Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1877, page 1

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f&idmz** .j- aswrUP'- -"" JS^m^!^ E. ->^.<i.,ri aaau :ini !ir, 8*4t iestie 1 'Le- TAB. A -p:*, r!* III.No-S-WIioI*' No, 118 } / ACTON, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1877. | ISIt.OO per annam In Advance. -.- Ji ' BCSIXK** CA1WS. iVr H. lowbv. m: . >V_-" HURRAH! HURRAH! cS^^r"^""0"-f;r^2.* i best, photographs IMS. In tho UUlo, Ks>\. h, Cohvey- adii DREXBERSOX. ( safer, * . n'-*i> .Vaont Can iUA*arnffe- l\i. IV Ms, MorlsR>-*. rrPMI>r*<l ne.i'.l v, promptly correctly i oa rovnh'.i term*. Money to ,ul on Mortiico security COPYING & ENLARGING lv, promptly correctly i ^u a^ ^'s branches, in the best style of Office t D.-M\THESO>'. Attorney-1 ,1, at-uaw. SolicU'orta ChmiMTjr, jj.oae- Corner of M,ai6 aitaTOhurcQ jbmIs. Georgetown. ______ the art, done- on the shortest notice and at- reasonable rates. '", jHt>- i" splendid stock- of Mouldings an'A .Picture "frames kept ori hand Mill maiie to order. T. IF. COOPER, >:e tore. tolas- Oil. provincial L.axid Surveyor and - CiTiT^iigTneer.ljuelpti. , C>ri*rm by mall promptly frttepded'tr.." rdjl. LAIDLAW. W Atiofnoy-at-i-aw Barrister, s-.lienor In (>iiot#rj-, Ac. -<>fr!??s: Hnrallton, 10 Vaj-trei: MUloa.. Mln rnlrv^u Too tt:*ua OCU-tf will l>i' nnler :l:e ruwiit:^ .i:(JB.^.riti^J|!, x.ll Mr T.M.I. UT irtlT sTI-rul 'nt .e,"Milton Offlcp" t,Fr*ljrof>*'n waefc.' . - TTBJfRY L. insibinTe ite-vtor ns!S-:t ^,M-'.neis s:iir.: V.'.l^.f'-'.'r *' }< I".,' 5>oi*t<**^ * ------ URlkE, 1 it.i:\T,;iELrH. U : ! IV.itor^.x -- m!< caro vri'l oo '.>:!":-e :i'. P >> r.Je-r< - t.y mniV - vl.pall it solicited and yon will he convinced that this is the place to get photographs. - : Youh respectfully'; C. \V. HILL, - tcton. Dec. fl. 1S7S. ripRAYELERS Life and Accident INSURANCE COMPANY Or Hartford, i'oun. THKIONT (IIOUU. Seated one day at tho organ, I was vrehry ami ill at oaso, And my lingera wimdurcil idly : Over the noisy keys. I ilo not know what I wab pbyinR, t)r Svhat.I \yas dreaming tltun ; But 1 struck one chord of music, Like the sound of a great Amen. It flooded the'ernnson twilight, ' Like the close of nil angel's psalm. And it lay on my favored spirit - "With & touch of infinite calm._ It quieted pain ami sorrow, Like love overcoming strife ; It seemed tho harmonious echo I'Vom out iliacurdaut lifo. . It linked all perplexed meanings Into one perfect peace. And trembled away in silence As if it were loath to cease. I have sought, but' I seek it vainly, That one lost chord divine, .'That camu from the soul of tho organ. And catered into mine. jidelaidr Amie Proctor. Boforo sho sot on her journey, she waB warned of the danger that onvironod it; but bIio smiled, nud deduced that sho did pot fear thorn. tSho could enter the old houso through tbo kitchen, in tiro rear, find tho garment without a light, and return safely to her friends. The path she had ofton traversed was barely disccrnablo; but ahe made good headway, und reached lior' home without incident. The silence of the grave hung about the I forsaken place, and tho lifting of 'the latch sent a chill of terror tor ALICE BEAUCHAMPE. ii>.rfgl.I'i.:?'--P;i:7. ^ . TlUrVrtivf rp"?V a.:err l<o"m- i'oal nmce f'1'" ' ">rt. H.L.TTKAK5: P1. 1TEXTS for 'IX'VE.VTIOXS i-CiiaJi-in'j l" n:l<> 1 S;"a:e< ir. lEu"o;v, ,f.-M c->if->ntf-': r jo <-Hanro. ^<M(ff -i\.3t>* fiMtruct:o:.s.. Ag 'noy iu oper * Cr^' Of. .w.-v, Canadn, X-,iir!'.fia'. ni?'.'-^r, So-:=ltor of Pa . t,-ascl lasi!--.<mnn. -;i.'k*- /"./r . -io/i.-.vAv jj-ifi: i.-i.'A Capital.. jiroifciiv:: '<l-rs..... Gov- tf.00,000 w TIILLUI TVpLTRlXS, lusrT Wirrli;r X!rrtir' A OrtlflcnW" : 3-j*!r:r*:. ;>'!vj:e v-I r i.r..'.t-r.tlnl o;.-at t*> . iJl^nw.!!'.lani Cr..'.vUj . S/ CARIEK. ^1 T.-irBfr ef il'n!r, Dra* la: andfrenrb, ? , Ac: n. .-\MVE3 I.!Z!ER, \J .1:: n. wn:. - Ii>-.-ry T.*.:-::<' \-.l l' i 14:1-"^ lias. i,~'an'-. rf *^".^^lc '.c*r::i~. lnstrrer, -rj tl-m or . ^lioiie >'N 4.:*~i -.'.librae- A tTOifXOlR HILLS. li.-* fe' yi'OrCii N"; V>T~<;irt.'tori>. ' izr aril r*o-*I r.!^.