Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1876, page 4

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J..P Fashion Xntes. Sealskin -uivlwmt will lie this winter. :>-l~ =_ Mcs* trimml>?g.v 'arc mod. ubovoj fiiiine. ' '." i" t. NaVT; hlup and' cardinal red vjfKfiWWWBWIHW'K ^X^>,^P^^^^*^'i^^'^m"'^^^^"^"' '^WWWff!'* THE EREE PRES^ UCTPN, HALTOtf I------- I. arc p f H' HI F'-t _:orn together. Hiittlo or no trimmingR uro vora ion dross, fikiitR.- T\. - ' Myrtle is tho sliado of KlrvOn ' most" oil led for. , , Mnffii' made" of dirss ttuitejrLds- _jwiH lie very fasliionahkv - .* Small diocjcod cloth makes |wy iljuvtly m kilt-plaited suits.- - , 1 Gieen and, Td are tho ftusliioir al>K' i'olors" t ilie season; ." ,-' Littfc l<nrs stocking 'mid )ck: jties diouM|intyh iw color. T)igoiiiifi will be the favtirito ftuivirg-for gentlemen this >tin -i Mitria.'Stiiarl is the name of of the. new bonnet sbapes. - JOnvx and gold necklaces :ml jot onus are suitable .for inoruin r ; '_ '-' .-tSc-ntWtnen's overcoats ore Ar.ulc .- ;very long* reaching ttolov the. knee. n Velvet dross skirts <U lie very fashionable bovh ior stnjot audj full ._ dress. .' V ' Undress kid gloves'tfro mnfcl ' .demand^to be worn "with walking *nd carriage suits. Black silk muffs edgod w tli iv "hmd of fur will bo worn with Ion: black silk cloaks and paletots. New linen collars, cravct bows, "and cuffs baVo hemstitched/borders ' wrought with black or scarjet dots or stars.' Gloves titchod "with""black- in k of the liand ai-e fkshionable for gentle men, * . Embroiupred feHk BtoctingBi slip pers ; matching-the dress in color ure fashionable for evening wear. Precautions Respecting Dyp- theria and Typhoid Fev cr. j-1. Do not T.isit while in. ;a state of {>erspiration, or' when the stqnfab. is empty. -. |J /: 2. T>o not wa11ow ~ yoqr i" saliva . while present with such case* 3^ Avoid placing yourself jn the } j /current of any lair that passes] from . their persons to a fire place, ojr any . Kperture that icts as a vent)thit<-r from their bodies to-the,open ait. '" Avoid inbaKng their ' breath, - or any emanations that arise from their bcnties or' excretes. . 5. When viaitinc, keep, at \ dis tance of eighteen inches or two iWt from Um tides of .their Jbeds:eads. 6. "Avoid remainingjlonger tiian * is necessary with all sdijp cjiki'S/ " ^r"Ar^rash, -or" gargle, for the TOjOnth, njiade'-oCthe strength-o'fom- -r' j;fain of carbolic ac-3d tO"anouncc of : , water, may be us>ed after sprakin" "toa patieirt lUTectfctl with anj con- tagieiu or infectious disease, im fre< _<i!Raitly as|eyeryi one. two, llii-ec, four," six, or eight jionrs. 8. K.eep a qniet, eob!, 5nd peare fffl habit of mind ; iodeed, maiiit-iin and cultivate thisiJesirable iion. - i , L - t/-% .1? ji Bfi To Keep Apples One 1 ear. Years," ago, wheji ve piodoeed large quantities of fruit, we always, kept apples in good conditio i dur-. i ing the entire year, At-a recent Agrieultnral -Conventioh in Uticn. "H.; Y., a quantity qf iair apples were exhibited which were ilupip, ; fj^sh and of good flavor,- quite as ^itod as the same kind of aj>] >le are "oriiifianly on the approach of spring. -The apples had been pat up in re- ; i^rwe boxes, the previous 1 year, and ' _iu. the following man!nei: -A Jnye'r of dry sawdust -'Was / >priuk )i'd at'the bottom of thq hot, and .. T.lien a layer of apples placet. in, so that-they do not .touch kch other. ^UpoO-lihis was placed d h> yer oi'. h <wdust, and so on till tbe \-,ox was I'illed. The"boxes, after weiegpacfc oi in thisVray, were placed* :>n"'-the wall in^: the cellar, upifrcm the ground;"]where they kept perfectly, .