Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1876, page 2

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&^i--^^*c<ff^n-'*r&j&&.Xi^x?j&&^ \'i . i .1 \ rilBL Pit ESS j'" : A Pj'ilif'.udT.\ rry Thursday Moriunj;." . .1. H. HACKIM:, Proprietor.' -"! ' - SI. Por Annum in Advance | PONFUSION' ^IN SERVIA. Tbroo Mon'ths' armistice eastern mnioo^. >,Prtfjjosnts for an Armistice. |.; JOS ; < H^CHINO EDITOR l!iri:>w,v Moi!s"i?Jn. Nov. 187o:m RooJtoaea on. A PANIC IN HKLlillAM b S3 I I Js-i' * -: hi 1 is ' I it: - jf] r It is sonio satisfaction to know that-=our it-pout tvmaiks concerning tiieAoton station audits surround ings, have at least had the effect of attracting, the- attention of tho Grand Triuik supcriiiti'.ndont to the. stato of affairs complained of. Mt -Hunt, station ugi-nt, has received hist rfict ion from Mr. Spieur to. pre-. J-u^e a statement of what is rvquir- xl! to remedy tlu> difficulties, and*- to report nl once. Aftor" consult-' -iiiU with tho niomWra of.thewCoun- ' cil, if is Aiudcfstood that he will recommend tho buililiiin" of firphmk walk extending, fixiuii t-lie "&Mum platform to- the old fcu;ik, t lichee across.thclowei switch to the road. If the. railway cojupany. agroo'to ; do this without delay ' sow-that no fix-ight trains "ai>e ah lowed to obstruct -the i-rossing, tho public will oerUuuly jfeel grateful; Our Council will sot- that goudcoi'i- liectionAte made with, the present 'sidewalk.- - .; ' ' ' In auditidiK to- the convenience that will'be afforded to parties go'- ing'to and from the station {if the above plan be carried into effect)., it "will l ;i great" boorT'to furnici-s. and Dthelti .\ylio are so frequently obliged to-kevp their teams waiting an!indefinite".length of time in the vicinity of the '4 itch crossing,' till it suits .tlie lnmior of freiyht-tiiiin- liien to o^n*u the way, \Ve uiay --perhaps"-entertain a hope that the trainman "vy-i11 be instructed to keep the crossing cleaiy^both for teams s.nd fool p;is.seiigers. M 1 No~ is the time when nil have practical tx]>eri'ence of (he wretch edly bad suite.-of the rofwls that - abound, almost "everywhere. "And we s-ftc' forcibly . convinced,.by a , short drive- -the other day, of the ; truthfulness of: thy-statement that lJkiHo:i is the happy ;possessor of J> S'-f r v. hioh distinguishes our township and county councils.hmy be seen in every-highway and byway. This county is <jr.e of the oldest and is represented to-be one of tlie wealth iest in tire-, and why .the people hiiv<; so"quietly endred the r disgnsco t'f having roads such na , -Ksouid sciircely be tolerated in the ijackwoods Settlements, we are at a b^ss to couiprehepd. We cannot ;; believe that- our farmers willingly : concur in thoj jussive negligence or btingincis which characterizes our ojuueillors in "the pitiful way in whioh they,dole out a few dollars here and there from time to time v llKMiRAiiK, Oct. ;10. A battlo was fought yesterday in which- tho Turks drove .tho; Servians from l>junis tifter : a ci'ushiiig defeat, Tchernjiyi'ir's army is cut in two, and eouipletely demoralired. ,H'e-' vatovich' command has rotirodvon Kruchevatr. A ijreat paiiip - piv- vails at'lVlgrado. ? I/)Snox,J OcL oO. A despatch fixniv Constantinople says it is stiitod that the Porto has accepted .*.