Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1876, page 1

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"^"^'^i-ir I .'.j5/s^i. Volume Il.'Xo.S4^. A9TON, ONT., /(THURSDAY, 'bECfEMfeER 14, 187& BFSiXKSS CAtiDS. TVT H.^LOWRY. M. B.. !H. ? C. -V. ->. ^riulnnlc of Trinity ColleC*. Menun'r lit Cnllrgo of Phvsicltow .and Surgeons. -. DR. R. MORROW. Plivsi- flSn. Surceon, *e,ot Rellrvtie'Col- 1e**.5>>w Yort.HisoUr.uium.not Victoria. CoileRe. -Cmda. ConsuljaUim days > 0. m, till 4' ; p. m.i Res I deuce West" Bower street. ACTOK, ' . P. HENDERSON Convev- aneer, *e., also Acent Canada Ufe Assttr.vte* Co.. lVpJs,MortKRitts ^ prepaf^Uieaity,promptly, oorrectly- mil on re*v>nible terras, Mohev to Loan on Mortjjag* "Security. OtHeo ntasgow House. Aeugn.".'/ jywiNio?. HARNESS SHOP. E. K, COOK ' Hayihc; purchased the stock and good will of tlio business lately carried on , by Mr. J. F. Deiuj>s<ry, begs to announce to the inhabitants of Acton and vicinity tha^ he will continue the harness busi ness,in tlio same premises, Old Post Office Building, Mill Street, Acton, where he is preparedfta turn out work^ j second to none in the' Dominion,- being a i practical workman of considerable ex- i perience. - All work done promptly and Jas cheap as the cheapest.'. On hand a A jCTON BAKEUY. ' I \./ Cheap Bread. JD. MATnESOX, Attorney- * at-Lnvr, Solicitor in-Chancery, | iirv% ^.j,l trell selected "stock of Ac.. Oftce-Corner of Main and Church I ,ar*- aml weu 8ClLa,-a S,0L>- ot atre'ew. Ueorsotown. _ j naKir*. none BlanfcrH, Trunks, eapest. ted st 11 w '?." . U- - V, . ' "?vf:-: fk^ if* .- ?'. "*: "-'" ti-^" ' M^-..'. ~ j ft . , .- i ' r's price*, v - K- ' '. L. : -'/ . t t \: .' . weilingi 7 r"T ,-_.._ d Kaiitni'gCoU: ^rs and Tie*. ' _ i bocs,4ev,a A PPLEBE & SIMPSOS. j\" Barristers, Attorney s <t-l.<w, So-r lienors in Chancery, Conveyancers, 4-c. Kiln SirHt, .U^itG.rri>wx. \TTtt. LA1DLAW, Barrister. TT Attorney-al-Law S.illcin>r In Hamilton, lu lling tret; Hilton. Main sttvn. Tho - Itllion OlHce Will be nnder the manage- mta\ of . VT. Campbell, and Mr. r.nd- jav Till attend at ttu> ".Milton yaice" on Friday of eaoh-weet. t >Tt>t|. Brnbr, 'oiIn, .tc. Impairing promptly attended to. i~" . E. K. COOK. Acton, Sept. '26, ISTtJ. H EXKV L. DKAKE; AXD lXtfl'KASfE aceSt, crELpn, - Ajm for-the Mercantileirni Waterloo All busiuess entrusloii to n|s care will be ftllhfvily atttidtiL la i>r.!ers bv-mailt oIic!ted. ; i U.L.1KAKE -! SLEIGHS. Xpw is" the time to leave your order aAXLOWAY BROS. ARE STILL AHEAD. And w& intends to keep so with our Superior Bready Buns, and Calces, Delivered fresh around,tho villAgo-and vicinity every day; A good stock of BREAD. BUN^'AND CAKES Always on hand at our bakery, good, j fresh and cheap for> ipash. I NO CREDIT tft VEX, ! Except to prompt-paying irnonthly cus- ! I .All kinds _of Produce taken in ex- oods.. . AVeight fur.wciglit given in bread in I exchange for tlour. . s' WEDDING & FANCY CAKES fZMadeto order'in the shortest possible j notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. N;B. All goods are warranted pure as nothing but tho bestof .material is used. The' patronage of .the public ia respectfully solicited. C. ALLOW AY Bi;0$. Ai-ton, Aug. 0, lSTi!. I.tus, |i\GrIil^SWfH can ait JOTT'S i- ' l^Jl , - <- ." r-: |lsirg *U th* .V;**^ Gqpc^^ ';*- :;^^ --'Tv- lis. C .;~iT^fwi ae largest, gdi*ll||^ p.nsire stock ot>-^'g?f"' , in ael bt&lat^>^: fcos, WuiiBe>% J|*R5^^ all shades. . ..,/^v- [tnfenade. r&&f&&ik'- snionbie:'flW*.'#.;- PATEXTS for IXVEXTJt>JS.: Af J B,TTfi&nB ?flrf nyrr j " ' '----------------- ' " .Patent e ar.,nte^d !forr-rlnieJ m-Irifct ' aU.m tec ytyir>- or; no ri'ar^er Se^xi us. Afficy in opcr- UEXKY Gl.l?T. , .. Oil .W:u ,C.i!md~, Mec'irinM-ui Eos:iiveert Sii.iciiOr ufr'i iedis and I>rat!fili;stiiso. - TILLIAH WATK.IX.S, . Jaer Marriacc Ucrn>r aOrilCralrv. Uy Koyal Api oiuinieut.} uSt" at':!: = !'oV. i'S.v lii^iwiliuiu, fQ-J-ty iiat'ii srv\diLu. M**- ^"caclirr eniii.'ri Dr.m for a ' Stylish"Ciftter or Serviceable p Sleisli. ; | I ajn making, up a large stock for the J coining icivson, from the1 l>c.