Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1876, page 1

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m N <*%." MUm^O, I 1 u fcSON B5 & Co.^ NEWr^IWERTISEMENTS; rpo KREEDERS. Tho young Relrkshiro Roar " Wel lington Chief, Vbricd by (leo. Rudd, of Guolph, has ht-eiiipurchoscd bo >hu and fill Wkept for service oiiiny premises adjoining this village. This animal is from imported stock with first-class pedigree. Terms SI.00, to bo paid at time of service. O.-S. SMITH. 18. 1S70. 25-tf Acton, Dc -pSTRAY " Came' on to STEER. ER This Week offer Decided Bargains in Season able Goods::. - Men's Overcoats froiy6'5.00 up. ' 3fei}*s Shirts and Drawers from 5t)e.up. Men's Stoga Boots from $2 00;up. ladies* Fur Sets from $3.00 up. , Ladies'Dress Goods from 12i,c up. . ' blankets, white, per pair from $3.1)0 up. I Blankets, #rev, per pair from $1/75 up. - l| the premises of tho sub scriber. Lot No. 23, 6th con. Esquesing, about the'1st of October last, a Dark Red Steer, rising three years old. The owner iB requested to prove property, pay charges iid take jtho animal away. ^ ' \VM. SCOTT ! 21-3t TICK TO DEBTORS. N All parties indebted, tothe undersign ed either b} note or book :aeoount arc requested to niako immediate settle ment, and greatly oblige. BROWN k HALL. ActoBrDee. 12, 1870. r 24-3t special notice. ............ f JOS. H.HAOKINQ EDITOR MAURIKI) On C iristinas day, at the rcsidciicb of tho brii oSi mother, near Crewsop's Cor ners, by Rev. ft. W. Calvert, Mr. Wk Eaton t allies Klizabotli Stewart, llt:i>, NoarhActpn, on the 24th irrat., the infant jlaughter of Mr. A. StaUffcr, .Near Acton,' on tho 21st i'nst., Mr. Robert Arthurs, aged 21 years and'ft monthtj a Very quninti nces, who mourn'tho losii vt au -ustiinal lie young man At 0 eorgetown, on Sunday, tjio 17th inst., liter severo suffering of: cancer; which iho boro with ChristiaupatieucD, ' Maria Maw, the bolovud wife of Joj'cph Barber, Esq., aged 22 years, 7 mohtni and 17 day.1), Wo trust our feadei'B will accept-|thiB .Christmas half-sheet with its good! a. gruco n they arc uhlo to assume."" Printers, you: , Hisfuncralwas "attended by p know requirean occasional holi- large numbers of friends and nc- , ' --, " ' ' ' ' day, as well as the rest of irmnkind. JOS. H.HAOKINq EDITOR TnuiUDAY MoRMrKn, Deo. 28, U876. NE ,V A1) V iUtTISEMENTS. _s- ingPbttan Tte~^ te.;jftc. - ' 3 Winceys, extra value. JU.L ]W00l FACTORY FLANNEL, - Extra heavy. A new lot cheaper tlrnn ever. ii$sware I at:.'-.-. :'s Actonj Ladies' Clouds in grsat varaty and very cheap. Acton FIK>M THE Carriage Shop All psrtiis.'indebted to the mider- sigiied arc -larnestly requested to pay up on or before the 1st day of January All accounts not then paid will- be handed ovei to tliv Clerk "of the Divia- L ~ --tion, without respect ion Court fo to persona. Acton, Die.: 12, JAS. CLERK collec JAMES tJVDKR. 1S7(:. 24-3t jyjtXIOP.V.L ELECTION, 1877. To tie Electors of Acton Having heretofore positively refused the no uinatioii for Councillor foij several reasons, I have consented to stand, my nominhtioii. thin j:y!tr, and most respect, fully t olicit you 4 vote and influence. Jas. Matthews. ACTON, 4TH County or Co'aToyarcor, DIVISION COURT, HaLTuK. M ~\,T\ 1XICIPAL ELECTION, 1877. To t ae Electors .of Acton. : Yc speet D ur vote and influenco 'ully-solicited For D. Christie, AS COUNCILLOR. . ILMCIS'AL ELECTION', 1877. Comsat ssiorer -la Q. B. I- MizEXjXinsrEE.