Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1876, page 4

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ff'wii'mJMiigjcuiLUKU. wm -a ^ THE tfREE PRESS, AtJTpISr, HAL1 'i SIHBi ^^K . 13111 1IBMI "(The following liucs-arv by a Minister; -of Hlton.'County ;-.:tlie' "scene; 'near* '.Acton :] . ~ /*- For tUc Acton Free Press, Tfft*.lY OF31V WIFE -VXD tlllLll. ;*' Thek i* asacied spot, '; -Now prostni to my oyos; Tui which my soul in sorrow turns*-- .'.'-..AVherv my UnxJ l>AKi\vt,\ lies. .Near by tho Utile churchy V'. i . That*h.illowjt>d; spot I sec i Where stands a'small white tablet, x AYhcro droops a willow tree. -. Bcn<~tb that creeping wiUowr "While 1 a weary wanderer,-,' Am left alone to weep. i - * J>wccry for she is sne, ;Aiul those "she left behind Are severed far by rolling waves; Tho' with true friend and kind. *-J'Mess tho grae-Kius Power, '*'".' iThat hunrhas becu my stay ; f- /{nil pray the W1<L unerring ll;'.nd, To lead them all the way. * And soon no tear wilLroll: My "wandering soon shr.ll cease; And I, \i:th wife iiit child alnne, :'-- Shall-rest m perfect ^>eaee. .. ~ i"Peace, not of human birth, AYhieh earth's j;irs ne'er e;m m.-.r, Peace in yon happy land fviiiut Beyond the. Orient stiir. :' A Pe*cc diviaeiy full, , I- OVrflowing like a ilood ; . .. ,'Peace, constant, calm, and ever true, " Peace, bought iith Jesus'hU>,id. =- rv.-lir J ^ rinmycrafs. "Best size fur a liuin Exercise The chwiso is nutier thuntho pen. A dist-uitfttl rntfon Ilio nosiest body, of ..water A sou ml.' "-= Hoiv to keep up in tha worId-4- Nevei-get down. Women should study lo bo smart but new* tdiiow.od. . Impeounious ..ntiiniuls Those who haven't'ji'cent. Omrof tho most itrjwv'imt rules fh the science of manners is nn'tib- solute silence- in 'regard .to yoUr- ' '- ' I-t pays- to make jwople7 happy, and it can bo done on small capital. A. little skaudel-uow and then iz ivlisdied. bi the best ov meii. j Pounded ice-if allowed to stand too long is not what it is cracked up to be. ' A pocket rule " Take earo of the cents and the dollars "will take cave of'themselves." it come that when two men exchange hats inadvertently, as it -were, tl'i.e fejlow that gets the woist one is, tlie tii-st to tind out the mistake. TO'tf jCOTfipt, \ 0Mlf i "DECEMBER 14, ^ Scottish Uscentfancy. - The Hamilton jRwo- has a: well ^written article on this sul.jectrwhicb is continually in the mou^ti of Air. JJoyluj of the Jh'g(i Catufjian. It seems to be the whole object of Mr.- .-' Boyle's life to advocate the interests of his (itr his own estimation) down^ trodden-countrymen 'ugaiiust what he_terms "'Scotch asceuiitency." The Times shows the fallacVxlf the C\iu -uaiau'a arguments 'sio cil-arly we copy the.followiiig extract: , :li But where is tLe evidence of this Scotch ascendincy I iVc loolr * around ind fail to iind any j>oof of it ? Is is in the Dominion Gihiuet that Scotch aro, in "'the aaceiidaut 1 Qbigin OF-IxpiAN- Names. The 'Sioux Indians name their papooses after events.transpiring at tlie time of their birth. . As illusti-ativo*of this peculiar trait.Red plofd is known to have taken that ifame from th\? fact that the 'western: sky was overspread with red clouds at the moment of his birth, while the bringing, of u captive horse with a ". f-'spottt'd taih gave the now great chief ^the : singular cognomen of Spotted Tail. . Suting-Bitltreceived his nauie because a butTalo bull was, by a-lucky shot, thrown upon its biiuufihei in plain sight 'of his in'other's tepee at the natal-.'hour. moUREEDEIUS. Tho pure bred BoritSJtlro fiiVHr' Princo will ho kept lor service .