Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1877, page 3

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I f! K .-a 1 . s fherf 'XLES. wk. *-0K. Kt< * * ** M tattajaUie. aa Wear*.* ** aa* [*>*}*- | V TsJttT, r8sZt,*te-, lorn tm cash. SHOES ca. >MF. J&Y lOhio. Ifnad* kj mtj * r wa i iweiferatah, mrUUts t* fct'la lW [u> as Ialp * > win kear *- IstatfaU " fBY, r2*v; v ?titi*- I - -ess:- "* ? ' - 7 *iH I _ cp. 1 THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., AUGUST 16, 1877. Ttai** Inn Acton * O.MMl WB-T. jflsJrt.Kir1?' py Etpt* C,tlt mi red. Sight Klljf" ItoySxI**** \fteM! B>al V',\i\>0, **!>T, l,:04 a.m. #.10 a.m. I. ,17 p.m. S.2rtp,m. 7:OT p.m. 3:3S a.m. Pilt>a.m. II :94 a.m. ' 5:20 jvtn. 10:10 p.m. LOCAL MATTEM. ,-Jo owe is human; ,t<j pay up, ^ divine. __Tbtr public schools open! next Mooday. Tk* Junior*-of Acton played a ^atch fame in Miltoa yestarday, gaia- ing-]3 ran* against 10. _NoV and Foolscap Paper, F.u- ' vtlope*. Slates, Ink, Pens, Holders, Pencils, &., at Mctiarvins Hall of FWmacr-,' Bad boyi and young t,cn still mnist in gathering aronnd the Motho- i - Hm Ohurck during Sunday evening ser vices. Tbey shook! either -take teats inside, bahava tkt*m*Nes outside, or be ant to jail. ' Two young ladies antered ana of oar .drag store* the other day and called W - ttfb-iip salve," The gen- tiemanly youfig druggist thoughtluily informed them that he had none, bat ha* since discovered that he has anil the yming ladiea may call again. Iflyolu wjint to see all the local ~ news ini; a-papier, hand in a tnenioran- ' dnin of '^ajr focoiirT^eooc thtt connn under yewrr obsierratiofk. Keporters cannot bo eipectad'to know anything about any thing they don't .know anything about. Tha Milton CJiampjon recently. . stated that the Unions of CummilisvUIe claimed to be the Champion Baseballiita of Haltntu We beg to intimate that "the Fastnhes of Acton would like to kr (omething to. say in the. matter. Tli* eo-called chairpioca sltould try tteir mkill in Acton. Tha temptjition to take fruit from people's orchards without permis" nee u too great for some yotingStera to rwiit, bet they, may as wall consider tkat there Hs a very atrioKent law for Wch offenses, and one which nukes tha penalty^ Tefy nncomfurtable fcr the tf- feoder.* ] - dereon Jt L'a'i famous .VJc Tea still in- cwMcaT^TiMTT ^U it. in ^lb. lots at 45c, atelsi^e 10 |la. of sugar for $1. - ' A report was oirrtnt. iu the *illge during Ahe past week that the r'lut Pr.tss ^^ice had changed hands, and. that a|j4iujng man who was hanging ! artmnd here was the We ' can xascrr rxsr friends and all others : :Icrnd that their* w no-truth wbt- Ter in the rep-rt. The straiicer refer red to, who gav his name as H. S. Hareoprt, and who no doubt set the tory afloat, proved himself a loose- toBgned falsifier as well' as a contempt ible dead-beat. If tou fl Ton'-liave'nerd'of a new Felt'Hat we advise you to feel" . poe^M fa dollar and call on Christie, rletuie'rton 4 Co., who feci warranted in saying that theyrcan supply you with a Felt for that figure that will make yon fel dtlighted. The*e Felta ar a decided bargain, iwing so cheap that a person scarcely feels the cost of a new Felt, t>eside* their st^le and finish is nch that a person can feel he has a Felt equal in appearance to his neigh bor's without feeling that, he has felt toe *"plT in his pocket. These Felts,. tike tfemir bmu SOc Tea, are boand to fW tiserr way into every, honae in which thau snperior ralae ha* nut been felt. eouired constdcratilc knowlodgo of h^traaliet, hydrolynamlai, hydrosta- ttcs, and all other applied mntlicnistios, he Iwcamo the happy ixksscssor of two or throa ntachitiaa. He snecceded wall with these till *omo wmtrimoninl dis- appointment-caused his logical br.