-t .material. I C<iU am! ,Si>' our llaiid^ouc Cultciv. \- My present stocU^of ; Buggies and wagons ] ~ Will l<! sold. iitF. very diicnp.. titn^ FOR THE MILLION ins an:! rrdnrii, \r-e , A.'! II 'Now : ..V to B. & E. NICSILIN Beg to annonnee tliat they have secured the services of a Pirst-Class Baker, r B:'.king birfimss ^ LTJZIi:!?. tfrcr. > 1 hi (i1:. r^-t ..'. .it:..n given" to au.l that t! in full operati by ,1/rs. Ilanna. now in the premises owned Brad will i houses in tin. be delive villa; and daily at vicinity. the THE LAMPLICHTER, on, tie ' ; Foundling of Chpistmas Morn. , CHAPT. "Plonse, sir, mot yertisomcut for t^n tivitieBl and follow;tlio poor little fellow, jwhosa tender years and hon- eBt^intQntions j should Lave beeu a protection from thoir coarse jests' I and rudeness. > ', Drawing his muffler closer round his ^thjioati to ikeep otit tho biting frost, ^n4 buttoning up his n,eat but thin and! threadbare jacket, lloluiid GraJ"; sought his way through, the crbwded streets of the city, -riio afternoon was on the 10 say oh ? not f wane> an(1 fcno 8hoP windows, as From tho Aberdeen Journal jilt I. ler saw yonrad- offico-boy in the Is,tho bittjatiori filled up Times. yet?" "Ah! That is ._ _.v ......^., ... ..., exactly," drawled dut a tall, flabby,: thy wJe bo,ng hghted- up, appear milk-faced youth, o(rathora dashing nd '" "" t]""" ""'"""" >-"i-- -< would-be-wide awake appearance, who sat at a desk within the door of tho counting houiuof Grindstone, Turner, & Co., lifting his eyes from the cuslilpook to urchin whose wistful eyes looked' up into his. Horutiii8 Theodore. Gosling, junicr partner of, and cashier to, the firm, saw the a ixious look, but' did not deem it ad.'isablo to give 'heed to it. . Beside (, young Gosling was fond of n lark ; and here was an opportunity whish did. not often occur in business hours. . H. T. Gosling chuckled tc himself as he noticed his -visitor. - "So your mother wants to bo'tmr boy., dol's she ! Tliut's a. good. ono. How sniurt- old she. II -well cduculled I" The little fellow'i was abashed as ho 1 ing of tiie clerks, ,\\) saw uioting -about iji'itJiin'.the com- piii'tineiits which both sides of -the wu.s_ " dniy foi-' a(i (lush of honesti-prid siinill manly face i humorous, cashier, 1 sir. It \lras.niy ,gi" Your granelui ill retched along oljiee. But it rut li :n , JAMES KYDKR. 1> A CTi>X FLO in M ILLS Flier r.a 'I Veil : US, l'r-.]>rie:ors. : :.}> on - t.i:l. ivhr.l Ki- :v- ,.ji l l.'i...p;.i; -U MB STAKING. Wfiddincr Cakes, Tea Cakes, Pastry. Buhs, &c," . O s s i * H o l.'.S'fc, let on. C ' 1'i til". G. V. lUif Wi v s.l::vt<>M. ^ii;ja^-.l.i;i. n f--f Uk 5.-;.Vrl- 'Iril'JS. l A.Mi.-iiiiLL. i'ro;;r. The tl:e J>e v.-illTu m il 1-l-gs le-ivc to inform tun j,ud: vicinity that he the very l'c^i mritmer, ari*l l;ept i:\ hntid, g-.od and frc.-Ji.*- Also ctionery. Biscuits, nia.le i alwavf :-.ll kinds . of 3 C'oufe Cheese, &c. ' The patronage of Jreetfully solicited. honor, that's better Jtill. . Ha ! ha ! Here's a go,'Job.sou, addiessing thb owner of a-head wist'over tho rail ing adjoining his bqx, ' This little gentl his inlhieiiee, on beh mother, who is a ca otliee of errand boy Jobson's snicker along (he whole i-omj hack nofiin on -respectable face fell. He eiiid the tittt;r- lose heads he jnstant; the : o'verspreud bis s ho faced tho |have no (not her, lidiuother. ither ! Pon my itnnn hero uses ill"of his graud- lididute for' the found nn echo of stalls hud l|bc other side. " Don't you think ?(l.r. Gosling, the the -pi.ibh'c is rcs- Requisites in on short notice ac';l reasonable .. . can be had . I'jider taking terms as 'S^jij 'lied . tcJi en Also that he wilj IiestretL BOHIXOX HOTEL. AftonJ i:>t>er:T..Agiic--, :-m; rn-ior.TiiH ; nex lio:-.-i is l-v.~ 1 u-j iu rlrsi-elas.^ :- :- style Willi nci. inr^t-.ire. Coni.mercial - Heart? T;ave<ler5 wi filr.d tffu .silow i'fiampie ri<'*nis.;SpeeiiiJ 1-- <<-t'.nUoi pai i-lo th uani<. ft lUc travel- | "'Ungpn-'lic, K;'. wAb-Wie bet. ',^.,. -, _ . , nn i^u^"-'uii= -^5-U:i^-ai-d.'Frfc up Stores & Omces Lioenssd Auctioneer '- tat the-Co-jaties-of rt'elli; gton aiid \\r.