Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1876, page 3

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-T, &-* - :i Mm '. - US TtXK TIME TABU; Trains !*?* Acton as follows: oiso west, -i. Morning M<1 - ": -^DayEtpwas f Express, -.','! ' *^- V "' * i NiSE*T>pcsa .* : i ;otSl KXST. fjlid ! -* - tHy ExppefS i- i .- , jgail - - - Mired -- 9.10a.m 2.00 p.m. 5.17 p. nu TilS p.m. 1:25 .mr 3:37 a, in. 9:10 a.m, 11:35 a.m. 5:17p.m. 10:05 p. m. at tne -_v. nbw Notice Galloway Bros. T<r Breeders .. Tx~NotiCe S." Zimmerman. Removed W. Stewart & C<v , ' The PJliJanthropist Geo. Yemen. *WatehaaanAJW'elery--f}oo. Hyods. Li*\"l S Twk Lovcll, Adam* '_ Wesson 4 Do. H '-dating a tocfe 1 ' spins*, AR& Ices that <J*Tj W the begin. le, Yarroonifc swhere. . LOCAL MATTERS. andjet the rudy light To thoughts of joy' and merriment in- .' . /rite, ' . For Christmas time is near. . Let every breast with warmer, feeling! fill. ' 7 .To meet the coldness of the icy chill That marks the dying year. - . Christmas~cakes, lunch cakes, . poand cakea, fruit cakes, sponge cakes, r- etey, etc,.at Galloway Bros.' Bakery. Municipal Nominations to morrow throughout Ontario. Sckciau rxi'0KMKras. ParUcs .or dering & doicn tttafographi during this month will receive a choice pair ol Chrpmos. C. \V. Hiu. -- Cnuire's boots aud bIiocs are the beat in the market. Try a pair, v ^ Just arrived a lot of Clritt- tnas goods, including Gents' Mottood Moustache. Cups and Saucers, Ladies' Mettocd Cups and Saucer*, Children's Mottocd Cups aud Saucers, Albums, Fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Christmas Cards, Ac, all to bo sold cheap at J. C. Uruj$. AJl kinds ot calces iced and ornamented at Galloway Bros.' Bakery. Heavy boots for winter in all sites, at the sign of the Big Boot cheap aud good. Craino & Son. For a fiBu.i well-fitting boot call at Craine & Son's,' Cash for Pork. ..Christie, Henderson & 'Ck, Acton, will pay-tlie highest price in cash for any quaatity ol well-dressed hogs. Any one wanting a pair of Qy-rt*at\tr^jka'_ Vn~it\1.V"^l 1 a.a /^,u mat Son's. TfidEH FEEE -PRESS, ACTON, HALT0K ^*oif s, Olocks and Jewelery rod overshoes, should call at Craine So " "" " Store, Acton. ;' : CO. of their thej The School Board, at a special meeting on Moadag evening, accepted the tender of Mr!; Thos. McCutcheon for the supply of firewood for the use of thejschool, at tS per: cord, cut and spfxt.~ There, were only throe tenders^" l ^ A. Social in. aid of the English Chnreh Sobfeath School will be held orf -Christmas Evening, commencing at 7 ^-O'clock, in the hall over Mr. ,llenry Smith' store. A" cordial inl ritation is extended to alL - , ' '--------- A wbip. and -.muffler were felr oniooslj taken from a cutter, belonging to Mr. McMillan, of Eockwood, which was standing in front di. one* of our tore*, the other evening. .The thief deserves to be well chastised with the whip across his bare body bat heTnaa not been discovered yet. St. ataa" CnwreaW Divine Senicel will be held in this Church-..(D. V.) isn Christmas' l>ay at h a.m/ : : -, / '- COM af Local ImprTrntnu. .'. The of -the strrie- and aide- walk committee of the-Village-Council has inded in the following as his ru. p-jrt of the total cost of public works daring the year jns* closed : JlriKls' hill, grad^ncand sTMveUiu.S33 T5 j~i<eisbi's uia tineiing, *c... .... 