\in to diBCoVtt that ht\ ouijht not. to \vty for them, as they had Wen sold to him un lit! liUa imittmccs. This litllo ilillioul- tj haviuht been intitttctorily tuttlod, hiv has since rvlapacd into placid content- Ration of his ]>ower*, mechanical and mental. . For the former ho has found no use, his occupation is gone, but he is bollt. however, ou utilizing the latter for tha benent of humanityt it is proha. Wy with a view to improvinij their minds that ltia visits to This neighbors arc extended to the small hours, possi bly also as a solace for fo*s of boot in his machino transactions. I would humbly suggest that he should cease troubling huusolf about the moral con dition of his neighbors, aud instead of giving his literary lubrications to tho world, apply some of Secord's celebra ted seal oil to his machinery already rusted from'want of use, and would alio romiud him thnt u those who live in glass houses should not throw stones, ho should not rush into print, as there are others who can sling ink beside him self. Apologising for so long a letter on so unimportant a subject, I remain Dear Sir, yours truly. KSQUfiRAGH; Bannockburn 3. S.,. Aug. 12, 1877; The wifo of James V. Spears, living near Cle&rmont,, was struck by lightning during Bovere thunder storm on the afternoon of tho 7th. Hurrying from the fields, Mr. Spears' wifp and _ hired man ran down -tha cellar, that door being open, And the rondieSt shelter from tho storm. " Mrs. Spears sat down to rest on a box -contuiuing some glass bottles. The position being under the kitchen stove, the light ning went from tho ntove through th floor, struck Mrs. tSpcnra on the back of the head, went .down her back, leaving a black mark, then, through tho box, scattering the contents. The shock was a very severe one. She remained unconscious for about twelve hours. -Next morning some slight hopes were entertained of hor recovery. ^one of the other parties were in jured. - Mayor Chad wick baa succeed ed in disposing of $20,000 f Guelph debentures, realizing #18,- 900. Tbia is one hundred dollars better than was done last year. Peculiar Accident. Thtj Canada Life and tho Con- federation Lifo association are bay ing quito a livoly newspaper war, us to tho standing of their rotpoc- tive conipanies, and by lust accounts thb Canada Lifo ssotns to have by fur the boat of tho argument, - Tho Confederation iuuued a utateiuent comparing its business in 1877 with that of tho Canada Life in 1802, each company being fivo years of ago in those respective yeum out tho managing director of the Confederation soerus to forget that tho comparing of business now with that of twonty-five years ago is not only stupid and absurd, but a statement that overy business man will look upon with ridioule. D. Henderson is agent at Acton for Canada Lifo Asjuranc o com pany. AND WAGGONS. Xow is the time to leave your order At J. Ryder's Factory .' for a . Stylish Buecy or Serviceable VYncKon. LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS ijold wholesale and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Bafrowes' Pianoforte Primer. Jonsso's Musical Catechism. Bortini'a New Method for the Piano. Clarko's New Method for tho Tiano, Hunton's Piano Forte School, IIowo's riao without a MaBter. 