Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1877, page 2

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ri ."T fa! 1 : K Sim* A ;-i tfttb i^, ffsfeKEj 'i? ; V If it t? JjS^j! ii-. & mw JC Sgf :| 5 jf iSi&lt $"!! Mil' i lllti #1] THE FREE PRESS, A F.SIE K'TOX FISEK PRESS ^iM.iaW.l Kvcry Tharsdny MornittR. ' J. H. llACKI.Ui] Proprietor. SI Per Aiiuum in, Advance ^clauif^ql^css 00S M SVCXINO EDITOR TiiviauiAV-" .SIokning, May li kst; iSusiness Prospects. !T'uo following |hopel'id" x'iew of the situation is from the Moutrcii! Stnr: : ' : ... AVo believe it will be generally cva)ceili'<] our.-cinnierci:il posi tion to ilav is bright-cr ihuu it liu.s foeiv since tho jmn'ic tinst set in, ft"' spirit of discrust ot everything and ovcrylt^Uy whii-h lini so long '^ "iiohulcd the -but-iHess horizon of "Canada is, gradually disr.ppouiing, ui<d the confidence of former day's, winch must eventually bring aii- <xks, is being res'toied. An ordi$- 'Hrv*t\bserve.i"of evenjs cannot fill Esqucslnc; Township Cqtmrll. Tho Council met ntStewartlown on the 27th ult., all Iliu members boinjj. present. A petition from the Esquesing Agricultural Society asking a grunt of ?.r,0 was received aifd ou motion of Mr. Wurrvn, sec onded by Mr. I'Ynzer, the sum was. granted. ' On motion tho following accounts were oidhivd to bo paid, viz: $10.09 to Charles Williams for plunk furnished to path masters ; i?12 to James Hainer, briiig tho two thirds value- of.-three sheep killed by dogs; $t> Lo Thos. liobin- sotV.and 6d; to John iMolntosh, for the support of indigents.. Win. Smith and Arch. Sloan to be re funded 81 each on account of error in dog tux. T Ou motion of Mr \Vurre.n,nCC.on(l- cd by; Mr. ShortreeCl,. leave was grunted to introduce a By-law to apjioiuf. overseers', of highways, fence-viewers, and pound keepers. Said'By-law was duly read and pas sed. - ...Mr. Warren moved, Req. by Mr. Lindsay, that, Mr. Lorenzo Ctcw- son. Lot 3.2, lt-t con., bo included to etifch gliuiiKst-s hei-p aud theio *rf .. . the riei-.dUing iu of [better Utues. Iin thn road division over which Mr lu-contmdistiuction to tho wild, (Jolj'v^^oi-den is oyeraeer, and tlntt reckjrss iind .insane speculation of at Crow t pi-evious years which governed all our past troubles, tliete is-now' a truly eoiiseryative policy, regulat- in2 the pulse of our business enter- puses, which is the surest harbinger ot recuperation and success. With tho exception of one or t .vo lines a .'healthier-tone, has permeated our. leadinu branches of trade and .in- diistry^: uiuuy of one merchants are more hopit'til, and begin to ex press theiuselvts sanguine of im provement iu 'the neurfuture. The fact of our trade returns at present fulling below those of previous rears causes us no apprehension whatever, tor we U>o well remember file nausea that succeeded the over loaded stomach of Lr.-ide a few years Bince, when-" the unprecedentedly heavy statistics, of every bi<iuess deuaxinient were pointed to as au omen of uubnunded prosperity. We niust remember Cleat our tmde and commerce Imvejbeen t-iek, and that they ate invalids still, and therefore We sboulti use every prc^ caution to avoid such another severe dyspeptic, attack ; but that they arei uow convalescing tlu're is . not the/shadow of a doubt^-and we ; feel that' a brighter era iu our com mercial history is dawning. From'? the Glut's weekly com- : mercial rfeviffw, -we extract the fol lowing r&mafks : The long-expected revival of business is steadily ap proaching,; ^lo^ly indeed, but so generally ' evtry speculdtive element is excluded from its fo'rees; which are 'Biakmgiu thorough work- of 'baildingVyp and strengthening the interests which for three years have withstood the trials'of depres sion. The attention of the picrcan- tile and industrinl coauuunity is turned; forward in expectation of [. nn abundant harvest, and if the. r- breadth' of land now sown yields its increase according to : promise the -country will etrergefroni recent disasters much stronger because tbey have..happened. This country is companitively unafitfcted by the wart n6r will it have liiuch direct ^ result for Caadians until the colli ding-.'harvest is ready- for market. 