Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1877, page 1

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*.. irt / "^s-^ 5 J * fe- r . * - r1 ^ tS'&rr *& 1 Z"6',^ 4 Z- ,-Vi i * '-.u Xs. j-^V \. p^^?'^i^j*&' -a. ? ?.r# rf>* ^i Tolame III. >. 3 Whole Xo. 108 ACTON, ONT., THURSDAY, {$1.00 per annum In Advance J I m fBdbre. hps,:MoIas- , X?w Cur f, Raw Oil. inns etc. T<r hitd Lead, and c |esr Starch, [as, -.Cigars, TV ashing latches, ete, xes j Japan and imlO cents # BROS, lots, ON of QM& est mak &* i "--. LrNBiSpK. " -^RUSIXESS CA.11D&. HURRAH! HURRAH! - * VOH THE BEST -PHOTOGRAPHS t in. the County, at v 0&^*^-?'*^c ^: Tho Ontario Photoerrauli gallery t'fa,riS .. M. l\ stOnidaalo of Trinity "" *4"Vircefiis Ol wi Kesldt'uo.* */;/ rtjiiipied by K. blU-lP, Esq. - W _ sur*o:i, sto;. or r Vort^UoUrduto: Viol.u-ia -..T.urf CtJtUa. OonsullaUon dnys ro/Sy *<**- Friday., *< <>. Stu. ni. til! 4 ?a **** -West Mowrt lr*>l, acton.. . D a aaeer. aiso-ARpBt Uannua ill* Asior'-ff Ci. I>t?-vls. Mortens. a--" pn-FaroJ n.'iiilv, proin.'ily, correctl}- ""ilii OU t04*MH&'iO .U'rms. Monoy to I.JJU on Morc^Acc' stcurlt}-. Ortloi- 4jlsi<rw Jloaio. \{to&. JD. MVTIIESOS'^ \ttorney- s:-u:i\f, SiUn-iior in Ciinufory, -*e. 0:Hii^-Cvir:ier ot Mulu and Cliurcti trMU.Q6:i;i[i>wu. J_______ m .WVfOOrER, v ProTincialLand Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Ouelph. OrAirm by mail promptly -ird.K*- t\ir Bdudii of Finish and JiriUian- cy in Tou(, they cannot l>c aurpnsscil. COPYING & ENLARGING Iu all its brandies, in the best style of tlio art. dime ou the shorteBt notice and ;\.rca5onaWe rate*. -tlso a' splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hantlfaud made to order. - .4 call is solicited and yon will l>e ionvinecil that this 13 the plaoi! to get 'photojrraphs. Yours respectfully. I C. W. HILL, _4cton, Pec. fl. 1876. . ir-JJ, Iv.VIULA. Barrister. I>r'iuU--.-.t-U.w S .lie.lor til <-aacerv. ic. <p:B-' *: -. Haiallton. lit r\i stre-'i: MilSJU. M-v-n street, l'lie MJu>n OSff tritl t > ur.icr the mumse- ffl^a: of 1>. W. i-.-.m-j! !:. m 1 Mr r": ',- iaU- VHI a:t.>:iJ at i:u> OtJce ia FrtJ&y o.' ="->. \r?eK._________________ npRAYEXEIlS H ESR L.jDiiVRE, Life and Accident INSURANCE COMPANY Of Hartford. I'oiih. BKn'tll LATH tHA\ NKVEli. Lifts ia'a race, whore Boiho succijd( . Whilo other* ara boftinning ; ..:. 'TU luck at times, at others speed, , That gives an early winning. But if you ehaoce'U) fall behind. No'er alaeUen'your etulftavor. But kbep tltia irhnlcsouiu truth iu lUiud, " If you can koen ahearl, -'tis ^-ell^-- Uut novor trip your neighbor ) f 'Tis tioble^ when ' ou coil eXcol,.. By honest, patient labor ; ! But if you nro otitstrippi>d at last, Remouil>er, tlioii^h you ara surpassed, 'Tis better late than never. \ ] .. No'cr labor for an idle boast ! Of victory o'er auotlicr 7 , ' . | But while you gtriro ytur uttormost, Deal fairly, with a brother. Wliato'er your station, do your bust, And liofil your purpose over ; And" if you fail to beat the rest, 1 'Tis hotter late than nevur." r Choose well the prifch in which you ran, Succeed by nobla daring : Then, though the Inst, when onbo 'tis won, J Your crown is worth the wearing. Then never fret, if left behind, ! ivor slacken your- endeavor ; t But ever keep this truth in mind,! 'Tis better late than never. said, "I can givo yon > work' for ;(y \ to my, cottage at noon my eyna day pt two,", and bidding luurgatH- wet-o greeted; with tlio asionishing. er up his wifo'sji'pparul, led t)ie way '.spoctrtclo cf two of my boys tidrd'at i\sinistE \crAT. ti K.Lrit, | Acsn'. for :be M 're.i.iitilenndM'arerloo>. ......-- j uis c^r<? ,wi:l lie li- urSt-e."at. l>.i>-*s - untere -Wy 2&h11 ;tj -^ss-^i -.i ^1 Kliai'o.- lXi-in l'u-> U:lte<> " - H. I/. r.KAKE. P'lTEXTS for IXYE-XTIOaJS . eiJfiiiCJ-^!i' a'>J p^"-]',H?rly *>ecura I 1 ci^-i. '-ti-' c uiJ,Enrop?. e>i'.iiv e a.-..n'^ -.1 or r.a tv-irse. ^cinV >i- rvi^'-i .i.-tr-H':.""-1. AK?ie-y In uptr^ i-i;eu-ye:i.-5. hknu'v .ii.i-v. i.'tt .wa., Merl^^li" tl K.:c.: I'-e-'r,' So icl-or uf Pa Ptilt-ttp Caih Capilat... ... CasA A**<-ti:~.U -V.-j-f* . r'ur ' frotttJiuu >J J>iri'Ji.~"J<,r.-i.......... Jjtptei: ictik liu'.id:i'*j2i- t/i'f- erjulfiv.i......._ .-.,-_... $600,000. MY FRIEND, THE TRAMP. .TV TILLIA3I AVATklNS, ui.TlllrrtBir.UrtiUMi frt!flcal* -Hy !t->jiiA?;v>!ntmb!.i B^'.r.' ji.;v:i*u? 6:vii'-.-ii:"!'l>i:t!al ^_- _.: ;.: ? rJ-i_-; l7Cl_-e, i;;_.