Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1876, page 3

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' f/amtmsmses^BSSSSi 0, m. *& choap. - - -ft [cheap., ^ Orderi :D# iELS,' J:-j, BOTS. ; -1- '*. feu te--.- a --v- IK "t - ML ,:y H V-i t, ;} K "- =-'s*r- -I.efsSPlI - 'r?j| -!f? THE FREE MESSv AOT6n, HALTO^ COUNTY/ GN^., WEM. .- 0.10 .\.m. . i 00 p.m. _ A IT . T:K"> p.m. -.- 1 :.*> a.-m rAST. ' > 3:37 a.m. -. 3:10 .-v. m. "a . W'-.So a,nn. ".VlTp.-m. 1 UbOeVp.hl'. *a* tkvsjk t*WK TIBH:, ' Trsin* *<*ve Aoton a* follow* ; ,'--.' : '< ,oiio Mowing***11 " Sight ikr**** .- ';- * "" _oi; . Sight Express - they S*pr*?S ' sria > ^ - T 10CAL **ATTER^ TREK The balance of this war. The Frrc Tress Mill le *at all NEW Subscribers frn now until the 1st of Jan* ary. ISTS* for One Dollar, if paid strictly in advance. Village Council Huyting next ^ ThnrsiUyi SOth inst- -^-Nassagaweva Council mooting, next Monday, 27th i:\st. ShelustOfthk Wkan". A boau- 'tifnt'assortment of sea shells just re ceived, cheap, at Sccord Bros. -" :' The next- Court of Genct-al Sessions a.d the County Court lor thfi - eoonty will be held at Milum on Tuesi iT, 12th tfcecnibcf. ] Christioj Henderson 4 Co., Acton, will $v$y. the highest cash price for any quantity of icc'dairy butter. ^-Kev. S. AJ. Dyke. Riptist min ister of Toronto' w:ll: preach in the Baptist phapc], Acton,Tie.vt Sunday, at 11 o'clock a. m. an J b' p. m.- and. lot . belonging to tha estate of-the " bite Samuel Worvleri. was sold at, auction yesterday for Shod. Thu purchaser Mr. Angas Fletcher, of RalUnafau. The' price is.c*uisidervd.a gixxl one. u Miss Charlotte HymK.a pupil of the third class in the Acton PuKie Sehiiol, who lately removed to Orangc- Yille, was, on examination, proinote.Vtp the foanh class in th public school of thit place. Another sign that the Aeton School is " retrograding '." The handsome premises erected thiss-niiner. on upper Wyr.uhar.i .-treetr Messrs. W:n_ Stewart "A l'o., will l occapksl by that firm in .a few tjays, \rith a magniticent stock of rirst- ebss'g.wl*. Their 'r;rtid< in r.rd aroand Acton are rc-pbit:il!y invited tocall atiljrc; ih?T.en's: >re. r K E:ive n->t yet Bi-mifestcd any d':sj>-iii-. on to I effe;;-an iniprovem-.nt 7i'n!t t!:e^ta:iin yari -The approaches are-as dillicaiit | m eves. Per!;.-.;:? when Si-'.i'.e ;h gi-t.= rmrover by a train frotu Vvic.;. coaipell- _ ei to walk along the track, ihtre r..r.y le some hope of^ having thi evil reme died. The Partlr-r :Co:nf-vly Company -sdvertisc-il a iT-crti-nnance tor la^t* in~^ht:t there Dor 5 einr-r-U'sience'si;:;i- ^ '7 :^ on, the - manager announced that hewouMjo^t- pone it till this evening-. Vie think ; froin what We have se-en anl hear 1 that 'the-'CODjpny is -well worthy ;of patron- _ige, and have /no hesitation in saying tiat wc tbelie%-e a very "plersing <ri;ter- taicmeat' Trill rfc^. siven. The }ilay is the weil-k.n.>jcs ^Tcapi-rsnte ciran-.a if Bip Van Winkle, and should bt- seen by 'all interested in temperance mattery.. JSring your ladies without fear of he.