\- tan. ujders l^rt a- tlie i^kee Pksss Offlee, Acto-^ or i^t/my residence, in. Roeltwo>J. wii:'b2pro'a>i'Il->- atLeudeo to. Terms reasonable.. piRESILK Jhe andejslgxed bejfs tolhank his ens wmersfirtbelioeral prtronui acrlne tne. iast summer, tbath&is How prepared I .. ..,_,._______ oiUoaaLpu'mber.of customers wita good, finre.fresli milk delivered everymnrn- az, and iwice a day on SalurdayF. Par ti's who keep cows will find It mui-h Cheaper and less trouble tncet mllk"(l>lv. ered at ihelr doors, and ttii-.y would dr. weiltofelllhelrcovrsanti buy Hielr milk. Twenty-one quart tickets Por $1. if paid -J0, Javatice, or twenjy^me pint tfekets JogW cents . ~i-. Si. ABllSI'KO.Nli. JSeton, Nov. 10th, 1S75. in the best style. . Sbow -Canes, Book Cases and Desks 'rnade to order. F.V'iiXJTUJIE REHIRED. Shop on'Vyillow1 street, near Main st.., : P. M. McCANN. ^ Icton, March 20, 1S7G. 39-6m fonase received j QJTEAjI -, and wouldjay >0 tsnppfy an*u.d-! /~i n. TXT ....... Carnage & Wagon Maia. Street, - Acton. teitiiSn rk.-'Ladie#.^:^ re job \&J~^&i-vW |e head'eeB^g^li^v: .r\. %**m?M . _ _ ...! """" |sableyel, |uf&lQ largest IloMaiBft leuitf in W lot of ies. oar* Ire, Bodtm F l|se#tS* noi ep*:*ft 3JSOJ PLANIN^ MILLS. J, R. MITCHELL, 'i - - . Jdannfacttirer of - Bush, Doors, Blinds, Mould ings, Ddoriafld Window Frames, Pickets, etc. Pla mag, Scroll Wort, and Doiie 14 Order. tMatdting K" Blinds 30 cents 4>er foot. TE ' ^Lwo^k delivered in ^cton free. ^^eri' left at Secord Bros. wiU be Promptly attended to. , - : ^M^ton, Jnac 6( Ig76j *t ^.1^. }$ TKOLLOPi? dflAPMAiX, tactical Booklsinder, fH Descriptions or Binding _ : Neatly Executed. *ttnf Book* of atl Kinds {Made to "'..-:- Order. MICHAEL SPEIGHT, General Blaeksmitb, Carriage and -'- "SVagon-inakcr. East. Horse-Sitocrs in ihe County. Perfect satisfaction Guaranteed or no price charged. FlrstH'lnss Plows and Collard's Patent -Iron narrows always on band.-: A good stock of Carriages and-: Wagons. . Repairing promptly and properly at "tended to. . '-' : ~? Acton, July 18, 1876. A CTOX PLANING B. & E. NICKLIN. .Icton. Feb. 29, KS76. ,- Gr EEtPH AB.1I0BV, .& joh;; KiRKHAM, Gankmitli, Silver-Plater, &c '.Ylslies to inform flic public that he has removjed to Hatch's Block, Next-door to Tyson's Butcher Shop AMMUNITION FOR AliL BBEECH LOADING ASUS. , Ely <fc Kynbcti's Cartridge Cases and Caps for re-loadlnp; snme. .lie-loaders, Ke-cappers, p.ip KJertors, Curlers, ar;d Creasors.Cleanli.g ilods, and all articles necessary for a Spi.rtsn fin's out fit. All sorts of lii-pairing and Jobbing execu(edon the shortest notice at- Guelph, ^pril 27,1876. ' . i ^nars fairly run Often ,j ehufl'ed in his* never before-: at. " It's a .11 his quivering gentleman.1 has been] nose appears- to mq with bi-iindy. At this sally the down the little felloe's; face, often hud- he beeu search for work, bui bad'he-been langhejl lie, sir," escaped fro lips. :"". " It's too bad of something to .do, b'u have me." - " Oh \ oh ! That entirely. Beg purdin." Mr ling here bowed, a id wink Jobsun. " Your please ?" '.'.Ronald Gray.' " Age j".- "Eleven years with my granduiothtr aiid Itittcring rever- stalls. Little I its briKhtncss Ah ! very goo .any family'(" ..." iA -curious sort of biated along the Rolhnd's ftee lost ui| again, is there any iucuniberance i" "I don't .know, sir. I haven't seen any.' Granduic.ther and I are drinking ( His to be tipped you. no I wimtr one will pltcrs the case . Gos- d to ifame, if you past: I stay Have you p gentlemen's them home. I with the city,j be ?6-hJ,nd^:" i'couia; be. iaps too handy, to Newgate in it it, my little Mi: Gosling [of his visitor's MILLS ANJJ ^ding Promptly Wended to- St Georjje's Square, Guelpki *nKay-_; ""^Wi^receive pronjpt attention. ________________ "erilsirig, ^12 o^S^J&me.i: Agent* Ranted fBmpVSash, Door and Blind \ v Factory. -f IT THOMAS EBB AGE, I Manufacturer of Window SakfcL,- <- Dopris, 'j i Vnetian Blinds Mouldings, And other Building Requisites .Alst). Maker of > . .. tuszoysv strciioiT rxmfs Lumber Fished and Dressed to order in the best manner. t&~ All workgnaranteed.. A-etOD, Janii870. ; \ CTOX LIVERY & SALE STABLE _' J. P. ALLAX Takes pleasure In announcing to ,the puhnc*6enerally that lie la prepared to furnish (; ' . ;; First-blass Sorses and Carriagoo At Reasonable Rates. lils Rigs and Horses are the best that caB b had, and be is'.determined not to be surpassed by any City Stable. Acton JalyJst, 1875. -. :; ulone. She does u shirts, and I take am well acquainted and oh,' sir, 1 would per and get handed over return ~ man." With this adroitly caught hold! collar The little'fellow'| tnorefthan ever honesty you are fooling me, let me off, I not." " Ah ! very me to shake saying, the cashier shook the young applicant Father roughly, "If you want a Christmas box on Fridky, you know vvbei^e to -eotiie. There now, young Jun," anil with a mer ry Christmas and a tick, Hie visi tor found himself in the street. -Before/going'any,i ui^her we may here remark that Jloratius Theo dore Gosling was t.-goose or in other words a fool. wouldn't stay welll {91,00 ppr annum tBjAdtaace this Christ- od in ajl] their dazzling brillaucy df glaring!'colors, sparkling erystalp and bright lights dancing in count- Jess munheiB among greeii leaves and: red Ifcrries in the shining mir> rort, like so many fairy palaces and elfin Imimts. It was very cold ; a sharp, keen, frosty night was'setting in. Peo ple hurried Bomewurdsjwith bright fuces and light steps, while others with us bright faces, but tardier movements, loitered about the shop fronts, fildmiring the display of tempting delicacies, and speculating upon the-prices. To :croWn all, it was Christinas Eve! ' .., -.'-,'. "Oh! had I something to do, to-morrow would be r rare Christ inas to mct,J' said Roland Gray to himsidf as bo trudged along. Poor little fellow, he had soon |Legun to mingle in the great battle of life; but he bad b. sturdy, nianly heart, and was lvot.Vasilyjcast down. ' Roland found iiLmselfih Leaden- hall market. What a Babel ,of voices; butchers bawling, geese gabbling, duckV~quacking, cocks crowing, dogs barking, pigs sqnea-k- ing, customers chattering, porters wrangling rasping of. saws and hacking of bones, wh'ilo little raga- uiuflins imitated all and a great deal more. ! "Buy buy!' Who'lUmve a nice tdikoy? Duck, sir? .Splen did ibird, ma'am, tliis ere goose. Only i and 01" ..':'. "Here, my little' man-! Do you know Cavendish Square, west-end?" asked 11;jolly ledt'nced gentleman, whoistapd at u butcher's stall] ! "jYes, sjr," atibwerod Roland: ie:idily, with the instinct of getting a job. ' .\.| ' ! - ' "Turn up your face here, young man^ till I peruse; your tesliuioni1 als. The very thing, and ratbei Jiaiu some, isn',llluggins? Hero, fHiiggins, clap thia leg of mutton on his * boulders !" '. Tiie butcher, did so, remarking " wcnldn't it be too heavy?" " [Not a bit oY itj Huggins. He'd talie the whole'sheep 011 his back." Roland smiled, and really felt as if he could. " Now-l.thon, off with you, my little pri ace," added the jolly gentleman, in his fussy, bust-j ling way, " to No. 9 Cavehdish| Squilre. Ask for! Mrs. Choyy ;| hand ler the. mutton, arid demnndj one shilling sterling. No\f then -I off!" '""I ' i " All ; right, - replied Roland,":| staggering off with his burden. j " He's a sharp one, Huggiiis, 1 that is, depend iipon it. Don't you! think so ?" Mr. Chovey was pleasedj at having got so good a messenger. With a " good bye, iluggins," he bustled,off whistling, "We're allj jolly bc-ys," or' some such comical air. ! A couple of h;oprs. later and Roland Gniy was'hurrying home wards,! singing a Christmas caiol.toj himself. 