Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1877, page 3

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CK (be paSoi r* *WKiv:" Kxcmuu kCBXJlASSf. Ifficcs *?css> > l!^M*o>trt*> THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT.,| AUGUST 23, 1877. pi warn aMspfrJisesi ,' |aar*,oaDT*eaala5r~ lesTl Jkssef T.wattS >ta MM*' LrafAUi, - x-*. Ivatatrav , " reDaAi.1*. : - <* ,** fte'eVai%s*s. iM* as ft Si! Trains leave Acton as follows : 9.10 a.m. 1.57 p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7:07 p.m. 3:38 a,in. 9:r0e.m. 11:34 a.m. 10:10.v v OOiKO' Xlg%t Kxpree. halt nixed rtotfca sxsr. t Express _ sused : . - ~- Weftera ml ~ Lofciie mi**J - - - HlW iDVBBTISBMBNTa T^ Hotace Tbomja Ebbeg*. Oatario Saddlery Robt. Creech. i Property for 8*1* ia Acton. ilMM MATTIM. [Those tif our patrons who r seibt*d to this office will greatly efcliftCasby payutff&p aa wl]ru- venieat, aa we ere very much in need *f U> otoooy. ^ - _ ^ . Two big bears and two dirty akJrna, uurnd the children yesterday with their street antic*. Bojs eu make urore money driving pigs to pomnd than they can in . The voting on tha Dunkin By- bw isf Torxto,-wap abandoned yetter- da/, afternoon,; the majority, at the dose being about 1160 against the Act. JJP" Subscribers to tha Free Paxas 'who have .sot' yet paid .this year's sbeeription are respectfully reminded, that it is necessary to do ao without de lay, if they wish to take advantage of the.,advance-price. If delayed mnch longer, tw shall be reluctantly compelK ed to' charge the credit rates. Please' remember it U one dollar only when paid strictly in advance. 10O Hop Pickers Wanted at Jamas Matthews' Hep Yards on Monday next, the 27th inst. Hops are good, and new bushel basket* to pick in. Mr. Wm.j Campbell pulled six acres of peerlast week oa the farm of Mr. John Anderron, in leas than a day and "three-quarters. ' He wants to kfiov ' Who can beat thai i" - A base ball "match was played is Georgetown yesterday-between the ifotoaJi of Acton, ana the Juniors of Geergeio'wn, The score we* 14 to 15 in fsrotiof the Juniors. ~ " Tieihop crop/in_ this vicinity is said to be. excellent many of the yards tar exceeding in quality and ^quantity the' yieId'~of any season for tht put ktend years. Go to the Piwt Office Store for the best value in Tea, at 50c and 60c fer pound. <Jocd Currants for .*ie peir pound ; good Raises-for 7 c per pound. Sugars, 8, 8J, 9 and 10 pounds for a il. Other goods cheap. if correspondent withes s*~ to state that a social will be held at the residence of Mr.E. Ocherman, near Bqyae. in Trafalgar, on Tuesday even ing/Sib. int The public are cordially " invited to attend. 1 . There is-to be a Teraperanw! Picj-nie and Visas Meeting in- Milton Plessnre-gronnJ, on Thnraday, Aug. aXhfmit. Addresses by Rer E. H. Dewiirt, ofJToronto, Ber. B. B. Keefer, of. Hamilton, Joseph Gibson, of Inger- . sell soda, number of others. Speaking to begin at 1 p-.u Object to discuss the Ihiakin Act. All are invited. Those boys and young men who are in the habit of congregating in the evenings and at all hoars on Sunday at Mrs. Record's corner, are earnestly . sad With all due respect, assured that '1ttey frequently reader themselves a very great annoyance both to the public and to the property owneis in that Tidaity. Indies who are compelled to run the gauntlet of tha doable file of boy, and hare to submit to the slang sad vile resaarks that ars often heard, have very serious cause of .complaint, od tksy no 4oobt feel like callmgo*on the town authoritiea to protect them from the annoyance. We' sincerely roaithst the good sense* and moral - decency of oar young man will prrrail, and-thsc we will not again be