Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1877, page 4

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iteji u audi* pos it lUy.. .' room fc* .". 1 CLOCKS, 8*e, Acton. I&& and to otdft * I under Big?' foyers,; ;.-ii s. pboaldhqrapt' JOOda. ' '. . * WffUPKi.'-" : [Drawers, Flannels . Shirts. ,, - ' I <-' ^C|Ta!^.. I' Bnxicbes, dea**?* ' (Cte. aodmoj'aM ^oe for thej cost: Fufl sted.-is, Wby^Jt [we bare b?*n abb -ion, lo iu fTwuui ' Ime answer n tkat'.' par at the lowest that titer ahsnt Yf and oonrieaj a< ". 5on & do. I THE r FREE PRESS, AJCTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., ! MrCH Train* leave -^c*on ** folIow ^ XtfA Kxpfosi. - Toronto n.vl ; py Kiproa_ Kij>rc .- Unit mxc<r h04 a.m. 9.10 a.m. 1.57 p.m. 5.20 p.m. 7:07 p.m. r.oiNO. r-.vfT. >'iht "Kxprvss Rait mixe.1 !llv KxprtM Vst*rn mart iaodpa mixed 9:10 a.m. 11:34 a.m. 5:2Dp.m. 10:1pp. to. LOCAL MATTERS. s Q35T*F- |hia is Hie pibee to jwellery -r ?& Also -s/: .Mr. O. G.jHeitzogwill (D.V.) pre*:* m the t>iciplo MectiuR Houso on i>t Lord's Day. at H o'clock a.n>. . Trl*rracc l*rtre. An address vras-Uelivered h the Tem perance Hall, on Monday JURhv: by .Mr. . j% j. W. Simpson, agent and lecturer d the Grand Division. oT~tbc Sons, of Jrcmpetanco of Ontario, on " Iticensd, "the Duufcin. Bill, and Prohibition." There was net a very largo audience, owing, no doubt, to the lack of sufficient notice having been given. The address was .interesting, and the facts and .figures were given in a forciblo and convincing manner. Ac*** Seheol Boar*.' Thu Board of SchoolTrustees met iu - the school house on Monday evening. . Present, Alex.'Kennedy, chairman, and Messrs. Storey, Hall,' Moore and Sny der. Minute* of last meeting were read and approved. r The chairman ' read monthly report of head teacher, which, on motion, was .adopted. The report stated the number of pupils enrolled oil jth* iSth February to bo IS1 ; 5S being fa th~Tist. llepartaient,' 45 in the 2d, knd .7S in the 3d ; average attendance forjrehruarj, 14S. The Finance committee recommended - the payment of the following accounts i- - Balance of caretaker's salary for lS7o, $13.50; for insurance, $17-04; for ad vertising, $5 ; for stationery, 92c ; locks for school house, $7*50 ; Mr. Koss, one rconth's salary,~?4i..S3. The chairman FT his checks for the above sums, and the Ik>.ird adjourned. jtabbaih' School ConTenllon. The annual convention of the Sab bath School Association of tie C'ouuty !;ef Halton was' held in Georgetown on Wednesday and Thursday of Jast week. It was well attended, most pi the religi ous,denoniiuatiuas of the county being fully represented. ;' The proceedings were of an instructive and interesting character, and the report of the state of the Sabbath schools gave evidence oi : their increasing prosperity; Mr. D. D. Christie, Treasurer, reported the re- . ceipts' of the year at $43, and that the association'was- free IromV.debt witlt: a very small balance to their crediti Mr. baatin, of Burlington, was tjlected Preiident ; R. Voates, of Lowt-ille, Secretary; and D. D. Christie, of Acton, Treasurer, for the ensuing, year.. vThe next annual convention is to be held at rOakville. Billed on the Railway. Patrick I>i!Ion,_a man well known/In the neighborhood of limehouse and ActoB, got drunk last .Thursday, and was killed by being run over by a Grand Trunk train, shortly after dark, about two miles east of here. Early in thp i erening Jfcssrs Thoa. Smyth and Robt. j Watson, of Jcton, were walking down : the track'aiid^came across Dillon lying ; cIosb to the rails, apparently quite help less, from liquor. ' They lifted him some distance from the track|]and remained with him a short time till a freight train had passed, then proceeded to wards Georgetown. He evidently- got up and walked about ' a qnarter of a mile alonjfthe track, and was struck down by the " Dutch mail" which came along shtortly after the two men had left him) The mangled remains were first.discovered by a man named Neil J/cGill, "of Limehouse, who was walk ing down the track about ten o'clock that.evening. He