Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 6, 1877, page 4

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I'm THE FREE PRESS, ^G^ON, HALTON .(fOlTNTY, "-J: m n l IS Hi ' "#if is .mil- i df3js"' - - X |r, -MRS :--"*'. M .tiW . 'liMt^1 fc' r7 AM & P 5: /il * -. '/N? A Sll>l>KN <tki;.v : ' A melancholy viHnnu Iny li> Mc"kuo*s on her bod, And, in a fs\nt and hroUVu v.i'f, To lii-r's.vil lntsba'ml :;:ii,i : "..Hear l>avi.I, when my e.irllily fi>rm Has IJinu-.l t>> fiiVhVs Way, O \tait nn' weep a littlo vhib, iior Jbroiv yuursolt' away. " I know- a xrouiau kind no' Into, On whom you may ili-piMul, lm ! marry ABiuiilbv-li'iioa ., ;Shu is )v ue.wsjKfteml.'} ; " Ys, Hfluuah, i have waited lung To Vpe.ik o' this lic/im-; For Aramilla .Tone?* :m* J . H\e;-tedktd the-Mat t*r o'er." " Tlion yoii'nn' Aramilla. Jono.-i . Have peea too smart and sly ; X toll you, 1 Vivid 'Wilkinson, .' I'm tiot_a goilt' to .-lie .)" ller dark pyes tlsfiiiMi ho? Ktrtligtli retu-uv-V- , .: . , . Sho~lott lief bed of I'aiu : A vyeek jmd scarcely passed away When she \v:ia \yell ajj:un. JB*. Throckmorton's JExiiori- ck* In rtolnif ' [Family Mr. Jaspur Throckmorton, who . lives out oU%umau>r attest, u the father of tou ckildrou. 1'li other jiiommjj'.. Mr. Throckmorton wus just on tho point of putting ou his hS to start fur tint nf-i~f| .when Jilrs. Throckmorton called ' after, "hini from tho kitcheu. ' Stop-t Sodder'a u3 tll hini to como kip ami fix th water pipo, aud gal * big tin dii>i>or aud bring lit witii von this noon. Don't t*ll theui W Si>sul it, they'll forjjet it."' ilr.Throcktuorton ssid ho would, and then no put on Ills hat and RUrted : As he j\\i'li4i tlm flout dooi his eldost tlau^itor ahouttxl upstairs j-~ " P : jmvU:. la- i ' M*> * Grvaii- bavun 'Js Salirjda^a iuid ask. Mr. Scott to givo"you Two "vardu and a half of sbronTa satin, cut ou the blkk, to ntatch the dro*i I got last week; he'll knov : the kind. Brincat-iStith ju. Irdour'fc \rant tgWRf^t," ^.r.-..! ^^4<>JprTbrogJcmo^ton pausing wfth liis Land on tha door, said he be would get it, and then sighed and opened the door, Jut thon his eldest ton houtod froin the sitting room: l ' ' Father ! The man vaa up here twice yeBtertiay for the money Ifor lily new boat, and I just gave Jiim a note to you and- he'll call ttt the ofiica *o-dy for hh jnoneyt and will give you a pair of patent ioa>>Ioc.lcs ' and' dip net. Bring tietn":up with you Vhsn you ':TOi0',to2drau9r."' ' . _ . >Mr. Tbrockmorton kind -of sti fled a groan-like, and saying he would attend to: it, went out. 'As be passed down the porch steps . hiB soconil daughter loaned out of a window-and cried : do-stop at Parson's us yea come to dinner and' tell theut:o seud-S toin- to lay the r^ll#frpei wljentheysehd it j,ij#i you get t$o j>oimtU> Of cot ton "Batting and utfng-'it tip with you for we wan't it right awiiy and can't Trait.. The parent paused" with htehflnd i^ithd^KteJatcb/and with a t'is- jbia~ tjffbii V-promised "to remember ihe errand and ^bring up the bat ting aiid opinedjtiie gate.' But the voice of his younger Eon from the bide yard Bought Lis ear and held him for a- moment; t- 11 P.p, oh pap ! Want ten cents to p;iy for n winder Iibrolce in the pcbool-house, and I can't goffo 3un- ilny-Bchool till I fjet a new tat nhd pome shoes, and please ean^tl ba,ve a{g(iiarifrvdki gs J.flJ^.pic nic ]"' ^ &J^/Bb^ktrtar4on silent \yre%in- tered a ' flogging for the broken gbaas, negative fop tho picrnio, and - said ho would get the bootB and hit. Jfl^{l:bo.:tnrned. to go, but. ** lie pa'SiiSd" 'down "jtlte 'street' Ink 'six younger- ?lii}d.r.en japji! running after blrni- '4r-^'-: '" ' ' *' Oh, pa, don't forgot to stop and see if the old Umbrella's iixed, jnasays" -The' New Avlsiorracy. . ' Kphrnheni.