Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1876, page 4

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i- :.J-- , There'* a wonderfulftrco, a wonderful "- The happy childten rejoice ^oioc, \l coliniwFponfthrfforeitt'i flourish here; Oh! this* wonderful --tfcci'TAvitli its branches wide. - l_ Is always blooming t C'liristmas-tido, 'Tig not alone in tKp summer's sheen ; Its boughs are broad -ajiid its -leaves lire grceu J ' j j' ' It bloom* for as vh*u th wild winds -- '"' And earth i* Whit* with feathery snow; y Andr'tbii wonderful tree with, its 'J. branches wide," Sterwnyift for the ChrUtnia*.tide . *Tis~ll alight with its tapers' glow, Thatlla&b on the shinim; cyesvhalp.Wi AudTthc strange sweet fruit on each ^ilexj bowsh . i . -s ' Is all to be plucked by the gatherers now .""Oil":*h Wortderfiir trcse,--with its t9aoonM"wtrfct _ Wo bail it with joy at the Christmas-tide An^ a voiceis telling, its Ixmghs among, . Of the shepherds' watch and angels' song: Of a holy Babe in a riianger low, The hcautifnl stoory of long ago, W4ien- raJiaut star threw its beams so- . wide, " 'r - - To herald the earliest Chriatmas-tide. Then spread thy brwiches, wonderfgl - trec,^ .r.. : ^ntl-bru^g aom&d&inty gift towu, >-.-. And fill my heart wish a burning love To Uim who came from Hi* home above, - From His beautifuf honw with the . glorititd, To give us'the joya of the Christinas-' "tide, The Squire and liis Wife. The Squire had a friencl to visit * him, on business," and was -very much annoyed to beinterrupted by bis wifej Who came to ask hitn what he wanted for. dinner. -- '-. . "Go wy-! let u3-lone!" im patiently said the Squire. . ; '. ' \ Bnaness detained Ka friend un til dinner tinie,; and the - Squire urged bim to remain.' Tho Squire was a generous provider, proud of his table, and he complacently es corted hiririend-to a seat. A little to the surprise of ;hotb, they saw nothing on the boaird but a, huge " dish of letfucerwhioh the good -wife ;' began quietly" to dish up. "Mr: dear,"., said the Squire* " where are tlis meats 1" " Tiiere are-noue to-4y," replied bis lady. .,.,.. ' -_" . " No- meats ! What in the name .- . of poverty ! The vegetables then ! Why don't' you hare the Vegetables - brought in ' " You didn't order any vegeta bles." - ltOrder J. didn't order any thing," said the amazed Squire.' ~ "You forget," cooly answered . the housewife. " I asked what we -should have, and yon said '.lettttec alone.' , -. * ., -Vr The friend burst into a laugh, and the Squire, after looking lurid7 ' and lugubiibtw a' moiiierit^'joined; him. - '. - " Wife, X give it np. I owe-yoii. one. ' Here is tjhafcfiTty dollars yon -wanted for that carpet which. I de . j nied you^' The Squire forked oyer. ' I " Now, left's iwr peace anil some . i dinner."" j j ! " _. The good wotnarf pocketied the ' .[paper,-.-and ; rang^ the -bell, and h sumptubHa.-repast of fiih, pionltry and vegetsibles, was brought in. . - A few days afterwards, : the Spnire remained working in his . garden some tinje -after the usual ' - tea hour. HiSj-arife grew impatient- <eff delay, and went to find him. His -a^ciue, -whea ^asl^ed what 'he was .