Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1877, page 2

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rnaR A43TON FkEE PRESS 1 The Municipal Council of X' 1 _i_ . I- NassAttuwcyn. iJuX'li*f.ed. K.vcry Thursday Morning. J. H. ItACrtlNG, Proprietor. $1 Per Annum in Advance ' jot m >ja6kimq Eoirpn hivusi^AY Moksisg.. March 1, 1ST cast on 4- ,_ Tlie klost uew from tU6 East is totheeffectthatTa treaty of peaco has been signed between Turkey and Servia. A telegram from.;0on- slantinople states that a tinnl under standing has been established, and that a^protocol was to bo signed yesterday, by the terms of whicti the Turks are to evacuate Servian territory within twelve days, Serriri Kivttig fcuatantees for her good con duet in the future. The Russian tnwps will be,doniobilized immedi ately! after the signature of the peace proposals. one, at luoniii Mr. -tW-- .' W'Kimrrs asp Measures. nA discussion in the House of Copi- nvotw, last lwk, on iho Wrights and Measures Act, showed that its provisions aw veiy unpopular. It is understood that the Government have under consideration various recommendations iiv reference /to the proposed amendments to the Act,'and it is likely that the Bill- to be submitted to the House will be of a nature to render tho impo sitions nporx the public of a loss on erous nature. '-'-'. 1 m v m i*s . -FA|iireRs Son's Franchise.--The Bill giving: yotes to FaVmers'^Sons has passedij-he Ontario Legislature by a majority of mi>re than two to ol e in its fa'vor. jTho Globe was the ."only reform paper in* the coun try that opposed the measure. The Act prcwides that farmer's sons're- siling at tho homestead, if' over twenty-oae years of age, are privi leged tcj exercise their franchise the same- as if they were part owners in the pnipertv. A " farmer " is des cribed to~Tfe a man owning not les- than twentv acres of land. . This Covincil mot on Saturday, 17th day of Fobruary, itiBtead 'of Monday tho 19th as per adjourn ment, by order of tho Reeve. Members till preauntj the Reeve in tho chair. .-.-_... The mimitea of last meeting were road Mid adopted. A petition was pi asotited to-thu Council, respectably sigired,praying for aid in behalf of Mra. AUcocIe, wbiclilnivinftbeendulytonBidovydjit was ordwod that a By-law bo passed toa'uthortse the payment of eoijtain MUtns to the parties nainod tbejrein, tho same to ho paid 'monthly; and in advance, vit, Ann Allcock, $27 Johit Moore, $'.>, and a farther! sum ioj l>e agreed oti for Mrs. Brairi.' I Mr. Mimiies moved, seconded hylJmiUed Mr. M^Fliait that the sum of S|l 1.70 Ih> paid to the Township Cloitk for Registering 77 births, 13 marriages and 27 deaths, tho same being duly certified by the Registrar General's otnbe of Ontario.- Carried. Mr. Menjiios moved, seconded b'j Mr. McPhail that tho account of Messrs. Lister <fc Kidney amounting to $11.12 for clothing purchased by James Moffat for the Ferrter family bo paid, said family'being in desti ttite circumstances. Carried. Mr. McPlniil moved, seconded by Mr. Mtnzies that S. R. Lister, Oolleetar. is hereby authorized'and | empowered to collect of taxes remaining unpaid for 187G, ami'to make his final return to the Treasurer on or before the ,20th day rof March next. Carried. Air. Merizies moved, seconded by Mr. Norrish that the blinks in the By-law for tho appointment of cej! tain township officers be how1 filled up and read, the: third time. By law read tho third time and passed. Mr. ; McPhail moved, seconded by Mr.:Nofrish, that the Auditors' Report be received and examined Tho butikiu Act repeal jby-kw has bee;i carried in Leeds uyj |* ma jority cf 33. * ,|j proposed