Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 18, 1877, page 2

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r.K-'J ^i^i^febi)^ ;=a u Sr vvKll "ft: E- m .4% -y ^^ . B-;":::5! i l i ^i.jr -! ? It* '-, *{; -:'!' f" lit? ill V :i^- THE FREE PRESS, ACTON/ HALTO^i COUNTY, ONT.y JANUARY 18, . I' 'JUIE A4VTOX FREE PRESS ^abtiskcjl Every Thursday Morning." :'. J. tt. HACKING. Proprietor. 1 Pet Annum in Advance A Wtuidell Phillips is to lecture in Toronto on "-tabor, lWiperance an<rVVoim>i."* I Walkerton. talks of a Northern Fair to take ii* the country between i Guelphjuul Lake Huron. A heavy nvrtbqmikij occurred on A *^4 rV1V +K*"vr i^**Ni>o [SafuTdVy forty-fivo uvrloa south -oast t^^itUU.F^.t>Vf[vUpb}of San Die* ~ JOS H HICKINO EDITOR I TnrKsn.vv Mursixu. Ja.s..1S, 1ST7. Bonus to- Haiiufivciurors. We have smJ u good del thvovy}' the Frke Plows, during h past year, on ike snbjvct of granting bonuses to- indues tbe estabUsnfcg of im increased number of iwuhi- -iacturing industries in on* tillage; stmi we ar convinced that '* very rarje majority of. our citizens are ot uly fpllyjalhe to ^be udyau- - tge of giv(ugi'to,anch their active moral encourHgenwnt, but that Hiey re also prepared to sanction the offer oft a- t-arigible money induce- - meut. ] The matter is again'brought to our "notice by a brief communi cation,! which we publish below, fniai W. H,: Storey, Esq , wherein tbe attention of our Council is di rected to aav advertisement from a manufacturing firm-seeking a place to re establish their buainsss. We . are l*d to believe -that the wiiter supply in Acton is quite ample for their'requirements, and being favor- ' ably situate*} on the. lice of the Grand Tnink "Railway, we fancy this pi ice shouli) meet their wants in"these particulars. Besides, we have no municipal debt, and our taxes are low.- Oqr Conneil should "at least.put themselvesin coniErr nication? with the. parties referred to, and af=ceituiu whether it would isot Uj to the interest of this cor|K> ration to offer such bonus as would, induce thein to'locate here. : We^o, California. Another railway \var is tha-miteii- ;fd,. to the refusal f the Eiie and Bake'Shore'roads to acquiesce in the recent advunco in freights.. There are at present seventy-one inmates in thev Waterloo County House of Industry. ftfornihs papers outside of Toron to seesi to hare a liafd'strngstle for existence. There is only one left outside of Toronto in all Ontario. llarber who was proYed' guilty of embezzling money in the Montreal Bank. Toronto, was sentenced last week to five yeara imprisonment in the Provincial Penitentiary at hard labor. Small pox is extremely prevalent iA "Quebec, Bovemlj eases having proved fatal. - q ! I Ninety man will bo tnrown out of work by the firo at the ."Wellond Valer .Manufacturing Company's woflcs. ' 'The" loss' 'is estimated~"t $100,000. I ' . The damn go caused ly the brcAk- upof tho ice in tho Ohio lliver is vunousilv estimated at from 260,- 009 to $100,000. i Mmuiiioth sleighing partios nre all tho rage theso winter evenings. They inevitably it'Hiilt in frost bites, palpitation's of the heartl bad colds and engagements to marry. The Ottawa Time* hud suspended 1 "'"' valedictory has been mo jr Bums proportion Rennie it The Murder ofWm, Grlsgs by llts<Son. TVLh PARTicTLAng e* THK 8IIOCK- INO AFFRAY. . (From.tht JStttz. iTiBiw.J The following, is a more oxtnnJod account of tbe murder of iv father by hiw Rim in Oostiold, in tho coun ty of Essex , CAPTsTRED. PAte of an Moping Pra|Qtfdrd 1 Grocer. IIEiANB III8 IITAMOnATA" POLLED I IN DKTltOlT.; i'A dispatch from Dutton, Out. a iimaH st-ation. noar St. Tliomaa, on the &. 