Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1876, page 2

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i -^ -. J B#I I1 THE FREE : Froui the Aberdeen Journal. J THE LAMPLIGHTER, OR, THR . . , Foundling of Christmas Morn. which enters bis heart is almost too much for hiiu to bear. J> My son ! Kenneth,is alive, did yon Bay!" broke from the old gen tleman's lips, as. he grasj>ed the baud of hia young visitor. "Bless you for the .tidings bless ! Tliis It is uow Christmas; '" Eve. f is indeed a joyful Christmas to me I" Mother Gray bas goiie out to make j.Tours ofjoy rolled Uowa the cheeks her-Christmas purchases. Roland ISray' is alone, vFrony the small, thinly clad hoy of ten years ago be has grown into the tall, handsome well, dressed young man of twenty- one.1 l^ia home looks comfortable, and every thing, around him haa a vell-to-do appearance. What a lucky event foiliim was the taking home of that leg of tuuttcm to Cavendish Sqniuv.! .airs. Chovey did not forgthim and on boxirig- day presented him with a aituatipn Ju ber busbaud'h office as message boy. Mr. Chovey, tbe stock brokgj,fa kind good hearted wan, soon- diS; covered tbe many good qualities of his'office boy, and in due . time Step after step Roland rose, until be is now the most valuable clerk in the joffice; and Mr.. Chovey " vrould no more think .of pai ting with him than of buying up the National Debt. Roland Gray bus a;goOd salary, and bis old grands mother needs not to dress a; shirt .now, only she" persists in |doing those dp of her grandson to'. keep ber hand iu, as she saysL They have removed froiu the third floor Ja HuckV Court long ago, and have 'now a nent airy cottage to them selves in a neat airy street, .: "But Rolacd GrWy is not a strarr-- ger in Hack's Court, for many an. -evening he spends'^n the garret room "of. ibis old-freind,Colin Crisp, and many'jwpJionr jhe has' spent there in _ teaching Nelly.Ther leksohs. Nelly is a groat Sivorite with hiui, and a >f tbe gludeued father. A Sad CASK.-^-The sequel to a ruined life, says the Expositor, was enacted at the Police Court, Brant- ford, the other morning.' In tbe. duck appeared Andrew Pen-in, one of' Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for tbe County of Brant, to answer a oharge of" drunk und disorderly," and Mr." "Weyaja inflicted the apparently severe sentence of $50 fine, or six months in gaol. Pi isouer was committed: A few years since Perrin was one of ibo most active of our. business mei h member of a firm doing a large and lucrative trade, .but for raised:him to the position of a clerk, the past few years ha baa become so debased' by spirituous liquors as to become a nuisance to society. His. wife and! children have been driven from home, and the property he once possessed is either dissipat ed or deeply embarrassed. Such is life. !- constant visitor at his neat Mr. AV. Barlier, assistant Ac countant of the Bank of Montreal^ T-oronto, has defaulted to a large amount supposed to be over $100,- 0O0. He has beeti' in the bank some 10 years, and has of Ijste heen living extravagantly. On Saturday the manager, Mr. Yarker, called on Barber to produce"the securities, principally debentures, of which be was keeper^ whe;i he confessed that be hjtd disposed of them. He was taken to Montreal on Saturday -night by Mr. Crouibia, aoHoltor of tbe bank, and there acknowledged Watches, PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, 0NT DECEMBER Clocks and Jewelery. JUST ARRIVKD, JtJST ARRIVED. A Good Assortment Studs, Cuff Buttons, I Lockets, Chains, FttUOy Gold Hi ig, Gold Droj i Brooches, ' ':: [ S6U, JUST OPENED. Call December 