-ii,--v:3:iai--i -i-ty H^' t^_ M RS S. t'iSfElU Ttarltr orMatlfijPravlBS aatlF.rtifU. L'tvlreii -.ire-.:, Ao<;'ii. iLiYSIt LUZIES, IMastenr. .::, ry' r[-,-finii.tu o! H;uf. t:"- lr. I. Ti i.:5-l-ci*:i!>C Jin: -t-ts ^1 " " i^i'^i'i-- Lrrill--, -:i-l =.1.1. ttiin. j3__mii:-^'. O-1 -faei A CTOS Ftdl'C MILLS- li..i r.. NIOKI-lN", IJroprif-Uir*. t"!"iur fiti 1 KCf'l v.iwajr* p:i nanrt. '1> _.! :, liri^ f:i^ iilll l.'lw.'ij Di'l i<"<,r al 1 Itlu is Of lif jr. I Tlie Travelers is a STOCK COM PANY ami wriies Life Policies upon Low Kate alUausU pliin. ^o ua- certain |'rottiisi of imposeibls 'dtVi- ideml?," but'o reduction of th*-.pre- j ruium at the outset; equivalent to a . -dtvideud" in advance. The Tra'v- I tiers writes Life and Accident Poll- !cies combined as clienp as mest companies write lit ^>o!icies. It is S the largest Accident Insurance Coui- ; Panv in tlw world, having written ! 435.0'.JC. policies and paid ,in actual ;eastt benefits to accident policy holders alone over Si&OD,00il. Au '< Kccideni poltcv coils hut a irille. No medical examination lequirefi. <^et a policy and share in the general betj^tit. C. P. RUSSELL, District A gen*, 3.3 AJuj-ide Street liast, T1T.1r.tu. IVfLSON IRWIN, Special Agent. I had been sauntering over tho clover dowuu of a certain New Eng- lind seijpojrt on a beautiful Sabbath momirig.' ^Suddenly, X became avtaw of. tlio strong fumes of tobac co. Turning my tleiul I saw a pnle, blue smoke curling up from au ad- jaceut boulder. Rising and climbing over the intervening granite, I' came upon si little hollow in which; com fortably extended; ou the moss aud lichens, lay a-powerful buillf man. He was very rugged, he was very dirty ; there was a strong sugges tion abc>ut him of his having too much hair, too much nail, too uiuph perspiia.ti.on, too uaueb of those supeitluotis uxcreseuces and exuda tions that soeiety and civilization stiive to keep undet-. It was the Tra<np. I was deeplyr indignant at his laziness. Perhaps I tshowed it in mv manner, fur he roso to a half across tho downs to mycottago. At first I thinly the oiler took him by aurprise, nnd gavo him Homo 'con sternation, but he presently recov ered his spiritB, and uluiost instant ly. liiB speech. : V Ah,it'8 worruk, is it. God bo p'raisod j'it'rt-Trie.'that's rendy and willin'. 'riirjugh tnaybe tny hands is spoilt vri<\ brickuiukin'i" ' I asijured'him that tho work I would give him would reqiiirb"no delicato manipulation, tuul bo'we furedou over the downs,-' Hut li could not help noticing that, al though an invulid, I: was a:l ihuch better pedestrian than my compan ion, frequently leaving him behind, and that even ns a tramp, he was etymologically an impostor. Hfc had a .way of lingering beside fotices wo had to climb over as if to continues tuoro confidentially the history of his misfortunes and troubles -which ho was delivering to jrue during our homeward walk, and I noticed that he could seldom resist the invitation of a niot>sy boulder, or a tussock of Bait gras*. " Ye see, sir," he would ^say, suddenly sitting down, " it's along of! me misfortunes beginning in Milwaukee that "and it was not until I was out of hearing that he would languidly gather up his traps Aipiiii and saunter after me. When I reached my own gate he leaned over it a moment, with both of his pawerful arms extending down ward, and said, ** Ah, but it's a blnssin' that Sunday comes toVir'o rett fur the wake nnd weary, and thim as walk3 Biventpen miles to get it." Of course I took the hint work laying tho course ot the) stone wail, assisted by Bridget and-Nora, who were digging stones from the hill sido, while-comfortably, resting on the top of tho wall lay ruy friend, the trump, quietly .overseeing the operations Svitli iazy7anil liumnrous comment. For .tin"instiiii6 I wiis fooliBhly indignant, bun he brought oie to my, Bensns, "-Sbure; it's only lamin'tho boys the habit of industry, I was and may tlioy never knpw, be the same tokeji, what itf 13 to worruk for the bread bctuue ^heirlipa., Shure, it's but making them think it's play 1 was. As for the colleens beyant in the kitchen, sure,' isn't it better they whs helping your honor here than colloguing with themselves inside 1" Nevertheless, I thought it expe dient to f jrbid henceforth any in terruptions of Kervants or cliildreu with my friend's " worruk."1' Per haps it-was the result of this em bargo that the next morning the tramp wanted to see me. " And it's sorry 1 am to say to ye, Burr," he began, "but it's the handin'of thisBtun that's destroy in" mo touch at brickuiakin', and it's better I should leave ye and nnd worruk at my ' o n trade. For worruk I'm nadin'. It isn't self, Captatn, to ate the bread of oidle- nt-Bs. liei'A.