to submit, si j Dun It is kin by-law in the county j-of (Hust ings. Tho fipnl majority in Prince Ed ward-in- favor of- tho Lhinkiu Act wua 248. Only 15 votus were tho third day. Munjifoni, tlin Guelph bonk and hardware tbiuf, has boon sent to PoiiitoiitiAiy for two and u-hnlf years Tho Residence of Mr. JasJ Mat Ayr, was burnad (on the g of tho 23rd. At t'a""P> on tna 23rd, thijwifeof Amiu Smith, tiiiHinitli,, com- suicido by huugina lioi-self lijer cfoud. j i Veteran of tho war bf 1812 with A Mfr. Ctiarles St. Charles, was til liquor Ali Murder nt WlndHor^ AS on tho 22nd, at th<i ago of 000,000. the died at Madoo 8&. Rub fia, has n'n army of moil, oiio half of whom aro on frontier, fully organized.' John Keen, who keeps fhji Dom inionTenaperanceHouse, St.. Mary's, ed J620 and costs fur without a^licenBc. ot.JolJn p ll'o d Pleasant Vulh v, in: Kssesc-, bevnrelvJl>ur!it m m m hRr~: l\P The Credit TaHcy.1 The OntarioGovernment brought dpwn;their railway- aid policy last wet-k, on which a good deal of dis- cuksiuu ensued. Among th^-roads /to be aided is the Credit Valley, to which it is proposed to make an ad . diiional'grant pf SlOfJOpermtle for the whole line, comprising 152i ihjle3. This road;haa already l>een j ^granted $2000 per tnile, and the ?' promoters have given assurances to the Government that with the pro posed additional gl-ant, they will be enabled to complete the main line tfrom Toronto tOrlngersol, and the ffirancbes'frorp Streetsville to Elora. It is estimuted that the'total buui . required to-complete the line is $3,015,967i The amount already ex[iendeqVis sta^d to be $945,379. This-woiMd leave $2,078,608 to be provided, which it was proposed would be raised as'follows : Bonus ~" capital unexpended, $111^900; Government aid already granted, at $2,000 per mile, $405,000 ; pro ^ceeds of $10,000 per mile bonds to be sold at $7,500, $1,188,750; municipal-bonuses yet to be granted j$:)19,000; additional Government r- aid at $1,000 per mite, $152,500 ; which would in nil make a financial basis for the purpose of building the road. - - -- '*~~ byfa committee of the whole. Car. Council in committee, Mr. Men- lies in the chair.' The financial ac counts" were then examined arid found correct, and Council resumed. Reeve in the chair, and on motion it was ordered that the Report be adopts, and; that tho auditor* be paid tho turn 'oi $6 each for their services, as per By-law. A Bv-law was introduced j and read the necessaiy number of tibies, and passed, which enacts, that the. total number of Tavern Licenses to be granted for this municipality shall not exceed three in number. Moved by Mr. Norrrsh, seconded by Mr. Hutcheon, that leave bo granted to introduce a By-laWj for ^ated Bank] baa consented conditions to assume the tnanajjur- ship Mr R. A. Switzer, of Cakville, has btien engaged by the trustees of the Elora High Scfiocl is head master, in the place of Mri Edco; ciimb), Mr. James Golding has been elei i ted M aynr of Brampton by 65 ma- .'jority, to fill the vsfcaiicy caused by the partial support of certain poor the- r(Signati0n of Mr. J,oh ll Toronio Sabbath-Breakers --are. being looked after. A few days ago sdnie persons were fined for fishing on Sunday, and barbers were fined for shaving on Sunday, and now it is,stated that newspaper proprietors, distillers and others who keep: open" on; Sand ay are to receive the attention of the detec- _.; tives. Fori.tnany years the Sabbath laws have~ been almost a dead jitter, but still they are laws which a"re: found possible to be enforced. ~--f- ---------5----- f ^---\- - - The Montreal Gazette says in its '- financial colrnnn that the