went to a house near by and procured a^lantern^ and^aasist- ance. The body was brought to "the ' freight-house here, and an inquest was held _at Campbell's hotel by^oroner Freeman on Friday; when a verdict was returned in accordance with the facta. Every Person Head 1 Another Grand Promonado Concert Riven iin<lcr tho managoment of the Acton Social Club, will bo held, in tho Drill Shod] Acton, on Thurtdtiy tforntMoy the Sjth Mai/. Tho success of our last summer enter* taiuments and tho satisfaction wo gavo to tho largo crowds which attended thorn it" a good advertisement for this future one. Purthor notice will bo given through tho columns of this paper. ' ' . Reapcctfully, Airt\)S- Soeiai/CiXB.' Cburch Orsanlzatlon. A public meeting wis held in the bailment of tlie new Congre gational Church, yesterday after-' noon, for the purpose of forming a church organization in Acton. .T^ho services were conducted bv Kov.[Mr. ,Wood, Congregational muiister, of Toronto. After sing ing and prayer, Rey Mr. Manchee, of Guelph, was requested to act as Secretary. The chairman read a letter from Pr Jackson, apologizing for his inability to attend;, he also stated that,Key. Mr. Unsworth, of Georgetown, was unable to attend on account of fanSily sickness. fThe object of the meeting he explained was to organize into a new' church. There were\ about, a dozen of the members connected with the con gregation known as " Swackham-j meri.f atjCliucchill, vrbo resided in. Acton^ kiid who having received certificates of mymbe.-Bhip in good standing, it was unnecessary for them to do u) than assent to the usual' form of covenant. He ex plained tho independent character' of Congregationalism and gave a: brief summary of its principles of faith and church discipline. The following persona :then stood up and assented to the covenant, and were received iutd full communion, viz: James Cameron and wife; Jamefe Ryder and wife ; Peter S. A-Tn^trong aud wife ; Stafford Zimmerman and wife ; Mrs. Ellen Deiiipsey ; Mrs David Ryder, Mis ses Jenny Cameron, Martha Ryder and Adaline: Ryder. . Rev. James DaVit-s was appointed pastor; Messi-s James Caiuerpii and |P. S. Armstrong, Deacons "; and Mr. S. Zitiiuieriuan Secretary. Services were closed with prayer and sing ing. , IX THE'EVKJiixo, A very successful Tea Meeting was held in the Temperance Hall, under the auspices of the friends of the Congregational Church, in aid of the building fund. The entertain ment win excellent a fuller report deferred until next week. Receipts at the door, about 08. ABSTftAGT OF ACCOUNTS OF flB MUNICIPALITY OF For the Year Ending Slat December, 18T. ACTON, THAT WOND1JRFUL 8, 1877. I JL^ WONDERFUL EXCITEMENT! TREIVIF.NDOUS RUSH! Dr. rkckifts^ To balanco on hand from 1875. .$372 84 Uncollected , village and school taxj 1875.. .. 791 16, Village taxes, 1876 .. .. 803 O0 Tavarn licenses.. .. .. ,98 60 Interest on mortgage, school investment fund .. 32 96 Statute labor tax.. ; .. 54 00 Clergy reserve, balance 11875 10 50 Tax arrears.... L... 29 83 Nou-rosident tax .. '-.".,' 7 14 Public school government Kraut.. .. ... 123.00 Public school, interest on loan, .. 84 60 ' Sale of lumber .. L. 2 00 ASSETS, il dobent Investment on mortgage Tax arrears .Clergy reserve interest Uncollected taxes .. .. $2139 53 ..#1300 00 .. 412 00 .. 302 38 ., 39 ]75 .. 87* 76 $2926 89 OR.. PAYS1KNT8. By public school ....',.., Charities .... v Streets and idowalks. Contingent acooimt.. SaUries,. County rate. Balance on hand ..$1366 6b ,. 73 90 . 361 35 .. 153 97 .. 191 29 .-,. 90 00 172 34 $2409 a uaniLiTia). By balance '" " j ..$2926 89 $2926" 89 gnou Auditors o\ the village of Acton, jhcreby oertify that we havcexamined the books and accduuts of the Treasurer of the said Village for the year 1876, and that the abovu is correct statement of the samo. i SAMUEL CARTER, ). . - W. H. Sl-OUKY, Auditors. Acton, Jan. 26tV 1877. j I AIT'S COST PRICE SALE. The largest amour it of Goods sold y esteTday cr o 3^: isr ' h: o a- c=k &c Ever Sold fn one day in Guelph. GREAT Best~quality of Soasonafclo Q-oods less tJianMaoiufacttirer's Prices r. The great Sale continues each day. Hurry in and partake of the great advantages offared. . s o am BARGAINS! Expend jpality -of ,the."V|illage of Acton, for the year ending 31st Decern ber, 1870. DETAILED STATEMENT D A I NLT I M f5 Of the Expenaiturja of the Munici- ' n,-'Tl * ' N V1 JAXD . . . ; *n<" ' Paper Hanging Paid public school board i County rate Clia!U,TIE3. laid John McPhce David Mino't Stranger* .. .:?13GC 68 .. 