obliged to rafar to this matter. t*n *e41eal. ^ r\. The terribly heary nuns of last weok haTe had the offset of almott entirely ruining tha greater part of tho spriuR wheat in this yicinity. Nearly all our farmers had thoir whole spring, crop standing in shocks whon the rains com menced,' and now the sheaves are most ly lying rotting in tho fields. Tho peas are to a great extent also in the same condition. Those who had sown largely of fall wheat and barley are very fortu nate this year, as both of these crops Were harvested in splendid condition. stasiaxas Fallare, The cloaii g of the large grocery and hardware eitablishment of Messrs. Se- cord Bros., is one of the many results of the " hird times," which we arc sure will be generally deplored*-by the peo ple in this lection of country. It is one of the effects of haviug ao extensively and liberally given long credit to thoir numerous customers durins the past four yoars thus allowing too large a proportion of -their capital to accumu late on their books in tho shape of un- collectable Recounts, instead of being able to rapidly turn it over and take dTantage of. the best ouh market*. As a consequence, they hare been un able for some months past to promptly meet their- liabilities. Some three months ago tho'y had a consultation with their principal creditors, and were then advised to make a compromise of about 50 cents in the dollar. Arrange ment* to this-cflect were being entered into, and a doed of composition was signed by all the creditors ; but owing to delay on tho part of the ~ creditors' attorneys, the matter was only complet ed a few days ago, thus preventing Messrs. Socord from procuring a suffici ent stock of goods to keep up their business. Finding the first payment would fall due in a. few weeks, with but little probability of their being able to meet it, they were compelled to de cline accepting tho proposed corapoai. tion. A writ of attachment was issued last week and the stock is now in the bands of the creditors. We foel snre the Messrs Secord have the confidence as well as the sympathy of this com munity, and we trust such arrange ments will be made that the store, will again be in, full operation in a very abort time." Bread reduced to 15 cents a loaf at Galloways bakery. Mixed Tea Cakea and Buns, fresh every day id great Tariety, at Galloway's Bakery. - The demand for Christie, Hen derson A Co.'s famous 50c Tea still in creases. They sell it in 5 ib. lota at 45c, and give 10 llis. of sugar fur $1. ood loaf of bread is at Galloway's Bakery. If you feel yon liaye new! of a new Felt Hat we advise you t<> feci your pocket fur a dollar and call on Christie, Henderson A CV>., who feel warranted in saying that they can supply you with a t'<lt for that figure that will make yon tnd- delighted. These Felts are a decided bargain, being so cboap that a person scarcely feels the cost of a Dew Felt, besides their style and finish is such that a person can feel he has a Felt equal in appearance to his neigh bor's without feeling that he has felt' too deeply in his pocket. These Felts, like their famous uOc Tea, are bound to feel their way into every house in which their superior value has not-been felt . j. _ eaUsSry. 8. L. Peer, Dentist, will visit Acton on the first Thursday of each month. Office at Agnow's Hotel, j O. T. HILL. : Mill Street. ACTON. :' ' r DEALER IK Groceries, Owokary, i .