Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1876, page 4

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- \y *.' n Iv*- ^:s-r . Phnnysrrnfs. Intentions, ns well as actions, . tanst Iwj^rkI to-bH'Mccoptoil. - If knee bivcolics wine in fashion, { the biggest calf vrilljoolc best. - '- An Irinh e*litor savs lie can soo | no bnrtlly--;rwRon why woiiiou / should not hp, uljcwcd to Jkxhxiuu iriedk&l roNi,.' Y No two things'difter snore tlmn hurry and tlisjw tell. Hurry is tbit hinrkofsx weak 'Mijiul, ilisjatpb strong one. What-is the'.difference between one who walksand who looks \\\\.xflight of-Str.ii-s ? Geo steps up stairs, juid tluebUuer stares jip steps. A Gorman; lately married, sane : *'rd vas youst so easySis n needle eoodTvslk out hiit a Cuniel's eye as tio get der Lehint. viuid wit a vo- JlriQlV i - r>, Danburv \N~cTts.: IRemerkable careful is that Panbnry 6oal dealer who stands on.the scale hinise'lf to see that -there is: w> fooling Villi the weight of a loud. . Some, people will be over -. polite "Don't trouble yourself. I can find the way. myself." ""Oh! nousje.nse, my dear. I'm very pleased index il to.suow vou rait* . > . - ' -I-say John, where did yon get- that loafer's hat i". "Please' your honor." sxid Johri^ "it's an old one of yours that misses gave me . yes terday "when yon were in town.'" ' - When a stranger'asked'a Detroit' girl, .whom he met at a party, if tie was Quarried, shft -promptly .re plied " not quite, but I've sued three jor foylr oh.ins for bceaell-of promise. j '*""I)off thine ^Koni^jB crown '."' elegantly says Bayard Tuylor in his Centennial ode.- "Shoot the int." says the bad hoy .of the street. Thtis education, softens ariii yveakens ex pression;. '- '" "Jeannie,, you're my sweet heart," said a i)iae-year-old suitor, as he setaloBe with his heartVidol, the.other evening. - "How can.I be your sweetheart," listed.,the little miss,:"\rhen I; nm thirteen ryears old and you are only ninef*_ " - ' ~ "Are vOu; thirteen f'- "Of/course I am." "Weiy answered the 'juvenile, bean, after reflecting a little, "I'd a been thirteen,, too, if I hadn't been pick bd much when I was little." They had been Lovers. '- They were very fond of. each other, very, and had been engaged. But they quarrelled, and" were; too- fWoiid to make it up. He called a 'few-.days ago lit her father's house : -4o see the old gentleman on-busi ness, of conreei. She answered his ring at the door bell. Said he : -".Ah,'Miss is your /at,her~ithin V ;. s VNo, sir,*' she replied, "Papa is - not in at present, ' Did you wish to see hina personally T .'. Yes, Miss," was bluff rt* pponse, feeling tlat she-w:is yield- jug; " on very paTtieular personal business." And he proudly turned to go away. "I?beg your"pardon," BFe.callejd after biQ ashe struck the lower step, -'but who shall 11 Sjiy palled f* He never smiled agbjiu ' ~~~ m ic*' ' . The ;Qsbawa Reformer has no " dearth of libel suits on hand. 'One man snes for 5,000 solace, jand - two others for $10,000 each. 1 " ' ' ' i , Notwithstanding .the difficult ex- Bminatjocs'to.pass, in order tol ae-j cnie a certificate, s)i teachers there - still appears to be no lack. IThe Omngeville School Board lately Advertised for three teachers [and' - received no less than fifty-six appli cations. - _ -i'. yit tbe Goyeromentfish-'breeling - w.orksat Newcastle, Ont., under.the snperintendency of Mr. ^yillnot, 175,000 salmon ova Wjtere Kecured on Monday aid placed in ; breetling " troughs. Hundred ,of; sal-non ^winging from five to twenty .pounds jn weight vnby now hs se^-.'