Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1877, page 4

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THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTfi) j if M msU 1 SH ill Pi ^ti s^;*i[ Dtl 3*1 Sign' - l B3lP> 1 2s; -7^ & Hi : f'M R^ r Um IM BKATEX. Talktftg of kcU till late ohs evo, CM the various doctrine*'the Mint* b- "! lwve. -I - - - TM Bight I stood la a troobled dream ' -And Churchman down to tha river -.' cum*. ' ', >Yan I haard a Strang* voice call aloud his name; "Good fat&ari stop whoa you cross tha tide, " tahst leave your robes on tha othef wde," But thauaged father did npt mind,' As down the struam his wsy he took, , His pale hands grasping * gilt-edged rr-' book. "I'm bound for Hoavcn, and whoa I'm ithere "J shall want my book of common |*ycr. ** Anu thovgh I put en my starry crown <- gown." -J. Then ho fixed his eye* on tho shining track. Ait hU e\rn jras heavy and held him back. A&dttV poor old father Uvxl in vain A slugfe step in the Rood to gain. I saw him again ou tie other Bide, But his silk gown floatod upon tho tide, ~_Aad no; one asked in that blissful spot , belonged to the Church or not. " Then down to tha river a Quaker strayed, His dress of sober hue was made, "My coat sadhat "must be all gray, - - " I cannot go any other way." Then he buttoned: his coat straight up to bis chin. And staidly, solemnly waded in. " And his broad brimmed hat he pulled down tight' Over his forehead so cjjd and white ; 3ut a strong wind earned away his hat, . A moment be silently RaxeJ o er that; And then 4s he gizau to the farther bore , In* coat slipped off and was seen no i Itabra. " . Aa he.entered Heaven his suit of gray . Went quietly sailing away, away ! And none of the angels questioned him About the width of his beaver's brim. tot eajae Pr, Watt* with a bundle of Fwlau Tied nicely up in his aged arms, And hymns as many:-* very wise tbing- That the people in; Heaven all round might sing. Bfljl I thought that he heaved an anxious AS;he swrthe rirer run broad and high, , And lookod rather surprised as one by ~ O one / : Tbi psallss sod bjm&s is the waves sraat down. ;-;. And after him with his MSS., '- a?ne Wemley, the father of 'eiodlineas. T Bat he cried, "IWme ! what shall I i ; do! - '*Tbe water ha* soaked them through | and through.". -. ; 1 And there on {the river far and wide Away Ihey went down the swelling tide, And th' astoaishodisaint passed through alone, VTJtbout bis manuscripts, up to 'the , , Throne. Than gravely walking two saints by name __ Sown to the stream together came, Bat as they stopped at th* river's brink I saw one saint from the other shrink, [ f ' Sprinkled of plunged. May I ask -you. friend, "H&w yon attained to life's great end !" " Thus, with a few drops on my brow, "BotJL bare Been dipped *a you'll soe now; " Do you want to cam $5 for \ tho heathen f' i " Verily, I do." , " Put on tho gloves with mo and knock me down, and I'll ante up cash enough to convert n whole eegttnettt ot African: sinners." "Tha cause is noble, the induce- menl g$?at," luutied the little old man as ho toyed with the gloves. The boys encouraged him to go in, desiring to boo him knocked wrong end up, and lie finally got out of his ovarcoUt with the expla nation. " It can't be a sin to box for the good of tho he.ithon." Tho.saloonist meant to lift him over one of tho tables tho fust blow ; hut die blow was warded off very "handsomely, and tho litUo old man sifted: ./'.Ali-f-um! Tho heathen walk iiVTirtokodncss, and they liuvo aoula to be saved!" " Look out, now !" cried the saloonist as he got in a left-hander. " Verily, will I, atid.l will give thee one in return for tho hea then." He struck a staggering blow, and the saloonist didn't feel quite so en thusiastic as on the start He .took the defensive, and he Boon had all the work he; could do. " That's anotherfor the ignorant minds on tho far-off shoro !" sighed the little old man as he kuocked the salooaist against the wall. There wasn't any " Bcionoo"' about him, but he struck to kill, and his arms were flying around like the Bpokes of a wagon-wheel. ' '""Don't crowd a fellar," called, out the saloonist as