Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1877, page 3

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mi v> NT INSON -s t lAJOTOSok, flew Col PLOWS, 1 >A*ad,-aiaefB f-cds of Iron Plamtjf j I notice., >* I 16^?. *T* a.-* neer *' I TiL irtotj^s., M>- fWagon 5K6*f" '1 - w .4W^ J VI THE FREE PRESS, ACTON", HALTON COUNTY, ONT., MAY 24, 1877. fpka leave Artoaaa oowawnt tweetemed Oenau* OOtXO XAST. jflAtfepressj ' DjyBipWM ) yfm*x* i I Leaden mixed > 1:04 a.m. 9.10 a.m. 1.57 p.m. 5.20 p.m. - 7:07 p.n. ?h3Sa.uC 9:10 a.m. 11 34 a.m. 20 p. m KfclOpm. fljjw ADVERTISEMENTS 2dv Goods John Hogg * So*1' tfcs Krchauge Hotel John Maney. jfidsauuner Kminitatioin Go. Hilton. LOCAL MATTERS* i i sa^-i i>a i __iWsong of tbe gteasliapper (ha wheat bye and by*. SsTDoat fail to attend the Entertain. Btat in the Brill Shed this evening. ___C W. Hill will bars a largs esaatrty el lee Cream on hand to-day. _iA $4 bill wu lost on Mill stneVUtt evening. The finder return itia Mr. M. Speight w There are few more-melancho ly sights to the head of the household these daya than the bottom oj the fami- ly floor banal. Wo are requested to_announce that the Rev. Hi. Stobo, of Brampton, will preach jn the Baptist Chapel, (next Sunday, at 11 a.m. and 6 p-m. A. by-law eixiata that prohibits henna, pip, sheep, .and. geese to ran at Urge. Parties having the same running at large are liable to "bo prosecuted. last night some cats on the back fence were talking over the map of Earope, and reqnested one another that At pa* should be drawn around "Tschkalje-toch-m-ayou I" "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be the It it ipal attraction t<&iht. Kveiy- bedywko aaa read the atory will irant tp see Itfee dramatic representation of it; tm>i those who have not read it, should see it enacted^ Some of oor ladis haveadopt ed the style of parting their hair on the side. This is prohablj done by way of retaliation for* the liberties taken by thon idiotic fata who are addicted to- parting their hair in the middle. A pair of perambulating urn brclla menders mile and female were arrested here yesterday by Constable Matthews, and held till the arrival * of Chief Constable Kelly, of Gtjielph, to whom they wsre deliseied, The charge wa> said to beSarcvny in Guelph. Our -Public School bhould be the pnde of evirj mw, woman ar.d child bo raciiles in this Tillage The teachers *Bould receive the sui port nnd encoaragcureiit of parent f. Isothii > vacoanges them more than to e that the parents take int*re*t crouch in the sebtral to rait it at least ooce during tbe term. sar Don't fail to attend the Enter, tammest m. the Drill Shed this evening The Georgetown Heratd, of last weak, says that a man by the same af ICr. -Donald Kennedy, living near Acton, came to that village last Friday morning, with a valuable horse, and vktla on his way home, the animal took fll and died on the 7th line, near the eld graveyard. The animal was valued . etlML - ' Wo are informed thut a young lady in tha village recently werrked the taotto, "tneed thee every hour," and .pretested it to her chsp. He says he can't improve matters, as it takes him two- hours to clean and sight "his frnn ; two more to play with his aog ; four to call on the other girl, not to mention - tha tune spent waiting for professional calls, mf he concludes iie can't come to time. ;_____________________ teele Rasa's CaMav 1 The entertainment to be given in the Drill Shad this evening promises to be fan unusually interesting character, and tbe-indication* are that it will be sasedtagly well patronized. Messrs. Halford and Banks are exerting them* fVes to have everything properly ar ranged, and the rehearsals show re- _JtjaekaUe aptness est the fart of our total amateurs. Xlie character of "gen". S^" witt ps represented oy I/rttle ' Olha Halford, in.*nwnnr that cannot fail to attxikct^ahe eympattnes and ad; tsiration al the acdience. Those who have read the book will recognite her rsmarksbly life-like impersonation of *hs'anginal * In" sobeautifnlly per. stayed hy'Mrsr^towe. "TbeTsther lead-' sag characters in the <lrani* are taken by Me. and Mrs. ^Uy Halford, Mr. JtadMrn. JoagsmksBJdMr^Beard. A ' lee Orestn io be had fresh and food, at C.'VV, HiU's. " Oranges and Lemons, Cresb, Urge and ^chokje, fust received at ,airdBes. i' < Mer Jobs Maney has fitted op 1 ihasSoBMhot.1 is this village, in hand- *yle. and is now prepared to ae. Jsomodste travelers and boarders. The - t^P01 "* tlle bouse looks a great deal setter than it has "done for a number of The 'Acton Social Club pur- -POM having a dance after the close of the Dramatic entertainment, in the "TtS Shed, to-night, to which the? " pectfully invite tht*ef inclined to ?