muster en 8tnTdy next to receive their pay. ^ Tall ahows. There liaa been a XfKit many of tfrem thia yeaf, I visited tiftw nearly all in this part ot the county.- fc*rfr the biggest show I have aen waa at ^IeI.etMi, Anderson & Co.'. fieorgetown. They were per fectly piled fall of I>ryv Goods, both insids and oot. I waa perfectly /aiton- ished at the low price*. They assured toe that importins and buyii.o7 direct from the .sfanDfac torera nndj paying ch enbltd them to sell sic-cheap. ! 11 21 Umpire George MatthcWB. Soorors Kodgers, Hock-wood. Time of gnmc, 1 hour and 45 minutos. Good I'se for a Dime. Wb advise our. readers to forward their address and 10 cents to Orange Judd Co., 243 Broivlway, Now Yorki who niftko a special offer to Bond for this eum ^half price and postage) the num ber for C>ctol>cr 1st, of the A merican Agriculturist. Thia- splendid number, lK.*side3 over 50 engravings, contains a preat amount of useful, practical, reli able, seasonable iiiftiriuation, not only for the Farm mid liardeu, but for-tiie Household, I'hildreu included. Most will get from it hints and'suggestions worth ten or "twenty times its -t...... Ketter still, to send l.Gl) and lecvivo; the paper, po.>t-paul, from now to the enil ii 1 c?7i> that is, all of vulnnie 37, with the rest oi thl3 year free. (Two copies for S 1:50 each). Nowhere else can oue get so much really valuable, paying information for so little money not 3 cents a week, a sum'easily saved or produced extra, which the pa per -will be sure to help one to do. This <Jnmrnal is prepared-by practical liien and women, who know what they talk and write about from actual expe rience and large 'observation, and they can and do greatly aid others to profita ble planning and working. 'Many sin gle- hints and suggestions each abun dantly repay a year's cost. The fear less exposures/of quackery and" hum bugs in Jtvery number, are invaluable, and have saved its readers and tho country millions of dollars. -The "de partments for the Household' and Chil dren are pleasing and instructive. Kvery number of the paper is beautiful ly illustrated. In short, the American Agriculturist is full of good things, for every marl, vnmian, and child, in city, village, end country. Take our advice and send 1/00 for 14 months, or at least send a 0ime for the half-price speoimen now offered, and sea it for yourselves. Oustic Ploughing: Match. -A ploughing match will tako place oti tho farm of David Stowart, Esq., east half of lot 24, Gth concession, Township of Erimosn, on Tusday, Oct 23rd. The match ia opon to the Townships of Erin and EramoSH. There are to be four classes : 1st class, open to all;. 2nd class, to bo composed of those.who liavo never taken a first prize as ploughmen ; 3rd class, boys under -0 years -of ngo; 4th class, boys under 17 years of age. About 70 aro otTor- ^ BEATTY -~ "-"]* .-" " ORGAN Thoro is bo munufuoturor orPinnos and Organs jn this or any other oountry vr 10 has received ns many uiisulicited indorsements as bus Mr. Boatty. I'rom ovory Stuto and Ter ritory' cones' the name verdict "They aro tho boat in tho world,"" Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue Edition) free. Address DANIEL Ki UEATTY, Washington, ^few JorBey. BRICK DWELLINGS FOR NAIE. Tho two dwellings, built of brick, 8itaatod or* Main- atreot, near tho Do minion Hotol,' aro offered for sale, on reasonable trms. Tho lot consists of thrnc-liftlis of an aero, with good gar den. | The1 building is now, and woll finished, adapted for two families. A good stable and driving shed on the promises. I Apply to the ownor. | JOHN KEXNKDY. A.elon, Aue. l\ 1S77. .: 7-3m THAT WONDERFUL MAN. TI-ADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. GREAT ATTRACTION. I silk dbpartmeijtt. ed in prizes.. Stanley's Afhican Expedition. The Herald publishes ! Stanley's firnt written conuimnicution con cerning liis African explorations. He