he was being driven back, und bo got mad and put in his hardest licks. He meant to smash the little old man's nose as flat as a window gluts, but he could not do it. ,Ho got iu two or throe fair hits,-aiid beginning to regain'his courage, when tho aged stronger sorrowfully remark ed; V "My friend, tho heathen call,, and I cannot tarry much longer. Take this one, and it may broaden your Views on the heathen question. Receive this one in the spirit ten dered, and you may he sure the $5 shall be a beacon, as far as it will rgO. He delivered two sledge-hammer blows right end left, and tho saloon ist got tho laRt, on tho ear as he dodged tho first. Ho went over in beaatiful style and as be slowly re gained his feet he felt in his vest pocket for the wager. " If you'll come around here to night and do that again, I'll double the money !" ha growled as he paid the wager, " My road points towards Bos ton," softly replied the old man, and I cannot tarry. I>et us part 1877. SPRINC. WFLEQD, ANDERSON 1877. > N '- CQUNTY, ONT., ':T$%12i,,'. 1817. i co., m * ' And I really think it will hardly do, J friendly, for I only boxed thee for, the heathen's sake. I gave to thee thon has given to the heathen, and now farewell !" Tuke pleasure in announcing fo-tlieir customers and the public that they have received and opened out for sale the. lnrgest, finest, and best assorted stoek of DRY GOODS, MIL LINERY and MANTLES, CLOTHING, TWEEDS, HATS and- CAPS, &c, in this sec tion of the Dominion. '.'*"" We have ransacked the markets of the world and think that we can suit everyone Who wants to buy good Goods, cheap. Ladies, we have all the new loading colors and styles in Plain and Fancy Dxess Goods,r Black Silks, Colored Silks, Poplins, Matellasses, Cashmeres,. Persia^ and Oriental Fabrics, Grenadines, Percales, &c, with trimmings and Buttons to match. {Prints'an immense variety. Our Millinery and Mantle Department has ,been entirely reorganized and improved, it is 'well worth your trouble to call and see our magnificent stock of Stylish Millinery. ORDERED CLOTHING. We have the latest styles and patterns direct from the mills. Gents, if you want -a really superb fitting suit at a moderaflfj price, call and see our stock' of Tweeds, Coatings, &c, we cannot fail to suit -you. ' .' \ \ ;'.-. ; Hats and Caps, Genls Furnishings,; &c, a splendid stock, very cheap. ~1\\ i Our Staple Department has^;'nad. our very beat attention, having bought our Cotttons, TickinJs^Shirtings, ic, last December when Cotton Goods were so very low, we can offer and are selling_goods less1 than wo can buy thorn to-day. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Hug's. Lace Curtains &c, and House Furnishing Goods of all kinds. Housekeepers you should call and see our splendid stock of Carpets, etc. Boots and Shoes. We are this season sell ing very cheap and keep a very fine assortment oh bund. We propose to sell everybody who has any uioney to lay out this spring, tha very best of Goods at the very lowest bottom prices^ We would return our thanks for tho very large rind'increasing patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed upon us, and wb are pro pared to sell Goods cheaper than ever for Cash only. MoLSODA'ANDERSON & Co., Apra. 8.18T7, MAMMOTH HOTJSE, GJSOBGETOW; FASHIONABLE WEST EM) This Department, which is always an attractive tne, J particularly to this season under the able management of Miss Johnston, Sales are rapid ly increasing, and orders are coming in fast. During the past few days lour show rooms hire been largely, patronised in foot often crowded to jexcess. Our superior Millinery, grisat variety of styles, and reasonable prices never failing to please and give satisfaction. very lady should make it a point to. visit our Show Rooms this season before buying. We can show one of tho] finest stocks to bo found in either town or city gn Ontario. We have just opened Direct from NewVYork, Two oases of Amoricau Straw Goods, latestNew;, York and PhUadelphJa ^tyles for the month of May. One ease Misaes Hats, also in the. latest American styles. 