- And so good bye to ye, and_ if it's fifty cents ye can givin' mo until I find a kilu God will repay it." lie got the money. But'he got also cjiiditioiiuliy a nolo from me to iny next neighbor, a' wealthy ref- 'tired jihyBiciiiii, jjoseessed of a large domains a man eminently practical ed, by the; servant, I opeed. ;the d6orj and joined-the group on jhe, veraudnb, .: . - ,..i || An Origlual (sermon. |The following humorous sermon wiis preached by a ..ceitain Dr. If I oxpeeted to touch .the conj)l>pdd, prebeniary- of Brecon, to RO-S.S 1 Is JlOlSt:. Aciou. ( ..,..^ir>s-"ii-ir. T. It.ii waySiiitloti. liice!!it .fe^.-atacJii-iL:! f<r the tnive1.- liatli-lSllc (Tmii. UAMl'lJEUU tTtijT, D1 tOUiXION HOTEL, Aiion, _ iV>Oeri Agnev. t-.or.Tlu n-w Ho-.-I IJ nt.^-1 u;> jn ilrnl-elasa k'.vie with no- furmf.if?. Commercial Tr*ve:liT_ irl t ir.-t eoo-l iir<*o:i2 ji_o1i.i Ion i!alcom<noi!..u^ Sample Itoumn. Spi.-i'ial at-otlon p4i tota*-rBt>i,-ioi-ovev ' t'ajpu .lie,. HnTi.upp:te.,".wllf.tii6 hest -Liq.a^r a-i-J Ciif-ir -> atteniive Hostlers. Upul .S u.h:lu_{ and w 91. HEMSTKBET, Licensed Auctioneer ACTON L1VEKY &SA1.E STABLE J. P. ALLAX Fo7 t-fi^TouutTeVflr Wellington-nntf-Hal- toa; urtlers- 1-rt, :i! a>-H!!E P4iK_-u4 ; oraee, Acton, or at inv retl'ienee, :Jn ilo<&jr.c.-*J..;utili.beiroini.>tli'aUeiifie^lo. Terms-reasonaDTc. - -. ;- pleasure- In" announcing to the ---------------------------------------------"~ bablieieneTalljrtbat ho is prepared to ' np TKOLLOPJE C1L1PM-1N. *S^ mrnisto : Practical Bookbinder. j . At Reasonable Hates. All Descriptions of :Binding Jieatly Executed. ills KlEBand Horseeore the y*t tiiat 1 can b*- hid.sntllieli .leternilned not lo be surpassed by any rity Stable. ; I j^eton July 1st, IST5. .. , , ty in digging and had probably expected that kind of work, and I silting attitude, returning my stare" dure say j uiscomfited liim by apologetically,. aud nixde. a move iul:ng to an almo8t leveled stone toward knocking the tiro from his waU about twenty feet long, with pipe against the granite. ' |tho 'renmrk that his work would be "Shun-, .hir, and it 1 d believe ; tho reuu;ijing 0f tlut stone ' wall that 1 wus^n/imsMnVpn yei hon- f,wkh 6tone biougb't from the'neigh- or's grounds,, ll^a . tueself that hev j j,orin^ hlopes. In a few moinonts hud down on ibesea-olio_re aud taken !b(J waH covfifortabty provided' for the bait wuvts tor me bjlankiu...:-^.. ^^ titdlj(;ri-^;wiier(. a coot,: a But its sivinty miles I've IwolkeU :womhn of his owii nativity, appar- tliis blessed i.oight, with nothin' to ; ....... ..... sustain uie, and hevin' a rhoi*tal weakness to.ligbt with in my bosy- uIr, by reason of starvutioii, and only a" bit of bacca that the] Widdy Malaney giv ma at tho cross roitds, keu-p.uie up intiorly. But it was a dark Jay Tieft uie h'ome^in Mil waukee'to walk to Boston, and if y^ll oblige a lone .man, a|'ho has lefts, wife-juid mix. children in Mil- wankee, wid tho loan of j twenty- five: eints, fnrninst the tireie h^ git8 wurr'uck, God'll be good to ye.r'"' It. insUntly ilashod tlnough my mind that; the'man before! mo.'bad the previous night partaken of the kitchen hospitality of my'lUtte cot tage two miles away. Tba,t lie pre sented himself-as a distressed fish erman, mulcted of hia wages by an inhuni;in captain ; that he had aunfeV lying sick of -consumption, in. the nex^villagf. nnd two children, oiie There was evidently no work to be 1 and business like irr his manage- had from my friend the tramp that day. Yet hia countenance bright ened as he saw tho limited extent of niy domain, and observed that the garden, so called, wbb only a flower-bed, twentytive by ten. As he. had doubtless before this been utilized to-tke extent of his enpaci ment. of it. He employed many laborers on the sterile he called his farm, and it occurred to me that if there really was any work in my friend, which my own indolence and preoccupation bad failed to bring.out-, he was the man to do it. . I met him a week after. It was with Borne embarrassment that I .inquired after my friend, the trump. science, of iny. friend) the ttamp, by, fi, dramatic entrance, I failed enj tirely. : Fbr. no sooner did lie see, me than;h^ gave,vent to a.howl' of delight, and, falling on hn^kneeK bpfovo nie, grHsped my hand, and tjiirned oitttotically to the ladien ;;! . v Oh," but iw liinieeif-rrhirnself that hus-come as a witness -to rm character.