says ho has opened to com merce an area embracing over G00,- 000 square miles, containing near ly 3,000 miles uninterrupted course of wtttf-r comniunicjition divided ainong the Upper C.mgo and its niupiiificent nllluents. lie snys niissionaries are heeded in E ist and tinders in West and Central Africa. PHOtOUltAPII'liRS should' for- ward mo their address ir they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange for Photographing.' Ad dress DANIEL F. KEATTY, Wiishs mgtah. New. Jersey. All New, Fresh and Ftehioa&bie Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Dress Q oods, etc.- 331 C^.SES -^J^T3D ZB-A-Xj^IS - ~DIE'ECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. ._ 11 Bales of which are Bed Blankets of the best Itind. wonderfully cheap and good. - ' . . . ' - Especial attention is requested to our Silk- Department. We oiler the - ^.finest assortment of Black Silks to be found in the Dominion.^ v We unhesitatingly say that wo offer a saving of 20 per cent fo our patrons in Colored and Fancy.Dress PilltB, Also in Evening and'Weddtng Silks we have very attractive styles and dolors. .1 _ -. j Our stock of Ladies'Jacket Cloths, Ulster .Cloths and Trimmings for same, is well worthy of attention. Incieed. our stock of all classes of . goods this Beaspn is remarkable for excellence of quality and _ . ' \ cheapness of price.' We tai:e tbo lend tbisseason, as usual, having the the finest assortment of Ladies' Dreeg Goods in town, also of Ladies Quilted Lustre Skirts,filled Folt .Skirts, and the i'l-incess Walking Skirts beautiful goods. Itespeclfully nrnouncejo the public that the greatest care has been.exer* cised in the selection of their immense and varied stock}. Every article-is warrnnterras reprefiGntfd. TLo.goods-ore all (resh'and direct from Ills. A Letter Thiev Sentenced. James B. Anderson, assistant in the Riversflale Tost office, was tried at Wulkertori before J'udgo Kinsmill, qn the charge of stealing money from registered loiters pis- sing over -the Kincardine- ana Walkerton mail .route, and, having pleaded gtiilty, was sentenced to five j ears in tho reformatory prison. XiyAXTED. ! Ladies ami gentlemen to leam Tele graph Operating for otliren tipening in the Dominion. . Stamp for answer. Address Manaoku, Box D55, Toronto. GRACE'3 CELEBCATED SALVE, *A Sure Keller for the HufTercr". Carpets of. the newest designs and colors, fapeslry Carpets. Ueautiful Brussels and jrianufuctuters. Sept. 8.1S77. ' HOGG & SOI., Alma .Block, Upper Wyndhaiti Street, Guelp h * BEATTY ^ X ^k. 1ST Q I HUA-IiXr TWl^lD^ '.%&&, :'&* Grand, Square & Upright. l-UKl-AHKI) 1JY SETH VV. FOVVLE &. SONS, SO llAHHISON A.yUNITE, noSTOK, MASS. )a Thurday morainp; last, a on of Mr, Peter Maaaalea, of Erin, ac- cidantaDy shot himself in the thigh with a revolver, which ho was handling. The ball entered the thigh, passing: downwards and outwards about six Inches. Dr. Lowrie, cut down upon; and succeeded in extracting the ball.' and also a small piece of cloth of his pants, which the ball in its coarse had detached and carried with it. Fortu nately the injury waa not so serious as It might have been, and the young man wfU likely be all right in few days. Perfume, at McGarvin's. AtTUiar's AppixRaJiCE. Th Vjijrmfl aaiinni pftT brcmgmt ui the autttmn dayt with all their variaty and beauty. Katore has attained her per- f<et growth aod stand* waiting to die. The sky is haxy; tho days are getting abort; here mad there In the ro^s-s of shad* tree* we find some leaves that have already pat on their bright, tints preparatory to fading. In the woods the underbrush and ferns are turning brown ; the fields are bare and many of tbe gardene-' have boon cleansed -of the summer1* rageUtion. Soon will come - the time of falling leaves and frosty nights without, and cpsy gatherings around the fires within. ----:------" Actoa Baytls* Charcfc. Mr. Sirrell, of Hamilton