Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 11, 1877, page 2

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/. --s:^--U.q..= ^ slrA.^ --rf "'" - i. Via tfe;.- l-.fc ' - tp - <! ':"."-3g KUS^Bflcr- ^':' iWW SB J5- -V& l^B^^n. i'" -*-fl K-i s?l ;fJUlfi ACTON FUEIirUKSS) F^uSshed Every Thursday Morning.;;. J". H>"HACKLXG, Proprietor. 81 M x i4kjQv> toiwf 11 i'iiiiii- '- t 'TBPMmAY"M6rxrco,' Jan."! 1, 1875 ' Ctrclcw Bonk keeping "au& Leng Credits.,] / M^iXjktukji ami octrei i ibnsvoess nien of eoereci habits- invariably keep-%heti-Taoolcs hi unchja shape thf tn(Sj-;caii UH^S?K*rv- jiow.-thWy stand at-the end of the year. They, fcnow'iow" wtfiett ibey owe and how much hi owing to- ttwro the |>c*cia* <aa ot tixtir profits unci lasses, and'-their position^ for the operations of thef-comnvg' year.- But then is unfortuiiafely another .class - of business naen, who cons-fanUy : halve their affair*insncba-middled i state is. to reader it almost itap^sr- sibfe W u*ike a **tis>fuctt>ry state. orient of their/liabilities; or assets.' They-s^Mdin jknow tbeiir, financial poutioi^." and *re; altuoat: always slack in their settlements. How roncfe mere pteawHlt it i* to 4" busi- dhb witb men of-tlw former stamp^ wbo are always rosdy tc halnnco u|* accounts promptly at " T*ry balf year, and you t keep your books in good ' . It is w' excellent rule.- fur; . a bitsrness man to hsve bis affairs at all lim'eV iii-'snch a shape that if ksnieaia .should suddenly occur,: :Li* eatwte-courT: oe settled without . ,iiiScilty".'.' "Willi the -long-credit, system wiiiph so- Jargrfv prevails, ami a -loose, tiap-hazard style of keeping accounts, one is exceeding ly apt to find himself eoraing out at the little end^if ttiq horn,r~after years of toil. A large proportion f ^~ "f ^ y^^ of the cases of insolvency tsbrbright about tbrbngli iH-'L'Tigerice iii keep-. rag the- account. hooks regularly ^autinced. .Aind tbii bri&gs-ns to . consider whether it woiild not Iw &x better "for all ;cooceVut:d ; it U-.o TEE FREE PI^ESS, A(j)TO|N they csktt to cncouimgo th laudable iforta nIiowii by the Messrs Belfoixl P^^i-SOaUQ^tt^o^fttil^t^Ubiish,- lng. n puliltHhing house in Canada ( eaHy-woi'thy tho iiuiue. For the ipjvst B\>ventl uionths, n now book of recognized nioiit has Iwen issued froni~thctr honso nearly xnrery week, so thaV quite kVgir'nninber of tho recent priWicwt-ious for mile in the Ttookstoivs \io-\v their imprint. The firm also niaVk their business ability by the lil*r.ility shown in mailing copies of each publication to the various newspapers -throjtgh- -out tho country, Ihua sectiring ciih- tYiA TflTiews' and widespread notice. We already noticed several of the - publications, and we now tjike pleasure in camtnunding tho follow ing^-copies of _\vhtcti we~ have re- eenily received 3- > f ' Eo6tst*ps of tite M.vsteu By Mr^. J Harriet Btccher Stowe. ' j ' ' This is an e|(^s>n'htty boirtid volume of 30J8 pages, from- the pen of the above-named (well kuowri author. It-:is <4 got up" in handsome stylo, ttie":typoni-aphical excellbiice being-: wiirtby of the contents which com prise a voliiuie- devoted to earnest Christina thoughts, reflections, les- wqs, and aspii-ations, in the exquis ite and ehnpient language of the gifted lady from whose authorship this work proceeds. It is a- work the end of | which'- onglrt to be found nn every