^sr In imnieriM variety, in all the.leading styles arid tolors-cheap. fancy prices for Millinery. Ladies, remember this. No I0DS. l .the n*w >ds int >at, whloS^ Panada stj-firieeri' ktigck ot f]. brown*, ilaclcLd*- aoera, tea. Geati* Wool Featii- .Li*k^ trails iM r<ob. ^ -JT-r \"V- ll'~ the, Jjadies' Mantles in Stock and Made %o. Order. FULL CLOTH AND HEAVY CANADIAN TWEEDS At Decided Bargains. GREY -AND SCARLET FLANNELS, In great variety. .- '" CAPS FOR ME^, ^ -'"';'. J , . . , AKD GAPS FOR B0S Yoa en rely on Saying Money byjbuyirig your Wintar Goods from CHRISrTlK HENDERSON $ GO. Fito lasurireo Agent,- Lifo lasaraaco Asoat, Issuer of Marriase Licenses. Asont Sloaoy to Loan or Sorrow. Asroat Msatxcal Tolfi^xapi. Co. O.o'bts Colicctoi on Coamissloa. Aal General Agent, Sec, &c. Parties intrusting their bnsiric*3 witli me will be satisfactorily dealt with. ' Office t the Post Office, Acton. Acton, Dec. G; 1876. Electors of Acton. Y ipeel c iiir vote iid inlluonco ' fully requested for . ! Charles Cameron is! prepared to: pay the Highest Markdt Price for 50 tons of. Good Pork. ' Call and'see him at the Old Stand on^Maiu' street. * >l Acton, N.oy. 3eth;'187.; / : 22-3m . B. SMITH- A3 COUNCILLOR. .. i IXLAtJ'E OP ACTO.V i ' '.I MtiNIC.PAL ELECTION, 1877. Tb the Municipal Electors. | "Yoiir 'vote and influence lire re spectfully-solicited for iDj. ! Henderson, as cotjn'cillqb. " . Y1LL AGE OF."ACT6N. E^PNSCIPAL ELECTION, jiliihlciphl ElectiotiH. < - Tho prevailing opinion, lust week tlwt our present Reevo would, be unopposed for re-election, baa turn'- ed out to ,bp at fyult. Jit will be. seen in' the- list of' nominees that Mr. John P. Secord is a candidate for that office, in opposition to the Doctor, What-his chances are of success wo di.iro not undcrtalco to prophecy, thoughjwe hav^ no doubt his. personal popularity will insure him a very largo vote. His ser vices in tbo Council the past year, as chairman of the street and -side walk committee,, appear to have given general satisfaction, .and \v-e should be sorry to miss him from the board. He has. not had as much municipal experience as Dr. McGurvin, but he is an active, ener getic man of business, And perhaps quite us capable |of taking charge of-our municipal affairs, providing his own privato business will allow him to devote the necessary time and| -attention.- White . there was no special fault to-be. found with our present Reeve, it might hav; been a graceful net to have re elect ed him for another term without opposition; but as such has nut been, done, we Can only say, let the electors choose their favorite c;indiduto and do tlisir "utmost to elect him. Both aro good men. . TJlo Candidates for Councillors are nuuierous-^-no less than nine being nominated, of whom four are to be chosen. Those actually seek ing election are Messrs. D. D. Christie,.CVS. Smith, H.. J: Hall, James Matthews, Edw. Nicklin and D. Henderson and possibly Mr. Snyder. Messrs. Moore ngd Ryder are reported not in the field, though their names will appear on tho. ballot papers. ,; Messrs Henderson,- IIuH auit Matthews'" have not . yet been in theCouhcil,but they deserve a trial, and if elected, we feel sure they would each prove worthy of the confidence^. Messrs Christie, Smith and Nicfclin, have each served one year, and we know of no tangi ble reason why they should not be re-elected.