increased duty on tea has no effect on the ..: price. - Mr. Yennor predicts three feet of snow- on the level, shortly. , There will also be some tremeri- '. dons gales. < VEBSi05f-^Tu"e' b )som yearns for the cheek '. i "-I I New Winter Spring. Co>IitE>TABLE Cotjbage H i je the courage to pay a debt when you ; ' have the money in 3 our pocket. Djvorce. Three divorce bills are -before the Senate this session, , independent of the Campbell bill of ' last -ye<tr. from 3Ir. Scott of Nottowasaga, against hia wife who committed'bigarny in marrying auothiir man: * Another "is from 3lrs: HolwellJ of Quebec; "against her husband, who got a divorce in jHtlie S'-atea, and then married another woman ji'and the third b} the wife of Mr. Bates of Mitchell, against fa :i husband for -bigamy.- aodindigent jrsrsons therein naiued, and that it be now read a first time. Leave granted and Bylaw read the tirst time. ' On motion duly seconded a Bj- lay was introduced and passed the necessary number of readings, ap pointing certain Township officers, which in conjunction with By-law- No. 1 enacts as follows, viz., Audi tors, Alex. McPhee, and James Siahcombe ; Assessor, Malcolm Mc Millan.; Collector, William Logie ,"Fence Viewers, A. Alexander, B. Jphnston,_ P. Gould, A. Bell, J. Fletcher, W. Watson, R, Hume, J. Jforrish, and R. Akins; Poiind- -Kenpers, W. Burns, H. Sliugle and W. H. Burrows' - Overseers of Highways. J. Ingle, VV. Elliott, W.Dutton, J. Weir, C. Little, J. Henderson, 8. Atkin -on, J. Grieve, B. Johnson,' II. Roberts, T. E. Donavon, R. Alii son, J\ Allison, D. Gillies, G. K\tuhingj;;J. White and K. Hume, J. McMillan, P. Reed; R. Lowry, W. Elliott, G. Norrish, W. W. Ball,;R. Laingatid A. Ramsey, W. Easterbrook, , W. Reed and R. Shortreed, G.] Curry, J. Leachman, G. Simpsou, T.'" M. Taylor, J. Ramsey, J. Smith, E. Chapman, G. Kennedy, A. McTavish, F. S. Clarke, T. Willson, J. .Gordon, W. ^^Pattenicn,- D. Wheeligan uhd J.. Henderson,. H. Cargill, D. Storey,' J. Allison, G. Ramsbaw, A; Elliott,. A. McGibbon, J. Bur.tch Jun. M. Job, D. Carnochan, D. McTavish, W. Carrol, A; Ross, D. Peddie, J. Anderson, M, Flyn, D. Black, R. Cauipbell, and S. McGorman. Moved by Mr/Hatcheon second ed by Mr. McPhail, that the sum of seventeen dollars be paid to Henry Stingle as care-taker i for keeping cjean, heating and lighting the Town Hall und anteroom, and providing fuel for the same, both for Municipal and Temperance purposes, and that half of the above sum be paid by Prospect Division Sons of Temperance, No. 233 ; and for all other occasions not herein specified the Township Clerk " be;' and is hereby empowered to make the following charge,' viz., all perV sons wishing the use -of the said Hall iwbose object if self benefit, $5; for Wa meetings,'socials, &o., by religious denominations, $2 ; and further that afteFpaying the care-' taker a reasonable amount for' fuel and cleaning made necessary by such extra occasions, the balance of the proceeds th9reof tibe paid into the Township Treasury On motion the Council adjourn ed to meet again at the call of the Reeve. J. Eabtebbrook, derk. lite .Must W.'l'jc KHrXOYKH SIIOT nY A DISSATIS FIED WOnKMAN^ . WiNDHon, Feb 2'*J Frederick Apple, an old resident hore, was sliot-about 9, p.m. to-day, by a man tunned, Humphrey, who hail boon .employed by Mr. Applo. Tho Cause of sliootiog was bociuiHO Mrl Apple refused to pay Humphrey u weok's wagog. An iiupioat is now boing held. Humphrey is in gaol, THE MURUKUKH- ATTKUPTS SOIOIDE. ;: AViNOHou, Feb. 27. T!io|rial of Austin Humphrey, tho murderer was postponed this morning until Thursdiiy, the ,?1.8tli March,1 on ac count of Hmiiphroy having attempt ud to coumiit Hiiicidu litis uiurning. Just previous to tho opening of the Court lie ran iici'o.