i,- - '-,'i Christian boiiaebold, coufaiuinjf as thus enable . , , '., , . -.. it ooea many sound orthodox trutusf; put with a sympathy ntul pathos that touch ttio best-feelings of hu man natui-e deeply. Tho book is particularly applicable for reading at this season of the Isrstror hr ABsnista J. Evans, author oi "Beulah," ""St. Elmo" "Jw.; This is a niculy printed' volume of 4&3 pages, and ia.tHi exceedingly interesting contribution to current ficticious literature, tike all the works vritten by the same novelist, " Iufelice " is crisp, sparkling and readable from beginning to end, with a strong tendency to fasten itself on the sympathy and imagin- TtaTljR&Kctowii lltra^rt a id bcElctrtlonsV To the E^lur Of the FiwPrtM. Sut.-^-Ourl attention has ' bimn calleiTto nn article. which uppoa -ed 1n-thtf'OeWgetOWir'7rfl)-iTrtr~1bf ' L. M 2Sth Dec., headed "Tlio. Nomina tions,".in which ;tho Editor fust's n deal ot upluea and spitoJ ^jb, usual, against one of tho candidntes Jor.Uxe, uist Dupaty .lUajvonhip,! lid also^reveiila .some of . tl*e iead feafui-es'o'f liis' jounialistio,clmi ter; to wit: Ignorance, impiuloi arid ihcohsistiMicy. In tho place, he passes judgmimt'oli car 'date WaVreix on the grorind of ' own eyil disiosition towivrd W); lie to nte the .'abilities' of the : th flamed cnndidnjto at a discbiin 101,"and the o|ily reason given being so disposed, is that Wai ron did ubo his iliUuonco to have tin Township printing tmasferredfi oh) tlie IfC-rattl to tlio .-Free Pspss. Wo at once freely confess that did use* our ialluence, and did rue- ceed in getting at least a par; of the township printing transfer revl to Acton, and that wo got whaV tho Herald is "disposed" to cr II n " fat contract" *' given to frien Is " done cheaper, nud far superio to what wo pot tho same: work done i\t tho llcald ofBco in prov ons years, notwithstanding that the Herald had a still fatter 'contract of tho work roferreil to. And wlii'lo we know of no reason wliy ea elu sive preference should bo give 1 to tho Georgetown llcratJ, yet our reason for nsing our influence to havo the work transferred-, was the very inferior manner in whie 1 it Vis doue, and wo regnQt'io hava to sjiy that tho Minutes of 187C, atef ly printed at thatioflice, is no eic- copiion to tho rule Hear him again : Because HTar- ren had been elected by acctianv tipn-last year, (he might have add ed the previous year also,) and that after having served the Township as Councillor for several yean, ho says he hits no "foondatipr on which to frame any (estimate op his peo- nate itint- flor >....-I. i . WluU;iVU*at(-------. SpringfWhoat, Glasgow Kod Uhaff Wheat i . Bnrloy ... . .' . ^U' -..... reus ... Potatoes, per bag Apples per bag .. Onions , i. Bnttur"-' ..'. ".'."'. Kggn.. . .. ' .-.. Dressed Hogs. Vurkuya .. ... (ioeso ' ; .. .. i)aekf .. .. ; EALTOtf COTOTt, rd- ol. for 93 < O^to 3 25 iM-U, 1 28 1 20 to 1 21 1 15 to 1 20 0 50 to 0 GO 0 38 to 0 42 0 65 to 0 C8 0 70 to ()! 75 0 GO too 75 r 00too 00 0[i8 to 0 20 ton" 18 to 7, 25 to 0 09 to 0 0 toO 07 STARTLLN QNT., G JANUARY 111 1877, BARGAINS. Vj 10 1 0! 7 1 7 001 0 or 1 . O 05 I . 