-' Frim tho six' orjseyen candidates we can scarcely fail- to select four good and capable men for the .next Council. VILLAGE OF ACTON. Dr. McCrAiiviN -by E. Snyder, and R. Hamilton; John Pi Secohd Proposed by Itobt. Draine, and-D. Kennedy. ron councillors. D.: D. Proposod by R. HaniiLon, and D. Keiknedy. C. S. Smith Proposed by D. Gal loway, and E. Snyder. ; II. J. H^ ll Proposed Ry.R. Ham ilton, itnd D.. Galloway. Eli SNVDEn Proposed/ by C. S. Smith and Dr. McGurvin,; James Proposed by HenV) Yemenf and D. Galloway. Eowaud NicKtis Proposed, by D. K( nnedy, and R. Craine. Edward Hami Mdo.RE Proposed by R. ton, and H. J. Hall. James Ryder ^Proposed by P. S. Armsxong, and D. Kennedy. D. Hendebson- Proposed by H. Yemen, and P..S. Armstrong. Speeches of tke ('nndidafcK. Dr. Mc Garvin said that aa ho was nom inated fit at, he would have- to make tbo opening ' ipeech. He; had : taken every caro to f( ster the finances of the villago during the past year, and would give a summarj of accounts, as follows : Balance eceived from 1875.. . .$372 84 Taxes collected for 1875 Tax arre ara ...... ,......r. Tavern 1 iccngies ....:.'...', Interest 6u mortgage...... Intcrost on school loau".... Goyernn ent grant.......'. Statute '. abor tax, etc.. .. J. Clergy i sscrvc fund ..... p. 791 10 30 97 98 CO 32 96. Mixed Night* Express Night Express Mixed Day Express ' Mail ... ." Mixed .' I'. item which we had nothing to do with tliisyear at allv NoUvithstanilinjj Ibo amount of Work niccinrplished by us this-y-ear we have done it all with-^-Jiorningjjail iii burirbeans dnd have left nothing Day Expirees for the- next Council to pay on our Express ' account. I dp mot; think it quite fair for. the.Dr.- to refer to that as a dis crepancy, when it was actually a-debt incurred tho year previous, anda thing that th<? Council of -1875sis wholly responsible Tfor. . Ajgain ex-> pressiog his thanks' fori! the honor done him, he- ttutcd to'j have tie support of his fellow electors.. , : Mr. D. 1). Christie sincerely thank ed the electors for again having the- pleasure of being acandidatelin the field for municipal honors, 'riot'b.. cause there-is any hehefitj derived therefromj 'but becajiSe"1t shewed that the people appreciated his per- Vices last year.. ,(He then made a statement of the financial affair* of the yntage, somewbai similar to the one rhiide by the first speaker, and which] we will not repeat.) It had been s.tated to 'him that the Council would not pay fur the sidewalk to the Methodist;Church. He sajd he had been al'Council,meeting every night during the past year and bad not heard one word about it, but he thought the Council was willing to pay for- the sidewalk whenever the subject would" be brought up. He thought the approaches to all the,. churcheB should, be made at.the.ex pense of the-corporation. There had been some trouhie| about the ap proach to Hie Grai'd Trunk station.' We-did all we could about it, but had not the FhebPdbss. taken it up he was afraid that the sidewalk 'would never have (been .built; but now it was as good as completed as c;kjvi tkmvk time taki Trains.leave. Ae^on as follows :- OOIKO WEST. eonio bast. 9.1<1.a.m. l.CTp.m. '" 5.20 p.m. 7i30p.m. l!t'4a.m. 3:3$ a.m. . 9:l;}'n.m.' ll:3ia.m.: 5:2(1 p.m. 9:20 p.m. LOCAL MATTERS. your g^ 5Q . the planl^ wilt be here in a few days 123 00* 50 00 -iO 50. ; . : . 1COO 53 There vas paid'to public school in 1870 ,S9,10.08, out of moneys received from 18V5 and 1876 Independent of the tax now levied. Tho expenses for the year hajc been . Streets land sidewalks"'.,.'.____5361 35 Salaries.............'.- :....... 128 09 Printing and advertising '....<: 59 fi.r> Public tchools................. 