8. B. was1 reoeej-ved Mfo^iigan Central depot, Petroit, T-> the ElitoT oi the Free Pitjm. Itear Sir : In looking over The Mail Traffic' was-greatly delayed on all lines by the snow storm on Friday and Saturday. One G.T.K. train arrived in Toronto nineteen hours behind time. On Western and Northern lines the delay' was not *o great. A( ,New York, train which arrived in. Montreal yester day was.forty-eigh hours on the ; road, while* Delaware and,Hudson riveF train !was cancelled altogether. I the newspaper reports of the doel are correct, Bennett-has ob tained ample satisfaction from Mav for itisGguring his nose with a raw- hiife.-? SEiy ia said to have been shot iii the leg, the arm, tho hip, the bowelsj and the shnuldtr, and the si.or ting occurred in Delaware, Maryland, Canada, and on board a yacht at sea. Now it only remains for'Bennett to take his opponent up In a baloon and complete the job'.by shao'.Ing him through, the 'hesiiL ' ] ^ Mi. Tennor.iin his latest predic tion to the Motjtreal ]Vit\icjts says.: I "Another gneat llow and heavy snow stoitn iW prsdicfeea1 vet- for January, and tjhen a- thaw * There will be a briejf hill; in-'th>-sever ity of the winterr which will- fprm an intermission in ita progr-amma. February wTll be on the wliole another severe month, with some beavv blockades of snow and steady winter-pveather, , hot towarti1 the latter pirtj a"change will be percep tible. an<F tiie sun will commence to _of the 15ta iust-, X obs^rvo that.ilessra "Wni. SHn^s'^y i Soil," wooltu manufac- turtri, Iriiving lieen recently burnt out st BraiTtfi'nl, are. prrpareil to lj^rte "their business in some-municipality jKsessiug the- required facilities, pr'o- vidiu^ a iK>ut:s U granted. The tit^u is the oldest, and cliiius to be the.liest, lannufecttirers of hl.inkcts and flannels , . . in.Oaunihj, and employs from .25 to 30 oxert a^markeilj influence. Heavy hands constantly. Under the circuit .' gules will characterise the terrain- stances, would it not I* advisable for tion of t,lig njQntb- and w'hen'thew' <j;:r Council to pUce themselves ' H communication with them, and make an effort to locate them hern ? The present depressed condition of is^or in our village aad tho consequent' num1>er of empty bouses, bear ample testimony to th.i necessity of something' being done to: (stimulate tr^de and business among ns. Tnuting the maiter may re ceive dn-consideration at the hainds of. J| ' aax Conneil, I am, vonrs respectfnllv,; " \V.-H. STOREY. Aeton, Jau. 17, 1ST"- hen these arrive, the worst may be considered as.over." publication, and its says that the' publisher called to disburse qtjoi for expenses, out of all to the income derived. The liabilities of Gray Co., wholesale dry goods, Toronto, who have just suapuuded nre placed at 78,000 30,000, of which is Rccomodation. Tho firm aro in hopes of making urninge'ineiUs to pay in full. . " In accordance with requirements of the School Act, and bv" the de mand of. tho Inspector' of ..Schools for tho County of Halton,"the trus tees of School Section No 11', town ship of Nelson, situate in Kilbride village, have at an expense of nearly 1,000 provided the " necessary accomodation for the resident children of school age in this section Tbey have now four largo school rooms, and if the. law is strictly enforced will require four teachers, but as a matter of fact only one room is now occurred and but one teacher employed, the averago attendance being so small as net torequire any further accomodation. There seems to' be. some', need of enforcing the compulsory clauses of the School Act in Kilbride. Congregational Secession. A 'notable secession has occurred in the Congregational community of Brooklyn and New York. A new association has been formed, which includes such preacheijs as Rev Dra. Storrs, Bndington, Hepworth, Sc tdderr Taylor, and n;arly every minister of prominence. The con dition of the new membership is 'separation ffora Mr. Beacher, who is left with his