-propositi-for a two riionths'arniis-' tiee, with provision that if )>eaeo is m>t concluded within that time the Armistice may be susceptible of two successive jirolongatiotis of six -v-eeks each. It [is further provided that hostilities shall ce^se through out t^ervia, llontemgro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that foreign mili tary ((//(/(. shall proooetd to theseat- of war to.settle the lino of <lemar- C-Htion between the opposing forces. Uklgu.vde, Uct. oil. I'articuhirs -and also to 1'^ tuu battle"-between the. Turks and Servians yesterday state that' Turks attacked the ijieights of Djnnis. The (Servian artillery, of fended at t!cn. TehernavefCs depre catory nfaimer, refusetl to tight, and uijandoned their positions despito the efixvrls >f the Ktissian officers. A bo<ly of. Ilust-ian volunteers de fended-the-heights desperately, half their intniber being killeil. The Turks eartied their position, thus cutting the Servian urniy in'two. Afte the fall of l^junis, tJenerul Tchernayt ff, with'his staff und part pt.Jiis army, retreated -to Rsijauy, btit they have since returned to the neigh borhood of Deligcad. Gen. llorvaitovich's corps foitgfct some time but were finally completely beiiten and driven b-.iclc on XCruahej- 'yutz. The- Deligrad positions ar How nntehable. Last night patrols -went through the sti-cets of. Bel- .grade suuinionvng sojourning1 Rns- sijn officers to proceed to tbe'Min-^ istry of War, ;whence they, were .despatched to the front. IjYince j5liljn left for the army today es-r edited by a body of Russians- The .-Prince had a long conference yes terday witlr-3I. lvastrofi^tle resi dent Hiissian '.diplomatic ageut. Co.NSTAXTixop.Lr.. Oct. 30.-4-GJen, Ignatieff, the Russian Ambassador, had an .interview with the Sultan on Saturday, aiid v<ith t!iD (j.Ti-a"n4 Vizier yesteVday. Subsequently the Aiiibassjdors of the six Powers To-dav Turkish Tho Hon. David Mills has boon taawUed Minister 06 tho intorioiv- -Tlio Uraiigofrs lin'vo dC-utdud 'to prganiro fin itiKuranco-company in their own behalf. Ac.tivo prepar.ttions arp being l'mido for the.close of tho - Conton- liial Exhibition, Tnosday next has boon' Bet' npnrt for the celebration of women's day at the Philadelphia Exhibition. . Twenty-seven iiHiues.7liavo been so-i*af fltrtick off during the scrutiny in tho Lincoln election case." Three thousand dollars of money were Htilen frpiri the -Dunriville ex- jiruss ijtlico which belonged ~to u largo butter- merchant in Tin'onto. * "Doctor'* D.tvis, who wits' con- vicUsd for tho murder of Jeanie Gilmpur, is at the point of death in tho Kingston Penitentiary. The cattlo shipping firm of Ailsa THE FREE PRESS, A OBOIST, H ALTON COUNTY,; ONT., NOVEMBER ;12, 18?6. FATAL RA LROAD ACCIDENT. A tTciitcuittul Train Klin Into. Ttt'O PKItSONH C1I.I.KJ) AND TWKNTV- ONIi injiiiii:d. .; A fearful aoeidoi it occurred on the Delaware, La . kuwumm mid Wetit- orn llailiotul last night at a small Htatiou known as Lehigh Summit, on tho Pocono Mountains, twenty miles fivtn ScrantonJ tho regular afternoon train to Now York and Philadelphia,-'consisting of Beveii- teen j'pussunger ebachos and": three engines. . It liiwl i^bont twelve hun dred passengers btt bwird, princi- paj|ly bound for tho Coutcnivial Ex Libit ion. - Tbii tittin was two hours behind time,jVd reaching Summit shortly iifteif ei^ht o'clock stopped to take .writer j from the tank. While thoro a heavy coal train, drajwn by tln'cu' enginesi ran into Craig lost a $3,000 cargo of cat tie ! lH '^l ofj-^liB jwaucngor trnjn, which they had shipped to England telescoping tVrp of the ears through lately. Nearly all tho cattle died on board ship. rJlr. Euyene-O'Keefe, tho -well- known brower of Toronto, litis re ceived news to the effect that he has fallen heir to an East Indian estato, valued at $24,000,006. . Tho Directors of tho Northern Railway have paid to tho Govern ment the suni, of .100,000 sterling iu discharge of the lien of tho railway held by the,Goverument. One evening last week,-a special tiain, containing Mr. llickson and the officials of the Grand Trunk, made tho run from Point .Edward to Stratford imui hour and three-quarters, actual