Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1876, page 1

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x.m PH. -i :-Tf V :1-" ./C dp cap as ?ase. our --f( H.IrOWfcY, M- 'i G T" >* Gnutunto'ej: Jl Meroiw otCoUrire of iU>SclHs- t\l. K. -'ftOKROWi Pliysi- > U 4*0. Sufgcoa, *o^-oi Bollvvue\:eK' ~-g&i&v"rork."iit*oMcatniit<> ol Victoria; TSBiifc C*nitav _ Consultation -Unys -SSaSnon* Krtilayv from. 9 a. to -- *.' ----- TIMES MATTHEWS. Con- J~r**cer iKsuoror Marriage Licenses, vnnnv^er, Insurance Acent, Ac<nv SSatr to L>. Afent Montreal -Tete- ZZrb Co.. Cerlcrourtft idviMon Court, UMbi HARNESS SHOP. #f ;-,E. Kl/COOK I'll* Bower street, I 'rofits, hies and DSEXDERSOX. Convey- a $nccr, ac, "also Accnt. Carina* U A4arn<Sf- Co. LV>xts,:Morti;*,*. *e, preppured uoaily, promptly correctly V*n tad o jr*son Able,-verms. Moncv to 111 lah on Mocipfrpe .security. Ofnce I Ma GtaxfQ*-ll**> AeWnv. "_. ' JD. HATHESOX. Attorney- I M-uv, Svlicilor n' itsnwry, to. Ofttee Coroer,C Main aaul Church -8SiMU.~tteorgeXOKS. APPLE BE & SIMPSON, Barristers, Anurnevs-ai-l-iw, si- ixitor. la "Chaneerjr, Conveyancers. Ac. IU!a Street, IJeorgwtowx. M* LAIDEAW. Barrister, Attorney-al'-Law Solicitor ini rtancery. Ac- unlets: lhmiiuin, U> Knj street; MtMon, Main street. Tlie Mgioo Olilcp tptW be nnder the iiiamiKtS ent of U- W. Campbell, ana Mr I..11.I- 5*:vtil'4tt>*nd: aj ini- * smtoa iXlicv*' d Friday^" tjeb wees. . j Having purchased tb'Hstock'anil eood will of tlie-.busiiies lately; carried <m by ^. .1. K. Pempsoy, bogs to announce to the inhabitant s of Acton and vicinity that ho will continue the harness husi- njess in the s*tue premises, Old Post Office Building. Mill Street. Actoiii' \ylierc Wis prepared to turn out work second to none iu the. Dominion, being a rrjractieai- workman .-of considerable i'X- jkoricnee. All (work done promptly and 4s cheap a "'.n-and wll Bi-lejL'tcu stock of . ,: rnrU. Ilnrsp Blankets. iTni^ks, .VFhtv*, Brnhr, Coiul>sr Ac. TtcpaiTatigrpromptly atteinU-d to.. -"' : * -":L ; i ' K. K. t'OOK. Acton. Sept."2(i, 1S75/ heni|v Bread. GALLOWAY BROS. STILL ARE And wo AHEAD with J our w tswht tlifjn at, 'sD'coJi1* fi EXBY El B\life i\srKi>CE Ar.yr. ctErrit. AceaiT'W t*ieTMercaTit.iIoiuHl-*ViiterJ^o. AU baiioe^s eotnisletl io i\is rnre vvl.t'be- fcilhmKy UeDilnl ta. Unlets ty ni!T s^eileO. iil.I.. Ul-.AKt: T>ATEVTS for IMEMIOXS jT 'expe-iiiioovly ar.d pr\.K-iiy s-ecu.^il , jt9gr.sixEul-1^lhe tTiiUt^-i Suiivs i:J l^nri'iHr. "irStenl f-uirin.-cl or nolcnaige. Son:! itarprinieJ nj>:ru"c:ions;7 Asf.Li;t-v-in 6jvr- ! ^Uiuntenyiars. UENIjh" (iKl-^T. 1 -; _ i,ft.".Uia.l.:( Jlee'lfuaioil Kngineer. Sjcr.ici.or mi 1'* ' unuaiid PraUgh-sruiiB-. r YyTLLiA:a w^Ttiss, laoter Xarrlksr LI reus r% A <Vrtiales, .t'-y Ru.val Ap(V.:i'.ruriu. .; Be:cc*a pijvutt* a:.d ctmri'ifi 1 :a!" Co^-l7 ti*Uon, AND SLBIG-HB. Xow is the "iliact to leave your onler intend to keep bo Superior Bread, Buns, and Cakes, delivered fresh around the village and vicinity every day. A good stock of BREAD.'BUNS AND GAKBS Always on hand at our l).-.kcry,-goorl, fresh and'cheap for cash. . ; X.O REI)1T I V EX, : Kxocpt to prompt-paying monthly cua- tomcrs. _ . I All kinds of Produce taken in ex'- 1 change for noods. ' ' Weight for weiglit-given in lirenil. in exclialige for llour., ' , WEDDING & FANCY CAKES Made to ordiT in the' shortest 'possible notice, and satisfaction guaranteed. All goods arc warranted pure 'as nothing but the bust of material .is ! nsoil. 'The rpatronage of the'public-is ' respectfully solicited. ' j ' GAIiUnYAY BUGS, r Acton, Aug. 0, lSTt!.. what is SKCOESf*. oponod from tho ball. I tbinli it What in ruccobh, that (jlitujritig prizo w8 about Boven o'clock when tlioro For which wo rush with caW yug, cnn)0 a pu]j ftt t\^ ,front (joor ty0H i^ijsa'r^'t a^rt ^j^.^^^rp^^' I mark tho ribbons on thy breast, itler At X. ^ySer'sfactory;jutap bueao. . v ' FOR THE MILLION. Stylish Gutter j>r Serviceable '-'. 1 am "making r.p a'largi* st c.liiiligis<.'?.son, from the, be.-. CT' >> .? Si.' '".If Il'V'-T.-'> ck for tlic material. - Cniter.'