^ G;'s himself thai difted rati four weeks ago. when X ffas lyin' with a mortal weaknep^ on the sea-coast and took me; to his -house. O, but it's ,: himself .that skupported hie; over the faldea, and when the ohills and fever, came on me and I shivvered with, the cplj, it.was himself, God bless biro, as he. sturrnpted the coat off hia back, au' giv it to me, aayin',." take it, Deri- nis, it's., stharved with the cowid say air. ye'llbe entirely." Ah ! btit look at him will ye, miss 1 Look at his swate, modest face- a bluah- in' like yer own, be denyin' of it in a minuter may the blessin' of Gad follow him. Look at bim, miss,! Ah, but it's,a swate pair ye'd make ! (the rascab knew I was a married man.) Ah, miss, if you could see him writin' day and night with such an illegint hand of hia own-j- (he had evidently believed from the gossip of my .servants that 1 was. a doctor of cbii'ography) -if y pit could Bee bin), uuhs, an I Lave, you^U be proud of him." - He stopped out of breath. I was so completely astonished..'I- could say nothing j; whit I had Tram^d, to utter as I opened the door twub vanished completely. And as tlie most .beautifulieyos. in :the .world turned gratefully to mine we'll-!--. I still retained enough principle to ask the laclies to withdraw, while some Undergraduates of Caihbridge, who chanced to meet the reverend How John Prince Johnson \ Hurt Lis dear- Wife's fccl* ingi}. John Prince Johnson had an ob ject in getting dt tink. John Prince Johnson'n, wife is -not more than doctor n'few miles from thaftown. { !- --!--tlm an angel, according to hw story,'and" he wanted revenge on her. The <i;ther day ebe said to . bf 111 : ; . - . " " Get np and dttstj'and go out nnd -work and earn. .Some cash and help me pay rent and jbay wood and keep something in; the cup board." v That was a nice way for a loving "Beloved, le^ me crave your at- |wife tcrtal1- i fat husband with a tcntioni I ara a little man, "come IhM 8I,ot on---!'-* crown. He WHiit- at a short notice to preach a short | ed to 81t -f"n- an^ gethi* breath BermonL from a small subject; in for the campaign, \but she didn't and-who insisted on-'hiiii preMchiirg to them on the word ' matt," from the trunk of h -hollow tree that stood elose by, We. may-state .that Dr. Dddd had made hitnielf obnoxi ous to] many of the Cantabg by frequently pi*aciiipg against drunk- euhess:! Ilia impromptu'discourse 1 ran as followa; .-.' I an unworthy pulpit, to a slender congregation.' Beloved, my text is :<|.Mull.',.""'-I'eanLoli divide- it into words,Lit being, but one; I mut therefore, pf necessity, divid* it into letters, which I.' find to be these four,'M ALT. M, my be loved, is Storal ; A, is Allegorical; L, Literal; and T, Theological. The Moral is set forth to teach you drunkards good manners. There fore, M, maBtera - I., listen T, to my text. The Allegorical is when one /thing is meanti' The thing spoken of is maltj^ithe thing meant is the juice of malt, wAich you Oantabs make, M, your nftster L, yoiji) liberty and T, your trust. The Literal is, according to the letter JM, mnc'i----A; are ->- T, trust. The Theofogical- is ac< ' sald '"' cording to the effect that it works ; care,if he worked himself to death. He looked ut hVr across the stove, and replied: 4 " Florinda Jane, I'll mnke you feel bad. for saying thPtu word.-f," and he pnton(his boots and went out' inUr the ^pld world. ' When - His Honor nsked^ the- prisoner if he had any exeuse for being di link, John Piince looked .greatly p'.eased and replitd: '.-.' "Noie- at all. ' Fine nie five dollars, and she'll have to pay it out of her own money I" - That was hia plan to secure" re venge. His Honor also, seemed, tickled when he heard it-, and he niude the sentence for six uiontbs- or fifty dollars nne, When'- Jo'jii- 8on heard the words- his legs, gave out, and his teeth ^chattered. He e had a raiiie leg, the asthma, touch of conEJuniption, and a -audthese I find of two kinds;! t".Bte of- dVsye[,ai--. bl" nevertheless I would take of examining upon myself the dnly into the case of my _._ ' 1 :--.- i.-r 'Aftoufti'.Boobi 'of all Kind* Mad<: to Urdu; (DAY SHOWS THE LARGEST." 1 :- stock or: ' Rriling-Prpnaptly- Attended to. Sikdeev Si:"-fieorge's*Sotuare, Gueph-- " .\0>rders left rat: the Free Pkess Office will receive "prompt attention. WALL Uj orthem r cripple vrandevnlg urthe fa^of'Wuckljeirlt5a, CaptainT" streets- of.Bostpii. ;T renieniber .that . M h{m ^::.cjHrdj.e"ri Werh iii' t'l this .tiemendoug indictment agamrt 1 ,mbit q{ -g^-HgtEemTn" fort i.nB.ton^i^^'^an.