-.V- -i ing anj-thing to offend the most fastidi- rroa. . Admission 1"> ci-nU ; reserred . seats fi^cents. i <.nldrn Mxldlns, On Thursday last, lfitU.inat,, tho (if. tictli nmiivowary of the marringo of ^tr. smt Mr. lVfcr Yomen \vns ihily celebrated at tho h-aidenoo of Mr. UeO; Yemen, m-ar ltallinfnd, whi-nr tboy ari at present rv-sjding. i^V larp<. immber of friend*' wore present;,who, after doing ample justice to the good things provid- ol, rpent a few hours in social inter course, Iti thu evening, the, young folk repaired to the reaideiieo of n grand daughter of the aged Wwple, and enjoy- od a few Hours tripping the'light .fan tastic too. Mr. and Sirs. Yemen were amongst the earliest toftlera in this sec tion of country, having.resided for about forty years on lot one in tlto Sth .line of Krin. Mr. Yemen is over eighty years of age and his companion of titty years is nearly as old. They are both hale and heartv. SEEOIAii FROM .IctouVubllc Srhool. ^ The following is the result of a Writ', ten Kxaiuiuatiou in Geography, held iu the First department >f.tlii school, last . Friday. Forty questions were verbally given ; to the: Fourth elass, Stl-to the Third,'and 2~> to thu Second.. Tht fol lowing _peiventages were obtained by oac)i pupil : . rori:TK-:i-i..\y.s. - :' * pr et, ' rrcl, ";. ims. | <;ii;i., AllHTl MiUllleWs !V, I Chirt. It Soelullt IiM Krett tt Ito>>. . !>.i | Kll7,ateiliSly!ie !>T1 lH':ir l^llliiHil Srij j Clra >IH>l^ht :.i W'm Konno ly "Ti-J Kaiiny M'llad'ln li'-'j Patrick .M:iio.n-yt7ii 1 Aimle Mo^Vro ^ iVlUmm XimK-r <v.'i I llenry_lil!l <:'i | l.onts Snyder o"H .lnhir* \V. Uy*Jei John C Cluster HiH ; v. Tim:i> oi.AA-;. Woslov 'llii:h> s inH.MIoervnStort'V ICO .l:iv Mot'oiii oil 1 o |,.Ma-(;:eC m Will VH'Mwkll J.iho tvonn- ly Job-ti A-new impholl lo>" :> , Kllen Hnmlltoi. UH1 W I Nellie tVulson I'm * > 1'vorta M'iJarvm lm _ li.vl.-r loo LI M.i^ile Nickllu Pi! I Annie Laldlaw 91 ;. John Moloney '.n'l IsaUelln Itlll" iloi' Itseliiir.l M.i!onov '.; | iiillhin Uiclcinp <>iV J.nnex Me >111 an - >.j Klin SpeUin ' iw Alex. Watson SI | M irv Wor-nop vo .K.lwin D. Kn-n Ti', ; Ma K. H:\eklni ss j Mary Smliu tvi Kratik Woruen oG } .Mit^ule.^ Icolsoc 41 M.irstia: Fe.irnly js | Manilla M..sules W To t-;> E-.Ut-.r o/r.v- Fhc l>r,:<*. . Haviu'g bei n inforio-ed that the or.-hip of com:ir.taicatio:i. in your issue of lotii ins:., signed "Homo" is attribu te.! to me, I take this means of a.-suring*- ;uc; Ik>ard as. well as "all otiiers interest ed in the matter in ip'.estion that I hail iiothinj _t.i "do i'.!i it whatever, either by writing", dictating, or advising its pul'l:ra:i..:i. .1 have not made myself ;.c i/.ia::i:e,t t:u ,p irt|cuhir nature .if the charges pfcferre.i and tlu-refore an: n : iu a ji...- lion to express an opin- even if.I ib-.-'ired to o.t> so.- 1 <io ', however, that Hoir.u has 'made a mis- ta:^- iji parc.'ling his grievances 1 the pr.V.lic at' this late hour,.when n< THE LIOI, GUELra Marvellously Low Prices/ that:; Just nrrh;6d ftpm (Gr^t |^ J0H2T K00-& & IS02^, X^)^rW7a^^ of the Tfcide. BUFFALO ROBES, j ' . . j BRFFAJbO.KOBES, j BUFFALO RQBE& f>00 Choice Hobes just reoolvoil from tho Hudson Biiv Compmry, selling at extraordinary nricoa. In fiict chouper ilinn il'wo hud sent out our own hunteis. . - A Prinie Little Robe for $2.50. S]ull Sized Robe, $4,50. 