-conu'toyer ninddor/ boy; Wlmr you hren V , 'I'liiyin' wit] do wliilo folks fhihiin." ' You is. liey t Soi> hyar, ehylo, you'll bioke yor old'inmldei'.s bruit, an' tii'iing. her groiy lt.-iirs in the gruvo wid yer rOekluninoss uii' carryns on wid ovil dRspyanlionN. llubn't T visi.'d you up in '-bo wny you sboulil'oiigut'tOjgi)]'- ' Yenuini.' '-Habn't 1 bin kino- an' t<3iidei' wid yon, an' treated you like my ono chile, wbiub you ia.JV 'Yekhuin.' imtev'l dotcctot* \un' jjavdtMin tV do law V j I ' Yotbum.' -, ' Well, dou, do yoii s'pose I'ho gwino to hub yer iuo;da vuptund by do whito trash? No suh 1 Uut in do houso dis instep ; u' if.I ubojr cotoh you 'utunioatiu' wid do white tiiih uny uui', fo' Lord, nigger, I'll broke yer blnok head wid a brick.' . IItiOA(.ut. I*>oplo who suffer much from haadaoko will do well to ascertain wbetKer it may not arise from shortsightedness, or far sightedness, or other defeats in tho eyes which cause continual irrita tion to tho uervea, -Rolief froui frtKjuent and' snvero headache is somotiuios obtained"' by wearing, spectacles suited to the eye of the HiiCferor. . f To lvEKi' Kucs, -Xtttk'ii a solu tion of boriix water, a hoaping tea- spoonful of pulverUod borax to > pint of boiling Vuter'; let it stand until the solution Iwcomcs wrm, but do not allow it to get so cool that the borax will crystaHzo ; dip- the eggs ipiickly thun ; ke*p in >< cool jilacu the borsx will crystnl iza around tbo egg, tliorofore ki-ci out tbo air andpreservo tho egg. ^-------- ' It is saidthat tho salaries of the Ottawa civio officials ard to be' reduced, Jok Billinga Btya ;'-< Tho mewl is a larger^bird than tho guse or turkey. If' has two - legs to walk with, and two mora to kick with, and wears its wings on the side of its head. A North Carolina man has in vented a new spark-arrester, just as though tho old man yelling down stairs to the girl to oonie to bed] and asking if that paphead intends to stay for breakfast wasn't offoc tire enough, , - -fr-While Mr.' Shires.and a gang of men w blasting a rock in order to lower a mill-raco,, ut Washego, Ont., *bout nino feet from tho surface of the ground they came across whaMs supposed gold ; it appears to bo plenti ful in tbo rocka. - j - ^The consumption of horsefioah in Paris, begun during the reign'of the Coratnuno, is steadily increas ing. During tbo past nix months of the present year tbo butchers who deal in meat of this kind kil led ,5,283 horses, donkeys, and mules, while daring tho 'first half of 1876 only 1,4.22 were killed, Tberp aro moro. than fifty shops deroted to the salo of this meat. A cotton spinners' striko ia imminent in ihe Bolton district of Lanc;ishiro, Unjust an agreement between the masters and operatives is reached by Friday, ten thousand of tho latter will bo on striko, the majority of the number beinjj un connected with any union, and therefore not entitled tp any assist- anco from- tbi3 quarter wbilo put of work. Old Mr. Niinn, of Caledon, died very suddenly on Saturday, 18th irist. Ho bad been in the garden doing a Jittle Work, and wbilo Mrs. Nnnn vras preparing tea/he went into bis bedroom and biydown upon tbo bed. When tea was ready they went to call him, when ho was found to bo dead. Jfis remains were interred man ought to lirljvJiiH noigk- tn.' can. " atop at tho dentists and'see on the following Monday. Ho was when he can .fill my teeth.