'And every irif!ligeiit-uiiuded man will :be happy if even then it is found the country will -not profit so largely by foreign misery as by the development, by well-directed',] hil>orj of it's own interests. The produce trade keeps quiet, and will i be qhiet until then, for we have I not itnfjre than enough grain for j our wanis^ so far as can bo ascer tained. Abroad the belief ha3 gajne-d ground that Britain will not be dragged into the war, and- " ml wn^eqni'iVca tuarktsts have re ; Jrceded.' said" division be extended to son's Corners.- Carried. Mr, Warrun moved, sec. by Mr. Lindsay, ttii|t the dividing point betw<"en'"jMr,' Price's road division and.' Mr. tlarding's division bo fix ed at the^centro; of Lot 27, Cth inte and that; MrrWfbore and Mr. Per- rynum be added to.and perform their* statute labor hr Mr. Price's roa4 divisioln. ^^Oiirried. , Sir. Warren moved, sec. by Mr. Lindsay, that this municipality be come a sn.liscriber to tLo -Toronto (iJen'erul Hospitan>y' the payineut of the sum of SoO, the amount on the"; annual subscription whichf suliAcriptio'n entitles this "JVI.unicii pal'ity tO Rend four patients to %J said hos})ittil, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized"- to forward 'the said sum to tho Treasurer of tho General Hospitiil, Toronto. Oar. Mr. AVarreu movetl, S'C. by ,Mr. Jshortceed, that leave be granted to mfioduct^ a By-law to regulate the statute h|bor(in this towiujhip and for other purposes, and unit said By-law be rioV. read the first time. Carried. Mr. WTarren moved, sec. by Mr. Lindsay, that ihe By-law regulat ing the statute labor for this town ship lay on the table until the next meeting of this'Coiincil, then to be considered in committee of the whole. Mr. Shortreed nioved, sbc. by Mr.'Frjzer, that Messrs. Lindsay and Fruzer be appointedi-a commit tee to examine the road through -L.ot ,2S, 9tb concession, also tbo fniveiled road through part of Lot 28, 8th line,_ and, report to this Council at i*a next meetimg. Mr. Shoitpeed nioved,- sec. by Mr. Frazer, that a;committee, con sisting of Messrs. \Varrsn, Lindsa^Ja and thn mover, be appointed tH<d examine the bi-idge -oppositd^Lot Xo.'12, 3rd con., also the bridge on the cross road Lot 15 on the 4th con., and report to the council at its next meeting. The Council then adjourned until the 18th of May. ' , . Cheaper Sovlus lllnclitiics- Al Now York paper says : Tho expitation of the Bacheldor neudlo- plato patent, which took place at nofyn on Tuesday, is expected to mitKO a revolution iu tho prico of sowing machines.-. Machines which sell for Home 00 or $70 are well known to coht only 911 to $15 for manufacturing, , Xhis^has been ow ing to three or 'four large com panies controlling the various patents, and thus.having a monop oly of the businosR. As the Badi- elder patent ia the last of will hereadily seeirwhere the relief comes in. | U|) to tho present time the Sing er Company has itakeli the lead in the ; reduction of priceB, and an- nonticea that the retail pilco of its $00 machines wijl hereafter be re duced to 30 for cuhIi, and their S70 style to if40 cash. .< Tho other companies will probably follow in their wake, and most of them havo made considerable re ductions in their respective price lists. It is thought that this gene ral fall in prices, wliilii' benefiting tho public, will be tho means of weeding out the weaker ooiiipanies, and establishing the. Btronger con cerns on a more profitable basis than ever. 