-., ...T prensiaea of tho subscriber, during the season. Tonus for tho Benson $1, cash *t tho tlmo of Jsorvlco. tail itricil liluok .y or ...... . . DohUiltooka prUont thotiuelpli Central -Exhibition jtliia year. |H'o was bred1 by Koyal . Drttbn, imported by JohrfjSnoll," - A yojing Ihjnr from tho M6de| l'Wlii wilj ilso be kopt jfer ser- vicu. ,. I I ' ROBERT SIMS,- I^ot No. 30, 2d con. K.Htiuesing. October 23, 1S7C. Jj l],ti\l 2D *&. S STOR E, BQOkS, ". :". Stationery, . Fancy tioods onl i Wnii Paper. ;' . i Wo.have no-reason to complain of ilull times for wo are busy all tkd time. Our trade:is increasing every mpnth, becaiue wo buy for. cash, and sill for cash, and avoid loss; by bad debts .My Stock is full of Goods andjToys for children, and my lbw prices ljrings lota of customers. Grand Slaughter Tarabliiig Down IN PRICES or NEW DRY GOODS MILUNERY - i AT I). McNAIR'S. * * Terrible Sacrifice. WINTER! STOCK fWlR C000S SOLD AT ANY PRICE, Mijst be Cleared Out. Wo don't want to carry any of our stock into tho new Btoro, which js nearly completed. DRESS GOODS, " SIILLINKRY, WOOLEN GOODS, STAPLE GOODS,. Must all-bo sold nt astonishingly Low Prices.., . 18 NOW CCTlViPLETE. ] A good asHori-ment in ull tho leading lines of T i ; :" ! i ' I '." ".' i : ! ' h i.' ' ' : ; . *'-i'.j' Pelt G-oods, Over shoes, RubTsers, Children's Boots and Shoos, etc. IBICES CUT VERY l6wJ FOR: CASH. Jfcpairiiifr Promptly Attended to, a& usual, - ! ' :; GRAlISrE & SON. 187G. AND 1SH0E cVi.< Save juvt received 4-heir ^Lt STOCK OF BOOTS AND WM Tha Bast that ever came into Acton, for Pric*, Styla and JJaOUy J * O I'j .- ;- . ' '., ;i our custom wqtR^:. ^f WiU rfijoujvfl pk'refdl attentionj and all work guaranteed,** giye ntkutiL' j -Don't jforget the place . . Wala Street, Nost Door to Agt.w'B. HiteL M" I -' -- Day has^wbat you want -and J BARGAINS FOR. YOU, sells cheap. :'] ./ That ckn hardly be, for there is but onjs Scotchman .fn it, tho. Hon, "Sir. "Mackenzie. The Hon. Messrs. Blake, Cartwright, Burjiee, '^Hunt; ington, :'Coffin,';-Cauchon, Smith, Scott, Letellier, :YudJ._iIiHsl-.sind Laflamme" -are all of ' Canadian birth -.that' is, there are twelve Canadians to one Scotchniazi.-' It is pot inxhe Ontaiio Government, fur every one of its metnbers"siie Cana- ' dian by birth- It may b% cronieiid- ed that there are not though of - tljese: of Irish descent. We have . pot examined into the-: question of """^raeir.'ancestry sufficiently to iind this ont, for the reason that it has "" pothin'g to do with the matter. lo is enough. to know that out of eighteen Canadian and Ontario' "U.inisteh-s, seventeen are Canadian by birth and to add' that no logic can convert the man barn in Canada - into? anything but \ Canadian, though his ancestors for a score of generations had been of British, or