Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1877, page 4

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'mmmtmmmmm "awi-SK,* > ..4 *y - . A E1H, "lho fallowing 't s said was lost fr'.>m p young-huty's pocket-book on one of our streets : Hearts were made to break, - Hands were mailt to sviuceze, Pyc were to twi" about, v^U^j^ifca!ajutvilu.s .you pK'o, Ew wW-md'tb btaro," J~ Feet Were lit ad c to'show, UirU were made to tliit with the men. But men with the gwhs 6|i, 110'! iflAMLJfcE IP"? "'S VY#UW re uiadp$o. hug, . - Toiij{ue wenTm^de U- tune,/ Arms were made to v-irilc tjio' jjirls, And4ovcrs were made to sponil." Eyelidi were made to droop. Chocks were made, to blush,, . , Hnir vi lAkilo tt'puH aXt'i trie, ' And lips were made--oh, hush ! *"Kt, ? *t :.:F fcl % v.j- 3 >.: 1" 1 J ijU 1 *' T .t -- ^ i m Si Li">. 'Ml* f. * - , A SO\t t'UK THE Ulttl. | JOVE A ?onj; for the eirl rli ' tlod love her I, . A *<*fg for the eyes liJ'te'mlt'rsrihKj, j ?\*kj the fragrant'h-.putti'that mclt on . uiino, J; "The shimmering! tresis!* utu-Mutr'oH'd ^'hat ohup her peek with ;teijril gold ; The - Uosk4i iuouth -iatl tho dainty . chin, i - ; -And the little'd-iiiples out amlrin f t The air] l"']u\o -, .. ii. i. . A for the girlT love- _ God love her ! A^J^^b^ca^XMlj:*V,lisl.>t, .,, Aiid tha cheet wc*i red nose', waned to white ; The quif 1iS>- ; with it* Shadow Ar}il ; ? '. = M t > f Arid the dark hu- dropped; in.; a long, ^ deip^-drenrai >- '- * -' ^^ ~ <" " The small hands crossed for their phurchvAnl refit, Aiijl the. lilies dvatl on her sweet dear breiat, . - .: " Tho gfrl I loved- ' t l!od love her! When b mini hrgitrs to go down lull, heiRitpt to betray tho fiiot by his exterior npuenrnnce: ho wears a long fuc^, allowit'his clothes to~ look shabby ,~nnd acts like one hero ft of hopo or prosptou. Now this in u *--; ' 'TiirtrisrU: man acta aa though uo had contid- tnte ju hitpscU, ho must not expect to inspire it ,iu bthoi*. ,-A*iJ stJ>Uh tho tuti^rii'al, lipjienrunce of ii^ary. thing. ^pUness bfa^ipoaranpb^oi's not 'ei\cMvUh. a 'piit'n's credit, !luL oTten^tiiut'nces tho value of 'articles which ho u.tiy havq l'ornde: 'I'aia is especially truo upon tho farm, and wejwijl f/|vi\i>.vio' *q- }|u^U fiytner, who attends to Ule exterior oV things in gcnernl. . such qs.-gIchii sttihlos s)iil u'tiini*l, ilh yHPds-'ifiiU; buih.'> iugs, and fences in gootr^rcpair, will r** . iOfetaitt-A^o~ Ip/Pft:*e^St, ipat*,t(>r -^ iL . fth# ptbcluaa.<*JT 4ii:/hu tiknMpno who jieglecta bucIi simple matters. If Htij wic. doubU the iltacts of ex- teraal, appeurancei ij|joii Values ii^ iharket'or 'elsOvhiMe, let' him try -sending buttor to whtkct'in (in old \^.j wonther-beaten til-kin, no matter o^7;:s^v5urvi iWhv--". ^'vti^^'V^'^-^^^^^^""1*^^ 5 - WS THf'free viM, -tttiok,"BiiiTb^1 5wtt,.w.; ^2?r =sff jse "Woad^rful PRICES. A ROUSING SALE. "ii% u* ~-***^ "W i. r-' :.