-iy^ \>n ^r.n I, ^U-^lo- - ii"i"r/',".iV.",VifT'Jri5"iiri'I f.'inpp'.ns U.. Cfii "or itli tin^J? "f Ur in. Tlie Travelers U R STOCK COM PANY and writes Life Policies upon the Low-JJ.ite all-cash plan. No tin- cort.'iin t>roniises of impossible "ilii- ietid^," but a reduction of the pre mium at the outset; equivalent to ft H'dividend" in advance.. The Trav elers writes LiTe and Accident Foil- cies combined as cheap as most compnmes write life policies. It is the largest Accident Insurance Com- j-an.T in the world, having written 436.000' policies an'! paid in actual lull benciiu to ncc'ulont poliry holders alone over i?2 565 (Kin. An accident policy costs lint a trifle. No mesiic.i! elimination rerjuired. Get .1 po'.icy and share in the general b*u^iit. / O. F- RUSSELL., '; > District .Agen', S3-Ailealdc Street East, Toronto. \yiI>7>.\]RWlN, Special Agtnt. ."." This for tho gallant Fergu son!'" The foregoing five words had instituted a reign of terror in one of the loveliest districts of the Palmetto State a district watered by tho Catawba and Pacolet rivers and.their gentlo tributaries. In, tho month of September, 1870, Cornwallia detached the notorious Col. Ferguson to tho frontiers of North Carolina, for the ['ostensible purpose of encouraging the tories of that region to taku up nrnis for the king. Ferguson's force consisted in part of the most profligate and abano'dut'd characters of the partisan days, and his .'march !was-'marked by- atrocities of the most Miocking description.' Tho hardy men of the Caioliiuis,- Ken-' tucky, and Virginia, rose against the iniirau'ders, niid, led by Boone and other .backwoods woitliies, ijave them a'"dtcifive di'frat at King's Mountain. dow, and the cool winds of the night tissed tho pallid tsh'oek'-'oifi the partisan's" dii(ightor. 'For a moment slid tried to' pioroo the darkness.beneath tho window ; but, failing in her Biideavora, sho orept OTer tho sill, resolved to trust to. fortune for success. The distance to the ground was not great, and the daring girl alighted without injury. ' Now she wns' free to mnke lior escape to tho friends she had lately, loft; but immediate flight in. that direction was not her intention. ' Heaven aid ,mo !" she murmur tho young girl's heart. Through \ er] B8 sho glided Taround. the old li.-5!r iflOVSt, Actoni S- <i. T- ll:i\ v:iyS:.Ti:i!', rim'jjii""*"n f'Ttlifthw^- D1>HI\TOX HOTEt, Acton, z~*\Wil*l I* Uiur I tin "in qrst-fSaj** ftrl .wttti tic" farnlturt*. Corpmerrial Trareiler^ wi land cfl ncmmiiothiioi) i^lerjjgjnoiloa- -Sa^npro Jfc'jorn*:;"Special *t-Si!on pal i t-n th.** vrirnLfi o* t^ie iravt-l- 3.13(5 Licensed Auctioneer Fartbe Counties of Wellington uhd Hal los. "Orders 1-ft at the Kbee I'kkss 03-e, Acton, or at mx r^^Wence, In ?Mck\rry*l. will be promptly atteoilei' to^ Terrsf'teuobutfle- ' =. : " '"'-. g ea6> etc. akro P :TROttdiE ciiAPsay, Pra^i^ Bo0k"biiider. AH t|pi^rtpWn of:' Blndingr ^-v^lT-^^- the kitchen, across the desorted parlor, and up the stairs, Bhe crept to the room where she had. left the object of her nocturnal ^uest. Tho drawer of the old bureau yielded without noise, and Alice was draw ing forth the garment when the voices of men fell upon her ears. Sho started, droppud her prize, iand with her heart in hor throat crept to the window that overlook ed tho porch in: front'of tho house. Sh'o could see nothing, for the night-was too dark ; but tho voicca of men, mingled with the champ ing of bits, coutinuod to salute her ears. " That is old ' Beanchampe's house," said onp. "It has beOn deserted for several days. The daughter, frightened by tho man ner in which wo treatod the father, has fled somewhere for protection." The words drove every vestige of color from' the listener's face ; they.told her who the men below were, though sho could not see erim tho outlines of their persona One week prior to her risit,- her father, ono of King'B Mountain "heroes, was found dead in agmlniet- to grove, and the words offFurgu- eon's Avengers lay ori-his>breast. Then she i.had deserted hefc home, knowing that the hand that had struck the father would not spare tho daughter. Well might the girl tremble ] when she found herself so near