Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1877, page 3

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iStish *&&% Tiff** ^TfrJw* * J %.jl^c^ BHIW ...- .-,".-.l^...:.-.i.-~^^5|3SssSSfJ-S5: ".4. i i^IS^ V^THE FREE, PRESS, -ACTO^'m^ Ito Tsrxs TtSISE T1BM< f^iM lasivthAictc* as follow* t c"*l*0 - Hi*ktl!fpr Teene* ssaU Dj-*rprees ':'. titixed - T :aon>(> rast4 (mixed " tew TBrtea, - lr04s.m. 9.10 a.m. 1.57 p.m. fi.20p.m. 7.-07 p.m. 3:58 A.m. 9:1V*. ro. 7i>.-.f~ mm -:-V*V fgf ADYSRTta^MBNTS. y0t)e June* OibboW.. -Ottee's Celebrated Salve. ~ Masonic meeting- -'Wsiker Lodge. WCAl WATTIM. VrrwtinV-!Md^&*X^|rt>on ol tbs (all wheat will !'secured this week. 1 Mlkrnlr IwlMllr. >fo JaAM^GibbotM, near Uus#Ufage, hat ben judo tba victim* of one of those hwtrtku swindling dodges that are so frequently perpetrated upon in nocent farmers by smooth tougued strangers. Otic of -Jthcio gentry mado arrangements with Mr. Gibbon's ton to take the agency for the sale of "Sec- tloo Ortuders." A contract was signed L;,^^. 'j purporting to bo an agreement on the 10:10 p.m. ( P*rt of both parties. . A document was also signed by Mr. . James Gibbous which wu represented to him M boing merely a memorandum of the son's agreement, it was afterwards discover- edV however, that tho tlocument was a note promising to pay'Geo. A. Zimmer man, or bearer, 9480 ten days after dat*. It it very probable t|u* tho noto hs. already been negotiated, iand that there will be lawsuits in tkeoase. S*^ttl*| *Wkler tW J , . -- rr LVMKS. sMJBOL *' *' " ~i ' | tin* opportsarty i nrtspMn ftr sage KtreaLkOB k state that it ia i jejtaAs ih {teak tksr win w ' -fc*~- - :. cnaasci!- '& I ML, lid TowTSr *fb/ Tb crop ia excellent. The Nassagawey* Agricultural .. Society have decided to hold,their an- anal Szaibition at Brookville on Friday I "jSti Scfte*uib>ert ThV priae lat "has* . keen printed in -pamphlet form at.tfais effice. ; I" .. . Full rang** of < Sugars at the Glasgow House, where yon can get the famous 50c Tea, sold in S lb. lots at 45c. See those Fancy Dras Muslins, only 7i per yard new "and in season. . W arc very much pleased to be able to record tbe fact tbat the Grand Trunk, people havo at last com- tneoced improTing the approaches to the station. The lumber was laid down yerterdayi and a good sidewalk is now feeing constructed from the station plat form to connect with the oue recently Wit by the Village corporation. Let Yu all rejoice thereat. We preanme Mr Hnet.ii entitled to thankl for Itining np the manageri since Hii return from the "lold countryl'* . ."' Several of our farmers seem to be trying to excel each other in piling on -big loads of tanbark. A couple o' weeks ago the Fec Prxss took note of a loa<\ tneaatiring 2| cords. Xow Mr. John McMillan, of Erin, hands in a (tatetsest that he brought in a load on "th 4th of July, measuring 3 cords and one foot at the tannery. And better yet, comes Mr. Wm. Shaw, of Ksquea-- ins with 3 cords and 6 fr>;t at a load. Jfexf! ,-. .' Mr. John Secorrl, of the firth of Seeord Bros., starts next week on a trip to Montreal and Xew York, to pur. * chase goods for the firm. * They intend ~*lajrng in one c/ the hmrgest stocks, of goods theyrhave aver broughtto Acton, . so Took out for bargains sorax rChriatic, Henderson <k Co. are etoek-taimg. and offer rare inducements -?ic i*A lin. A call solicited at once. "iAtk to see those iney lire** MusUhj, only.Tic per yard, nlde width.: Tli Milton ~ Xrtrr, lifter a trance of several months, hu again made its appeal acre in the land of the living, having l>een re in meted by our fHend Mr. 1. J. Starrett, late of the J <rtOrgetown HtmUi. V ith the excep tion of the