running time. This rate of speed is. not often excelled in Canada. ' The estate of Mr. Thomas Col- wellj an hotel keeper of Gait, has fallen into the hands of the Sheiiff, in consequence of a judgment being Issued against him. The same judg ment caused the assignment of Mr. A_- 11. Peatnuin, another 'hotel keeper in the same town. ! Vennor, tho Canadian weather prophet^ who has foretold the kind of weather we were to have with tolerable "'accuracy, daring the past year, now informs us "there a -o yet nosjgasof an immediate winter. However, an abrupt'winter may be expected when it does set ini, ex- Mtro-<;iyc?t,nc Explosion. A MAN MUWN TO 1'IECKS.- Port Oulborjio, Oct, |30.--This afternoon while a man natnod King, who'vyas inchju'go of the glycorino used in tho hij. bor iuii'ov.oinen.tB, was aftor t\ BtiJ) )ly ht thp magazine, situated on a cijib in tho lake below tho east pier place, blowing an' explosion' took tho man to pieces, only n few am ill fragments of the body being fo crib and doing ber of houses tr and breaking w ind,: ahattoring the: damage to a niini- tho neighborhood, indows all over tho village, f he e cplosion was heard for miles in ov^ ry direction. It is said there ;WaB only n small quanti ty of glycorinq in storo at tlie tiino, ago would hiiv|( is,hot known |ce'ritio to oxploi - the*efst roi'.ds '..f any" county in Ontario. "" Ewdenco of the apathy -T^ ^'c^i^u^ Ministers held council. "The preva lent rmpressioi regarding the situa- Jilon is that it is p-icifie. _ The.TVwe,/ correspondent at Bel- j grade telegraphs that they tin no longer any- delusions. - Servia is now. at the foot of Russia or the mercy of 'Turkey. The Circa-"isian civalry are burning villages near Paratchin iiud Cuprijlo. In' Belr grade after the first excitement the usual apathy sujiervened in conse quence of the Udief tliult an armistice was near atl.and, Loxooy, Oct. SI. It' is stilted on trustworthy "authority that the Russian ultimatum h:is ,been ac- cejjted, and that a six weeks' armis tice' has been concluded between Servia and Turkey. The prospect treiuely cold from the outset-7 A .pecnliar case hiisjust lwcin die- posed of in]Bhintfoid,\at the Bmnt Assises. J-'os. Knox was put Upon his. trial charged with receiving stolen cattle. The evidence, how ever,wen"|to show that he had stolen tho cattle, not received them. Ho having been ^-already acquitted ofstealihg the cattle at the Interim Sessions^ there was no alternative iut to-let him, go scot free. A't| the annual meeting of the and through, i and breaking tivo Otljei-s, Tho Hcones that ensued welt), heartriinllitig,' nlthotigh by a most tiiiracnlouH circumstanuo the nujaber of killed was small. David R. J Pierce,- of; Hani i I ton, Now York, :ancl James Bragg, of TJtica, N; Y., were killed,! and - twenty-ono per sons, all front Nqw York State, were wounded! four of whom, Mr. Seymour, of [Rome, N. Y., Mr. Gay, of Preble, N.Y., Mrs. Dowell and Mrs. Pibijce, of Ilumilton, N. Y., are not! expected. to recover. A passenger loir caught firo in the wreck, and was cotlBtimod upon tho. track. The; jwounded aro being: kindly cui-edfOr at Scrauton. t---------- *m. ^. i. ExTnAOKDIXAKY ACCIDENT. On Saturday as the passenger train going north, which leaves Gait at 5.15 p.m., wjis just passing out of 'thecorporation limits of that town, it van into ii farmer's wagon, which was going over the crossing. The horses were hot touched, but the wagon was ; literally smashed to ))k>ces, and its ocetipaats, a farmer and his wife |tiud infant, thrown out The engineer pulled up the train immediately-and on jumping off his engine jivaa astounded, to iiud that the adults hnd etcjiped unin jured, with the exception of a slight shaking. 