*'^. i -. 'i Bring my shoo homo from" tho shook|r50' Vc. " fifif safi be; jsure and tell the tJoptorTo <x>me today and vaecin- ato the baby!" . ! . " Pap ! Kin I go swimmin' in -JLwk.Ay^ kriipk,, tq night-?" ,v. ' "^Vk. oh;p'!"vBifl)mo fare "emits on the street carsj" ^And Mr. T^rpistinoTfcp^i -went "down town and amazed Fred"Scott by telling him tb cut him ofTabout thirteen feet of \yater-pipe; on the - bins, and he asked Sir, Parsons to let him have eleven dozen skeins of cotton batting and send him" up a man with a tin 4'pper he told Dr;.-(>chi-ap, th;B dei^isf, to come righl&iplttd alf-the'fbaby's teeth, and begged tho doctor to hurry right away and put a half sole on tbejBchopl-house window, and then ra& to the shoemaker's and osk- ra-iy|)ephad va'cginatei) Iijb little girl's shoe, uinazed' a' street car driver by at>king birn^ for a bath ticket, and whei> tbo man cume round with the oatlojiks-^iid-diji-. net he tojd hirn to ^tir^c-4>hehr-ujr and lay them \n the front hall, the girls wou)d show biro where, And ' by three o'clock in "the afternoon i^jbaflgS-t lf roiyidtown tbat Mr. ^rocltmdrlon' v/jia dririkih^ as bad as ever again, and hidn'C drawn a sober breath all day'. Burlington H$$U% m Z.UA' I^ittlo tningis^ should, nofc be de- H>iaed. The little toe is tb small est on the foot, but it always Ua8 the largest corn- one of the first settlers in Caledon, was a great si>ortsman in bis young days, and had many a story of tbo ebasp in after'years to relate, " A Mr. Bliss and his family, who have of latb been creating a great excitement^ in Philadelphia by exhibitions qf spiritualism, have been exposed. The representations of the "departed" including a wide range,.; varying from one, " old Molly McCarthy" to tbo shade of " Captain Davis," These, however, were found "tq bo all personated by. members of the Bliss :family, and' in tho cellar were'discovered the disguises by \ybioh it was effected. Blids iH said to have been |nakjng: not_ less that thirty dollars per night." ? . The Biblp hc|d up by Mr, Glad stone at the Caxton (Jojr.uhftp as "the climax and' consummation" of the art of printing was printed at Oxford, bound in I^oridon, and delivered at South Kensington ex hibition" buildings literally within 12 consecutive hours. The book was printed,- not from stereotyped plates,'" n'B" bag been erronisously stated by gome of the morning papers, but from movable type, get up a long timo ago and not used for year*. -The printer^i^ommen.ced to_tnako their: preparations aooji after midnight, and tho printing actually oommenoed ' at % a, m..; the sheets wero ardficialjy dried, fbrwdrded to%ohdo'ri|'folded, rolled, collated, sewn, subjected -to hy draulic pressure, gilded, bound, and taken to South Konsingtop i before 2, p. m, Advice (rnt)H. Kf cry man ought to jmy his dvbtt, if lie ran, Kvoiy bur, if In Kvery man -ought-to.get married, if ho ojuj. Dvoiy man aliuuld do lit'x work t-oBilit liiu customors, if he can. Every wife should nloaao her husband, if aha e(Ui. : Every wife should sometimes hold liur lougue, if she utu. Kvery lawvor should aoiiietimes toll ttio truth. If ho uiui. Kvury inau aud woman aboutd minil tliwir. ouu busiucts ami let othor peo- ploy olouo, if Uiuy can. j ' ------------- -------i-------- /DlAMOXD UUT DUMOSID. A IS wyer driviug along a oouutry road askod a