. The, jewelled stars and hpnorud crest; The people of thy gloriea sing. And nations with thy pnlieea ring. Is thino succesH, O son of fame t Ho anHMerod, yes, an ouipiy naino. . Thvp turned 1 to a miser tjhl, And questioned him : la all this gold,. I sec tliuo kiss with grcedi' tears, Tho sweet reward of many years Of misery uiul silent .pain,1 r A living sacrilico togain-'- Will all these heavy money bags Kepay such lulieliness ami rags V He muttered, guingat tho ground, 'Tia iny suec-^.^, an empty Bound. Beyond this ciiy's jnad'ning roar, 1 sought an !'.;.'< li li.eriuit's door, What is slice. O, hermit toll, 1 cried, and 1 will mark theo Well, Within this iji:!.; hme retreat, Beyond the bold hitruderVfcetj Hath solitude thy study blest, ; . And made tliee-wiser.tnait tho rest? Fair youth, he cried,.this wilderness And empty cot, is my sucfesai f!o back into the wr>rld again, And mingle with its joys and pain ; Lot not ambition t look my soul Witli any distant oarthly goal. Seek not success il thou he1 true To Hod and self 't'-vill comt to you, Vnaskud, unteen, and silently As yonder river meets. tho.j sea. Tliy lot may be a lowlv one, . . Thy name unhonored and uuktiown. Among thy race ypt muriuUr not, dearth's title wijl Ijie soon forgot, Wlieji standKig'T.^re tlf; judgment seat The king and liuiiiblest. peiUaut meet, i'Tlieii, only man's success shall bo The approval of l>iviuity. " M K. S. CYKTEil. :-. ' CUnrch slret, Acioh. jQ ING kLITEBL LOZI R*Plasterer, A CTOX ^LOIK HILLS1. !'.-' Bji.E.>|cSJJI>fJ.Proprietf rs. &ia ia-1 reviil Orii-.u-.J an-X Ob-i;i'Hfj .-Utiii \?*^*f cir allif'iiijsor '-'T .in. J- '< ". Jly.pres^iiLlTAckof "i^- BUGGIES AND ^TAGONS j will l>c sold oiTvcry cheap. Xo-\c is a ,-gc;ob time to secure bargains. Strict attention given to - .lA'ME.Vr.VPKIl-.. Aet.m, Sept. -IT, fSTli. ' " UlDEBTAKIMG-ESSi B. 55 E. iTICEUN \~ . ' Big to announce-that they have securjtd |. " the sfrvices <d a , First-Class BakeiS -". . *-' and that their Baking'Imsincsf. is now iu full ooeration, in the premises owned by .Vrs/Hanna. Bread will be delivered daily at the houses in t!ic village and vicinity. ^"eddins; Cakes, Tea Cakes, -Pastry. Buns, &c.~, made in the very best manner, and kcjit ahvavs on hand, good and fresh. Also 'if Confectionery, Biscuits,' THE LoIKG S^CK -1 The patronage o' Vr>ccvfuUy s.-lic'i-tcd. tho public is ,rc5- Ttiie ".;n^er?-i~.!cd b-:'iTs K- .ve to ir.fonu I the!r,e:T{;'- oi Acto'a ah.Uviciaity tbathe i will fcriiitli-ail- j Icton. Ttb. B.r'c E. vttC>. MCKLIN". { EJe.|ii:^i*V.v Inr Aet<iK i ^"; "DOSS IX ilOES! X \h Cio^t- to 1M- U. T. r.;u':iv >; ;. ! ;telli-ntaccyiniuodniidii foi ::j i:;:vel-.; tpablfc TUO~.. WA.V!liiEI-i., 1 rojjr.'J I'lidertakiuj;' ca-oi'.aUe terms as En *lnj pablfc DO; oganjlesa of feB,-BOir fered'of- -1\~ Iej9 jost -tb It a&d. JXIPN BWTEIi, Aoton, | Be Hotel ii- rruei r.* in iirsL-*.*ias.-i ' ilySe.wlth itc*\ Iur:;i:ure. Con>Ejorrtal , uadeotrimdlitres Sdmp:e_tl<x>nis. Sjh.-.c:;lI I a-t-uiiou ffai - j ..-tine pa<lic7' Rnrsuppiir.'- wiiiimo Uesi ' "tiqaorvftTjtJ'Ci^ara, itool.S-ublinjf and ; JBJttcnt4-V^ Httstlers- ' ^TTJL- HJEBSTiiiiET, '^ ZLaceKsed Auctioneer- j Vartftt-eonnfiies of Wellington nxiii. llol- tot yniers Vflle*, Acta;: Kbel?iroidi.w - Term* reasoqai^ie. j"1-;' /Also that he wia : S'it up Stores _& 6^.C93 -' Sii'.thii pott style, t.l antl De.sliJ* in.i' orcer. r&E JilER Shop on Willow street, ccar'ilain st. l-*it at. the Kkf.k i'RK-s jar at rav rewaeuc**, in U beprouiptly aUei\de*' io. ^-Ictcm, March . eCAXV. .Sri-Cm ; -J op io 60 6 cent. ?i:25 v| b, Tel-. 1 : i -,t l: tlFIOED/B It* Oo, \-Tr.e aiders=2r:ttj *>f^^to iliaiife his ce.c-! ioairi-s.f it Uie Iloera! prlrt-nuije reeeiveU . <iurlne the fa-*l summer, ana would tliat he Is now preparer! l^- sn pply iin ail-. <W-ioox! number of 'eosuimers witn ew1, i tmrr.rrejli rork deliverea every irorn- l4r,ai.d iwiciSridav on satnrilA.vs. l'ar-. - tr-s who teep curs Mil! lird. it much 1 cheaper and less trouble Loeet roiiitdi-iiv- ered at Iheir doors, and they would do _-^<reIltOfell tbeircowHfrno buy their mi!S; ' r>ai<I j In advance, or iwentv-one'pint tielcels / for%oent; . P...S APMSi'EOMi, Acton, Sov. 10th, \r>~*>. ^JILTOX Vj. R- MITCHELL, i llannfactnrer of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mould- - ings, Door and Window FraiHies,:lictets, etc. Planing, Kcroll Tforjp and Jfalehing j D<JHe to Order.f - J3" Blinds .30. cents .per foot.' ** ^111 work delivered in ^ictop free. r.