brother,' Edward, 'Lyman. Abbot and H. M. .Storrs in the r6ld- organizition. Tho rnovo "ment is t*gur<.led as indicating the withdrawal of public.; co ifidcnco in the Plymouth pastor,, and as it- has been accomplished peacefully there is no danger of a renewal i}f scan dal. Tbe objections taken to the l>iLl" "to give votes to, farmers' sons, b*1-, Cause 't would, he hard 0 tell what a farm is whether the minimum extent is five acres or fifty is easily got over. When -the son -lives with tbe father, and~^l-he prop erty on which- they make their livingiis aase-ised for an amount large enough to-give votes tp both, it will he sufn to call it a farm. Tne.death of Mr. Hugh C. Thorn- isn,ifor many years .Secretary of the Agricultural "and-Arts Associa tion of Ontario, will lie learned with regret by'many )>ersons who were accustomed to do business with him at.the Provincial Fairs. He was a good officer. Mc P. Graham, M. P.P. for Frontenac. diedon Friday, after, a ff.w days i)lnes. "He held the seat now rendered vacant by hfe-death 'fur one pession only, having been . '*'first-_retnrned at the last general *>lectioa-' for the Province. Mr. jGraiuttB - was- a Conservative in politics, and. although -he had.not' taken any prominent part-in the business of the House, Was very as- , siduous during last session in at tending to his ditties. -- -, '.'" - - -^"-> ' "j'"- Bto A.NP LittleThieviHg. The - extent of I^Tber'B thieving iwil) -ap{intlyjriQt J*e ofiacially dfeter- uiined.." Tiie-l>ank- authprrties con-' - fined th3 cii'-irge' to the enrlsezzlo- ii'ient of bonds amounting to 8p,S00, , and to this - the vpri8-aher - pleaded - guilty. -Orf the other baud, a Torotu, " to ppr says the bink- 'f stands to lose S-S 2,000." The rwlipje afikir is n -strikinij illusti-atipn of how dif ferently 'Society' views, big and . little tbiev/fiig. A woman Catharine Uul- !en committed about-a month agQi to gaol in Belleville as a llmatie, has been twenty-four days without food.: Sbe: will drink tea or water, but nothing in the way of food, resist ing all attempts to persuade her to do ko, nor will slie sleep in a .bed, but invariably takes her rest upon -the floor. ' Mrs, Cullen is avwoman of Irish birth, and is undoubtedly ir.sane. She is thirty-two years of nge, rather low^ set and; stoutly built. When committed tof gaol she "was not overbitrdene'd"' with flesh, arid yet, in spite of her long fast,, she boa not becottie emaciated, though, of coursej she had' lo3t: soinewhnt l)a flesh. Tbe vyoman Cullen, whose~ long fast was reported few days ago, has begun to eat.again, after having been without solid food for twenty- six'dayg. i A Good Way to Make "Hakd Times." tKefuse to pay all little bills although you have the money in your pocket-^-push men to pay you who haven't the money al though you can get along without it if a man don't meet his obliga tions just at the timo they become due, report that he ial abont to "burst" put down the wages of "your hands'before it is necessary. -keep back all produce from market until the. prices get .up to "star yation. rates" -use money in specul a*ions that you should pay your creditors :forget that unnecessary " retrenchments" ,. increase hard times instead of-bettering them- carry a longTace and talk long and mournfully !of evils to gome do these und other acts-like them and 11 hard ti:)iea" will jmrely . come, however little real cause there may be for them.