woiuiin who was wulkingni tbo samo direbtion whioh way bo bad to turn to l-oach B------. Tho woman gave him instructions, and added that sho was going in that direction, and would point out the way, ' All right, good wonitui,' said tbo lawyer,? jump, up; batter bad company than none.' Aftor jogging Bonier' miles further, tbo wo- l.iuu descended and thanked him for tho drive; ' Have I much fur ther to go orb I reach tho B road V asked tho limb Of . tbo law. ' Oh, you "; aro past it two or throo miles back/ was tho answer,' but as I thought bad company better than none, I brought you on !' A Canadian family of twelve children at Euglewood, Tex., huB 288 fingers and toes, though the two parents belong to tho ordinary ten-toed species. Each of the chil dren baa aix toes on each foot and tlvo lingers and a thumb ou each hand, and school teachers' who euduavur. to illustrate tho decimal hyi.ti-ui by sotting* thorn, sums on their tiu>'ot iiijd thomselves nadlj ou', in thoir reckoning. "How much do yox ax for twenty three eent st.imps 1 dunno7" in- uuired Barney I)rumgoolo at the Post Office wickot. ' Sixty c*ul#," replied the erupier. 'lDon'ti[yer mako any reductbin at all for buyin' thira that wayT" "No.". "8ftyhalf a dollar now T" "1 can't mako any reduction." ' I'll give ye fifty cinta." "If you don't want to buy stamps at the regular price go away and make ioom for other people," said the official savagely. "Well, ye needn't get mad over it," said Barney, as he handed over the money.. '"Shure its-mighty shtitf an' struck-up like thiol Pott Ulliee people aro. Faix now, av some aft the people as have money wud stbart an oppositton Posht (JMUce an' bo more aocommodatin', they'd tako the holt av the business away from thorn,.bo Jhey wad." ONTM SEPTEMBER% 1877. ; Of Every Other Store by THE GOLDEN LION OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE Has from its very beginning beon a complete success, but we will now, for a few days only, mako a special effort Which will completely plaoev- - in the shade all inducements ever before oflored. j Kvcry ono aoknowledgos that our stock,1s throo times as large as any other in Uuelpii. It must ho reduced, lor our senior partner is now in the Old Country buying now goods. How i4 thiB to be done ? ;We intend to do it not by offering a. few linds piooe meal, but by selling I ' OUR EJNTIRE STOCK AT C<I)ST, And nil Summer Goods at Hall Cost Price, y Two Weeks. JJnglapd and (heaa)ewill I and don't forget them. SILES, SILKS, SILjKS, SIIJKS AT 50 CENTS A YARD. f1 This will only Last for Wo shall thou bo receiving our new gooila from . close. Now,, than, for a few particulars. Read thea Over "one hundred patterns, purc_Silk, choice colors, at fifty cents,* yard designs, moat fashionable There 'U--ootUing in <iuolpb ot the the prico.' ' i same quality, at anything near Grenadines, Muslink and French Lawns, The nicest materials over, worn in summer, JUST B O-EJ-CsTTS .A. "ST__BI>. Those goods astouuh eroryone, find are being bought up ft hundred yardi at n limo. Come in before they all go, The Choicest Kid Gloves, 50 cent- a pair. Magnifieont Sash Ribbon-, 26 oents a Tarasole, great bargains, The grat Slaughter of all, however, OUR MILLINERY HERB NO OFFER IS. REFUSED. And hundred and hundrods of JIati, trimmed and untrimmed, scoro* of Summer Suits, Mantles and Jackets aroj going just for any. thing tboy will bringl yard, only a faw 1< ft ia being made This is 9 (zreat Don't '<-The Lion" cannot he touched I for Cheap i!oodi-*c* let it pass by. J. D. WILLIAMSON & SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AQTOIT FREE PRESS, 0ly $1 a Year In Advance, Ouelpb, July 18. 