the FergUion was slain in the buttle, and ; his fellow foni^ci'P, miinUiint; aVmt tine hundred, wrfe nearly nil cijituriil- i dreaded'scourges of tho counts, Si. LI VERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALL AX' t^afees p'.easnre in announcing to tlie 'public generally that He is prepared to furnish. ' . First-elass Horsc3 and. Carriagos At ReafODable Kates, HIk Rlirsand Horses are the best that can t>Aln^ef, n.nd lie is determined not 1^> hi-Rurpiisse'l hy nny city stable. Acton- Jul v 1-st. IS". AkvwI BoohA of all Kindt Jfciile'to Buline Promptly Attended to. DAY SHOWS THE LARGEST ' STOCK OF Biswrav ,St. Georgd's Sqnare",- Gucpl " sftOriers" the FnpE Press Office yriil receive prompt attention. WALL or killed. Tiiis conflict revived tho hopes of tlie Southern patriots" and forced return to Charleston discouifi.tted and cast down. " We hhall ha've rest now," the jiatriots said, after the battle. " Ferguson, the dreaded, is dead, and the few torica who escaped with their wretched-, lives uro not strong enoui;h to harm." Everywhere in the vicinity .of tlie battle-field the Americans breathed fi-eer. and the loyalist in whose interest Ferguson had march: od to his deuth, curbed'their loyal ty, and in secresy swore revenge, j But the settlements were soon to learn that the victory of King's Mountain had nerved the arm of a foe more terrible than any which they~ hail huuerHo'fciiowfr. The existence of the' new terror, was discovered -by n boy one morn ing about a fortnight after the battle. 'He found the family of Archibald" Mettson murdered in their own house^and to the corpses'] had.been pinned a pnper bearing -these words : . " This for the gallant Fergu son'^ J 1 iThis terrible atrocity aroused the country, and the excitement was quickly heightened by .the finding of the body of another murdered patriot. On Hid cold breast, which; had been pierced, by pistol balls, was the pallid paper and hs .words of terrible import, and the'country knew, that a fearful- vengeance would be~tuken~fof"Kings'"5ttfUrP" tain. - .' ." During tho week that followed the discoveries 1 Imve mentioned, the work of the Avengers was ter rible.- They fell-upon patriot - . ^** nniiersigped begs leave to ~rnjHh_e people of Acton find sur ~^nnamg5reTgh'[j0rhO0j-tDat ^ has ~ a"^**^-5*" magn'iBoent^E^tftWB }- "nelnh, April B4,11.77. jn*W*5fP*rd- to aitenfoarlii^opii-^'-" 03. Ev;er shown in Guelph, all Itfeinr and Choice And priooa lower than; ever, : '& [. Children's Carriages To be sold off cheap, at and slio did not mofo until she heard tho front door opened by a kick, and heavily booted l'uet in the room below. Then a calm thought of her situation drove fear from her heart, and Alice Beauchaiupe prepurerf to poiform one of the H.ost djipiiig deeds of the Revolutionary War. Tho noiso in the house increase 1, and oaths and rude jests jire.ceded ud followed the lighting of a'firo on the'hearth. Alice, yho had longed for a sight of the dreaded six, crept to a spot near tho bureau wheie thero was a crack in the floor. Then applying her eye to tho penk-hole; she saw six wild lopking men directly be neath her.' . ~ They were, beyond doubt, the Avengers of .iVrgupijr^'s, death, for several masks lay on .-the table, along with three or-four bottles of wine which they had' taken from some patriot's cellar.' Tall, rough, devil-may-care looking fellows thej' .were, armed'with pistols, carbines, and sabres, the kind- of men who never court the smiles of mercy ot listen to the pleading of innocence. Day's New Bookstore Nearly opposite the old stand. house and approached tho horses which the tories had loft tethered to tho small trees a few yards'from tho door. A glance in to tho room revealed the forma of tho Avengers discuss ing tke wine with oath and jest, or watching the roasting of the fowls, They did not fear danger, for their horrible deeds had completely ter rorized the country, and under the sway of their lawlessness it was fast becoming a desert. Alice counted them .before aha touched a single rein ; and then inj a brief period of timo she Iooaonod tlie horses and quietly led them into a small