91C 08 Cohtingneies ..L ...?.......;. 33 D8 Charitiebf.................... -07 87 S1507 32 Leavinp a balanco in thtS hands" of | the Treaaurir of 839.21. . This includeslthe municipal loan fund received in 1875 and which has riot been invest- > I this wa3 spent independent _of snow being collected, therefore juld be more money to expend! villago during thejtounng year. To Your vote nnd influence are re- spejlfuily solicited for,-. ; .! Horace J. Hall, AS COUNCILLOR. ".} c Remember xhat Famous 50c Tea; Whieh stUl maintains theMead against all competition. Don't fail to __; / -Becurea.5 or 10 lb. lot. ; jfirTerms Cnsh attd Small Fi;ofite.^; -/ OHRIS'TIS,^HSITPBRSON Sg CO, Acton, Nov. 14,18T6. riARETAKER WAKTED. Tenders will be received by f he Actonj School Board, up to the 1st day. of January next, for the position of Care- taker-ijf the Acton School. No' offer' 'acceptod unless otherwise satisfaetoryj to the Board. Tenders to be handed to the Secretary.: , H. J.HALL, Sec. , Actobi Dec. 6, 1S70. . Pork "Wanted, ' 5000 Dressed Hogs wanted weekly, for which the- Highest Cash Price will be paid. From $2,000 to 5,000 in casl to be paid out to farmers for Pork cverj week during December, at 1 SECORD BROS.' Store -:>-:";A^ DRUGS, DRUGS. >2n^Okiaa3&&, Tfra fituffir. Patent an.4 Proprietory Jtoiloinafl, ~ IfoMXWStXtia adtjj XlQVOajS for ISeiiclaal Purposes only. ; -3fl(M(i irarranted of the bet quality and at ten per cent below Toronto . .^Abm. ' - ..-.'-," -: - -. Don't foijget the place., ....... Medidi^jHell^lMili street^ Acton. HURRAH! HURRAI) -ron Tns BEST PHOTOGRAPHS in tie County, at Tao Oato^o"roYo"gTSB^;GalIy ..- ____;fr-rp the Electors. EIAR RAILS AMD POSTS roK'Baity- | * ,-"S. large quaiitity; 4)n BandiJ on.jtiy prdmises, Liot^'dt 82, 2d'H"no;Esftneiii!g, T JOSEPH FEAUNLEY.r :=<lu&ing,-.l>ec.,-,23,. J87C.-."- 20-4t l^rOTICE TOi)EBXORS. Uh' particcfndcjMcd*'?to. the under sirfu'e'd "arc'- c-n-iltstly'requested to eall an i settle their accounts on or before th : 30th ina't., without fail, and greatly oblige. GALLOWAY BROS. \cton, Dec. 18, 1870: 25-2t H A two-storey .toughcasfc:house, con lining eight rooms, is for rent. Apply 4 JAMES-BROWN. Acton, Dec. 12,1 1876. ' 244t For Beauty of Finish and Bril/h(n ' cj in Tone, they cannot b% surpassed nrViU* Q, X. ,0V? COPYING & ENLARGING Tn all its branchsjs, in the best styli the art, dons on the shortest notice apd at reaaonable rates. " ' Also a .splendid stock of Mbuldiiigs and Picture frames kept on hand., hnd made to order. A call is 'solicited and you will be convinced that, this is.the-pjace.te j;et. photographs. . *. C, W. HULL, . SPEYSIDE Sliingle; StaVe. Some of cuy Bifbscribevs havo responded qn.itti.hahdop\ely;\to <>Sr;call for-the payment-of the past year's, sub-1 j_i--v ^ . L -is sch'ption,. and", to'them otir sincere j._ ^56^19: 1?ggfi*Mi&&. how- NOMINATIONS. ESQUESING -TOWSrSHIP; ,; Reeve Win. Cla'y^ re-elected. let Deputy Reeve Wo. AlcEhery, John Warren, Geo. Wrigglesworth. 2nd Deputy Reeve J. S. Frazer, C. P. Preston. Councilloru Itobt. Brocelbank, Ninian Liiidsay, John H. Shortreed. E^AJ^A... r . ' ._ Reeve Johii: iSea^v reelected. Eor Deputy; Reeve Geo. Dufjield, Michael CiimulinB. For Council lors- . WrariircCa'rthy.'Ja's.^oiToi^'t^ and 1S76 ied. Al the taxi there w on tho than-bifore,-' The- assessment of the village for 1S76 is 150,175, and the rate for municipal purposes is five mills on the foliar, raising the-sum of 750.