0 06 i e spirit of men rages of thopeoj ' loog^arcdit system were. entirely abBodbnecK We are gniiinuiiy eacaiDg to it, and many of oVir best siore-keepera are ' rigidly adhering - to> the system of ready' payments.1 ioog credits are igro-wing more and ajoreniipopular wiih all classes ex cept^ those, thiftless individuals who re .alwaya'"-betandUand. He who fcuy* on k>og credity invariably bays wkat be pealty does not need,, and at a mticb: higher price than if bought for cash. Tnere; axe, of course, time* ami: circumstances -wieu it js absolutely ijecessary to Wf 00 credit, but_Wifb;tbe exercise -. f a littfe car* afid economy in }iv- ij^iSere^aa* feV peri6ns but can Jdat as-well pay for their goods in a Jew weeks or months as they can in a yeer or two years. Wholesale ka!ar asaally sell to the retailer art tfciue or lour moo th credit, with' * Uberal percentage off. for prompt eaaij.-- The retailer who. give* yaar'a. credit must necessarily add enonderably to the price of bis . good* berond the' legitimate profit to cover bath the risk and the in terest 00 hi* capital. Thone who jj the re*dy money reap the bene fit of lower prices, and their custom x regarded isb mucb more favor %n Iikikss riren, j>ro*Je3.tUy are aot over-zealous in securing close SaigpiasU Tbe uterciuwt who does-. bwwne* largely on the ready pay ystetn can buy to much better ait vjarage than he who is compelled to diacounfc tbe fsturc and look twelve mbpth* ahead JorJa pay. ' If all concerned' wJd look at' tie uuittfr in the light of profit and ploaM, there can be little doubt but - aB wofd be umtetially" benefitted' and alike satisfied, firing the past ysr several of our leading basiness men in Acton adopted the ready pay systeMt ad at tpe present tiae wo belie re all our tradesmen bave almost entirely stopped giving exeefit ua Long-winded custoniera. Tbejr ex[>rea(j. taenxitelvea highly.' gratified with, tbe effect of the new ayatotnv "' d are convinced- tliats il Jkanot been the means of decreas ing the volume of their business 1 iota. . general ^popularity among the pie," ji'ul choses to huise an esti on the fouoldation of his own v ed disporition. But ho " If this be the spirit of _ i,. ^ , t, -c . !" seek the suffi The PtUiU Focstais,- and other tairy 1 .... . . _ , - ., Tales. By Bridget an.lJuHa Kava- " thls_ townshli>, then, -we nsgk .- An attractive book of 245 page^?, i besides 12 fpll page .illustrations iWJ. Moyr $mit!i. To tliose fond' ! of imaginative .writing, of i the fairy order,, this book cannot' jfailitobe iBteres'.ing, as,svellas> I amnsing. The illustrations - are v-iry fine, bat supremely fautas'io, exhibiting the' Fairy Queen and bet retinrie inmost ludicrous attitudes. It is attractive from 'its oddity which will no doubt secure for it a very large j>ale. Maidex 51dsi: The Merxatix By F. , AD. Published by Belford Brus. This is a pleasant for young people, comprising 42 pages, nicely printed. The dialogue is spatklingahd genial, while the cast of character cannot 'foil to be appre-. ci&ted by both old and young. - It; has already been produced et the" Government House, Otfciwa, by members of the Governor General's household. , Any of the above works can 'be had at the bookstoreaor direct from the publishers. goe on," who lo of lon't " think much of the intelligence ' of the electors who "such men."' In other wards, we,' of the .Georgetown HemUl, make proclamation, That so-many *of tho electors of Esquesing lis give their Bujipart to such-men as would dare to use their influence to transfer tf.e .jobs op wbici have so ' long fattened to another oiMce, we feel disposed to pronounce them uniii'tel'ligeat' electors.' Oh ! Electors of Esqnesinj have done the deed ; you have elected the same nmo, in opposition to the tempcuiuco editors tiodcl candidate, uud tho sentenpe passed, "The editor doii't much of your intelligence." is all. If this is not- arrogance ai I you igain is :hink That d im pudence, perched on the pinnacle GL T. BL BTaiKE.