-w the oilicoof the Chief 'of police,- butting his heud against tho brick Wall lvitji great force, but was prevented, from seri ously injuring himsulf. SinsiiiKi He Died. selling TUB L*fcT SIOMKNTa OF FKANK BART- LET, TIIK BAlilTONE. onniH, was so nil she Chemistry haa Discovered nt Last what Everybody Wants. Wood's Improved Hair Bcntornllve Is unlike any other, nml lumnoo'iiml. 'rtielmprovoil has new vogotablo tonio properttrii rol^ren grey Hair toanlonny natural color; 'r*Moroi fnUcil,dry, hiirub and fulling hair; restore*, drcBsos, Blvo v\giir to the linlr; rosloros hair to prema turely bald heu<l; removes dundrufT, hu- mom, oaly oriiptlons; remoyei Irrita lion, .1 tolling and roaly dryness. No artlolo produco|i>uoh wojidcrful effects Try It, oall for,Wood's improved Hair RoBtoratlve, and don't ^>6 put olTwlth anyoltirrarlloin. Mold by a 1 drugg-isti n this plnco and clonlor* ovorywricre". Tradosuppllod at tmn)i"iflcllirers' prices hy O. A. Cook 4 Oo, O'Woago, Hole Agents 'for tho llultod Slates mid Cnnadas.and hy I^tmam nnos, * Oo Toronto. jf 0\ j% 0 Cnn't ba'mado by nvory U il ncont <<v*-ry month In %ll the buslneM wo furnish, UfWW W t'xt' thoso willing to work can eofclly earn a dozen dollars a day rlirht in their own lncnlltles. Havo no room tqerplnintiero. liuslncRH pleasiint and honorable. Wo men, and hoys and gl'-'B do its well s m. Wb -will furnlnb yoja a complete Duttlt free. Tho ImMncm P"y oi-ttor thou ftiiylhlnr aIrp. Wp will bnnf ex. <ena'o! Uirtlni.' you. Pmllcu'nrs fieo. Write and soo. Fnrm'ersaiiduioci^anlcs. their fnrrn and dntnjliters, and ari-clnsvos In nee d of puyliiR work t liomn. should wrlt.o t> oh- and leiirh about the work at once. Now Is the time. Don't delay* Address Thuk A Co , Au'iusln, Maine. NEW ADVERTISEME E^T5 AR IN THE EAST. w QREAT SLAUCHTER IN LEATHER. As immenso quantities of leather is ine manufactured into harness forjt L tho ,thT Cavalry Horses, | prices hovd copscquoutly gone up died sportly 'ufterwhrdH.,' The-e was',an iiniisifnll;* large aitendmce- at tLo funefal of th lato MttJoIiii McPhersoh, qf- Ham iltoiij on Friday aftei|noon, ..the procesiion being the largest witnes sed in that city for manV ytars. A lad named 'Robert'Roblin, while attempting to climb ipon a box ca I'.of a moving trnjn a; Trent on, on /iho 22rd, missed hps hold, and falling boneath thojwheelB was' instantly killed. ' j A (Jrand Trunk engineer, named Wm. M. Shaw, has beein arrested at Portland for obstructiTig the mails on th( .Boston and Maine Ilailroad Mr George Hague, i late of" the Bank of Toronto, having invests the affuirs of the Met'chanta' n H. gert. Th^ Hamilton papefs record the death of.Mr. John McPherron, one of thu largest wholesale boot and shoe manufacturer-sin that city, after in iWness extending sver 18 months El'ioft Hurst wi takn froin Brampton about three weeks ago with his feet froit bitten, at d placed in To:onto Hospital for tr mtment. Amputation was perforoied, biit the patient never rallied, j.rid died on Ti ursday; g- An -insane man named Murray has been exciting a good deal of interest in Ottawa. He is the sub ject of a hallucination that the Government owes him a million dollars, and to further his claims, assaulted the Minister of Justice a fe'^-r days a.gcw 'JL'hifl phase of insan ity ib u very common one, .arising very often out of - disappointment in5 the race for wealth. Wirk on the Belleville an^l Nortli Hastings Railway las made rapid progress, mostjof heavy work being now done. The railway wi|( be ready for the rails by