Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1877, page 4

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JjjrgsstgCT'iamjms wmm m .'-.J'. Stpci-.;-"- ' ^> IM H' S8N r?^i! THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, ^BALTOff COUNTY, ONT., AR^ 11, i 'j-m si Biaside a p*d, jjkl shrilly cane _" Ceac-iorUi my Polly Wog My Pol my \\ og. My pretty rVUyWttg; ' "The air is moist the moon it hid .. Behinil a heavy fog, ^C stars 'are out to wink anil Uiuk - At you. my Polly Woe.- - MvPnl mv nog,. My graceful Polly VVog; Oh; tarty not, betaved one ! V Myjwciojft^PoUjL.\^!" Jasttfcan awav.srcntjpIondB, and thcrw A-sitting on the log The,other ondj mean the moon . Showed angry Polly Wog. -* Her small eyes flashed, she swelled . - : She 4oVod almost a frog: -"HowdaVeMg callic,-sir,she asked WhyoiV%doTd think-; your Bfo was .-,- spent . - ' -In.sotoe low muddy bog; I'd hare yon know, to strange young ' Jtosds Ci'r- :" . My name's Miss ilfary Wog.** One wild, wild laugh that trcc-toad - ' -~ And tumbled off the loc. And on the ground he kicked and screamed, - Oh, Mary.-Mary Wog ! . Oh, Ma' ' Oh,; prim J Miss Mary Wog i Ob; goodness gracious ! what a jiike '. Hnrrah for-dfory Wog:" .f; M&iLJ..--*&s -s*3 V-.JOtSTs" Now' is the time to leave your order At J. Ryder's .Factory" "' 'I- tor* Stylish Cutter or Serviceable Sleighs 1 am making un a largo stock for the coming'season, from the beat material. Call aud S&aHr Han<l*omeCutUr*. ~ M y present stock of BUGGIES AND WAQONS will be sold off very cheap. ...... Now is a good time to secure bargains^ aona-ancoiaff s ao&exaiSiMX- ital thing. , JAMES RYDER. Acton, Bcpt 27* 1876. frf The Cause of the 'Splosion. " I would" invite you to my Louse, brodder Jackson," said Dea con Johnson, as he. emerged fiouv - church tst Sunday eveiung, " but & dunno as well get any supj>er dis night, the" cook stovr-am so dtiffully out ob repair." , " What'Jferle tuatter wfultte stored " Wliy, youfsjee, cold Iwedder am eoniin* on"ar>d: wood's getiin' skese an", high, an' I've-'structed de folks to~be berry eknocomicai tu dev nsiir ob it. - We'se bin buyin' in ^mall , lot*, an", last night, bein' out olf .fuel, J sent one ob uiy boys. ojber j to a neighboi-'iato borrow a ftjw^ticks. - Da man or Jiis family, hail 'gone to bed owin'tclule lateness ob tie hour, aa' dat boy,- who would 'sbjse to do a'unhonest transaction, wrote ' out his note Tor de valuo ob de wood, "an' droppiu' it in a promiaant place -in' de woodshed, shouldenki an :armful an' brought it home." ? f' ."Jeaaaei":" S , :. i, "Well, si fire was kindledrde tea : ^ kettle put on, de ole woman sjbe is - ' gittin' de sapper^ ] ATT ob a sudden, puff went de stove, zoom ; keswiab, koslush went something,-' and aa I tumbled over Isaw de ole' woman maknf for de roof with-Je tea bettle - "iud .the stove-plates fbllbwin'r her, while de boys, aa' de gals was as I r brack wid smut as'de ace of spades. De stove's goose was cooked for a 7 fact-"' 7- . '- ",What was. - de. cause ob de ' .- splosh nh jf '? Fin strqaly-'clined to believej <|at dar was-p\Twder-'in dut wooid-,. an' dat de powder was done put'ln dar by datr white ijj!y to ketch some- thierin'darkeys wat nebber buys no wood, an' bressod ef I don't tink-dt: maspeete me,- kase^he couldn't find dat note, and won't : isake any 'polojjiea.'