-^-The arrange naent* betwee* the: Grand Trunk.; Cdp:iriy; ami tbe engihe-driverfe .'knMr been~epacluded'itppn the basis el tbfij^reemenfc of l&75v and it "b ->CnrtbW provided tbat alltbe-d-ivers 'wbo-joined the strike shall be taken; e* a'gjtuVand all warrants issued fcr the ai rest of gtrikerg.shall be i witlidTaWnv The rate of wages in m%*> ifo IwuiaiaJ mrcbatt^edi In a woruV fcb^s Btrikersl have j wrung an . jrweooJitkraapBiiifreader from the, "Very little of an exciting nature has transpired in connection with the Eastern qnastion, rduring the past week. The reports have taken a peaceful aspect one day and a warlike one tbe next -in the flue-, tuating fashion which \ has I been prevalent for some time. The suspense is likely to be a day or two, aa the representatives of the great power* have presented what may te termed an ultimatum to tbe Portland on his answer will depend peactfor war. Meanwhillj both Tnrkey and. Russia are bubiiy concentrating their forces.. The Dominion revenue for De cember, from all sources is $1,447,- 998, and the expenditure 2,023,- 247. . It is reported'that Vanderbilt's: will is to be eontisted by those of the- relations- who- received small beqnests, unless the late Commo dore's son -AVilliani H. consent to' divide'the estate with them. In the Ontario ."Legislature on Friday, Mr.. Lauder pjuesentifd a petition from L the Credit. Valley Railway Company, asking for an, qxtentkm of the time for completing' tbje line. '; _ - ^_ . :The n^t expenditirre- oi : the Brotince.iW 1875 was82,:il8,2Ji&.- 64, and the net income $2,507,808.- 49, If aving a 'surplus for -the year bf $2f88,507.85. The total balance 'standing at .the credit of the Prov ince is Sa,j643,555.16. The pablic accounts of Ontario, incomplete form, for .1875, have been received. ' ' ' The Dunkih Bill was defeated,in Kingston, by only 106 yor,es.-.. , ,; A Grand Trunk Committee is coming to Canada from England to look into the road's afJairs.' . Tlje.Dunkin act will not be laid before. We| ling to a County Council -again till June. ' Tb'^ three' richest men in the United States Vanflerbitt :have died within fif- teen,rtn'($nths. .,..-. ) the\^ to fill out of of vanity, we would like to knov what it is. iJust to think nf'it! The' editor of a- 10th-class pa]r at tempting to dictate to the iptelli gent electors of Esquesing- wh shall, and shall not, elect their places, of trust.- Come your nut-shell, Mr. Editor, aid al low the light of an ihtelligen munity to dispell your darkr ess so as to enable you to see me n and tbu3gs in their true colors, ard not 1 as ,tbey appear through the mazes 1 of'b[prejudiced niind and a(n evil disposition. "" John Warden, Esquesing, Jan. 10, 1877. I Oar Reef in England. England looks to Canada for a supply of good beef, and the farm era of this country will be. v ise to preserve -their best young cuttle, instead of knocking calves on the head Ui got rid of them. : Th3 Lon don papers speak e.othu'siafctically of the reports