- <-taining their freshness am I flavor tiiitif brought out.^-Jfeie York 'Jfirolsl.: ; Bandfieid, Mossi, Jias scjme-re- jinrtable women. Bceauae tie^men v ira^tw lazy to mend t le ] pads of jV^riiCNo. p, the wort ten,; equip- , \i !d>wit}i butcher knives, he es An4 iti'iovels, went on to the re adf cut ifitiahes fori the bad plac^g, covered '<'4*^iu with^ llirt, and have nade a jyvry.nas^afele thorough fire. i*m. - Frietibn. The 'oilier week when" a New Xprker called at a.clothes cli-aniii establishment in the bowery with a )i*ir of pants under his am, thi1 alFible proprietor of the jilace sliot-k 'them out, held~tbem up to thf light, and remaiked:*'- " 1 can restore those pants in a manner to amaze vSou."""! ,A'day or two agQi the garments were called fo"r,and . as the owner inspected them be' discovenwi- tlmt eeFtain. s]>ots bad been worn down so,thin that holes-must soon appear, i tle.begaa-to the c!emcr, \yboBmUd Bvwtly as be rt plied " We Bo our work here br "fric tiori,and when friction comes in con tact with a grease ^pot,.i.tbcr Trie- j tjon or-tbe cloth "is certain to be more or less affected. " But these pantaloons arc ruin- edj" protested the owner. ~" Nominally ruined, I admit, but yon soe, I was deceived in yc a. My - idea was. that you had failed in bus iness, and wanted a haggari pair <f pantaloons to wear around until you., eould fix up a settlement at ten cents on the dollar.1*; CHRIST TOC -' r BE^OTBJ)! - J- . I *" R Ape Desire agam{to&cte3i6}^^ of patronage bestowed oil theni during tha ;past seaso]iij8ADDiER h$rhe8*iiaki!r, and again rno&t cordiially request a contin^jance of tnei" " many favors extended to thejn "by their numerous .cpBto- ;mers and r the public generally They h^vegrea^ pleasure in . announcing jthat their Stock is now conlplete, and offers all the advantages that close buying and low cash prlicies can'suggest. I-; ^aAarttos'.pf/Pact^Adtpa ; tjae-.Oounty of Halton, but adjQining counties as v/ell, as one of the CHEAPEST PLACES ; to buy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Teas, and-iIous6hold wants generally.* . The business men and manufacturers of Acton, by their enterprise, push, and square dealing, have placed the vil lage in a position quite in advance of niany^ of its plder and more "pretending neighbors^ which position they are determined to maintain, f ThB immense quantities of grain delivered daily in .Acton', afiord the best evidence that BETTER ERICES ABE PAID than at. other points east or west, and the enormous quantities of Eggs, Applesj But ter, and other Farm Produce shipped from Acton; Station, prove conclusively that a large amount oi business is fiaily transacted. Where Produce' or Goods are handled in larger quantities, only small ;marg-in for profit is needed- Had romoved oiid door west of his old stand,'and. is how proparod in turn out "work, U'kioh for .t : -i '..; :' . K- . ..:"' .iVSATNBSS, OHBAfSSS ANO TjaABiLirsr cairuot bo jrurpaotl \jy any, liouso in tuo county.' Harness of all EindD Biipplicd on the unortest possibleTioticc, and warranted to give perfect satisfac tion, '.' '- .""". a very AND THIS IS THE GENUINE REASON WHY 1 Acton merchants pay higher prices for produce, a|nd .;' sell 'goods 1 at lower-prices than in other places. in advertising our goods, we