- : BMts * ShOU, Will *psi, / WlttdOV Blinds, flails, MM., l*tttty, IfinieodOll, . i Paints. Turpentlns. Coal OU, Salt, stc, 411 of which will be said low for cash BOOTS and SHOES Selline; off at eost. Also agent for the ' RUBBER PAINT COMPANY , Of Cleveland, Ohio. .1-' -;' ;.' ' Cash for Hides. Xc^on, July 18, 1876. f .Ts tne Werlilas Wo are now prepared to furnlBii all cliwres with cou- suu t employment nl home, tho whole of Hie ttmc, or lor their spare mr.mcnis. BuslneM new, ll^it and prontublr. for- sons cf eliht-r sex eaully earn Irom 50 cents to go per * Venlng, mid a proportion al sum by devoUng\tnrlr whole time to the buslhots. lioys and girls earn near) v as mnch as men. That nil who Bee this nolle may send their oJdroif, and test the business we mako this unpnraneled oft*r: To such as arc not weUsatlsned we i will Send one dollar to pay-Tor the trouble of writing. Fall particulars, rumples laorlhseveral dollars to commence work on, and a copy of Hume and h'lrrslde, onr of the" ianestand best IIiutrrted Publi cation*, all sent free by mall, rtcader, li r*J want rermanent, profitable work. addressO>0BQK 8tiso4Co.,Portland, Maine. . 8TiK8o4CajPorHi iU. P. ROWITLI, 4 SEND 2.1c. too. P. ROWrM,!, 4 CO. New York, for Pamphlet of 100 poire, containing lists of S0Q0 newspapers,an tlmaU<S4<howlnceoatnra<1<emRloc. LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Hold wholesale and retail by John Anderson , Bookseller, Gualph. Burrowes' Pianoforte Primer. Jouise's Musical Cateehism. Bertlni's New Method for the Piaao. Clarke's New Method for the Piano. Huntpn's Piano Forto School, Howe's Piao.without a Master. Riohardsoh's Now Modern School. Qitse's Parlor jorgan. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 100 different Muvio Books. 7 A Big Dlsoount on all MUSIC BOOKS At ANDERSONS CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East side of Wyndham Street, GTTELPH, It* N CONSUMPTION CURED. " sikIj ror iht ipKdj itid pcnninmt ru% a* Conniption, J.IIi.m, llronehtti*, Catarrh, RiiSSKiy^nV'*1 CJ." '". .Knrtms De- tsf taoros UfAorosiblr Intrd iu wnndVrful csrstlri p*wi l uiotusrdi ex ntn, mil 11 hit suit to task. It known to hi. oRkrins ftllrfwt. Arts, ftltjlftr Ihn rect|y,itf iron*rUnt!oud2iri_ls or "" VMS Mmp, amstiBc OtU sr. _ 1 . C. STEVENS. P..r. BOIH, BsotMlLU. OsT. "TZAVfTS ssssrlni. as IU-srs4 Frtap: l^!?i*Jfiil," -M *"!' ". O.U rrrlw. k THAT WONDERFUL. MAN. re ^ m TRADE MARK THE GOLDEN MAN. OUR SPECIALTY SALE ;-#toiBSi'^ Don't fail to secure a ." IT E A T S TJ M k E R D TJ S T E a Has proved to be the Greatest Success of the Season, And w may add that it has stimulated ns to renewed efforU to place be fore the publio Special lanes of Goods each week 1 /During the Remainder of the Season At prices that must command tho attention or every intending purchaser. The greater portion of lh goods that we have been offering this week ha? been sold, only a few of the higher prices in Costumes, Putters and Skirts remaining, these will be cleared oat at a STILL GREATER REDUCTION. At nearly^ne half the original, price. Wje.wjll offer next week fashlonabfe and seasonable goods. - White L,co s iripoMoslins atl2J centa, formerly 20 cents. White Lice Slrlpe Mluslinsat 15 cents, fortner'.y 30 centa. White Check Stripe Muslins at all jmoeg. " -v White MarseiUesI2i cents, wonderful ralaeV Black Plain Grenadine. - -. .j :. Black Check Grenadine. ' , Black batln Stripe Grenadine. '- Black Check pier and Wool Grenadine, beautiful goods. Patronize the most ^nterpiflina: store ia Guelph. / JdHH HOGG & SOW, I I Alma Block;, ITpper Wyndham Street, Guelph^ ,fu}y 24, 1871 1 Christie, enderson \ id. n ir r iWlirilKl Whan by moonlight real They slyly stole away. Did T K stole a Steel _ ,Ordid Steel stole a T K ! The trustees of the Bafjtist Church have about 26 wooden benches with baefa, lately need in their chapel, which they offer for sale at a reasonable price. Apply to Mr. John Walters. fce C^aaryTssestct Scfcees. We- notice that the Milton School