1 (JO dozen common Straw, Hats, at. lOe, 12}oand20s. judies, come direct to the Fashionable 'West End for Millinery, the finest stock in tho trade to select from. : ' A. O. BUCHAM, . Fasblonabts West End. Dress, Millinery and Mantle Establishment. Guelph, Mays, 1877. EAST END CLOTHSNGS 'i ' . ;. The undersigned in tendering their sincere thanks to their namerous patrons for the liberal support with which they have been favored in the post as members of the late firm of Diokson 4 McNab, would beg leave to call attention to their , SPEIITG'STOOE, Which this year is larger and better assorted than ever, comprising a large assortment of" TWEEDS Scotch, English Our stock in' ' .' ; Manufacture. | The patterriB are the choicest in the marfcefc. HATS AND QENTo' FUPwNISHiNeS Is well assorted and at low prices. i. "-- | Cottons, Prints, and Staple'-.'JJhry Goods At pricks that cannot fail to satisfy We rnspection of our goods. 1 FYF a-nd Domestic i.:' / "Am Vm in close communion, to walk with you ; "Yon"re bound, I know, to tba realms i of bliss.^ :, " Bat yon mnst go that way and I this." Then straightway-plnnging with all his might' -' Away to the loft, his frisad to the right, Apart they went frcsn this world of sin, Bat at last together they entered in. -And now when the rivei was rolling on f\i Presbyterian fthureh front down, : Of women there: seemed a wondrous ' throng. Bat the men I oould. count as they went along. And concerning tha road thsy'oonU never agree ;'. The oht-or the new way-*-whioh sbonld ' it bi, :- . ifjr did: tbay for a njomant panaa,to Xbat iboik woabl l^ul to iha nvar'a ' bfek. . .. And a son^ of murmuring, -loDg and load, ; Came ever "up from the moving crowd': ' ".Yon're in the old wsy^Fm in the new;'* "That is the false and this is the tree." Bat the brethero only seemed to speak, Modest, the sisters walked, and meek. And if ever one of them seamed to. say What troubles she met with oh the way How she loaged to pass to the other side, Nor feared to cross o'er the swelling tide, A Toiqe across from the brethern then: " Let ho'one speak bnt the holy jpien, "For have ye not heard the wordsof St. Paul J " ' O let the women keep silence all !" ,1 watched.- them long in my carious ; , dras>, '.'" Till they stood by the borders of the stream. Then just as I thought, the two ways met, * t Bitt all tho brstbero were talking yet. And would talk on till the heaving tide Hamad ihiam^ orer side by side, :; The toilsome jonmey of life was down, TheV all created over one by one ; And priest and Quaker and all who died Came oat alike on the other side. No forms, no crosses, no books had they, Jfo gowns of silk nor suits of gray, No creeds to guide them,.nor. M8S, : For all had pat on Christ's righteous. ness. ' Ar tie vote When both parties vote yes, and the preacher ties the knot, S3"Don't fail to attend the Entertain ment in the Drill Shed this'evening. < I don't see bow 'you can have been working all day Ilka a horse," eiclaimed the wife of a lawyer, her bnsband having rdeciarad tbat he bad been thus working.. " Well, my dear," 'he -replied, "jl'va been drawing a conveyance all day, any -how." oi; f SPRING HAS COME. AND WITH IT Quantities of lYew Goods j r-. A aasiock*Down ArenniAiit- - The other day, when the wind whistled sad-toned jigs, a little old; man entered a saloon andAsked the barkeeper if be to aid leave some tract* there, * . "X wiiole car-load, if ;ypu want to," was the prompt reply; and the little old man plaoVd a paqkage on a beer table and softly said ; There's --nobler coupe th in the ssinss of the heathen, \ We should all contribute a small share,of our worldly, wealth to shed the/Crospal light across the seas." ~" A pair of boxing-gj >ves were aoftly reposing on a table, and the Irttle old- snao fait them and went tails '"';J .t ' "It makesrme sad to see such nnfoi things lying around when the cost of one glove sgig^t save a dozen souls in Africa," ^ ? ' , Three or- four of the boys bad diopped'ia, *ad th saloon-keeper linked, at them and replied;; J __. UJ " The undersigned begs leave to inform the people-Of Acton and sur rounding neighborhood that he bas procurod a magnificent HEARSE And is prepared to attend.and con duct Funerals on tbe shortest notice and