^ lhaj rf' . --^yon*---nopin' '!< Eyer shown in Gnelph,'all M^fctw and Ojfxoice and prices lower than ever. Chiitoea'sl Oarriages To be cbeaj), at', Day's NW"Bookstore ; '..- Nearly bpptiaite^tbe old;*tand. Oaelph, AprllBl, 1877, fisherman wpsfnipvided with' crdtfies food and s^lilt. 'pmijll.' change. The. food and small'change' bad disap peared, but the garments..for tlio consumptive .wife, where were they 1 He had been, using them for a pil- IoWj .."":' x, .,.'.:[.. .'"'/. ,: I)instantly, pointed out this.fact,, andfaocused:him o the deception,. To my Bilrpriso he took it quietly, and even h. little complacently. '.;._ " . !' Bedadji yer right; yer;see, jsir, (confidentially!) yer see, sir, uutil^ I get worruk.and its worruk I'm lookin' for, I have to desuve now, etitly "chaffed" him w:ith raillery that to hie was quite unintelligible. Yet I noticed that when at suuuot he accompanied -iiridget to (he. spring for water, 08terita.tidu.sly ' flourishing the empty backet in his hand, when they returned" in the gloamiiig-'Bi'idget was carrying the water,' and' niy friend, the tramp, 'Was some places behind "collogu- lDg " and picking blackberries: " .. At' seven the"next niorriing lie Bti'iitea iu'chcerfully ut"w6ik, At nine, a.m., he had placed threelargo stoned on: the rlrst'^course in Iposi- tiou^ an hoar, having been S]ieut in looking for' a pick and hammer, and iii'the"interval charHng" with Bridget. At ten o'clock I went to overlook his work ; it was a rash actioli, as*it' caused him to-do.ff'bia hat, '.discontinue hislabbr, and lean tj.ielc against the feiice iii chefrftil atid: eutiy t'onveisatioh:' " Are you I the the mea- 10'stop the miggestibn" I knew' was coii'iing, " Ali,'but CTuptiiiw, it's ilfeself that with " Wiifidfering ;uml'-:n'6t-birig"'to pasH'iny lips but berries, I'd'pick- from the hedges -it'ii'mei-elfknows wheris' "-to'!find thti.n. Shiiiri, it's-, yerchrtdreri, aiid' fiiiri b6ys!'tiier are, 'Captam/tliby: are ibe'sieii^liin"; riiie"'to* gb' Wid 'em 'to ' thn'1 phtce, knoWrist only' to ifleseif." It is unv hec'esary: to say' he'J triuui]!ied. of all -degre'es, he had enlisted the woineii and dbildreil on hia side-^ ad Lif., lookiu' tor, 1 nave to uesiiye now. ...^ rily.frieha; tLo ttaUirf;-'U; nd thin tbshtite thuiocality: Ah; ,ow'u ,vHV i God save us, but o.i,, the sea, coastj H^ d;,mfte'd at elevert!l arid-re- 4hayJr.tki^inir^;m^hat.ttin,tie-d.,ilt ^ ;I)m_, wit{);!a.t{n The undersigned-'-'^^s -leave to inform the people ^Actoni,an<i but. neighborhood that he has procarod a magniliceni. HEARSE. And is prepared-to attend and coe-_________________ duct Funerals on the ihortest notice ToiB FBINTINd of all kiuds . .ana most-moderate terms. -1 tP " Cwskeli, Cojfine, Burial. Bui"*, ; An<l mi kiHrtg 0f Funeral Furnish- ings kepi iu'stock, and;j5upplied'. ; on the sbortei-t notice. Bat Bands ani IbvesVuppHed ivben required. |.- V' " ". JOHN .SPEIGHT. Acton, Fcb,_i.O, 1S7Z don;l'b?long totho say I ventured to' siiggesti tlhvt [ ft strong healthy man ljke.ljiirn might: hnve found work sbm'ewh'ei'e^ boi, tween'Milwaukee and .Boston. 1 .' '! 1" Ab,bub ye see. L got a fiee,pli8-.- soge. on a freight traiuulnd: didn't! siitop. Itwas in'the Aist!that I ex pected to-find wbii'iik."; :'..', ;. i 1j ^ Have you any.tradeT! ."Trade,, is it j? I'm a brickmak;; er, God known, and many's the lift llvi had -at inakin!.; bricks'.:in.. Mil waukee. Shuie, I've as aisy hand' at it as any cian. Maybe yep honor might" hnow of a [kiln here* aboutsl". ;".. '. t: Now; to hiyknowledge there was neatly in'l-promptly esecuteil jit "the FREE PRESS OFFICE, dinner'pall ;'half nlled.;' -Oifinter- rogatiug the'b&jr&.it appeared, thfit they 1jad a /'.bully 'tiliie,""but on1 cross examination,It CHine' out'.that " Oh, yes," he eaid reflectively, " let's see^ he came Monday, and left mo Thursday. He' was, I think, a stout, strong man, a well meaning fellow/ but afflicted witb u most siiignlar VKiiety of diseases. Tiio tifHt tiny I put Liui to work ifi "the Btablea, he developed chills mid lever caught in the sWauips of Lonisiuna " . 1 , " Excuse nie, doctor," -T said, hurriedly, "Don't you.'--mean in Milwaukee .?"".