(lt,.ft onzi.....a.w i-O 'j f BH %0 iz<i \T- 1877. MMMMijMplfr 1 ' i ' i &}j&n.v. TV Great Slaughter at ;hr>jv' gooct.;th^bwttej(or how'qI)an llio vessel ny. L^.Itisido. If this does not satisfy, try some stained ami rfdir ly.ftiafs, .or,, half plucked :pVnUrj, Pro4ftell}jfr%igood articlo ;is one thing, but selling it to oiiratt' lage is quite another, and the good ^desman generally nrnkes the m.Oit money of the two. The importanco of a fatr'exVerloF'cXnrfia'rary be'VverT estimated. This principle in potent in any trench of trade, at\d in every grade cdeodetT; thecefbre, itis\oo important to be overLbokpcl or pus. sod unheeded. ' GTJBLi? The First Stbre, in Upper Canada. On Saturday, the 23d of June, We oommnnceU our Clr^nd Annual Clearing *"le of all classes of bummer JSoccU. to uiakVrooiu for im'menso Fiill Importations from Great bjritain, to purohase which our Mr. Willlamgon sails from Quobdo by the Allan Steamer of the 7tli July. i,comm MP, I m mm IB - Odds ind Ends. If fiiruiers would keep a slate- hangiug up i bark or workbhop, with a pencil attached by a. string, bo is to note down work to be done jon stormy days, it would be found to be of great inlvaatagg; XiilitHuil ' Sow, Carbots. Tbeni are often many small plota of wat>te or va cant ground on the farm, after the general cropa arb put iu, which ruay be ulilijfrfai^;^si^rcfxflgr*; the seed ma| ha s^im'niuair lu^ir tlban: ordinary kinds o spring grain. Every farmer should know that the best manure,for any plant is tlie aeefcrrydteJ leavea Jffid substance o^febwj^peciesJ^iC^is fact will ^SglesV^iSo pro^er4Jcoursa with reference to the leaves, tops, vines, haulm, and other vegetable refuse of tha^ garden.^ California Horti culturist, . ..- T . TJf^vEksiry. -If ydh' Tiave"" been' eade^voriiiij to get aheM ^m tLe _worj4_bj^irop|/ gjowiufcjS singlfi.1 ttxdp, S<Trogg^tFv^(fj6uJ?Ir<f5Bif^; in future, for we are assured you __ find yourself getting; ^b^indhand - 8^To^h1i"ph'y3rcuinr" BVery jer. ' AH Vrhlt;r4ll-COrri; -g!*o yoo ^hundred^dollars if you'll i allirnit, all anythingh poor policy, keep me alive another year," >r" especially if you depend, wholly or " in part, u|>on arJVadces'.^-iSon; o/ the Soil. Quietf^ire^ty . gectle and. V0 Tbete are; 31,417,^40 one-dollar bills in citcuiution, and it seems as if an editor j might get hold of one onee iu a while, " An IiislHunn, in writing a letter to his sweotheart> asking if she would accept his love or not, writes thus : *' If you don't love me plaze sind back tho letter without breaktngtho seal."' AOilowa p'apr tells o( a smart Wfftt that liUpad Jiw husband to nu" wventy aorts of wheat. Tha 'way she h"elpe<t'Bim Vias'Tb stanJlTir) the door ami shake a broom at him wheu he sat down to rest. A man cannot wait for m's din- &er ittiout losiu*j J^i temper ; but JiteB, with- what;*nj|Bc sweetness a Somali"rlfckf* 7^1-t}ial ! fias the "wbmSn more pntJerree? Not a bit- only she has lunched, a>nd the rwajj has not, A pious old farmer, who lived in a wild anil lonely place, was ask ed: "Areyo'u not afraid to Ij?e here, specially rn tha winter?1' "No,'-' said he, "faith shuts my door at night and mercy opens it in tho morning." , '"Jlen are so unreasonable!" exclaimed a much, tried wife. liens'b usy tusbaDd can't dajnk. tind coffee at breakfast without abusing me, and yet ho'11 drink bad whiskey all day and never think, of abusing tbqjsfir. Keeper"."" :~r : j :^ r- ^ An old miser who was very ill Doctor, I'll you ti-buod eep me alive another year," To which tha doctor replied : ' I don't think. 