1 Splendid Robe, "whole, $7 to $9. "JS'o ono shouldbb without a -Kobe.. 7 BEADY - MADE CLOTHING. ,: . In -tbisDepnrtnvent wo can bnat^everything in the> rrovinco, Rond our piices and say whothoNhey uro not wonderful. - . ': - \^ . ' : ) '0"V"ERC6ATS. ;k L. Irish Priez Ulster Overcoats for $8. Very #ood Overcoat: for $4.50, worth $8. ' Al Overcoat at 7, .8, 9 and 10 Dollars. ;^- -' First-class Overcoat fur .trimmed- TWEpD GLOTHING.1 $12. forcf Pilot Jaekots, voll linod. from$?.50. ""',"."' Twcol Pants, $2, S2.50, 53.; Twcol Vosts, $1. S1.25,\s$1.6s0. T"weo4 Coats, 3 to .S9. ^ i Pull Tvrooi Suit lor 810. Very oheftp. LOOK ^.O? Black Cloth Pants. ?3. worth 5.50 Black Cloth Vcsts.Sl.50, worth 82 50 Waterproof Coats, heavy twilld $2J Buy your "Winter Clothing at the Lion. "Where you will find it good and cheap. Boys' Suits complete for $2.50. Overalls 50 cents. Wool Shirts aud Drawers 50 cents. cnange fiir.e t be feak elie-cte I. The ;s li-.fore t proper Tfce. Festtre Season.- ^ The' soand of tha fiddle is hbanl in the landj,a'rid the.dancing portitrii of the had 1 ecu rc-eiKged. Fail:: he o'."g:;t -v. c.v ti, hold l:i- peace as any- rcin::tij-'d-.-ro'i.-.t<rry to the -teccher will" only tctv.l'toiivstrny his usefuljieis dur ing the.entire ye;\r. \Vhat> i-ni lie the .object Homo na^ in v^^'c t Is he in .-ir.reii - of an of- rice'; Can it 1.."^.- that tfu trdehts have been overiooked in the/Si.l:Ction of a Secretary :--r a .^naaii and o-.:: = ide :uan- niacfiring c-.::cer'u iutts.ting a capital of >'111,i.,0 p in .;-r village :a::d turning out vrork superior to-anj^liingof iti kind at the World's Kx.hibityj.o_i- Such insinu ations do not elevate" the standard of Homo in the minds of the people, but rather go to show that he is some person teacher /BEST GJIA/X AG.)\ $3 A DOZEX.. to do si who has heart.. no the I an: interest of Acton at Acton, yours, J;c. D. Hi-SDSi-sox. Nov. 21, 1S70. 'Wariii-.s.' We* .have been compelled, mnch a_rainst our will, to p-iaee alxiut thirty accouuts and notes in court this week. Many people apparently, think that it A PIIiST-HATE JIOll.-iE BLAXKET EO/1 Sl.SU. JCgy-.Give"; us a call. Guelph, Nov. 15. 1ST6. J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO. CAMPAIGN OPENED! WESTERN ADVERTISER WEEKLY LIBERAL. . * A Six Dollar "Prcmfam Given Away. MulB commnniry is preparing for .the winter | papers. Thej~ - say" they are perfectly festivities. Get yonr programmes, cir- j good,'and consider-that js sufficfent for 'ctilars and cards printed at the Fi.-E |: the merchant to'knov.-. This, however, Eeess offi_. ' -v- I is not s'uthcient ; for we cannot p.iy for our poods by telling our creditors that we have several thousand dollars due to -us by good men. . No man. is gooiV who does not settle- his accounts promptly, whether hu be worth thousands-or noth ing, it is'all the same. We have re peatedly called on those who owe us, and who cannot pay at onee, to call and give their notes';' though many have done so, there are yet many who have not, anl these latter f. are now plac ing in court as rapidly an we can ttet them ready, and will continue to do so. without reference to whether the .party in ttood or bad, or whether the account is much or little. ' We have given ample time to all tpsettle .their accounts, and we will-insist on its being dune now. -.. ' Secofid Beo.s. Balance of Year Free 1 In opening the Animal Advertiser Pall Campaign for l87.C-7i.we do so with the full intention of making it the most successful one entered upon. AVe want t*. add at least 10,000 new subscribers tc> ottr roll this year." ' . - The A-jvebtisf.k, in tho future as in the past,, will be found advocating every , _y ,._..,,._. ..... _---... .... -...._.... t^uu jti.form find every really Liberal is not necessary to pay any attention tjcasuti,t Amongfother