copse not far away. Tho steeds did not refuse to obey ber guidanceship, and when she had reached the corpao, she struck them with a whip 'which she had found beneath a saddle. It was a smart blow that she administered, and tho horses started forward and disappeared in oil instant. .. Thus in a. few momenta Fergu son's Avengers had been depiivtd of their horses'. Flushed with triumph, Alico Benuchampo roturned to the house, and again looked in upon its hilari ous tenants. Sho. now-held j a pistol in her hand a: weapon which a holster had granted her, and sho"; crept to tho edge of tho porch before she halted. ' There was a flash of ven-: geance in the dark eyes of the par tisan girl while she guzed Upon tho party beyond the threshold.- Oiico or twice she raised the weapon, but lowered it again, as if playing with the life of the leader of tho six, whoso burly form was revealed by- the light of tlie fire., -*' She saw the fowls, smoking and well burned,.placed' on the table, and wjutched tho greedy men crowd aroiitd for thoir shares. Their tougues and movements told her that stolen liquor was doing its accustomed work on all save tho giant; who had superintended, the cooking of the late'.repast. - This man appeared perfectly'sober, 1 and tho angry glances which he often cast at his comrades tcjld thatj.he did not sanction their 1 bacchanalian conduct. . t> "" Come ! enough of this!" he Bvrddenly'. cried, rising. zrom: the table, which had been dragged the centre.of the room.; "Get-up, boys, and let's be going. I tojd you'at Wiley's that you had' wine enough, but you must bring some here and drink yourselves stupid. Tom Scott, autL~-you ' Blakeson, T am ashamed of" you ! What would wo do if a gang'-'of'rebels' should dow "Hash did-.not fpermit hita;.to -see the pistol that waaclutcliodiinr the hand of the fearless.girl,: else his ' rashness! might1, have been curbed.- '. f .. i: :; " Knoel to you 1 Never-!" lie cried.- ; The weapon which he raised"- dropped before the: flash; tht. folr lowed- his last .words,-and-.with * groan of pain lire staggered- back tol drop dead among his drunken com rades. :. " ." Alice Beauebampo, amazed at'her own - courage, stood silent amidst the smoke of her own pistol. Sho saw the bicchantes, try to flhflke off, their toper at sight of thirsatricken leader, and ono rose-to hia feet i to fall as soon as he-needed -support. : "Now for.the:swamp!'!sheerie4 with triumph; and the next 'minute, rushed from the di^fusting eight. An hoiir passed *wayapd the drunken tories began .to. recover ; thoir ohjef,.who had dropped to- the floor, seemed to sober them wjvb hi? cold face and staring eyes, .and when, they had almost -recOVejred their scattered wits, the:foettboy dreaded was' upon them. Alice BeauchRinpe^. voice^ bad fired .^hq. hearts, .p-, pafr^ol| (bapr4J for vengeance. Onhecway to the. swamp she had. encoiinterod the partisans wh6 had captured one of the flying horses,- and were follow ing the trail. I _ The conflict between .pajtriot .-and tory was brief and almost bloodless. The five' avengers were, made prisoners; and sued like cowards for the mercy they had never grant ed to a living being. 1 need not describe the scene that followed. Suffice it .to, say that the trees in front of Alico Beauchampe's homo bore the stran gest fruit-that ever hung from liv ing limb. The vengeance of the patriots was as complete as terrible, and when tho glorious sun rose again the dreaded iuen of the lovely dis trict had ceased to frighten people with their name. . ' ! Alice Beauchampe, whose cour age had led to'the extermination of tho avenging band, became -the- heroine of the; day,- aridj aftem tho | termination wedded n. t lieutenant of Marion's ijdieu.-Her herxjikm. is, venerated) and her gallant exploit narrated daily'byi hundredsibf her descendents in the Pahnetto State. Gem&jofThong^t^ i'lieait at Me?;^wit<Gam'ji,1 -' T^iejrWtt drnsf bfenefa in the i>ark, w- l l " j'-r*J!