- " I. kuow what I am talking about/' returneditjie.dpctpr, testily, " he told me his whole wretched story ; his escape from the confed erate service j "the'attack upon him by urfiied'iiegroe'8 ; his concealment; in, the bayous and swamps -"' ^"Go on, doctor," I said feebiy ; "you weitsspbakihg'of this work." '.well, his Byatem Was full afinalarLi:; the brat day,! had him; wi-appedib. blankets and dosed with xjtiinine. The next day he was taken ; with- all -- tho- syptoma of cholera morbus, und I had to keep hitti upon brandy and capsicum. .Rheumatism set in' on the follow- ing'day, and incapacitated liimfor work, Und I concluded'I had "better send huh; to the lios.pitu.1 than, to ktep'Tiiin here. As u pathological st'udy'lie.-was good, hut as;! witt looking for a niari to help about the stable,rfl t/ouldu't afford:to keep him in both capncititis.'": ,,: ; 'As I bever cbiild' lell whether the doctor Was in'u juke or earnest, I dropped tho subject, nud thy friend, the tramp- gnidually Tadvd; rt-oih iuy nieii'/oi-y; -'; -^ ' ' ' It was a lovely Augustcmorhing, wiiBn I ,ipdo':'aevosB-the: sandy piiiiinaula, to yiait a certuiji noted' .family, ....The.;front., of, the .house was , deserted, ,,but on the .rear' verandah 1 ..heard . the,-.ruslie. of gowns, aridi arose; what' seeuied to be-the voice of. UlyosoB, .reciting,: his . wapderiuga,,: There was no mistaking that voice it was niy friend, tbe tiaunp, , '.'. ,7 , t ; Frdui what Jpotild hastily gatkbi; frQui hit! 8pee'ch,lie had walked.frtjuii St.' Jiihi^ N.'B.| to i'ejoin ,*lis-Tj jtre-ied wife" in New' York, who! ipriis,' -hpwereiy living with^pfialent, first, jin this world;; secondly,"^n to come. .The tfiect that it woikB in this world are-.iuaajaiiie, M, milder in others, A, adultery . . it'aud .i!i':S-Job"son' *-k/was. friend, the ttamp, and giving him etich relief as was requii-ed. (I did not until afterwards: learn, however, that he. had <already despoiled their scant purses'of 3.50.) When the door was closed upon them, I turn* ed upon him, . " You infejrnal rascal!" "-.". " Ab, captain, and would ye be refusin' me 'a carrakther and me civin' ye sticp a one as I did 1 God Save us ! But if ye'd have seen the luk that the purty one gave ye. Wi.ll, before the chills and fever brijik uie spirits entirely, when I was. a young man and making nie tin doliaiB.a week at brickmakin', it's inesejf that could have given-r " . .!' I, con8|der that a dollar is a fair pi-ice for ypiir story, and as I ."sBaH hiv<f to take it all back aud expose you before the next twenty-four hours pass, I think you had better hasten to j Milwaukee, Nfe'W. York,- or Louisiana." I handeii'hiin the dollar. " Mind you, I don't r/aut to see your "fiioe again," ,--s -".\^o .wunt,.ci{>taiaiTf1i .,. , And I did not ; .... ir; e would go right out and tear, ground and throw bricks aro'nnd an| strike a job if the court would . let! bird off. The Court wouldn't in 8ouqe, T, treason. The effects that ii works in the world to ome are, M, misere^ L. lamentation -and T, .tormeat, Aud so much for this time and text. Ishall improve this first by way pf exhortation. M, masters^ A, al I of you ^T, tippling; or secondly,: by way \ of excommunication, M,.jaaaters^ all of you 7-^Llook for : thirdly, by. way of .caution, take] thU: * drunkard is the annoyance of nudes ty, the spoil oficirility, the destruction Of reason, the brewer's agent, the ale-house's benefactor, bis irife's. sorrow, bis" children's trout le, his own sliaiue,; his neigli bor'a scoff, a walking swill; bowl, the jpictnre; pf a- beast,- and the monster of a man. Now to," <fcc. - in the audience went out saying : . He may howl, and /rave, and perspire,-but'there is where lie'il- roost till his time is out." i: fStriotly^ ConfidentiaL "My folks' are going to the country to be" gone all summer'?? enthuijiasticaliy jei-claisned a little"" girl yesterday as she inet-another on Cuss avenue; ' ' : " Yonrjia must "be. -awful ricb'/' -replied'tb'e second.' :- ' ' ' "' AOhj 'no,' he' isn't, imt rf you"ll never tell anybody I'll tell you soraethingVf f : ;' ' J "I never wilI-^hbfe--to;idieTf I do." , ,' " Well, llieh,'pa'wa.B 1 telling'-mki ihat we d nil go oiit t'6'TJnble^iomri" Mil' she'll ^ork: for "hei- bpiti'd, "p'u will wpi-kiri:the'suw-niill, I'll1 ^ok' beriieB' iind ride horse to .pSotigV corri,' brother. Tom will'i'ga'vi'ouu<I with a- lightning rod"^au^'inii while yon'.Folks' tlie he'atwe'il be piitting bn"airs arid jtixiiig over our ofd'cloUies fur 'fail: Don't you tell,'now, fbX*ua' i '.Bay ing to everybody1, that 'tlie triitiBt have the coiintry sir toirestor'e tier shattered ' nerves:ii-r^E)eti'Okt ' Jfiree Piem. '- ' How little^do. peojiler-in gene ral ti link of the influence of things :at ^ne time of their occurrence, pspec