reforms it ad- whatever to the notices served on them " ... "from time to time, "both ptrsnnally. throti-gh -the post otiice >*and.the public 1877. "THE WEEKLY GLOBE. FliKt,tp;rciiolve .Til] (.oOdK, tlrt WHoll thoin,-n-Tity>'_.attlo aualnpt high prices n-id wo ^1J| (rtiatVtnteebut nrtfles ,6*eV. *h)i deWiUnent Is wrli * rthv<if IcpcI t ui loili; nroftt, aiMi first to brlnit down . rices i I all B6pd In order ti meet tho prey- attemloo, njul w5 In^to alf lotomita^io WTehm^^umtSma^B^SSUfSM'^ irijrry toth'il woimerriiC-miiii's Moro-ttio stock li lmmonso, tho tbem tlinfc ifo cannot BebeflV -*>i.ufc_-H| on on n, mm ,-j.e ui i|>i' advancei t ^------ .varied In- oniony itylen, material fttitl nrlcp, thnt. nn.liiea ran bo conveyed of tno b.ainy nntf rlchnehu "i if It. BufJICe to say tbat tlto leiurtiitf <ol^rH of eviiryrinaWriul J>. to be had utourstore: and wo would i.npcclalty call nlleiiMon lothnnowustpro<liic(li.ns nowJn use for loki esartBuesi-vlis:- Tim scroll; tboOlcllllan du Clinnir, the Mattuljpfsocloth,- Arrttenlqn8t|rlpe;Ser|rep,__o, Tim ^cro)l, tbo (.Icllllan du Clinnir, the Mattuljp socloth,- Arrttenlun Stripe; tTliese niutc-lalHnro iiH 8t trosi-nton show, aHd lntbe lenjlng colors a na st and hoar 3ur I , Shawls: plunsu'ro to liavo an iippoi tiinltyjof sliowliig siiih nice goods, Haiirio^ci C^cirrn^cs. 0"r -Ktlncl. of Urussels. TurkUll^ . Weil pt)0b, KjcXil ptJUC). Carpets Is wonderfully large. bloriroiHl uedrlgns ofuur stock^ef carpels will to dlflloult to equul ev(sn Sopt. 1, 187!- and ent liaruj times' ......._____________ ... _. ? iRe'a.civ-inad.e Glrithinfr"^^p*ercoAiy7(vbov*rwi>ri1ifi--jw Ttv Silt anc\ T/hltfO+a o>""flt >ck Is really Imtnbn.eUnd nl) bought "C^-^JldYft^nV^ W.JS ^J"ni in.J&llKana VelVeJiS. ovatA.W.ok.b0forenny kfnowlodghof an J S^SSfflSS'^.'-*^^^\^vrS>^^^^^^^tM\VhM ----- ovarji.waok.bofore any Knawiougo oi an ikti*inam7xf1iJ^\XXL"iZ?2^'?'"-'}"J'-'f, Tuoho goods are a inaryol of oxcoU jnoo'of quality and style as well a. Sml nr?^i ^in.^.n .?lu?iJ <1?a!l In sliawli wo tinvo a tretnendous stock, tho' Ttti'lety is large, the styles now; tlia'prlnc _ cheap, thb qnalPy Xcelrantr and ,a In Ladies' Dresq Goods <>"*<* ise S% U i-UaUlt-B XJLtJOa AJt^yUa .varied In- ooJo '" ' '" ....... " "J BlmketB, Quilts, Ootlnteiman^s^^l*^*' ^ prices, riiotakel. that. re gboiifantl and large, at & a pair, nji to sofio 4/Mte ff^^7 w ,.S!a^?iPJ.H?V"e Pt,rnl8n",,e an<1 ll wl nftotdfiis pleasure |t> jrovldelt a Verr I shades- In jLadies' Jackets and Jacket Clot] 1 ?&$&& te^AMcSS^S;talas n Jacket Cloth, Bear, S. al cloth,- Venetian Woth'. in-all ice' cept the mlnli*r,-aniloll"at a s^ckllv^low "yA1.ece'"a^ur 1Dal"'>>o'dai'lUft txr, Hhades of browu.gtoon, navy bluo, onulllne bliu . . ' ! K : - .;. .. , -, , . , - JVllIlinerV^- hi \\\ ^S^6"1 Hte h*ve P,ea,n'ro "i "feting ifat Ulsii nitV Ts> rilraf a are n novelty to boll old. and every htdV liY ending to use a flne{ an* inoHt ta/t*fal noveUtail li^BiU^u^M^^r^lL^F?'-i},r!*^ihg'- arjirleos.' ! ..'...,.. . woultfdliktio proenre the very newest novf' ' '-rrf.u"u,ue.iorit i-ooie* taste' tnnta ti^J.trrti.irr0n,r.?'b^.ver>' ne*est noveltle.'* designs, ^iTrSmFtiiJif ntaTnriHS^,'3. ^"'Dsatcarplaceorbuslness: We offer this Fi7 to ti ^ni 3 pirrchaserato i2!!.i,.?i^'.'