* . ~i, - " "For a fact/ an' de children's supper was spiled, too." ill 4 ii |- i< Too Serere a Remedy. ^ JBtcra you -spy thing to c-cure (nicT!) i"" druiikenriess f inquired a good" natured inebriate-as he stum bled into -a Chicago doctor's ' uJKce the other dnj. ._ --";" .. - " There Js ; only one, enre for. drunkenuass," replied the physician - gra/vely, '^isjid tttAfristo stopdrwk- I iug,-_ _: -; _ ,Thia reply seemed to, make the viattor'feel dlsappoiu. ted, for looking up after, a moment he sadly said : j~ ." Wefl, then, doetop, I guess I'd rather fhic!) newer be cured," , And be sturabledout of the door withoAtrfurthr - consultation over His c'iSet ' --.- -^ G IELPO AB1IORY, 4s3< JOHN KIRKHAM, Gunsmith, Silver.Platcr, &c^ Wishes to inform'the publio that he has removed to Hatch's Block, Next door to Tyson's Butcher Shop AMMUW1TXOIC FOS AUBBBRE lAAODfO ABJC8. Ely A Kyooeh'sjCartridge Rase*and Ci fir re-loadlrie mmt. fte-loaders, Ke.^-npi>er, C:ip KJectors, -Curler, nnd Crensors.<'leaolii|r Rods, nnd all articles neeess.'ryfr.r.a8p"ritri:an'*outaf. " All uitcorvK- pdrlng and Jobbing executed on iheshoriestnotice at Guelph, ^pr9 7, 1870. w DAT, PAIS'*, IT HAV3 every Kaaarartarrr, Ker> rhaat. Veekaalr, IsrveaCar, "ariarr. ar rroreuioaal Ha*, to ttt-p lnlormed on all tbe lincravemenls and discoveries of me sxe ITl'A Y* ike stead r fTny family to Introduce tiro bis It ,a^rholda iiewspGiper that i* ini'tractlve, one tluil loslers ataMe for luvextleauon. and promotes tbought aud^ncotirnKeal-ca*Jon. . . THE CIEHTIFtG AMERICAN wlilrh has been published weekly rorihe Jut SI year*, dots this, to an extent be yond tnat:of sn>y otner .jHibMcaUon; In faet it is i he only weekly paper published in the Untied Htates, devoted lo Maxc- PACTUKBN, MB HaNICS, I.NVEXTIO.tMand SKW I'ISCovkbucs In Ana and Sciences, B"try number Is profusely Illustrated acd Itaeontent* embrace the' latoot and mmtliitereslloe information pertaining loUieiojtuittrtai. MechanlcaJ, aodSelen- itflo procressof the world. TsiE SCIETTIFIC; UtCKii^AS baa been th fireraosi of all Industrial publica tions for Hie pnst 81 years -It 13 the Uid. tit, targest. Cheapest and Best Weekly IlluiiirutH<l poperdevotedtoEngineerins;, Mechnle<( Chemistry, New Inventions, rtcieucuaaainlnstnal froerens.pobllsh- ed lu the world. 'Ihe praau>sl Recipes are wall worth U"n times the smwcrlpUon prira and for the shop and' house w] IJ a-ve mitny Umes tba-fiost. It should liHv-a place in every Family,; Library, Ktadjynfljce, .Reading Koom,, follee" and HchioL . i A nrw volume-eommenees January Jst 1R/7. A year's numbers contain 839pages' and Several Hundred Engravings. T rnns, $3.a>a rear by mall: including poU>se. Discount to clubs. 8peelol Cir culars, glvtng elob rtef>,Bcnt free. Sin ale copies m;iiled on receipt of 10 cents. In eooBeetlon with ____________ _ Ujo Sdenttfle inrri. MS. Meurs, Munn A Co. are Hntlctiors ol A.meriean and Porcf^n Patents,and ha^ THOS. RUSSELL & SON, Watchmaker*, -Liverjtool,. Having determined .to sell out their Canadian business previous to their opening a Jobbing -Souse "in England, have instructed their agent, ^. \ . Gv D. Piingle, OF GUELPH, To offer for sale the whole of the stock . of RUSSELL Watches, ^Clocks and 1 Jewelery At a Speoial Discount of 25 per cent, : conjmencipg On : ^ Monday November STth, And continue until the whole stock is . sold, .'.-, - :' ' Aa Auction vm be hell every Saturday Evening. G.