will preach (D. V.) on Sabbath Oct. 14, in the Baptist Chapel, at 11 a.m., and 6 p.m. iih it yi&W ol settling hero, Kxake m JLrm. A^oaog man named James Carrie, verkingAt Mr. Alel. Curnmings, while ridiqg a faofiaa to water last Sunday (Worurag, wa ttxewn off by tho animal aiaddeajy hHa|i -breaking hi* arm be- " iweac tike ^lUew jud the wriit ^ -------------- a>etsux iteatfMaa^O* On acK-aurrt /vi the ansall atieodaoce t the COTgre^sttoo* Cborcfa, last Monday evening, owing, it doubt'" to the bad state ti the yeather, Jicv. Mr. iJavies' proposed lecture on "X)xc Three Black Crajwt," waa postponed till Mon-) /lay, ,22d inat., when it it hoped there will be a larger number present. Patent juedjeines at McGar- McOorvin's. Stoves. Put tip your ewves, ] bnf dn't swear don't! It makes our hair stand rrn end to contemplate the amount.ot profanfty that will be .allow ed to escape -during this memtb as hus band carefully mashes his ringer -ttnd scoops off chunks of skin in th vain endeavor to put together that stovepipe, while his amiable better half stands by and encourages him in the effort. Our stoves are up, hence we can laugh at the poor wretches who havo that duty yet to perform. For the Cold Snap. Those grey flannels ; thosd scarlet flannels ; those white flannels ; tboso fancy, flan nels ; those home-made check flannels ; thos* warm blanket* ; I saw them at Mclieod, Anderson & .Cd./s, George town, cheap and thoy made me feel warm all ovar. in To brighter hue* the leaves have, flown, The summer shades are hence I With fruit the tending branches groan, The boy sit* on the fence. He look*, aronnd ; he views tho ground, And thinks the moment snits ; He fills his pockets full and round, And jumps the fence and scoots. Where have yon been? I have been away haying my winter dry goods. The beBt place I could find was at Mc- Laod, Anderson k' Co., Georgetown. I ordered my clothing, I bought my Tweeds, -I bought my Dress Goods, Millinery, Shawls and Mantles, and Cotton for the women. I got' the big gest pile of stuff I ever got for the money. -, . Get your, posters, circular*, billheads, letter- heads, etc., at the Free Press office. You .will be satis fied with their cheapness and quality. No man engaged in business in this country makes more fair and cenerouB offers to those unacquainted with him than does Daniel F. Beatty, Esq., of Washington, N. J., and cer tainly, no man keeps them better. Evory instrument he sells, piano or organ, is fully warranted for Eix years, and, while ho sells for cash, and thus gives' the advantage of tho lowest prices, yet no stranger is asked to advance one dollar out of his own control, until he has seen and tested-the instrument, See bis advertisement in this paper, and if you intend buying an instrument write to him end examine his method of .-doing bnsiness. ' Two barges wero wrecked near :Loa.roington, county of F^ssex, dur ing the galo on Monday night. One of them, the P. C. Williams, is a total wreck, and all' hands on board, five men.and one woman, Tlierfi is Rome talk of institut ing a Horse Breeder's Association for Ontario. A motion to submit tho Dun- kin Act to the people of-Welling-, ton has been carried in the County Council. ' A' Sandwich Islander claims to have buried the real Sir Roger Tichborne on Sydney Island, in the "South Pacific Ocean. A -pflet-orrice employee at RiverFdalo, South B'tuce, has been arrest' d on a charge of tampering with r. gi^terou letters. The Governor-General has re^ turned from his trip to Afuntto^o, and arrived at Ottawa on Saturdayi evening. His excellency was met] by a guard of honor and a salute was fired. - The Hamilton Spectator brings the charge against the Toronto Qlube that it opposes annexation because paople would then tako New York papers instead of the Olube. This is eouiething new. At fho County Judge's Crimi nal Court, Haniilton, on Monday afternoon, Charles Suydor waa in dicted for stealing a number of sheep belonging to.Mr. Phin, resid ing near Hespeler. The prisoner was sent;' to Kingston for two years. . . The Winnipeg Free Prest says that what is said to bo a potato bug. ,__the first one, it is believed, ever seen jri the Provinoe was brought in the other day in a package of goods imported.