* I with,-iji Jrianly^arm, around, her eaav chair for a discontented man.) ;. X 7' . " , . ) tielaed.w^istfi^Sjiddenlyshetwiet- Yotf are^betier empToyfed indry-'t'^farpund-.arii'sjppk'e.":".'It's awful ihgitho tears' bf" 0th6r8" thin ' " hedding your own." - ., Of all earthly music, that which J rftaehes;the furthest into heaven is the'beating of a loving hentt, .'. "ljj'wh'o us a blave'of .uiaow'n paia^ipnd'is worse joy.erheJ'r"if>a'ii /AthensVas by her thitt/t/rants."'. You had better learn to conquer; your own will than strive.toobtain the mftstery-of that of jatjiers. . .( Sod. It 'ii. l^fteV- tjian' allj-thej credit'or cash'that Was^ver-raised. 1 - :-. ,-.-. :.r-- - r A tHie friend ;nTiboB6nis^frBryt advises j hstly; kssiaU' reaid tljy. ad- ventorts boldly, takea*il^atiently4 defandscourageorrsly, and contiduer a'friend iincbangeabby. >i IF you' would' bi exAmpt.frtm uneasiness, do" nothing 'Vhfeh" ydu 'kh'ai'Y or.' suspect isr'wr6rig[r'andr'if you; wish"to ehjoy^the puSest pleoa-J ufe^ atwaysdo iydrythinrJ power which'is tight. Silence for three minute?. The young man ponders on the. awful p^ril,..,tJjat;.ncirclS. a man who conies. from home with only fifteeS cents and' a sleeve button in his 'pocket.- r- -j -' ' 7. Ye^-es,-.'tis warm/' i . -, '"';,"; M.yj: throat ,is dreaidfujlly pardj- i'* .-',.', j -......' '.' "That's too.bad. Would yon likasome^waterf^ ; '/>J- ':"-" :r "" the' water is so-ter- tiljly warrh iand .brakish."' .-. XYoung-a man, < urpw^. .desperate?:.. |^""Sh'all I tie a handkercliief 'around your throat'i"....... No;, I thinTc: I need| soraelhing . Just| such fellows as 'they were, I catch us in this condition 1 Y6u Alice-Lad supposed1' th'eni to be, for she' had"seen many of the prisoners taken at King's Moun tain, and she longed for the pres ence of a bund of- patriots, There were the men in South Carolina at that time who would havei given their right arms for a chance to e^ctermihato , the -> Avengers, . nnd Alice kueyif.where a^ittle;parly;..of patriots lay, but alas ! they were not Very heur. .'"" ..' 'LWe'll rest hero and finish thut -wine'.".said one of the leaders of the hand, whoso face told that nl houses at the-dead-of night, and|ready he had imbibed freely d*nlrS;7nIbrAo^SCo^wtsT0" FKIWWofallkinds *j*f #U*ft moderate terms... ' " AS*x?$&M>~'Co4i'", 'Burial -Jiobeitj ^^Jiads of Funeral Furnish; *^i*^Sj>tio stoek, and-supplied B-j .^"the shortest n,otice. ^?ds and Gloves supplied when ;;Tftiired. - ^v^Feb. ]0,_1S7V eitiy it-1 promptly executed at the . FKKE PliESS OFFICE, " \cx"i ihc Post ODlcc,- 31111 Street. lett on the bosom of their victims the five words which had already terrorized, the country.' It. was in vain that the patriots' summened their cunning and energy for tho capture of the band .of demons, which, as it had been discovered, numbered six men, masked, and mounted on black hoiseB. They came and went like ghosts, but r1- ways left behind the terrible sen tence which had made their exist ence;.. execrable. At times .tliey felhupon - their hunters, nnd left them hy the roadside marked with the sign of vengeance. - ' Fear began to paralyze tho Caro linians ;, many, abandoned their homes for the sakeof^their families ; arid it is probable that /the entire district would have been depopula ted in a short time, hail it hot been for the courage of one woman.; Her name was Alico Beau- champe. It was,H "dark nigh't iri 'tho-'-lant week of November, when the heroine of my story left tlie 1)0U80 of a friend. Her own house, which had been deserted for several days, was not far away,, and she had de-. termined to return to it for tlie purpose of securing an article of npparel left behind in her recent flight, agiiri'. your " The better tbo day, the better the deed;' is a bad proverb as it runs; but backwards, as, wizzards undo charms^a'nd-it is capital saying: the better the day.- . - You can' never do an injury" t6. another -without Teelihgthat injury rebound and striko yaursilf. You are fated eVermore to drink the bitterness of the cup ybu have mingled'for a brother. t j J There, is not a single dispensation of. Providence- whioh, if. properly, viewed, will not afford an excellent lesson. Never repine at the good fortune of others ; for many are they who wish to be; attention 1.