*">Pt. A small admission fee will U eharged ; refreshment* free. Mr. Agnew baa "receitly put P large additions to hi* driving sheds, ** adaaaetion with bu bot*L< -Iob Creanj by the flfoart or "** , at C. W.-Hill'i. -^Mtm Humphrey, who murder- Wftsoerick Apple at Windsor in *rory last, enffered the extreme %WtT of the Uw by hanging, last inesday mornirig aWMbtt. 8. L. Peer, Dentij^will visit Acton on the first Thursday of; each month. Office at Agnew's Hotel, j it. ' * Paint np your fences, mow your lawns, and lay out a fow handsome beds of flowers in front of your house, Ifea will improve the neighborhood, and, help give onr village an inviting look m the eyes of the hundreds of strangers who will visit us during the coming summer. Bgrn sekeel Entrance sUasntaaUea. An examination of->aupili for admis sion to the Oakville High School, will be held on Tuesday, the 3rd, and! Wed- nodajr, the 4th July next., beginning at 0 o'clock a-m. Candidates are request- ecTto notify the Head Master, R. J. Wellwood, Esq., not later than the 31st Inst., of their intention to present themselves for examination, so that an estimate may be made of the probable number of papers to be printed. Fir" yesterday destroyed a. block in Iudwntown, a suburb of St, John, N. IB. the loss exoeeds 40,000: A. briok-cased cabinet factory iu Kobtreal was partly burned. The business portion of the village of OloTersyille, N. Y., was abw awept by fire yesterday, the losa-befng nearly $100,000. HURRAH! HURRAHll W EAT LOST. About half a bag full of Wheat was lost on Toesdar between the 4th line and Tolton'e Mills. The owner's nam* is on the bag. The finder will please return it to a. jt a. Mcdonald, Lot 30,4th line Etauefmg, May 23, 1877. , a. "We publish the following letter from the Rot. Mr, Calvert with a great deal of pleasure. Nothing that anybody else could possibly invent could show to better advantage what manner of man the people of Acton have had to deal with during the past two years. Personally, we have had very little contact with him, and have had-no rea son to utter any specific complaint against him. But the expressions re garding him that we have heard from those who felt thcmselvea aggrieved at his ungentlcmanly and unchnstianlike conduct, ha\ e been so numerous and so general that it was uot diffioult to induce us to give a place in our columns to the communication that appeared last week. The bitter animus which go\ eras him in all his dealings w ith the public is so vividly portrayed in the annexed com munication, that any further remarks on our part would be entirely super fluous : To tke Editor of the Frte Prcu. Deau Sib, At the instigation of the Knights of Pythias, in the village of Acton, of which Society you are a mem ber, you were pleased to publish a'com munication- in your last issue, -which ta a direct and open attack upon my char- acter; an attack which likewise is, as malicious as it is public It therefore becomes my duty not so much to reply to so vile and slanderous a publication, as to vindicate my character before the public On reading the article, my first impulse was to answ er it as it deserved to be answered; but, being repeatedly advised by Christian people that are members of other churches, as well as my own, not to take any notice of it; but to treat it with utter and silent cuntempt, and record it as being so vile as to be beneath the dignit} of any christian io notice, or take to heart, 1 resoli eiljto act differently to what I had intended at fin I may just say here that the first ainrog the many individ uals who ha\e called at my place of residence, to express disapproba tion of the article in question, and their confidence in my integrity, was an -eminent christian minister of this vd- btge, who also strongly advised me not to notice your rihbcation. Set era! of my ministerial brethurn con\ened in \cton for our Annual District Meeting ivt the tune of its publication also ex- presaetl tbcni*d\ es in the nm -way . uid gave me tho fame advice. 