-waiting, for, "threV- beF ujWa flut ter of excitement, ." Sone one's to oome to supper," sbe exclaimed. ." Why didn't you. tell me.? -fl ' deofcire jon are the - urovokiogaBt jrian " ' . | . -^^And without asking which of"his friends was expected, she hastened to change' her .dpess and slick up her hair for1 "tlie, occasion.' This done, she oame out and found the ,' Bquiro seated at the table reading Ljs newspaper. ' -- ' Where's yoap company V. ' u- " My] company ! I haren[t"any ,-i|*oompjtny." -*' " pif "But you said yoa expeeted- j ' somebody tp supper," exclaimed the indignant wife,-- _;'^ ;" | "! "3fjf Uear^-T^aidno such thing. [ Yod aiked.-what I was. waiting for \ and I aaid summons to'Come tosup- ^that's -what I was waiting for, lay dear. And I.came at once." " And yoa have made; me go and ohange. my 4ress ? Ob, 111 n*y you y for this."--.-JJ..:t.i: V:? | ' i; "JNo matter about it, my! dear. !""-" lowed you oue, yoa t-emember Jbr ': tb*t lattuce." . ' AND Now is the i^nio to leave your order At$. Sydo^s Factory for a' , Stylish Vntl^r or Servtccnblo r Sleigh. f,-,-. i 1 am niaking up a large stock fcfr thr ooming season, iropi tjio best material. dill itml $ee-vitrIfHiki)nte Cutters. |. , " -- ." -i i My present Stock of BUGGIES AND WAGONS . . SviH be sold off very cheap. Xow is a good tiiuo to soenre hnrgaiiia. Striot attention given to Horsc>Sliooiwf & Oeaer&lBlaclc- JAMES RYDER. Aetou, Sept. 27, 1870. : itiTotly cash at tho timb of riervioe Blsjclc BobUil took a uruo attho Guolpl Central Exhibition-tliia year. Howa broil by^Jtoyal Briton, imported by John .SiialX . A yuung' Boar frbm tht Model Farm, will also bn'kopt for wt- \' ROBERT. SIMS,. . -I Lot No. SO, Cd con. Esfluos'ig. etobor23, 1870, l/7.2m J&.IT1 , ACTd?r; Mltot ebuNTy, ont., bIcbmbe^ G lELI'II ARMORY, ajfci.. JOHN KIRKHAM, GonsialUi, SHvcr-PIater, &c, io pijb red to Match's Block, Next door to Tyson's -Butcher Shop iS E, Books, . Stationery, Fancy Goods anil Wall Paper, V >To have no reason to complain ol du}i tjmBfor wo am busy aj} the time. Our trade is increasing every, 'month, because wo buy for cash, and 'sell foi Gfcand Slaught . Ann Tumbling IN er PRICES Otm WINTER STOCK . or NKW cash, and avoid loss by bad dbb<, ify- Stock is full "of Qoods and Toy# for children, and;.my low prices brings lots of; customers. Day has what you want and '-*"sel|s cheap. ; .' |. . . Wishes to inform the pijldio that he has rcinov AMMUNITION POS ALL B^EECP LOADING ASKS. Ely 4 KJ-norl-'s Cnrtrldge Coses and Caps for rv l.vaJing snipe. Ile-loa'tlers, Ke-capperK. Cnp \EJoctors, Curlers, aqd Cre.ieors.t Ieai'li-g Rods, |ind all articles ueres-si^ry for ir^p. rtsmsnV outlH. All sirttsior It pairing and Jobbing executed fin the shortest notice ot . Ouelp'h, ^pril 27, 1S76.; ; BE MILLINERY D. McNAIB'S. Terrible Saoriflce. ] GOODS S01D AT ANY fB)GE> Must be Cleared Out. IS NOW ^QIWPLETE. t A gooti assortment in jali tie leading -lines of k Felt &oods? Overshoes, Rubers, CMldron's Boots and Shoos, to. JUICES CXJT:lVBEY LOW FOR CASH, . ' k ' [ Bepnlrlne Promptly Attended to, as usnal. .."" .': -. CEAINE &SON. ? -. 