'Her'felt convinced . that the child had been killed, until he heard a plaintive cry in the^ tioii of tho baggage car, on reaching it found the lfttlo thing resting ' on the truck underneath the-car.. How it ;ot their, escjiping injury,' is im possible to. understand, and is one of those.niysUj?rie.s which will never- bo explained. After a short' delay conductor Cooper had his train on its, way again. GucJjih Jlcruhi. a boat nloue, King was u'w having quarreli a duel with kni agrflement in[ r<i...', .Church the dt nesses being fought fiercely Bottles was sta ribly in six; t right eye betn was onh arrested, unkuown. Ax Erin Case. At th ToiontoTon the May, a domei promise. The to keep the roads at all pas.s:ib!e. for peace depends on the spirit in ..=-,, , , r -it"1 which Servia emnlovs tho onportu- ,feurelv all our .rufepavers- would) ... ' <v i i i \,. ' :..' ' mties ntiordea her. fiind- it greatly U>f their adTantjige ' priIlce Gorts'chakofT intends to .to'pay .a trifle more in. tlje shai'c [ adopt the English suggestion for a of taxes and have a rfeisoiuj'ble conference of the Powers, bit ob jects to a representative' from Ttir- tum exjiended towards putting pur roads in a jrassably good state of >epair. - 'Let this pjattur be a test fju^stion at our next municipal' telectious} and have it fairly pointed uout that"" the jW-tar. an.d tear and other . looses coniequeot : oh bad roatis must. Ihj much greater tuan anv- extra tux that ro- qilired.-1- S*:e (hat Councillors be' elected-who have a large-share"of, ^Ioa'l'i VJiDt* le!'-e^, ." *S?* feey being admitted ; it is expected, however, that Russia will yet agree to a compromise. Gortschakoff in- f.ists onrthorough and-real leform. There is some prospect of an ar rangement of the difficulty about tlie prolongation of tho armistice at the Conference of Powers. The Fenian Invasion Story. Montreal. Oct-' 28. Nuuvcau liberality and j.'nblic spirit,:and let "the old cry'of economyin the ad liiiiiisiratiotvof public: affair-be air rtgHin8t Canada without doubt. ecouonij' of witdoui, not of peuttri ousnesH, The Ealton Railway I>cb .." . tures. -'At Hamilton on Tuesday a. case .of-great comniert-ia.1 interest was argiied_iu the Court of Chancery j Jt Witsaii action brought to- pjrevent noon from a correspondent in Ver mont in whi,ch he states that a new Fenian invasion - is being plotted Everywhere they aro holding fre quent eecret. meetings which bode no good. The less discreet do not hesitate to saj .that they but await iufavourable opportunity to make a new attempt .upon Canada .and seize sufficient territoi-y to enable operate against ;Eugland after having procured. a fleet-1 and the necessary arms. : The letter the Corporation of the County of Ifalton *'rom paying.-a bonus of 05,- goes on to say that the; Fenians are 000 to the, Hamilton aud North- r only waiting until England Income's Western Railway,-'on l'le ground that the Company,had violated the conditions upon which the bohus }tad-J/eea voted by amalgamating .with Hamilton an .1 Lake Erie Rail way. : costs, The case was dibtuissed with - Caledonian. Society. x\t the GuClpu Caledonian Socie ty's urmttal gathering last week, the following officers were .elected :-i- Cliicf, Jaw. : "ilascie ; 1st .Cliieftaini Aikui.'ligbtrlsofi, jr.; 2d, D. Guth rie ; 3.1, D. Kennedy'; -1'li^Robert ">Ktcbcllj:.-P^H!i; Major, W. T. 'Scott, AetodrJ "' Standard-bearei-s, John, Sp;itiltlii>g and Jas. Mitchell.; GiituJ Marhhal, lAlex._CoDgolton ; Cuaplifins, ;Rev. Mr. 