'l -L NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f. WALKER LOm;i: Not 331, Ai r. A a. n. Tho llugiiar Mooting of tho nbovc Loilo will hu hold in tho Masonic Hall, Acton, oa Monday, Mny 20tli, nt 7-30 1'. in. JOHN ItOS.S, Sue. JNSOLVENtr ACT OF 18TS. IN THEj MATTER OF Maiy j McNaiiAN INSOLVENT. T EMlEKS -WANTED. . Sealod tho till TeiidtrB will ho received 1?y American Arms for Turkey. Nearly all tho arms that tho Turkish.- Government contracted for in America have been made and shipped to Turkey. Six hundred thousand muskets wore ordered, and of this number f)00,000 are already completed. When tho re mainder are ready for shipment, General Tivfik, the,Turkish in spector, vifb six of the young officers who lately arrived liere, will proceed to England, whore he expects to uuiko contracts 'with firms in Leeds aud Birmingham for the manufacture of another lot of arms for Turkey. Ho finds, ho says, ..that English muskets are stronger and'better finished than those of American manufacture, but cost 4 (sl"ld) more each, and beiiig largely hand made, the parts cannot, bb interchanged like those of Aineiicin manufacture, Street'and jSidow.ilk Committee Tuesday,. 22d inst., For the laying-;of a Sidownlk on the west side of Maiii-strect, also on Church atrvot between John and; Klgin streets, both fom feet in width provides a'1 material, "Tondcn per rod. Tho loWcst or any tender not nocos sarily n.ecipted.:' For particulars apply to D. D. (plttUSTIK. ChiJirnian of; S. k S. Committee. Acton, May 1(!, 1877: 46-l't Conlmittoo will, plenso stato tho prico UJ2EW3 THDAY ThurMay, May 24. PRaGRAMME. Bl . The war in urpe continues, but there seems to be but. little fighting-thu-rfar. : The Windsor Murder.^ Austin Humphrey, the muVderer of FAkl- erick Appel, is doomed, and has only a few more days to live. . The petitioiis which wore signed by several thousands of citizens' of Detroit and other places, asking the Governor-General to commute the sentence to imprisonment for life, were forwarded to Ottawa some time since, and duly presented. The Governor-General, together with the Minister of Justice, ex amined the papers thoroughly, the evidence and facts connected with the marder, and decided not to grant the request. The news of this decision was received in Wind sor last week, and was generally | what was expected. Humphrey's f friends Lave all deserted him, and Who Should oo toManitoba In answer to intending settlers the Winning: 'papers say there is in Manitoba a superabundance of bookkeepers and that class, also of printers. Farming is the' only intereri which cannot be overdone. There.ars good openings for both small aud large; capitalists. The Great Western Railway Station,Toronto, on Saturday after noon', was tho scene of an elope ment. A bricklayer named Burton ,and a woman were boarding a train, when tho man's wife appeared and tried to drag him off. He, how ever, eluded her grasp aud got awav-.. This misguided couple's estiny is Rhode Island. Burton leaves behind him a wifo and three children, and the partner of his flhzht a-husband and four children. BASE BALL MATCH Will cemmfcnee at 10 o'clock a.m., on the ground* of tho Pastime club. . A prize of Slfl is offered to the winning jcliib, open jo any base hallclub iu the County of Haltou. The otlie Ramos will commonce nt ono o'clock p.m., sharp.; tjuolt Mule) - I $s oo S2 no Tlirowlnch tivy shoulder atone 2 10 1 on Throwing Unlit shoulder atone *a no Throwingbi so bait 2 00 lfl y:irti loo r.iee 2 00 ia*i y:\ nl loot raco 3 00 300 yard mirJIe race 8 03 liOi s' 10(1 yi rd fool race, (under 15 year > - 1 50 Hop, slop ai d Jump 2 00 Runnlngjuiip 2 00 Stnndlnujmip 2 00 Iioyk' runnl >$ Jump (under J5 ye;irai i 1 00 Three-ligi:r>(l rnco i 2 00 Wheelbarrow reco " 1 SO Eating treacle buns 1 00 and oilier snmes If desire J. A Restorer of Intrinsic Worth and One that Pleases AH. Wood'i Improved Hnlr Bestorallve Is unliKe any other, and has no equal. The Improved ha-s new vegetable lon'c properties; reiores grey hair to a glossy natural color: rz-store* faded, dry, tmritb Hntlf-tlllrig hair; restore", dretsoB. glvea vigor to tht hnlr; resiores hair to prerhn tnrely bald heidp; remove* d indruff, hu inon*, peaty ernpilonf,; removen lrrlla lion, Itching and tcaly (IrJntsF. No article produreH ach wontlerfijl eflects Try It, call for Wood's Improved Hnlr Kestoratlve, nnd don't bo put on" Willi any otn/prnrticle. Sold by a 1 <lrngg.tili! In Ihlsplnce and dealerii everywhere. Trade suppllecl nt muii"fncliirprfc'pries by C. a.Co'ik ^ t:o , (jhlcago.Hole AgentB for the United* nnd Canadak, and by L.YMAN- Bros, A Co., ToroDto. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Firjnrr, affirms the truth of} ]ie i ieft alone to prepare himself the rumor that ex-Mar*hal Bazaine J for death. His son^, however, dis- j play a rare affection for him, and pa*y frequent visits to him. r 'has been offered the chief command of the Turkish army in Europe by the Sultan. Thejidea is favorably entertained by Bazaine. The Montreal Witness tbinks that I protection will not prove .r - very strong rallying cry at the next / general -election, and that if there ,tis a good crop this Fall and good finies it will not amount to much a I year or eighteen months hence., r; The missing',steamer, " -Cityt of' -j ?BruSftls". has been spoken afc feen, iuuder sail, having"broli|pn her shaft. She is expected to'arrivf! at Queens- , S ion before the of many days.' , The report this time ui'iy be !de- i pended on. ' Over ten per^cent of the grand aggregate of all the products and '1 the nwiuifiictnieis that the United States sold abroad in 1870, i-ame fvtftn the pig-pens_! They brought nilore than one third us juuch as the "entire cotton crop of I Sixteen thousand people attend ed the dog show at Gilmore'a Garden, Now York, on Thursday. One thousand dogs were in -the show. The se' ter dog Paris, from Strathroy, Ontario, won the silver cup for tbe best dog in the show. There lives in the Township of Marlboro' a Mrs. Eliza Duke, who has attuined her 105ib year. She has over, a hundred grandchildren throughout that section. i; j The biscuit-makers and confec tioners of the Dominion have been holding a Convention in Toronto. i , The nominal < strength of tho United States arniy, after .the pro posed reduction; has taken place, will be, 19,000. The Wimbleton teim will sail for England on the -23i d prox. J^EAPIXG MKIIIVE Democrat AND !a "Watfon for Sale. Tho advertiser offers - for sale a Kirhy Combined Reaping Machine, nearly new, also a ood second-hand Democrat Wagon. Sor particulars ap. ply at this ofiice, | Acton, May 15, 1877. 4G-3t TDIG STUAYED. A white Suffolk Sqw; about one year old, sjtrayed froin the premises of tho subscriber, about the ,6th inst., arid was Seen in Acton' that day. Animal is a fair size, in good condition, all white. Information that would lead to its re- rncovery would he thankfully received by the undersigned. Word might bo left with Air. Robfc. Agnew, Dominion Hotel, Acton. MICrfAEL KALEY. Lot So. 21, 2d con. Esqnesine, May 15, 1877, 4-St = ^TILLAGE OF A TOx\. the South ; almost threeq-uarters j -Sir John A. Macdon^ild and Dr. >is much as- th<j whe^t und flour from all the north. 