*' . * >' .1 Tlie^parti'eH to this toniblo trace- Tuesday night, asking .for tljear roSt of u man nanied Sccitj and a woman named Kato Gatiipb^ll' on suspicion 4 of elopement. [Officer. Pierce took chargo bf tbe pi se, and u[>pn the arrwal 'of the Carrarla Southern train mado the irrests, and tho pnrtit's were taken to the Central Police S"tation and held until yesterday'<noriiing. At that time Miss Campbell's father and brbther, who Bent the->eiiireRt to c*j>turo the fugitives, not having arrived, and there being no^^rotinds for detaining Scott, jie wins [dig charged. Yesterday afternoqt> the woman's father and brother arrived, arid last evening she accompanied them on their return to Calmpbell- ton, near Brautfurd. It seems that this is the third time thai Scott, who was-'a grocer in Brantford, has deserted his wife, -to whom he bus been married nearly thirty years, and gone off with another woman. The circumstances in this lust esca- peidoare semewbat uingulari Miss Campbell appeared at Scott's house about six weeks ago and stated thwt who had been betrothed to! Scott's deceased son and desired to visit hia grave.._ Thus she worked upon the feelings of Mrs. Scott, and was well treated by her, and remained with them until Wednesday,- De cember 21, when she went away, bidding everybody good-bye. The next, day Scott disappeared,1 and itj was not until Tue'sday that the facts came out. Scott is nearly sixty years old, end not at all good-look ing, while Miss Campbell is rather handsome and about twenty-two years old. That Ik;ni. rThe newspaper read- ijng'piiblic, and the noble? larmy of p"roprietoE:wiio foot the telegraph 'iilln, arjsi f-iek and tire'd- of this BwiinT.e-Hflay business."The Spring-- field flepubit'can thus pithily dis: poses of the muddle : "There oitglit to tSTsome wisdom from all this; stupid business. ' The Mays and'the Bennetts have Iwnh^ypend- d folly enough tb_ be justified in |{qod sense for all the rest of their lives. If not, there is no hope of them, and society may weil turn its back upon th&nr as hopeless idiots." -.V-'V ../-' Ik consequeuce of the-fayor with A New Yok'k Romance. Miss Kate :Randall, who becitmo insane on tlie evening of her marriage, gi-ew 'worse -after the disappearance of her lover, George F --tchinv' and disappeared. Sho hii. been found in Brooklyn. Ketcham, wlio at tempted suicide two or three times, is belie.ved_to be in Philadelphia, where it isrthought Mis? Randall was during her absence. DuNKix Act in \Yellinoton. At a well attended meeting of tem perance men from all parts of the county. he-Id in Gnelph, last week, it was decided not to again petition the County Council fot the Jttb-. nission of the Duukin Act un'.il the June session. . "*" Tho death of the Ottawa Time* has set the journalists moralizing over the, causes of this result. I|t in pointed out thai there is not room for more than" two daily papers in any .except very large cities, and that, practically, there are only two The Bennett-Mat Tjcel. The Tribune says it is rumored that Bennett nnd Miss May were mar ried and sailed from Philadelphia for Europe. It is learned from that city.that o gentleman whose appear ance was that of Mr. Bennett, went on board the steamer Iuinois. just before its departure with a lady clos.-ly veiled, and both; went' im ^mediately to their etate rooms, avoiding observations. Bennett's name did not appear oh the passen ger list. The truth concerning "May's wound cannot - be learned, biijt there ia strong reason to believe that it is of a mora serious cburarc- ter than ia generatly su 3posed. *' I Fiue ik St. Catherines. The Welland Yale Manufacturing Com pany's large buildings, situated ion the Welland Canal, near lock 2, in SI. Catherines, vrere burned on Fri day. The Company did:a large and extensive business in the manufac ture of axes, scythes, nnd various other agricultural, implements, giv ing employment to a great number of - mechanics,' who by\ this catas trophe will bo deprived of work. Several outlying buildings, used as store-rooms, laborers'dwellings, Sic., will also prove a total loss. The amount of the loss:is roughly esti mated it from. 50,000 to 75,000. . IA Mabe a Horse. A few months since, Mr. Wml Reid, -who held a chattel mortgage from T. R. Rhoder, formerly a paper bag ' manufacturer in London,-seized a horse under the same to secure the payment of a debt. Rhoder-disput- ed-the right of Reid ,to do this, and entered ' art*" action against, bitu-ifor the prico, on the ground! that it was a "nmre he seized, tiud that a "mare is'riot.a horse. Judge Elliot;de cid'ed. that a mare is oj liome, nnd gaye a verdict for the defu&tlant, Reid. ,-t j, ' 4^ Three <iood Namcsj Scandal ized. .