19, 3876. Black Sets, Separate Brooches, Drops,L I Black Locket**, Y~J Pearlatjlt., Necklace* I Toy Watches, Eta,, of all kinds, ete,, etc. JUST OPENED, and See Them. GEORGE HYNDS, Watchmaker, Post Office Store, Acton. THE ^^oistli cottage, ifhati very night he is taa series of embezzlements am going U>. spend his Ohri'atuias eve . :with- Crisp, Carroll-: and' Co., in Hack a Court. He would not miss the lamplighter's great annual treat for something. -i , . A loud knocking was -heard at tbe door. To tb^ surprise of Rol and, it was a" rough-sun-tanned sailor, who'bad newly arrived from Calcutta, and who brought -a.parcel from Kenneth Beaton to him. . The paroel contained presents for him and bis grandmother, and a . pair of ear-rin^s rolled up in a 6 ;note, for little Nelly as a Christmas -^present. There was a letter toOj the oontahti. of, which Roland eagerly devourj^LJ Kenneth, after detailing hia^r good ^fortune and success at aea;'And bow he'had be come second in. command of a large ' vessel in tbe Indian and Australian ouriting to upwards of $100,000, The money was principally sunk in stock speculations. - Barber was banded oyer to the police authori ties. Tbe Government have appointed Hon. John Young, of Montreal, as the Canadian Commissioner to the Sydney exhibition next: year. . Mr, Young will represent the country ably. His secretary 'will probably bn Mr. E. A. Perrault, who efficient- .d; ar post . at the fe ly tilled a Centennial. The Commissioner 'is expected to leayoifor the Antipodes next month. All kinds of cakes iced and ornamented at Galloway Bros.' Bakery. Special LNDCi'EstKSTS. Parties or. during. one dozen photographs during . j- . ,i- ... -ii . , , ,. tub mouth will receive a choice pair of trade, told 4jf his bavmg^learnoil of jthronios. tVW, Hill, the return of hia father to Scotland, \ and begged of" Roland to. visi J . ~Fort S?1 temRCB," "nd * Rdlbr-eTtndgive the father tidings J buM g to ^"^ *"") ^'^ . of his runaway and now repentant Just arrived a lot, of Christ- Son. He .will make you heartih I ** f**8- "^eluding. Gento' Mottoed _.-i t,^t_ j il^untachB Cap and Saucers, Ladies' welcome, I can assure you, Roland, Mottoed Cops and Saucers, Children's the letter went on, and after brhife Mottoed Cnps and Saucera, Albums, ipg Bflii Bell under his friend's! Faucy Note Paper and Knvelopss, --- - ------- ' Christmas Cards,' &e U to beiold ;ruo Philantropist ? 0 00 ft 4 -a S v cs 03 0 " H B 0 > T3 e V w Si 0 0 The merchant who [provides the best goods at the cheapest value for his customers, Begs leave to inform the j ublio generally that be is prepared duriog THE notice, 4dded : Tell Ella Bell [ have nut forgot ber. She used' to be very_fond of [me, you know. I am " anxious to know all about, my old JZpIaymate. fr .' Although the lamplighter's' hum ble garret was but a humlle place, notwithstanding the bunches of hol ly1-and sprigs of mistletoe; berries which bedecked its walls,_ hot to speak of the customary rushlights which burnt in the midst of ivy 1*51 ves in the window, arid not to be . ni 'all oompared . with the grand j drawing-room in the Wjt End, yet, it contained a happier* party that Chriutmaa E-tbaa the fahionable assembly in Mr. Seaton's on the night before. Mr. Carroll was in i excellent voice, and made speeches of which the House of.Commons , ne'ver beard the like. Colin-XJrisp was in raptures, and sang comic tfougs without end ; he went so far as to declare he was the happiest was in all London, and offered to bet upouit.-a. Little Nelly enjoyed herself too. So did Roland Gray. Every one did. .