'The Btredts were busy as made oneSbeing hup^j mas ive. | . * ; - Iiyfront'bf the li|ot'els in Trafal gar Square a group |of people were gathered around a young lad who played the flute. The tune was J'The Blue Bells of fecctlond ;" and it was executed in a! masterly style. Many a onflfciurrying through the Square stopped to listeh. to the Bbft, melancholy but cllear and vivid notes, and long aftej- tl iey had been drowned in the biistjje and noise of the busy street the ^6w refrain still lingered on the ear.j The musician seemed not to be abovelfourteen years ol'age a fair haired! blue-eyed, handsome,, and ruddy faced fellow, Inert and well- clud,.and not nt all of a vagrant appearance. .The cappisrs showered in thick and. fartj wit'i many en- coniuui8 from the crbwd. Roland Gray stood spellbonnd among the audience. The tune was done, the musician moved off, and the crowd disperse! in search 'of fresh novelties.; ! . Again the silverjrl tones of the flute came floating on the breeze. Roland followed the sou ad, and soon came iippn the nius'tyn in a lonely street. [The air noW. played , was another Iof Scotland's lays, that to-iching melody, "'?be Land o' the Leal." j[(- har.mon set! with the feelings likely to be a A-akened in that deserted place, .."- : "Take) yourself, off, you little scamp, gtowled out t. p:sser by as he. came^upon tb<i flute player. You're a puisance ; you disturb my meditations with, those horrid squeaks of, yours. [Tin enough to raiso the deujl in St,'Martin's vaults' close by." ! ' . ' Tho musician ga-ye np: playing, and began to breath^ upon tho tips of his cold frozen fingei s, while he viewed the speaker! with a half curious Ipilf defiant look, and a merry twinkle in his| eye. " Wud ye like Tullochgoruni freend ? he roguiahljy asked, in a broad Scotch accent,"o\- o'/IIuHocliiinl That some mettle on ydur carle." Mr. Grindstone the leading partner1 of City firm, stared at nuisance. He didn't qiiite under-, stand the language, but guessed that it was hot altogether flattering to him. The audacious vagrant of the street to address7"?^! thus ! It was quite criminal !j He made a clutch -at the offender. "You young scoundrel, bowj dare you speak to me in tint way J The .House-of Correction ought to have tha. Reel Voula put heel, aulu the great the young jtmcojn the year. And whv op.Kreadei'sin'thelhistory of Rolaiid ing for Gray and; his friepd. ! - [not? Am' I not a nian independ ' The story of Roland's'life is sini- ent free? They can only pay me pie and-'jeasily told. His -. father, s.; off the la rn plight er re Ithe only $oti of Mother Gray, and sufned. What 'is' f|fteennhi})iaag a a lithographer by* trade, had mar-j week" :ompnn-d to liberty?. Urn- ried early. The fruit of that mar-J^glorious".Constitution, thank h|r<av- ri.age was Roland, who bad not ! en, aSords fnll-Kciijj*"; fia- intellect seen sixsummers when he Saw his.,'and guuiuH. father, whom fever had. suddenly ' rise to.? struck down,; put jn his grave ; and'-J inde shortly aiter.his delicate moth- j. Oui- reiders must not think,7 < ev. Hisiparents, side by side in : a]Mh'a{, tlmtColli,tAvaS(,n habit. ler. Not at. all. It was! their narrow bed,!the Jittfe orphan !^rumbll... wastmkeri home by his'grandmoth- fway,. Avhm on' his er, through whose industry and ,ChristrLaS hi.ii-n, after his .-,ri.|: -frugality he had,received a'mbder- partv hjn id J IS . . . ,.-.,... .......... ,.,,. Ii w...ur ate education, but whose poverty J i,e ChristiniKS without it. On had compelled hini to seek a .means-;' contrark he was good nnnirM.'i! der lieajtted; and kind to all lighter 'What /may we I not And I aii^ I not a man jendeut fiee/i" . r,1> broken up. of livelihood long before he should, have; been; worried with the cares of|Kfe. But what could he do?, Mothei1! Gray hud a hard strug-,.. . gle to keep things square, although 1 relation! she never complained. Her grand son, young-as. hej.was,.understood it all, and his'-^lijttlo independent .spirit made 1dm Jong to do battle in the'world's .strife, and win a iplaco of comfort for her who had done so much for him. Roland| j Gray clearly loved his grandmother j and it' was with a |!beaming oye he told her of Mrs, Chovy's kindness and promise, add ing that " although he should hbve to carry-legs of mutton all: oyer .London, nil day long, and all ther year round, he. \youldh't inind." IjMo.tber Gray, who loved hergrand- ipon abo\-o:all 6"n earth, said lie would be a 'gentloman yet, she bad ijib doubt, of It.'"'" .,"' ii As to the flute player, be was-a' igentlemnn'jin every- sense of the word already, but, wu must add, a rather self-willed one.V His' father was an exlcnsive and wealthy mer-. chant in the West Indies, as wd] "--. / '- ! good felowj but very ignorant, and superst tious. " Helfad beeiialiiijij)^ all his days never had. jury that he knew" of except bis-jfather,'who was a-lamplighter before niiii, andito whose beat; u,e ' ' fal|eu heir iiasuccssion,; and as tho proprietor - of an estate in Scotland, nvbere ;his ancestors had lived for ah-age before.