^a. the house and ponds. - ,!" " Specimens ^i3aiiadian marbles i iind minerals have challenged *sj>e-| 1 -cial attention ia Philadelphia.": We1 hear that an Italian gentleiuu-n, 8ig.'. Frtrrari, visited Moatrealand Ot- . 1'iwa'collecting mineral specjmins, . jiipd-tbat be lastf-week thipped a: (jaantfty to the order of the Italian' (government. -" ' / - - . > ! The Manttoba-JPrdvincial Esliibi- . tion held on the.first^vreek of Oito- . ber- Waa ve*y siicoessful "in the" exhibits, attendance, and pecuniary V^sufti. - Agdinftt-a total of about gOO; entries last year, jtbere were over 1^00 on the present occasion ; and the attendance far surpassed rhat-at any _gre.vio'us exhibition, The Monetary Times learns that the closing of ^the Batting Mill \ at Xorval hop beon uncler considsra- tion this month hy the propriotori. The reason of this is found to Jtxfa'h thft-fecfc that the Auierica^ arfcidle has been oflPered here at prices, d fty .paid, to compete with, whioh, siys the Norva! people, does not per nit of a living profit to the prodocer of . -fiiQ-Canadian article. -" ~ Govertrpn l^HAcojE.^-Take of cotton^b*ttu>g, phi upon pinch of bjacfc pepper, gather it a^d tie it, dtp It in sweet oil insert in the ear. _Pnt a flan bandage oyer the head and'keep -warm. It willrgive immediate m i. albit it a up ind nel it re'- J RBMPfBP! CHRISTIE, Desire again to acknowledge with thanks the Iwge ^hare of patronage bestowed on them during the past sdasbnj iADDtER & harhess-maker, ana again most cordially request a eon sinuance of theJ l many favors extended to them by; their numerous qusto- mers and the public generally. Kiey haye great pleasure in announcing that their Stock I is now! complete, and offers] all| the advantages that close buying and 7I0W cash Lj 'V" i prices can suggest. ! i- ' ' as a matter # Fast, Actim is known aiotialyf tkrougioixt the County of Ha3|on, but adjoining counties as wfell, as one of the CHEAPEST PLACES to. buy Dry Goods,! Boots and Shoes, Teas, and Household wants generally, f Thq business m^n and manufacturers of Acton, by their enterprise, push, and square dealing, have placed the! vil lage m a position quite in advance of many of its older and more pretending neighbors, which, position they are determined to maintain. The^mniense quantities of grain delivered daily in Acton, afford th best; evidence (that BETTER PRICES ARE PAIf) than at other points] east or west, and the enormous quantities of Eggi Apples,! But ter, and other Farm Produce shipped from Actoh St^tiori, prove cbnclusively that a large amount of business is daily transacted. Where Produce or Goods are handled in large quantities, only al very small inarg'm for profit-is needed l AND THIS IS THE GENUINE REASON Acton merchants s pay higher prices for produce, and i sell goods at lower prices thfcn in othejr places.! In advertising otir goods, we make no raslh stateme'nts^ and are determined to adhere to anything we state wlten we say our gdwids are rlieji|>er than others, we to be a fact; .; The public assure us it is the'ease, find we intend! to stick torfacts, and snmll profits. The people are our supporters and we intend to keep ion their side, and will sell goods at lower pricesTJhan ever. Large variety, lowi prices, and go6ds are inducements we'offer. .