1877. .in POST OFFICE _A.CTO_CnT The subscriber having again gone into the grocery business would in. timato that ho has alwayB a full line of goods grocery bouses, -fresh, and of the best quality, usually kept in fir i ;uch as TEAS. Blacks Finest English Breakfast Conguo, Souchong, Oolong, KloworyOrange Pekoe. Guuuxs Moyune Gunpowders,- ! Silver Leaf (lunpowders, Moyune. Young Hysons Uucolored Japans, I Imperials, Twankays Our teas aro all selected for their -uperior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. .-" ~ ! COFFEES.' Our stock comprises the beat grades Of Old Government Java,- Laguayra, . i Maracaibo, and Rio. Roasted and ground, daily, on the, thus retaining all the natural aroma ad flaver of the berryi COCOAS _ND CHOCOLATES. Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate, pp'a Hommopatbio Cocoa, Monjer's' Chocolates, SUCrABH. Refined, in Loaves, Cat Loaf, ! Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, Extra C English Kenned all grades, Demerara, Porto Rico, Amber, Chewing, Honoy aa4 Syrups. Standard X0BA0C0E3. Smoking, Cigars. ' F-VOITS DEIED. Valencia Raisins, Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel, Kuttanas, Seedless, 'Vostizza Currants, Black.Patras do. In cases selected Do. do. in bbls., Eleme Figs, French Prunes, Tunis Dates. 'Then goods are the finest exi ported, QA1T.TED FBTJ1TS AND TEO-S. TASSSS. Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries, Succotash, (Jreen Peas, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes, W.STEWART* CO Have oommeoopd opening their New Imjpojrtations And In a few dks will show the Snest atoolc 6f _ . FIRST CLASS C00D3 submitted for ins peotion in G uel ph. Special efTdrU hire bean made to '. M^aawBit Drui Good*, .Spring Jacket*. - Mantlet, Costume*, Kid Glf>vet,Howry, Luu, I/u* Our taint. Sheeting, and Mourning Good*,' OUR COTTONS wert ll ooBtn|*(l tor before tb recent; adraoc*. Custo_ra wdl bar* the baaafit. *=* ' i- n Clotba and Tw*l, Praia Sbiria, TlesiJSollars, _-., titook of felt Hat., Are partlaularfy Inviting (a styles and prJ_0. | WM.Ls?TBW.ABT k CO. *umimm fluolpb, March CO. OA2T2TSS O00DS. t class 6,1877,- 8oW wholesale W|<taj^ '-t Jolin BookawHer,! Burrowes' Pianoforte **-afa^-:r Jousso'a Musical CaUcW^ k,:Sj: Cfefke-f New Method fe^fti^ Huntoir'a.ParAo m,i- Howe's nnaornS BiahardBonfaTfa, -U^'^^: Gitte's Parlor Or^t;^ - vl*.'. Silver Wreath. (Voe^t).' ff"" 10 different Murioflodit "A Big;: 'r .-" cheap iwwrm Qtfc_ K--bH* of W; r- $999 -^Aa the bat ,. ., ,w-k: __. daxD dollars s torifaw loeaMtie., Harei-_oiw__^' Btulnetr pte^uat aa4 "I ranjiSi reo> men. and bo; men. We w: Outfit free. The v-rf-in" frUan aDyiblikc eUcv V~ pnnse. ot HtftlDt foa< Wru>an_-e. P tgeir sons aoddsu-aurs, aafL fn net-4 of pa/lnr work aMta-_L_ writ* tn -is, _*d 1-m<_nti_-_ once. Nov Is ifae'ttsa-, Adlrett Tsus i Cd.,*_,r T (be W.rkUc^CUH.-lft M j* jrepared lo furnUn 11 Wai-~ r t f>t jB m ploy mnt si ttfO*. t_* Ihe CiBte, or lor u-lrii__i -- Huslnej. oew,llfbtaikargatoj^-, r oi. if rlibrr<b-z e-4lTr _Jta_A : ents to fS per rTenta* aMantwrifaT - at -urn by devour^ tirfr wholeii7* t the bivlne-s. &?