Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 12, 1877, page 3

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iA&f-* iID$ e ?^r5 ns. %**r to.Mctr* rad Slack- MES MTMS. iRi UST_ |j cnatoaaen {r . -L i state that it i Business -* rrtliB'tke- fruia tic - can "MTU b |TFcrsM ew jagoodarti- voirkcaa fee. j itfcJTeatale** CBEECH- ILL, LCttff* . _ f '.* :L low to* ja&l .- :~>f / Icort. ^:-. r IqqicM^7 Ohio. I. : * ? i !---i THE FREE| PRESS, ACTON, HALT ON COUNTY, ONT., JULY 12 ** X*CS* TIMK TABLK. Train* leave Acton aa followi: . oonro wxst. fBtaall - ny Express K,jwf - Oaftstxed -; - CIOIXG KAST. KiW Express ... ^ . (jjt mixed - - P^KrprcM - \TMtr mul - . Tjoadoa mixed - Krin Township Council; ^ Thfl ponncil net at-.'the lown- Mp Hall.Eriu Village June 29th, the. rcovo in tho chair, all the mem bers- present. Mr." Kobort Donuy applied for a sum of nvonoy equal to tho loss which he hud Huffercd s.m.' m *bs breaking of his plow white at statute labor. Oa motion by 0m'|Mr" Keid* 8ecouJed by Mr. Bar- fo &m! bour, the application waa dismissed. 1:04 .J m. SU0 8.m. 1. ST p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7:07 p.m. S:3S 9:10 11:34 ,10:10 p.m. Moved by Mr. Pearon, seconded by Mr. Reid, that Noil McPhail be paid $4.90 for gravel furniahed two Road .divisions, and Joseph Maud, 84c. for gravel for bus Division. Carried. -Mr. Barbour moved, Mr. McMillan seconded, that the clerk Ire instructed to notify parties complained of by Daniel Modloy to remove their fences and all othor obstructions off fthe,Highway op posite their lots! on'the 8th line, giving the full width of the road. Moved by Mr. Barbour, seconded by Mr. Pearen that Mr. Reid be instructed to examine the hill of which Mr. Moouey gi?vs such a bad' .report, and "let the job of gravelling Carried. On motion by Mr. McMullen, seconded by Mr. Kmd, the adjourned Court of Revision was opened for the pur pose of hearing appeals. Tho assessment roll was again carefully examined there being no. appeals', and on motion by Mr.- Peareu, sec onded by Mr. Reid, Ibo Court closed, and tho assessment ryll was received !is revised. The Council then resumed business. Win. 11. Chisholm presented"* bill of $3.75 tot keeping tramps last April. Mr. McMillan moved, seconded by Mr. Pearen, that the Ri-ot-o order payment. Carried. On motion . by Mr-Reid, seconded by Mr. McMillan, the Reeve He expects to be absent about two or < ?^"l^ W^t "Jt5 to,Geu-.^.- " = t~ ' 'or plank furnished for a culvert in his road division". . Moved by Mr. Harbour, seconded by Mr. Pearen, that the Reeve order payment of $i.'J2 to Hart & Rawiinsoii for blanks for the Assi-a- NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Pedication of Zion Church, Acton. Important Notice Galloway Bros, Voters' List;.1ST" VilUgv of Acton. LOCAL MATTERS. ^-Work on the new gaol at Mil ton is'wpullj progressing. Woodcock , shotting came in for the seasou on the 1st July. ' Busiaess very qniet. Streets Ttry dusty. . Sprinftjcrops suffering for want,of rain." . The Voters' list,for this vil- Ugo is now printcd^and copies may be fasd at the Clerk's office, Mr. J. K McGarvin will open his new dru storo neit -weelt. The atorft is being rerj- neatly fitted up by Sir. Ebbage. Dedication of the new. Con gregational church on Saturday and Sunday -the 21st'and 2id inst., by ReT^ Sr.-tvaa. -Se adrrtisemaat (or par-, ticalan- "~ ^ Mr. John McArthur,. tailor, of this village, "left on Monday night for New York city, to practice cutting. tLree vecks. When one,Has buLlittle to do, ' fc don't fee! like exerting himself.