>: Orders, left at Secord Bros, will be. . jromptly attended toi QTEA3I L j ^ " .; Carriage & Vagon 2air. Street,' - - > Actca. . KieHAESi SPEIGHT, .General Blacksmith, Carriage t ..-' Wagon-maker. Best Iliirte-Shorj Perfect satisfaction auarantc' price charged. the County. d "or no Ffr*'t-eins"i ;Plowk anil <'<.:I."iril's Pnlcnl . Iron narrovt's always on liancl. ^ --5 good stock -di Carriages and Vv'agon^.' Ilepairingjpromptly; and properly at "tended to."' ' -Acton,.July JS,187f>. G 1'elph" as:.:CRY, " Aunty, ttdl jnie a story," I saiil, a.H I sat with iny" niuidcu relative iu u bilge tapistiicd iij>jirlnieiit i^i a rambling old-fusbioned hous'c in the country. ' " \Vbnt kitul "of Btory do you want, Eintnai" bbe asked.- '""Grave or giiy,-trno#or"'|untrne, pleasnnt or wid i For imyj life liak been long uiul my experiences hiuny," hbo added, as bIic gazed dtoaiuilyaud tl ougliffully into tho r lii-i5"tlmt blazed on the lii'iirtli before iib. "Ob, something burrowing and thrilling, fearful and "shocking, and above nil, true," I exclaimed as. I drew near her ;side, and ^nzed sbud- deringly mound the lurj^e, gloomy loom. . ' . !. A little pause. " ensued, - while aunty gazed meditatively into the tiro and I watching h^r- face in eager hope of the exciting tale that was coining. ! .' | ' . I ws about Bixteen (Aunt Betsy JOHN "KIRKHAM^ Gunsmilli, Silver-Plater, &e., began at lat); when I xyas invited .to go and sUiy with Bonje relatives whom 1 bad never seen/ My life in this old Louse where I was bom-uud. havo liyed all my days was syiuewbat;moiiotoiions. . I was a lively girl then, arid, wild with delight at the prospects of a cbafrpe of scene, I looked anxiously for my parent's permission to rfct-epr. the in- l.Vis"bos to infortn tb.e publi reiuoved to i that he has Hatch's Block, JCext door to Tyson's Biitchcr Shop AMMUNITION FOK JAU. ^UEECH I LOADING AEMS. vitation. Aft by my fatbei spirits for uiy there in tbu,] t some deliberation, the desired permission wts'^iiven ; o tnorning, a'ceoinpanred . 1' set oilt in high destKiiit ion,; arriving leasiuit tvyilight of an autuniu evemhg. ' j ,- .' ve n3ii cbrdiiil re- ire aud jVirs'.; Oldliam oodrtempered,. ratbei- , and tbtjir daughters liteen or twenty as wild as I could possi- Tbeir pauies were Tanet. Our friends ception, Sq'iv were staid, g elderly people girls of eig merry nnd us bly desire. Mildred-line' , Ely A Kynocl>'.s Cactrldjje Ciises am] Cips for re.loading- s?mc. He-loaders, Kle-cappers. .Cap I^.lectors,; Cilrlcrs,:iar.(i Creasors(i.'leat>ingllods, and all articles n^cessi-ry for a Kpfrrlsn-an's ouiJU. : Ail sorts of Repairing nnd Jobbing executed on the sJionest notice at 'Gnelph,Mpril27, 1S7C. Milton, JuneC, 18/|C. 50-ly yr |^JP TKOLLOPE CHAP3IAX, cal Bookbinder. _ Ions, of Binding Jfeatly Executed. Bo&* of -c/H utula Madt to Order. itly. A'fctonded to.. *nmni_St. George's Square, Guelpi A CTOX PLANING^ l^LILLS > ' .AND Pnrap, Sasli, Door -and Blind .Factor.}:. rad^CAS EBBAaE,' . x TMauufactorerfor; ". .' - '.' ~' ~ "Wiadp-w Sasli,; Doors, '....' Venetian Blia&s ;' liouldiaigs, r i:- :- And other Building Requisites -.':'. Also MaKcr of '-'-, IliPROYSD StfOTION 2TJ1&T3 ^^^.Ordera Jeft at the Feee Pees ' ^""^'wiHri^ieive-prompt attention. SE5?L^:.i0,<*j-T- V^VL-J-'* - CO. LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. AtXAN Takes p'easure In annbunclne to trie pubilc generally that "no is prepared to .furnUh : First-class Horso3 and Carriagros At Reasonable Kates. ( His Ttigs antl Horses are trie' bpst that can be had, and he is determined not vo be surpassed by (any City Btablo. . Acton July Jdt, 1875. aEBStlEIBE FOR TBIE l'sltyj. Jjumber planed and PresBftd to order ia the best manner. J6@- All work guaranteed. .i~'-,-- Acton, Jan 187fi. ACTON FREE PRESS, ' . , \ -. ' J :~- Only One Dollar a. YeaKi <3i^^. +'r\ ^OPl "pet 'day "nt. home p*> 10 ipiiU Bamples: worih SI free.; Sti.vspn i Co., Portland, Maine. " etfi O n davntliomfc. Aperitswanted <+>J.