title, w-hicb is now the '" HaUini" XrK*. it twV very" much the Mine m formerly.. It will doubtless continue to be the organ- of the Coiiwr- - VatlTo party in th:> onuuty, and bein^ alooe in that capacity ought to reerirc full measnr* of sippoft. We extend to Mr. Starrett or friendly greetings on-his setu'm to^fce editorial ranks. Rollect the owning of the -,ttc^CUiffegalc>aJ Church by Bev. Dr. Ives, next Saturday and Sunday. There toeJ^b* a large srttexidanee and a Rood deal of generosity en. the part of the 96>etal public, aa *be trustees of tie ' ehurch- have been, at great expense in ' fur^iahing a bbildiig that; will not only Le a credit to themselves but a monu ment to the enterprise and thrift of our vilhare. The people", oi Acton and vi- : dnity nobly ^assisted in relieving thevj bnadtug committee of the Methodist! . Chaici ri tfaeii loid of deb. > year *rd, and it is hoped there will also be as liberal a generosrity shown on this occa- sion. The tnergy and plnck of the >. eomparatareiy few mecjbera deserve to j I ! be rcCBgnixed in a substantial manner, t andr w hope to be able to record next -eaeek that the total cost -has been pro vided lor. ~Tke Baits* Onaty Atlas. The Histyical Atlas -if Halton Coun ty, which has been in [process of com pilation by Messrs. J. H*. Popo & Go. for the past several months, has just made its appearance. It is a large and hand- omoly got-up Tnltttnc, jcomprUing 2o finely engraved maps and 'plans of the various municipalities and unincorporat ed villages in the county, with Provin cial and Dominionjniaps. It has also a largo number cf beautifully lithograph ed views of private residences and Tilaccs of business, and a number of well executed portraits of prominent individ uals. The historical record comprises very interesting sketches of tho early settlement and > progress of the county, and of the various towns, townships and Tillages, making it altogether a Very valuable work of reference, as well as a handsome parlor ornament. Special discount on Ready- made Clothing to clear out balance of stock at Christie, Henderson & Co's, Acton where you .get the famous 50 ct. tea. The Ladies will please ask for 10 yds of their Fancy Dress Muslins, only "i ets, ..- Christie, Henderson 4 Co. this week open a line of Fancy Dress "Muslins, wide width, only 71c per yard-_ well worth 20c. - Ten yards will make a full, dress at only a eiwt of 75c The! goods are' new and just in season. ; \Vho would be without a new dress. Enormous Reduction in Prices. The G-rand Cheap Clearing Sal of the Season - . NOW GOING ON AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END Entire stock of Silks, Poplins, etc, reduced. 16 30 per cent, Entire stock of Fancy Dress Goods reduced SO per cent. Entire stock of Plain Drew Qoods reduced 20 per cent. Entire stock of Costumes reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Shirts and Shirtings reduced 30 per cent. ~~ Entire stock of Shawls and Mantles reduced 50'per cent. Entire-stock or Lace Shawls and Jackets half price. . Entire stock of Trimmed Millinery reduced to half price. Entitle stock of Uutrimmod Qoods reduced 25o each. .Entire stock of flowers, Feathers and Wings half price. Entire stock of Small Wares regardless of cost. < Entire stock of Cotton Goods at mill prices. Entire stock of Shirtings, Tickings, etc, cost price. Entire stock of Tweeds at cost price. Entire stock of Coatings at cost price. ntire> stock of English and American Prints, cost price. Entire -tock of Table Linens, cost price. Entire stock of Flannels, cost price. Entire stock of Underclothing, cost price. .. $& Our entire stock has been reduced and will be sold. Wo are determined to clear out every piece ot goods if prices will do it. Intending purchasers will plemo reriicraber The Urnnd Clearing Bale of the! Season, tar These Goods most be Sold. " A. O. BUCHAM. F~uhlohable Wost End Dress, Millinery and Mantle Katabllshmeut. Quelpli, July 4. 