- D. PRINGLB Will continue business and the re- pairing of Watches 'and Clocks wiMjgo on as usual, but the present stock must be sold within three mouths. No Reasonable Offer Refused. This is a boa-Jt(te cheap, sale. - 7 G. D.j PRINGLE. Ouelph, Nov. 20, 1874- Grand SlaugHt^r Tumbling Down IN >RIOES - " j DRY GOODS MI^UINERY D. McNklR'S. Terrible Sacrifice. GOOD SOLD AT AMY PRICE. Mustb Cleared Out. ,- Wo don't want to carry any of our stock into tho new store, which is nearly completed, - ' DRESS GOODS," MILLINERY, WOOLEN GOODS, 7 STAPLE GOODS, Must all be sold .at astonishingly Low Prices, BARGAINS FOR YOU, BARGAINS FOR YOU, BARGAINS FOR YOU, Bargains for Everybody. Our Millinery is first c!a, ; All new and fashionable. : Our Dress uood* are just what is wanted lor the season. The latest patterns and colors. V A large jstock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods cheap. Gentlemen's' Paraiaalag Qools good irid cheap. : Jerwelery, Jewelery. ~ Rinjrs Brooches, Chains, Ac. [ ': Also a good stock'of GROCERIES. AT D. McNAIRS, ACTON. Call and See our Goods and Prices. o. T, HILL, FOR THE be had of ^U newsdealers PATENTS. A gentlemaa was examining an . ti* teSH-eitibltsffiniii itf th"e"worM ; UiDOrsli* ana COramentintj Upon Its ' More [tHaa atLy tbuuand applications _ -._ .. -- _ - - .. * Har_. Kjan tnarlo fri** natanta lls*v\iiarli thai* ah~^al^y/ VYsV,ssid person present," '" he fancies everything be sees." "" And," added a. third party, " "is inclined to seise eyerj thing he fancies." -". -,^ -. LL Woman is never- so amiable t as wbeu she is usefnlrj and as -for bectity, though,'men may' fall in love~VU1i jgirls "at play, there is nothing to make them adhere to. their lore like seeing them at rorlc engaged in the usefaf offices of the home and family, - A Yankee in Paris, who was lis tening to the boasts of a lot of Eng lish and French artists about tbe woftderfnt genius of their respec tive country laen, at-Iastbroke out, saying :" Oh, pshaw ! You git^ oufel fi ffchj;. there's Bill Devine, of ___-our. village, who kin paint a piece of eork so exactly like marble that J tho "miaate yoa .tbrow'it into the water it will sink to the bottom, just like a stone, OsstTouch ik Natobe. They -are taking evidence in aj divorce ctaa for cruelty. The; husband is liav-, baeu made for patents through their agency.' - Patents areo'italned'on the best term*, Models of New Inventions anj Sketches examitMd, and ad vice free. ..A pamphlet containing <all directions lor obtaining Vateuts, sent free. The Selentfle Am.rrl- can- Btefereaee Book, a vo ume boundirj cloth and tilt, containing, the Patent lam. Census of tbe U. B,' and 143 Enf. gravii&s of mocnanlcal movements. Price scents. Address, ipr/ttio Paper, oT concerning Patents, WHS Mew rorlt. 37/Park Bow: PLANING AND MILLS Puinpt Sash, Door and' Blind Factory; THOMAS EBBAGE, Hannfaetursr of I" under examination.; His wife, prostratad with, grief,, is.- weeping ' bitterly, covering her faos with lwr haodkerahief. '" T$ow,f says tbe yodga, "'.are yoa 'not asbajoed to have thus brutally treated, your " orife.'-'a tender young woman of - / twenty-4 ve V The wijEs suddenly: -' raised her head- " I beg your par- dori," sbe sobs:-i' twenty-four only," A?! *h^ '"fis^jkw* to b* '",:..' la matters of prddenee tbe beat thoughts are last, 7, -- . " -t . 