that hero's are being fattened in this country for trans port aliv to Liverpool, and the Daily Telegraph has the fol owing with reference to the-. Christmas supply. Beef will be a-fine emigra tion agent yet. . . "The herd of 6$ Canadian cattle, landed at Liverpool on T lesday from, tho Dominion steamer Domin ion,, were^inspected' to-day largenuinber of. .persons, interested in fib.e cattle trade, and pronounced to be the finest ineniof Christiuiis beef ever by one <<>V.Tnor, $l pair of steei b were purchased! by ja . leading pUcotch salesman for ^100 for shoiW, Charles Tate, a.temr)eranc(i hotel keeper, in the Townsmp^cl East Gat-aft-aJta, has been committed to tb2 Gnelph gaol fo? 30 , da; s with hard labour for selling liq,uoi .with out a license, - -'Tbere's'a row about turkby in Trafalgar. A man in. that -to vnsbip accused a neighbor"of stealing- his Christmas turkey and the ne ighbor hftSentei'ed an action againsi him ' !'?y.i --. s -i - 'a ' The new Central School in' Juelph will ;be,for;aially ppened on ;J [onday next. .!-!;' The 3ebentorevvoted 'Stratford' 4 Hufbn Railway-|^$80,- 000 'frdrn the County of Pert! y $40,- '000 froth MorningSon; $3fj,0q Stratford, aniL^15,O06 froni wel-^$l 65,000 jin all were laud^ over to the trustees, last Weejk Brrs' fCocoA. (Jn'XfKPUL |np Com^ koiitinoi ." By a.thorough knowledge of'tho natural laws which gpteru tha o]Tcr;vUona of digestion and iiutrition,' and by a.^careful-application uf'tlid'itine- uniporties of well selected cpeon, Mr. Kpps haa provided out bruaklhtt tables with a uoBcatoIy lUvored | beveugo which may snvo us many heavy doctora' bills. It is by tho judicious Use of such articles of diet that ni'cotn'tittition may bogradnnlly bnilt up until strongenoogb to resist evory fcutiilenoy .to digease. ITundreKU of subtleuvdndies are floating around u ready to attack wherever thoro is a weak point; Wc mnyjseape niany H fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortiiied with pure blood and a pro perly nourished 'frome." Civil Service Oa-.ettf. Sold only in packets labelod "Jasirs' Kits & Co., Hotiiwopatliiu Chemist,' 48, Throadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, f, I>t>nd"n." ITnir Dre A Splendid llhir Dresslns and Restorer Combined Vt'ooil' Improvnl Hair BcHtorallvc Is unlike any otbrrj niul hits noeijual. Tho Imprnvod has ncjw vegetable toiiie propertleii; r<>rorerey hair roajjroof-y naturalolqr; r< tor^ faiJeU, lry, bnrsli and f il'lnc hair; reioro, dresses, glvei vlKor to tlit hlr; rosijorcs hnlr to prcmu- turely bald tionds; removes <| mdrxilT, hu mor*, Fcaly ernptloiU; tcm6vei> lrrltn ttopi Itching nnd fcnly drynefB. . No article prmluees iieh wonderful enTots Try It, call for Woojl'n Improved Hnlr Ki-Rtoratlve, nnd doji't bo put ofTwIili any other article. Krld-by a I itrnggntn In this place and diyvters ev^ry-hrro. Trade Hunpllvdnt msin, fnctivrrrh'prlo- c hy C. A.Conit * Co,CIilcaBO,Solc Agents for the United Staleiinnd Canadas.and by Ltmas Heas, a Cc' Tqrbnto. NEW ADYERTISEMENtS, S" TRAYED. Came on the premises of the subscri- bers inrOctober last a Red Heifer, over, one year old. The 6wner is requested to prove property Ipay expenses: and take her away. ' ~\ GEO. NORRISHi, Ijot 21, 2d|con. Jfassngaweya. Jan. 1. 1877. . ! 28-4t GHEAT SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARING OUt; SALE Now going on atA McLEOD, ANDERSON &COrS G-^IOI?,G-JETO"^r3Sr. it SPEClAlfc BENEFtf _____ t TO THK ff-.H'"^"-. 