Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1877, page 4

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I '. J! "Is %--y: s; ; $ j.r S 4: 7;i<s=3 -iJK '?- "3 iiHJ i - J C;J ' M IP8 KB' -r fat' ' v. 9 a; JW3 1 M i. THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTpN COtJN^ OffT., APtlGST 9, 1877. now A PirtC 14 MADt " Fry, how u j>apor made I" The question is easy to #sk, But to answer it fully, my dear.' Were rstiier a .iitficuH task ; /.nd yet in a Watering way, As the vrbippoor-Mill ouigs in the glade, I'll venture bit of a lny To tell how & jvijier is made. An editor sits nt liis <losk. And ponders tlio things that appear To bo claiming the thought.1) 01 the World Things solemn, and comic, nil queer. And when lie has bit on a themo He judges it welt to Jtarade, He writes, and lie writes, and he wrftos. And that's how a. paper is made. 1 An editor sitat hi* dck. x And puotlc* iii* l>riun to maketaut " Telegraphic " so squabbled am mixed It's Uaro! to toll what it's Ik>u i. Exehan^es are lying-around While wnitiiiij .lesjiatohea delayed He cliy*. muI lie clips,, aud he clips, And that's how a paper is made, An editor out in the town, In search of the things thifc axo nw The thinc that the jxx>ple li:yvo iluue. The things they're intending to do Goes pMf>nv'*Uilpryiu0>about, For items of many a grade j' He tramps, and lie, r.nd he tpunps, i And thst s li'ou" a paper is made. - And all thartTthosc'inrorkera prepare,! - OF.every fenn*e!raMu stripe, It scut to thaprinter, aud ha l'roccciteth to stick it in type. His lines, all respecting his will, . rn,slo.w.-.inoyinjj cojumusparade ' 'Jfesticks, and he sticks, and lie sticks', . And tliat's how a paper is made, In ebrt Vfheu tho typc'is all sot," ' ' Aol crfors cleared up more or less, '^"is "'locked: in a.form so we say, 1 And hurried away to the press. - The pressman arranges his shtjets, "His ink Rives the requisite shade, Then he prints, and he prints, and he prints, And that's how a..paper is made. ;Why Slic Ws Amrry. She wns fixed up in her prettiest, and bad just nturUid ont-to nitiko her calls, lutiTtiiitioil to lot her ltuiy frienikknow that other j>ooi>)o oould wear now bonnets as well in. thorn- selves. Thu mail who was going to wet down tho istreet _\vith tho hoso turned on "the wetter -just as bIio piisKod liiB stoitj.j For u inouient ulio did not kilow [iviistlier it was a cloml burst or thu . second dulugo; but when the inan'dnnnldy said ; " Excuse me,- miidatn," Iter emo tion found vent in words. ' " Excuse yon !". she suid. " Yos, T'll excuRo yoji^whrn yon go down in your clotijeR nnd bring i\\* seven teen dollars, for a now bonnet. When you pay four dollars for this dress; wliuti yon yield up eleven dollars and a quarter for tlij polo naisen; when it oeascs raining down my spijiinl column; when yon pur- oliHse me a box of bronchial troches and six patumt niliataiii plasters ; when you reoogniio my claim to nino dollars damages for injury to uiy:feelings then I'll oxouso you." The man told her to make out u bill of itemR nud lie would settlo it, if ho had to sue her husband tor bin store bill to raise the uionev. S* '.' Of Every Other Store by THE GOLDEN LION Enough in one Ited- Immigration to. the Stats of "Michigan was so great during the yefs 1865-6 that every public "house whs filled every night with trarellers wanting lodging. - Every trsrveller- there at that time will remember the ^tHculty of obtain ing a bed itt' the hotels, even if he liad two or three strange bed fel lows. The R~v. rfoK^a Brown, a Methodist minister, stopped one night at one of the hotels in Ann Arbor and' inquired if he could Uiaye a room and a Lfed to liimsolf. The barkeeper told could, unless they should be so full as to. render it necessary to-.]mt another roan-itt bed with him. ,At an sulj hour