<a Gntntand teims ffcei XKUE & *0Q Auaustttj Maine. The bouse, standing on its owniceeded grounds, arid surrounded by lofty f ' trees, was.dd-and spacious, with many long corridore and passages, and plenty ot rooms of all sizes and descriptions. I can recall so well the great entrance ball. It'was of immense size and gloomy, and from. it ascended ;i wide staircase which led to an open gallery above. During m; stay with my friends, !Mr. and M-s. Oldham vfent jto spend a few days at a gentleman's house a few milts distant from their own, aid. it was while they were absent 1 bat the alarming oc currence I am about to relate to you took place. i ' The household consisted of ithe butler and fo lr maid servants. The coachman wl o lived in a. cottage on the "grounds about a quarter of a- nitle distant, was now absent with bis master and.mistress. Tbe but ler; was ja pompous, stately, .middle- aged man, gi veri somewhat to "pat ronizing, the ugh "always respectful I in bis manm:rto us-yourig'ipeople.j He evidently considered tbe safety of tbe house c*s bis peculiar charge, and was Tfiry.lparticular in the.-.-ex- tinguifihing of/fires and in looking after tbe fastenings of doors !ahd windows'. -' :' ! j.. ' We -hid:Beard bf one.or two irob- beries being coprxiitted in ~! the.-l neighborhood ; biit we-did hati.feel hervou8,'and"my cousinjilaced great dependence <>n a huge black dog which always slept at night"in the One evejning J-I believe it vas the third kfter.Mr. .nnd Mrs. iOlol- I answered it.' iPi-esihtlyi, hearirjg a soriiowhat prolonged parlry' outkido wo opened our room door land peeped out.' .. t . t. . . 1 Two men, apparently muchjex-j lmustod, stood at tbe lower end of the hall, while oh the floor, at tlheir feet, lay a large, long package. |0pr Jposito to tljem stood tho butlorjund one of the mnid servants,.ajid it stormy diBeussioir-seemed 16 be going on bptweejn them. Mildred, my oldest1 cousin, after a few nio- ments'fpauiso walked forward and requested | an eiqilunatibn. I One of them, ratiherin respectable-look ing individual, I thought, advanced toward her, and niukiiig a low bow, began, to sjietik : " MiiUamo," said he, t" wo have brought this bale of goods to your house byniistake ; we were, to take it to Mr. Noedham," mentioning a house about (ivi miles distantj "but have carried it hero histoid. We are much: exhausted for jwo .have walked far, tlm'night is tem :>estu- oufl and we feel that wo can take it no further. Will you kindly)allow us to leave it lifere till mjorniiig V Mildred lookjed at the butler in-; qiliringly beforii she answeredl The old butler shocjk his head' with a doubtful and suspicious air,where upon tho man -jvho had just spoken observed hastiljr : " Wo do not ask for a lodging for ourselves, nndim, wo shall; make our own way to the nearest/public { house. It is o:lly the pack We wish to leave. ' It it very heavy, juid we will call for it tn good tiiiie to ibor- row. Wo throw ourselves upon -yoiir compassion." " : j " Let the poor men leave their largo package, Mildred," said Jinet my younger cousin, " and hav.i it put in tho anteroom until 'tr-nior- *- i. I - rpw." J . ! - j. . Mildred consented, and in disre gard of the frown, and ominous looks of ' tbe butler, ordered Ithe pack to be carried into the little room tfear tbe [entrance. Tbis vf-as-done, and glad land thankful I was .to- see the rjoor bolted and barred behind the for- midable sti-angers. It seemed to me.a dangerous risk, in our] thinly- l>eopled household, to tidinit [two stningersat that time of the even ing, I hud noticed, too, that they glanced around the hall in a surrep titious niauner, and especially at the dog, which stood with ub in the. hall, and at first began 'to bark; but liad been/quickly silenced by alow command from .Mildred. ! I sa'y that the maiijl seryunfc,'w|ho: still stood by, sLarled my