- 87. For the schools:the jatelis five and three-fiths mills, raising S1200. .Tie cliairmi.n of ..the- street ;and sidewalk, coinmitjtee would find a mistake of S33,- 50 iu his report, which* he explained. Had ,n > difficulty, a^ County Council only with .one 'thing, and thai Was the H. &'N; W.-Ra1lway debentures. They were hinded over to the-trustees oU the conditions that the company should pay the costs of tho suit, and that the county shouldi have the first chance tobuy-np the debentures. Tlio Warden. bought j 10,000 worth out of the 25.000.- Iu respect to the" county gaol, he thought the coUnty"svpuld.>lmve to build a new one, aa'^Mr/Langihutr had condemned the oh' one. But the Council think we have o ao ijiat answers all purposes and theref< re put it off fir' this year by p. pdiritii g a coniuiittee to wait; on Mr. Xjangn uir. If the county do not build thegai >1 the government Willi andcharie it to t le ctWnty. These were the. only two if ems'about which we lad injicih talk.' Mr. J. Speight wished to know what iad been done about the non-resi- cteiit-1 ind tax, and the Dr. said he had given orders to sell all the non-resident lands on which there were taxes in ar rears. Hoping to -represent; i you next- and ,wilL';.be piled jup to dry^untiL spring, when ^U it|will cosi;the"vil- lage will be alxut g25.or ?3& tocam- plete the side1 Salki to the statjion gr'ounds, Anpl her J good thing we did'was to give " Darky Dave" a free Centennial ride tot Niagara Falls, were he still rsmaius, and thus rid-- din^ the vi)lap< of what had been a burden ever sin ce Xefon had become iiiporporated. Am' very sorry. Mr. Hamilton is gc ing jto retire,1 as w have always Veen cb-wdrkers in the interest of the villajge.' Glad {o see that Acton is keeipins -her pine* .among the' villages,of. the county, and whether In the jCouncil or^out I shall dp all iW-t ay power to help her to keep that" p'ace. J . Mr.^. S. Sm ih said that 0" be was electetThe' won Id do all he could for the prosperity of Acton, arid than"ked the . electors : f 3r bleing elected last year. ' - '.-'.-. . Mr. Horace .". Hall said that when be came to tie room he^ad no ih tehlion to be< Cme a candidate, but a good many of his friends seemed anxious that lie should/and there fore be would hotJilisappoint them. ' 'Mr, -Snyder did riot seek municipal honors, but 1 ad been iisked many times to'become1 a candidate, and therefore if tie electors;-Saw fit to elect him, he would do "his best to keep Acton o It of debt. ' i Mesra. Jns, Maithews-, JK. Nicklin auaJas. Ryd r'were absent- Mr. E- Moore riot beipg abfe to qualtfy will not be a. candidate. Mr. B.'Henderson said he bad no for, tut ha-would talk hi whiclr. he had (Last winter he had a. committee to go be- sins toi. atone about orie: tllng been concern"sd'.--' | been' one on forfl the Boatd of School Trustees DickieHpn. t. ri^AX NOTICE. The Collector begs to notify all par ti s who have not yet paid thoir taxes, tl at'they must do so on or before Satur. di.y, the 30th inst. ' S.ZIMMERMAN, Collector. Acton, Dee. 19,; 1876. 25-2t OL'SE TO RENT. Don't forget to, deposit voW next Monday. There are- several important changes in the Grand Trunk timejtsble, A soiree and literary.enter-, . tainment is .announced" to be held in the Temperance Hall, under, th^ avs- pices of the, Acton Sons ofjr^mpBrance, . on New Yearr8| Day. Particuhire are given in posters'. { The entertainment on behalf? of the English Church Sabbath School, on Christmas. Day, was quite successful; and enjoyable. Proceeds about $34. Haltorj District Ixidge, ISo. 28 ,L. O..G. T., will meet at Gleu-Vyiiliams' -on Wednesday, January 3rd, 1877.:" Session commences at 10 .oc]ock"f A. M^, Election and) Installation of officars will take place at this meeting. ! -.