-" " T" R; CREECH, Hoa romovofl ono. door wont of his old stand, and is "now. prepared to turn out worjc^ which for ' KHATOTJSS, 0HBAPITEB3 AND cannot bo surpassed by any house in - ! "' : . i Harness of all Kinds eupplieil on thersborfceat possiblo notice^ anil warranted' to give perfect satisfac; tion. ' f As he ifuloitig business principally oil tho Cosh Systeiu, liu is prepared to jud[cheaper thaii evcr> S fJivo^him a call and ?>o convinced that this is the' rf^ht place. Ann 28,1S70. R. CKEEX;H,A.cton. a PE< IAL. 1XDO yy I)uring the past Reason we have sold so )^i^& that The Lion jsa now Known far olJ(J Wide B4?l i| Tho Store in: e intend in the 3TalI monthsJo^increas^B^ll reputation.: L' :^- ' ^:--'^r!: : - --.'.1t '- -.'-'K-' i'">-'r'-^9i Our Stock is the largest west of .Toronto. 1 %|| It has been bought direct ftom thej>roidttee^||& Bottom Prices. f i V : ^ #^" '-!, 'feafl THe; Lion never Isks for BigJPtxi|| Btit/'-'put^ down the Prices to suit the tiaieis 1 small harvest. ! ' i-"v-.' V^ .V-'ft': 1100 Reoos Wine 073 Wpaderfally (ae^l^P Dress' Goods never so lo^ ^efbre. ":' ir;3|ifl: i-flannels 25 per cent lower tnanfomierlj,' X the best This season'wilt*6ffer more than usiial attractions. In addition to our former staff w^hai'.e se cured the .services pf an excellent Millinor of long experience in fashionable circles, >yhich will enable us to execute all orders'neatly, promptly and satisfactorily. We ask no fanjqy figures as is usually done for millinery, but sell,, as we do olherjgoods, at "Honest Prices."!; Ladies, remember this! Our Stock of Ladies' Dress; Goods this season is _ , varied and cheap. All the new and fashionable shades and patterns! will be found on our shelves. Being determined to make a specialty M this liiie we have marked every pijjee down to bottom prices. No fear of comparison.". \^t p J Liadies' Shawls, Jackets, Clouds, pur dets, Silk Ti^s, &c, in great variety and cheap. i! , G-ents' Pelt Hats, Cloth and PuifiCaps, in all thenew^ est makes ana* styles. -' '.. ** Seavy ^boflfes, TwooSl^ TTadersi.irts, Drapers, pliirts, and Shirtings, decidedly cheap. , ' |! OUR STOCK OP REAEY{-M]A|3E CLOTHING^ For gents', youths', artd boys', is immense. Why go; shivering to church; when you can get a warm, respectable overcoat for onlj ^.0(1. j Blankets froin $LT5 per pair up. and This season is really|imm.ense, bought tlirectly from jthejmanufacturers and at the Irtwest cash prices. AVe positively assert without fear of contradictibn that our stock of Boots arid.Shoes for cheapness, neatirejss and durability combined, is not surpassed by an^ house in the trade. Special discount off oiir low cash prices for any ptirchase of five or more pairs at any one time; WORK BCXES Less toan Half Cost AT ANDERSON'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE On tho East sicUv of \V yn lli%t? Strcc GTTEtPH. SCHOOL School Children should Buy Day's 5 cent Copy Book. It contains forty copies* and is made of eood paper. AH the School Books nscd in the Town and Country Schools on hand at DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Jay. Sells Chqap. ;) Scarlet and jGrey Flannels, best Canadian and American makes, 12 to 20 per cent lower than last year. \ | I )S" Our stock of "Winceys is pronounced the cheapeist by all who have-Jiad an opportunity of comparing, valueij*, ,We are willing to compare olur York shilling Wincey with any other sold at 15 or 16 cenjts, ^nd hate no fear of the result.! Don't fail to