un'cbnifortablo feelings, 'and ! she assisteil, vei-y readily, after:the: departlne of the men/in barring tlte door and seeing to the safety of the window fasten-? ings- - : .' I r- - Later in the evening 'Il met her on tbe stairs, and she stopped me. .' "I don't like the look' of that "bundle, at all, miss," she [said, " it^ looks to nie alive, and-fwice I have fancied I saw it move once when lying on, the hall floor, and "again now, for I have been to k ok at it." I smiled, and teiling: biir "not to be wdiimsical," passed or, and re- j joining my cousinsj I told them ' what Harriet, had said to mo, and proposed, going to take a look at the mysterious package. j 'Taking a lamp with us' we p'ro- to the little, apartment wherein; it was placed, jit lay. on a wooden settle, which ! stood , on one side of tbe room. Itwasen- veidped in a brown wrapper, was very long, and thicker at. the mid dle than at the two extremities. Somehow I did not like-Sthe lobka of it; but my fears were! of such a vague nature that.I did not like to express jthem. As wo crossed the hall on j our '.return to the eittihg rborh; we encountered Harriet, who was hovering about -with a very un easy arid mysterious expression |on asked Mildred," starting to her feet .V-Te'll us quickly. Do try to b4 quiet/Harriet." " "Oh','that packjis alive 1" ekriek ed Harriet. !'.' i " Husli, Harriet," said Mildred[ dalmly j "let Jones tell us." heard you lock a door. It was.that} of the ante-room in which ^.he. unj fortunate pack is placed I-supppse.' ;.' " It was,/Miss," replied Jones. ententipnsly, "and the dog is in cumo a-.Bceno bfno|sje and c|onfusiaB>. )pk, and arm, and I,ho hallL" he added.; "So far good," saiil Mildred' composedly ; "and hovy-j pray,;'dci you know that thb pack/is aliVe 1" " You see, Miss, replied Jones, " ever sinoe that pack has been left, here,. Harriejfc has been in,'a die-- tracted stato of imind frightened out of heii senses in fact," ', " I saw tho tlyng iuovo when it was laid in tho /liall," sobbed Har riet. ' ' ! " Go on, Jones," interposed Junet. . ! .' 1. Jones contiuuejd i ' ;. " So before >ve! went to bed, Misk Harriet persuHdeid my to come and" take another look at tho packago. You know I did not ajiprove of its being left,-"Miss,'! he added,. "Never'mind that," said Mil dred, ",tell ns what you have seen." " Well, Miss, I thought it great nonsense, biit I- went. We took Jiold of the bundle and -turned it about a little, bufc could make noth ing of it. Presently. Harriet' found a-small hole in tho wrapper. Shb pulled the rent- rather more open and looked in./ I saw her. face change, She turned and drew 'me out of the roomJpulled tlie dobfto, .and locked it. This is all I kno.'y at present, ladies," and here Jones bowed to us politely. ! -..--,." Harriet hap become quieter, EO-j Mildred inquired : f "What did yoir see, Harriet!" The girl skiverieid and civered her face with her hajrids. '/' ".Come, Harriet, speak," said/ Mildred, becoming a little'pale. ' Yes, .tell us, and instantly".] cried Janet./: '. Harriet took her hand from ner face and looked up. i " It wiis an eye^ Missl" she sa: in horror-stricken tones j such ain awful looking eye, and-it glared at me!" she added, with a fepressejd shriek. | We looked- at each otter in mute consternation. '"Was it a living one,,'do yoju think, Harrietf':I asked. . " Yes, it was alive, Miss, I am sure," she sobbed. "Ob, whit shall,-we do5 II looked so' mali] nant and terrible!" Jones reached 't6o paj throwing the rope qVer his still clutching th-e -dagger, etooped to inspect thij slit in-the wrajiper whereHarriet had assijrteishe had seen ah ojo. | At that nipnienf one of' tho most fearful tind terrible yells I ever heard broke "rom be tween, tho folds of the wrap rieit.1 The pack struggled violetiliy, th jn roiled' over and-fell .heavily on the ground, while a chocked voice beg jodi for mercy ; atthesamo time akfiifewaa ing. The screams'of the servants, the hysterical- sobs of Janet, the" loudhowlingfl |and winnings of the dog, who was; still Testrajued .by rushing frantically made a din that I Mildred from into theroom, (never can forget. I remenjber that Jorifes alone | looked'very composed and unmoved throughout. jBefOre the jinan, in -Be'eciier on. Canada.' -The New !York Ghrhtldn, Union has the following from the pen of Rev. -Mr. Beecher : ..' . ,-Befone this autumn we had some knowledge.of Canada,;but it wu sniidK We had riu a on. errands,to Montreal; we had visited, for curi osity, Quij.