the 12th {of Mf.y. . . j Th s Globe Printing Company l seeking legislation to iucreaso it capital stock. It is said that the Globe will gradually grow indnpenj dent, and will reach that position, in two )r three years; or after the next jeneral election. j The Earl of Bectiye.has had the- misfortune' to lose by tuberculosis! the." famous short-born "Tenth; ;Duchess of Geneva," which was purchased by his Lordship at the New Sfork Mills sale, TJnitedStates,! in 1873, for over 5,000 guineas. Th s.Milton Cliampion says : The (nHnguacousv' people complain that the H.<fc N. W. R, Co. agreed to bu Id the road along the valley of the .Credit from Glonwilliams, whernby it would greatly increase the milling facilities, but now. re- do so, would cost too ninoh. The Chinguacoiisy people say ' that their bonus was given on the sj rength of that agreement. ; Mi. Smart, ex-Postmaster of port Hope, attacked Mr. Wilson, of t?ie; Guide, with a club, and wounjded him seriously. He was iirr.esl.ed. The reason assigned for Stnar/s conduct was an item that appeared in the editorials &f the Gnid'.. The Post Office Inspector foiinc that the Postmaster was a defaulter to a considerable amount, and * 'as dismissed the service. He waa t rrested on Monday afternoon and committed to stand his trial at Coboirg. He got out o'n bail a short time before be made the attacl: on Mr. Wilson. Smart as sume i that it was on Recount' of the ? rticle in the Guide that the Government had him arrested. ' Th 5 thoughtless carelessness.of a boy t amed James McLaughlin, in the u le of a-rpvolver, nearly result ed in killing a lady, according to the"a icount given by the Waterloo Adve -User. The lad was practicing shooting, a cat being his target; he timet, in the direction of a dwelling, fired, shot*he catrthe ball passing through the animal, through the window into the house, arid strik ing IV. i-s. Mars ton in the cheek an inch ]>elow the eye, glanced down- Ward and lodged in tho under jaw. Tho. ballet was successfully ex- * tract! d. (From the AViu York World.) ; ThVcircumstances, attending the dciitfi' of Fnink Hurtlot/'tlie woll- known cliutcli buiitone, who died Saturday, tho 3rd, wore particular ly u|I'>-ciing and dramatic. Heliad huen sufl'oriiifr some days from pneumonia, mid had endured great pain. Ou tlio eve oi his death ho was much hotter, and his friend, Mr. Cuyle, luul determined to go to Boston to attend a business engage ment. Before loiiving'hoiwentiuto Bartlctl a " room and found him looking miieh: woijte than when ho hnd left "him. some time before.. Fearing the wors'., he ssnt for l>r. J. B. Gilbert, who found that Mr. Bartlott's bronchi'ul tubes and air cells were, tilled Up with a watery secretion, interfering with the ub- sorbtion of oxygon and the exhala tion of fcarbonic acid, thus render ing him, unconscious. Stimulants were given in large quantities; and Dr. Guernsey was sent for, aud ex pressed the Opinion that the patient had hot more than fifteen minutes to live, lie rallied, however:, nud recognized many of his musical friends who were present. Dr. Gilbeit, finding that the stimulants were riot having much effect, sug gested that some music should be played. Mr. Post accordingly sat down to the piano and began to pjay one of Mr. Burtlett's favorite hymns, tho tears ineauwhile run ning down his cheeks. In a min ute or two tlie company were startled (to see the dying rim in his bed and: with groat effort sing to Post's accompaniment. " He sang;" Siiys Dr. Gilbert, " better than ever-, before, tlj.'