- i- >. . Idleness" is the TJeadSea, that BwalTowS up all SSrtues; 'and the selff-mad^ sepulchre'ofaili'ving man. The idle' man"is'the' devil's- nricliin, vchsse livery 'is : ragfs, 'Bhdi.'>*h6s'e .f--73T. 1 ,es 'aW7arnine-"aha 'Bis} wariii." A' ":Y-eV (At 2!>i>V. I'.iU * Ir'b-.Mh 1WM in, -rft# refreshing." Dfeai" tn"e;-lfr seems" *a; though I would faint for want of sonjefcb.Hin.cooljng.".- .. .a -,."r_. , . . 'r -Young, man chokes with despair, .ihen traces'up, "^IJu'tli'ng, let me f feel your p'titsej" One hundred and teh in the shade 1 Ob, darling, it lias come as. I feared L I never can forgive i,. myge)f., Yptjr . mother- warned ,me about keeping you put in; the kight'air, on account ef the /typhtts' prevalent," arid now'-:I have kept jwu'.hfere-ikad tliese terrible _ laymptomstollfo4e .Approach of the dest|iayer.., Lei me. Hejp you. 'home, my darling, and should you die, the. waters' of Lake Ert* will ilpse tfver "my helpless form' forever. Coiue, sweet one, let ^aeitake yon hdnje." :Ten; minutes - later I Uiat Lyoi^ug man stood o,-vcr. Kb Bchopzier of lager in a corner Saloon, and wiped "the peVs'piraVion from hia fhfow as hefeid^dovm'his last fif teen cents, and congratulated,-him-* ; self on having beaten a woman ou the ipe crearh; business, while: a ; ydung woman sat on the doorstep waiting to he let to, and so mad she crfuldn't' sp|ak. Cleveland HlraldA' , ; iA ' - 'i-;-i_--;.vl eer liiP *Wm - 'Jil'i Ulllif < Pinned Rights Down. AgToeer doing business on Michi gan iirand "Avenuo wjas yesterday asked to trubt a colored man one day for a-quart of strawberries. % " Can't do it you'd never pay," ' he,replied: j " I'll pay;da money afore 8 o' clock in dei mawning," arnestly continued the colored man. .' Z . ',' Perhaps:you might, but I don't believe it; ilf tyou-'ha-vto -tk> ^noney. now; how1- jjill jjou, Imv^ ib thenll .....It is/the^reafcjpriyilege pf ppve^ ty.[ to be rhsppyi unenyied, iq be Jjealthy., without physics,,,--, secured without a, .guard,. and to obtain "from the bounty of nature what the great and wealthy are;compelled .to procure by the help of art. ; ' A man of genius seeks applause; while" the'lliule'-mihded of those-] who have.but a, small portion: of iritellect/try, jbut Chieir'T^niity iihtl' conceited boastings, to'; bn^ld:'iip'on; the menfal respurces^of'^thlers their' own. fame .andi!r^putatipt}^": ifow-; lee' just de want of straw~ " Bring in.the poultry, and on old Beifucluimpe's hearth we'll prepare a feast." At his command, orie of tho men left the houpe, but "soon returned; bearing with him a duck and seve ral chickens, from whose freshly j wriing necks Hie warm blood was' dripping,' j " flow's the horses," asked one of tlici Avengers, as the man flung' the poultry on the table. N " Staiiiting'like rdeks," was. the ..reply. "Sticn horses us they .are don't need watching, and, besides,' thero isn't a rebel yithin ttm miles .of this accursed place." j ' " Why,-there's the widow Haft- zell." ' " I didn't think of her," was the; I reply, " How bitterly old Hart zell hated us, but we" caught him at last." : " And presented him' with' al breastpin? Ha! ha!"' '\ -j And the laugh-went round the room. ; Alico Beauclmmpe did not wait until the laugh, was ended; while filled the houso with its devilish echoes, she glided across the room to a window that looked out upon the dark palmetto; grove, behind the building. j There was no sash in tho win,- know -the mercy we would get, and yet you sit there as careless as statutes drunk as old Bacchus himself" t ' Tl)en sn expression of contempt- passed over the rrinn'B- fi^ce, and, Siooping, he cried : " Up ! up I the rebels are conv -ing!" ."'..';- . :; --. But his cry of alarm did not in fuse much life iuto tho men at the table. ' One or two' heads were raised, hut the drunken leer, that made the faces hideous was etipWh to provoke a-t.milej oven from the mad. toryr ' " ' -. " Men !" he sneered, contemptu ously. "Dogs I'every one of yoti. I've a mind to ride down to the Paoolet swamp and tell the rebel's hiding there that-the men they hate are in their- power..' -Ivhave- thought that I3commandeil irsh, de cash sunh to death for berries." ~ ' - '-"" '- ' "Does anyone-owe you 1". asked tho grocer". -' - ': ' - 1 -i' ": -"ri "No^sah." - ' "Then how-do. you eiptct-to get any money 1"' "'-- *.