1S77. i s i .j. : ":: ."-- '"'" ' ' > < ' "^ M V- 'i TaTv-Z - THAT WON0ERFUL, MAN ~-:&i&i!&&^xmAMtiV 9 TRADE MARK THE (KO^DEN MAN. Our Spristtgtand. Summer l^tock ^IfW* Is jjow fully In and opened up. ATTRACTIVE , STQCK OF SILKS. An attractive stock of Black Silks all prices, all qualities, and at prices that are below anything in the trade. | We have an immense variety of Colored Dress Silks in plijin and brocaded, and our prices are amaxingly cheap. Beautiful Brocaded Silks at 60 cehti per yard " iDbpartmbnt V We hare-now on exhibition a fall'stock of all the novelties injlillineiy. Our styles In ladies' and children'f Trimmed Hats cannot faH to command the adnilration of the ladles of toWn and country, 3nd in addition we rnnke BOTTOM PfeldBS ARE OStB.{*t*&'&33^^ reryio?)r figure. . - Si 2CMTdozen Best Colored Kid Gloves, two Buttons, arrest In l*rel Cvnaiy. ! The Uraluptou CoiutrrtAr says: Some farmers have commenced] cutting fall wheat in this vicinity. .The yield" will l>e Rreat.." Such a crop of fall wheat has not heen cat for m-iny a yet\r in Ontario Province. The spring crops . though short and -in many places lijrht ou the ground, are expected to yield fairly, as 1 the lierry is very plump and the heads 1 well tilled. - ". E4rm!Ba Asrlcaltarsl trlrty. . The ToiB-nahip of Ksc|iie*ing Agriciil- - tural Society niet at Ik. Clarkls Hotel,' Stewart town, on Saturday. The Presi dent, Mr. George Tolton, i>ccupied the' chair. ' The minutes of the former meet ing were read and approved. A prize list was prepared, ana other business pt importance Transacted. It is" "expected that about $^00 will be olfered in prizes' Q.LEXLAWSON Miy_s. Having thoroughly! repaired out- Mill, and put in a new. Middlings Purifier, .we are now prepared to give a bet ter yield of flour thaii formerly, with quality quite as good. , j .. j GRISTING AND CHOPPING promptly attended to. i The patronage of tne publie re^- spectfully solicited. | The highest price always paid for any quantity ot whe'.t. . j A. quantity of seed! barley . Oj & E. TOLTON, , Acton, AprillO; ISTT. ' 41.8m: | at 50 cents per pair, just half price, WE REQUEST AN EAULY CALL. Fancy Dress Goo4s Departjnent. ^he]^^^^ ^^ ^^ Bitiafli0ti6h wiU Ve ^^ t ' : onr patrons. We may mention that We do not bffer old stufi or bankrupt In this Department we "show the most?attractive goods In the town, staff, j Indeed our variety of styles, colors, fabrics and prices, cannot fail to meet the approbation of all. . MANTLES AND JACKETS:] Our Goods are all New and Sound We show some of the prettiest goods in this be found, and it will be to the advantage of. evefy -lady requiring therie west styles in material and mako to pay us a visit. Our stock of Mantles and Jackets consists of Black Siik.-'plain Black Cloth, Black Mattalasse Cloth, Cashmere Cloth. The above are all this season's importations, and really beautiful goods. JOHN HOGG 6l SON, May; 22, 1.877 .Alma Block, Upper Wyndham Street, Guelph. It iVT: Tlic MAMMOTH at the next show, which will be held in Georgetown on the) 10-h of; October.