^ Mr. Seaton: -1 did riot'oftea visit' Sjjot^und,! but when lie did he was jkiiidly. -welcomed home Qx Bellbi-aei for he Jwas a geu- ( orons and good-h?arted man, Hia son Kenndtbj his only child-, had never heard of either Etori--or Harrow, except as greatiplayenffor cricket.! H e adored a I fold customs paud hatledjnnovations. iTwo fafth- . ing rushlights were burning iD Ithe '..' window of' his garret chambeii at that very nioment, as' they"Tiad done regularly every Christmas'iBve; and moj'n since ever he .remember ed. ' It was ar)i old custom, Collie knew, but that was all, and so he , kept It tip.' j-' ' V ^ ' -He hod got the-last-light on his; ' beat- put but and; was trotting' " homewards. I "J'll be Wowed; if thatisn't some poor wretch with; drop~ias is gone and -tumbled ipto the wrong bed," he remarked, asi.h*' : came npon what.Beemed to -be person lying on the. door steps af.a . ' large xnabsionT-" Hallo, old feltew, ; allow me to disturb your dreamii"'; ahd^ who now sttsl at. Mother Grav's fireside, had, after thte deatii of Lis niother heen sent'home to'Scotlau'd tb"be educated.. Placed under the care of a tutor and masters in Ed inbnrgh, Kenneth had'received a tborotigli and polished education for his uge; but,' being much left to himself for wanting the attif he had imbibed amusement, and actions of a home; a gi'.at dealof ro mantic! ideas and odd notions. The cjbns'eqjieoce was, tlfat - now ' when , i-i . . |t:f-r..:.j ('is father, !w,ho ! had re3olved that such n treasure, and it will if Grind?;.'. ! 4 urti .1 .-i I- r r 'ins son should Follow themercantile \. face flushed tfo, no. I am ing ai here, I. would just allow give you a niother, friendly before p^rtilng:"-. And . so IJBSCEIBE FOE THE s ACTON FREE PRESS, Only One Dollar a .Yean stone, Turner, & Cij>. yartiy knew this. Partly, linsomuch as Daniel Grindstone -the sde representa tive of the old and opulent firm so far as Grindstone, Turner, without the Co., wa8-.concerned, and withal a hbre'wd, sharp, haid-headed, hard hearted old screw, who bad a keen er eye for business than any other half, dozen eyes' in the city -did,' while H. T. Gosling, whose wealth and wealthy connection had em bodied the Co. if his name did'not. . The clerks, too, all knew/what the: I Ca was, but th'ey jfeltit to their the Co.'s fttcs- the smiles und hearty- laughter, the iests and' The blythe happy faces,! good nature showed that nil were bent on spending a right merry CI:' ristmas. ... v A sad face seem ed out of place at least bo it ap peared to our little friend as he. trolled away at his lively ditty. His was the blythest face of all.! Arid why not? Had he not been at! Cavendish Square, No. 9, and dis-i: posed of his precious burden ? Had' lie not hid his reward in the shupe:i of a whi,te shilling! in his.pocktt., and anotber1 to beivr it company,;! bestowed by Mrs. Chovey, a kind,! good hearted lady, who, while treat-S ing him to a;slice of roast and. some baked potatoes from tb4 .oven, had him the little story of not Mi's. Chovey promised that ;if he-called on Boxing Day she might; be able to do sbtrifething for- him f It was all true. Happy as a king' iM'esBrs. Grind-'] /or rather as they are popularly said: stone, Turner it Co. |iav.e any, voice in the business," I " There's two at a bargain though, .old gent, cried out the flute player, w:ho spoke good English} when he liked, as he escaped! to:; the other side of the street, .where he. ran over a bar pf hit's !braw bein' free," following it up.with a lusty Scotch huich ! . . j ,-' As several people werp gathering around, Mr. Grindsfeone^;not wish ing to; appear in such a scene, walk ed offi muttering, pest 1 regular nuisance. .;-!;.' " A merry Christmas,. master, and a Lhappy Now .Year," bawled out Roland Gray after tb,e retreat ing merchant. . J.. Our little friend had been a wit-, ness to the colloquy, akid enjoyed it much. :He now johujcT.the flute player in n hearty .laugh,; which at once created an understanding be tween them. Boliind G uy and the musician, though quite strangers to each other, were soon; fast friends. They needed: no ^formal, introduc tion. " You've got no-1 borne ! No home, and this Christmas Eve !"