*"" -we pmy-nsk Intendlnz piirehasertteviSltoar place ofb'^^ - anVI 1.ifnetrv na linTlhn^i VA>Z i Jfa"' if1*""'11? piwcnasersiovlSltoOr pa ^13. lapeJ.jTr: BBI"e,,D6n*'m"nerasthey have done beretoforf win ii'a v vlSlt.orir place of business"lij ti-c will-convince tbem ot wjio and down with alfc'ft XiYIAS !S COIViINC J^UST Qj=> B 3ST.3E3 3D', Al Splendid 4-^sortlnynt 0 | IJJ "Wisdding Rings, OF o h- < Fancy Gold I lings, I Cuff Buttons, Chains. Lockets,! Clobks from i$l. Aclon ilnes^ llxanze. . . Mr. James Matthews, has disposed of his procerv and crockery business to Mr. George Yemen, a young man wh<5 "has been engaged in the store during the pagfc two years, and who is well and favorably lmown to-hia-many custo mers. Mr. Matthews-retires from the mercantile line, after a successful career of twenty-two years in this village, and Trill hereafter corrfine his attention more stric.tly .to. the duties of postmaster, ahid general agency and convej-ancing busi ness. An Acton Hodet S*n to Ansli-a If34. ' Mr. Wm. Stephenson, of the Acton Plow Company? shipped, a few days - ago,-a model and drawin^s'of his patent oTen for tempering steel; tf> a large manufacturing firm in Austrplia. Mr. Stephenson accidentally'lmojt with a l*adinj; member <-f the) firm'whilst on his way. to Phfladeipbia, a few weeks *gp, and in course of conversation ihci: dently mentioned that he had invented ach an oven, wfeen it transpired that that wa&cthe very artith. the fjentlenian had been in search of for years, for the ..proper tetepering of cetnent which, he r*sa niannfscturuig. He was so highly pleased Wiethe description of it, -that :'jhcjat 'onee^gave Mr! Stephen3on_ an Pnier for the model, offering a high fig- -* fo* the privilege of ninigatr The J TSitiun ia a most Valitablo one'.for hardening or softening-steel, and with a light modificatbn "can be easily adapt- **to the preparing of.the Australian **meat " Many Interns of Gbina jtea sets; ladies' beau- .^fal fancy china cups and saucers ; fan*" fancy mcfistache enps and saucers *e**t variety.;.flower vases, celeries', Wp, glassware ; sick cups and sick "no .hoaie ahanld be without ?^; Umps of all kinds. . Everything JinaWe in granite and common ware, Z? tfK?1. most beautiful.' and chfiar.. beautiful,' and cheap- . j wo have *i,atSecQrdBroa. ^ dispUy -Tre have ever broughfcjo Poultry "Wanted. , (Jhristie, Henderson <k Co. will be prepared, as soon as hard frost sets in, to buy any quantity of turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens, dressed nicely for market. Note In preparing poultry for market, :<lo' not feed for at least 24 bonrstViefore killing, as-food in the crop injures the appearance, is apt to 8Qtir, and 'purctjasers object ta paying for this woijse -than useless weikht. Opening jtKe veins of the neck is the best mode of killing. Poultry not properly bled will not have a bright, healthy appearance. The-intestines or crop Bhbuld not be " drawn." Pick very cleanly, and without breaking the skin, (C H. <k Co., last year deslijed tail and wing feathers* left on ; ttiis year" they intend'sending to an American market, and'therefore require all feathers to be removexl.) The value of poultry in a larger market de pends largely on whether 'it has been nicely dressed or not. * If al lowed to freezabefore being brought to market, seeUhat the bird is laid out nicely, with feet and wings close-to "the sides. THE GLOBE P^IXTING 'COM PANY KrMteiully ocknowldce the triiimpnatiiMiceesiithut has attended the appearance or the WEEKLY ULoncin Its