^ Herald. ratal PstaasilMs; t>T MLOake. ' We regret to tarn that Mr. JaC Bell, living near CargiU's saw mills, in Nassaguweya, came to a sudden detth ou Tbnnuli.j- lust. !Ho had on the iirevious d.iy fallen off a load of hsty, itiid injured-pne of hia fin gers, which the doctor found it ne cessary to amputate. . He gave Mr. Bell a bottle ' of" carbolic ' acid to bathe the finger with, with instruc tions to dilute it with rain water. Not having any water of this kind, at his bouse-he sent to a .neighbor's, for some. .In the meantime he : wished to take Some brindy, wLich was in a bottle similar to that in wbiqh the carlmlic acid was, and in mnrtake took ffce latter and-drank aomwortfaii cxmtenbt The' -deadly | poison actod at once, and the an- torianale nVaii. trasj dead' in a f(iW snjnutes. He leaves a wife and five childrsn tO'motim their ;Bad /and sudden bereavement. ! ;srt. I to 'V /' : 'rf^frtSU*- j) -----Paris Green, pure and fresh, Mfc Oarvin. '; ': ' '^ij'nsi; ioeive<f)f largB- ednsiga^ ' tnent of the cetebrated Kehtucty ^Ma> -thine Oils, far fbetter than seal or ele- r phsut oils,-n much cheaper. Hid! Castof Oil for-wagons^ And a lot of ~" - Sit3oa Bros. m The Twelfth at Erin Vlilatje. The members of L 0. L. 112, Erin Village, having decided to celebrate the glorious 12th in their own villevge, invited several.Lodges to be prtaant at the celebration. Afan early rrotrr, "th* "I^grr-Tnet, erepted an arch opjKisite their^hall and)decorated ii-yritbilfotigrfJprs5_of I the order. The members then re- ' "paired to their lodge 'room and (.after the usual routine of business, that *cejlet.^0e Jes-SKpsB^ '"feroisSl twodeepi witfi ttjeftbeaufi- }{\i\ new banner-in frontv-Wtid Btart- ed to meet the visiting lodges from Caledon. "After marching a short distance they fell, in with the, three A retora match was played on, the- groonds of the "Pastime club here, last" Thursday -aftiienoon, between. the' ^.Beavera.-. pf JO^arfph and the " Pas- ] times R esLActon, resulting'in a score of 11 tfluja inVfAVor of the visitors.. The previous match flayed .at jBoekwoed stood 2 to 3 in favor of the Pastimes. -,The>folk>wiag is the score: - 'W "".'.' i' J. Stephsnsonv-p 1 T. McMahon, e .. 1 ._ T. Storey, r f ,. .. ... 3 Cramer, es_. r. ... '.. Z. 3ri T. Kennedy, U...... 2 A Nicklin, ef .. .. 0 WilliasM, 2h, ."."."' ..... 0 J. Speight, 1 b ...... o BKavsBS or gcelph. Biekers, 9 b 'i*ofieM,.b , - ' Atttnmoa, V\> .i-, .ju-," W. Scoon, a .. A. Xyson, it .... ^.Scooo, cf .. , ^... .^ \'.V->-:y. r K. Clark, If -8. Clark, rf. OUABRldceO DICTIONARY For the. School Rdpm. 3QM Eagravlnp; IM0 rages Quarto, A NEW FEATURE* To the 3nno'lllnstrailons herekororp In Webster's Unabridged we pave added four pag- s of j COLOitEB IlXlSTstATld?tH, engraved eapressly lor this work at large cxi-enfe. Nearly every State Pupf-rtntendent ol Public instruction In the Union, or cor- reSDodtllns; efOcer. wliero ^neh nil one exist*, has recomm"nded wetjster's l>lc- ilopary In the strouiest terms. Among th<*m,are those- of K^strrn. Norlhern, Twehty=elglttlnsH. -.-* STATE PCRTHASES. The State of-New York ha ljace.1 lO.O'O copies In sn many of her Pubic SenoolK. ' .- ' The State of "VTlReonsln, about 5000, nearly*erxSciuoot.- j--.. TheBtataof New.ilcrfpy, 1,500-ncarlj every Bchoni. . . ; The'Slaie of Michigan, made ptovlslon for all her Schols. ThftSt-ite of MassachnKettB has supplied herBchools. nearly all. The State of Iowa has supplied her Schools. ' ------- j i f Tne 3f>to of Connpctlcut has mntl pro vision for bt-rBehools...... Over 30H0 Schools In Indiana were sup pll. d durlne tne year 1*72, anil many each year since. j. In other tat"S munr c^plps have beeh pur-stinted for supplying Scboola of cities. What better investment cno bo mndo InrSchoolSl Mor tnan -tweniy jtimes "ns many n. - ------ - - -- 01 at soM~of- Webster's Diqtlonafles, as. >thpr leries In this country^ uy AV-least 'ourAfihsl "f. a" V'? -?'ho<)1 -fi^oitiFpnbnstied in ftltls coantry own <9 I Sprlr.gfleld, Mobs T O FAKMBUS B. -8- 2 o 3 - 2 2 0 ' e o : 13 . --------rHawkin*, of Guelph, and Sharp, of Hamilton.' . Umpire John Thompson, of Guelph, Caledon Lodges, All formed-in a -procession -and marched back to the village.: After parading the streets for some time, they dispers ed for dinner, then formed again and marched to the church of Eng land where-jui: excellent sermon wis preached - by Pev. W.ii- E. Grafcame; of HillsbnTg, ~tiromv-lst. Peter ii. 17, " rlonor the king."; After; dwelling for sonie time on the hrjrior, %tj,:h^Jmjal FubjecU and Ocangemen, owed to therf sovereign; he finished by telling them that tbey were not to forget the honor that they owed to ,their 'makfer and urged them'topitti fte'r trust in the king of kings so that they would be rewarded in their <j>rad' Iodjje* abefv*/. ' ^fset-j :the sermon the visiting lodges departed being escorted a Bhort distance by Erin .Lodge, ^bAjmeBtbers,of.twhich retutted'tb^rlienr1 lodge- -rocjfr apd closed the day's proceedings, the L J whole passing off in a very satis> factoi-y manner. The Orangemen deserve great praise for the manner in which tbey conducted themselves. Now is'the W. to improve your slock The first pze bull, Sin Wil- uam Temple th* Thibh, (83), got by ir William Temple [2296], dam Diana 'by Red Prince [602]) will serve cows on the premises of the undersigned during the season. Ternis. Thwrough-bred cbwsW.0Q; Grade WSI^^ * Lot No. 5, 1st con. Erin". April 4, 1877^. |; . \ 40-3m LIST OF MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Burrowes'jPianoforte Primer. Jousse's Musical Catechism. Bertini's Kew Method for the Piano. Clarke's Kew Method for the Piano. Hunton's Piano Forte School, flowe'e Piaxo without a Master. [ Richardson's New Modern School, GlUe's Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Music Books. .. _ r A Big Discount on nil MUSIC BOOKS ADDERSONS CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the East sideof "\Yyndham Strcetj OtTELPH. A TOS PLANING MILLS Pump, Sash. Door and Blind Factory. THOMAS EBBAGE, Venetian Blinds And ptlicr BuHdinsKeqnisites : Atso' MakeIr"of" b0g to announce that~ tlie^ have commenced their '. j .tinnual Summer Clearing1 Sale And in order to reduce their immense stock.before Stoek-Taking, GREAT BARGAINS WILL BE (fHVEK. The Publie will have a cholcn out of ono of the firjest Blocks later import ed. "The stock is even now over ?50,000, and as we never advertise anything but what is bonafide, you may depend npon getting the iCHBAPEST GOODS YOU EVER J- 110 A. SAW As we want money,-we will commence 7 Dress Goods at 5 cents, worth 25 cents, . Prjints at 4 cents. Cottons at 5 cents. Shirtings at 10'cents, worth 20 COU .3. .:'.;-.. All WOOl Tweed", at 50c, worth ?1. C^ttonudes at 20c,.'vortih ST|c.: Brown Denims at 12J cents, worth 20 cents. Genla^StrWw Hats to hi daughtrof at ^qnarfcar^ and halflheir-priceB-^. Beautiful Colored Silks at 55 cent*, worth at wholesale $1 00. Black Silk at 75c, worth $1.25.' "-A Black Lustre at 25c, ushal price 50c. Ready- rn^de Clothing, great bargains ,to be given to effect a clearance. % & Co, MILLINERY & MANTLES AT HALl^ PRICE. . And a large Jot of LADIES' HATS at 5 Itnd 10 einia each. CARPETS at l6 :p6p peiat oft The above is an enumeration of a few articles and gives yea a faint idea of the Great Reduction in Prices. This will be Thorough Clearing Sale we have ever held. The whole stock is reduced, and whoever will be kind enough to call on -' trouble AW OM> T*T*UJtxiritle*,hsvini*hsu ptseedilB hit JumUliT siTE^ Isdis Miuiottar7.4st.