^Christmas morning, Nelly Crisp $s~up eatly, her cheerful song awak ening tbe drowsy lamplighter from i bis deep sleep.; _ She was going to dine at Mother Grey's that day, and -fche was in happy spirits, -putting' uu her stockings she felt something- the toe of them. What if. the fairies had been here through - ' (.be night ? she said to herself. < Let I me see. A piece of paper why it cheap at J. C. Hlli'a Christmas cakes, lunch cakes, pound takes, fruit cakes, sponge cakes, etc-,, etc., at Galloway Bros.'Bak kery. flour ...... '.. $2 SO to? 75 White Wheat ,. I 10 to 0 {20 Spring Wheat, Glasgow .. 1 10 to 1 17 Jew Spring Wheat ; 1 00 to 1 10 ^Barley .,. .. .. 0 60 to 0 60 "OaU ... .. ... 0 38 to 0 *X) Peas ..... .. 0 65to0 68 Potatoes, per Bag ,.. 0 00 to 0'75 YEMEN HOLIDAYS to make great sacrifices for c ish on all kinds of goods. My stock-is uow complete In toys for tbe lit la folks, and also a beauUlul assortment of goods, useful as well as ornai lentul, suitable for s as* o ** Ed w o: b sir ill! 5288 qOOO C O O O gbbh 8 2 3 3 3 3. II 2 r* CHRISTMAS PRESENTS . For both old and young, bit their greatest beauty is their ehfespnesa. ' ' i . " " In this line my customer i may rely on getting tbelr goods fresh and good, as I have purchased selling them at prices tbad been in stock for several moi itha, CROCKERY hem all -within tbe past two weeks, and am would have to be paid for goods that bare / AND GLASSWARE. Baring the Holidays I Will sell goods in this line at prices that dafy competition, as iny present I >rge a took must be cleared out by tL* begin ning of tbe New Year to mak > room for a new stock Fresh Oysters, Finnan Had lies, Pork and Bologna Sausage, Yarmontb Bloaters, 4o, always op band. Efm' Cocoa. GsATznri, axd Com-i fortko, of the natnral laws which govern the operations of digestion, and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Bpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It ib by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strongenough to reslst'every tendency' to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro-' perly nourished frame. " Civil Service' Gazette. Sold only in .packets labeled "James Ehps 4 Co., Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Threadneedle Street, and' J 70, Piccadilly, London.-" ' -----.-^ Hi m I -< The Oldest and Best Restorer is Foand in using it. Wood's Improved Ualr KestoraUve 4s. aullke any ox'tier, and has no equal. The Improved lias new vcgetnble tonio properties; rnioresg-nsy linlr toaglospy natorslcblor; r.jstoi*e* faded, dry, barsb undfalling b.-tlrj restore*, dresses, gives vis<>r to Mt ii^ilr j restores hair U> prema turely bald he<ls| removes dmdruff, hn- mor>, scaly eruptions| removes Irrlla ilon, ltobing and oaly dryness, No rtloJe produces uch wonderful effects j^ry \p, oaJl for y/ocxi't Improved Hair .Call and examine tbe good i apd prices before pu 10" Please note the addre , December 19, 1876. OUR WINTER rouasing elsewhere. CEO. YEMEN, ,..-.- | Poi Ofl^ce(Store, Acton, I 0 05 s 4) * a v . o O ; ii . 1 s a; iCtt to a m 1 o I as - '.: ; ' Uii i-r-h;. sg : : t [i-: - - *" 9 O 9 3 c to .21 8 8 : ': : 33 : : ! a 9 m eo'5,'5, i c a 838 sss S8S 7 a . * : 2 tK : :'E : 4?gB?gj|t^^ci J2! > i ? S-sj .a- B a a s a aie c * ^ * a * oft :8|gg " .F3 es Jiajiil lil|i.t__ 3 aS,9 go O o S. ~ * * -3 - r- ja * ^*** ~ I-* ^Sf j U'l'tg u t. U t. L, "J" 9 8 S E S <<^as o a s^a o o o I 2 E 1 :f: : f 8 :1L : jp : 2 : : I . * : : ', tC" ** . . I .Sill 3 s a; a .o :.2w 28, [1876. I I a H of 1 <0 - i \.' THE ]SrEW.;BOMiNj(M!r fcOPT AND ) SHOE! ilOfiS KENNLY & II i:. fill J? - ^ r* L5* J* C o O .. 