11876. THE NEW POUlNION SOOT AKD SHOE STOiBi & SON ' Pave just received.their .. FALL mm OF BOOTS AND SH0K,J TJta Bast, that erer catte into Aofcon. for Price, Style and Qnoiitj-. - i our ous-roivi WORK ^Will receive careful attention, and all work guaranteed to. give jatifaioUoa , : W Itepairing Pone N?t?y. "?*'> J| Don't forget tho place ^ - aaalq Strost:, jtcagt Poor %9 AgneWa gotol- j - Aoton. 8ept, 19, 1876. ^ T ~ Acton, Deo. 5, 1676. Wb don't want tf> carry any of our J ! stock iuto the now store, which is _ . _:.',' I ! -, : - .- 0iy completed, . jt is wortbj any jper^ons while dress goods, siillinery; .! woolen goods, staple goods, r_'_'.. ;If J'ou find yonr cherished plants " frost-bitten some Of these cold inorn^ ^ings take tiem at once to a i cool, dark room/ (a. oellar ' is best) [set -them in.a'tub and^eprinklo freely wfth cold water. 'Let them; stand '45-bourK, and then whenyou bring thm to a-warm rtibm-, trim otf care fully and rigidly every stem and shoot that shows " by its helpless drooping that, it "is irredeemably frostbitten, if not too far gone, fresh growth, wiij ensue, ,Qar lady readarg will be pleased to learn that the fash ion -plates .fo* j^entleuiBa'sOhristujas slippersbIjow po ohanges from the styles of the: "^ fifty-yean^: - They^wjlt oonjfcLnue tWidisplay a" breed-of-dogs hiving iiia ears, cardinal red. eyes: and - bodies' tho"siae of a baloon. j LIVERY & SALE STABLE , j. p. ahm : Takes 'pTeasrire In annobneln^ to the public generally that he U prepared to : -. I. --I--' . -- First-cl&ss Horses aai Oarriasros - At Reasonable Bates. His Rigs and Horses are tho besf, that can br bad,and be is determined not to be surpassed bv any City Stablo. -Acton Julylst. 1875. AcTojr l"r" " T i^LANING MILLS; Pump, Sash, Door an?J Blind ;-. - Factory. THOMAS EBBAGE, I " ; ;f Manufacturer or' "Wiado^r Sash,. Doors, Venetian Bliads J, Mouldings, j And other BaiIuiBgBqulsi(es Also Maker. of ' no'BOTE&fsironos irowis FOR THE ^. ogppnsr I Must all be sold at astonishingly JjOW Prices. . BARGAINS FOR YOU, BARGAINS FOR YOU, BARGAINS FOR YOU, Bargains for Evjeiybocty. Onr Millinery is first class. All new and fashionable. Our Dress uoodi are just, what is wanted for the season. The latest pat Loins and polors. A large stock of Starile^and Funcy - Dry Goods^-oheap. . Ooatlemon'B Farnlsfcir? Goods ' . goo4 and cheap. Jewelery, Jeyvelery- ' Binffs, Brooches, Ohains, &c.' Also a good stock of QB0CEBIES. "at D. McNAIRS, ACTON. CaU and See bnr Goods and Prices. PRESS, Only; One Dollar r Prom Now to the 1st January, 1878. Lumber Planed and Dressed to orda ..: in the bast rnannar. S&~ All work guaranteed. . \cton, Jan.,187C. rrilfE OTTAWA F4EE PBE88 Daily and "WeeJdy^ . OAICY EDITION mailed Free of /osU - "aee to all Trts of the Dominion. tS.00 JNUM. AJ J|VI^- .iWEEK^y Rl-ITIOV? Bight pages, iSlxtj-tour W)lum"KCl<*ely Printed mat- ter. ' P&B &,HsfUi), Postage Sree. The only firfi-dass Journal published at '.- .'."' EarUnt Pollllcal In(<-IllSenee, M<et Telrsrapblc JTews. Spier Readable Artlales.; - Parties ds)rlng n newspaper irom'tbe n 'are renactad ^oinff Capital,.and ft Ijlvely^Sparfcllrig Housa. Tbo wifa of a blacksmith residr (ng on the B/unda* road,: OraD^e- I.- ville, eaye birth to triplets! (two boys^and f girl) last week, another t6.