-. , -liiilies in, HamQton,' Kingston, which C:idwim-i1 be f ih mat witl, a 1-j^^n and Ottawl ' " W England, butcliers are reducing! pr'icjs six oentr > pound. I Five eclipses tooecur in 1B77. MOSES, AAEON AND NOBLF. FIZELL ENGAGE IN A' FIGHT v^HICH DOES NOT END IN A FIZZLp. Teeswateb, Ont., Jan.'IS. Al stabbing affray tort place at Williamson's Corners, about three milfjs from Teeswater. Two young menl named Henry'Ciilton and Henry Williamson, we-e severely stabbed by a- ydung nian.Moses' Fizell. His brothers, Aaron and Nobie Fizell, were also mgaged in the laff^ay. - Chilton's vounds are very! dangerous and wi 1 probably prove fata). Williamson's wounds are,not dangerous. Tbey were tried yestorduy . befclre Messri. Pringle, Scott, Fairb*irn and McLean". Moses nnd Aaron were committed to Walkerton gaol to f.wait their tiiiat at the Spiring Assizss.;, Noble Fizell wassentenced(tocnemonth's impiisonment with baifd labor at ' Walkerton gaoL dy weto'Wm. Griggs and his Bon of the same name. The senior lived on n small farm about a mile' from tho village of Rnthven, and hia son/who is twenty-five years of age und'unmurriud, living at homo. Both father and son were in'the habit of becoming intoxicated every timo nn opportunity 'offered, nnd, when in that condition both were qurr(3l8omft, nnd they frequently settled their difficulties by aresort to u rough und-tumblo pugilism. Hitching up a team on Christmas, the two drovo to the village of Fox's Corners, in 'the township of Cosfield, and gratified their appe-. tites for strong drink until they wero_exlroiely quarrelsome. In this condition they started borne in the evJening, nnd were soon in a wrangle. The team was stopped before a farm house for the. purpose of settling the disputed points by n test of muscular ondurunce. The farmer before whose house they had stopped, hearing loud' and angry words, went out to them, nnd after much persuasion succeeded iii quiet ing their passions and starting them on thoir way home with seemingly friendly feeling for each other.' No further trouble arbse between them until they arrived at their destina tion. . j The wife nnd mother on seeing their condition, knew that a fight between them or l>etweou one of them and some other member of the family, was a very probable oc currence, and as she had done on many previous occasions, she quiet ly hid every article that she)sup posed could be used as a fatal (wea pon in case of an encounter. The men came in from taking care of the horses, and sat down by thp fire to warm themselves, and the ihoat seeined to develop the fumes of the liquor and their angry passions.' Tho conversation again grew quar relsome, and finally the son gave the lie to tho father. At this, the old man sprang to his fpot and gpisped the son. A scuffle emJued, which warmed the-two men up and thoroughly aroused their- worst passions. Chairs, tables, and other articles of furniture weretipset|nncl "things were strewn around! the room in a promiscuous manner, . The other members of the family screamed at the top of their voices, but none of them dare interfere be tween tbe infuriated father and son. After a long tmssle the endurance of the young man overcome the strength of his father, and be'threw, him violently to>the floor,, driving the breath from hia body. As tie