the reversnd gentleman : vant tp his room, locked the door. ; and soon retired 16 his bed and Bunk into a comfortable sleep. Along toward midnight he was aroused from his slumber by loud knocking at his door, " Hallo ' you, there 1" he cried, " what do you want there now !" particular stress on the last word. 1 " Yon must take another lodger, wir, -with you," said the voipe of the landlord, " What! another yet)" " Why.yes; there is only one in here, is there" not J" * One ! why here is Mr: Brown, and a" Methodist minisTer, and my self, already, und' I shonld think thai enough for one led, even in Michigan." The landlord seemed to think so,i too, and left ?the trio to their re pose, ; ^ . Tbonsbts for Saturday Xight Life becomei useless nnd insipid when we have no longer neither friends or enemies. An abl& man shows his spirit by gentle words and resolute actions; he is neither hot nor timid, -Friendship is the medicine for all misfortunes, biijs ingratitude dries up the fountain of all good ness. -'-" >An inclination toward still sit ting comfort nestles in a man ; like a grea^ do; he lets himself be prick ed and ; teased a thousand times rather than Like the trouble -"to jump up in liea of growling. Tue miser toils for -riches, tha . hero for fame, the scholar, that his " naui3 miy be known to coming nges. How much higher aiid nobler the aim of a Christian who is living for all eternity -toiling for a crown of everlasting life ! Djatlfis the wish of some, the relief of many, and the end of all. It sets the slave at liberty, carries the b-iiiished man home, and places ': ,ali' men on the same level, inas much that life itself would be a punishment without it. "You are well off when you are in -i healthy, neighborhood, with .enough and drink, a com- forta'ble, welt ventilated apartment to sleep in, and you are paying all your expenses and laying up some thing for a rainy day, and in addition to all this, acquiring knowledge and strength ening) your tharae^r. Young men whoae situation combines all the preceding advantages should bo. cautious about exchanging such ta" certainty, unless it bo for another certainty; Happiness does not de pend upon great wealth so much as it does ripon independence and in- teliectTial and moral culture. Words of Wisdom* We incrt-ase our wealth, when we lossen .our desires, It is a fraud to borrow what Wo are not able to repay. Ad vise not what is more pleasant, but what is most useful. You can't get nnything in this world -without, money, somo hay1; hut this is not true, for. without money you can got into t&bt. " Better is the poor jman that walketh in iiitogrity," and payeth his subscription, than the rich man who continually telloth tbo " devil' to call again. There is no elasticity in a! mathe matical ; fact; if you bring up against it, it never yields hairs breadth; everything must go. to jucces that comes in collision with it. . . - Shabby gentility Las nothing so characteristic as its hatr there: is always an unnatural calmness about its nap, and .an unwholesome gloss, suggestive of a wet brush. l>To man will hate a good man so much as he has ill-treated him. Lat a man whom yon have injured hate .you, and there is an end to his enmity. Reparation frank and full puts on end to his hard feel ings toward you, and even lays the foundation to :a protracted friend ship. But. let a man hate you without a cause, save such ns his envy or bigotry, cr vanityaupplies, and his bate is endless. OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE lias from iU very hegitining.beon a. complete success^ but we will now, for a few days only, uiako a spocial ellbrt which will completely place -in tho sliadb all inducements over beforo ofiored. * <' " -'-, . - Every ono acknowledges that our stock U threo times ns large ns nny oilier in UuolpL .It niuBt'bo reduced, lor our senior ptirtnsr iu now in the Old Country buying now; goods. How is this to bo'done V Wo intend to do it not by offering a fow.linos pieuj meal, but, by ! selling 3 OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT / COST, And all Slimmer Goods nt Hnl! Vont Price. This will only Last for Two Weeks. We shall then bo receiving our how goods from England and tho tali will clone. - - Now, then, fom few particulars. Head llieni and don't forget them. SILKS, SILKS, SILKS; SILKS AT SO CENTS A VAK. Over One hundred patterns, pure Kilks, ciioice designs', most faihtonable colors, at tiny cents a yard. There is nothing in (iuoljih ol the same ijuality, nt anything neBr the price Grenadines, Muslins, and French Lawns, . The nicest materials ever worn in summer, . . J-TTSI^ 5! CBJNTS ^ TABD. These goods astonish everyone, nnd are being7bought up a hundred yards . I at a time. Come in before ihey all go", The Choicest Kid uloves. 50 cents a pair. Magnificent Sash Ribbon?, 25 c?nls a yord, only ft few lft. Parasols, great bargains. . The great Slaughter of all, however, is being made OUR MILLINERY BRANCH. HERE NO OFFER IS 'ItEPDSED, And hundred and hundreds of Hits, trimrned and hntrimmed, scores of Summer Suits, Mantles and Jackets nro going just for any. thing they will bring; This is a crreat chance. Don't let it pass by, a*-"The Liott" eaanot be touched for;Cheap Goods.'^a ; J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. Guelph, July 18. 1877. SUBSCRIBE POST OFFICE STORE AOTQ1T. The subscriber having again gone into the grocery businesn, would in timate that he has always a.full line of goods usually kept in first class grocery houses, fresh, and of the beBt Quality, such as FOR THE ^ctoust TEAS. Blacks Finest English Breakfast Conguo, Souchong, Oolong, Flowery Orange Pekoe. Greeks - Moyune uunpowders, Silver Leaf (Gunpowders, j Moyune Young Hysons 1 Uucolored Jap-ins, Imperials, Twankays Our leas are all selected for their superior drawing qualities Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs. 0A2T1TSD aOOSS. Cnllfornln Salmon, Portland Lobsters, Fron-h Siirdlnei", Cove Oysterc, Fresh Mackerel. 1 Carol Sams aad Bacon. andButtor. Chooso Bur&ott's Eitracts 8s Esseaeos. The Fined Goods Manufactured. COFFEES. Our stock comprises the best grades ...r- 1 1 Old Government Java, Laguayra, Maracaibo, and Rioy Boasted and ground, daily, on the premises, thus retaining all the natural aroma and flaver of the berry. 0000AS AWD 0S000LATBS. Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate^ f Bpp's Homoeopathic Cocoa', Menier's Chocolates. FREE PRESS, What He Will Tak___John Bull and the rest of the great pow ers'around theHabla, to the Gzar : " Your imperial "ipajesty, what part of the tufkey do,yoa prefer V The ~ Czar : 'f If you please, a" con pie oi Hides, a/ pair of wingB, a brace of legs, the neok, breast, thighs, and tail-piece will do, bat no sauce." The eyes of other people are eyes that ruin us. tbie Only $J a Year In, Advance. strata?. HeGned, in Loaves, Cut Loal, Dry Crushed, Granulated, Extra Ground, .Extra C. English Helined all grndea, Demerara, Porto Itico. Am'ber, Chewing, Sonoy and Syrupy. Standard TOBACCOES- Kmoking, Cigars. ffSTTlTS-DfilBD. Valencia UaisinB, Layer Raisins, Loose Muscatel, Sultanas, Seedless,, . 'Vostizza Currants, i i Black Patrasdo. in eases selected Do. do. in bbla., Eleme Fige( French Prunes, Tunis Dates. These goods are'the finest ex' ported, ' . cAira&D rsTJiTs and yscrs- TABLSS. . Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Pineapples, Strawberries, Succqtash, Green Peas, Corn. Beans, Tomatoes. Besides many other articles in season, not here mentioned fi"Cheap for Cash or Trade. Soaps cf ail Mads. FleUos and Caucos. Crosso <t Blnckwell's, Mixed I'icfelOB, -.. Chnwchow, t'lccaJili, ' '. Mnshropm Catfiup. John Bull Banco, ^efl A Porrln'* ^oreneRtorshireKauce, Tomato Catsup, Favorite dn.. do , Yorkshire RalUh, French Mustard, PARINA0E0T7S GOODS. Carolina Klce. Arrncan Illcn, . 