-ep or four hymns, his ILsteners looking on in amazement." In a few minutes he' sank back exhausted . and fell into a stupor, from which be was again atoused at the sound of the piano, 'the familiar music proving more po tent than all theniedicinecombi'ned. Again he attempted losing, but the water which had accumulated in the bronchial tubes overflowed into the wind-pipe, causing dropsy of the lungs or strangulation,, and the singer full back dead. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rp W. COOPEB, Provincial.Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer, Guelph. Orders by mall promptly attended to. cquc Nevertheless B.'iEJ'G0t)k Is prepared to furnish all articles in ; tiio line of j J. S&moss, Saddloo. Ttunka, 5!tc, at as reasonable rates or ovof. . Ho is a practical workman, and ready to fill all orders as quick, as good, and as cheap as anywhere elsoin tho Qoniinion. sr AU work guaranteed.~! ."" Il-pairintj promptly attended to. A good stock of Harness, Whipn, Brushes, Combs[ etc., always on hand E. K. COJOK. Acton, Feb. 20, 1877, T O BREEDERS. BIG PUSH. Grand Pmai Slaugliteap l -E LION- ALWAYS TAKES TILE LEAD. ' . ' -1, -(.- The thoroughbred Durham ,lBt 11 "Zephyr," will servo cows off the farm of the subscriber, near the Grand TruiJt statioD, Acton, j Terms Grodes, S2. Pedigree--Zephyr [426)0] bred by 'l W. Mtono, Ouelph, got l>; Imptirtcd Sheriff (299G4), dam Saijspa- riel 10th. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. rpo THE FARMING COMMUNITY Thirty Horse Power Engine - i:fi ".-. Also aaojthor ' ", RTJI* .OF STONE, with other Machinery, and am prepared . C. S. SMITH. 3.3-tf riuiKEE Hearling DIK1IAM JL Bl IXS Tor sale. -. J, C. S. SMITH. Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. 33..W The Actoii Plow 6o. .*! 'The report that MP. W.JK. Muir, at present .General Superintendent of tho .Canada Southern Railroad, is to supersede General Manager Hickson, of tho Grand Trunk Rail road, and that Mr."John Crampton, who has just left the Great Western Riiilroiul,*is to succeed Mr. Muir in the. management of the Canada Southern, is donied at the genorkl office of the latter road. Some parties are under the im-1- pression that bill stamps will pre pay letters. This is a mistake, 'and it is important that the public should know that all letters prepaid by bill stamps must, by a regulation of the Postmaster-General, be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Potatoes. The time seems to he"coming when we will have to hire a few potatoes from the groc ery to ornament the table on com pany occasions. Are manufac :uring the colebraMd". STEPHENSON PLC) They keep a full sWck on hand, a: prepared \a do all 'kinds of Repairing on. Plows, and also also kinds of On tho 1st of Match, wo take stock, and & order to reduce it to tiis lowest pos sible] figure, "we -wilUxp to titat dats put down tie1 prices llcwer tliaa lias, ever | tjeea kno-wa ia i | J Guelpli. Wo will keep no winter goods on hand we must tkve tooth : Spring Imports so if yon want the greatest Bargains j How is the Time, and .the Lion the TUo^ We have done a rushing trade during tho. past ieason, ai ". to counterbalance the hard times ao generally coia- plained of, we will-giyo our customer** 'oerfiMrr *;.=--r"-r G-rand Ghance -to Buy Our entire stockj amourltrng tp Over 90,000,^8,offered AT Gfjfi This will he found to be the greatest chance for buyinjf Ohiia^ - Dry Goods ever known in the annalsbf GoelphT ' 7T^.'.: The Lion has already the greatest reputation for selling chesb OftJ] tte ~ stores in the Province, but this time, .we will surpass all proTjoos Sit.. - 4ndbeatlthe world.j . :"^ -! ; >!^,'..'