Jrish birth;- This holds equally! tens of those bani o~n Canadian soil who. are j6t Irish descent. They imay be Irish in heart but they are -Canadians in spite of themselves,- fa.nd.haveonly their parents;to blame for the "misfortune, if they are so ungenerous to the land they live in as to think it one, If the distinction: between "ah Irishman and a Cana dian is - not made by the place of birth of each, :we woiild: jwsk tlm Jrish Cmiadhitk at what point of ' time it is to'be made?' Is'the nor-i mal division to e^Lst forever, and five hundred years hence' see bur JrizJi Canadian demoodiiiir of_ our ' Antecedents" jmrtice to the Iri sb Catholics." -':- ' while' the cavortings of a fractious' j pony furnished a name for the ro-i doubtable Crazy Horse. Fat Sheep for .Heavy Fleece. A writer in the Country Gentle man says \ " TbeiB is njuch said about ewes being to. fat I to breed welL ' In my.experience of twenty years T hive never, seen anything ' that led me to think so,, providing the flest vir*s put on with good pas ture during.the^summery-^and a few roots 'with hay vd a ring the winter. The fatter sheep becomes under the circumstances the more valuable I consider them. '"There is no time '.'in'the year when i't pays better-to' ifeed a; small allowance of grain daily-than in the autumn after Ihp . "food. gets frozen, and it is not ne- ^aessary to bring the floek to, the barn. It old saying- that > sheep well Novembered ate half -, arintered.' . Keep j;he ewes fat, and fhe.lambs will be fat and the fleeeo - heavy. 1 do not say that ii" is bgt ' ter. to have lambs come early or late"; but whether early or ' late they areisaleal/le. All ewes that, with good oare, will not raise a Jiirub iiid shear four paunde of waihed wool, abotild he.sold I havse theni, in: my flock that, shear T'le-'e are-l};0U0 pieces of unclaim ed baggage at. the CentenniaL Wimiij>eg, in Manitoba, is six years old and has G,000 inhabitants, Brazil hasa population of 0,930,- 000 souls. - Jlr. 'Beecher's trial cost him and_ his friends >-|J,"ift,000. TheFe ate -only one hundred and jtbirty-four ]>or;s of entry in tie Dominion of "Canada. A bill has been introduced in the Spanish Cortes ;ibolish'ing univeisal sutfr.'ge and re establishing the old election-law. The population of Franco is esti mated t'; 33,000,00'). It has in creased in'spue.of the loss of AL- sace and Loraine. j From the cupola' of the new Orillia' High 'Si he'd -ean be seen the whole- of lakes Gouchiching and Sincoe, the villages of Beaverton, W.-ishago, Sutton and Allandale, and the country for miles around. The flax crop lias| yielded- well this season, while in almost all others", there has been a deficiency. The , cultivation of - this crop has been contiuuouslv increasing. SP-BSQRIB tfor the BARGAINS FOR YOU, , BARGAINS FOR YOU, Bargain^ Sfor E very body. Our Millinery is first clasp. 'All new nnd fashionable. Our Dress Uoods are just wbat is I wanted lor tho season. Tho latest pattein3 and colore. A large stodk of Staple and Fancj- , Dr)"-Goods cheap. 