7 .k - * l>00PSt i Venetian Blinds And other BaildlngKcqnlaltefl .' Also Maker of- L ntpsovra inroTZOxr pvvpb; Lumber Planed and Dressed to ordo -. In the best manner. ?. WSf -All work guaranteed, Acton, Jan.,W74, "".' |: ' AGTOK FREE PRESS, Only One Dollar A Year in ! Advance. Mill Street. ACTON, i ; DEALER IN i - - i . Groceries', 1 Crockery. | 7 ' "~ - Boots ds Saoes,' . VJtll Paser, "Wladov Blinds, ! aili, Olase, Putty. Linseed Oil, .i';' P^ati,jTttrpeatine, (Coal Mt8alt,.et0v All of which will be. sold low for cash. i' ' '. . . BOOTS and SHOES Selling dff at cost. Alsd agent fof the RUBBER PAINT COMPANY 7 Of Cleveland, Ohio. Cash for Hides. Acton, July 18, 187C. REMOVED! OUR WINTER 09 IS NOW 1877. BOOT AND NEW DOMINION SHOE e A good assortment in ull the leading lines of , Felt Goods. Overshoes. EuTDloers. Cliildre&'s Spots and Shoes, etc **" Repalrlne Done Neatly, "es PEIOES OUT VEBY LOW F0R CASH. PoU irget the pie- Hare just received their OF The Bast that ever came into Repair!ng Promptly Attended to., as usual. C&AINE &S0N. Acton, Deo. 5, 1876. BE SURE TO CALL AND EXAMINE THOSE Centennial Check Suitings. $13 PBB STJIT, AT THE - Bast ilnd Clothing Store. ALSO GENTS' UNI>EIiCLOTHINGr In ereat variety from $1 to 2.50 per Suit. KENNEY & SON ^S'i^f::4?r:: 1 i:#m OUR CUSTOM WORK j '"".- Will receive careful.attention, and all work guaranteed acaia Street, ITexl. Door to Asme-v"i SoteL Acton, Sept, 19,1876. AND SHOES, K7Bi !i" -.If T*n Acton, for Price, 8tyl aid <^sjjg3f*%7?i I i: '^ ,->.' KENNET huhhah for b^e&a iTILJL5HEAi)!: THAN B/m .AT ...' " 1 '-^ *TirW 7AS70T DRESS GOODS JfKW BLACK LUbTEESj ^i ^EW WINCEYS, 23 per r: Actdn,October 31. 1876. DICKSON & MclTAB, White, Scarlet, Greyland Fancy FLAN)SE.L?. Coarse TWKEDei Hollands, Table LinenS, Towels, Towetlirrg. Factory Hos iery, Gloviesi Crochet and Eaitltn(tSett f: Ladies' end Gent's Collars and Tiea.1 Fine Stock In all the latest i|glish and American Styles! Also a very good ':- It is -worth any person's while Vvhen>4n Guelph to call and see the R. CREECH, SADDLER; A HARNESS-MAKER, In.niense Stock of O ^" E m G O -A. T s For Men and Boys, all colors and prices, at Rutherford's Clothing Establishment, SIGN OF TKS ^ELEJRHAJSTT, No. 31 Lower Wyndham Street. Guolph. Noted for having the best assortment west of Toronto, and at prices that defy competition. Come and see. WM. RUTHERFORD & CO. Guelph, |Nov. 20, 1876. Stylish and Cheap: tra value. . r cent iwt than last year's prices. and ETOFiFH. ahd Blrached CO'JTONS. fr*ri? :.:\l -i--? ...'. *3-^ laces, Edgings, Kibbons, Jce^ ifu of Hats and Caps' Stocj-k of General Groceries, Crockery & Glass*afi|S7^ If yon \yisu" to Safe Houcy, don't fail to rail at > Q. M.7SCQTTU^il: Next door to Galloway Bros.' Bakery, Mill-S&eet, Acfaa|*8j|7^ Acton, Sept. 20th, 176. "*" '"'""' Our magnificent stock of new goods now to hand, comprising' alt. tha awifg-s w '" : *^B$^ Most Fashionable Assortments of (arOoffew^Ml We have been very successful in buying and getting opemid oat, wfsfilpj3-4 The Western Canada. . upon inspection j Cheapest Lot of wifl. be, we are sure,' Dry Goods in 01^ f*Uft TiftrHftls We'wUl-ahbir the ilargast m03l *U uJJ.t? JUICLVJ.lpO^ nnd most extensive^toek#t&-^ L51 m. ^^Wim^-s The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton: and sur rounding neighborhood that he lias procarod a magnificent '" am-77.- And is prepared to attend and! conduct Funerals pn tbe shortest notice and most moderate terms. '.- Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Has removed'one door west of his old And all kinds of Funeral FurnishinES kept in stockjand supplied on the shortest motice. ^stand, and is now prepared to turn out work, which for STHATNaeS, 0HSAP1TBBB AST DTTTtABTTiTTT cannot he snrpassed ,by any house in ' ';-' the county. HameDS of all Kinds supplied on the shortest possible notice, and warranted to give'perfect satisfac tion. . _ UVERY& SALE STABLE As he is doing business principally on the Cash System, he is prepared to sell ; At Reasonable Rates. ! -------- : Bis Rlss aud Horses are tbe best that can be bad, and lielrt determined .not to na surpassed by aayCHy H table. ! Aeton> July 1st; 7A.' , j Give him a call and be convinced that this is the right place. "i j June8r18T9. R. CREECH,Acton. Hat Bands Acton, Aug. 8, 1876, and Gloves supplied when required. ' 7 rfOHisr ISPOBfaHT. PRIPJGS, DRUGS. Draw, OTiemiealB. Dye Stuffs, Pateat and Proprietory Melioines, laaoy iaa Toilet Soapa, Spbntres, Bnushea. Eaiats, Oiii 4 Varfk^ PTTSa yr&&'J&& LiQtfbl^ for Kodiolaai Jarpoiea only. of the best quality and attenper|oent below Toronto Don't forget?thi place. Hall, Mill Street, Acton. A11 goods' warranted prices. Medical AeUm, March 18, 1875. G, E. MORROW i '- .". "fp^ -nx*'. -.' ' 'A'CTOIl 7' 7::5fi*i I -Street . t :' Uetwjri C-VWaiii - " fe_2g_ . . V>-. W- V.---':-*!nanB AcenLl All bat Ksasr S"i':-. -; '*-i'.":v Eic=l,4 n.jg -*tyle ' jT.oive I airicij a. tixit m : JGttfct ton .'.Office Hoc lev Tern isr~.?i.z. r-m --v 't'-': *=- SasI Cans m;DB^lJiS GOOPS7,, in the county, Qompriaing all. the nw fashionable colors, iu sealijijoi ......,_... navy bluea, plum, prune?, and myite gien Dress Goods. Ailpft BMsfef^S^j;"^ tres, Jan.mattes, Persian* Cords, lepps. French, Merinos,] -WiOftfe|S(^*7^^'j Trimmings, Tassel Fringes, Cord'?, Buttons, &c., to match all shades.^fc'^jE1^ . Woolen ^.Gpo<pLs; ^kf^^sSp^ Squares, Polka Jackets, Hosiery, (ilaves, &o,, in all the iaahionabla .., and styles. f;- .,[.. , '..--H^pfef^^ ]^iljnei#; Mg^ntles:^r^'L^mm This department is far abead of all < ompetition. We have? ttla cured the services of a first-class milliner from New York'.T1 _ should not fail to see our millinery. Be fare and call before you buy. Mantles and Shawls *e havej imiorted direct from^he lead ceiil -_-___,...._ fashion, viz., London, Paris and Neu York. * Novelties Si Flo#6T9fymmk&&. ere, Wings, Velvets. Jsilksj &0J ,- '? ' rl.. t :"SPi?| Afl a display olTEurs, m sat le^ seal JacWeU and Far Caps In greatr Mitts, Sleigh Kugs, Bufi do Kol ' :: . --'^ We do the laiBest; Ordered Clotlun*.^ Ladies' and No where, in the country is such otter, lynx and beaver setts. Fur Men's JPur Caps, Fur Gloves, Fur cheaper than the cheapest. Ordered Cloth best cutter and turn out the most ^tyluuTand best fitting sA^tate of the Dominion, We have just received a splendid .fctj.ic*- Tweeds, whioh we are prepared-tb sell at rook bottom prices. l oar stock. It will pay you to do so. No- trouble to sh ami**I Eeady-made Clothing, Men's and Bots' Overcoats, Ulster*, 'BO^K/I Overcoats, Boys'. Youths' and^Menls Suits, warranted the lirgfistel and eheapest stook in Canada. : - ] ".. -vraJJ.^! Oior Staple] BepaiiimeiM^- With extra good, cheap goods! in Cottons, both white am irv.fT ip goods! i _____ _ ___ . Fanoy and Grey Flannel?, Blankets, Table i^nens^TowelUng^^^,^^ Cajpelts, Fjlpbr Oil Rugs, Malta and Mattings, at ex&a'lbw prices. ' ^;;ots'& Shbfca AcS' "^')m^ Welwoufd ssk a contih^aace of the patronage so liberally bMtowaftflP^| us, and in! return we guarantee to s|ell goods cheaper than ever. .'- '. t*^ii-ti3- r:.^,-^ -'~ '^S^SS-S Si* Oct 3, 1876, McL0D. ANDERSON & Co^ . MAMMOTH HOUSE^eijWBeW^I - -.^f tri-:ifr*4>*< *^-^hi ==4*3^ EJfSpvV":^

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