-.' The deduction is general throughout our Stock. Everything to be rtiahed off at cost. No one should lose this!big i *V-~- iii.t;E*j| Gjtraix* p?Expri \f,*W* l^ ^Tbe| #:U befe ii ii.' [ At' g^hbcl" pcinted'. __Ric E01, of j It Hn-ono , with I __ "oaf m smo*y : . 1 le to pi ni &W. ! Fipruaryl i_i)r;| iuniseU a| ti e hotis Jjttle, 6J a ijbe cl -r-Tbd| Chnrcl a]e, Lathe Work Q-ristinsr and Chopping Pine or charse, to suit all partita, on tho shorte'jj notice. Thanking you for past favors, I re main, . . Yours respectfully, ' L. Rosa Georgotomi, Feb. 21, 1877. ,34-4t and Iron Fia.ii.ig V>n the shortest notice. Please call a'ad- examino oaf plows before purchasing elsewhere. Acton, Feb. 13, 1876. TOb LATE. G. D. PRINQLE'S HABBIED. On the 28th of February, at the resi dence of the bride's father, by the Rev. O. B. Cameron, of Acton, Mr. George Smith, of Esquesihg, to Miss Janet Mo- Donald, daughter of Hugh McDonald, Bq., of Nassngaweya. ACTON MARKETS, S3 25 to 3 60 i;40to 1 50 lj35to 1 40 1125 to 1 35 Flour....... Old Fall Wheat New Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, Glasgow Ked Chaff Wheat Barley ... Oats Peas ..... Potatoes, per bag Dried apples per lb Butter i ... Eggs. ...... Ij20 to I 30 i 0|00to0 00 . 0: 47 to 0 50 . 0| 68 to 0" 72 . 0i 90 to 1 00 ,- 0!05 toO 06 , 01 20 to 0 21 . 0i 13 to 0 00 EPPS' GbCOA. GBATEFUI/j and Oom- "pobtIso. "By a thorough.[knowledge of the. natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a~ careful application of the fine properties of well selected :ocoa," Mr, Ipps has provided oiir breakfast tables aV ' pps ith with a" delicately flavored! beverage ^yhich may save usmany^hoa ry doctors' Pis. It is hy the judicious Jseof such icles of diet that a consti' ution may ^ adually built up until str mgenpugh resist every tendency i o disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies floating aj-ound us ready to attack wherever! there is a weak point. We nay escape: Many a fatal shaft by koepiu,; ourselves; wjell fortifled.with pure blood and a pro-! porly nourished .frame." P. vil Service Qpzette. Sold only in packet i labeled- "James Epps '* Co., Ho nceopathic Chemist, 48,1 Threadneedle Street, and, 17*0, Piccadilly, London." QSTARIO SADDLE tf,% The subscriber takes this oppc rtiniity of thanking his numerous custonei-s fot for the very liberal patronage gi .-ei l him the past year, and would state tia; it is his motto to do a Square anal Honest BuiiiJiess as heretofore, and hopes to ret i i t lit) same liberal public. appreciation frci n the vill ibe All orders entrusted to my care ATTENDED TO WITH PKOMPTfVESS. vHs none but Good Worlcmeh ' - . Employed, Parties can rely on getting a -good arti'r cle and as cheap as good work can-, be done for. Rcpairine Done with Neatness COLLARS A. SPEOIALTtT, R. CREECH; Acton, Feb. 14, 1877. IPB|ESS GOODS,' " 65 Pieces, reduced from 30 cents to'20 cents, ' - : 3,6- j" j ' so iv . " '" .i r7--' These are- the very iatest.style3 arid jcolors; arid-no one should buy a Sriw ; . r without first making an inspection 6f these goods. Fancy and Plain Silks j^t EvtraordinaryFlffnrea. Special drives in Clouds. Furs. Sjiawjsj.VVool Shirt* and Drawers, Fflpoals Blankets Q lilts, Horse Hlankets, and" Winter Shirts. T iMdah WINGETS lies oLA Odr Ready made Clothing and Millinery and Mantle Branches,detem Special notice. Tjhese goods we will ran out at any price, aod any on* ' ' needing these goods should; come to us at once for the* : s Will neverlia-ve a better chance to secure a bargain. " A fine assortment of Twfeeds. all marked down to cost. Prkfl rl (Jloth 30 Cjants. ^ww.1,. ptxu - : \ I '} ' >'" jq T-f- Q The question often asked is, Why ii ir , . . .