'Hogg and llev. ilr. fWardi:op7>; PhysicianH, DiS. (Jowaii aud-jicpoiiald ; 'Bard, ll'jU;rt Boyd ; Auditors, Daniel ifciiifo;ifi and John Mitchell. * involved in the E4Stern war to make their plans known. Boston, Oct. 28. Tho report of a proposed Fenian mid into'Canada, telegraphed from St. Albans 4ast night, is pronounced to be without foundation. The arrangement for.lahding and receiving the English mails at Rimouski, which have been jn force all Bummer, hav4 been discontinued for the winter sehJon, and the mails will be ]ur..duuTutid taken from Qiiu- bec until tho cipke of navigation. The Importers' Association of Hali fax have resolved to "nienjorialize the Dominiou Government to send tWmail steamere to Halifax instead of Portland during ;thc w^nteiArrangements have already been hi ad e for the Dominion line to run to Halifax, in connection with" the intercolonial. j: , Credit Valley Railway, held in London on Thursday, the old board of Directors was re-elec.ed. The President, Mr. Jajies Laidlaw, in moving the adoption of the rej>ort, .said that he regretted to have such a poor- record of the work done last season, fiiiid trusted- that the cily and. Government would, at an early date,-take such action as would enable the company to have 80 ' or 100 miles next year. A boy named Conroy, twelve years.old was poisoned with whis key in Toronto on Saturday. He along with two other boys were playing. A drunken man carrying a bottle "of whiskey passed the gronp, and the boy Jacobs followed him and succeeded in stealing tjie liquor from him. Jacobs aiid Kanavagh then threw the deceased down, and while one held him the other put tho bottle to his lips and forced him to .ilrink.its contents, and hndied soon The N. Y. World of Wednesday .neatly says : " Lord Dufferin has met with-a welcome home, rind what he said of,the splendid appearance of Canada at the-Centennial was not inappropriate to such a joyous, occasion as his greeting to the peo ple of Ottawa. We should like to be able to accuse him of boasting, but we -might as well confess' that he told the Biniple truth." The'recent arrangement between the JHamilton <fc North Western Railway "Co'y, and the County Council of; Simcoe will enable the Company to carry out their present intention of Boon commencing the necessary -work oh the second sec tion of tlie lino, from Georgetown to Barrie, which is to be opened for traffic by the end of 1877. The contractor expects to have the first section ready for the regular-i tin ning of trains from Hamilton, to Georgetown by the first week in December,, whereupon he is to pro ceed! with the next section, and, in 1878, with the third, all of which is under .contract. The story of a horrible outrage, alleged by the Ottawa Citizen to have occurred in the ' towrtship ,bf Ramsay, has been extensively re published over ' the country;, and ha8-oven been the subject, is we observe, of a harrowing illustration in a .New York newspaper. Tho evil effects of audi tin atrocious libel upon the charjapter of our commu nity appears tfiever to have been contemplated; giirdedj by those who fabricated the details of tihis "outrage,'! which never bad-feiij foundation in fuct. It is a pity tie "farmer" who set the report ajlc at cannot be punished in souie way Fatal Accident. On Sunday night a young man named; ; James Djinmo un employee on the.G.-T. R.j met accident which re sulted in his death on Monday higlit. He accidentally fell underneath the vah of a froighii train, near the Nor- vul Station,iseveml wheels, jiassed over one of his legs, below the knee, crushing it.badIy.~He was brought to Georgetown, when D: Starr was called in and [dressed the mangled limb. It was thought that am putation would benecegKiiry but the Bon of n :cently Defendant is farmer, and Plaintiff had|a died shortly nflter bir fence was' "thaji Smitl i6es, believius MH \ " :": \i r 3d otherwise the loss of life and dam- been [greater. ' It hat caused the gly- o, iib liing went in is was his custom. 