father .lie thore gasping for^brdath, tho infuriated son kicked him in the head with his heavy stoga boots, and by chance sttuck a fatal point, the right, temple. A spasmodic tremor raft through the old man's frame, and his soul took its flight. He neither moved nor Bpoke. The Don stood over hira for , moment ready t&-repeat the kick if bis father- offered further resistance but-not' seeing him move he stooped over' and spoke to binx Receiving no answer, he took hold of tbe old man's hand and shook him, but lie exhibited no signs of life. Letticg go the hand, the father's hand drop ped iim.p upon his lifeless form. Then the son, in his whiskey- muddled condition, bpgan torealiza whuthe had loue.' In a semi-stupid state he stpod gazing at tbe corpse of him who. gave him life, and from whom he had just taken! it, while the other members of the a fienzy of despair at the awful scene they hjid just witnessed, ran around the room wringing their hands and weeping in the most pitiful manner. As the son fully' realized the terrible crime be had committed, the effect of the liquor passed rapidly away. . Without speaking aj word to, the members of, or answering the many que'fiiions put to him, ho walked deliberately from his home and delivered himself to' the nearest' officer. An inquest ' was subsequently, held onitbe body of the-father by' Coroner^ Wfgfield, and the jury brought in a verdict that the father came tol his death by a deliberate blow from bis son. .The^atter Was subsequently indicted for. murder,! and now is confined in Sandwich1* gaol, awaiting his trial." j -----ii-------------- ' Efps' Cocoa. FOimso. "Bya thorough knowledge) of tho natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition,: and by a careful application of tlie fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr.] Epps has provided our breakfast tables' with a delicately fit ypred beverage] which may save us mar y heavy doctors' bills. It is by the jud: clous use of such' articles of diet that a < lonstitution may1 be gradually .built up until strongonough to rosist eyery tende ncy to disease.; Hundreds of subtle mill idles are floating around us jready to i.ttack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by 1 eeping ourselves well fortified with pure]blood onda pro perly nourished frame," Civil Service Gazette, Sold only in packets labeled "James Efps * Co.!, Homceopathic Chemist, 48, Threadnejedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Londo! -f' St. Valentine's day, the^i four teenth of February, tshers in j Lent this year, and East sr , commences on the first day of April. ., i^s*| "" 61 ^."'-K- .' " Trai f In V -. . .: * "f'^B* .-:jrarni "' A' - ,j>.y I . Jixprc - - WB ' . - Mixee "-' ' N^t '"' ': ^ Kighi ' Jftxex .Day 3 JftJl Jfixei No more : Auction^ 1 BIBTII. In Acton, On the 17th inst., the-.wife of [Mr. P. S. Armstrong, of a daughter. i DIED. In Acton on the 11th inst., Mr, Don ald McNair, Merchant, in tho 49th year of his age. ' , ACTON 3IAKKET8. : Flour ... ?3 00 to 3 25 White Wheat .. 1 25 to 1 -2 Spring Wheat', Glasgow . 1 20 to I 21 Kcd Chaff Wheat 1 15 tol 20 Bnirley ... 0 50 to 0 GO Oats . ... -..." . 0 38 to 0 42 Pens ..', 0 65 to 0 08 Potatoes, per bag 0 70 to 0 75 Apples per bag .. 0 75 to 0 80 Onions... 1 OOtoO 00 Butter...... 0 18 toQ 20 Kggs. 0 15 toO 18 Dressed Hogs . 7 00 to 7 25 Turkeys .. 0 07 to 0 09 G^eso .. .. ; 0 05 to 0 OC Ducks .. ,. 