1 -A.CT0 3^r Gentlemen's Fursiehizff K"d ind cheap. Good.: Jewelery, Jewelery. iRings, Brooches, Chains, [&c. > Also a good stock of ijROCERI-ES. AT. .' I,' . D. McNAIRS, ACTON. Call and See our Goods arid Prices. .'" ' I As the rose tree is composed of the sweetest flowers and the sharp est thorns. as the heavens are sometimes,overcasts and sometimes fair, alternately tempestuous, and serene so is the life of a man in termingled with -hopes and fears, with j<Jys and sorrows, with pleas ures and pains. - jT ARPfinsv periodicals; ' - rr'iErEt'iMcs. ; Haider's Maoazixe, One Year. .$A00 HAKrEK's.Wi:Ki.v, One Year',; 4.00 Hakpeh's Bazaii, One Year.: 4.00 ' 1.00 inelndes prepayment of U. S. or Canadian postage by the publishers. Harper'* Magazine, Harper's Wfekhj, and Harper's iffizar tooije address, for, one year, 10/00; or any two-for 57.00;' Postage Free. -. ' --^~ An extra copy of either'the Magazinef -Weekly or.Bazar will be supplied gratis for of Five Subscribers at i?*.00 leach, or Six Copies for 820.00, without extra copy ; Postage Free: - Tn<;neiir-voliJineorthe MAaAZtvEcom- ineno s with tne December Number, T.-i- volamcn rirnio Wneiti.Y and Ba^ae commence in Jaauar... bubscrlpllons may begin ar any time Those Jug torenftw their Suhscrlpi Uoub to Harper's PerlodlcaU wiJl much obllie the pii'ilistaers by sending their nam-sln hs early as convenient before the expiration oX thel'* iTe-<ent'BubscxJp- tlona. This will obvia'o the delay; at tendant upon ro-enterlug names' and mailingbac< numbers. , rlABl'B'K'^ Magazi-:e, - Habpeh's Weekly or Hameu's Uazak will be sent for jear'toany Sub-criborlnths 'United "-tatcH or CAuada nostaee prenild t.v Uie-p"a^JlIa.ierf*, o:i rr-celpt of Four Dol lars. r Addresfy. :SARPBB "BEOTfaERS," '.-.' New Vorfc Only One Dolla Prom Now to the T: January, 1873. p 1st C. T. HI ML, Mill Street, ACTO.Y r DEALER IN piiis j>ounds and raise a pair of twins, and it takes no more to keep rHPO!" OTTAWA FREE PRESS pne such she?p ihaii' a sheep that phaa'rs but thrde' pounds. 1" think that no one will hear the man who "ceeps'his flock in. this Way, co'uj- j>laining because bin sheep are all f>,xnn out,' and 'do not pay him,' 0.od the lilf 3, Ticks- must be kept pat of the fiocl^; they are the 'worst enemies'of the sheep. If they .aire not killed, they will de-. ftroy the. sheep. For killing theai jr- bare tried" nothing better than tobacco juice/' /!-- .-Instead.' of beating impatiently against the inevitable, ijompose your overtaxed faculties so as to /jee able to gather4be real peefi* piinaiions. JProm this are -wisdom M$ l>ower' derived. tFor_ these l' J^aeStB," are experience. ",: Daily and. "Weekly. I)AIJ>Y EDITION mulled Free of PobU a^e to all i .'iriK'of the iiomlnlon. 40.00 i'KB 'ANNUjIL . : 'ElBht. mgos. Sixtj -loiir ' oluhinK eloKely printed -mai ler,. ' PER ANNDi!(, Postage frije. The eiily fiml-clans Journal published-a( ' thtJSdpitul. ' - " Earliest BolUtcnl Intelligence, . Lalex( Ttleijrnpnic Sews. Hpley Bendable ArtlelrV .. Parties d'?alrlug a newxpaper Irom Ibe Caiiltul, an.I a blvery; Sparkling House. hold Journal, IwlU Lalo the PArXiY Fake -1 K Benutiful Oil Ohrdmo, mailed to: <"very. Sabujribei! of Uie. Wbeki,x Fkee iPatsS. ' . . \ " .. ' 1 p. W. MITCHELL, Prbi,ret)r. Ottawa, Nov ;17th, 1S70. Qroceries, Crockery, Soots ft Shoot, / t, " Vail Paper,, _ "WTindow-BUnlfl, ,Nall8, Glass, Putty, Linseefl. OH,*; Paints, Turpeatiae,- '- Coal 0U,|Bait,etc., All of which will he sold low for cash, .: ' BOOTS and SHOES . ji - ' V ' Selling off at cost, '"* Also agent for tho ' UTJBBBB PAINT CJOMPANY Of Cleveland, Ohio. : Cab>: for Ilides. Acton, Jjily 18,1876. JOB PRI.VTINt; cf all kinds neatly and promptly executed at the |. PBEE'FBESS OFFICE. LADIES Save your Carpets and mal?e your rooms warm by get ting: the - - FELTING For going below your carpets. A large and cheap stock at DERSDN'S CHEAP B00KTCRE On tho "3ast side of Wyndham Street, GUELPH. REMOVED! tiexi the Po OfOff, Jflll ^Ireet, ) j^ae 8| i870. R. CREECH, SADbLER HARNESS-MAKER. Has removed one door west of his old stand, and is now prepared to turn out work* wjjich for NEATNESS, CHEAPNESS AND DVHABILITT , caunot be surpaascdj by t-'10 comity,- . ,.. ." I Harness of, all Kinds supplied on the shortest possible notice, Muf warranted to giye perfect satisfac tion. ' | As he is doing Lusijiess principally.on the Cash SyBtera, he }s prepared to sell cheaper than over.' I - Give hint a call and be convinbod that this is'the"rifiht place.: ' .1: R. <j>REECH,A.'cton. j IS CQIVIlNCt ,A Splendid Assortment i i 0 : :.'l ^F:" y-'i-' ,r tJJ bedding ;Eings,', - ].v ' ;;P ." y 3E < Fancy Gold Sings^ - j !:\;.=-: , Cuff iBirfctpns, : .;' . -: 'Studs, CD r- O Chains, Lcckcts, Braoalots, etc., eto. 'J Acton, Sept. 19, 1876, KENNEY^^ ! STILL Cr-JEAPER A HE AD. THAN? s prices. iTE"W" PANCrT DRESS GOODS' Stj-lish and Cheap. N\"> BLACK LUSTBES, Extra value. NEW WINCE VS, 2o per cent than last year | " . ' ; ,- White, Scarlet, Grey and Fancy" FLA.NNEI>. Coarse TWKEDS and ETOFFS." .* :-' n ! ,.-_ ^ Hollands, Table Einens, Towels, TowlelHngt ! . . Factoryand Blracbed CO tTlirNS. | :. - .'_' Hosieiy, Gloves, Crochet and i Ladies' and Gent's Colla: Kir. Knitting Cotl is?hnd Ties. Clocks from Acton.: Oct. 31, 1^76. $1.00 Call and See Tliem. ^ GEORGE HYNDS. laces,"EdgingF, Uibbotis, &c.', Ac.:, i-"^ Kiio giogk -of Hats aE.(iCa^|: I BE SUEp TO CALL AND EXAMINE THOSE i ' ! " ' i'-."i" : ' . - ' Centennial Qi.eck Bu it in g s. 813 "g'E'R, S^ETIT,:.-": : -'- ,; "; A^P TEE ,'M !'. East | End Clothing Store. ALSO GENTS' UNDEHGLOTHING In great variety from $1 to JS'J.JfO per Suit. Acton,October 31, J876. DICK30MI & MclTAB, UNOERTAK3 nOn I'-* The undersigned i beps 'leave to inform' the people | "of Acton, and sur rounding neighborhood that he has procured a magnificent ;:. .. And is prepared to attend: and. conduct Funerals on "the shortest notice ^_ '; ; f aftdimost moderate terins.' ;j \| , "^ ! ! Gaskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, And all kinds of Funeral Furnishings kept iD atook, and supplied on the ^ ' '. shortest otice,r ' 'A\ ! !. *rjat Bands and Gloyes suppued wlhen/required. Acton, ^ug. 8, 1876. ' ^OHN -SPEIGHT. DRllCSS, DRLlGa OBCEiuaLi*Eis'af j Drugs, Chomloals, Dye Stuffs, Patontaal Proprietory Modiolaes, : Fanoy and Toilet Soaps, Spoajros, Bmsaos. Paints, Oils ana'tVarnisaos. Panoy and BalDljer G^oiU PTTRE WINES AITS LIQUORS for Mollolnal Purposes only, AIlgoodBwarrantedof the best quality and at ten per oent below Tor >nto prices.; ' \- |. Don't forget the'place. ; Medical Hall, Mill street, Acton. Acton, March 13, 1875. G. E. MORHOW A' 'n all the Latest English and American 8tyl 'Also a very good '...