*** !tMH+61 ha* men. JbU all Vboi*U. nolle- maf i-JliS ihe business-We rnakcUtl" uawiatU , oa-r: Tn sarb A- n n4 IrsllMMUin wjll send one dotlsr U>Mff<9\hlt&b at M-rU-ine Fll parl.lcii.r.T i^S, - or:h -rcrfti doilam loiatoiianiain t on, alulra copy of U,-a*--mFfairi^e,i at the liiv si and brM tllo-bttrffit L ' eaUoiiKj all rent free by msiL- fmiU, K )-im want rerrpanrnt, proOUbU <-t, -addreu> CXniiiOB. Slusc-Cir*_ra*,-i. - T3EIB FREE PEBSS CnllfornlalSaltnon, Portland Lobslcr-, * renc-li 6 nrdlnpc, Covo Uysten', Kresh >Iaekcrel. euro- Ijams ana Bacoa. dfcooie and Battop. - Eurnott's' Extracts & Sssances. Tho F net Goods Manufacturied. Bb&vs cf all __tda. Picltlos a*i- Sauces. C'roHBo A I: lack well's, Mixed l'loales, CIiowcIidw, I'iceallli, MiiBliroorii drftsup, John Bull Sauce, Loa <k V irrlnV iVorche-tersblroSauc*. Tomator,,t-up. Favorite do., : do, lorkshl*e Itollsh, Kreucli Mmtorl, FA'lllTAOEOtTS MOBS. Carolina I ice. Arracan Rloe, t'oarl Ha ro, Rio Taplnca 1'carl Barley, Corn Meal, Oatmjeal. n.SSBST PBTJITS Curranu.' .'alencia. (irancei, Mi-Bslna Uoraorn, Pineapple-, Tim|- Dates, Bordeaux Walnutl, Pllbe rt*, Almotut.. BIB0UIT3 ft OOUTBOTIO-TEET. Arrowroot, Wine, Soda, Abemeth; K Cream, Lemon, Butter, Boston, Uralinn, Oyster cracker, New Ynrk-Olnser not-. Ginger Snaps, '. Candles aiilSweoimoats of all kll Cbeeie, Batter, g-j'-, Hops, OR00KERT. 14i. China Seb. White Stone 8.U, , Figure 1 Stone Sots, Chamber f oti. Tei Plates, Bow'js. JelUesL '-. flauara. Bakers, And a full line of other klnd)i. Mill PariR, Cream CrooXi, Butler Crooks, Jugn, FloworPblsl Ae. Tumbler* Lam it the manufacturers' prices. 0L-_SS"WA1-E. Goblets,- , , liainp Olasses. Oil bs Plates, Ola*- Sots, Fruit Jars, 4<i, dp. Tubs, Bopf s, Wl 1'uruei: Vail Papers aadVlttlow- Ji i groat. va^letyiTJaheap. ^ISOEI-LAiTEOtrS, " Palls, BroornB, j "suboarrts, Brusfi'os, 4o,k . to and WVoden BasketV. Dye 8tm .. Stationery, ftchool Books "" " s.3oho<: BUads . . Wallets. Behool Bass. Spictacles, VUollas. .' Violin Strings, Briar Pipes, Fancy! Goods, Combs, Ax Boneleufl ^Codfish, [Herrings, OyBters 5i can aha bulk-.i-j Pwides many other artlclesin season, not here mentioned, |_^"Cheap for- Cash or Trade. Acton, J una, 1877. Conveyancer, Com. in Q. B., Issuer Insurance Agent, &c,. ' . JAMES MATTHEWS. of Marriage Licensee, Ao, i*ason. PRINTING HOUSE To Merchants and o^her Business Men m Acton, as well as throughout the 9ounty, the Free\Press is an invaluable Advertising . fModiuin. V"'-,' vV:': Ou? Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all klc-U et fooA CQf>i EA K i n'-. tl-WfK-'f ' j .v. i ?: \ ., 7 r -..' ...-' totd'-^ihK^ "? Styllsl- Bneary a-r-SMiU-^h^ ."V .....^"i^lfl*^^;^-" lam making up> ^"J^tH^i {.resent season, frcj-B,t^.l.r Call and See our\i_____ -Now is' a gM"0^*^> bargaini. ....."- ;' " "" _."',;- Stoif* attention/B*|;tf-- : aorie-Bidelnr *; w*-^*** :. BftitSJaf^J,^-'-'.^.-.-. Acton, Feb. ^6,10..^; \..itf?^_ ?001f AND JpB PRINTING^SISsMl etherert-^ntM*e^31_Jji - At lease few-ar^'i&JJi Enable uMe turn ont work equlal to anything done in the cities. \%TEBTBmV' tfMAIBID.EI Di ; For the ^ - **** i Wabatarv BnabrK fotn-paa'sof ", *M--_ vA***.p^'-SS'5'a ajrpaDM. . r W-tt*Tto r-spondln,- egleer. ,m' exists, ha* tttxltiimi'mM' Upoax-r l-rthM-Wpl them, are Uiose-pt Middle, 8ontm T weptv^lh"> * _,, - STATE fH*^1^?^ : The' Btat* of ^ *^"*5S ^iVtlte^8^-^! tok- all lifSefebnlaV . The Slate' -^ -. . _, her 8dlioo7.-n^^, j**M**F ^T^Siate ofC*ta-^<^g5 vision tor her h^n*4i__,e**_K y5EoMw>B purobased for "Pf'-'-ff T oo-rotie- aiid tow*"- What better l,s Book- --_.-_2a Pubusbedby^ - ' 49 sprt -v; 11

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