- DalifTefS And btisiuesS quietness have . ygj aeijr^asin^ e5ect on one's spirits, j sad he gfo-Rs actually Ur.y. Thr.t's about our position just now; No toed erants have occurred the past week that we have heard of, worth recording, and we can't s^t up energy enongh to invent anything. Our local columns this week arc wofully barren, but -sve c^n't mfij:e_ hricks without clay. do something awful to relieve the dearth of excitement ? Consideruble ^-xcitement was raised in the neighborhood of Crewson's Corners, one day last week, by the dis- ,spperi3Cff-oi a liiree-yer-<.2*l cbild of Jir. Lcrexiso Crtwsi.'n's. Tlic j ftr.ld teems to have followed some boys'who were >joing cut nshing, withjout being Boriced, and strajed away throngh a swamp, lhe neighbors were aroused and a thorough search instituted with- cat-xcpceM -for s lon({ time. Towards ereninj the child was discovered near ' tht os*idenee of Mr. Dockray, after tiring wandered several hours in the woods *and fields.- a-1 ?'.'r and'other township purposes. Car- fried. The bill prc-t-utc-d I>y Charles , J MeLachl:ui, 7o c^uts for clevi^t-s for a riud . scraper.'ivas on motion by Mr. McMillan, seconded by Mr. Reid, paid. Moved by Mr. Barbour, seconded by ilr. Pearen, that tho petition of John McEachren and others, .asking $25.00 as a grant Uk supplement a like sum granted by the Caled'on Council to im- ___ ____ _ prove -the town line between Oaledoa Won't somelHxb-p,a^Efl[f,.0PP.os,u<! vloU "dt "* J KtiolJ.--tamed. lloted bj Mr. Mc- Millan, seconded' by Mr. Pearen, that ^W-W le granted by this C&uucil, ;ch with SoJ,00"granted_bv the Coun ty Couucil, shall go to supplement the suui granted by the County-Ctuncil of Holton for the imnrbveraeut of the hill on the town line, known asjSwackham- mer'fi hill. Carried, . -: - Oa-nation by Mr. B^f.o*.r. iowad;d by Jlr. Rwd, the-Council adjourned till 20th, at Kirk's HaH, rtillaburgr S*ms r T4nHJper*ncr. T'ne iollnwing nfficcn were installed by John Speipht, D. . \Y. V.'oi, Acton Division, for the ensuing quarter : ': . %V. P.. Bro. Joseph Fyfe. ' VV. A., lister t&len S*haw. R. S., Bro. Hcnty P. Uooie. A. R. S.. Sister-E. Warien. Treas., Bro. Benp Xicklin. F,-S., Bro. Jas. V\'arren. > Chap., Bro. R. B.. Cook. Con., Bro. Robt/Galloway. A. C. Sister Maggie Shaw. I. &. Bra.^Dennis Kelly. O. S., Bro. John Sfevenson. Te 0i Editor of the Fr$e PrtM. Dzjle ib, Those streets' which have recently- been gravelled present any- thtDg but a creditable appearance at preseot,-and tov a casnal visitor of our village bespeaks untidiness. As a pco- ple w arj&' outside im pressions ; but rather anxious to have oar village streets present a clean and neat appearance. C-Jonot the guardians of oar ' interests have the stones and boulders raked np.-and picked off. I am aware -it has been done once, but . thai xa oo reason why it should not be done again ; otherwise have a by-law passed making-it imperative on holders of property on principal streets to keep the streat clean opposite their premises. *-. ' Yonrs, tc, Obszbveb. Enormous Reduction in Prices. The Grand Cheap Clearing Sale of the Season NOW GOING ON AT THE FASHIONABLE WEST END Entire stock of Silks, Poplins, etc., reduced lo 30 per cent. - Entire stock of Fanoy Dress Uoods reduced 50 per cent Entire stock of Plain Dreas Goods reduced 20 per cent. "Entire stock of Costumes reduced 50 per cent. Entire stock of Shirts anja Shirtings reduced 30 per cent. Entire stock of ShawU and Mantles reduced 50 per cent. Entires took:of Lace Shawls and Jackets half price. Entire stock? of Trimmed Millinery reduced to naif price. Entire stock of Untritntned Goods reduced 25o each. Entire stock of flowers, F> athers and Wings hnlf price. Entire stock of Small Wares regardless of cost- "~ Entire stock of Cotton Goods at mill.prices. Entira slock of Shirtings; Tickings, etc., cost prico. Entire stook of'I'vvceds at cost price. Entire stock of Coatings at cost price. Entire stock of English and Atuericaa< Prints, cost price. 