*; -'i;-.": " Oh, de pay'will be all right.-" - ' I'gness not.' You'll-hae to .tj-y Some d'rte^lrte-."' "Boss, you hez pinned'hioriglit! i down to cold, facts," said~the0custo mer. ,...". 1 wanjis ^ti-aw^>erne8, an' dey hez ,got to conier jj^i';. d^r^f^r, 1 ever, it is for^ the" bestj' "for aWe'y L6jace 'ni . money-and lay it by-for, sickness .A"Qneiejr 9Inu. ' :- Anib's Fish,- orie dt"tfie_ <jtteerest. men in Albany,"N:'Y.,. dieS a few days ago, leaving an estate-qf g5tK 000. to charitable. iuAitutions, and: bis wife- wjth a dollar at, -day. ' In descrtbiag hia manner ofl life to a friend !be once said : I btiy -a-- shaiik'rdf' beef from the' butcher,-which'costs me ten cents. My wife'Taakes!enoiigh sonp,fiomi this to do us one meal, then the - - meat cut from it afterwards makes two more meat, or one day's food for ten'cents.-' 1 split the bone and get the marrow for cookfrig pur- ' poseB, und my wife finds snnictfQt fuel-in the bone-'itself: to d.6' 900-'-. siderable cooking.- Then,-in, an. iron box, I save tho osheB, uhicb f 'us for mabting ;a- "few plants thatvrealizefor me six cents each." Yet,""4when.xtra- taxes, were'- -put mm 111!' f PIS* ^ mm: ., _- , , ., , '".rr- i-*bonr-rar"to"tij-eir-p.roper*'ie-t,er-!^- t-u^ii 'hiaiprapeirt^i':^- rirely -de- Dflnlf a- me.^bosS;; '111- toWibbW&^^$mfiWll&k?Wl& feandedi "more>|j,nf -from tenants . perapinn^j, n \ !<:?. f{--e^.*T T.fL<q :* ^<^ \&an what A-tnon may be let me say dut I ^wasn't :goinff put to-night to ,stoal, chit^ens' ap?,sell 'em to git money." u ., .-, ,.: ., ", ".Ah,1 you wasn'tT ' .'. f N^/sah; 'cause :l:tdnri':p'iirlied' ','eiu Vast' night;, an* dey,ll'bfe|.Bold 'to a biit'choV di8':evening/,i'I)Ht";ae 'coldfadt/'misteV, ah^nbw'wra^':Tip'j dein 'strawberries,' an' do'ah'; abuse * my confidence." Detroit 'Fret PreiS. :_/."; '-... .-:.'|:.V!ii:l.\".> A-- What- a .IXewsii^iicr is . ' A newspaper'is'4 curiousjspecies of ;pro})erty .3,{JtisidifficiilutOies tab or ,other.pur^Kj^gs, but ,h%, cannqt Ido 'this-u^Jeps.Jiia wife Jeta.,bhii-,or helps,; Jim. -." .A.-, ,i?idpB^,, frjigcd^ thrifty; woraanisja crojj'n of glory to her.hljfibs'Jr'- .i r?he h^lpa, .h^m, fh alUhis good l-esolutiousj; shej m,ay, hyjq^iftfcAnAgeriye e|m9ui3geni|.ntlj jcbriruj put his better quHlitiei} ;.<a.nd by|her example, ahe .may .uiipjaiit in him r^o,l^le:principles, which, are] tbo WjedVj of tho-higUoat .^vacticalj virtues. -1 I . i ' -: '"' ! '- ,':i' I -' ' A ^mightless'perso'n/iB bt tfeces^; 'sity a coaTS'eJ!&iidi Belfil^ JperserfJ When people "do %fdng to their. c"' neigli15p^,^ndgiTO41r^faf' Yin^ W"6 necessarily, *jto -aay;! 'f Is did Aqti' "" think'-r-ip,tttarfoii*aKl W;'ple^rfor: tolfiifanfca, :bub" ia. i^thjerJ/. tureason fprj ooiidanihation, itklitidn-, ai beg. on hang^a sermon of r :rebuke. u .Theft:' shpii dbehave. thought; there ik no.freaisoh^-iwhy; they did .uob tiiink:;Jaud if: they they-had beett- jiaying. He married?rtpf5rainaa-~'whe> had trwo,chi)drsP>'and'.*,little ntpnejr.c He .offerecL to,.|{b.rTow the money ad jHlowiuer'^eve'n per cent.' HiB " wife'a'ccepEed tne'p'rbppsiti'on, apd" he -was) m cfiarge' ofthei property. for -,d: longk.tune.. Qne -day he forced ja setth^enj with,, bring ing inyi bill; for h;ot,owri. aftd her children,'sV ticjard^ aBd.'.lcaying \he.v' ... . - - ,' - in de.btto him. iisli' and almost stSLdifficult todnjurfe^ "; byi ,rivaiiyi:;i An"oI(d newapapet' ia, not drunjittrds;!?