-." Stock of General Gr cerics, Crockery & If yon wish to Save "Honey, don't fail to \ ] :'"-\ G. M. SCOTT'S' Next door to Galloway Bros.' Bakery^ Mili Giasswarri t "'.'..;' call at." ii. Actouj ;Sept.-20th,-1876. QBAND > t^ .-'-ft ^i : OF'VElV' ,-: I .j AND WlNltB DRY >h;;a\i Our mac Tq the T i"i rHeKa rWe-wiilBhoW the largast, AJaUJ.'pO, , and icostexteniiye stno SS^ VO-Q OX) 3 in the county, comprising all the new. fashionable colors, ih*eaj( navy blues, plum, prunes, and myrtle gteeu Dress Goods. "" tres, Pnmmattes, Persian Cords; J^ep-ps, French Merino;., Trimmings, Tassel Fringes,' Cords, Buttons, &o., to match ajil shtl&sfc Woolem Goods. c^^ Squares, .FplkaJaokett, Hosiery, Gloves, &c,, in all the fngl^cinalijle and'styleaj ' .' I ' - ^ f',' M iiil .-rj| m 5a1 on t on I W*gowJ MS&- W^Ar leium In 8t w ISM l~*ai tdr T< -JGi ':!W* gnificent stock of new goods inoW^o hand, comprisibg all tte,ifirfe{g r^&J^SSf - ., ""'iv#.?:i\%&t Most Pasjiionabl Assortoient bf'^oofcjjlllir : "Jrftt m ... ,- ' :^^m We have been'very successful in bnyin-g -and getting opened out,' " rfssi'i upC'n inspection, will be, we are surey.. .... . ,1 Tlie Cheapest {Lot of Ery Goods in Canada ' ' '" ' * " ' tes|p;r!f /MillihetywMantl^&slaS^M This department is fan ahead of all competition. We.have;.U"" "-----s-iis^-^ cured the services of'. firaueloss milliner from.; NewJ Yorit __ should not faiFto sfee'Our millinery. .'Be Bu're and ail befdtefJrooA, Mantles and Shawls -We. have, im ported'direct fromt the^nead "< fajshion, vitz., London,. Paris and New York. Novelties! in IPlovre ers, Wings, Velvets.-isilksj&c.^ ".-' .. '.'. j , i Ladies' and Qhildre^'^ N-6 where.;in . thef country is-sucu; a! display" of^-ForSii in saiTte,"^*1"^ o(ter, lynjx' and beaver settk . Fur Jackets and Fur Caps inigreaj Men's lr-UJf<Cap8l..~ur Gloves, Fur llltts^ Sleigh Rugk Saf&lP ~* cheapei" than the cheapest, j - "'^ .i;. .-; ..". '.; -./';uisis^s We do the. l^i gs'i _ Ordered Cloti lingj Utter and turn out the most stylish and best fitting sui tsiar of the Dominion, .Ve have just received a splendid lijf6f< Tweeds, which ware prepared to sell at rook bottom prices.1 'OftM. our Btook: It .will pay you to. do so; No Itroublfe tosBJ^ottf' Ready-made Clothing, Men's arid Boys' Overcoats, Etlstert^ Hud" OveropatspBoys".Youths' imd Men's Suits; warranted; the,| \rgfi&.- and eheapest'sto'ck in Canada. . v:-. .. j. ... i Li/. j Oiirf Staple I^pa^m^L _ with extila good, cheap good<; in Cottons,'both white and gtW&J Fancy and Grey Flannels, Blankets, TableXinens, Tpwellii|g| ijf**^" '"i -".'*i.?; irs| A j. | f^kgl cneaper than the cheapest. - .';.!;.. 0rd^red Clothing best cutter and turn out the most stylish an assort 1 Carpets, Floor Oil Rugs, MaUfe and Mattings, at ektra low prices. 1 B6/>ts & Shoes* \&?. "We wotjld sak * continuance of the patronage so liberally "p #^*^||P , and in returd yre guarantee to sell goods cheaper tbMfltWv'.^rtjMi/s MoLEOD, ANDEHS0N & IC(' ' Oct, 3, 1876J ^ .Hi Bnrbx MAMMOTfl flOUSP, QM BOt^,- J.

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