-.. f tlratin a few yiears we hare been abfc to. increase the small business formerly done at The Lk>n| tn ftn ruMU enormous size, (thel largest outside of Toronto)? -The : true lanswer is tfci- iWe/c[o the best "we possibly can for oi*r customers. We bnyjat th lowwt 'figut'es; we sell at Ijhesnme and we |treat our friends so that they ajwajr come back to us. Honesty is the best policy, and honesty and, courtWT an ibe ruling principle a at The Lion. ; i .. # . .. Guelph, Feb. 12, 1877. J. D. WILLIAMSON & 00, GEORGE HYNDS, ; Watclisiaker and Jevellet, POST OFFICE STORfe, w- Lctoit, oirfe ] My work 13 all giving, satisfaction,.and you will find this Sai the place tf .... bring your , . . "_ - ' ; '-: Watfohes, Clocks ^iid Jewellery; y To gel 'Repaired. . . ' . , THE FINEST SELECTION OE JEWELLERY, THE LATEST'STYLES IN JeJwELLERY, __i 25 Per Cent Discount Sale- Will only continue until the 1st of March. If you want to get Watches and JewellrV: cheap, now is your time. After that .date the full price will be charged. ' . . G-.D.PRING-nE, Guelpb, February 12th, 1877. To the Working Class. We arj now prepared to furnlso all classes'With cuu- staet employmeiit at home, tho whole joi the time, 'or lor their spare moments; Business Dew, light and profltablefT Par sons of fitlier sex easily earn lijom 150 cents to g5 per -venlng, and a proportion al sum by devoting, tuelr whole Um9|to the business. Boys and girls earnlneaii* as much as men. That all who Bt>e this notlc>' may send their address, and test the business we mako this unpaijalleled oAt: To such as are not wellsatiSHedwe will send ona dollar to pay for the trbuble of wrltlDg. . FoU particulars, simples north everal dollars to commencle work on, and a copy of Homoand Flresldei one or the largest and best IilustratedTPubll- catlons, all sent free by mall. Kekder.iif you want permanent,..profitable *ork address Oboboe STiNSONACa.PcrUand Maine. -. ; (JASH FORtWHEAT. Any quantity of good merch miahie wheat wanted at the' the Actoii sieam mills, for Iwhich. the highest na,rkiet price will be paid in cash. 1 : B. &E. NIC KLIN". Acton, Feb. 7, 1877. 33-tf mo BREEDERS, The young thoroughbred Ijlurham Bull "Duke of Kent," bred jy Mr. Stone, of Guelph, out of the imported cow " Sultana the 7th " j by '-'"31 IJuke of Springwood," (see3d.vol. CiJiadian Herd Book) will servo cows on'the premises of the undersigned, lot 24/ list con. Esquesing. Terms ForlDprhkihs 55; Grades 2. ' [ ALEX. Wj!.LDiE. . Esquesing, Feb. 1, 1877. cjl-3mi rp O BREEDERS. The young Berkshire -Boar|"tyel. lington Chief," brad by Geo."Huddi jof Guelph, has been purcrjased be me and will be kept for service on my jrenuses adjoining this .village. This ar imsl :is from imported stock with fhst-olasB pedigree. Terms $li00, to be paid at time of service. r j; " C. g. SMITH Acton, Dae. 18, 1876. rEjv AiND THE B.EST STOCK OP WATCHES AND CLONES, Will ialwayB be seen at ' ': ' m February 7,T876i GEOKGE HYNPS' k Jewellery Stow, Actditi GREAT On account of certain anticipated changes in business, and inordw . reduce their stock preparatory to su|ch chan ;e, the.nndersigned . ;-; fy ' i have decided ti> offer '.' ' " ' "U - . " ] Special Inducements to Cash Buyers. Winbey;s and;othier Staple Grbods To be disposed of at cost price aid under. A large andl varied! assortment of . BC'A.TS' ^^.3ST^> -', ':."."' Jf the lateststyles to-be rushed of atied acedi rates. A> GENTS' UNDERCLOTHING AND Parties desirous of supplying themselires-with t, now is the time to buy. ! - ' -'" . Aotoa, February 7,1878. Hf'L 'r'S-"*.-. cheap init DKJKSO^ SB MMJAi v ir. Tho stanJ BOcH fofic ' WW

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