*Utt^Jui^ her Jfajesty for the usna^ b|ounty; payable io, sijoh oases, _i AnTeditor's chair is like a back 'tooth A. Beaytifiit Oil Chrome. Walled to ver.v Sflbssrlbei. of. tbo.WBEKtv Pbee Paess. - -O. W.-MITCHELL, proprietor. Ottawa, Ji0y. }7tb,;i7. Mffvpr ?*' . t.Him Mill Street. \CTO?f, OEAliEft fit- t :J Groewies, i Crockery. ! "Winds'w Blind,), " T< Nails, Glass, ; Unseed Oil] i ; '.I Paints, Tupentlne, Poal Oii. S*lt, eto., which win be sold All of fPntty, low for cash. BOPOte arid teoES gelling off at oast, Also agent for the RUBBER PAINT CbMPAN Y Of Cleveland, Olio. Catjh for Hides. Aetob, July 18, 1876..-' PBIOTIlf&of neatl;' and promptly exe all kinds ted at the 75JBB PEBSS O&lCti, Sext thp Post Offlte, Mill Slreet. -. .:-,.WB*a LADIES - ; . .,!. Save your Carpets and make your rooms ffrarm by get- .f ting the * ... - _ FELTING .For going below your carpets.1 - A-large and cheap stock at ANDERSONS CHEAP B00KT0RE i On tho East rida of Wyndham Street, j J GUELPH. >vhen in Giuelph m call and ^ee the I-'-' ' Immense Stoqk of O 1TB HE*. O O ATS 1J For Menoaii'il Boys, all uolors and prides, at Rutherford's Clothirig Establishment, SIGN iOF THE ELfiPHANT, ' { : '~ :"- No. 31 Lo-wor Wyadliam Street, Chielplt, *1 Noted for having the best assortment west of Toronto, anil at prices tho dofy pompotition. Come and see. ! '. __ ,'-" ' WIVS- RUTHERFORD &, CO. puelph, Hor.20, 1876. ! ; i. FOE BAB&AINS. ;.' ' ST'I-L.JL-'AH EJtip. CHEAPER miAN AT \&$/n **r* a - s#^- Si [ BE SURE TO CALL AND EXAMINfI THOSE ' I . ' " .":. " -" ; '" ! ' Ceatenaial Okeck Suitings, AT THE Bast bhing' Store. ilLSO GENTS' OTDERCLOTHING I^i great variety from $1 id 82.50 pjer Suit. DICKSON & McNAB. Acton, October 81, 1876. UNDERT AKIN C. BEMO >l R* OREEOK, JADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER, Sas removed one door. west of his" old itand, and. >b now prepared to turn out vork, which for 'i " - v: FATNESS, 0HHAPNE3S AKD annot be gnrpassed by any house -in theoonnty, ! harness of all Kinds i npplied on the shortest'jjdssible notice, i ad warran"ted to give" perfect fltisfaci- 'ion. -'< As ho is doing business principally on tihe Cash System,' he is prepared to sell - beaper than ever. Give' him a call and be odavincod'that Ijhis is the ri/jht place; i: , ' L - .... B' OBBEOH,Aclon. SEW PAVdT BaB0S GOCLS Stylishand Cheap. NEW.BLACK LUiTTRES, Extra-value: . : NEW WINCEYS, 25 per cenjt Lhs* tban lastiyear: . : ' White, Scarlet,. G remand Fancy FfcANNELf'.'H "." - Coarse TWEED'S an4 ETOFffi. -J ' J Hollands, TablejLinens, Towels, Tow^llingr '^- - -" Factory. andFaii-ached OOlTOK.f.j . '-".. Hosiery, Glpves/ Croobetand Kijittingpotion ~ Ladies' and Gent's Collars and Tie*.'..'. laoes, Edging?, Hibbdns, Ac, |tc.; 7 A Fine Stock of Hats and Cap3 Also a v>ry good' -: . . \ ' Stdck of General Grreeties,,Crockery & Glassware' If ytt wish to Sare Money, don't fojl to call at ] ! G.M. SG^TT'S " ] Next door to Galloway Bros.' Bakery, Mill Street, Acton, : ', Acton, Sept; ,20th, 18T6. v; . | ' j ]' " ^*l |fcadi< ilanl ZCSTl 0RAND OF NEW ', FALL AND WINTER DRY Our magnificent 8tock of new goods now to hand, comprL .'