\)ec i but had never comb -j in close.ccutract Vith. the people. We have -chine back from our bri.ef visit itirjcluded Montreal,-Oftawa Toronto, and London -with a feet-? : -v . irig of a'duiiratibn for thel.Country seen endeavoring to effect fljn' open-: | ^ j0v0 for'the waria hearted and the pack had time to free from the wrapper, Jones hjad mdn- wi Wo looked ait each other for himself strug- |al times become silenced aged, despite his opponent' gles, to pass the rapes sevei .round and round Him, and tosecure them. By tho time he baq accom plisbed this- We- had alL pretty quietf The dbg was and made to lie-down in the bail, while Mildred: and I and two of the servants, the terrified .iarriet not beihg one,'went into tbj-room.' The pack presented a very lndic roufi appearance. The wrapper bad been slit open From the centre-'up ward, and displayed the figure of. a man apparently about thirty years -of age^lyjng! in it, "the ropes wound | hospitable people. There is not a . fairer land on which the ua shineil than that p'art of Canada througk which we, travelled. '/As a futmiug . country it-is simply wonderful.' All alon-i the banks of the Ht. Lawrencd" and from Toronto to the western part of thb Do.rniniou, it is oho vast Isucctission of admirable grounds-for fanning; Very largely cultured and improved. ; . . - -While in London wo (-attend ed the agricultural i exhibition which was .jn pregro/^s there,- anii" it h.eighteued.' our -itlpi-esaious of this great farinino cbuntiy 'north, of ns. We-tliank God for the pros perity of our r^oigbbors-up tnerie; We^used to think that it was hard- . 1} Nvortb while to have two nations, and that Canada had better ainrga .with ua. We think so nnjonger.- More goodwill be ddue by hxvia^ that English-speaking nation en the north built up. It ia a dominion which, although it duTei-s-from rus in names and terms, is suhitantuilly like us at the'root. ,Tbey liayi I a- around Kiiii. ] He bad a long, pale _work which ife peculiarly their owii, face, a -brown] grizzly-,beard, and in opening tub wilderness 'through-,.,.' eyes -tha'\ gdanded doubtfully from; u> the pacificvOcean, and on_wbJbk -' Jones and bin. dagger, who knelt they are now .engaged. WebaE beside him, tois.aB'we approached t]le:r indiviidnality and their nation- him. He was jpeifectly mute, and \ ap dLs.tinctiress : we rejoicoin tJieir refused to answei-any questions. " See,.he has: gota whistle/'cried one of the servants. '.'.'-.' ':' Jones 'instantly seized, it, and after a few moments', consideration, beckoned Mildred out of- the room. I followed..;["' !' 1" "Young jlacVies,": he-'said, "the man is now! qiiitc secure, 4nd' his- accomplices Iwill certainly pot at-J-dozea nations.0 And/'"stul tempt to enter] much before n(id night. I ejicpect: the whistle was to have: been t|ie signal, i Would you be,afraid if[I. slipped dwn to .'the coachma'n's jhOuse aiud gpt bis '.wife to send] okie::of ber boys intp the village forrbtbeir-assistance-? We could rrobfbly secure all the jvillainsZ/' / ';| r"; - ",'; , /"' "Biitybu might be attacked by them/on: tho wiijy," urged Mjhired, j her face, '.' What is the matter,! Harriet ?" asked Jtlildred. r " j '.' " Ob^ miss, I aorso]frightened^ about [that jpack. I -bannot rfcst, and I am sure that I. cannot go] to bed wh/ile it isin the bouse." . " You are very ridiculous, Har- rietj-'Zrbrriarked Janrjt. ," I am sure the; in.eri were respectable looking; I individuals, only two, shopmen. We halve just, been looking at ithe pabk,arjd it did. not,, move, though I gave lt:.