new and improved Jorm The vast, cir culation It hus secured, and tlie eiitliusl- astic approbation that comii from all >ertlous of the Dominion, as-well as frxim numtTotis reiidcts la Great. Britain tend the -Uniied Klaus, leave do reason to don'11 hat the publishers' have succeeded in producing A "Weekly Journal of the Highest Class. Hut the sufceess achieved in the past year Is only one cither step In the path bl ad vuncemtnt- In tho coming year fr< sli procress will be madej and Ihiitorachur- ucler tyhlqli inust give greatly Increased lnierrstahd value toihe jiaper. The series of Illustrated Blojniphles of ptomnent Pubdc Men Hint has- this year attracted .o raTlr attention will he con tinued dining the comlni; j-ear by able ahj experleriteil wiIters and engravers; but there will nlso hi added, as t-itiilly new feilureS, portmlts ot m^n dlslln- culsln d In the early history of Canada, nccom^anletl by lritere>'ti!rrp hfciorles of es. Skeichisoi CaHa- nery. Views'of I he It i, bevond i principal Uanadlau cities.anil towns, and ii. c -i <- u,i,.:L,V..* -view* of Hie most notable Public Kuild- doubt, one of the hnest ehgrasings ever i, wlth co,,Inus ,ot.- produced, being the premium of the t^r-press iiesc-.Iptlons atuicticd'io eiieh, 1., on don't Em;.] Art Uiiiorl for 1872, and skeiclies of the early history; of. each ., i l , .. . in Vnirlind -i.wl I'h'ee iind of the various Industries now sold at one guinea in i-ngland ami pro<,.cut<,ri by tlM!m. Tlifsewll vocates an elective senate and the pas sago of a Prohibitory Liquor Law. TO AGE>TS-~ln order to make this paper the very besjt and most remu nerative one in Canada to- canvass for, we will present to every subscriber for, 1877 a copy of the great 6teel plate eri- graving entitled " \S elliugtou and Blu-. M .jr ijVt,s RniI tIra tcher ^Ieeting after the Battle of Waters ' dlnn Xutnral See loo," size 18-x 40 inches. s:x dollars in the colonies. This magnificent pure line engraving was ex ecuted by Lu in El Stocks,' R..A., from the wall painting ik the Pabieeof Westmin ster by Daniel Maclise, R.A. It oijcu- pied six-years-'of this celebrated painter's life, and the Steel plate by the equally renowned engra^r occupied five.years more, costing the sum of 3,150. The' best critics throughout England anil Canada unite in praising this 'wonderful picture of the cuhninating point-in the batilc of Waterloo. " . ' ' Cii" We also give the, balance of thu year free to all subscribers for 1877. \ . WHAT WE QFFEK.. 1. The best 8-pas;e family newspaper in Canada. " 2. We hprepay postage. . ; 3. New types, new presses, good paper. 4. Balance of this year freo to new sub scribers. . * , 5. A magnificent steel plate engraving free. - 6.' A Ladies' i^nd Children's4epartment 7. Songs (music and words), pictures, chess, &cj ' 8. W. F. Claijke editsour Fanners' de partment ass- AljLi FOB $1,60. Either singly or in clubs. " To elergymin, postmasters'and school teachers", SJFppr annum., - us- JVewaJft Aijentt everywhere. Send.fot; sample and Agent's Package containing mjniature facsimile of pic ture, premiumilist, club headitigs, terms, etc. Sent'freb to any address. JOHN CJAMEEON & CO., ' ' '! "Advtrtisrr" offiee, ,.' London, put. mo BREEDERS. The pur? biteciiBerkshire Boar "Black Bobtail" will bo kept for service on the premises of the subscriber, during the season. -Terms for. the season $1, strictly coin.: at the time of service. Black Bobtail took a prize at the Guelph Central Exhibition this year. He was bred by Royal Briton, imported by John Snell. A young Boar from the A" log cabin quilt, comprising M^del Farm.j will aUo be kept for set- over 9,887^ pieties, hasJately been jvice- .. j ROBERT SIMS, completed by Miss Caroline Howse, ' Lot No. 30^ 2d oon. Esqueslng. of Pilkington. . .