4U 00 Mi^ualr&et, 5Ta4i^i, sraveUng, ^c. 91 55 *our cul'*<it^........-'..- .. is . (*ntvafig.oa iljl* siij'J other t-trvetsi 21 Hi Cs Voi oo MfiiuMrce*........^...12 i >5ibdry icpiii 6: to sidewalk?, <Jc.....7 fl) r=KiinjitiinWij p;oces.........,;/M Si CrtKaiusat K. PiUe-V'.............. 5 H) SealC-Bi liOlicteu's, It, mis... <s 377 t(xid o: grav*l mix [kt lu^J.... IS t-3 alt Fare,. . T ' m The Grand Trunk will issue Christ. I ruas return tickets at single fare from' any station on the road, commencing on; Friday, 22d, \'alid until the 26th, aud also New Year's tickots from tho 29th; inst, valid till Jantiary 2d. Cheap; rates are also offered to Montreal and return. I JUST ARRIYED, JUST ARBIVBD. Studs, Cuff A Good Assortment of r JH Buttons! LojckeU, Chains, Taney Gold Rings, . "- Brooches, ; SetB Black Seta, Separate Brooches, ; Drop's, 1' ' ' Blac'tc Locket*, ) Pearl Suits, Necklaces of. all kinds, Toy Watches, .' ' Etc., etc, etc. . GREAlf CLE^BtN(pr; SAJLE] OP. jr Hcisitt h:o s, win Haying decided to go out of the Ready-Made Clothing business, will comix enoo a>onc to sell sltdost one-half tba eWRBary price, "V^EITI $14,d ST OPEN ED. JUST OPENED. Call and See Them. georgQs hynds, Deciimber 19, 1870. "Watchmaker, Poet Office Store, Acton. Total. .$010 25 >t, ES Becrired !) ' 'e . can not: ^'"'\:r'i::M "'.-" '-. : -,T.--'t4^ ^>^.di ' --\--WtKM *^"-^>T^SnsH ' "'J~rifmKKU ' =Z.'4i$&^Um .r^i^ssU^B .: -'i -,j|81 vadH -.^,^^^nlBslllllllllllH V-.-f1 Aclsa rauelL. . - ' . The Couneil met last Thursday even- , Ins. E) Oallowaj's account ot $3.79 lor brejd furnished to DavlJ Mi not, aoU E. fln%rt of $J fn tnstectinx iraiels, tc; were, passed and ordered to be mid. A TjetlKbn was presented from the mem bers of the Aetna Bnm Bard, asking for a grant of $^G to replace one.iof the brass ItteLraments. On tnut en tbat sum was ~" _ cranted tor tlie parje named. "The Treasurer was lgnliDctM ' to pay S5.J1 ." to Robert fefcrfeyriielog the two-UiInls t Talneof twoshoepUljed bydois la this monielpolity. Mr. Hamilton, cnalrman of a -special jeommu^ee to consider the bcaldineof a town l^ll and loci-ap, re ported that he bad sketched a plan uf a nooe. and brie* ball'dlna which was estimated to cost abQS.t $1,-100, icrespeo- Itve of land for tbe same. On motion, tbe report wasiaid Over for the present. Tb Council adjoorned. till the 15th pf Jannaxr. at IS a.m- , _____.:._. _. Xanfdyatl EtecaaM. " ' _. There is not a ripple on the. surface of oar municipal pool, and if there be an -nnderenrrent invisible to the naked ^ ' eje- Diligent inquiry fail* to elicit -- anything definite as to who are to be the candidates for municipal "honors, aside from those who have held offices during the past year. We cannot learn '. f any probable opposition to our pres ent Reeve, and the likelihood is that he will be re-elected by acclammation. It is ondeeatoodjfhat the other members of - *he Camuril. with! the exception of MrJ Hanriltott, srill be, candidates for. re- .electLon, **td it is just possible that j they wiH be unopposed. Cut somebody " wiH ha-i* to taie Mr. Hamilton's place, ' as fitat jmlfclim retires, on account of ins almoat tiraiatusnt absence from the village. A sssasfcec of names of good x " and eligible men far the.position have i -keen suggested, but noae,of them are _ y^tlaidy befoce tite rfnrtoni, Mr. J. r ." X. Coates positively aleeGaea. Mr. Ed. j IfickHn, Mr. James Matthews, Mr. C----- "-. Horace BfAX, Mr. Jamas Campbell, are .