-.. ' . - Two-lengthy coniumnicatiof.s from Nassagaweya are received ffUt he- fore going to press, oiie giving ajireport of a complimentary snpper :to Mr.' W. McTavish, and the, other of a presentav tion and address to Mr N. McPhatter, .' both of which we arecompelled to-holij over till next week. . .'-!'-.?' The Sabbath^ School Festiy*l in the basement of the Methodist, Church, last week, was very-largely-at- . tended and heartily enjoyed. After the refreshments w.ere disposed of, the com*, pany adjourned to the audience, room: where tbeV were entertained for a couple - of .hpurs with singing, recitations and. dialogues by tbe/:hil3rcn, and addressta by Rev^. Messrs;, Wilkinson aud~Auld. A most amusing feature, was the strip-; j>ing of an immenEe Christmas tree o its load of prfcsents. The.articles di._ trihuted were -mainly for the cliildrqiiy from their friends. But there Jwa's aiBii many valuable gifts' for,older people-^- the jiastor, amongst others, receiving- quite> large^ share. Pcrhapiohe of. the- most valuable artieles cut' from|,the tree was a handsome Russell gold watch labeled fdr W. H. Storey, Esq.; we have since learned that it was si presentx .from his'son |F,red, who purchased it at Hynds' jewelery store. pro-; ceeds of the entertauirusut wks about 70, which sum is ti> be^devdted to re plenishing the SabUatK-Schoblijlibraryi ' - DLsmlised. ' ? j The charge of forcibte entry' brought against Mr. ; Duncan ^Cennedyand' lflii father-in-lav?, before-the ^Ree^e of this' village, a feW months ago, and'trahsfei- red to the County^Conrt, was dis'mfssed last week by" the Jud^e, ^teirheariiliff the statements^pj the respective cbunseLv without iurfj^^txiall , ' ' and arrange ihein and thirura} part of: the seo. some i matters' between , tion, which I thmU was arranged so. as to. please everybody^' I was told last year.thal I should have run for a Counciltor instead of Reeve, apd always-b'elhB'-read;ywtd-acCedS tcrtb.D- wishts of,-thje -people,-1 have come out this ..year. ailj a candidate-for councillor. (Objections- were raised against md last yiear. because Christie and myself i ^ere.jboth"candidates for municipal h6nors, tnit Xfail to- see any tangible reaBpn why that should affect the vote, and if there; are :three;nien Thos. Waters, Henry Carter, a s Ree^.e f thi8 m^jiicipality. and,l present who can *pplauv:tlie reason td --------------------------- -^"* thanling^lbTtTeT^noroTagain- be- I tuel am wilhng_ tg= withdraw from the 'J ANT) SEADINQ MILLS. vAny p^rtiejf wliTrtJBg loTSell togive "us a^call."~We will al-:* ways'have cu;hand a good: supply,'of No. land No.':2 Shingles. 1 Beat quality ,N,p. 1 ^Shingles 1.75, par square.' : N"d.:2,'70(cunt'8'^er square.,. ,,- -i .": P. <fc PLSAYERS.-. Speyside, Dec. 13, 2876-. 24-fen ~ I NASSAGAWEYA. Re4ve John RamBey, re^elicted. Deputy Reeve James Me'nzies, re- electeili For Councillors -^Gjebrge NorfiBb, AVm. , Dredge, Cbliii Mc Phail^David Hutcheon,.R. Akins, Joshua Norrish, Hugh Akins. . -CERIN. >'./ Eo^ Reeve D."iVfcMillan, John' W. Burt. For Deputy Reeve Charles McMillan, D. McMurchy, Wm. Teeter. For Councillora^- Hobert Barbour, Dr. McNaughton,; Henry Pearin, R. Reid,: John Saun ders, iEd^aHTpUbn. _j , .- -'_ .. f;.!r!