Board have resolved to accept the nomi - aation of theu; aehbpl to serve tempor arily ss the Conatw Model School, m f*i they are. Mt required to famish additional accommodation or provide ether tserhsTathao thoee atpreeent en. CjamisaL Assault. The >il- Ugoj of lldextoD, on the L. H. &.; B. R-, iwas on -Saturday thrown into a 'great state of excitement throueh the report that a ciiminal asaau'.t had been attempted, by one Robert Neil, on Arabella Jane Paisley, daughter of a fanner rif" siding in the neighborhood. Neil was speedily arrested, and late in the evening he was brought to London, no fewer than three wag gon loads of men and women, thoroughly indignant at the wretch, r -accompanying him. . The prisoner was. committed for trial at the Fall Assizes. The Latest Swikdlb. A ped- dler calls at a house with a fine lot of articles, which he offers at ruin ous sacrifices. H makes a sale and goes his way. The next day two men drive up Co the house with printed bills, giving an accurate-ac count of the robbery of a certain store, and claim.the property as stolen. This the unsuspecting vio- tim is led to believe, when he gives up the goods and the swindlers de part. V , ':..:'. .'-. Enormous Reduction in Prides. Tho Grand Cheap Clearing Sale of the Season NOW GOING ON AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST g-ttieijIfih:. END A. t J7 lean recently 'wiQj Ittietr 'saaenine, at the ^Heaes' ef sir. Wi- P. Brown, 346 hW*of wheat and.fK of barley, be- " 20tt.JbjuheU in.'a Uttle ever eight oars.. And 00 the following day, at ^rid*nc^Mr.Alaxlfaown,Qef tor**i)btheU of wheat and 2*9 et**kr:ia}em than ten bonrs. ^'aais. _ Wsa. Predge, Bobert Mc^ ^' any *d Hugh Beod, of Nassaga- W*T*,' started from Aetoa' Monday at-. J?0*** for Manitoba, by way of Col- ff^isod, Lake Superior and Dulnth. yhey^grf on a prospecting tow, and if i!?^*^** csaawtry- wffl probably taft^lsni; '-They expect to be absent **? weeks. Entire stock of Silks, Poplins, etc., reduced to 30 per cent. Entire stock of Fancy Dress Goods reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Plain Dress Goods reduced 20 per cent. Entire stock of Costumes reduced 50 per cent. 'Entire stock of Shirts and Shirtings reduced 30 per cent. Entire stock of Shawls and Mantles reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Laco Shawls and Jackets half price. Entire stock of Trimmed Millinery reduced to half price. Entire stock of Untrimmed Goods reduced 25o each. Entire stock of blowers, Frathers and Wings half price. . Entire stock of Small Wares regardless of cost. Entire stock of Cotton Goods at mill prices. , . Entire stock of Shirtings, Tickings, etc., cost price. . ' Entire stock of Tweedsjkt cost price. Entire stock of Coatings at cost price. Entire stock of English and American Prints, cost price. -Entire stock of Table Linens, cost price.' Entire stock of Flannels, coat price. ~- E'ntire stock ef Underclothing, cost price, mfj- Our entire stock has been reduced and will be sold. We are determined to clear ont every piece of goods if prices will do it. Intending purchasers will please remember Tbe Grand Clearing Sale of the Season. ner These Goods must be Sold. "* A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Mantle Establishment. Guelph, July 4,1877. I FRESH ARRIVALS. * The-value of the silk* stolen from CLaxton <fe Co., Montreal, has dwindled down to $4000. .i ^The contract for the new Methodist Episcopal Church, Orangeyille, has been let to R. Bewail for $6,000. < The silk monufaciurers at Tnenton-entertain gloomy views of the trade prospects, anaV apeak of closing their mills entirely before long- j The London Telegraph, while' approving ef tbe emigration of