ially of tbe influence of little things, Bwt this; is :nbt so verj" singular when wb reflect -that" not nnfreqiiently tu'ati no more knot's" Tjrhat becomes oif'riis influence and example, ttit are borne far beyond his ken on their uncertain mission, than does the;flower -know "\vbat becomes of its odor,-'which is waft- Wellington's Strategy.. On a certain occasion ^Veiling- ton's campaign jin^tlie Pyrenees, that "great captain," being displeased-With the dispositions Gen. Fictvn had made for receiving the . assault. of Marshal. Soult, who had menaced him in front, ordered, the plan to Le entirely changed^ But the diffioiilty woLis-to delay the at tack of the French until.-the change could : be effected. -, This ' the " Iron Duke": accomplished id person in the following Planner.:- X)offing hiir .cocked ed.; hat, and waving it ih. the air, lie rode furiously'.to- the head of a' regi-. lhent^ as If to order a charge, There upon rose a tremendous cheer from.the men, j\;hich was., taken np by .corps after corps until it reverberated along' the -whole extent of Picton's-lin'e. - Aa the roar "died"away, Wellington was heard to remark, musingly, as if ad dressing himself, " Soult is'^-a skilful but cautious commander, and will not attack in,-forco until he .has ascertained rthe meaning of these cheers. '.'This.wiU ijvc time for the Cth division to corns upj aud we shall beat hitn," Itturne;i out as anticipated. :-Sonlt naturally erfough; supposed, those tremendona ouubunce the arrival of large t-oluforcements, and did not attack until too "late. Hid lie "struck"' at tlie right moment/ be ivould have son an easy, victbry ; as it was, he met with _a bloody repulse. This was 'strategy. . .Not the strategy of hooks, but'tho B.trategy of genius, conceived . and' ex- d away ujiion the .psssiag breeze. _, ___________________ Greit'-deeds produce great ".results 3 j cutcdln the" same' moment. The idea but little- eviei y -day occitri-ences was born-'of tlie occasion-,- And earried l^i'd(-'and tho'ardudus 'labors of1 dav were,over. . As T.stood h -<r;n ..i.'U'i. ;.. irif'-Ju tyvt^.W&A^'^iQ.L^ Natives. T Tour to six, three more'sto'nes wenS" "-' _' ,:' . , , i0^utj10 ;.....'l:.Arn,.,eniU'e, iniss, o (j i0ok. asking yon, the loan pf ,a cint, if I -<r a couhl get wiMTyk at luytrade. ear- in at the first course of six atohes.l.r, , r ->- uiia'maybe Ve knp my friend, the trawp, reaehed his, A.-,,. ......, fa: -., " ..J^_;'^..: *U! Vi.iir. .JVov.f of some inanufa-ctory where they weave 'cal:^efci.'-ibeyjiud' li'ei'<Sr Ah, miss/and if ye.'doh't'give uie'acirrt, it's enough' for the likes .of nib 1 to! know tlii|triie"troubles has bronght sin the'indstbeautiTileves not spot s'vs.i_ttic F.osi omcc Mill Sired. a kilnNwithin'flfty mjlea of the' , and'of't'aU'unlikely; placed to find one would have beenlthis sandy ^peninsula/ given up-tot.tue"snmipei. i { Yet I could |npt help iduiirjng [the assumption of the scirinp.j who knew this fact as'well as uiytelf. Biit I arms out to. theli- fullesi extent, and'8aiu, : , .. ....... ,,., : !" ^Lli,' bnt It's worruk fch'at's'good. for,irie !gin,ine worrdt/indHt'Sall ^'Ifbe'aBkin'furiy; ,":': ,"':'7.;,,^ : i - . J Ve^tpre4rip.' suggest, | tliat he liad -nof.yet.accpmpUah.ed ".niuch. ,r .1 . * rWoifi tili-.ttr-moKipw,:. Ah, brift ye'lLsee.thin; .Jt'a.ine.hand, that's yetrbnaisy.wid brick;making,,,and, sti*ngu. tp...the. stones,; .Av..yell iTJnfortunately^ il- did pot' Vuit; A^orrgageruenttook^rne auay at. an early hour, and when.I rodo; up The Brain. X>ulrix.K Bleep (almost; actl' liho ungdRa- regti., Pie,:lieartj'popularlj- auppwbd to bis Ja jieijictual onation, w .Til iot six ^>ous:s ^^at 'ctf tlie .traienty.-^tncr, the resjiitajory' organs taioite idr Jess. !-TJie thiiforhiei'1, njitil the entire Biiifaoe braia^loao^s s ag-t.cted theneby.--iTbos rnny a daring swaKefulnr-sa,, and (or it sloop I ;. i.v:',- 'n ... i-; ii...v Wftsfwmed and mde, needful for, its Wn >" bM> *P*amg 1 daik l._'L' preaervAtian. It ia true that Bleep does Vinflnence outWard^to tlie Very -ens the teuiH m the 'most T>eauti(ui;ey in the worrtild, an' nlay'Gbd' bhBSs yeifpp'it.-.rniss.