most moderate terms. Catkett, Cofflrii, Burial Robu, And ;all kinds of Funeral Furnish ings kept in stock, and supplied On the shortest notice. Hat Bands an d loves supplied when required. : - " JOHN SPEIGHT, Acton, Feb, 10, 1877. ACTON LIVERY & SALE STABLE 3. P. ALLAN Takes plaasnre. In announcing to tb public generally that be Is prepared to .! i furnish PlrBt-olwB Horses a&& Carriage* At Beagonable Bates. Jiff Rigs and Horses are the best that n btt bad, and be Is determined not to b surpassed by any City Stable. Acton July.lsl,l876. Our new purohases are coming forward from the Old Country by every Stcsmer. Already we have THE LARGEST, BEST ASSORTED AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS West of Toronto, j , This is no empty brag, but sober truth '"which nobody can deny." Our aim has been, and always will be, to keep up the reputation that The Lion is the Cheapest Store in Ontario. As an instance we may mention - Crompton's Celebrated'Adjustable Corset, We aafo just received another lot which we are selling at 874 cents. This we guarantee to be tbe genuine article, and exactly the same as that .for which others are charging One Collar. ' Our whole stock is equally cheap. Come and inipeot Our Dress Goods, Our Silks, plain and Fancy^ V Our Cottons, V Our Prints, * Our Clothing, Our Carpets, Our Millinery, etc And in every branch you will find our prices fully 20 per cent lower than any other house. svAsk for our New York 121 cent Dress Goods? very sty lish t tbe new colors, v < SPECIAL NOTICE. Dd not forget the -J Dressmaking Branch. We have the best Dressmaker in Canada; and our charges! are lower than any other House. . i ' * '-' REMEMBER OUR CARPETS, h.. We have a larger slock of , Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Wool Carpets, than all theAeion, April 17, 187. W. STEWART ftiO' Have commenced opening their New Spring Iinportatiorts And in a few days will show finest stock of . ^ FIRST GLASS GOO respectfully invite an & MCNAB. White and Refiupd Sugai-a; Syrupy MoJav ses, Yihegap, Oat Meal, Corn Meal/!ft^0r rents, Prunes, Coal Oil, Boiled iOifc ^itrivVOiL :_ - ! i. I . '. \,.t< - Sj>iriis of Tui pentihe, Varnish, japans, etc,j. - the DS Stores in Guelph put together. Hard! Times are never felt by those who deal at The Lion. oth er Guelph, April 3,1877. J. D. WILLIAMSON & o6. submitted for inspection in Guelph, Special' efforts have been made to j show the newest -- . Dress Gods, Spring Jackets. t Mantles, Costumes, " Kid Gloves, Hosiery, _ j - - Laces, ,_[;.'" Lacs Curtains, Sheetings, and \^ . bfaurmng Goods. OUR COTTONS were all contracted for before the. recent advance..' Customers :will have the benefit.' ' | ~ Gents' Department. -j' . ' In Cloths'and Tweeds, i ' .Press Shirts,-, I ,; ; Ties, Cpllarsi #ilStock of Felt Hats, Are particularly inviting in styles and price. WM. STEWART :& CO. Guelph, March 6, 1877. Ke^s ^ Gas^s, Oaf Pru'nes, Soda, Red Lead, Colors ^>f all kinds, etc.. Whitc Lead, 'Sacfts Boxes,1 CaddjiW i^S: h'h^ai^ 'i ,OC Biscuits, Confectionery, Spices,' penned Fruit, Fish, etc., Tobaccos'^ Raisinti, Cheese, Soaps, Candles, Crystals, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Matches, ^ j -.rji Chests^ Gaddies and Boxes ... .' . } ' i~ ' " ; Ql Toung Hyson, Gtinpowder, J^iW Black l^eas. ranging in ^ price up wards. The best value in, t Aeton, M. Mkrck.Mv 1877. ir^ for the Wat> V : '-..-*.; . v "',-.3" GLfr i ftllR OF NEW PRINTINb To Merchants and other Business l\Ien in Acton, as well as thrbugfiout the County, the Free Press is an invaluable Medium. Oar Unrivalled Facilities for Executing allkinds of: BOOK AND JOB PRINl|jtNG Enable us to turn out work eau&l to any thing done in tko cities. Actcn, Have now in stook a splendid assortment^ofl^: j^jj'i SAND Suitable'.for the Spring iS^siSHfc^ AH Siies and; Styless from the veryj bes^psjj ' ? i'rlixf? it* te is low: as the' U:;:r';..-.<>4>Jic* pbi; Speoial Attention Given to, Ordei Repairing..Promptlr Atien^ei *,; )$ tit- ^Tarch 13, i<s71. ^?^'"WUn!l*Kiw5i5fc3' 3j^ASS5sssseajBggg^^ ^w^^v^-.ESSS?*-:-^-- *^~^r: ' m ?*.. -. ~ lL^-.i : Hi^

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