1 Richardson's Now Modern School, Qitxo'jS Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal7. 10* diflerent Music Books. .A Big.Discount on all MUSIC BOOKSl > .A.T ANDERSONS CHEAP BOOKSTORE i Oti tho Kast aido of Wyndhani Street, (JUKI.PH. THAt WONDERFUL MAN. A TEUR1BLK THRKE HOURS' EXPKRI- I am making up a largie stock for the present season, from thi best material. Cull lintl Sec our Handsome Ihujijifg Now is a good time to secure bargains. Strict attention ^iven to Horie-Shoeine & QeaorMBlewk- .TAMKS RYDKK. Acton, Feb..26, 1877. TEADE MARK TH? GOfcDEN MAN. OUR SPECIALTY SALE Has proved l<j be tbe <realest Siicim! s!i of the Season, .. Ii^.-3D-BS'Q I Dan't fail -to secures '- NBA T S VM ME a D V S T E R And we may rtdU that it has stimulated us to reniwod eflortg to place be- At n^y ^ ha,f the ririglnal-price. We Will o2er next week faahloiiilble! fore the public | J . . and seasonable goods. {;'.. * A C'TO'.N PLANING MILLS AND Special Lines of Goods each, week During the Remainder of the Season At prices that mast command the attention of every intending, purchaser. The greater portion of th&l goods that we have been offering this week hale been sold, only a few of the] higher prices in Cojiames, (Dusters and Skirts remaining, these 1 will be cleared out at a STILL GREATER REDUCTION. White Loco Stripe Muslins at li2i cents, formerly 20 cents.' ' White Lace Btrlpe" Muslins at IS cents, formerly 30 cents. White Check Strip U usllns at all prices. White Marseilles I2J cento, wonderful value. Black flain Grenadine. . Black Check.Grenadine. . " . ' laok batin Stripe Grenadine. - - Black Check Silk and WoorQrenadine;ibe3utiful goods. Patronize the most enterpisinpr store in Guelph. JOHN HOGG & SON, July 24, 1877. I Alma Block, Upper Wyndhani Street, Guelph. TW M. Jctaa-Vlra. Wa have reeaired frosn Use publish- (% Usmi Bedford Bra*. Toronto, a hasichwmely bound copy of " The Story of the Great Fire in St. John" by Gaprga Stewart, of 8t John. The book, winch ODmprisea over 270 pages of frapkicaUy writtso and copiously iL hutnied, iaeidenta and details of the great oaoflagration, has been got up in Balford'a bast and most attractive style is tha wonderfnlly abort space of I oar vtaka, and baa alrtadj become on* of tka moat saleable books of the day. A (treat many thrilling incidents and hair breadth cspes from the devouring element, are pathetically and vividly .related by a writer who evidently JkBo_tcbw to wield, a ready and sympathetic pan. " The Political Destiny - of Canada" Is tha title of an article .by Mr. Goldwin Smith which was first f lfialii il in the London " Fortnightly Bevior " and now issued .in pamphlet fom'ayJleasTS BeUord Bros, wjth the addititm mi a critical Reply by Sir Francis Hiocka. We have just received A copy of the pamphlet. (From Iht i/urrifon TrVmnt.) One day last week, Mr. F. Wii- lnnd, who rr-sides two/and one half miles down the Saugeen road, went to a small beaver meadow on the buck of hia'lot, to look for water for his cattle and horsca. . He sank a small liolo about four feet deep, but not finding water, went houia. In the afternoon-he went back; to extend Iiik search pud found the hole he had sunk tilled with muddy water. He commenced to dip it out with a dish, and to do so, had t<i stoop and reach in, resting the: left, arm upon the'side of the hole. The earth caved in from under thei arm he rested upon, and Mr. Wei- laud slip)>ed in1 head first. Tlie hole Iwing too small to allow him the least room to move, there he stuck fast, and the water rising