niake no rash statements, and are detennined toatlhere to'anvthinir \ve stated when w'e.sav our snods arc eheaper than otherSj;\ve kiKow it to be ti fact. Thcpuhlie assure us it is.'the ease, and we intend to facts, and ;Sina!l profits. The peoplG are pur 'supporters.'jan'd we intend to keep side, and will sell goods at lower prices than ever. Large variety, low prices, and gocnls are inducements we offer. ' ' HJ J: \l T.r 11 i J. This season will ofl'er more;lhan;,snal attractions. In addition to our former staflf He cured the'scrvices of airexceUeh't jMillincf^of tong experience in fashionable circles, w enable us to execute all orders uytat'v, nrompll'v-and satisfactorily. We ask no fancy furures Ah lie i doing lnisinosg principally on the Caaji Systom, lie is prepared to still cheaper than ever. ' / Oivo him ft call and be convinced that f-'J ^*rM' =SM i^| During the past/season we have sold go . that Thie Lion is iiow knowiTfor;aridxwide aspf-; The Cheapest Store ir(). Ontari We intend in the Pall months, to increase reputation. '"" .' ' ":"- "' "'- -'"- '"" ,0ur Stock is the largest westM 3%ontD. toit It tias been bought direct from the pro Bottom prices ivo him ft call and be convinced that, this is tho rudit place. B CREECH-Aclon- tThe Lion neva^ Asks for ..Tiino.ffl, 1R70. s PC'IAL. too . ! ' WRITING DESKS .AXD ^M'-i But puts down the Prices fo suit small harvest. the times Bad i WORK BOXES to stick on their the best 'J! have se- iichw'dl Al Less than Half Cost AT. ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE as is usual!}' done for juillin'ery, b'ut sell_, as we <lo "other goods, at "Honest Prices, reniember this! On tUp-.TJast aidi of! TVyndliam Stre Ladies,; r,17EIirH. Our Siidck of Ladies Dress. Qoodsithis '^|p6S .is/i^rgfe^ varied and eheap. All the new '.and fashionable'iind: patterns will be found oil our shelves. Being determined to inake a specialty of this line wediave marked every piece down tobottom prices!. No f>ar of comparison. Lairiies': Shawls, Jackets, Clouds, Pur Sets, Silk "Ties; &c., in great variety and ! - Gents' Pelt Hats, Cloth and Pur Caps, in all the new est makes and styles. ! ii " Spavy^EtdfieSjTw'deds, tJaiderahirts, Drawers, SMrts, and Shirtings, decidedly cheap. f _ . j" N; | ' j OUB StOCi. OF EEADY-MADJa CLOTHING youths', and boys', is immense. Why go shiveriiigito church when you can get FV>r gents warnij respectable overcoat for only 5.00. - Blankets frorn $1,75 per pair up. a 1100 pieces Wincoys Wonderfully Oaeap; toress ijoods neyer so lew hefore- Flannels 25 per cent lower than foraiGrly, ~ Large Stock of HEADY-MADE CLOTHINC, LADIES' JACKETS Cheaper tliaii at any other House Best Cotton GRAT^T BA&& $a<X>l it^- WB: A Dollar spent at The Lion will buy any other store. ......, -.^^^ more pfM^ift* J.J D. WILLIAMSON & Gueipb, Sept. 2$; ]76. 5CH0 EL BOOKS. This season is really immense, bought <lire;ctly frqm the manufacturers and at ,the lov'est cash prices. We positively assert without fear of contradiction thajt our stock of Bjoots and Shoes for cheapness, neatness and 'durability combined, is not surpassed by any hoiisie in the trade. Special diseount oft'our low cash prices for any purchase of fivje or more pairs a-t any <>ne time. Scarlet and Grey Flannels, best Canadian and American makes, 12 to 20 per cent lower than last year. ':_';. , dur stock of Winceys is pronounced the cheapest, by all who have had ah opportunity of comparing values. We are