90 00 $1426 68 . $22 00 31 10 20 80. RTRSKTS AXn SIUKWAI.KS. Paid S. Ziraraerm.M: Sidney Smith, Browu & Hall, J. .. SALA,RIKS. Paid H. T*. Mooro K. Fisher .. 6. Zimmerman s. J, $73 90 lumber lumber assessor Zimmermai, collector Rosa <^T Turn the Free Press side ways, and read this carefully and criti cally : vf ^ "^ TK *- n -* ?t *Z t-. gg = S. 5 P ~ S S o = 2 2 :i " * * ei ^ __ ^- c^ 3 o> <f> V* ttt ft -i so .. $325 75 .. 13 00 1 60 .. 21 00 $361 35 $30 00 33 00 20 00 28 29 80 00 COSTlSpjafCIES. Paid J. H. Hackiuj, printing Account books Election expen tes Registration Constable's fees Auditors' fees . Night watch Selecting jurors Collecting, statute labor tax -:..;.. Livery, T.' Campbell Lawyer's fees .Stationery.. Postages .. For sheep killeil by dogs Donation to brass band.. Inspector of Taverns McNab, cutting thistles.. Road surveyor's assistant ! AnditcAand found: correct. $191 29 I rV $59 65 4 50 3-00 1 90 4 50 8 00 1 00 5 00 4 00 1 50 5 00 :.' 2 28 ; 1 80 5 34 26 00 3 00 2 50 aroo $156 97 SAMUEL CARTER, ) VY. H. STOREY, ) Acton, Jan. 26, .1877. ? ' Auditors. The nndorsigned|is preparod to do all kinds of House Painting. Kaleomining and Paper Hanging in tho very best maimer, fud on reason able terms; liesidcnce corner of John and Agnes streets, Acton. W. H. WALKER. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. 33-2m HURRAH I HURRAH! BEST PHOTOGRAPHS j .... in, the County, at Thi Oatarle Phetoorrapli Qallerr For Beauty of Finish and Brillian- . ey in Tune, they kannvtjM turpaued. . COPYING & BNLARQINQ In all its branches, in the best style o the art, done on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Also a splendid stock.of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hand and made to order. A call is solicited and you will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs. ; 'Yours respectfully, C. W. HILL, Acton, Dec. 5, 1876. JOB PRINTING of all kinds neatly and promptly executed nt the FREE PRESS OFFICE, Xext the r*s t Office.! HU1 Btrertr DECIDED BARGANSi ip 0Q X X, '.-^> 2 '2-** K S-=-- ^ jz. -5 *"_.' -^ S "' IN Feb. 8, 1877 JOHN HOGG <L SON, V :' Alma^^ Block, IJpper Wyndiuun Street, GuaJpfc. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Christie, Henderson ! & Co, 5 f/i o <~> n '-s ~ *> "' "T .;' ^ Cramse Tea.Jieetlisi. "X tea-meeting was held by the Gran gers I>i vision No.. J38 in the-village of Erin on the 21st ult. The-Bleitthing'be- ing good and the-evening extremely elear. and pleasant, it gave an opportu- hity to members of adjoining granges, also those non-grangers who resides in the vicinity and village to be present, who were heartily welcomed by the Division. The: laJyitnembers spared' neither labor nor expense in making it *te tea-meeting of the season. Ad-" dresses were delivered by Mr. Hill, the Master, and; Mr. Pemberton Rage, Se- cretary of Dominion Grange, and by Messrs.'McDowell and Maloy, of Erin. The"reniarks made by the ^Master and Secretary, displaced the prejudice of - those-who were opposed to the rder, tnany of whom afterwards expressed their belief that it would be a benefit if Properly carried out. Music was fur nished by the Misses and Mr.-Malcolm Gordon,-of. A~cton, in* grand style. In addition to th'eir grange songs they had a vtry appropriate selection of other music, which enlivened the hearts of the audience. Com. ACTOJT MABkETs, , .. $3 25 id 3/ 50 -^Special Notice. Parties receiving pictures with Monthly Maga zines or weekly papers, should call at & OnUrio Photo 'Galary, and have them framed'np in the best style.. GW.-HILL Flour ... ... OH Fall "Wheat.. New Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, Glasgow Red Chaff Wheat Barley ... Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag . Dried apples per lb Butter. .... .. Eggs.; ;.. .. i 40 to 1 f 35 to I I 25to.l 1 20 to 1 0 00 to*0 00 0 47 to 0 50 0 68 to 0 72 0 90 to 1 00 0 05 to 0 06 0 20 toO 21 0 13 to 0 00 The Scottish American Journal ^y* the Farmers' Sqns' Franchise Bill "is a just recognition of the sUtus and rights of a^large and in- ;"|iential class in tho community.w Efps' Cocoa. Grateful and CoJt*- roBTiKo.t "By a thorough knowledge, of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of Well selected"cocoa, Mr. - TSpps has provided our breakfast; tables with- a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may begradually built up until stroiigeuough to resist every tendency; to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame." Cieif Service Gazette, Sold only in packets labeled "Jambs Epps & Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Picoadillfj London." ;. -i i*"; * < i Can't be made by every agent every month In the business we furnish, bnt those willing: to work can easily earn a dozen dollars a day right In their own localities. 2ETave no room U> explain ljero. Business pleasant and honorable, -Wo. men, And -boyfi and frlrls do afl well as men, We will furnish yod a complete Outfit 'free. The" brtslns<* pt>yi* .tetter than anything else. Wo will bear ex pense otintartine lyou. Pnrtlcu'urs free. Write ana see. Farmers and meonanlcs, their sons and daughters, and all classes In heed of paying worfe ot home, should write ti ob and learn about the work at oncp. Now Is the time. Don't delay. Address Tour <fc Co,, Augusla^ Value. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Glassware and I Post AT TEtfl Offlcs Store, Acton. r Tbt Subscriber, GEORGE YEMEN Is now prepared to offer.a ohoio'e seleotion of Groceries, Crockery, , i I i - . ' - .' !"' ' ' Glassware, Wall Papers, j Paper "Window Blinds, &c. At pricas that cannot fan To pleas* ven those wno rail at the Hard Times -" ' j _ / j' NO SPECIAL PRICES ARE QUOTED, :'. ; This "Week: v?ill offer extra special values in the following Goods to reduce pre- * l paratory to Stock-taking: - 2 dozen Cardigan Jackets, $1.50, -worth $2.00 2 dozen Caidigan Jackets, $2.00, -worth $2.50 22 pairs Blankets, $2.50, -worth $4.00 17 pairs Blankets, $3.50, worth $5.00 20 pieces Fill Cloth, at 55o per yd,-worth 70o 16 pieces Full Cloth, at 60o per yd, "worth 75o GLOUDSJ'"/ '; .. WOOLEN GOODS, - MILLINERY, -At Give Away Prices. : ' Any otie in need of Full Cloth for Men or Boys' Clothing, will find our stock well suited to the times; Positively free from shoddy. SECORD BROS Have laid in a mammoth Stock of everything Rich, Rar, Useful and . and Beautiful, in GROCERI u GHINAj Glassware, Hardware, &c. -1 7CHINA DEPARTMENT- Gents' Mottoed Mustache Cups and Saucers, Ladies' Mofctoed Caps ant| Saucers, Children's Mottoed Cups and Saucers, {'-' - '. Glass and Chink Mugs, mottoodV til colore Flower Vases, Glass Pitchers, Goblets, Tumblers,. As a trial ofi his goods, A call is solicited. he is convinced, will be found advertisement. to be tho best Februitfj 7, 1876. GEO. YEMEN1 Post Office Store, Acton Remember that Famous 50c Tea, Cash paid Tub Butter^ Tlie Largest aria "t Preserve Dishes, Celery <31sess, Hade Jars, W&e Glasses, ., ' '..:-' ' Siot Cups and Feeders Stono and China Tea Seta, - [ !- ! ~ ' : .. ^ .^ Lamps, Laniorns, " -,' Everything in Granite Ware, , . Everything beautiful In endless variety. :ri:ejj3^ Canned Peaches, Pluks, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Cherries, Peers, Preserves, Jains, Jellies, Pickles, Lobsters, Salmon, -Sardinei!, Clasis, Oysters, Fruitsj -Raisins, Currants, 9?ig8,\Nuts, Biscuits, Confectionery^and Hooey for any quantity of really 'good 1 CHRISTIE, HENDERSON & CO, Acton( Jan, 28,1877.. ' . \ :. Tobaccos, Hice, Barley, Corn Starcb,JRice Flour, Soaps, etc. -' . Hardware, Cuttlery, Spoons, Paints, Oils, etc. Aeton, Nov. 29,' 18 Cheapest Stack of Teat ever 'brought into Acton. - 76, SEC0RJ>BR0S.

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