- exclaimed Roland, on learning that his friend woi a stranger to Lon don. "Why; what will you d.q?" The musician laughed. " Rough it out, as I have dpne thss week past in the country. !! Pm going to sea, and have been playing; to get as much as pay my lrLdgrngs. But profession like himself, and" in' dne time take . his place in the,West Indies^ had arrulnged tbatlie should be placed imder the care of Messrs. Griridstonel. Tutneri:Co., his Lon-. don correspondents, for a fpw years, that lie might >e initiated hi the calling, he (had ' ran off from Edin burgh with the intention-of going to sea,' !Hispnirse hod brought bini as TaraB Birmingham 1>y rail, the remaining had traveled So saying }he stooped down and pulled at fhfe' figure.. ' -"I.'_.- ",Go6dness gracious ! Blowmel"- : Instantly- the ladder was thrown aside, and Collie lifted up the form of a' lady, while, a cbilrl tumbled ' over on' the paveriient and gave a cry. "A child too ! r-Well if I ever! "i A'i case for tbe' newspappi ' if ever there was one. Poor lady. - 'Tis enough to Bill you." ': .'The lady .answered . not. . pter' frozen-body was rigid .as that' of * - corjise!' With'a groan she would have fallen upon the pavemerit ,had; not. Cpljie supported her.: The eyes opened land gazed upward towards'; the stars with a stare that made the. iamplighter shudder. 1. .'-' .--___ " No-^no no. Do, not cry. " "= be I there. to London sistenco 1iy| stilL He in Londohj ri fooVearning his sub- means of his flute,-upon \^hich he'jjilayed with considerable had kot been ten hours whin we find him in Hack's Ci'iirt. ['. j Kenneth Seatan, with bis. light hair land pliie, laughing eyes,- his fr^nk, orjejn face,' and. his' manly foi-m $ and! Rolaird Gra^v with hi dark^ iH4{ligeHt. eyes, Jiia high, smooth forehead, and. his small, handsome (figure,' were, lappy fMy Nelly- will! soon Where^where am' I ?" . Trie biro- . ken accerita which followed? w6re f,unintelligible from thej chatlering of -her/ tieth. . Her body shivered all over. -. ".Heaven receive my 'Spirit. Oh God ! 'watch 3ver niy. Nt'-ly.". A i. tlow, protracted rnoani' The eyes " shut for ever. , AU was over with the poor lady. : :; : The lamplighter.. was " thunder- .- struck. Hi did Trof notice that the child had crawlt.d towards jts-moth- ; er aud nestled, in the iifelcss bosom. - '(To be eoniinutd.). .-. .t r-n_'-' CyCZ. i. A <l!0/\ per idayi at home "PO bt> . p^5V SBnrplen: worth Si froe. Stifsou <* Co., Portland, Maine. : advantage to humor tiousness. ! Ho leave we' the ; 'oung thought less clerkB exuberan; !*^ i^'" .~*. ' pect of the coming to be) was Roland ;Gray. '. Mother (for so he always persisted in -call-! ,itig his old "graridniother) and lie; would have a rare Christmas of :it! after all. ' Never in all his life (and it had not, been ;;a very long One) had.lie eyermade" so much money.j He had a good iriin'dithere and then,] to go ulap dash ;iiito that pastry-j cook's and- buy a couple of those rich da"rk plum cakes. . His' mind even soared to having a whole' turkey tb swing over his shoulder. Wouldn't it make mother stare?) He believed she jwould faint rightj off, but that-would not dq. At'itfstl I he settled dowri to ji -presentation, in the shitpe of sonie nice bacon; -aJ p with the pros-1 few buns, and th|e balance in.; hard j Christmas fes-' cash. Mrs. Chovey bad at least' care how soontI was, under.cover. Where'shall-I^'o-r ' ; | , Roland mused a little.: The two white shillings jingled in his pock et. He had forgot all about them. "Home with me he