1 would ju*t remind jou, that }ou were very careful to publish your vile slander at a time you thought it would do me the greatest amount of injury, but>ou shot short of the mark. My brethern in the ministry have known me too long to bo influenced by so dastardly a deed. Their confidence in my integrity was unshaken. As regards replying to the article, I have to say that in part I have taken the advice so repeatedly gnen me by kind and judicious friends; but still 1 cannot- altogether allow it to pass by unchallenged. I will therefore take up and consider the two instan ces of alleged falsehood, which your committee of Investigation pretrml |o fasten upon me. (Wbom tbejr are pleoseU to call tbe worst man In all Christendom, and for wbfeh tneymay yet beMorry.) 1st. As regards trie charge,' that I told a Eentli*man that It would cost him one hundred dollars o fully equip-h urn-elf In tbe Order." This 1 frankly admit. ft was in this wise: Entering Into conversation with him with reference td- bis -Initiation Into tbe -Order, 1 aakM bftnclf It were not an exppn>l\e"anulrT S* reply was, that he eouM not say. for knew bnt utile about tbe Order, hav- lnsronty Joined it tbe previous evenlnsr. I replied ibal nom. tbe appearance of the uniform worn by the gentlemen who came from Toronto to organize tbe L<odav, I should think each nnilorm would cost one hundred dollars, tor they looked to be equally as good as that worn by a Captain of a volunteer company, and I knew that such unliorm cost one hundred dollars Bnt it appears that they are not a* good as I took them to be in the Society of K. of P, being more showy than good, as they themf efvesaay each eqnlpmeiit (sword, helmet, andail Included) only n-sta S2U0. 3d. As regards the "cast Iron oath" which they say 1 was pleased to term by r "elegant and characteristic phrase, ilrty black oaib." This in part I post- QTOSEN'S klRTHDAY X3ST ^.OTON-. Thnrsday, May 24. , PROGRAMME. BASE BALL MATCH Will commence at 10 o'clock a.m., on the grounds of the Pastime club. A prise of $10 is offered to the winning club, open to any base hallolub in the County of Helton. ^ r The other games will commence at one o'clock P-m,, sharp. Uuolt Match i $3 00 S3 00 Throwing heavy sbonlderstone I CO 1 On Throwing light shoulder stone S 00 Throwing base boll 2 00 ion yard 7oot race 1 00 200 yard toot race a SO 800 yard hurdle race 3 00 Boys' ion yard foot race, (under roit THI BEST PHOTOGBAFHS in the County, at i The Ofttuio *h*tojfrpli Cralliry For Beauty of Finith and Brillian cy in Tone, thty cannot be turpnued. COPYING & 'ENLARGING In all its branches, in the beat style of the art, done on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates, Alto a splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hand and made to order, A call is solicited and yon will be convinced that this is tho place to get photographs. 11 Yours respectfully, C. <V. H1I.L, ^fcton, Dee. 6, 1876. NT1BIO 1 00 loo 1 00 too 300 ISyeano 1 GO 1 00 Hop, step and Jump 2 00 1 00 Runnlngjnmp 3 00 1 oo Standing jump 3 JO 1 00 Boys' running Jump (under IS years; 100 so Three-l-s-Ked race 3 00 1 00 Wheelbarrow raee 1 GO 1 00 Eating treacle buns 1 00 09 sadoihrfuni if dealrei. my "elegant and characteristic phrase, a dirty blaek oaib." This in part I posi tively deny, I never used the words "east Iron" Nor do X er remember using the woruV'drrty and Week" as ap- plyios* to theostb. 1 will exxdmln what I did say. Tnemornlnf after theOrderwes organized, I xm bean Initiated, ai , I met a young man who bad , and who was a member of my ebnren. Observins: him to be great ly excited, 1 asked him In a friendly way what was tbe matter. He then proceed ed to speak of the obligation he had taken the night previously, staling that it was a very binding one, " "" " solemn, and that it At 5 o'clock p-m. there will be a GRAND PARADE BY THE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, In, their handsome new uniform, ac companied by the Acton Brass Band. In the evening there will be a splendid Dramatic and Musical Entertainment In the Drill Shed, Under the tioint auspices of tho Acton Social Club, the Knights of Pythias, and the Acton Brass Band, when will be presented a complete representation of Mrs. Stowe's world renowned moral drams) of Uncle Tours Cabin Which will be enacted, with appropriate scenery, by a number of first-class dra matic performers, -assisted by local ama- tnres The services of several profes sional ladies and gentlemen have been secured at great