0 06 to.0 07. A Splendid ITair Dressing and Restorer Combined Wood's Improved Ualr RcKtoraflvr Is unlike any other, nnd has no equal. The Improved has new vegetable tonic, properties; retoreRffrey hatr to a glossy natarnl color; restores f.ided, dry, bnrih anctfillln; hair; restore", dresses, elves vigor to the hilr; restores hair to-prema- turely bald heads; removes d indraft", hu- raor, scaly eruptions;. lemnvn lrrlia tion, Itching and fcaly dryness. No arjtlclo prodnccs encli wqriderfal cflccts Tri- It. call for Wood's. Improved Hhlr Kestoratlvc, nnd don't be pnt otTwIth anv otherurtlefe. Ha\d. by n 1 dragg-sls In'this place and daalers everywhere, Trade supplied at man,Tfacturen>* p.rlCB hy C. A.Co<jK 4 Co , Chicago, Sole Agents for the [Inltod StBtes.and Cnnadap. and by Lyman Bnns, a Co Toronto. new adyfTrtTs^entsT C^TBAYED HORSE. j Camy on the premises of- the subscri ber, in Acton, on the 13th inst.j a Sor rel Horse. The owner is requested to provo property, pay charges and take him away ; otherwi3e he will be] sold to pay expenses. . BOBERT"AONEW. Acton, Jan. 17. 1877. 29-3t AT PRESENT. I am so busy - with Washes to repair that I have'concluded to have no more Auctions for a few weeks. ( All ' goods will still be sold At a Special Discount bf 25 per cent. Ldts of Watches to. select from. This is a bona fide cheap sale. No Reasonable Offer Refusedi G. D. PRINGLE. Gnelph, Jan. 12, 1877. t'o""5T'S ' .. AND". '. \ .. Fancy Goods Selling effat' Auction Prices.-'IE CHEAP ' B 6 O K S The_public fairly startled and astonished at the. startling cheap goods no being sol-J at the " MAMMOTH ;EOITSE, Farmers, Mechanics, [Liborers, Hon3ekeeporst young and .old, rkl taj poor, ifyp/u want .to boy' cheap goods, at-ine-veiy [Lowest Hard Time^Pripesi Now^syonTOpporttrnity, We^aye marked" dowr* the balance of.c% tensive stock, and are determined ; to clear it all out, before. sptiogF We are bound to make this tbe most extensive Clearing bile we have ev' *.. tempted. Don't neglect the opportunity of getting tbe largest;I it:at goods lor the leaat moueyr you eve? saw in, your lifetime. ' ' REMEMBER THIS SALE IS FOR CASK We must have ]the Don't forget the spot. money, I .>>' Jab. 8. 1877. >s" tSerefore- you- can, bu> goods *erjr ctj> - McLJ0r>, ANDEHS0IT 5c Con itASEMOTfl 'fiOWSEr GKORG 'TO'- SHINGLE^ LathJIjiimber, ^ork Waii.1M; -5000 Dressed ^iogs laaated" treeldT, -V forwJhfch th*--Hrghst gash JWcewffl':." be paid! From $2,009>te>-$5,OOQ ic cub io be paid out to fartnessforPoA.OTety ' week, daring December,'at ' '"' SECORD-BE03.'Stsre. And.: all building requisites, kept on hand or delivered on shortest possible notice.. ] ..'-""- j Best quality No. ,1 JSBinglesi only 31.70 ; best quality So. 2only 70 cents, >p - ___ ^_______ Any of tbe above will be-delivered1 I iilinn nQTT. when rcqnircd. " x " | i^^^^p^^a' j 'Any quantity o( oats'taken in - t chan'ge-for any of the above delivered at ' tlie mill between Actcte and Milton, on Lot No. 8, 2nd con. Esquesing. ' Orders by mair address ts>Acton orMilton PV0T K. a MLLIJER. l La#L Patronized by Lord and Lady Dufferin nnd Suite. While the daisy decks the lea, Scotia's Sangs will never ded. Farewell Tonr of Scotland's Greatest Vocalist, ] MISS JEANIE WATSON, Queon of Scottish Song, and JAS. F. HARDY, Humorist, Tenor Vocalist, Pianist. GEO. HENDERSON, Character Comic: Vocalist,' ' ; In their Popular Musical ' Entertainment, As performed by them-with great suc cess in' Scotland, England, Ireland, the United States and Canada. 1 . Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats 50 oonts. Children accompanied by their parents, 15 cents. Doors open at 7:30. Concert to com- 1 ' : mence at 8. 3.C. McELROY, Advance Agent. s TRAYED. Came on the premises of the subscri bers in October lost a Red Heifer, over one-year old. The owner is requested to proVo property pay expenses and take!her away. ,'. GEO. NORRISH,- Lot 21, 2d con. Nassagaweya, Join. 1, 1877. j ' 28-4t mo BREEDERS. . The young Berkshire Boar <' Wel lington Chief," bred jby Geo. Rudd, of"- Guelph, has bean purchased] bs me and will i be kept for service on my premises adjoining this -village. This animal is from imported stock with : first-class pedigree. Terms !