-'2V6yg?H: TOWN;!' - '-' For Mayor Geo. Howard and Fred.1 J. GJbjdwiok? r, jP^i; Raaye-=-p George Hood' and!' TJavid MctZ!rae.- For 1st Deputy Reeve Charles ;i?.itMij anftWifi; Hart.QFor 2d' Deputy Reeve Geo. Sleeman and Wm. Wilkie. : For 3.d Deputy p^eeve^Thomas --Savers ..and Ji P. "MacMillan.- "/'()> OAKvTIEIiE,- <)-..' s wpuldi I "' ir.yOT P.' A^ McDongall, elect- o will ai-^adiijjfciacclawation, - JEte.e\;ci.^rJ.'. Av Wiliiams and, W, H. Young- i lo Epr-, jteey^-?JQh,n-"Walcl)fr- and J. ;wi; Cotter- /tEor 'Counciillprfi-^4 Alex! JJuffis, Jus. Allen, Richard Colo.l'Tmictdeus Ghent; Geo- M^T son j- W RiclVardBeri, Cand' J"W. Douglass. ' pus'linch; : ' United, I. Will,'apow.'the next s^emTdei" to take^thif-floor.--*- *" ' Mrl J. P. Secord expressed his thanks, for b^ing nominated a(s a candidate for- the position of Reeve of this, municipal ity . ' I He thought that it was an inditia:. tion'ijihat His services hacTmet with.sbnie', meaaaro of approval ifrt>m the .people, i It ylfke almbdt preaurdption on nis.pirt to attempt 1 to measure swords jin frienldly contest witii j his friend Ijhe Dr.JJbut he _^ioughth;' nevertheless, thatffie was 1 going to, be Reevo for jail that| He tad not one word to say. against any member of the Council, and. hoped therel would he Itlie same gpod feeduig next year. Since I: am in. the field 1 intend to win, (and feel confident, from the support promised me. I think my chances are very flattering,; I i%d. iiQtldecidedito-jCbmeiSnti jtill-a fa-w mini ^t&j beforeHhe -Soirr'iMr norai^atton. ' The Dr. and I have always'been on tho( b^st of tercis,..and. if die .should win -I'll step-'* dowp -atid-outl'Lvery graciouslyj In i eference to expeuditures.of tho town 1, aSjChairmancf.street and sidew.alk 'cpj: {mitteeJwiHi^lve foW-'K'complete statement of all wows^acictfrnpiisli- ed during the year together lylthjth.e prices, paid by. us lor tl^ same, andl thiikth'er'e h rid'liiati'^ho williBay thi t the work has not been well done ami cheaply done. . iou will recbg' nis* the fact from myjRtatementit'hat we have endeavored to'get the 'roost 'po ^bTe^aTKTb^:wS^eH^po^iblb; money. ..[He, then. gavei a very full an'1 oomplete Btat'eihentLot-all works ^ oiompliBhed^and cost of ^.sarae-ic^- tli< J iyoar.| ". Owin-R (ftcv .-lheitinftyplcU ab ,e absence ' '6T Just cbliea'gd4,"LJit|. Hi mil ton,. much, jpf;. the_-;, work f e\fu j oh Hia-ahoulderii, ahd'eonsequent- lytrj cehsure'oi' prmse'.-was Very largely due to hlri. Witji relerenela . -Mr Yennbr, of Montreal, is bafc with ahocheY prbphqey,. pi'edicting another heavy snpw fall bejkire Ney Year'sDay/a cold snap in. fanakryi followed by a thaw, and a< old Bh*&, in "February. ."_..'- Thirteen chil^i-en lost tleir lives' on CbrUttuus nhjht during a fire iii a conyeht near JoUiette', Qlie.-__' Alt the. missing, childreu -at i Hndec fourteen j.e*i-a -of age. . . ' :;' The Grand Trunk authcritiaj dp not apprehend a, strike aa ong the- fully' prepared, it is stated, to, i jeet any euiergeijcy.: .66 .engine drivers .and TlVfirepen hav^e been disrmESed, ^an'd there lire stiltin the-C )inpa,-ny's employ., numbers of mat fully qnjalifiecl. fo/.positions wh .ch it ,uj not in : the -Conipany's power tia fe-- :- :: "v":- \jTie Milton Champion ^trgues in ai a - m,. favbr of re-establishing the Higb .Chri5TA8.