expense, for this occas ion, and tbe Committee are determined to spare no pains to make the entertain ment of an excellent character through out The dramatic performance will be interspersed with \ocal and Instru mental Mnsic The Drill Shed will be comfortably seated, and otherwise well fitted up for the occasion- Doors open at 7 o'clock ; Entertain- ment to commence at half-past seven, sharp. Admission, 25 cents. ^------_ Ice Cream, Pine Apples, lemonade, and other refreshments will be furnish ed for those who desire them. o SADDLERY, -a.cto:nThe subscriber tokos this opportunity of thanking his numerous customers for for the very liberal patronage given him the past year, and would state that it is his motto to do a Square and HoneBt Business as heretofore, and hopes to retain the some liberal appreciation from the public. All ordora entrusted to my care will o ATTENDED TO WITH FOjn*T\EBH. At nona but Good Workmen are Employed, Parties can rely on getting a good arti- clcand as cheap as good work can be done for. - , Repairing Done with Neatness OOZJsASS A SPZ0XAX.TT. THAT WONDERFUL MAN. TRA1>E MARKi-THE GOEDEtf MAN. Our Spring aid Summer stock millinery DEPARTMiJNT Is now fully In and opened up. S0TT0M PBICES ABE ONLY ASKED. ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF SILKS. An attractive stock of BInok Silks all prices, all qualities, and at prices that are below anything in the trade. We have an immense variety of Colored Dress Milks in plain and brocaded, and our prices are amazingly cheap. Beautiful Brocaded Silks at 60 cents per yard. Fancy IDress Goods Department. In this Department we show the most attractive goods in the town. Indeed our variety of styles, colors, fabnos and prices, cannot fail to meet the approbation^ all. MANTLES AND JACKETS. We show some of the prettiest goods in this line to be found, and it'will be to tbe advantage of every lady requiring tbe newest styles in 'material and make to pay us a visit. Our stock of Mantles and Jackets consists of Black Silk, plain Black -Cloth, Blaek Mattalasae Cloth, Caslrrriere Cloth. Tbe above are al) this season's importations, and really beautiful goods. WE We have now on exhibition i full stock of all tbe novelties in Millinery. Our styles in ladies' and children's Trimmed Hats cannot fail {ta command the admiration of the ladies of town and country, and in addition we make it a specialty to cut down prices in this department to a very fine tbfng, thereby enabling ladies to hi ve an elegant trimmed hat or bonnet at a very low figure, ' J 200 dozen Best Coloj-ed Kid Gloves, twon Buttons, at 50 cents p;r pair, just half price. R. CREECH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE OTOIT FREE PRESS, Only $1 a Year In Advance. fully strange when It was being adminis tered, and that alt be conld-tnlnk about was death and the future world. XvM. him that I thought be was yery foolish to be led into any society so soon, and that It would have been better for hfan to nave waited a Uttle in order that he might see now they prospered^ 1 farther stated to him that as far as I am concern ed myself, I would never take such an obligation voluntarily, for if It was as bad as he Intimated, | it was a dlr y oath. In both cases, t ne parties spoken to were members of my church, ana alt that tasted between us was nothing whatever rofficlent to cause tbe K. of P. to make such a murderous attack upon imjr character. 1 leave tbe public to nice. I would also add that snob a pub- leailon aa appeared In your last issue is belli base, mean, low. dastardly and malicious, and any crae woo can calmly and deliberately with forethought, sit down and pen such an article, has mur der in his heart. 1 can conceive bow It is jMsslble that a* man, when excited and "thrown into a violent At of passion, might gve utterance to some sneb words, but >w it is possible fora committee oftbree men to delloeratsly put their heads to gether and frame such a vilification, I fail to conceive. And yet it is a fact that in the village of Acton there are three such men, and if we ere to believe tbertr statement, an entire lodge of men, setae 30 or 30 in number. Best assured, gen tlemen, yon have overshot tbe mark this time. Tbe swords you so mauolons- ly4pshealbed to stab a Minister of tbe Gospel, have entered your own vile hearts. Public indignation rises sternly against you. I leave the matter here. Trusting yon may benefit by your rash- nes, I remain to tbe pcblle, i Falthmily tnelrs, ) O.yr.CAIiVEBT. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be the principal attraction to-night. Every- body who has read tbe story- will want. to see tbe dramatic representation of it; and thosf who have not read it, should see it enacted. _~- C. T. HILL, Mill Street, AjCTON* LIST OP MUSIC BOOKS Sold wholesale and retail by John Anderson1 Bookseller, Guelph. Burrowes' Pianoforte Primer. J Jousse's Musical Catechism. Berttni's New Method for the Piano. Clarice's New Method for the Piano. Hunton'e Piano Forte School, Howe's Piano without a Master. Richardson's Kew Modern School. Gitze's Parlor Organ. Silver Wreath (Vocal). 109 different Music Books. I A,Big Discount on all MUSIC BOOKS AT ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On the Hast side of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. AT IT AGAIN. The subscriber having bought the stock of Goods from the creditors of George Yemen, ol the Post Office Store, Acton, on very favorable terms, would now announce to his old customers and others that be is again ready and willing to merve them with any quantity of fiwt'clasa Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, &c. EEQUfiST AN EARL?' CALL. When we feel confident thai tbe utmost satisfaction will be given to ourpatrons. We may mention that we do not offer old stuff or bankrupt Our Goods ar^ all New and Sound. JOHN HOGG & SON, Alma Tlock, TJjipef*wyndham Street, Guelph. May 22, 1877 BARGAINS BARGAIIS. Oar is tie, it / at a considerable former prices. discount from A CTON PLANING MILLS AND DEALER IN % Crroceries, Orookery. Boots * 0aoes, "Wall Taper, "WiadOw" BUadS, Wails, CrlaM, *att7> liamd Oil, Pftlatt, Turpflntia*. 0el OIL Salt, ate., .411 of which wiB be sold low for cash, I t BOOTff and &HOES Pump* Sash, Door and Blind Factory. THOMAS EBBAGE, Manufacturer of "Windo-w Sash, Doors, ' Venetian Blinds Mouldings, And other BnUdingsteqiilsltes Also "Maker of xuraovsp stronoK rows Lumber Planed and Dressed to orde In the best manner. )& All work guarantee"1 Acton, Jan.,1876. Trurfttng that by strict personal attention to business, [and keeping at all limes a fresh anc well assorted stock of goods, to be able to give the utmost satisfacticn and secure the patronage of all :iis old custo mers and many new ones. I ' 'j By doln? business on the only sure and satisfactory basts of strictly cash or trade, he will be able to offer ex traordinary inducements to bis ova* tomers. Soliciting a call and a continuance f of past favors, * I am respectfully, , JAMES MATTHEWS. Acton, May 16, 1877. Henderson & Co. Having during the past week, taken advantage of Tho IffimozL33 SlaugMor Sales at Toronto, are ienabled to offer the * - J, CHH^d ^ Selling off at cost. Also agent for the RTJPBBR PAINT COMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. r THEi free press PRINTING HOUSE. To Merchants and other Business Men in AdfOn, as well as throughout- the County,? the Free Press is an invaluable Advertising Medium. PEST LOT' ^ > OP SEASONABLE GOODS Ever Brought ityto Acton. 1 ' All new, fresh, and comprising this Spring's Im- l- -j portations. <- - ", i, -i Instance the following. i ' i 312? yards of American Prfbp3 at 5c, -worth 9c. 2113 yards of Amejicjan Prints at 8c, worth 10c r* i 1000 yardb of English. Printe at 10c. worth 16c 100 dozen Canada Si.raw Hats at 5c, t 40 Jo2en Sunshades. 10c up. f . 60 dozen Kid Glova, very choice, worth $1.25, for 80a lOcNip. T O BBEEDERS. Cakb for Hides. ^tcton, July 18, 1876, The thoroughbred Darham Bull " Zephyr," -will serve cows on the farm of the subscriber, near the Grand Trunk Station, Acton. TermB Grades, $2. Pedigree r bred by F. W. Stone, Oi Imported Sheriff (29964), dam Sanspft- neflOth. ______ C. S. SMITH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. 33-tf ' ee Zephyr [4260] b, Guelph, get'by ;Onr Unrivalled facilities for Executing all kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Enable*! to tu*n out work equal to anything doneHh the cities. Dress Goods from Parasols at all prices OUR MLLINErW ROOM ri 1 Is now complete with ail the. novelties of the sea- son, at ourJpopalar low cash .prices. , j ,. CaU l&*vl$r &nd Seeu*e Bavgrnlns. Ar, O SMAtL patt*t>iTia. terms OASOt L t i 0HHISTI2, EENDEErSOtf* CO, Aeton, April 30,1877. J -

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