'Tupper will address a mass meeting at London in June. -- I E/tbel Suit affafnst tbe .Hall, Saturday. Air. , Joseph JPerraulr, late Secretary offthe Canadian Cen tennial- Com mission, through" his Ja*y^rs, Messrs; 2et,te <fe'Co., fnter- <r.j an action for damages for libel ii gainst the';Mail Printing and Pub- lisliing Company, of Toi-onto, for .920,000. The alleged libel was in :i letter frorh the Mail's Centennial cirrespondenr in Miay. last, which ;b--vefelv j-eileete.l on Mr. Pcrrault i. It! i semi-officially -announced that Mr. Ci. T. Dennison w)llr.' l>e appointed Police Magistrate of Toronto, in the place of Mr. Mc-i Nnbb, who resigned recently.- i The prize list for tbe- Central Fair to be held in Hamilton on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th of Octo ber next is now ready. Upwards of $8,000 are offered for prizes, be sides a large number of special prizes.' . The sitting of the COURT OF REYISIOjN" For the Village of Acton, will he held At Matthews' Hall, "ON. Thursday, 31st of May, 1877, At 7:30 o'clock p.m. Appellants nnd others will please take notice. The roll can be examined at my office. JOHN BOSS, Clork Acton, May :16, 1877. 4G-3t T\KESSHAKIN. MISSES MANN respectfully an nounce to the ladies of Acton and vicin ity that they have commenced business as Dressmakers in the houBO recently built by Mr. Edward .Matthews, near Nicklin's ^ bakery, The patronage of the. public is respectfully solicited. Dressmaking in the best manner and most fashionable styles. MISSES M. & M. S. MANN. . Acton, March 21, 1877. 38-3m 1 00 i no 1 00 I 00 200 1 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 so 1 00 1 00 so At 5 o'c GRAND ock p.m. tberc will bf a PARADE BY THE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, In their ha-ulsome new uniform, ac companied Ly tho Acton Brass Band. Iu the evening there will bo a splendid Dramatic and Musical So; In Qrtainment the Drill, Shed, Under tho joint auspices of tho Acton Social Club, the Knights-'of Pythias, and the Act in Brass Band, when will be presented a complete representation of Mrs. Stow^'s world renowned moral drama of Uncle Toms Cabin Which will bt: enacted, with appropriate scenery, by a number of first-das'" dra- ruatic |>erforiners, assisted by local ama- tures. The services of several profes sional ladies And gentlemen have been secured at KNjat expcir-e, for this occas ion, nnd the Committee are determined to spare no p.-lina to make the entertain- rueut of an excellent characterthrough- out. The drmiatic performance' will be interspenc 1 with Vocal and Instru mental Music. Tho Drill Shed will be comfortably si ated, and otherwise woll fitted up for tiie occasion. . ' Doors open it 7 o'clock.; Entertain ment to commence at half-past seven,, sharp. Admi ssion, 25 conta. Ice Cream, 1'ine Apples,. Lemonade, and other refn shmeuU will ha furnish ed for thoso w 10 desire tbera. NOTICE is hsreby given that by virtue of tho powers vested in me u Atsigneo of tlio abovo named Insol vent, and pursuant to the directions of the Creditor) of the Maid Insol vent, approveti by the Judge of the County Court cf the County of flat- ton.-shortening1 the timo for publish ing tbo advertisement, I shall offer for sale by Publio Auction, on the premises, in the Village of ACTON, on WEDNKSDAY, the SIXTH day of JUNE next, at TWELVE o'clock noon, all the estate, right, title and interest of tho Insolvent, and of myself as /Assignee, in and to the following parcels of land : Parcel No. 1. Consisting of Village lot number nine in block number two, in the village of Acton, 'afore said. Upon this parcel has been erected a large and commodious bnok-drolling liouseand store. The building is new, well finfehert throughout, and has never been oc cupied. . ' | :>. Parcel No. 2j Consisting .of tho westerly part ol' Village lot number eighteen, in blook number three, in the village of Aoton, aforesaid, ')n Ibis parcel is a frame dwelling-house and storie nnd stable. Parcel No. 1 will be sold subject to nvmoygage to the Hamilton Pro- vid'enrt and Loan Society,: for one thousand two hundred dollars, and intereMt troro Ist^December; 1876. Parcel No. 2 will he sold subject to a-mortgage, particulars of which will be given nt time of sale. Terms and conditions made known at the time of sale. - W.j ALLAN, Assignee. Acton, May 2, 1*77. 