again, made his position a very dangerous and droadful one. But in despair he conmeuced to scrape in the earth below his head with his hands, filling up the bottom, arid; thereby keeping the water down, and also enabling him to keep raising hta . body pp. Por three long' hours be kept digging with all his strength, the water,in f the hole steadily but surely follow ing, and as the water increased he must either raise himself or drown ; but at tha expiration of the above time, with the last desperate effort, he cleared himself, and was again right: end op, but so far exhausted that he Wa hardly7 able to crawl home, and for a few days aft*r**ardl presented the appearance of one who had just passed through a month's sickneaa. XVTEBSTEK'S UNABRIDCED DICTIONARY For the School Room. -toaa Knsravlnip : lttio races Qnarlo. ; A NEW FEATURE To tiio 8KX1 IllmlrntloriK heretofore In WeiiHier's.UnabrUlKtU ' we have' iiddi-u four pus s>of COIORF.D I tn htrationh; enjfnived oxpn nsly for Oils work nt-lnrife e*i piwc. NeurU overy Slum Superintendent ot Public IiiKtrurtlon Jn the Union, or cor- resix>nilln< oftlcrr. wherp meh an one ext*t, naiiricuTnm li.letl Wt-bulrr's. tJlc- llonnty In the utmnkP^t telm^. Arnori(j tli-tn ure thoete of Ki^Utii, Northern, Mhltllo, Sorttiern ^nd Western nthtev, Twe^uty-etclit In nil. STATE rI B< IIASF-H. .The S Ate of Kew York liu-* ilnre.1 | 10,010 copWm In as many of her l*ub lc iSClloiU. The suite'of Wlteonsln, about iUOt. nearly every Senool. ,' - - Tlie Sinte of New Jersey, 1,-WOi-nearly every-School. The State of .Michigan, mode piovl.nlon for all her Schools. The St-ite of Ma<KiclniKelts has supplied tier Schools. nearly all.- The Stutc ofl ivt-u has supplied her Schools. The.Suite of Connecticut lui^mmlp pro vision for her Schools J Over 31*10 Hcliools In I.ndinna were Rnp plh d during the year loT^and many each j year since. In other Stat>-s many copies have been ] punhn^e.l for supplying SelicKils of cltlen, ! eonnties nnd towns What botu r Investment can be made tor schools? ' Moro tnan twenty times ns many nre sold of Webster's Dictionaries as ol auy Iher series In this country. "At least fonr-fifihs of all the School Hooks published In Ihlx country own Wchsu.*rn* their stRnoard, and or the re- EDHlntler, few acknowledge an standardy. Published by t. A '. MKRRIAM. . Sprit (tfleld, MfiRS Punip, Sash, Door aud Blind Factory. THOMAS EBBAGE, Mnnnractnrc.r or "Windo-w Sash, Doors, Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other RiiildfnRRequisites , Alto Maker ot IMPROVED STJOTION PTTMPS Lumber Planed and Dressed to orde in the best manner. ifiT All work guarantee'1' Acton, Jan.,IS7G. Christie, j Henderson m & Co. CONSUMPTION CURED. All" OLD rimnrTArT, retired 1mm irtlve rrre- tltp, hsvlnf had pUrnl In hi' huidi bv *n Easl Indi* MEutourw the formnlft of m, Vrgwttble Kcrocdj for th ;>cdr and ptrmtnent cure of Consumption, Asthma, JironeJiitis, Catarrh, Bd all Throat and Ltuiff AJTtoctlons: *1ao ft Pcfitlrc and fUdlcal Curt for Herrou* D- hlllty aitd all Ktrtt.ui CoriiplaJnti. aHer Ka- Icx tnnronrbij t*rrtl iti wimdrrlal rttraliTt povtn in thnQtapdi ot cr, fc*]i If Mi dut* ^o makt ft known to i\\ lufferinr rellowi. Aettt* ai*d by thu motive and a rontcUr.Uub* deiirc lo rtlicTt human tvfftriug, h% will Ked /"KKK Of CHARGE.*, all wlto(Walra...... with faU'difwctioDi tor pj-parinru-.