cried. "Will you? Mpthoi; is. so: kind. You Bhall sleep beside mej in the little attice. .Won't it -be .nice ? What a jolly C.hrfstmas Evb;. we'll have." With this - the tvio spun along the crispy; street,' arid were soon seated together -before the warm" fire in the neat little room of Moth-, er Gray's, in Hack's Court, White- friars: While Mother Gray!; and a good natured, clean! pld lady she is is bustling about'pi-eptiriug the supper, or rather feast, j as it ap peared in the eyesiofjb'erlgrandsorii whose rasber of ibacon wsjs frizzling on the fire, and whose buns were piled so temptingly ijpon1 the plate \va tho centre of the table, we -wtill cbpld be jon: this Christinas eve. Hack's Court had never heard such nn^sio before as the thrilliug notes of j Kerintth's flute; and riierry laughter of the ,twa light-hearted boj's. . " .' Let ns-ileavetheprto their enjoy ments, and pass an' to other scenes an<? other ;hnraclersj wlio have to figure in: o\ir little plot.--' Vienna Itredd, - ' - ... - ^ x , The process of. making Vienna. bread, with which the centennial ' visitors became familiar, iB! thus < explained i Sift into n tip! paa.fburpounds of flour, bank it tip against the sides, pour iuone.-quart of milk. and wate"ad mix into it enough '.'. flour to'forut a thin, batter i then : j q'uiokly and ligitly-'dd'one pint o-:; *8 ymilk in which is dissolved one ounce : Christmas iniona - "had dawned. Th|j mpoiji was1 Vsiiling in the heavens,; it's Iclear: bright beams sbitwng down upon the hoasejtops and icqimneys, and icastmn their grotesque shadow on the streets; .while t)ip bright Btars winked-and twinkled oyer the vast city us if they rejiiceAat the return 'of ;the blessed day. - Intensely cold jt was- a1 bit- -ter; biting frost wind swept along th'3! pavement, froezijig the. "very breath of th,e4ewstragglei-s who were I abrotbTut that-early lilour, arid even piercing.into the houses, of those who were not, making. Jhein creep over head and ears] ambrjg the bed,clothes. ', v . - "' .- With'his short ladd|er lirider "his arm, and his furred cap draV/ri.over his-eai-s', Cojlin Crisp, thelainpiight- ofsalfand one and three quarter ounces, of 6aff& Eteischmariri'scbm-' ; preaseal yeast j^deave the remainder bf-the flour against the sides of the pan j cover' the 'pan with a cloth and set it:in"la place/free 'fi-om draught for thi'ee-quartera o;f an hour j .then mix /in tlierest of,.the flour until the dduh wlH lcayejtbei bottom and aide^-ot the jian," and let it stand' two/knd a half houril -. Finally, divide the mass into osor -pound piecesj |o-be* cut in tura Into twelve parts each. -This gives 'square pieces about tfecee and a half , fljncneis thick, each comer -f which. - is taken Up and folded -over to the centre, and thfjn the cukes,ate turn- -. ed over on. a dough-board . raise " for half an hour, /wbgn . they are putinto.a hot oven that'4mkes them in ten minntea, The =<3iief merit - of the "Vienna j bread lies in thefact that it.can ^ made in less than' foiir bfturs, aafl the shortness of the procesa abbreviates the time getier-." ally, required for'thfe " raising" tff ordinary bread (which in reality is;,: - the active decomposition aiid subse quent destrucpioti of" some of the!' chief: riutritious elements of thB" flour.). .;.- v H-m- er,jtrotted 1 ]along, -putting but-'4h; liglits on his beat.' His wasTi.wfsi j Engagement, rings are now raarfe end beat an anstoei-a+.ic lamplight: (like-bracelets! to "close round- i^ ei- jwas. Colhe. He ^as going his jfirigerwitb\a* spring clasp.!- Tl^ey- roujndsvrather. early j jbut then, it ^renb longer made plain, but^m-4 r - - did; not matter much, the moonlight ild hist fill day da/Wned.- I'll-be I Blawed sajd Collie to body; ynrious neati'Kndi chaste de- ' signs. : About' the mostichasift itii appropriate is ope that simulates:,^ .--------------r. _. --------- , , . hinjsejf as l^e trotted op, if Islmn't raytrar^: a,ad gbeei;shut for tates tho opportunity of posting up mvre a jolly long sleep in the!morn- when * finger, is stuck info it

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