45- it NOW THEN! ATTFNTIdN BARGAINS ! STILL AHEAD ACTON TIN AND STOVE DEPOT, ..' WILSON & ilOKI^SON Keg to think Choir nurnerous friends and custome&iUfor the kind p'atron- age hitherto extended to jtliem, and wish to inform them that [they have now on band a large stock.of IMairj, Pressed and Japanned Ware, " ! which they are selling cheaper than ' , E.iTETROl'GnlMi A 8 FECI A I/TV. Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere,'as our prices cannot be beat in the county. ; Being practical workmen, most of our stock of Tinware is made up by OUISelves, and we feel satisfiedthat we cannot be uudei'Eold. .; Shenpsltinfi, C'ifI'm Rags, Old C(>}\- per and Brans takm in dzchanr/e ,. for Goods. F4SHIQNABLE WEST EUflf Tl This Department, which is always an attractive one, is pftrtictitoi'^ r this seagon' under tbe able-management of Miss Johnt6or Sabi* to^'." ly increasinj;. apid orders are coming-in fast. "During the PUt^Si^' our, show rooty's h;ivo been largely patronized exc'eFS. jOur superior Millinery, great, variety of styles, and >w*c*ki* prices: never failing to please and give satisfaction.. EverylidttheM ': make it a polnij to visit "our fjhow Rooms this season bfore Vn*ra*^ can show'one df the finest stocks to be found in either town or ot. w Ontario; ; ""- .': -~t Wk[h&ve just opened Direct from Nevr-Y^tt. Two cases of American ritraw 0obds, latest New York amFPhiW*|i_ Styles for the nxuntjh of Mayi One case Misses Hats, also in tte^J? American stylos. IfX) doaen jebmrnon Straw Hats, at lOo, 12fij siT*? Ladies^ come di ect to (he Eas'hiorb.'e Wes^ End for Millinery the finS in the trftdfl to Biiee.t from.- ' > Repairing and attended to. Jobbing promptly WILSON & JQHNSON. Acton, April 3, 1877. j 40-3m The Aoton Plow Co. - Aro mntiufactuHng tho celebrated STEFHEHSON PLOWS, *xn The 'Boss5 GangjPlo'w prepared to: lo all kinds of Repairing on Plows, and also ajlso kinds of Lathe TFbr/i: and Iron Planimj on the sho; test noticel examine our plows Please call and before purchasing elsewhere. AGEKT3 FOR _^ Sharp's Self-IiumpinR,j: Hay and Stub'sle JRake^ Acton, iCeb. 13, :1 1877. 876. 1877- T>FBLI SCHOOL TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. In accordancn with tho Statute, and tfic General Hegulations, "tho Annual Examination o: Candidates for Public School Teache -s* First. Second and Third Class Certificates, for the year 1877, will be held (D.V.) in the Town I rail, Milton, Com mencing on Monday, the 9 th of July, 1877, at 9 a. m., for j^irst ClaSs, and at 1:30 p. m. for Second Class. Monday, tie 16th of July, at 9-a.m for Third Class: Forms of the iiotice to be previously given by the car didates can be obtained on application t( tho County Inspector. It is indispei sable that candidates should notify th s County Inspector not LATER THAN TH:! 