3CTSTOMERS OF during the past year>we bae done a larger business than has wbingr dche by a pry Goods House in Guelph, and in return for tnU lar ' patronage we have deckled to offer bnr costoinenrv.-T? te SgllGIAJ^ -ii.l*'c..> TO BREEDERS. \; The yonng Berk'sbire Boar "Wel lington Chief," bred by Geo. Rudcl, of Gnelph, has been purchased bs me and will be kept for serf ice on my premises adjoining this village. This animpl is from imported stock with first-class pedigree. Terms $ 1.00, to bo paid at time of service.; ' ' C. S. SMITH. Acton, Doc. 18, 1876." 25Jtf 28ow is the time for Bargains. The public fairly startled and astonished at tho startling cheap goods now beins soli at the "( MAMMOTH HOUSE, Farmers, Mechanics, laborers, Housekeepers, young and old, rich and poor, if you want to buy cheap goods, at the very Lowest Hard Time Pricea Now is your opportunity. Wo have marked down the balance of our ex tensive stock, and are determined to clear it all out before spring. We are bound to make this tbe mot extensive Clearing isrUe we haver ever at tempted. Don't neglect the opportunity of getting the largest lot of goods for the least money, you ever saw in your lifetime. a? o "5T s AND Fancy Goods REMEMBER THIS SALE 13 FOR CASH. therefore you can buy goods^very cheap. 1. Our stqck is tne >eiaviest &vet nel4 in Cruyhfc ajnountin^ to oveh $100,000, the whofe <ff^^ wlncji we -vrill offer at cost. > H. v *ji:If .1 his will not cloy we shall hav s to give'the goods away, fair - fermined to reduce par immense stock to $50,000 by tap lto*l___ our new Spring goods will th<W be coming to- hand, and we matti room Our buyeri Mr.: W.- Mc [iacblin, of Montreal/ has .baar Britl4h Markets -for two monthi past, (we do-not rush off there..b the fii-st goods that offer, and bakgain> carefully Inspectrajj the- and fe shall have tbe best select sd; and cheapest stock ever orTered. at home are low, and we Secure reat bargains by paying cssuT.,;:'"~" Thia " found to be tbe erreatestobanoe for 'brrsfe ^ I.. i Dry Goods everknp wn in tJwannalapf Qu^ii>h. v^^ The Lion has already the greatest reputation for selling cheap of^!(jfc! store? in- the Province, but this lime we will surpass all prvrvmatOaS^i and beat the world. ^"?"?MM*j>- The. enormous Bankrupt Slock we bought in the summer naWc*v.. put evety other store in the shac a. The bulk of it is gone,' butftl3Si3g"r a bigilotof wihter gooda,-sjuch is. Blankets, Plannels, and Wopl^aSS?? genetallyr-whicb we will also offi rat cost, or at ;50 cents on tbedoui**^^ the Wholesale cost. Wb guarantee them all perfect, and the be touched.^ We count-it a pluasure to- show \&at goods t___, public, j It is impossible for us to mention' all the bargains we.are We s lioold need every column of The Fkeb PKpssto-dg so, but name a Tew leading lines, put c aatorner% mu^remember, " Tbe Eeiuction is general tnrotiglibut our Sibffi/ Everything to b^ rushed t>ff at cost. ; No ohe|shouldloao-thisbig DBiEJSS. C3- C> CD l!> SL;? .:- 65 Pieces, reduced from 30 cents to 20 cents. .36 ' ' ".. 25 ". 15 ' '- - 24' -" : ' -. ;-." .19' ..": 12 ^ 80 ." '-'-" 1, " 22 "I 15: ./f\- Thes s are the very latest styl^s'aid-colorsj and no one should buy a i without first making ah inspection of these goods.