-a good;squeeze. , Ilani s'ui-e there'is nothing in' it to alarm you:"./ '-, .. , ~\ . i J-/ :- . Haririet -looked very -pale, 4nd shook lier head warmly. . > '. "d , ' . Ten! o'clock came; an4 my cousin and J were thinking Jof; betaking oiirsblyes. to . our sleeping apart- mcntSj -when*- we , heard a door in the hall violently shutiand- locked. Immediately after, Hajrriet rushed in on ns, and sank on, the nearest |cs. She was the .butler, and, still as few moments, and then Mildr4 spoke : I I can/scarcely believe that ybu aro right, Harriet," she said; Hi fancy that ^our imagination' miijst bavb been'making a goose of you* " Still, Mildred," I ventured to say, " Hurrietwnay be right, and lit would be we}l "to do something lat once. This may be a plan to rob the chouse -when -we are all |in bed." / ; \ . "And murder *us all," sbriekbd Harriet. Janet began to cry, and mean while the butler bad lefthtbe r-oom. "Where is, Jon?s 1" . inquired Mrldred, suddenly observirig his absence. " Let iis go arid find him, and see .what is-to be done." I j She,passed into the hall and We. followed. Jones'.was rummaging in a large closet, the door of which stood open ; be had, a lamp in. his bard. Tbe other servants: stood J by, and we together waited for him to emerge. He was mtlieii a long time^so Mildred, went close to the door and whispered : "What jare you doing, thero, Jones 1" ' Jones made no reply but came out, amied:with nn old rusty Sag ger land two pieces of strong rope. "You arie not going to kill him?" inquired Janet. j, - j ! "Never fear,. Miss,"; ^replied Jones; a little prick ", No feari. Missel can'^slip nri- a I'seeri through th4 shrubs in the dark- al distinctness ; prospects ; we rejoice especially/ ia the apparent growth arid .strength, of the Christian principle -(chat eot- ists ancTfs exJiibited'iu the/different- denominations in their midst. - j: ". It they continue ^o be jn-osperous there is scarcely any limit .to thejr. growth. ,/ The^/land: that is nnpo^- sesged ia.enough t* make- balfila more -" do "tiiein, and quickly.l'/'said 3iUdkd./]/| / .] r / ; ; ! ". Yott are sure' that the ijnan is qui (4 safely botJrid ?' '5Quite so, Miss; but pbrhaps you would like jto ask the consent of tbe hodsekold beforo It leave you ?" Miildrerl soon obtained: pur con sentl'to tbs, plan, sind: Joiifis Was cautiously let oiit'of the side door: In about 5:0 minutes 'which had seemed tw y;. hpurs to us^lie - m tap was in stantly answei-ed; "It. is. all tight ' he said. " I have, seen arid heard nothing of-the inen The boy is sharp-erio'igh, and hehas^is directions, and is to bring a party from the viilAge to this door by'th'e same'way that II took.v ,'-,!'" " ,i More than an hour .passed a way;. then a top was'again h'eard, and six men appeared accompanied- by the grand will it be if they --maintain. unityand ai-e but-one-nafeioA;.Thie^r wjill be ouir brethren, g. gre^hrptae;r countiy, and^ we "ehiill nee^ 'npiwaE .of defence on our nbrtbem bordjje. Would that-we had on oui^sbutbern. '" bordei-,, in Mexicbj or in the:/Be-: . pjublics of South Ainerica/anythingv ^tbat, -approached, - the . -^cdaiirable neighbors that we.iave oil the.- "iiortb.. .'."" / . / - ! One of the-fiirmexs.who/lfacl hearft a lecture in the 'introdtittibtt-..* .' j which, we expressed, spriie -eonlpli-, -. meiitary thoughts- concerning Cab- aihv'said to us, with.pecuiiar lbo'ffi, Ml dou/t believe y.ou will dare to say such", things wnen" yon get home," "Well, we have said:-th'em^; and-we wjinld not havei iaid .them. there if we had not been jrea4yi,te - reppiit them here. " -r- . . ?| bad been^ sent tQibririg : carfe of will do'hurt. :;'I must take of my; master's house." "We will conie with you,", whis pered Mildred. ' V'.J "Very good, Miss," he answered. " Please bring the dbg to the door, and "keep him there till I want liim." ' ;._.', -i : So off wont Jones with his lamp,'! bis dagger,,and,,his ropes, \ye and tUe seiyants following closely :Witij- the dogfi -who seemed to possess a strong . consciousness of something being aniis^, ' ' Jones opened-the ' door; of tbe little room; quietly, and went in ian'd placed the 4amp on ^a small side-fable Which, stood nearl Then at oncej dagger.and. ropeB in hand,, lie walked toward the pack, which lay on the settle'; butl how, bb boy who them. About, midnight Jones opened a casement "window in tjhe hall andlbleV a loud Whistle; the whistle was responded /tovby another, and twb-'men presently ap/ the open casement,/Jones dreW back into! the dai-kness^of. the hall and -silently allowed, them to enter. The fmorrient their fest however I touched-'the hall.floor they were se cured.' -J' And.wheres.were 'you' aunty ?