- \. asaean* tbose tneafaoaad a* prohaMe i- candidates', any one or aH el wliom : might be" chosen. They are all good ' t -- smem.-'-- , In a small laaaicipality Gave- this, the work demaedbdof a Councillor "is not . Very onorons, and" this nee4 not deter j any of the gentlemen,- jjsmed 'above from xeadfly accenting tie-position, if . offered. Oar vilL^e % entirely:' free from dtfct, and we ka< e no important- "publie works iv vrejrreal; consequently. no great financial or executive ability is required to condnci the municipal busi- ' esa, most of It" beaag of a nj&rely formal nature. Oar taxes are Ibvr) and we baire- no present expectation of baVing tojneor any heaTy oaUay of money for public improvements. -A. good deal of ;-."." ."work has been done at little expense in Past years towards placing, our streets and sidewalks in good .condition, and very little additional outlay- will place :' them in first-class orderv What we want, however, is ft town^hall and-lock- ^. "P.'especially the latter, and the sooner Some action is taken towards furnishing 'aocha building the better. The ex- '- ,, Pise need not be very heavy. -*>^*-a Boniance In Real, Life* A-forcible illustration of the axiom that "the, couraej of truei love,never runs smooth," has recehtj hvbeen afforded in "Guolph town-; ship.^. It appears that for some time past a gay Lothario of twenty-r three summers bras been devoting his attention, to a fair girl of eight years bis junior, who ha le turned his affections with the greatest waitntb, in spite of the fact that her parents opposed any engagement being made between them. But the best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agtee, and so it was with tho determination of the parents, for a couple of Sundays ago the bains by which the twain-would be made orie_ were published in St. Andrew's Church, Gnelph, by the Rev. Dr. Hogg. The girl's father, hearing of this, forbade their second publication, at the same time notify ing Mr. .McLagan' antf Mr. A. "A. Riker not to issue any license to them. . Tho girlj. was sent to a friend at the Model Farm, for safe .keeping, but even these precautions Were insufficient, jvs she soon escap- ' ed and..weut to tjbe residence of the L -brother of her/ woukl be husbanjl, j In Guelph Township. The iatlcjr, about, the same time, drove to Fer gus, obtained a license and return ed, expecting to find his intended bridu - ^wuiting him, but to nia disappointment she had been taken away by her father, and is now 2j, said to 'be. pretty closely watched, for fear of a second escape. The iffaii has created considerable ex citement in that vicinity. Small pox is^-on the decrease-in Keewaiin. thanks to the energejio measures adopted to prevent the spread of the-epidemic. T i: ^ S IS COMINd CJHBISTMAS IS COMING, AND SECORD BROS. As the entire stock must be clear xl out. v Dec 1, 1875 Of] Men's OverdoaU, Men's Ulster jCoats! Men's Sacque and Shooting Coata of Canadian Tweed, Hilk Mixtare, and Slaefc Broad Clotav CaMtmer, .