^:a.ud-hejsitruvk'the (like an old., bank jor a longestabr table with the V.utt ;6f his pistol, butcould not rouse, his stupid fol lowers. ', . . Tho next moment, with an oath on his lips, he strode to thej door, which he. jerked open; and .stepped upon the porch. . . i " Curse such dogs as I. lead !" he hissed. "I suppose I must' lead the horses tip and tie each fool in the saddle." ' Ha ,waS stepping from the porch for the purpose of attendrng^tb the horses which he supposed'were'still tethered at the trees, when a'form ' ose, before him and he started buck with a gasp, of terror. ' -.. : ' " Who in the .mischief- " " Alice Beauchampe I" was, the interruption' of the apparition, "The daughter of. the old man basely murdered by your-hands ! Down on your miserable; knees,' Godfrey Lang, and beg for the iuer- 'cy you have never granted,othois ! Down, I say 1" ' .:..!. "Perhaps the shadows of the win- nlid not, then bfafcy did^ wfong is alwa.ys-wroh^.,arid.' repre- iiensiblo.: ^ng. and lished^ busineea-jhoiiBe. .The,-com: niuitity patronize. i'fei fronx .the: force of habit, and cannot be induced,- save under exceptional oirdiunstan-i ces, to forego their patronage^ Sometimes .they get down, and once in tt, long'while it paskeH through a spell of unpopularity on account of its position oii BOiue lb' cal or political question, but its old patrons continue to read it; arid' to advertise iii it, and it goes en' its way "through theb "storrri onfi'into the sunshine again.' Th'at'the nefys1- paper istlie'very best mediittri thrbngh which to reach the public;' jieedB no; argument. John:Wana.: Tnaker, w'lio is the largest advertis er; in thei world,- and who 'has built, up by that means a colossal busi ness-, once told a writer, that -while lie had spent hundreds of thousands of dollara in all sorts of devices for pushing,, he:found,the ne wspepeiv to beinot only-, the cheap est, but far, the moat effective and satisfactory. '. T^Be1 :HM^UW%ntehii-at-oVe.^mst last-;' H^Uav;-' Mfco'dj rati i<iut. '(Beef-stenk T " Yesl" "When filled1!" "Said.' the evungelist; ap proaching tiro cart." *' Yesterday.'-'- " I dbh't, wn'rit any me it killed' bn Siinday.-" 'Butcher dr ves on sblio: quizin'g'itotfo tie. ; "Returns Thurs day, passiiig-tbe Mfoody. residence; fjill drive. Moodylltfijls him again. "sBring in don't 'take "-Beefsteak r,: "Yes;" tep poundsi"" rt:W money eafTied' on "Siindnya '."and lnitc!ier:jdrives oh;: "Aipp^ira-Mori- (hty'; morning' -agitini LJ Bloody 'on thb-watCli. '""Beefsteak-T " " Yes,"' iLays in a"large stock'ynoiqueations .asked:;1 . .-: The fptlg^wing- sioirjr' is^u'rTr&Ut-^jf two'^cotchniejaj brotneia,- .m.'. "the - neiglibol-hoVil ;of '.StAwirtville^otL ' the Upper Ojttawa, whom 'we will" call '^ttlcolnj[atid Saildy'^^.It %*; lare that pthe two/ above named were going *ohJe frtmy Renfrew, / and'm" crossing, a' field, * Malcolm 'said,: "Gosh, Saun'dy, I hear some" noise 'iike"'th!a^;'of'ntf infant crying ' iu that hollojwf pg,", .pointing to 'a" log that a'bear had"'occupied as. a den,".and'ha'd lately left'in quest of prey foriier huhgi-y cybs that'ftow1 attracted the attention1 of 'one of" our 'heroes.'!', "Sauildy," reHiued . Malcolm, "If I go in; Wilf you watch - the' hole -J" . Sandy ' having rfoddi-'d 'aasent, oiir gaMant hero crawled irj,'but/scarcely had lie'^it-,' ih wlien thej old mother -etnned, tired.^aiid wlUiont prey, and; how'^ speing a gbr\ chance to recompense her for her/lost trip, she makes a .' Liotiridfo'ri^lie hole. \ Sandy, on see: ' ihg^th'e ferdcibus anhnai approach;.' I forgot "his promises to Malcolm, ami ' (Stepi>ed' quietly to'one side, and ' allo'wedthobear'topa88in. - Sandy,'. onj sefeinga chance' to save his brother; as-the bear' Was- crawling inf seized; hold of its tail. The. struggle Was iiea'vy: Sandy straitt-. eil every nerve to keep his hold, till, fearipg" that his brother was 'about to depart.'this life, shouted to Malcplrri, ".Haw ' is's yersole," "Maulcum!-.-, Malcolm, not knowT \'q( the bear's presence, could not understand:wh'y"Sandy.6bould ast at that lime after tlie slate of hia .soul, and iniiocently.sliouted back, ^m i li'ii ; SCotsiiiii'n! Wlja: luid:' cone .bajcji to 'hfa "country1 after; a' long ahsehce declared, jaftei' go'ing to the ,kirk, that the whble kiHgdom was on -the road to' 'iierditioii'i'.".*' The i.. Sa;uu'dy, Saundy," what's" aark'in ;f";!uSed',rtb' he re-' a' h0je ]". Gosh,. Moiilcnm," /said ,peQpie,"he'iaii!:_ sej-VedjindI Solemh onllhe Sabbath nd*'tli'ey:ldofc ksj^ppy ipri il--' diiy as on any' oth'ei-." ' : that Sandy," If a tail, bri'iiks, ye'2,1 soon feen'wh'iit'sj ?.rk'iu a hoi.'.1" fit's tail'did not break. . " h 1

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