- > October 23,! }876.! ".'. 17-2m . ill be core, filly, prepared ror THBOtonE bv (irst- "lass artists and writers, whose:KTViees for the coming'-3-eur have aready been secured..- | livi-r t.^venty thciusap.1 oftlie subscrib ers or THE Weekly oij-ub .irej ngrlcnl tiirullsts, and tiny will nil gladly learn ItllltTnE C.UIAI>4 FAflMETl on t-l J|inn. ai-y next is td be amalgam ited with that piper iUnd<T the title of The Weekly U./onE axdCaxaba Pabmeb. i The- Farmer wld'ctase to appear as a separate puhllcallon; its entire staff of elltors, contributors, and correspor- dfiits wlllb.i trnrsferrad to the Wekki/y GJ-obe, and tho whole <if the vulublf ng- rlculfrol matter heretbtore published in The Farm Kit will therealier appeii1 In The Weekly' Ulobk.I This hew attrac tion will alone be. wortjh fx> every IntelS- cmt (ormer much niqrq than his year's subscription. The Departments of JZisclePla'tlcnl In- t.ellleence, Science No es, and Education al Affairs, now so I opitlnr, will be muln- talncid with Increased vibor. TheDeparlhientof AnsSvers (o Corrps- pondenls, on every variety of suhjects', which has moved so Vutuablo anil inter esting to crowds oi readers, will receive increased attention and careful research. Tho Political and General News fiom all parts of the world np|to the-latestmo- ment of pubUcattOn tho Parliamentary Uebates, Federal and IProvlnjIal tho Marketand KlnailcJal Beports at home and abioad Btfd the Letters of Special <.orrepoiidents from all points of Interest will continue tobe<-o'.lected and collated with all,tho care -and energy that has kept Tns Globe in the front rank of Canadian Journals' for ihirtj-fouY -years pasfT , "I _ : ' ! . The Literary and Ladies"D'epartment nnderthe eareof special conductors, will be-'ftesh and racy.': 1 ko first claRBstori b besides minor productions, will iapbear during the year ;1. f Tho annudlBiibscrlptlon toTiiE Week ly QluUE A'sd CA^tAnAj Farmer ill re malna8hertofbreonlyl.TWQ D0LI.AHB .. '"" 8en(, KRlE OF POSTAQK to edf Til be art follows; 6- Studs, Brkcelots, etc., Oct. 31, lS7fi DO "Up-^ards^ Call ancj See Theni. GEOEGE ifCMDa B^ir's Gratld. Slaughtejp Ao'D Tuniblirig ! Down IN 1PRICES DRY GOODS MiLfU'NERY "-. .AT ' - D. McNAIKS.F Ternble Sacrifice. GOODS SOLD AT ANY PRICE. Must fbe Cleared Out. We don't want to carry any'of our stock intt the new store, which is nearly coir pleted. DRESS 3DODS;,:'K ., :K. MILLINERY, Must all K- & It- o o o etc- E, Itookst Stationery, Fancy Goods and " Wall Paper. We have no reason ti complain of dull times for we, are busy all the time". Our trade is' increasing jevery month, hecause we buy -for cas l,' and sell for ijjash, and avoid loSs" hy bad debts. - My Stock is full of Gtods and Toys ^ir children, and nty low : prices,, brings lots of customers. Day has what yo^i want and sells cheapv ' WOOLEN GOODS, STAPLE. GOODS, be sold at astonishingly Low Prices. jrgtof *tTM, PEK ANN all i ray Hates for 1877 w all parts\at Canada and the Ui itedSiates, -------L'ilnvnriabiyInodvanco, TtieC ' .877 will be arf follows; 5-epi ana unuer the rate of $l.G0ner cbp; 10 copicB and'under 20, at the rate of Sl.XO 5-cpples er cbpy. per copy. 20 caries and over at the rate of {L75 per.copy. . . / 11} . . JOB PRINTING of .'ill kinds Hoi-tly abd proltiptly exeoutedatthe - ;r freK press office. Next the Pqit; Office, Mill Street,.V BARGAINS FOR YOU, , BARGAINS FOR YOU, ' BARGAINS FOR YOTJ, Bargains for Everybody. Opr.MiUineW is first c?assV. Ail new and fashionable. Our I)ressit>o6dst(re just; what is wanted! for^the season, The latest "pattern's and colors. A largestock of Staple and Fancy iDry GooiJs^'cLeap.'L.; j',.;^ Oontlemen's FurnishiDB' e.ods ; j . Jswelbry, Jewelery. Sinps, Brooches, Chains, &c, I Also a jgood stock of GROCERIES. D. l^cNAIRS, ? AOTON. ' Call and feccourlGood^and -Prices."-- ! 0. T, HILL Mill Street, ACTON, /;. . uealer iijr" G-rocories,' Crockery, [ '" V- $ Wall Paser, window Bliais, . -Tal-fl,'aia-B,v Putty, UMMd/fl!^."'-';. >VK'- Palnta?- furpeU^Lud,' Coal ftji, Salt, eto-, :" . -i . low for jOash.' J OHM MOCC & SON,! -._ . Ailma "Dlpck, Upper \Vynd.fiaim,Street, Guelpi. '..r , M SURE TO CALL AND EilAMI^E TKOSj/ Cet^ejiiiial. Oiieckv Sliitiaffls, i ' -i' " j'-- .::"-.,-'- ^^\ ' kLd eiQtfajing state.' ALSO G%?S' CVKDEROLOfHI^(J In srat yarietj" Trbto $li to $.S6 per Unit. 1 lorumi^ test a ACtOn, October 31, 1R7&- ^www. t Is worth any ^^$on's whiila' >vlieh in Grueiph|to eajl and see the f Imiriense Stock 61 ? "" ^ <D "VM^EL GO J^T1 S ! jFor'Men and fioys, all colors a^d p'ricfes, i Rutherford's Clothing EstabUshrrien^, SIGN; OF THSi ELEPHA No. 31 Lower Wyndliam Street, GuelpliL Noted for liaying tne best assortment west of Torontciy and ac prices that' defy competition/ Gome and see*_.; K ' v . ;j . - . WW. RUTHERFORD & C<!lv Guelph, Nov. 20, 1876. '.'.' 1 GRAND ;E1BIBITI0K OF l-HEVSEilbN: i ! Begs Ur announce to the inhabitants pi Actoa and surrounding "errantry .; \ thathe yill hold his ;; "'~ J GraiaeL ANKU.AL EXHIBITlOIyr MM Silks,i I)ir#sa Obods, Si^a-v^i Millineify-. :!:f |:.-. '- Mantles. ? 1 and ' OH THE WEEK OF THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION. All of which,Will ba.Bolc? BOOTS ahd j Selling dff at C Jst, Also agent for tha RETJ3BEB iPAINli ttOM^iAl^ \ :'Ql>laveliadjt \ Ibid* Cash, for nipes. Acton, July 18, 1876. SHOES i. Our Stock on-this occjislon will be one of the finest ever offereti for sile in . Guelph^ The Various detpartrflefils will preseut varied attractions,; j j " y .. yerl ftest Goods ifitlfia the fijeach of AH. Forprlcesand other particulafs we-nnist rafer'to circulars and hand bilia . ; .: ,1 : - S^gh W* wtil'make it. nn tibject far' peoplb to de'al With us during Ihe waek of the Central Exbibltiob. K ;; -".- r '-\i',"K | A, O. BUCHAM, Fashionable West End Dress, Aliilinery and Mantle Rstanlishment. Ciiielph.dc'toDeril. 1876.: ..,." . j --. . . prlkss;; '.O^C-13-a,3E^3i3^#; ll^i-i DtfuffS, flEesiicals, 3Dyo Sl^Sj Jatant aid f iwgrietorf MadiciAea, Paiwy anl Toil?t_Soapfl, SSonfeSi Brae hesv PT7&S "WlNBS A^lJ lilQ'O'OaS. for. Jwfeillclkal Purposed islT,' . ^-ii- - A llgoods vidian ted of ||ie.tstqaallty #hd al ten per cent!BeWw *K POhto pic-re's.- i .j-, ."-." ?'-:'V'... '; -..;' "'" ; I j . Don't forget the place. : Medical :Hiai^M^ Ao|toh, Mircl;n,,18i75. !' !3&. 4, e. jioRfiaw f J": t ; - t- - #1 \:-.i^ m life m

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