1-could: d.0 it for that, but I'll undertake it lor five hundred.*' ' kind,-/-?' Tnat's'. top. jnuch, {.'d rather die The BE HAVE DECIDED ON MAKING THIS Groat Sale of tlie Season, Bo that for! the next sir wekpur pfiaeswHI be. suoh as will more thnu gratiry every buyer. The sale will e'mbraoe aH'6I>Vseds Of tho ch'oicost Sumuior joodu, inoludinu Millinery, Mantles, Fancy 0oods, every k^nd, , Shirtings, Tweeds, etc. Id Tact ov r entire.bummer Stock, We oan only quote a few particulars: Beautiful Colored Dress-Silks for'oO den'ts, worth.$1. < .., i - Choice Si:k Mantles for 31.23, worth&>, Cisbmcro Mantles for 75 craXf, worthig3- All styles if summer (Joitumes at huir-prioe, a li^uilsomo one for f 1.50. Parasols at merely nominal figures; a fu'1-sized turasbl for 37 jc. All 12^0 Pints'reduced to 10c. : Summer Tweeds, a wonderful hiiig iiu. Heady-ma<le Clothing at prices'next to uothing. iiuslins and Grenadine* at 5oia yard, c ; ', -v r~~~- STfiBTPSXHCr SLSS ON THE flATrTT, SO ALE. Townspeople and dountry peopla rally-to the Grand bale at your Own " 3tor do not buy a cent's worth elewhera till you ' hav seen 3ur bargains, a glance at which will convince you that tlie Lion is tha plan > at which to spend your moneyj_ W.STEWAflf#eO {[mportatiions ('And- \a a few, dajte will, **aow.,the i,....iines^; !.., 1 FIHST *tAS5iOOl# submittid fof ifispeclion in GuBlpb..' iipeoial eifor.u hiiva;l>eer Rjado to show the newest J)ratu.'Guutlii , . ' -' iSjjrlmj juekhtn. flhuitlct), C'ostllHIt'll, Kid- Olovnn, . \ Jldtimnj,' . Iaicm, .. ... i . . . :.'gfoBtiri(jtarid ;' 'JlfuUtniiiff Cfpod*. . . jQUIt J:0TTO^ \-'.wr,-sdl?oonVFMted tor before tho y A* re'e'en t"** d varioi. have the benefit. Customers treatsaeni arVjJiiccassary tolinluja_iufrri paj. suph a prices" And he the heavies'; secretion of pure'"andTditi die. . rich milk. Cowa that are kept excited and shy from ill-treatment 1 will never fully develop their milk ing qualities ; lieneti the same cow in the hjmds cf two different per- SUBSCRIBE 'MM xffyiptof* herself: tc^ thp flh ^a the 6thei a'jecmjfc When planted in very rich soil, tomatots often produce mucb wood and little fruit. ^Tiie best crop of . tomatoes I exec s^Jsistras '/uEoisbeil by main siema aa free | from side gyowth; as" a walking-stick. All growths except the- leaves and " '8dweirs'?at^acued fd'tpe'^pria'ctpaj = Bteru had been pinched off as they ."ji'ppeared. }): . If you" have upen the form a horse that is " bad to catcb," try what virttte there is in tho follow- 102 Vttuent \ ,^qu. may..ckib an.dLjr.-. i_r>lt fciwr bofofe ' ' yort -will; but after you get him fjil|^-ia hand .give, him a feed of MttjiJ, curry and brush him, aqd call '{fiq| 4 good fellov/r-and it will have a visible jmpressioti upon tho horse'a gviriid. Chicago fribune. - j^-The best thing about carpets is" thstyou buy them by the yard, and, rrear them out by the loot. " . ' The entire assets of a reoent bankrupt were nine children. The creditors acted magnanimously, and let him keep them,. " Ife's filling his last oavity," mpurniully said a young dentist, as they4owered the oofttnbf his deceas ed partner into the grave. It is"*: hard to lose friends^-lo see ttiem slipping from you one "by rohe but it is harder still to find t9^tejlU your eyes full of soan,. ^^ays tfiat 1>o4}ai<to)Ba .