- ; " Fancy and Plain Silks at Extraordinary Fijrnres. Special drives in Clouds, Kurfl, St awls, Wool S&irts and Drawers, Blankets, Qiilts, Hone Blankets, and Winter Shirts. WINCEYS I v^iJvP&T^!: WIFCEtsl^S: 420 Pieces put down from 12Jto io cents. . ,'-:'"a' &: :-__jlliii!*-! ' Lower priced lines put down to ?:cents V . : ? -J - v^lir -- i , ayard-^great Talue. .]- ":"' "v^f,: Ready-made Clothing, and Millinery and Mantle Tfrnnrn'rrr iliKliiT' specUI notice. Theae.goods wi wilt run oat at any price, and anj o*#f ' needing these/goods' should come to'^al 'oncgj for"they !^Vv^ will never have a better chance lo securer.bargain. , .t "."i"^"^--"-' FIFTY BUFFALO ^ROBES STILL JM The-season, is advanced and wp feill refuse no decent oflbrfor them. A fine assortment of Tweeds ball marked downtocostT^ Cloth 30 Cents. ' :'.X n- ' ' r :**1 -^ i 'Trail ?>% :; ;aSi| <>ur We must have the Don't forget the spotJ money, Jan. 8. 1877. HcL^CD,. ANDEHS01T & Co., i . 'MAMMOTH HOU^sE, GEORGETOWN Selling off at Auction Prices. CHEAP B O O K S HINQLE' . i Lath, LuJmber, And all bnildihg requisites kept on hand or delivered on shortest possible notice. ' ' Best quality No. 1! Shingles only -" \ SI.70 ; lest quality XoJ S.only 70 cents. Aiiy of tho above will bo delivcned when required. j . 1 1 Any quantity, of oats fcaken- irr ex- change for.any of the ajbove delivered at the mill between Actoa and Milton, jbn Lot No. 8, 2nd con'. Esipiesing. Orders by mail address to Acton or Milton P.O. ; R! O. MILLER. Esquesing.Jan.3, J1S77- 27-?m Perk. Wanted. A.T ANDERSON'S l by- CHEAP B00KT0RE On tbe 'Eist sido af Wyndbam Street, GTJ^LPH. i PORK! PORK!! Charles Cameron is prepared to pay thelHighest Market Price for' 60 tons of Giood Pork. Call and see him at the Old Stand on Main street. Acton, Nov. 30th. 187G. 22-3m 5000 Dressed Hogs wanted weekly, for which the Hijghest Cash Price wiH be paid.. From 2,000 to $5,000 in cash to be paid out to farmers for Pork eveiy week during December, at SEjCORD BROS.* Store. Lumber, Lath and Shingles Foil s^^x^^i- The undersigned have for sale attheir mills in Acton a large quantity of all kinds of ' i PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER, ?lno SMnplcs ani Lath. . Shingles of the best quality for-only 1,85 per square. Wbye^i"= : _ _ -*-~ 1 . that in a |few years we havebeen-tthfa-'r" to increase The small business formerly done at The Lion, to its," "'"'"' I enormous size, (the largest outside of Tomt4)7 The true answer'is we ^lo'lhe best we possibly can fbr.orr cusfdriiers. We buy at the ^"Wst-- figures; we sell atthe same and j we treat qur ft.iends so tbit they alioiy*- come back.-to us. _ flcnesty is the best policy, and honesty and courtesyju> the [ruling principle;) at The Lioo., -.'_"';'" &*:^ JorUg] Guelph. Jan.-8. 1877. J. B. WILLIAMSON #IX^|^ THE PHILANTHR SPEYSIDE Shingle, Stave AKD HEADING MILLS. w?re speci- showh to .tbe Any parties wanting Shingles |wquld do well to give us a calL We will al ways, have en hand^ a good'supply of Np. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. Best quality No. 1 .Shingles $1.75 per 'square. No. 2, 70 cunts per square, i P. & Hi SAYER8. :Speyside, Dee. 13, 1876. 