. .styles tend ' a. ii : -)l imensl bg all thtt HAW *; Most Fashionable Assortment of Goods itt Western. Canada. ^ "-".{']:\.' We hare been very successful in baying and getting opened out, Whtoh upon inspection^ will be, wa are au'ro, " '"^ Tho Cheapeet Lot of Dry Goods ia Canada J.AJ JXXXy J-JCLU-ltJO. . and most extensive stock The undersigned beg*^ leaveI to>":infdrhSithe people- of Aclkon and . rounding;eig"hborbiood; that he has proourod a magnificent I ZE3I -E3j A EyS -El, ; And Ii piepateS" tb'Wtep^jpifibi Cdndu et Eurjeral^ on tbo-shortast notice Gashets, Coffins, Burial Robes, And all kinds of Funeral Furnishings kt pt in stock, and. supplied on the shortest a Jtide. ' " ".:'" ' " Hat Bands arid Crloyea supplied when required Abton, Aug.; 1879. DRMQ3, JOHN SPSIGHJT. In the icoanty; oom^risitfg all the nw faahionable colors, inlsesil brainy j -C navy bines, p)um, pranes,and myrtle green Dress Goods.: 'Also Biaek?b l: tres, ^aramatVe*, Prsiai; Cordsy Repps,^French M*rinoi WiB<yi| *,.yg1 TjirnnjirJKSjTMsel Fringes, Cords, Buttons, Ao^ to match Bul-shades.-.j-.:?. .;;v"-" ' I SquareB, Polka Jackets, Hosiary, (41ovea, &.c, in all the laabionabia.eoloi^^ '.' \'^.i.^.-:X.W^b This department is far'ahead of all coinpetitipn. We have th^aeaijS^ oured the services of a ^rsuclass! hjiliiheir troro 'New: yorkj^;Liaw^dR bould not fail to see obr miiunery.' Be aure and call, berora'yiqicr^r.^ Montiejs and Snawls ^o bave imported direct from theji*i'e****fc fashion, vis., London, Pftriaand New York-' Novelties in Flower*) eBl^jn^^lveU,"^licsiifa>.i---: .- :: ILaciies' Mxd GliiliireD'si No, where in the. country is such a display ol Furs, inteple, -^j^-. otter, lynx'andlb^eav^ietta..: Fur Jackets and Fur Caps ioj.great-MK, Men's jKur Caps, Fu> Gloves, Fur Iditts, Sleigh' ^Bugs, ButtdiJ=Bobj|*it cheaperthanthe cheapest. '; ;,'J ^- j <I>rto#^ObtWMv^ best cutter andsturn but the most stylish and best fltting suit* in. tii of tbe! binmibn^ "We have' Jist reqeived. a splendid lfoarfesBgj,-^ Tweeds, wnicbwej ate prepared to sell at rook bottom priaeti} -tWl IB^Ugf- ourj stock. It wU py you to do so. -No trouble to aJlio*M>OR' ^ ' raaoy ani ToUet'Softs,SSro^i, Snu&ea, .],- Faiats, 011b anl'Varnii bes. Pmcy and Bulbar Gc|o4 PT7BS- WTNSS A1TD LIQTJOSS fo t lleliolnal Parposoa oniyj A11 goods warranted of the best quality 1 ,nid at ten per cent below Toronto prlc^a. . ' ' I I -I JhU ; !#on'fc folcget tt e place. Medical Hall, Mill Aeton, March 13,1875; street, Acton^ f MCTwwwaBiimasffsn^pygaa^ssK;'^; <c i:tft: MM ~M ,s. z :-i"" T'f. >jii*ii m y^imade'Clothini; Mep'a and Boja' 0?erboaU, tJlteiiL-Bii*f QverooJBits, Boys'rTouths'Ritd Men's Suits, warranted the and cheapest-stoofc-U' Oabada, with eictra goo^> oheap goo^s! iin Cottons, bptb: white anfi 8J^?':^ Fancy:"end Grey^TOaniiel?*, Blankets, Table liU.inB,-TowelBngjv.j*^;,-A' Rugk. Matts,and Maitfengs, at..&! low prioes. , :: Boots & Stibea ^Si-rr^^W^ We 4)uld gk atJontinuanciBoJ the patroSnagesoJibei^y^^^^pfaM us,Jandifi; ^turn^gu^rantae\o afell gooa<ine^p^l^^--w.;pv-j;-py^ - ' Oct. 3,11876. MAMMOTBl HW^B, QJtDW - ,. - , .. ",# ^'>Tl-.f?--.,-7L.T~" '?kkh

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