^------ ,- Ijiulttf. Sent by return mall. ^addrtMinf to all wlo dWalralt, thii rttiot, with tamp, Bamicic thla papv- Itx. CSTCVCNS. Uox w; BiocxTiLiir, Oxt. I djjt. A FRESH Wars Tim* the 4th JUne. T# At Editor of 0u Free Preit. - As yasts tmgt, Moaqni- ^ndotbsc excitements are becom ing scarce, the energetic .people, of the <*tt hae bavacoonaeBced going for each ether.. WejaayaOon' hope to see a re- M1 sf lite (Ml M litttea. *nd willi proper L5th century The Whitby Chronicle says : The dwelling of Mr. Thomas Bon net, lot 24, 6'th concession Picker ing, was entered on the night of the 26th ult during bis absence, and his wife outraged by two ruffian*. About midnight Mm. Bennet heard the parties raising the window, which * waa done by passing the hand through a broken pane and pulling out the nail fastening the sash. The woman got up td pre vent the entrance of the midnight intruders, when/it ib tatedJ.chloro- fdrm was applied to her, and her person afterwards treated in a bru tal manner. .Sho lies in a critical state, attended T>y t)r. Ferrier, and her recovery is considered doubtful. The woman is the mother of sev eral young children, who were sleep ing while the. outrage was commit ted. The ante-mortem deposition of Mrs. Bennet hap.-been since, taken before Mr. John Phillips, J. |*P., who aitended at her bouse for that purpose. She describes tho men and expresses her ability to lead instituted aatong'the clans. ^^ _#w________-------------, Pray alhnr tasr^mwUofyto Ueatitr'tbm.--- She dutinctly; ejrtain yg toan to'the fitinity of Acton, that he is roakin^ hitaself ome- arnoicstiops', there' is a diferenee hftveep tbe> nse and^bose of the press. Ha'lat* self-rigfctMssii prodacti%, wiwle condemning others was eminently ex- preasive f t^rft^*T*rf thai, he J* ">t a other mea ace! That he in Unit as otkar men are, may be gathered from a abort sketch of bis antecedents. This -prophet who hath no' hopor in' his ocrn ' ^rtrflwntjMs wjyd#js as a teset- . b*t,4gdit> that be a* "wasting his sweetneai on the iitfi sir" in this eallin^ aod hiring Enormous Reduction in Prices. Tlie Grand Cheap Cloaring Sale of tlie Season ! , NOW GOINC ON AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST Gr"tJB3I<nar. END thetn Aoth'; says tth'ey '-hadi -'aiae whiskers and moustaches, and trav elled aoi^h in- bnggf or fWaggon. S.'X.' Peer, Den'tiiBt, will'Visit Acton oh the rt^ Thursday of .each month. Offiee at Agnew's rtotei^ " Mixed Tea Cakes and Buns, "fresh every day in Rreat variety, ot GaUpway's Bakery. The place to get a good loaf of bread is at Galloway's Bakery.' ; Entire stock of Silks, Poplins; etc., reduced to 30 per cent. EntirVstock of Fancy Dress Goods reduced 50 per cent- Entire stock of Plain Dress.Goods reduced 20, per cent. Entire stock of Costumes reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Shirts and Shirtings reduced 30 per cent. Entire stock of Shawls and Mantles reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock or Lace Shawls and Jackets half price. Entire stock of Trimmed Millinery reduced to half price. Entire stock of Untrimmed Goods reduced 25o.eacli. Entire stock ol Flowers, Fi athers and Wings half price. , Entire stock of Small Wares regardless of cost. Entire stock of Cotton Goods at mill prices. : ' Entire stock of Shirtings, Tickings, etc., cost price.' Entire a took of Tweeds at .cost' price. Entire stock of Coatttrgs at cost price. Entire stock of English and American Prints, cost price. Entire stock of Table Linens, cost price. Entire stock of Flannels, cost price. Entire stock of Underclothing, cost price. ;^r~ Our entire stock has been reduced and will be sold. We are determihOd"'to clear out ev*rypiecB,ol Igdoda if priees^wlll. do It. "Intending purchasers will please remember The Grapd Clearing Sale of the Season. *ir These Goods must Ite Sold. <> A. O. BUCHAM, Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Mantle Ret&bliBhment. tfaelph, July <, 1877. .....