^omnls_or s_yextts] CONSUMMTION CURED. rUred *m*c^vji7T} Able ---------. for Uuayewdjjsu)d,pirltisUimtcDrcof Copt4mn*p4l<m, Ahlhtna, JBranthttt*, Cafprrh, ' [Cnrsj for Heriu ~D+^ *ud smxbxc*avriul 4txiir-Aftsaetlcma: eU*o -----BrtdlcsUlCiirw for T*~ -- -^^^ -.1 sorrow. Compi:nv.. L... . *iy-wtr^ ii* woiideriul eurmllre -------j. -^CMtmXt f^i, [t hli doty t< fnfifcrin* ftllovl. ActO^ a Oo*ciantXou dsutirejd 111;. ictirt- TltXt: nUnrftntTiU ^rrox^C^mpi:nu"aner hir- ian tlu>routhlr"tt>sttf<> its woiideriul ettruWC Mirtrt In ufommrtoa oflcim, fc^li it hli dmy to MsVU^Owlrh^hll rsUere^bumsn ruSH| ly utio*. Sent by Hf"Ta saartsun* with iump,"Bsmlns U> vx-c: L. psper. ^TEVESS^ '-it^xs^ Bsockyn-tr, Oxt. >r ..i_ Lumbar Planed and Dressed to brde . in the Mst majiner. ' All work .'guarantee-'*!'" ,;' ! Actolnl ianv.'tSTei : ' . i, _,.,.' (the"^Iost Searching and of July, I us with their money will be amply repaid for their! Ti*e Sale will Uegin on the i'qurth! . And will continue one month from1 that day, " Gents don't forget our Ordered Clothinjg Depart ment arid Gents' Furnis hiAgsj We turn out the Handsomest, Cheapest and ;Bestj made Suits in the Dominion. - j Great bargains, will be given in the above Department likewise. -i "-t *L Patronage is Rcspcctinlly Solicited. July 3, 1877. McL0E, ANDERSOIT & Co., ' M.AMMOTA HOU^E, GtlOBGETOvVN. aV J"^ ^^^^^.^g.. Iheir numerous favored in tho The undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to patrons for the liberM support with'wh^h.^ past as members of the iaie firm of Dickaon'-i McNab, wbuld beg leaVe to call attention to their STO f-*i \': To tne WorJffnc CISKs. Wleiart now. 1 prepared to furnlsu all claiFes with ebu- . staift employ meat at home,.tbe. wHoie or : lh time, Jar Jor^thelnisiiaire.jnQirwntB. I BuslnefBnewrllghtandprotltablf. l"er. ] soi.b of eirh'^r^Rf^c-oaslly earn fromj 60 cents to 8jS:per ^v^nlns-,-nd aproportion. 1 ai Bunvhj'.devotlDKt'iBlr w.liQl'e'TUirii lo -the business.' 'Uoynnna-girteetiro^ienj-iy as muehai rtien.. ^ Thai alt who see this noUcv^Way Bend, their addrons, and test the business \ve mako Mils'unparalleled notiWaMsatJsfled Pve wlU send oue dollar to pay for the trouble *f' wrttlhs;:.:Fll' particulars, Kamp^lesH Bor.:lveveral doilars'locommence worjc * 'On. ami a cipyof HomeanlKlrnslde. one of-the<arire8tnd best Illustrated Publi cations,-all Header, If < yon want rermanont, profitable work. 4 nddreseGnoncE StissonACo.,Portland. Maine. -' "- " Which this year is larger and better assorted than ever, comprising a large assortment 61 ^ >. :. i . TWEEDS Scotch, English and Domestic Manufacture. 1 The patterns are the choicest iti tho market.:- Out stock in j - HATS AND GENT* FUI.lTIsjHI^GS Is well assorted and at low. prices. Cottons, Prints, and Staple Dry Goods (prices thativJn.otrJittl to;8|iH3j)' ^eryb^^.L ^^, resp.ei>Jf*l'l^'Thlte ian iBpection of our goods. " : " .' PYFE & McNAB. Haring during the past week,, taken advantage of ..."-* _..- ,_ Tiie Immiense Slaugn^w Sfi^es :- are enabled to offer the "..' t.. - SEASONABLE GOODS Ever Brought into Acton.: "-;: All new, fresh, and .cdmprisliig this Spring** tm i . - r ' portations. t - Instance the l^Iowiiig:, 3127 j aids of American Prints at 5c, .worth 3c. 2Ii3 yards of;ik.toerican Prints at 8c, worth lOo. 1000 yards of English Prints at 10c. vvorth 16c. "-,-'-. 10Q dozen Canada Straw Hats st'6o,. -' 40 doen Sunshades, 10c up. ..'..';: ' .' - - 60 dozen Kid Gloves, very choice, worth $1.25, for-80o, Dress Goods from 10c up. *. , ,: - ' "i "~ . ' \ "i OUR MILLINERY RO^>iM Is now complete with all the novelties of the" j son, at our popular low cash prices. -:.;; ^ Inspection Acton, April 17, 1877. \m TEKM8 CASH ANB SSliLL PROMTS, CSsWswTlS, ^ Acton, April 20,;ij77. :^.r'.. :. ^ v'-' :w-

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