-from tha United States. It lived for a few days only. c /A collision occurred on Sunday evening on the-St. Lawrence, nine miles above Three RivorH, batsreeD the steamship Earl of Lonsdale and two barges, which, with two other vessels, were proceeding downwards in tow of tho tug Rapid.. Both barges were sunk. -, Near Ottawa on Saturday hist a woman named Rouleau attempted to commit suicide by throwing herself in front of a Canada Cen tral train, but the engineer saw her Mn time to stop the train. She is the wife of the man who was killed on that line several days .ago, and was under the influence of liquor at the time. ' s In Ingersoll on Saturduy last" the wife of Patrick Heoin, of thn place, was budly gored by a bull wbilo walking nj> King street. She was wheeling an infant in a car riage at the time, and after theani- inal had dashed her against tho brick wall, breaking soyeral ribs and otherwise injuring her, it smashed the carriage into pieces. The child, however, was picked "up unhurt, j <jRKCK'8 CELKBRATED SAI.VE,- la a Vegetable Preparation, Invented In th 17tli cnuny bv r>r."\Vll- 11 Lin Omc".'Surgeon In King Jarites'- rmy. ThronpU its ntrencj- lio -ure.l thousands of the must si-rious mires anil' wouuds that liaflled tin- skill of the mom errilii'-nl- pUyslclanB of his d-ij,!iiid was rcg irded by all who fcnow him ..H a pub ic b--nefa<-tor. PKICE 2" CttNTS A""BOX. Agents wanted everywhere.' Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. . Ll.. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Great .-lad^oeaaieats BAST END a tlie GKACE'S rEIXBUtTEW SALVE CUKES FLESH WOUNDS, rilOZKK I.IMnS. S-AT.T KIIKIT>I, OHIMIIiAINS, MIHK 1JUKA8T, S-IRE r.lHrt. KKYS1I-KI. \S, hlSli-- WOKS!B,CAI,I.USE.M, SCAM) IlV./iI) CHAl'I'K.n HANDS, ii A'f TU'RNM, CNCEltS, KKI.'.KS, tji-Ai.n-i, FKSTKR-S, S IKK.S, STTNS, WK.NK, I'l.l'KilS,. F III^OI-KS, trcNtnsfr, . AIli'KSS, .friniss, V' -nun,-, niTE-y . WAKT.S,' <-t"rs Itl.lsiEHj, W1I.TLOW3 TAX 1-IJlI'l.KH, C'-ft,VS,' ITCH, INCROlVl'G XATI. ML'sQLlITu A*I> K1.KA HTINGH m:i'rvt, "<,-N BTTI-fi ICAS'tr JJITKS, Sl-IDKR A^did' eutivneou*; dlpeas'-R and -ruptlona ! geiiernlly, For StJ" by all drngittfts, grocers, and at all cmnicy Ki**es throughout the Uni ted Stat" and lirlii.:' rrovluees. Prlco by mallSOconts. I BEATTT^ IKSTRIOTOK. EBC^EECBSaB Continuing ttic.elcnicntsrfniDsIc, with enj-y aii.i prog -esslve exercises to perfect, the nlnyer In tho art of mui-lu ^either piano or orum.) to wlilch U added over sixty Waltzes, 1'olKas, Mnrches, tlalops. Oi-eratia AlelodleH. llanct-K, oic, by l>iin- lel K. jieatty. Wasiiington, Neiy Jersey, one of Oio bt-st works ol lis kind-cvor In troduced, and Klioiild bo In the haiidH of every piano and organ jilayer. Sent iiost- paMtoany part ol the United Btates or Canada for oniy fifty cents tuo prlco having been reduced to iiurrxlnce It everyw-lierp. Addrofi.-* DANIEL. K. HEAITY, Washington, New Jersey. T>irsilVESS PB'OPERTY . Tho undersigned offers for sale that desirabld. proporty Bitnated on Main street, now occupied by Mr. Chas. Canierrn aB a storo and dwelling. The proportyjis in first class condition and with a good cellar. Terms liberal. For further particulars apply to- MESSES. W. PAULING & CO. Montreal. Or, W.II. STOREY. Acton. f Acton, Aug. 22d, 1877. To secure the The proprietors of the EAST END CLOTHING STOKE would again tender their sincere thanks to their numerous patrons in and around the Village of Acton for their past liberal support, and .," in. connection would beg leama to inform them' that by buying early