pau per children to CAnada, says the wor*; should be under official direc tion and not left to individuals. , Not long since two gentlemen arrived at Bayfield, and- remained over night, who had come all the way from Toronto in a row boat. They had with them tenting'facili ties, and were on their way to Owen;: Sound. The voyage thus far bad been made without mishap, and -the "party" were in good spirits. BAST END F, CLOTHING STORE. The undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to their/JJn?er0UB patrons for tbe liberal support with which they have been fav*<1 ln tho past as members at the late Hrm of Dickson k McNab,.wou' "e8 'OaVe to call attention to their Which this year is larger and better assorted than eve assortment ot comprising a large TWEEDS Scotch, English /nd Domestic Manufacture The patterns are the choicest in the /*kel- Oar..s.U>ck In BATS AMTD (JBNTSV^^^SS^CtS Is well assorted and/loW Prio*8- !. .' . Cottons, frwt*,Md/'aple Dry Good& >S ; M'prices that cannot fail to satisfy ^ Wo respectfully invite an Inspection of our goods. , / FYPE & McNABv Acton,April 17,1977, " ' / V New Felt In all the latest English, Amer ican and Canadian styles, suitable for the early j ! S&ll Trade. Over 50 Stylos to select from, A sm^erior Pelt in style, quali ty, and finish for only $1. They show the^ very lastest at close cut prices. The MAMMOTH beg to aririouiice that they I have commenced their ' ' !- " AxizLual Summer Clearing1 Sale order to-reduce their immense stock before Stock-Taking, j :' ' ': - .. " GREAT BARGAINS WILL BE GIVJEN: ^^"^j0 Wl11 ^n*-e achoice ont ofono of the finest stocks ever unport- anything bat what is bonafide, you may depend upon getting the CHEAPEST GOODS YOU EVBJR^ SAW. I As we want money; we "/ill comnwrnse .-.v-l. Dress Coods at 5 cents',' worth 25 cent*. Prints aM cente. Cottons at 5 cents. . Shirtings at 10 cents, worth .20 centa. -j All wool Tweeds afc^Oc. worthJ$L Cofctonadea at 20^ worth 3rjc ' Bro*n Denims at 12J cents, worth 20 cents. t."" " Gents' Straw H^ts tobe' alaaghtered at a qnartarahd half, their prices.^ Beautiful Colore*! Silks at 55 cente, worth at wholesale $1.00/: Black Silk at 756, worth $1.25._ A Black Lustre *t 25c, ttmal prfce 50a Ready-made Clothing, great bargains to bo -gtveaWeffecta cieskthco.' MILLINERY & MANTLES AT HALF PRICE And a large lot of LADIES1 HATS at 5 and 10 cents each. ):: CARPETS at 10 per cent oil nflhf r ~.?J,2 :iu,najJ of a few articles and gives yoo a faint ide* ,Tnn^,!tfc?Jii,e?JCS0{1 m ?nCeS- Thii wil1 be tne MostSearching and , thorough Clearing Sale we have ever held. '., _ s .- T- , .-v.-,- . .,. ,. - .. . -*" ^ ?J!ko1? st^ k reduced, smd whoever will be kind enonah to call oa ua with their money wUl he amply repaid for their ^rouble. K The Sale wall begin on thefourth of .Juljf, Aid will continue one month from that day." Gents don'u forget our Ordered Clothing Tjlepart- nient and Gents'Furnishings " '- "We turh ont the HAadsome0t,'Chear>est and Best made Suits in the.; : '-" Great bargains will be given in the above Department likewise. Patronage Is BesTrectlHlly Solicited. JtAMMOTH. HOUSE, GEOBGETOWN. A new consignment of that FAMOUS 50 CENT TEA i just to hand. '. r- ">: -: ' ' ' 10 LBS SUGAR FOR ONE DOLLAR. CHRISTIE, HfiMDERSOM & CO, Acton, Aug. 15,1ST". July 3, 1877. FRBB1PRBSS PRINTING HOUSE. To, Merchants- and "olther Busibese Men in ' Acton,i:,'sbS "Well as throughout; the County,;, thfe Free Press invaluable Advei-tisir^g Medium. is an Oar- Unrivalled Facilities for Executing'all kinds of BOOK ANkD JOB; PRlKstm6 Enable us?to i.rfrn out work equal to snything d >ne in the cities, :-^-<- '1:1.

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