1ST OF JUNK of their intention to present themselves for ex. omination, such notice to be accompan ied by a certificate of moral character signod by a elerj yman since the lat of May current. C anrtidates for First aud Second Class Cei tificates. are requested to transmit also ;he testimonials!of suc cessful service required by the Regula tions. ' I - R. LITTLE, P. S. Inspector, Co. Halton. Aeton, 2d Maj|, 1877. jy/funlcipalilty of Esqaesinc:. COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that the first sittings of the Coilrt of Revision for the Municipality of the Township cf Es- quesinc, for the ydar 1877; will be held at Clark's Inn, in |the Village of Stew- ... iv'of May instant, at te j o'clock iu the fore noon, ; J. MURRAY, Clerk < f said-Municipality, " 1, 1877- 45-3t XJ CsX^Onr^T 1 M'l Ctlrt di* They keep a full stock On hand, and'are XAlUUtJX U I X'lOlltJX-j nrel.ared tollo all kinds of ' ' Has ovcrj'tliing fliat yon want in Tia'ware, J ; Stoves, and Siiclboa Furnishings, I . all to be soU cheaper than over. An immense stock just arrived ETrass Kettles, !Porcelain I dried Kettles, Lanterns, . j I Smoothing Irons, " i ' Milk Pails, I ^ Japanned Ware, PreBseti Tinware, COOKING BOX AND PARLOR STOVES, STOYE PIPES, ^O1 &c, &c, EAVETROUGHING, JobMn? and Ropalnmr Promptly , Attended to. ROBKRT FISHER. Actoif, April 8,1877. 40-3m Esquesing, May DAY SHOWS THE tLARGEgT STOCK Olf - , WALLPAPER Ejw shown in Guelph, all . . lVcinr and Choice and prices lower than ever, Children's Carriages - To te sold off cheap, at Day's New Bookstore Nearly'oppositeithe oljl stand. Guelph, April 21,1877. rterjJi^L~~,r:jr^ The snhsiriber will | PAY $5 iPSE CORD For all wkll saved: I Hemloclc Bark ' Delivered at Acton - Tannery,1, before Dec 1st,: 1877, and after Dec. 1st, 84.50 per Cord. i ! G. |L. BEARUMORE. Acton, April 25. 177. '-. l[J-3m QLEXLAWSON | JvliULSl __J_ Having thoroughly repaired cur Mill, and put in a new! Middlings Purifier we,are now prepared to give ft bet ter yield of flour thrtn formerly, wilh' quality quite as good. '.-. ' . { '.' GRISTING AND CHOPPING promptly attended to. The patronage ot tbe- public re epeotfully solicited. ^ The highest price any quantity of whe at. A quantity of seed barley for A. O. BUCHAM, . ' ! ! Fa ihfonable West End Dress, Mfllljiery and Mantle KUKK.i.Mtlt Guolpb, May i;. 1R77. . j" ', ;^T; _-L That Notable Jhorobgh-bred HQB^ i AND- CEWTEWN8AL PR IZEj TAKER earl cod hat) EM i April, will leave bis own stable, in \he Towg^oiTlttkaB'-u| tj> Lindsay's Inn. Hornby, for "noon; thenip to Brutptctu s's Hotel," over niabt. . .". vt? \ The Kifrg of Canadian Turf will make the Season of l?t[,: as foltew^4- Moxjdat, 30th proceed "Wallace's Hotel," over"ni.gbt. TrasDAr, the list May, will pjoceed to Beamisb's Hotel, Sorral; thence t_ Oejorgetown and remain over night. WedseB1)AT,-the 2d May, will proceed to Acton, and remain overnight. TnrjasDAY, the 3d ilay. will proceed to Stingle's Hotel. Nasoga?ey, for - noon ; thence to Campbellville and renoain over njghL '\. Fiuday; the 4r,h May, will iiowville, Tot noon;'thence tOfiebOB. and remain over ni^nt. - * -4 SATunDAT, the pth May, will proceed to' Palermo, for noon j the*ce ki.Otk. -" ville, oyer night, and remain there until Monday morning.' ' -.;-"' MoxDAy, the 7th May, will proceed to Postville^'for noon; thanoe toDntt- quin, and reniaiu over night. .-__ >-' TaESDAT,'tbt) 8th May, wilf return to hi^ hwn Stable at Miitop/a^* ,return to ijrampton, Wecfn&'sday, the 9th May, and continue fheMa*- route,, returning every ninth day, health arid weather permitting, dat-; ing the seasc-n. ' Prizes tiie Present'Season. .'\; , 1st Prize and Diploma at Paris ; 1st Prie at Milton, over Shajpcatelw;- 1st Prize at Brampton, over War Cry, Revellej, and Hyd'er Alini : TKB'>iS:-^l<"or the Season, Sto, ending 1st July -. Thorbngh-bred oiJM ?25; and mares not proving'With foal vpill be entitled to the t*rrie*J*- of charg"e the ensuing season. GjOOm's fees 50 CllltS. C. SCbTT, cUn:pioh Groom. ' JOHN ^IH3Pi? Read the following testimbnials from the Canadian Centennial COTDiniaMOai and United Slates Centennial Commission. 