3 -x . - i eoeo ' g.a.BB u a a Sl*^S| . o 5 o ? o i. : :S*o>o * ;: : :*o o o o a o . a 3 S 3 a a : a &-&S 3.2* ~v to eo t 5. ta 3-b a c a <*= a a ass I'-O 5>>><< c i3 S = * = S S a X) a .3 Wall ^ b *BS A"? rrr a o a e . . . bs B :b2 2- i;^ 3 -a .3 o a aj S2 a .2 j *! a s <M < 1 g 00 0 S 'a- 4'- ,3- o tt'f o i Have jut.received their FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND ,Th 8st that ever'came into Aeon, for Price, Style and =^ ".. ~ OUR CUSTOM Will receive careful attention, and all work-guaranteed to giro **~ Bepalrlug Done Neatly.-ia ' Dcjn't forget tbe place 1 ' : Main Stareot IText-Bpor to Asratv'i SettLi iati*aajics> Actoi, 8ep<; 19, 1876, KBSNEy &gQtff FOB ._ ;(:S:tiil/ah g)heaper fi-lAN;Jgifti Litre sto-i^rd %Sa-( Olas^ol Street eiJor_ 1TSW .3 ' J*" -3 *> 3 -<*- -a 00 t., f <.' u u - : J> a O) "3.23 3 S.IS5-9 . a = m~^3c? t. 0.0 a 5<^ lipii i 4lil 11 tS *H.K : : s s a : a 2 P so a* 2 0> o J*' o ..' "Q an/other art iole. Hold by al drogf.sjs In tbls place and dealers everywhere. Trade snppllfd at maHifaetureiV prices by C. k, Conx A Co, UhlOAKO) Sole JAssbts Jar tbe United States and Canada*, and by LrsAS Bbos, a Co., Toronto. ' ' Via a banknote! and oh, such ear' "' How pi-Kid she van waa to show them to the lamplighter. Colin Orisp was amazed, to all appeaf- ^nee, and deelared the good fairies -4a4<tnrtain|v gone and done it. But Bestorative, and dpn/t be put off with tor all that be knew better; be had been the fairy himself, instructed by Roland Gray on the previous ij^eajng, '" -:' 'The aeoret, was, however, fully divulged at the Christmas dinner of ^fother. Gray, when Roland read glie letter of Kenneth: Seaton. _ "Oh, fatberl that must have been Kenneth's fattier1 where we got the half sovereign. Tbe kind lady is Ella Bell. I am aureo/it," e^alaim- ^d Nelly, on bearing.the letter read, " << Bless me ! I shouldn-'t wonder ,ft it in after all, J aajd 9r"* the pmej}.' ' '. ... ' Jt is nor late in tbe afternoons /|*bo Xondon residence of Mr.Seia- ton bViiveVj(tb oujsy servant. pW. ; uaring foi the Obristmas dinner.. ' ' ' I^htnd Gray is shown' intjo tji* jjibrary, where Mr, Seaton ajts alone, ~u exphdns his business, .".Mr, Sea- >u starts from his chair; the joy XT-ICVS Illnstrated Priced T CATALOCHE. < . : Iflfty pneeii 400 litnstratlons, with de- serlption* or thoesands of tbe best flowers and vegetable* lh I be worldV and' thh "Way to-ijrow tliem -*U trr a- Two Ozirr postage stamp, Printed in Grrmui and jSnrlLfc, Vica'S Pl/>RAL GUrpK, QUABTEBLT, 26 oonts a year Vimc'* KiowBB *m> Veoctapuc Oab- dejc, BOoenn i) paien In elegant cloth cover*. *U*>- -."" Addyeaa. Jamks Vick. Rochester, ff.Y. yriGK'B FJ^ORAI, GUIDE A beaoUrdl traced, and Plover Pli . .. r"rie onlyi > *nnu for the'rear -Aral ivo- m- 1877 jort iMaed la' and Bnglfi?i. "" A tsaotlral Qnaifrly Journal finely HJns- trated* and contujnlne an #leant oolor<Kj Plover Plata with. he first namtoer. '....." iir. The Merman VlckV frlowr and Vetal?le Garden, In paper K cents, With elegant elotb cover, SI .TO " ' - rv(i>k'sOaU)nsae.S00 lllartraMons only 3-cont*. - - Addrens '" JMimyifK, Rochester, K, y. IS NOW COMPLETE. SECORD BROS. Have laid in a maramoth Stock of everything Rich, Rare, Useful and and Beautiful, in GROGERlfes, GHjNA, \ Glassware, HarrJwar^, &c. CHINA DEPARTMENT- Genu'Mottoed Mustache Cups and Saucers, Ladies* Mottoed Cups and Saucers, ..."' Children's Mottoed Cups and Saucers, Glaia and China Mugs, mottoed, all colors. Lumber, land Singles- > The undersigned have for their mills in Acton a large quantity of all kinds if; PIHE AND HEMLOCK-LUMBER, Pino Shingles sad Lath. Shingles of the.'best quality for only. t SU85 per square. CHIMING MAOH1NK;. We [have just -introduced a new Gumming "Machine, and are prepared to-gum Drag or Croas-cut Saws. BtROWN k HALL, Aoton, Deci 12, 1876. ; ' 24-3m - A good *a*ojrtn ent in all the leading lines rof Pelt &oods7 C vorslioes, Hub^ers, Cliildrsa's l^oots ajid SHoes, vie. PRICES CJJT VJEItY LOW FOR GASH Sepalrtng; Proni ptly Attended to Aflton, Deo. 5,;i Sis ^p: BE .SURE'TO CALL AND EXAMINE THOSE Centennial Check Suitings, I.Bast End m0 ;CrE#Sl ,". ! In gre^t variety Acton, October Sf, 187^, as psnal. CEAINE&BOK AT TllE Clothing Store. from m to 9*.5f per Salt, j Flower Vases, Glass Pitchers, Goblets, Tumblers, Pi6kle Jars, Wine Glasses, Glass Sets, Stone and China Tea Sete, Lampi*, Lanterns, ;'.! . Everything Preserve Dishes,'. Celery Glasses, . AND SLEIGHS. r FANCY DBES3 00098 Stylish and Cheap. N|BW BLACK LUSTRES, Extra valae. . NEV7 yYINCEyg, 23 per cent tsss than last year's prices; White, Scarlet, Grey and Fancy FLANNEP- '""*'. 'i ' Coarse TWEEI)3 and ETOFFS. i Hollands, Table LinenSj Tpwils, ToTfeBirig?- ' -...' Factory and Bb-achedCC'JTONS. ; Hosiery, Gloves, Crochet and KaiUJn'gGaill*'f. ^ --- LadmV and Gent's Coitars, and Tiei. ,|. 4 ,.' s, Ribbons,4a, toil A Fine Stock of Eat;5 and Caps in all the latest English and American Styles. Alsi[a >ery good . 1 : /Stock of <Gren^ral Gr. ceries, Crocldery & Glasswl] " ,-*-.-.-y If yen wlsli to Save Jfoney, don't : 'ail to jean Jat " G. M.. SOOTHS j . Next door to Galloway Bros;' .Bak< ry, Mill Street, Actoa. AbtoU, Sept.:20tU, 187o. { [J % Grand j : AND :[' TuitilWiiigi Stylish or SEW- duni" 'MM. Patent' (at prtnfl ctlon let >* >. ^.^ V PoAthel ton: UjJ Omee, i Roekwo tfflu . :-.i- Terrible Ss Sick Cups and Feeders { Now is the time to leave,your order. At J. Ryder's Factory for a ' Cotter or Serviceable Sleigb. "- I am making up a large stock for tha coming season, from the best material.. -,"} . Call and See our Handsome Cutttrs. "!.-' ".I'-! :'. ,My present stockiof BUGGIES AND WAGONS will bo sold off very cheap." Now is a good time to secure bargans.j - . ;p Strict attention given to Sorse-Shoslat? fc-CraaeralBUek- ;\\'-\[ imlthlog. I " JAMES RYDER. Acton, Sept. 27, 1876. :> ' C00D SOLD AT AM I Must be'ClearecI ! U'O?" ' rV GEOG in Granite "Ware, Everything beautiful in endless variety. IrillRIimS. Canned PeMhesl|Plams^Gooseblrrieg,Bltiokbem Preserves, Jams, Jellies; Pickles, Lobsters, Salmon, I SardineB, Clamsj Oysters, Frutts,| Raisins, Co^rants, Figs, Nuts, Biscuits, Confectionery and Honey. The Largest and Cheapest Ateck. of,T<a* ever\brough? . " ! ;"" into Acton. " ToW^ooa, ftioe, Joarley, Corn Starch, Rioe Flour, Soaps, Ac, Hardwsrje, Cuttlery, Spoons, Paints, Oils, &el Aptw; .|f oy, W, )$& rf ssgoMBRos, We^ don't want to carry [ J^j-ij stock into the new storei W""'* nearly con)pJatecL'.;]i'.'V', l- : -' PRESS GOODS, ' "'! MILLTNKBTii fiPoi WOOLEN CrOpP^f - "i'V STiflPI 1 Must;.li; fee ssW'ia*^ UVERY& SALE STABLE Jt'">.;\Ali'LAlf" \--:- 'n Takes pleasure1^^In announcing to the nubile snerally that h U jwepa*ed to - ." . j . "Turnlsh _- . ., ..,- . , Tlrst-olsas ^rses and ^Osjarligas I".." -"' 'j iAJMlUMtta*|Ja<es^ His JRtgaWflToraes are tbe Met .that eauWn*d,aotfnrls determined n* to ie surpaase 1 by tpUy HtaWe*- -) ^Ae* Jalfipi.Mh Low Prtces, ^ Pia nwtjj prompt MUtoiJ Bargains for BARGAINS FOR TQi.-U% fe BARGAINS *ORJW^ft 1 bargains *mmmOnr Millinery fs f ^ -..- ,.,,._- allnt J tbir DMsitfS^sHJ ^ranti faw. tbe; sja|(Wi: patterns and oblorar A large stoek bi \: Dry Goods & Crsatlemss's :";:"K6^Sd^s* JeweleTy, Brdocihde. D. McMAia^, CaU a*i" tie* SftlVl af**l V .ill ;ai" ^^ *#i&i

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