1 Entire -took of Tiible Linens, cost price. Entire clock of Flannels; cost prioe. Entire stock of Ufiderelbthlng, cost price. Wa2~ Our entire stock has been reduced and will be sold. We are determined, to clear out every piece ot goods if prices will do it. Intending purchasers Will please remember Ttie Grand Clearing 1 Balo dl the Season. .ds- Thcjjc Goods mast be Sold, "ia A. O. BUCHAM, Fajiblonable W^st Knd Dress, Millinery and Mumlo Kstablisbment. I Que-pli, July 4, IS77. } i 18T7. THAT WON DBRFUL MAN. '?' " '.' TRADE MARK-THE GOLDEN MAN. Our Spring and Summer Stoc^c MiliLINBRY department e hare now on exhibition a folftstock of sir the noreltits in MnSinery. styles in ladies' and children's Trimmed Hats cannot fail to command Is now fully in and opened up. W<3 Oar ssyieirin iaaies- ana ennaren's Trimmed Hats cannot fail to command *+f,*mtmr\+m ** .. * m>mm /* make BOTTOM PRICES ARE ONLY ASSED. * Bpecialtyto outdo wnpnees in this department to a ,aiy fine thin*, ^ thereby enabljnt ladies to hafo an elegant trimmed hat or bonn.t at a very low figure. " I i ".. 200 dozen Best Colored Kid Gloves, two Buttons, at 50 cents per pair, just half price, * ? "WE REQUEST JAN EARLY CALL. When we feel confldent that the utmost satisfaction wiD b gLrm lo 0UrJPatr:?n8- We ma/ mention that we do not offer old stuff n baaknpt Our : O-oods are ;all New, and Sound; JOHN HOCC & SON, ATTEACT1VE STOCK OF An attractive stock of. Black Silks all prices, all qualities, and at prices that arn below anything in the trade. We have an immense variety of Colored Dress Silks in plain and brocaded, and our prices are amazingly cheap. Beautiful Brocaded Silks at 60 cents per yard. Fancy Dress Goods Departmen In this Department we show the most attractive goods in the towin Indeed our variety of styles, colors, fabrics and prices, cannot fail to meet the approbation of all. MANTLES AND JACKETS. We show some of the prettiest goods in this line to be found, and it M ill be to the advantage of every lady requiring the newest styles in material and mako to pay us a visit. Our stock of Mantles and Jackets consists o~ Black Silk, plain Black Cloth, Black Mattalasse Cloth, Cashmere Clotju The above are all this season's importations, and really beautiful goods, The TAvELrm i>- Montreal. Letters have been received by seve ral individual m-mbers of tho jvolun'eer fa'ree in'Montreal, threaf- (ening thr-m with serious conseqiten ces if they turn out. for the pro tection of the Orangemen. The military b.ind of the city hive b^en nolffied, that if thry take p:irt in the'procetoion on the twelfth they must do so without uniforins. RobbervS.t tite Ocean House. On &und<ty night last soirio par ties entered by force the ice house of the Ocean House, on the beach neur Burlington, and carried off the whole contents of the larder, in cluding two kegs of l;igt;r beer, so that^the guests were left both hun-, gry'nndi dry ,<ra Sunday, without the means of rod res'*, except by go ing to the Brant House, a rival establishment, on the taain land. ' ;A Dakgkbous Fellqw. Tb,e