- teosfr obedient bftyl 4*i ffonn I frorld."*-~He telU him to Jo n he -_>leas8. and he does it without 0 miitmBf. %,. ,. ;..!.',. . FOB THE Cone G^nts'-Departmsat,- ' in 6'lotbfl and Twdeda, - vDr*s-*birtis, . fr^ ;. Ties, ColIart^Ato., ' -'- ' '-' -- - - Stock of Felt Hats, I: , ; .. I' :, Ar& particularly inviting, ho'styles and price, - - -WW, STEV7ARTi & CO. . G uelpb, March ifJ. 1877. .,. will Bwly tg the Sale; "We are Crowded ' Doily. ' r;': Guetpb; Jrane;26. 1877; WILLIAMSON & CO TUB FBEB PRESS PRINTING HOUSE Of Wliis and Rennetl Sugars,:%ri|p^!lp^f sefiJ, Vinegar, Oat Meal, Coru Me^.Sew^fi' rtiats, PruireB, Coal Oil, Boiled Oifj Reft/ j03lj Spirits 0/ Tai pentine, \netuwUi J;tip4lisi,Jtci,;, IfiATdiri AOTO^i i '.' Tbe subscriber bayinKiB|raln goija Into thfr grocery;business, would, in timate (hat he hoB-aiways afuir line of goods usually kept,in first class Krocety/hTmsespIrejh,-and of the best quality, Bucia*~.'.-' ; ,'{." A tall fLi -^<Drroj&r FREE PRESS, ' - , man, having rallied a friend or^ ^e;bortties6^.or- hhrleg*,. tbe friend replied <!ljy legs reWh' the ground what more can yonrp do ?"; - < It rj* a fMmgp*faaraenlary ^|ipfai &uv\', modern costume that no sculptor has dared,, or ,ever will dare, to model T *fafdfe: wearlng:' ii- Bt-o^eJ pipe hat." Wfhey tell about the metamoiu lAMrU JfOfw^,^ &Vl companions *?Sastand4ia #ggjs **/&%<*& tbey were spmethjng wonderful, but we bave ourselves seen a young man turn into a drinking saloon and a ,'gicl tnw candy shop Only $1 aTe^r In rAdvance. To Merchants and other Business Men ih : Acton, as well as throughout the ,1 County, the Free Press is an invaluable Advertising i -Mediuin, . !-_ \.TBAS. .'.: J Blacks ",.' Finest English Brtakfast Conguo, ' gojuchonc, Oolong,_______ ; flowery Urange Pekoe; Greeks Moyune Uunpowders, -^ - _ .Silver Leaf .Gunjpowders,___ -Mojune^pjJPiO'HiSopi^ Uncolored Japans, Imperials, Twankay* Our leas are all selected for. their superior drawing Qualities - Special discount on purchases over 5 lbs.' ...... ^jppjjjj"^ - "I-.-^-v Our slock Gpmprjaee tha best grades "ft '. Old GovernmentJava, Uiguoyraf" Maracaibo, and llio. pi'MliVs, rfiifs retelrifnft-^ali 'tho natural arojaa, and flaver of tha berry, 0000As4&.fiH(J"0OLi.TBS". : Taylor's Cocoa and Chocolate, iEpp's BorxurjoBaJfifijliGopoa, '^ ifenier's Chocolates. n r? ^ *"T ff f; ?^', ty,i"'<.'f' """ """'"""UWrARS. ftefined,r|^ ^oajrjsB, Cut Loaf, " ' cJ>iy <ifnshBtl* Granulated, Callforpla Salmon,. Portland lx>bKt-ora, FreufK &ardl,,es, Cove OjSten;' ' ~ Our Unrivalled-Facilities,for Executing all kinds of BOOK AND JOB FRINTIlSrd finable! us to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities. u .Extra,G round! English flefinia-^aft grrfdefa, Extra C, fleB,v-;^' Demerara, Pprto Kico. OAKNEDtfQODS. la Salmon,. Pi ii Sardlties, Cc FreaJiMactorel. purpa Sams m4~*Bacfln.' 