willing to compare our York shilling Wincey with any other sold at 15 or 16 cenis' and have no fear of the result.. on't fail to seeur- -;^" !' ; Schoolchildren should Boy Day's 5 ccnifc Copy Book. It contains forty copies, and is made of stood pnner. " i All the School Books used in the Town and Country Schools on hand at DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Day Sells Cheap. GREAT SPECIAL OF i-Oonr andSijr JuL piep sou Oil liSfe Act OrHd \ j gtreel,r Jlcitori )i fiaih Sirl -. ctjansarjL v gEing. strl Mitwnqf - -fiw Willi -. ijjiFridJQj fl? AflboBlul rflltrrfiil!j| solicltecLl goods and: Preparatory to RenibS 0&t WM. STEWA-tiTl 8s Our entire, stock of _J>ry Goods and Clofhing is now offered rej. . C^st, to iedac stock before removing'to our dew premises, B* 'j^ii'^lr- :/., ? building. The public may rely on t le '- .' . .f ?3|IS:: G.T Teas, Sugars, Soaps, Tobaccos, &c, at decidedly low. OICXE, W^J^CyWM pO QiBHSTT T Now commands a back if it does not i OUR TERMS larger sale than ever5. Buy a.5 lb. lot, and return it and get your money and are satisfied w| a few extracting ifiy.ou live 15 or Store. All we ask HILL., Best and Cheapest Bargains evjr o Cheaper than Old Bankrupt Stock at Half prioe Ch< >ap'beaaiw goods, wacled Cheap, because Ereah at d New... s t**i jHur") nflJct] . Xli>or >n| tc; m:^ sss ssoos znrst, will a_^d shail bs soux give entire satisfaction STRICTLY AMD' SMALL Pit t are trerfted alike, no one getting favors that arje denied .to other*. 20 ihiies from Acton you xy\\\ be largely repaid by n visit to our Ch 3ap Cash is an opportunity of sliowirigMhe'goods; you iwill do the buying. CHRISTIE, HENDERSON FITS. ARE Cash serves jexpeiisje from collection and-losses from [bad debts, W^e rely on immense sales till small margins. /VYe put in no .{threads or buttons for the parpose of more cents per yard fronijour custonlers. It is easy to buy of us, [since all & Co. Mill Street, ACTON, DpALEIt IN Groceries, ; - Orpofeerr. Boots Jc gHoes, Vail Faser, i "Windo-w Blinds, ' Nails, Glass, Puttr, ^ Xtinsued Oil, Paints, Turpoatiae, Ooal Qil, Salt, etc., All of which will be sold low for cash, BOOTS and SHOES i ScIHng off at cost.' . i Abo agent for tho I . RTJB3ER ltA*NT COMPANY But we areaware how perplexing it is for honest people to rwl; tisements hero and elsewhere. Wno'll talk I he loudeit ' . i . brag the most seems' to be the maxim ofeacb> int. f; .' an intelligent Puljlio know well that ;S hoddy Goods are dear at Half-price. rm z~-v n.'^ . We ^ve a few quotations of 0-003DS 3RE3E>TTClJ'En3N '*,5' ob yards of Dress Goods, -former prices, 15, ! reduced to 10.15 and 20 dents. Striped silks reduced to 57 cents. Striped Grenadines to .10 cents. ' Striped arid Plaia Linen io 10 cts. ParHBols from 15 cents. Black and Colored. Lustres from lSlconts, ' ' 20, # ahefi Lace Curtain*. 75 eanftSj^ White Cottoii Hoae: Straw Snn Uash'mere Jat keta %. Linen Suits i ronv^lSft. i.i R'>si Table Linens,'Bed Quilts, Table1 Napkins, Sheetings, ling will be offered at striking prices. -rt* A lot of Woolei Tirted* *"" Colored Shirting from 10 cents. $1.00 to 60 cents. Colored and White bress Of C! Cosh for Hides. Acton, July i_ =-"1 '-:wj,-.-*:.-.-ft: evoland, Ojhio, 18, 1876. i JOB LOT of LADIES UNDERCLOTHING This Sale is no Clap Trap! f ** Reduced Prices Mvjst Be Shirts hcm$ tobei Guelph, Jane ,5 1876. WlLLIAJi ins jPlanh m Cnsh;*efc STEWA23I . m @8iai.i

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