iMillon Champion aaya that Mon- day evening of last week, wbon 2&r. ' fiafayette Hurlbutt returned home fronathe picnic, bia brother Chaun- ceT' Buddenlj attacked hinx with a pruning" knife, and gave him an .ugly cut over the eye, besides mak ing several attempts to stab him in the body, which! failed, owing to the rounded point of .the knife. Their mother and one of the neigh- bpes flew to the rescue, and with the assistance of the intended jvietim7 overpowered the would-be iritricide, and took tha lod/e from him. The wretch took to the Woodi vowing that he would come - ' hack and bum the. ho use down. ^Sianacey Huribaryisa. thorough ly hard case. He waa^ent to the f Reformatory at JJenetanguisbine. hen a boyj -for'boras stealing, und has 8eHred most of bis time since between- that institution and the . Kingston Penitentiary. He _was i *> troablesosio ja the latter place, -_ (bat when bia time waj out, a year or two ago," he was aent to Kansas to get b im oat of the country. He "tvned borne a few weeks ago, and has been .staying with bis bother a^td brother till* his last ttploit^ The attack on his brother 'Vtsntirely unprovoked, and: sup posed to be owing to some petty jealousy. Jt u^upposed that he is *>ing in some-of the woods in * Beighborhood, and that he Will Probably return and fulfil his threat . ,u he is no* hunttd up. About four hundred navvies were discharged by the Hamilton and North-western Railway a few days ago, owing to the completion of grading on. some sections. At Milton a gang-is filling and level ling the itation- 'groundB. The fridge across the Grand Trunk at Georgetown is finished, and grad ing is geing on- perseveringly. "Kias me, George,". she said, and, chained to the rest of Lhe gang as he was, George managed to kiss tho girl. The other prisoners look ed on in envy, and the Sheriff looked on indulgently. But how much more the prisoners would have envied that kiss, and how sternly the officers would have pro hibited it, had either, known that between those coral lips there was a Ezxuill. Icey, fitting the steel brace lets on George's wrists. Precisely how he put to practical use that farewell kiss is not known, but he did unlock his bonds, and, although: the train -was going at a very rapid rate, conveying him from Spring field, 111.-, to 'the State prison, he bounded through a window and escaped. - e Ruffianism in Blansha&d. Th St. Mary's Arfftts gives particu lars of the attempted murder of two peaceable residents of Blanshard.. .On "Wednesday evening Mr. Wm. iScott and Mr. Paynter, of the base line, were returning home by a wagon road which runs between the two "concessions about ten o'clock, and when in a piece of bush butting the lots on 6ither concessions, a shot was fired at them. The ball passed through the hat worn by Paynter, knocking;it off. Tbeper- Bon firing the Bhot'was seen about fifteen or twenty feet off. Paynter etooped to pick up his hat and three more shots were fired at him, the balls, however, happily passing over him. The rascals who fired the shots then took to their heels. Con siderable indignation has been aroused in the township. : J>entlMtry. a L. Peer, Dentist, will visit Acton on the first Thursday of each month. Office at Agnew's Hotel. DAY SHOWS THE. LARGEST : STOCK OF mil PAPER Ever shown ir. Guelph, all ' BJ.w and Ohoics and prices lower than ever. 21 Ohildron's Carriages To be sold off cheap, at Day's New Bookstore Nearly opposite the old stand, ouelrh, April 24,1877: /-1LEXLAWSON MIU-S. Having thoroughly, repaired our Mill, and