secure a piece. > rTTl Teas, Sugars, Soap^, Tobaccos, &?c., at decidedly low prices. v No\f. commands [a larger sale than ever. Buy a 5 lb. lot, and; return it and g<et yoiir money .!; bacK; if itjtfloes npt give entire satisfaction. . OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH AND SMALL PROFITS. Gash saves expense from collection and losses from bad debts. We rely on immense sales, and are^sadsfied jvvith small margins. We put in no threads pr buttons for the pnrpose"of extracting a fevf mor^ cents p# yard from our customers. It is easy to buy of us,-'k nc|e all are treated alike,1no one getting^ favors that are denied to others. i .,- '[j ) if you live 15 or 20 miles from Acton you will be iaijgeiy repaid by a visit to our Cheap fjash Store. All we ask is an:opportunity of showing the gfoods; you will do tne buying. l,tM j CHRISTIE, HENDERSON <|& Co. j^su.-^ tpj-^Uj^toi.>:^feiL;K Mill Street, ACTON, DEALER IN aroeeries, Orookeir, - \r . Soots & Shoes, Iffall Paper, h Wia40w\.Blinl, t. - . - '. - ' !' STeilsj S-lasa/ Ptitty, LlasMdjiOU,' Palati, Turpeatiae, ipsXL W, Bait; eto., All of whici will he sold low- for: cash, BOOTS ^nd SHOES ", felling off at cpBt . AIbo agent top. tho ; ' RITBBBB PilNT COMPANY I Of CHTeland, QHo> Cash for Hides,. ActQBfJvlylQ, 187$. Large Stock of vi-.^M. Ofteii . ' J-1.-.1-' All riiiincary.J Jtog ir- READY-MADE CLOTHING, LADIES'JACKETS lUiB Cheaper ..thari- at any! other Hbtise. J .' ' "..' / --\:- ./' Ootton QBAIN BMqsJ ^3,00. Best A Dollar any othei" store. qr: apeiit at The Lion will buy more:thari> &M$, 1 " ' - " " ^ I"-'!- " :'i J-l c*>V.' /" - ,."H- ,L D. WIIXIAMSOH & ,& Guelph, Sejpt. 26, i8J6. B3AT SPBGIAIT OF 5",. VlliMtiiiiv r tluiTicoarf SMD A Preparatory to Removal. . STB'WART |'i ......... . .Tsrff Our entire stobfc of Dry Goods and Clotbsne ianpw-offer^;regirdte;^;'.: Cost, to rejduce Block before retnqving Iti our new preoaiaeB, Sb* -J3l^t' j-' building. > The public may rely on tbe --,-?^---- Best. and Cheapest Bar^aii.s r ever offered, asj^i^T^r obcoioe IDBC4 Cheaper tbtm Old Bankrupt Sfotdt" .at llalf-^ri tee-^-Cbeap i gobds wactedf-Ubeap, because *reSb and Hewi THE SIOCHf;MUSS, WttL ASCB OOOJOS Wm^ ' mm !' ;SS! j50t.;^^|?jfe But we are aware bow perplexing it is for honest people to relad-tbwi'W'||^:; ; ' tiseinentaj here and ielfieWhere. Who'll Jalfe4he loudest nd-l -"Pigft: brag the most seems to be the maxim of each. . PyV on intelligekt gablio know well that Shoddy- Gootis aw dear at Half-price.. " ' f W6 glre a few quotations of. - .. r%-~ '*'}ift.-. 4,500 yards of Dress Goods,-fformer.; ppcesij 16,"20, 25 a^d p|^^^Kv "" 'mi cent8.-r-redaced to 10j 15 ahd"^0 oonti. ^ Striped silkslrtduced to.57..cents. Striped Grenat ines to 10 cents. Striped atidPltin Linea to 1Q cts. fkrHsols.frpm ' ^ Black and Colored Lustres from 12^ cents. Table liinens, Bed' Qiilte,- Table Napkins, Sheetings,' Bag.will be dfifered at striking pripeS. Colored Shirtit g from .10 cents. A l.ofe of iWfoolen Twi $1.00 to 60 Lace' Curtains 75 cen White Cotton Hose Straw Spn Hate frotn. Cashmere Jackets fi Linen Sijiks from $1.5' cents. Colorecf arid White Dress Shirts J 1 A JOB LOT oJT LADIES ^NDEpCLOTB|DfG|o be :' r.This Bale is _ Clap Trap. i Redaced' Prices Must Be Cask WlLLIA3f^TEW^Ci|f;^ f1 Kicelltul mw*-- 'W -""KbeScsiro .[ ioracrsl <heape?| A S 1h^':. /-.-. :& " ~&&F. Guelph, Jane ,5 1875. .-iA^i-Bi.

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