*r "A.Isb, Mei i's Pantaloons, of every class of doth. Hens, smgle a^d I>OwblBreata<l Vesta, (^ io3m\ Clptiing of ^ It value. sold on! the 15th of January,'1S77, will Ur offered at Public .laetioi*. is a rare cliatLoe of olstainlng PIRST-CLASS CXiCTHnra at alsout lialf Any clothing that may be on &c ^<D3SI" oct ~WOttilia: Harry to the Wonderfal Man's Store and sare * 9S bill en eTery 919 yon ipead. * ; . . . :. i M I-4-' f Ne-w Goods for the Cold Season Arriving Daily 30 PACKAGES JTUST OPENED. This Week we call Special Attention to some of j our Great Bjargniris in Blankets, very large Stock, $2.75 a p iir, very cheap. - Quilts, great varietj, $1. "" ^ed C^mfoitersjjp, cheaper than: ever before. ; SIleetinjvBleached.and Unbleached. *NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.- M OTICE TO DEBTORS. j All parties indeSitcd to the under signed are earnestly requested to call and settle their accounts on or before the 30th inst., without fail, and greatly oblige. ; GALLOWAY BROS. ' Acton, Dec. 18, 1876. 25-2t Havi: laid in a mammoth Stock of everything Rich, Rare, Useful and "".' ' and Beautiful, in ROCER1ES, CHINA, Glassware, Hardware, &c. T AX NOTICE. "r* IVw-.^oed, fearcakea arui tea Vww'je to GaOowiy Bros.' Bakery. The Collector begs to notify all par ties who have not yet paid their taxes*' that they must do so on or before Satur day, the 30th inst. S. ZIMMERMAN, Collector. Acton, Dec 19, 187G. 25-2t TO BENT. A two-storey roughcast house, con taining eight rooms, is for rent. Apply to JAMES BROWN. " - Acton, Dec 12, 1876. 24-4t ' SPEYSIDE Shingle,} Stavje vLSD HEADING -KILLS. Any parties wanting Shingles would do well to give us a calL We will al ways have en hand, a good supply of No. 1 and No. 2 Shingles. :- Best quality "NO; 1 Shingles $1.75 per. square,. No. 1, 70 cents per square. V. *H. SAYERS. Speysule, Dec. 13, 2876L 24-6m HURRAH! HURRAH! TOR Christmas is Comirig, And now. is the best time to- secure the BEST ^OTOGI^PHS b^4oJ^M lo the people of. Acton ! . i arid vieiniitj'* : j At AtBlghincly Low Prices. The public are invited to call and inr spect my work. " " ' COPTTNXar & EN^TjAROING In ajl its branchesi in the bjest 'style O the art, done on the shortest-notice, and at reasonable rates. : Alsol a splendid stock of MonMings and Picture frames kept on hand and ^nade to order. -. ' A caiy is solicited and you will be convinced that this is the place to get photographs.' '-.. Yours respectfully, , \ C. W. HILL. ActoB, Dec. 5^.1870. CHINA DEPARTMENT- Gents' Mot toed Mustuche Cups and Saucers, Ladies' Mottoed Caps and Saucers, Children's Mottoed Cups and Saucers, j Glass and China Mugs, mottoed, all colors Flower Vases, . | -" Glaxs Pitchers, i Preserve Dishes, ' .! -J. } ",: ^eryGlaaaes, Goblets, Tumblers, - j . . s ; ' ' Pickle Jara, Wine Glasses, ; Glass Seta, ",-. : I . ; '-"- , J3iclc Cups and Feeders Stotie and China Tea Sets, I Lampa( Lanterns, V Everything in Granite Ware, 1 Everything beautiful in endless variety. yrhite and G rey,!; splend [ Canada for quality JOHN HOGG oV SON, ; Alma Block;Upper Wyndham Strtet, Gielph. s-asi j .i PLA COTTONS- id Valuer unequalled in and cheapness. tDsTiSTEini.S- . | Wo have the largest stock in tie Province including Scarlet, Grey, Whife, ^lain.- Colored and Checkf. Pri:es lower than in any previous !.l 1 year. Homemade>25 cents a yard. Special value in- Home->madeT whi J3, sin 5le and double width. j TaWo laiaea, Tovr^Uiag, Strav aad Peattiea? :Tiokiafe8,[Gottoii Plajmela. : The Lion has always had the J iigbes t r jputation for cheap Staple Goods, and our customers acknowlsdgetiat this season we-have surpassed ; all previous afiorts a* selling good sound goods at the lowest Sfcures. GEO Cantie^ Peaches, PrumSj.Gooieberries.Blackberfiesy Cherries; Pears, :Preserves, Jams, Jellies/ Pickles, Lobsters, Salmon, , ; Sardines, Clams, .Oysters, Fruits, Jtaiains, Cumtnts, Pigs,"Nats, Biscuits, Confectionery and .Honsy. ".