* """! j New Felt Hats " !7 ' In all the latest English, ;A.mer- ican and Canadian styles, suitable for the early j Fall Trade. Over 50 Styles to select from^ i , - . i. . A superior Pelt in style, quali ty and finish for only $1. IIS f 111 They show the yery lastest at close cut prices. July 3, J877. sttcLEOsD, ANDEES0N & Co., KAMMOTflj HOUSE. GEORGETOWN." EAST |ENI> I A new consignment of that FAMOUS 50 CENT TEA ' l. '. . ' , :...',.!'. .... . ' ,'i'" '. ' - - just to ihtahct:I;:!?' ^^ 10 LBS SUGAR F^ROKE DbtiliAR. Aoton, Augi lo, InT?. S3P3al5T-C3-- Which 'Hi mwm s-.-^'isa sl':.:?.*S!'-1 mm m% The MAMMOTH beg to announce that they have Commenced their - ' .Ajinual Summer Clearing Sale And In order to: xediicO their immense stoc& before Stock-Xaking, GREAT; BARGAINS WILL BE Gt^JSN. The Public will have a choice out of one of the finest stocks ever impoti- edi The stock is even now oyer $50,000, and as we never advertise - anything but what is bonafide, you may dopendnpoff getting the .' '". CHEAPEST GOODS TPtT EVER SAW. . As we want money, we will commence : Dress Goods at 5 cents,' worth 25 cents, .- Prjntsnt 4; cehtB. ..: i Cottons at 5 cents. Shirtingg at 10 centsr worth 20 cents. All wool Tweeds"at 50c, worth $1.. ' . Cottoriades at 20c, worth 37^c. Brown Denims at'12J- cents, worth 20 cents. ~ . ' ' :. Gents' Straw Hats to be slaughtered at a quartar and hair their prices. Beautiful Colored Silks at 55 cents, worth at'-wholesale ^l.OO. I Black Silk at 75c, worth $1.25. A Black Lustre at 25c, ubuoI price 50- Ready-made Clothing, great bargains to be.given id effect a clearance. MILLINERY & MANTLES AT pALF^PRICE. '-. And a large Jot ojf'LADIES"IIAT'S jit J dkd 10 centseatli. CABPfeTS at 107 p^ cent ojLT: The above Is an enumeration oF a few articles andigives you n faint idea ^ of the Great Reduction in Prices. This will be the Most Searching and 1 Thorough Clearing Sale we have ever held. . ' The whole stock is reduced, and whoever will be kind enough to sail on . us with their money wilt be amply repaid for their tfoublp. "; * ' ' " " ;:*i , The Sale will be^n on- the Fourth of July, And ,will continue one month from that day. Gents don't forgeit our Ordered GlotWug'Depart ment and; Gents' Furnishings, v. .We'turn-out the. Handsomest, Cheapest and'Best made Suits in the Dominion. j- Great bargains will be given in the above Deparicaent likewise... - Patronage la Respectfully ^SoUeited. , '> "' S-'-i'SiHI 81 : IV - CydTHINC.i5TO^E The undersigned in "tendering their iincere .thanks to their nuraero(i3 patrons for the liberal support with which they have been favored, ifvt^e past as members of tho lale firm of Dfokson%MoNab,'would beg leave to call attention to their f ,' "' - . ' this'year is larger and better asacjrtei than ever, comprising a;Urge "'? , -,-'.7-7.-V 7!-' TWEEDS : English and: Domestic ; j MahufSctUTe. The. patterns are tie choicest in| niema^et.j^Opr.stocfcjn HATS AND GElTt3?;F^^ ~ "Cottons,"'Prlhisl' and^j$jtaj?le J)ry Goojds'f^'^. At prices that cannot fail to satisfy ejreryboiy.'- We) respeotfully tnyfte an Inspection pfoiir goods. | i: ;Ly>;>/a: : v-y-: .' :; v . . ,;;i^.i ActOU, Ajpril^W.|Sf?. X. ^^ee:^:;^ona^

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