^ I said ; "during this scenol',.-" - " We -stood iti the gallery above, The boy who had received his"di rections soon brought forward a lan tern^ and we also had lights'ut-baud inthu galleiiy."]- -~ -, -- ,-,.', ",Were. ,the j men tried, aunty'.; -Bnd;wnat;Was ihnir,pnhishnient?" > . r" "Yes, they were conyeyeil to the courity- prison, (and on theiri convic tion weresentbneed to. transporta tion./ \Tlie biitler', as' joiv'/niay imagine,/Was nundsotriely rewarded: Tlie, GoTerTiment Book: c- '..: :' T positor-f. : ^": |r : Ajiiidst ther general ;panegyrioe which Mr, Crooks".is bestowing ion. our educational sy'stenb, it is to: be hoped that he has not-forgotten the unqhestionable exefellence of1 that; particular portion of which is. eai-1 ; bodied in thebook despository. Ad organ, the. connection of.' wb'icli-; with the Government it is irappsj-. siblef to doubt, denounced th'e ;deij ' positbry as .the- scene of the grossest'-". corruption.- Publrp suspicion pointa- \,t\ie "5iime war, aiid^ it' is 'notoriooa^ that if. tb.efe"is place ih_w.bicb aliHSea are Spt to'be engendered,':it is.a ,. tradiug establishment ^belonging to Govprnnient.. Britisk navy yurds haveifforded mlancboly proof'bf the fact.} j When the maps - and apparatus supplied by the .Iie- pbsitoiy are bro'tight .under' pa'Wio . notice, they iare found to - be .very defective,- and of'the books sent:Jto ; the school libraries, a large portion } have been the^very sweepings of the bookstores.' Ininstitutirj.gran en^ qnii-yinto the Depository;1 tne late Council, transpired at ihe\ time, aeted'alt the .instance of thelj Gov ernment^ -though; the: Govertyneni afterwaid threw-the Council -pvet^ in a manner familiar to professionfd '" politicians. The Council hd tqt' confess "that its powers were' not adequate. Tbe,powei'8:;of'4he:Mia- . ister^of Education are adequate ; - and it is plain'duty ;ta institute.' sr A w chair in violent-iyflteri speedily' followed |by- looking as pompous ham's departure-piny cousinsa'lidl eveT> but with a certain Gxpijesflion. n.1"! moro-;"?eafy> '*n.4'. ?Ta^ jfltl? ------ restraine^d from were sitting chattjng merrily around 0f unquiet Od his fat, grave' face.: ! "?"ea^ ilie .fire in ; a lai^e room Which'; i W!hat ifl be niaftJer, JbnesJ" IH s> .' There was a deep silence among ua for nniomentor two, ihtbri-npted only,by thelow.growHngsofthedog, who bad become -manifestly .more "Phil, my jewel,':said Pkt, "I'm niiguty-Borry ite can't dine vdtk-.nie to-'day." ; " Arrajfi, and Why can!t I dine witli'ye If said the astonished -. -.. . Phil." Because, my dear," return- served that there were, one oritwo.ed Pat^ *5ilha|ven't.a8feed/yejftsyefc." openiHga in the wrapper.-. ' -.\ : -" -I ' saarchiuir inqbtry "withoatl deliy. Ifilio Jacks:coii'rngeXbr the :as!t, be cab borrow-a little "from theLjhoad <?f his GovBramerit. ^clegrat^L ^ Mrxiso BARLEY.4-The Oswego: Palladium .says :-^ 'f The bbnest: fa'rmera Cn Canada are jajixjng] new t with' KJltl .barley,x and.leelling th^ wholeasnew grain.: If niai:y trick* of that "kind- ai-e played, tb j Cana dian farmers, will fiaare an nity tP hold their cfcppfbr bc mi ----- ^ * :* bpribrtu a thing rushing into Tnenlberi tliat.tii^Jabjl1 -An inebriated Irishtnani/bh ,being kindly .questioned in'a very; narrow.. . lane aurop wjiich h.e.waa;reeling,as i el^/beside better phces. at the-.length iof the.rcKt.d-. ie had 1 ' .' - travelled. Replied -.-^"/Fiiitb', it's not l; There canjaotbe gfea>dr-treaish- 1 the length.of it as thb breadth., of it kerv than -.first to faiflB/a COIlfidanca, " (iantl tbui to|deceie'ifi. "^ T - l. , -.t'-.r"-

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