^ .' .Now, I:kntni' that the most beau-.! liful: eyeaiti: t)ie World' belonged; to one ot. thei most sympatheticiand tehderest faces in the world; and' 'I felt that:CoWnon justice.demanded1 :my. interference between it and one v tihe brain a total recess from ; imogumtian : and memory : are ef t>eb vividly actave;doring s]eep,j whble histories ..teii^g imagined in ,a:.night; but enough rest is .ljtahied far the' renovation of tho braiii', inid fihit-wlijch' has: beenl torn down-' during takkfiui. neaB ia lie :&. certain: estent \rebnilt, .51efip;iB,a moatjwoiiderfuliiowerr-p.fteii stronger than the will, as iii the lease;; of the " Bleeping, Boldier and mbre'. mighty than pain; as when sick pSrsDnf ttna "^ tortured.;priBoners'lieep ia, tbo midBt of .their. Buffering. , Kp .tartdne,. .it j Bnid.,has be'enjfo'unrt eqiwl, to", jthe preventlori; of'" slfiep. ' THe "Amount of" ileep1 beetlied' differs' aftordihg1 '.tV the constitution and habit.' ' Big brains (thd .persons whoiperfo.rm.mijph,, braia .lalipr -}The: ik if-! pf the biggest s^mpB in the wmld.- S8S&S3Sli n^^" <^^ "' <** Sotiwrthout'waiting;to'be:announc 'decoy in 'their brains. things. _ ' . '. - " 'A - i ' - ' : seem too trivial to be-Of weight or durability., aaLthe commpn btat' dangerous sentiment tliat'such or streliian event .vill make' no differ ence a bundred years lieiice creeps nnbjdden into our' hearts. The thunder and lightning attract more attentiqh than the siletit.-dew,' but do- *bey acconiplish iiiore. good 1 Truly,- life ia made'i Tip of* little tliijig8. ' 'It' v as ia' 'iiiotlierr8 kiss which made ft kvell-refiowned paint-' ;er:,tf Benja'mm West;" A degraded flrii lktird ' was induced,' w.ib-bis treiarjiig iiaQil,'.'4oigti the temper1' mice pledge;; litrt; trtdt being strong A second this time, With ' vfiienv-enla Sreijp "iie Qrejit it; AnS ifpsin' :so weitk-a beginning atiDse .the 'plri antbrOJoist John B. <3o ttffli; How .tnuch wciiirjjpinesR iraf; been cans ;d, how .Tiamy lives have (been cloude'd, 'by .oae airrkind jwo:-'d i A-'peb ile dropped iutd. the ;brt o'k mhki8 -lit first but a ^mll ripple, :scnielyi greater 'in .eircum- ferance tiiun itse'lf, ^bnt *tlref tieirt menient a'grenter rijitple is observ- kbit*, 'abd-k 'st..11'greater.;- ifeaeli 8'ic- ceditig one fettendrng &ti-ther than out on the instant. cuinference of.society 5 <v\ it -'iiiiiy be ii -blessing, radiating luiOfcficence over the leng.h and breadtSidf the had.; but a blank he' caiinot' be. Ft r every- word; eV.ery act;iiowey<* trifling, affects' either 'onwMvt-s ,or ctheVs;' exer irtg *v- iirniushtes <e ktiow'tiot'lioWen'durhig. -. St^SIBLB ;ADTKKT13iNO--Il0W". TUS lf'il.i.i0SiIltK fcJTEWABT I)iu Ir. A '-. Brooklyn paper says: "Un!e.-of- Mr. Siewart'8-lmit business acts w^ the personal s'operrision of auad^titisc- ment Tor the newspapers. He never- foujxl be was ilotng ns much Lusi ness-as 6e cared'to do, andtieyer committed .the folly'jbr throwing away m'oney'pa' "ctrcultrrs' aiid'cheap job wpikj r'ewiiing n-fev;li)jnd)vo;of. 'lieri-ons who ievr read thentl-.Ha heiievo.I in newspaperjadve-rtising, "and readers {by. tbe ibpusitnd ;'and, strangely, enoigh, never reached the point of injaguimg himself aud bis refit estaiblikLaienlS -BO Wll known' that advertising wasiinnece!-- Bary. ' I'-erhaps he was misbiken, but it Kasa iife4ong. coista ,a4nd. be; never obandoitad it. It-he Was right, many lessef merchants are wrong in neglecting to reach the people, and invite trade in the -only, ways the great merciaut aprtfOY-eU". or found of. value, ills left to quackery the mulufora nuisances .that- annoy the- public and mako bubinecs unnounoesneuts ofTensiv-e, His advertisement was always^-'rtta reading, it was always read, and be , lollbwed the system because he found it profitable. u (besevdaya of uemornlized views and mistaken anodes of reaching .-the. public, tbe gi:et mepcliani> testuuo.iy and} lifd practice bhould ba vuluable iu their- Buggeijiiotis Ij? the jneiPtuhile etin- oi-unity;.-" , * tm'a m i i M .#; ebashful inan: whb-BRked bis giw if her &'*orite'beverage-wasn't " xip,1" iwas.refwred-'to' be(r pojiper. , iNot iong;!<.j}6,t'hej';hnd;ia.pic-nio j ...... dcyyn at. the Ca^win^ and (wo se-, Jievetl when tf;eyliappen to think -^ . I nwrs thrdW * ; need a large anipnn't of #leep., ^hildrenl pmtXpf si gar in tfee week, aud ' -or * festival tonight, aud Aggn" .'! and The Wtrt "Way to raise stcjtwber ries -with a spoon. A clumsy soa with big feet'ii - the biggest train wrecker * lady . knows of.".'.'_ --1 ' '... The. water Sa just-warm enough far little drown, in withpu* danger pf catching *o).dV ' ."!.'[ Mothers wbSo- now- yr-ji der why thcuitt-irops hx *Iways .kept-oh-, itlie tove for breakfast, will be.rtX 1 -. VI I- )i ; v ; r 1 ! .JLw ^ 5 l-^.i'w S> 1 ] ^ ' - " li1' i*Ma ^ '. i i& < i -

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