-lh\': :i::. :- "'" ' l:\y- Tfie Largest .and Chedpest &tock of Veas eQer brOyht into Aetofi. -. "...' Tobaccos, Bie,; Barley, Corn Starch, Rice Flour, Soaps, &c. . - j Hardware/ Cuttlery, Spoons, Painfy Oils, && - -i Act^n,'<Kov'. 4J&, 1876. SBOOBQl^ d We have, without exception, tlie lar^ est assortment of Carpets onUide; of Toronto. We invite inspection, oonfident that in, this iBranoh we ." . can satisfy every 6ne both f< ir quality and cheapness. A few line* speclalljj suite i for Carriage and Cutter , . Trimml4g . ' An immense variety, eheape tha: can1 be i fonnd'at apy Clearing Sale. Ulster and every otjheriind of Orercoata>' very low. i VOur Biiffilp Bc>b^s. t Are famed throughout tbe wb< le of stantly receiving orders fro nail - 4uGroisr, This Week offer Decided Bargains iijiJSe^son- , ^ able Ckvods: : - ! ' IMehVOvercOats froru ^5100 up. :-.;| . - Men's Shirts and; Drawers from 50c: up.- ^ Meii's Stoga Boots ironi $2;00 up. J Ladies' Fur Sets from $3,00 up^ j Ladies' Press Goods from 12c up. : Blankets, white, peir.pair from $8.00 up. Blankets, grey, per pair from $1.7-5 lupl':' Wiiiceys, extra valued. . ALL WWK FAI^OTy FlAMMEL, - Extra heavy. Anew lot cheaper than eteri ~ Ladies' Oloudaia great variety aad "Twy cheap. Westers Ontario, so-that we are con- points. W.ehave: sold an immense number, and haVe still a f sw left. Secure brie at Once; PRICE FROM $2,50; -Ho'Fiade.ldka^TtL6~.^poii-fiir": 'Checip G-ooto ualph, l>eo. 12, 1876, WIIaLIAMSOK & ao. ##9t 'rv- :"V. ^tm^jL^r^rBrz: In uaamensa variety. In all the leading styles afld <ln ^wajf^\Wo> fancy prices for Millinery. Ladies, remember Ladies' Mantles in Stock and Made this. to Orderv AT THIS ai sssa satsssaasassiaaaMBt afaMatJsassBa LE "wEST ENaD .pes, 10 cents a yartl. "* ^ 11 . ) - i' - ,: * 30 Pieces Brocaded Beversible, 12Jr cents, - " -.- " - - T-' -'- -.-:- , ' 30 Pieces fashionable Serges, new shades, IS cents, - _ -i .12g Pieces Kfool Serges, 25 cents, regular price iO cents. :"' ' Special IineBImsk Silia, 00 cents a yard, i .... 5'3 :.]*iecea Dress Silks, handsome good's, tone V oiea^ea out at 50 oents a yaniL , Ifor C&eap Oreis Croodsl ladies should visit the S'ashionabte West En [A. O. BUCHAM, Fashlonabie ^est Eiid ] *rea, Millinery and llanUe Kstatrtlshment.' Oueliihrliacembex i; 1876i "7 !-' tfi\i THE BOOK AtiD JOB PRINTING 1 PtiOiiVTid EiEet/TBD At 31 frbis ^Rfiss o^ricii CLOTH AND HEAVY CAHADIAN TWEEDS At Decided Bargains. GREY AND SCARLET FLAOTELS^ In great Variety. - I I * CAPS F0K YOUTHS, ANI( .CAPS J]0E BOYS* 1 ! fYott can rely dn Safin** 4fohy by b^uybg ydttr Winter Gadds from CHRIS TIEt HENDERSON $ ! OO. iSmember diat Parous 60c Tea^ Which still maintains the 'lead against all soompetiti m. Don't iail to' i aetidreT a 5 or 10 lb. lot. > *3" Terms GasH and Small Protlttt CHRISTIE, HBlTDBaSaN ft CO* Acton, Hot. 14,187: K 1 :9HH ' H bssssssssssssssssssssssssshssssk * r SSSSSSSSSSSSSB^BB^mSBSsffmS . ^ Bi -sssssssssssssssssssssssBH - ;!SBSSSSSSSSSSSBSsl Hl^ B^SSSSSSM^', i * I i-'"j* w tm trr^K

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