and fcV cash, jthey i, are better prepared than ever -' to exhibit " A Stock Varied and'Complete in all its (otjiR cdio |Are of the newest designHo, and at prict^'^o suit hard times. All we ask 13 a thorough inspection and comparison of our,goods.with. I those of any house west of Toronto. - .: ' '" 1877. FTF^Sj-'McNAB. FREE! Any person who will moke and forward me a list ol the names of reliable pf-rsons of Ibeir ac- qualntnnce who Wish lo procure an In strument, either l*lano or Organ, I will use my best endeavors to sell them one, and for every 1'iano I succrodln nellnie u> their UkI- within one year, X will credit them with $10, and for every Organ $5, to bo applied on p:*yment-of either a Piano or Organ; and when it amounts' to ft sum suirielent to p:iy for an Instrument selected-at t elowest wholesale price, I will Immidlately ship Uih Instrument, free, or after any amounjt is credited thf halanco; may be | nhl mo In ensh hhU I will thfe'n ship them tlie lnsti-umcnt. Tlf-y need not bo known In the matter, and will be doing iln-lr friends a realserr vie, oh I shall make spcrlnl ofTcrs to thotn, sollini; a superior liisfriinient for from one-huir lo two-llilrdu what Is ordinarily nsked by uuents. Please Rood me a list at once and after yon bave made inquiry-yon can mid to 11, Address DANIEL K.BEATTV, Washington. New Jersey. /"N EOItCE LEVENS, . Barber and Hairdresser, adjoining Sccord Tiros.' Store, Mill Street, Acton. Hair, switches and combings prepared to order. atTO^ &J3ftT& OFFERED. .The Store is ttrbapfed every da^ Crowds of People come all tlie Countrj i - '< llomidio Take Advantnge of this Great Chance. FEVRY OTHER STORE IS DESEBTEO '. : We still; have heaps and heaps of Gotods Soiled and Damaged during the Fire, which we are bound lo Clear Out at Any Price. PRINTS, COTTONS, BLANKETS, V DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, -. CLOTHING, ETC All at such Reductions as have never before been offered. FALL OF Is now Arriving, And will soon .be complete for the CALL AND SEE OUR NEW STYLES/ SpWial, Attention Given to Ordered."Work, Repairing Promptly Attended to. CRAINE '&, SON, -Acton, August-7, i87t. : / ; ' AND ,' ! '.THE rlikoN" is the Place.! oonyns3; ^_t ozestoiei.. r J. D. WILLIAMSO-N-& CO.; Guelpb, Sept. 1U. 1877. : ' ' '.- ... ' A. LECTtJBE TO YOUNO- MEN. Wo have recently publiMict a m w edi tion of r. Diilverwcll's Vlebratcd E- sny oil the ruuicu! and permanent Cliru {without m' d"ii5lne>of Nervous Debility, Menial and j^i.Vfilcil Incapacity, Irni'etli- mouts to Marriage, etc., n.-tsiiltii iioiji excesses. " - - Price, In nenled envclore, only B conw or two postage slumps.-. Tho celebrated author. In this ntlmir able Essay clearly demonstrates,', from thlrtv years' succPHslut .practice; th.i alarjulKg eotmnquf r.cos may br- r;,,j:ieail> cured wHIiouttliedanriroiis u;oflritor-r nal mtdiclno or tlio anl'llcallon of ttie knife j' nolntlnc tilt a mode of. cure at once simple,, ceitaln mid cfleplual, by metins of wlilch (Very matter what his condition umy oe, may cure himself cheaply. prlvatelv'aiKl r ullcally. Tills 1 ecturo i houid be in the hands ol every youth sihdevery ru tu In the h'.ind. tue txjLVEK'n'F.u, <a., 41 -i.nli t., N".-w York, rost Offl ;e Uox 1-3S0. -1-ly TUE ROYAL EXCHANGE HOTEL. ACTON. This well-knotrn house has recently undergone a thorough renovating and repairing, is now furnished with new and modern furniture of the -best des cription, and is ' prepared to provide iirst-clii3s accomnioilafiPh to the public, The present proprietor has "received a ; license, and-ho "will keep the bar well ! supplied with the! very best of- liquora and cigars. The stabling is large _and' well-fitted up ; also ample sheri-roam. The patronage of the public i respect- ully solicited^ ' - ' - ' JOHN MASEY. ^'A.eto'11, June "2G, 1S77- - - I - lb ^Ml - "*""*

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