24-6m BOOESTOPwE, A large Stock of HURRAH! HURRAH! roa tob BEST PHOTOGRAPHS -i in the County, at Tlio Ontario rhotosraph. Oallery For'Beauty of Finish and Brillian cy in Tone, they cannot ba'iurpassed. ' i COPYING & BNIjAKQING In all its branches, in the best style o the art, done on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Also, a-splendid stock of Mouldings and Picture frames kept on hand and made to order. ".-.' ' A- call is ysolicited and; yon will he convinced that this is the place to get _' j'J'. ..*!" - Yours'fespeotfurty, ,.' : C. W. HILL> Acton, Dec. 5, 1876,, - : i^rm^ "WTio^ is ti.e tol$ PKilaiil^opiaijI The merchant who prlovicles the hest, goodsmi^t^B' cheapest valikie for-his"customers;^ " V TH CEORG GUMMING MACHINE. We have just introduced a new Gniriming Machine, and are prepared to gam Drag or Cross-cut Saws. BROWN * HALL. Acton, Dec 12, 1876. : 24-3m JAS. MATTHEWS CLERK 4TH DIVISION COURT, COUNtY OF HaLTON. .,' ! n this line my: cus tomers FANCY GOODS, TOYS, &Ckj Day's Bookstore. TICK'S FLOWER and VEC Is the most beautiful worfcof th kind la theworlU. Itcontainsn'early 150 pagef, hundreds of Auk Illustrations, and six otarcmo plates of flowers, beandfully Jrawn and colored from,nature. Price 60 eentfl In paper covera.Sl.OO in elegant olotb Printed In flerrano arid KtiRll^h. ' Vlok's Floral Uulut, Quarterly, 25 cents a veari '. >' Vlck's Catalogue 300 Illustrations, only 2 cents. j :." . Address J Axes Vinjcj Rochester,N. Y. VICK8 FLOWER and VEG- ETABLE SEERS. ' Are planted by amPlloa people In Amer- Ick Pea -j - I Vick's Catalogue- 800 lllnstratlons, only 2 cents. Vick's Flora) oulde, quarterly, 35 cents a Vlek's Floral and Vegetable' Uarden, 60 cents, with elegant cloth covers $1. -All my publications are painted lnuer- maft-apd English. ^ AdureBS, Jambs Vick, Rochestei.N.Y. Coavayancarj Ooaiftlasioaor in Q. B. Fire laanrajioe Agent, :=. j bebn ui stock fprseveral mbntJiB . Llfo lafluraaee Ageat, tojmake great sacrifices for casb[oij all kinds of goods complete in toys for the little *"" " " goods, useful aswel] as qrnami CHRISTMAB For both old and young, but goxl, as; I. have purchased them' all within the pasirtwbweel selling them at' prices that would have to be paid- for goods Issuer of Miu'riaxe Licenses. Asroat Kbaey to I^oaa or Bprro'w. , Affoat Moat real 5eleffraja Oo! J3elts Oollectei on Oommlsaion; Aaaaeaoral Agent, 850., &o. Parties intrusting their, business with me will be'satisfacto.rily dealt with. Office at the Post Office, Acton. CEDAR RAILS AND POSTS rou bam.-' ' A large- ^naatity on ' band, on my premises, Lot No. 32, 2d line Esquesine, ' -1 JOSEPH FEARNLET. Eseiuesing, Dec. 23| 1876.'. 26-4t !_ fe YE &-X- Begs leave to inform the putlip g.enerally'tba!rrne is'prepared i v THE 1 folks, and also-a beautiful tal, suitable for "-. My stock' l Mi art fe*::'--.y 'o^l strong J in g on J cinie, ftnt wd V^l uAlex their greatest beairty iB^theirdteapMj^u^pJ: :.:'- :T'-r-fe**?M^feiv may1 rely ori getting their goods &*$, CROOKERm AND* GLASSY -^7-- goods in tibis lme--at.prtop| - During tbe- Holidays .1 will sell _ . . co npetitiofi^as'hiy prese'nt'large stock must be'oleared out niijgnltie New^Year tc-make room for a. new aioefc."" S3PI3 oi-A-i^riEr^i r Fresh Oysters, Finnan Haddes, Foik'and Bologna Sai Bl jaters, io , always on hand. Call and examine the goods ;J "): Jgjr Please note theaddreip.: ; December 19,1876. and prices before; purchasing ^^f' GEO* Sausage>;X^irp 'Past[' (M^'w^-W: Ae *.< . ':-'S^i .fiew ; = 0 a *rJ

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