put in a new Middlings Purifier, we are now prepared to give a bet ter yield, of flour than formerly, with quality quite as good. GRISTING AND CHOPPING promptly attended to. The patronage of the public re spectfully solicited. I r Tho highest price always paid for any quantity of wheat. | A quantity of seed barley for sale. LIS? OF MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John Anderson Bookseller, Guelph. Burrowts' Pianoforte Primer. Jou8se1s Musical Catechism. Bertini's New Meihod for the Piano. Clarke'B Hew Method for tho Piano. Hunton's Piano Forte School. Howe's Piaso without.a Master. ^Richardson's New Modern. School. Gitie's Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath; (Vocal). '. 100 different Music Books. 4 Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tha ."East side of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. STOCK-TAKING SALE The- MAMMOTH beg , to announco that th^y ... i . ' . . 1 have commenced their Annual Summer Clearing Sale .And in order to reduce their immense stock befbreiStock-Taking, GREAT BARGAIN'S WILL HE GIVElfr The Public will have a choice out of one of the finest slocks ever import ed. The stock is even now over $50,000, and as we never advertis^ anything but what is bonafiue, you may depend upon getting the 1 CHEAPEST GOODS YOU EVER SA^ of As we want money, we will commence -_ Dress Coods at 5 cents, worth 25 cent*. Prints at 4 cents. Cottons at 5 cents. Shirtings at 10 cents, worth 20 cents. All wool Tweeds at 50c, a^orth $T; Cottonades at 20c, wprtb 37Jb. Brown Denims at 12i cents, worth 20 cents. Gents' Straw Hats to be slaughtered at a quarter and half their pricet. Beautiful Colored Silks at 55 cents, worlh at wholesale $1.00. Black Silk at 75c, worth$1.25,- A Black Lustre at 25c,usual price50c. Ready-made Clothing, great bargains to be given to effect a clearance. MltLINEltT & MANTLES Al* HALF PRIG^E ".Anti a lar^e lot of LADIES' HATS at 5 and 10 cents each CARPETS at 1.0 pr cent off? ?f A CTON PLANING MILLS ' Acton, April 10; 1S77. G. & E.-TOIiTUN. |41-3ai "txfJEBSTEIl'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY For the School Roi>m. iJOOO Engraving*; 1840 races Quarto. A NEW FEATURE Totlie SWO lUustratlons heretofore In Webster's Uuabrldged we nave added four pagnsof COLOBED ILI,|JSTRAT10>S, engraved expressly lor this work at large Nearly every Stale Superintendent ol Public Instrnctlon In the Union, or cor- responmnu officer, vberp -ucJ> . an one exist", has recommended WebKtcr'K Dic tionary in the strongest leims. Among tb/'m are those of Kastern, Norlhorn, Middle, Sontbern and Westeru Htatep, Twenty-eight in all. | STATE PCBCIIA8E8. The Slate of New~ York lias Placed UO.OfO copies in as many of her Pub lo KCMO^lS. - ! The State of Wisconsin, abont 5(W0, nenrly every School. . i ' The Slate of New Jeifeey, 1,500 Dearly every School. I The State of Ulobigan, made i-piovlslon for all her Schools. ! The State of Massachuselt* bas supplied her Schools. nearly all. j The State oflowa lias supplied her Schools. ."..'.. The Btate of Connecticut bas made pro vision for her Schools- - ! Over 8000 Schools In Indiana [were Rup piled dnrtnetne year 1*72, and many each year since. ' [_ In other Stat"* many copies have been pnruhased for supplying Schools of cities, comities and Wwns. '.__.* What better Investment can be made lor Scboolst : ! Mor tDan twenty times asjtnahy are sold of Webster's DictlonarlesJ as of any ther series in this country. 