1'earl Sa^o^ HI o Tapioca l*earl Barley, Corn 3Xeal, Ontrooal. DESSERT FBUTT8 Currants. Valencia oranges', Messina Lemon*,; Pineapples, Tanl Dates, Bordeaux WalnutF, . Fllborte, Almonds. BXSOVITS ft OOi^rEOTIONSRT. Arrowroo', Wine, fiorta, Abeme'thj', Cream, Umon, Butter. Boston, (imham. Oyster cracker, New YorkUlnuer nuts. , UlneerSnaps, Cantllps ana.SwceimentH ofall kinds, Glivese,. Butter, Egjn, Hops, CROCKERY, China 8<-t*. White Stone Sets, Figured Stone Sets, Chamber SelB, Tea Plates, Bowls, Jellies, Platters, Batters. And a full line ofottier kinds. Mill fans, Creura CrocbP, 5 Butler CrocUF, Jugc, Flower Pols, 4c, Celling at tho niannfaoturers' prlcei^ ' ! GLASSWARE. Turnoler-", Goblets, Lampp, Lamp Ulasftes. Glass Plates, OIsbs Sets, Fruit Jars, Ac , Ac. 'Wall Papers and "Window Blinds In great variety cheap. MXS0&Z.L&XTSQT7S. Tab.". Pal'e, Brooms. washboards, Brushes, Ac, RoppH, Wire and Wooden Baskets, Patent Medicines, Dyo Sluffb. Stationery, School Bo^ks, Purses, WulletB. School Bags, Bnectaclep, Vlollas, Violin Strings, Briar Pipes, Funsy Goods, Combs, do. Boneless Codfish, Herrings, Oysters la can and bulb:--in season. Acton, June, 1877. JAMES MATTHEWS. Conveyancer, Com. in Q. B., Issuer of Marriap;e Lieerises, Insurance Agent, &c. . ' SECORD W. STEWART m 1 . tiara commenced opening their New Spring Importations * . And in a few days will show the linest stock of ^Acroisf .<: FIR ST CLASS C00D3 submitted for itispeotlon in Guelph. Kpecisl efforts have been mode to show the newest Preti Good*, Spring Jacket*. j Mantlet, Costumes, Kid Qloves, Jloniery, Lacea, hact Curtains, Sheeting*, and '- Mourning Goods, OUR COTTONS were all oontractod for belor lb* recent advance, Cmtopers will have the benefit. Gents' Department. In Cloths arid Tweedi, Dress Shirts,! Ties, fjallare, Biol, * Stock of Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in styles g.ud prica. WM. STEWART jfc COy Gwclpb, Marchfi, 1877.,- ^ -1 JUST RECEIVED, !V t FOR THE -N": %-. S^iI3sT<3- n?ttj&Em -, v - .;. . ! Bought Low, and will be i \ "'" "- Sold at!"- Prices never! Heard of JBtfore, s ,1 Barrels Of Wltiite anil EefinedSugarp, Syrups, MoJa- ses, Vinegar, Oat Meal, Corn Meal, New Cur rants1, Prunes, Coal OH, Boiled Oil, Kawr OiM Spirits of Turpentine, "V arnish, Japans, eteX THE FREE PRESS PRINTING HOUSE. Kegs To Merchants and other Business Men in : Acton, as well as throughout the County, the Free Press js an : invaluable Advertising Medium. ! ! Of Prunes, Sda, Re J Lead,. WWtc Lead, Colors of all kinds, etc. '-. f - Cases, Boxes, Caddies j and ^ Of Biscbits^ Confectionery, Spices, Stanch, /T Canned Fruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos, Ci^,r/ .Raisins, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Washmg ".- '}'" Crystals, Pickled, tjarns, Jellies, Matches, f?c . \:^:v Chests, Caddies and Boxes ^|r ...' ]>- - Of Young Hyson, 1 Gunpowder, Jap^;to^i - Black Teas ranging in price from K) ceiite -v upwardg. The.-best val|ie in the county. V> K* i- ' 'c"/ : ['r'.\:J:-- SECORD BB^ ; Acton, March 14, 1877. * 'i Prepare for the Diy Weai^i-,;: G^ A PAIR OF NEW CRA1nC& S sU T| a.1 1 Til hi Oar Unrivalled Facilities for gxeouting all kinds of BOOK AND JOB PBINTING Enable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities. Hare no# iu stock a splendid assortment** -j:.,K,.: AND SHOES Suitable for the All Sizes, and Styles fr<ma the very bestmk<p^ PRICES AS LOW iSpeoial Attention Giyen to Ordered Acton,'Marc'u 13,. !o77. Summer Season.. -:;'t.^: ASTflEXO*^ Kepalrine Promptly Attended to. .--1 ; iSi*safta*ii

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