-The: g^^j ^ lljat t(J^n It was:Bfcart. ^ays:--eim8t.nas d -n 1856 ttlld tloseda few vears- contest. Of: .couijse I; expect, to eleated. i - ' .1 Thomas Moore said that he had-heard that all- of: phe .old ^Council had-tie'ir names'down on sjpetition to Support: a .third tavern. in the- village-,- and he would likfe to know whethet the rumor wastrue. i-i ' ' [i i.i -.' Messrs. Secord, Smith, MeGarvvh and Christie all deriiejd any' kupivledge of such ^petition, . thlatL they had never seen"it. / thanks are due. There aro others, Wer, vho have paid.- no', more attentidn tbwus'tha11 if we were addressing the electors1 of Timbuctoo.'- Coihe in gen tlemen, and pay up. Deputy Reeve W-mv Nicol, felectfed.!'IFpr. Ceunfcllldra^-JAm.^s Vau'feeld.^n'gn" Codkfb^'.-ftobert 'Xittle-, D, McFarlane^ M. Sj)ruhan, AlexjStMMf/Ji/'Scoit"" ; ".! * A- -MoifDAif1. iLortdon' jI 'iin4&i Day&llst on a| Monday this year. If fell on iMbitday 1865, and oh' th7* t pcdision the following, !was unear' hed fjrom, it wig'stated; thb Harleiin M!?S., No. 2,252, folio. 1534; :' 'v'yA If Christ nas D if oh Mondky b'e," A p-eatS dnter that year youllsee,- Ahd full of win Is both loud and shrill, But ih tie sun tner truth't<i tell,; High wiv ds sha|Il there be, and strong, Fdll of tApipests, lasting long; While battles thay shall ntultrply,! - -Arid'great plenty of beasts1 shall die, They<*hit betborn'i J"u T ~----- They^hallbe'stroH, He shall be found : Thoi thoh b^siek., thou'aibst not. Thejyeir 18J56 was .th^, year, of ago. One gentleman hasiofferfed * bonus of $50 to aid in reirgaaawng the school.' : - : \': The DnKKiif A6t is P.^EL.-i-The _nal yetu'rirs of, theiVVotei taStea on, ,he Duiikin' AeiiuPeer donnty arel as follows :- Majorities against -the. Bill": Brainptoh, 13 ; ToppfiCol^S; Caledon;' 60 j '.'Chiiigdecbrtiy',-' 9T; JAlhibn, '98;,Streetsv.UW, 42:.To- roiito ' Township, '210. j'Mujdrity ror the -"feili ^Bolton, ^J" TJofel , ' -65^ ' L'-thRt.-dajTi Lween, jaiaidrity against the, "Act ig each one and kean ) i .-: that stealeth' aughS;- A clergy man-" who. hi t.he-Austi'q PrnssuttVjWarj a yeai-jof diaastroujj grtieA,;aud.a.vyeaf of .cattle plague;'ilAgauxl'n 1871 'QhristruaB .Day fell' hn a iMondny. The twelve- nwnth 'tdllowing'-.thkt; -d'fisf saw ua jw'ith.cuttle ^laguJi in thR:ii6rth tind' some .great r but- as to "battles?. Ve -ih'nst go- .back .a- 'mouths; (in, I$T 1 for7*b*- conflict 'to tlie discrepancy alluded'to by,thjB" ^h^helOomrnune. Wehave'now |TW., aIV.Lb*yjrto>a*j[sj;>hictvbis; ao=;:^ jtfbu^Ay 'Ofiris}tnias -for: a third ^Uot4e:wrn(^tuat-the!aff6ience of. t:me within^aidoz^n.years, some $48.10 alludjed; hinuwafifi .....' R bs'lanceior'delitWioh (he^ldlL-'Ain;- -,.{-^' ii; -^xy - ^^-fhe ci(of^S75'.in*clrr|o):anfwnifch)hei.%^ * "".....w"> - +ue sbiould not have' left( ovei1 for JDr^uiiditbf thia-yektito^yi ^ Wli8 aP An .-'rfSi v. ^ - -.'.'f^Vff Sieved in doing goodby stealth -* lu>( greuch-^ efi no,OSten*tttious ',' chan. sermon"': to Bhow hiB^^hswleratic u Ic^-.JLhef. poor, at the.expeuFeyGf otliersr : puggestti that uijthis' seunon of the! ^ear. would bef-.a Christiith-Iifce:act on $be part pf.<|hu..m.oie ivealthy to: eiVe"-^ tctngible 'proof that.they fprei .- indifiennt, the few : .poveity-o_d s^gevingo^t neit fdlow-: wohiin. _ $bw j^eoplejcan enter iptotb fteellngs t|?e-^ff^?* poor. Most pfl theui would court staj^tj^a^ibefiove,^ bej^ary.,'-&>,- iayeis nro ^rithin'a/ slibify, of" SteW,cjt-tto.w' bridge.; tracl:- distnnce dpnera:<)f ehai;^iyr-in. niHJlJjn^ .:. their gifts, 'should en^ea^^WAyp^lpiy- th'ing.-: WlsaferfX; r^i^.T^0- fuopr p^-idelof'tha.dewntjj^*: } fOOR CAf>i j^*t. Ur' sS*3* \" i.--! I- -t-' -A si

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