$L00, to be paid at time of service] . i . 1 C. S. SMITH. Acton, Dc. 18,.J876. 26-tf ANDERSON'S CHEAP B00KT0RE On the East side of WyhdhomStre'et, GUELPH.. 'Esquesingy Jan. 3, 1877. Iff ' PORK! PORK I Charles Cameron is. prepared to pay the Highest Market Price/for 50 tons of. Good Pbrk_: ]eall and see him at the Old Stand on Main street, ' ' - | ' ,- Acton, Nov: 80th, 1&76. {&&& 27-3m and Siiin^lea- S-AJXE^- L SPEYStDE " .' Sliingie, JSt^ye f . ' AND !. - : / HEADING MILLS. Any parties wanting Shingles would do. well to give us a calL . We w^ill al-. ways have en hand a good supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. , i Best qilality...,Xo. 1 Shingles].i?1.75-per square. No. 2, 70 oentsptr square,. . . P.' A- Hi SAYERS, Speyside, Deo. 13, 1876. I 24-6m s BOOEStOBE, - . . . i ~'\ - A large stook of .'-.'- ^ANCT QQQDS, TOTS,! &C;, .AT' i . Day's Bookstore. HURRAH! HURRAH! i TOB TUB BteST PkOTOGRAPHS in, the Comity, at . Th.9 Ontario ffhotosrrapli (Jaiiory Ppy JHeautti of Pinleh and Sr-Uitan-, iy in Tone, they cannot be surpassed. ^OPTING & ENLARGING In all its branches, in the best style p the art,done_pn the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. !. Also a splendid s.tock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hand and made to order.' . A call is solicited and yon will be. eon-^iheed that this is the place to get photographs. 7 " Yours respectfully, " ." r :" : J -C. wj hill, Aeton^Deo. 6, 1876![ : V[ K*8 FLOWER and VEG. ETABtB eABDEM ' , Is tb ' most beautllul win-kof thofclnd In It.contalos nearly 159 page*, bundVeits of Dqh llluotratlons, ami sis em-'mo" nlates- of ^to^rera, beaullully -Jrawnand colored from nature. Pries60 eonWln paper oover,tl(C01nelegabt cloth Printed lnnertnah.andfE!nEUb.. J" Vte|k's FIoral.GuldC.Quarter.'y, 85 cents a ypar. .' I i " Vlck's Catalogue-r]0 Illustrations, only Address Jamfs Vickj Bocheste-r, N.S'. Are.plftti teaj -. .-- , . Vlot's Catalogue 300 ICKS FLOWER and VE - E SEEDS, S a mtUlort people In Amer, Se [ ,-.- / .. s'i. . z. Illustrations, only T . .cents. "t"- ' V ' V Ick'Brylorat'XJUlde], quarterly, 35 -cents a Vlck'sHPlornl ahd Vegetable Uanien,' 60 cents,1 With elegant cloth covers,$1 All --- -'-" BV i Ai .11 nay oivbltoa51oo> are tainted In ucr-. na^d English. ' .cWmss, i JAMBS Vies, RocbesteitjN.V. J The undersigned'hav^forsaje'stfteir mills iu'Aeton a large qaantiky of H kinds of I PINE AND HEMLOCK LiMEIV Eae SMaErlaa aal lAtt: --. Shingles of tSe best quality ifortSF]:-"' 1.85 per square, f" "A; , .. GUMMING \ MAGHINfi^ -~' "W-e have just" introduced mv Gumming Machine, andrare piegoti ".: tbgnrnDragbrCross-catSisrs..' -: ~(V. BROWN* HAIL-, -Acton, Dec. 12, 1876. 8Ma -/ JAS. MATTHEWS AJeToar, CLERK 4-TH 6lYlSI0 / Coowre or HairoB^ Con-Myaneexv; -"' : . ?'" Oomaissloner la (Jtjfr \ ;" . P^ce lasuraacl'Aiptttp. -:' :. -: ::r T:r'"-^:fc' Uio lUMXixtnO* MfBXf i Issuer of MarrlaKe lie??'*'* Ajreat Koaey to Iieww, &*&' Ag>eat iSoawealTo 8T?t qoueeiei^i oSbwM^*4 Aa& fieaeral Ajeat, StS*.*", Parties intrusting;ti*elr bu&2 ' mo will be satisfactorily dtt;** .-i- :-*S*: Office, at the Post Ofiice, Aot<*- riEOAR KAILS ASjs %^J> FOB SALE.. "..'. .^ A large; quantity W* "f^ premises, Vfe3^a hanoV,: Esqnesmg, : i Dec. 23, 1876r Ji^^j Watcl -CoDca Stray! J.--, in.the i 21st ii -and cl i: $3.50,| -^.i^fenz ';;: ,^']3fesstj ,: I ...tars. "l-. rthe^t . dlst- ' '< .next! ' sp^ct^ ::-'"waii * -"tist CJ| . . iions, _' ".coonei Miss | Ha "thesrj .-Mattj We-^ ~tion, ' in foUo^ lhit": shbrtl - U-,t1 nidc A - on^a | - Wrig for ] leovij and; ..He' ^12001 . abouf ; llntd ie,* there] - tityl ." to nef jai Aftol vTb \.---'-^S s.est . , the' fice, I '." j. .vChnl --'- ,and"'j jr.of' ano -the'] mens was I toi as. torsi ->the| tKitj

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