01um Eutnott's Ertraots 'feVEsae^ees. The Finert Goods J*nuacturedl'.' ' '^ _'^"..JPiciies vtA;pwiMJL-^[;[... Crosso 4 iilaotweU'R, ^x4' jplbklii Mahlirpom Calsup, JohnBilll Sauris,- . penrlp'.V,arctieirtrlitro Bailee, Tomatoratsub.Fayorlte do,;, dof, .' ' Carolttia ;Hlec.'Arraean RIct?, i-oftrl Sago, R,td Taproctt i r Pearl Barley, Corn Meat Oatmeal. Cu'rratits,rVa\eni4-OraogeBj Messina Lemons, Pineapples, . Tunl Date*, Bortteanx Walnut*,1 - I r.-< r\<*( *l.*J/ &l P ruaes Sod*, R^1 Xicn^; "tt'Jiiic ^le^ Colors^of all kinds, etc. h r> :taj\fi'4 :iH <i -i>f'}{CTi:&i *; ** Si Biscuiijs, i" <>ufecfIprteryr Spicei^tapeli, ,.,-... :,j. i.:. ,; \':-.-v.r. : r.^ \iLl-iis-a-'. ixv.'fifi -' Canriedi !Firii't,j j^sb,1 etc:--Tobacco^ eGflPi iDrystaJsj ^ickie.srjjams, Jefttes, JMatciw^'ett. :'.'; /. nO~ rnmpofvvtlte^ -Ja^any ran^itiig'.itJ price troj-li> ts^ r nTjwaTdsr~1J3Fhe best Vatoe i th;e cbuiitm>4f SynipB. "*J ; TOBAOOOES- ] ,Chwnj;v, ,8moking,, f Giga;ra... . fffiivlTS Iba iiD. Valenoia.Uaisins. Layer Baisins, Looks' M risca teT, ' ~i~< Bultapas,! .^'ee<lless. 'Vostizza Currants,"' "' " "Black Palraa"do.hroaies^-selected j Do:r; dd; in bblsij Eleme Figs, i French Prunes, Tui&ls D5eH[ These joods.,,the .finest exf? pofted'.'-i . OANjTBii rauits awp va&a . i Pesobes, Pears, Cherries,; pineapples. Strawberries, Saccptash, Green Peas, u ;., Corn, BeanBi' Tomstoes. /. p BI30UIT3 & COUTEOTJOl Arrowrool, WClnei fio*?*!:Ab'e(rnetbyj Cream, Lemon, Butter, Boston, Qrata^m. Uvster cracker,1 .-. NeWyiffkQiastei'nutsJ ' Olne'orSiiops. -OamH*e arKt-Sweatmontt oraUJtlnt B_ Cheese, Butter Egi, Hop?, China SeU.Wtlte Stone Sbt4 ' Figured Stonq Setn, Chamber Sels, 1 ' - Bawls.' Jellies, '-; flatters, Baiters.. I-. And a fullllnepf other yndS. . nsY.CreBmCrpplii', Butter CroiiK; JoMj'Flowier ' iji^t th-e-njanufuoiurers' .M)llPansY ,. Butter u^>r. eellin^*tthe-ni ;; "- -'-'atiASS-WABH. -,---. t>o" liampp, Li : ?_>:. 11 =:;!Actoh^!katch'l|,! l'8?7l SECOND , Ppt I, *0 fuoiurers'prltesj ri-l , ".;J Tumblero, OOtilets, " mpp. Lamp UIixsj^w.' l " Glass Plates, Glass Snu, ~Fru|t Jars,- 4c -, *o. Patiflrsi aTi rl TB In grejjt varietyt-oheap? :-i ,n;oiiA Jf) "*&*,' .'!'?; --* MISaBLLAlTBOUS. ! .::;:,4WW-gjsa?' npp#, AVlreand Wood*n Baskets, Patent M<lleJnr,: r ;.-. ...'.' '-'IWel,i?tufl*.v-'*"":"::/ <- ' PtfrSeS, Wflfeiiv sohool Bf, * SpectatneFi'Vloltds/ i Vtollsfifcrings.Brla^Wl / Kaney GporfRCombi onele ranty.Opytfsi..---. fibneless'Codfish,/Benings,;; | OypWrs Ih.can and bulk--hi; eei n,. ' ?e|idMmatjyothel>artiol^ ,; ' f-Cheap for Cast o| trade. ; J-A Acton, June, 1877-.- if Oonveyahcer, 06m,' in ij B^" Insurpnoe Agent,! &c. IwtstTtHE^ #' 'ofHfcfS WlWw <sj .^s? /^or cb^y ^.^iK ^ ! sit ferH-' -""& now'ip^itooic a-'-SpTendid ia*orttaiwV*fo<i:^.HT .............iemrM -.!.'."'.' ^-j^u|ta^e'.'f6r:^iie: Suinnier SeaBotra^ ^"; '! ' U:B::i,iy.\-Ji. :'>!:. : " ' ..- }.. ... ,I .iwtf'A -. : vol r; c :; ;, ,^f iM .J^N'j'fc ' v: ^U^W^ipfl;^jpM.^m thej very best makers j^^j^-lm^l AS ^THE ,E^ I I-, .V> I! pajurlng Propiptly Attended to ' ->:>- ~.^- . A'ilij i.'f:-! Aotbfi, Maiot> 43; ie37i: ^;

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