1876: > Tnl Tf si -hi International PHILA DBLiPHIA. .Canadian / have much Exhibition, lp~6.. amission, Ottau a, Ajifil 4, ISTi Mr. J. White, - pleasiirc iii addri?s8- Acton, April 10,::.877, prize rpo F1KMEKSL Now is the time stock. The first _ liam TusiFLE^fnifTlEiiRn, Sir Williaiii Temple by.Red Prince [(102], the premises of-tlio the season. Te.rmi cows 4.00; Grade I : LotN- Aprtt4, 1877- TEAM s Carriage & Wa^on always paid for <fe E. TOL 41 sale. roN. 3ai to improve your bull, Sir Wil- , (83), gft by [2296], cImh Diana fwill serve cows on dersigned during . Tlioroughj-brea ws si.'50.' JdEL LESLIE^ . 5. 1st con. Erin. 40-l3m Uaia Street,' Acto in// you.this day, hy post, the Medal and Certificate so justly '.awarded for your upleniiet display, at the International llxh-ibition of 1876. Allow me fo offir you iny most sin cere congratidaiions, for the great success you havi obtained, and to thank you agai i for your icind as sistance, in placing Canada in the proud position she occupied, in Philadelphia, ic 'tMhe most advanc ed Nations of the Wor.ld. -. Inttrnatidnal Exhibition,. 1ST6J ' , The jUnited .States' CentMmW Commission has examined thewjwrf; of the judges, arid accepted "IbeW-: lowing .reasons, and ,decreed in award in conformity therewith: ' : Fhiladblphia, Ib'eb. 2Jo7J.: "Y ! therewitn:.. Feb. 2%'181 Report on A\yar<fe, Touts tru 'y, I and MICHAEL SPEIHT, General Blacksmith, Carriage Wagon-n aker. Beat Horse-Shoers in, < the County Perfect, satisfaction miaranteed oij no- price charged. Flrst'Clriss Plows nnd Collnrd's Patent Iron Harrows always 'on band.' A ijjjod stock of Carri >ges and Wagons. Repairing promptly and properly at tended to; Acton, Jniy 18, 18t6 Product. Name and address of Eihibitor.^- J. .WHITE, .' l-j-J"-:^' Oxtamo, .- ! ". -;- CoDkd*. ' The qridersigped, bayinj extttia' ed the product herein ' dei(ai6^ - respectfully recomm'end* the MO* to tbe United States Cfstewtai Commission Award, for tbe foltow- ing reasons, Vis: " Terror," Brown Horsejdat>l' .7 ported Maritana, 15 J hands-is*, ten years -old,-, He was foaledJ Canada but we have no reoord of bis running, . which was chiefly &9*?' there. He has been in^thft St*.. sometime. He is aneren1jj.>iwl*r made, mutcnlar horst^ atl d#BW succeed as-a sire. t-." J. W. VFSLDON, Signature ofltheJ I JO J t. PE^RAr LT, Secretary to| the ('anadian Commission. Approval of the Judge*,--/: JOHN R. VILAY, BASIL VVJ&iy s. p. b^own. i-:=-/-vf- A true copy of the record.';;;;",: FRANCIS A. WXLKB^^-.^ Chief of.the Bureau of;Aj*Rr , \ .Given by authority of tbiiUw*** States Centennial CominissJSifcJ.-:.; r >-&'. T. QosHOKji, Direbtor-Geneiit J. L. clifPB5iit. J. H. fl^Wg^ j becretory. P^ear M -C:;v SPE"pTSIDB o, Stave VKD HEADING- MILLS. .. Any parties wa: iti'ng. ^bingles .-would Ao well to give us a call J We will" nl^ .ways have, ion ha ad. a good supply, of No. land No, 2'^hingles. ! " ' '" ""' 1 Shingles S1.60 per 70 cents.-per square. [P. < H. SAYERS. Speyside, Dec. 3> 1876. 24-6m '.' Best quality Xo. - square. No. .2, iQASH FOR if HEAT. Any ^quantity .of good merchantable- wheat wanted, at the : the. Acton..steam mills; foi^ which the highest market price will be paid' fn cash. B. &Ei NICKLIN. ^dcton, Feh.J7,r877. ,' ' ' 32-tf | H'QnrWAlt' l" HllRftWti TOR -THX BEST PHOTOGRAPH^ |in the 'County, at = 7 ]~:{t< " '^ Tbo Oakario Phote|fap& &&P i- For Eeduty'of FinU7JandBtijKa*r. cy in Tone, they cannot U wrpa****-- COPYING & BNLABGIHO In all its branches, in the best WJl the art, done on the shortest not,*^ at reasom.ble rates. ./ '^ri iinim- . Also a splendid stoek of ^^.^5. and PictuVe frames kept on iu?:?, made to ojrdei, . _.' v, A call Es soncited.and you- w" ? convincedf that:'this is the place**^* phbtograpBS. 'V ,- - Acton, Dee. 5,7876. -, "_"*] 7..Hyii;*?'-?"-.' ' l &

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