1 ____ At least forir-flfibs of all tne School Books published in this country own WebgterBB their standard, and of the re>- Piimp, Sash, Door and Blind Factory. THOMAS EBBAGE, . Mannfactnrer of IWindo'w Sash., Doors, Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other Building Requisites ~- AUo Maker of IMPROVED SIT0TI01T rXTllTS Lumber Planed and Dressed to orde in manner. 8&- All work guaranteed Acton, Jan.,18T6. npo FAE3IERS. , Now is tie time to improve your stock. The first prize bully Sir WrL- liam Temple the Thirp, (83), got by Sir William Temple [2296], dam Diana by Red Prince [602], will serve cows on the premises of the undersigned during the season. Terms. 4 Thorough-bred cowb $4.00; Grade cows 81.60. JOEL LESLIE, Lot No. 5, 1st con. Erin. April.4, 1877. ' 40-3m The above is an enumeration of a few articles and gives you a faint idea ,of the Oreat Reduction in Prices.; This will be the Most Searching ajnd Thorough Clearing Hale we have ever held. The whole stock is reduced, and whoever trill be bund, ejnoagh-to. sail us wilh their money will be amply repaid for their trouble. \ ..." . . The Sale will begin ion the Fourth of Ju}y, And will continue one month from that day. Gents don't forget our Ordered Clothing Depart ment and Gents' Furnishings. We turn out the Handsomest, Cheapest andJBoBt made Suits in |the Dominion. Great bargains will be given in the above Department likewise. Patronage Is Respectfully Solicited. McLsSOD, ANDERSON & Co,, MAMMOTfjl HOUSE, GJiOBGETO^N. July 3, 1877. May 22, 1877 Alma Block, TJppe^ "Wyndham Street, Guelph. 0. Henderson & Co. - - * ' ' Having during the pa^t- week, taken advantage of The Immense Slaughter dales at Toronto, :.: : '-i'-- :..[: ^ are enabled to offer the C HE A PE S T L OT J OF J? v BAST .END _ CLOTHIMGSTO W E The undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to their nume-ous the patrons for lhe*liberal support with wliich, thiey have.been favored in past as members of the late arm of Dickson & McNab, would1 beg l<ve to call attention to their Which this year is larger and better assorted; than ever, comprising a large assortment of I ' . ,- TWEBDS- DomeEitic c ASH FOB WHEAT. Any quantity of good merchantable wheat wanted at the the Acton steam .. ..__________,_______________ mills, for which the highest market m5no^rrf3w'ackn"owre^Kean"Bt^dardy. price will be paid in cash. i , B. &-E, NICKLIN. jdcton, Feb. 7, 1877. " 32-tf <9 Sprltgfleld, Mass Scotch, English ana Manufacture. The patterns are the choicest in the: market. Our stock in i HATS AND pBNTf. "j PUaNISHINGS . . i" Is well assorted and at low prices. Cottons, Prints, and \JStdple Dry Goods at prices that cannot fail to satisfy everybody. We respectfully Invite an . Ever Brought fjito Acton. J ' .. .. _ _' T AH new, fresh, and'comprising this Spring7* In* portatlons. Instance the ibllowingj 3127 yards of Ajnerican Prints at 6c,-worth 9c. . ' 2113lyafda of American Prints, at 8c, worth i0o, - ;. ' -..'. 1000 yards of English Erinta at 10c. worth 16c. - :' ";'"'. 100 dozen Canada Straw Hats at 5o. ^ ... 40 dozen Sunshades/10c up.' ,.,'..' i 60 dozen Kid Gloves, very choice, worth $1.25, for 80c Dress Goods from 10c up... ':* '. if- Parasols at all pricts.'- *".' f Inspection of our goods. I iPYFE & McNAB. Acton, April 17, 1877. Jk OUR MILLINERY ROOM Is now, complete witlij all the novelties *>f the sea- ' '. ' son, at our popular/low cash prices. -^ #-- Call SSarly and Secure TKMS CASH AND SMALL PBOflTM. CHRISTIE, HENBBES0N & OOr Actbp, April 20,1877.! t 't-J \

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