3fiil man. Dtiel Ilctc< n Two Coloured \Vf omen., Annie Sim norm ,and NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. _; eooow^EBMCKftor Tho-building.committoo of the Con- grcgatioiinl Church, liavitig a Btiriihm of White Brick, offer-tho above quantity for Bald. 'Atiply to ' . JAMES RYDBRi Acton, Nov. 1, 1870. 18-3t "DINE TIMBER FOR SALE. Scaled TfiMdcrs will, bo received by tho undersigned up to tho 20th inst,, for th'p purchaso of all the Pino. Timber ; or Pine Trees, on the north-wont half of the west half of Lot 20, in tho 1st con. Ksqucsing. Terms, one-half cash, bal- onco in- throo months, proprly secured, Chrihtir, Henijkiison.&.Co. i Acton, Nov. 1, 1876. -. 18-3t- i AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture! Mury BouloB, of Loui^villo, bikh coloured, d, resolved to fight ves.- They met by Mr. HcriiBtroct lins received a con signment of goods, which ho will sell at public auction, at tho Railroad Hotel, HOCKWOOLl, on Friday, 10th of Nov., commencing- at 2 o'clock Tho articles comprise a sofa, centre table, bedsteads and bedding, 3 parlor stoves, 1 cook stove, fi box stoves, diri- . \ ing tables, chamber sots, whatnots, C |- XMASISCOIVIINC "_i" v;; ' At Splendid AsB^rtradnt CO ^0F' ";.; '^ ' ' L^J Wedding Bings. Fancy Qolil.RinffSy v : Cuff Eutionflr W- Chains, Lookets, front ^)f. a Bjiptist her night, no wit- present, and they for half an hour, ibed anj.1 gashed, hor- ifferont}' places, ber cutout. Simmons y sliglir y hurtar I. Tho causo^of and has been trouble is hair-bottom chairs; writing desk,.'a lot nf good carpets and'mats, etc. Also a good cow, and one sulky. Terms cnahL or three months' credit on approved joint notes. j Wm. Hemstheet, Auctioneer. Itockwood, Oct; 30, 187C. ~; 18-2t > INCOLN AXD IxEICESTER HIIKEP ronsiLE. Tho undersigned lias several Siipar- liug Itiims and fianvLambs for sale, on his premises at Acton. Some of them liavc taken prizes at tho Exhibitions, j C. S. SMITHV Acton, Oct. 10, 1870. >..! OF PllOMISE Assizes in Matilda Robert Sinith for >>edu ;liori upd breach of piirlies are cousins and reside injtl^e towuship-of Erin. a well-to-do got married. child byr him, which lb. Tlie do- made prom- ] >laintirt| was chaste, damages. strictly -cash .at the time of service!, j Black Bobtail took a prize at the Guelph j 1 - Central Exhibition this year. He-was j -^Tho Nw DtntiiniuH Monthly bred by Royal Briton, imported. W ' , , . I Jolin sncll.- A" young Boar from tlie / for November, contains some very ...... " bills.; It is-by'tl.c judicipusuBeof such - . 3'articles of diet t^it-a constitution maj' unfortunate niau wustoo much pros- bcgradually'huiltupuntilstrongenough CJTKAW AND FELT IIVTS fj IM>XE OVKB, And made up in the latest style. AH order* promptly attended to-and satis faction gifen in all cases. Residence on Main Street, opposite the Preshytcr- Charch. MRS. S. L. PEER. , Acton, Oct. 11, 187;<>. 15-5t j Stu Bracelets, etc., ete.1 .- ; nil ! V i" v'j '" Clocks fronj-,$1100 P'pw^rai.' Call aijd Ses ThenL? ; Ac tori, Oct. B$ 31, 1876. SURE TO CALL AND EXAMINS THOSE1 ;! .'1*1 mAR FOV.VD. ' ! On the York Road near Uockwoxnl, recently, a bag containing a. quantity of nugur. The owner can have it on am plication to the nndersigriid by prov ing, property aud payibg charges. j WM. GORDON, near Acton. October 25, 187C 17-3t* j but nftorwards fouud ishe was not. |------------------ :------r peveral lettore were~piht in proviiig i HPP BREEDERS. ' , , that deferidalit was,t wn': of her ^0 bred Berkshire Boar "Blacl ;ALSO - GENTS' being pregiuiiij,, und proiu'ised .to Bobtail " willlw kept for service on the ;'. | |" nssist her. Thsjury lirought in a premises of the subscriber, during 'tire j ' j" .. '! ' t verdict uward:ug nlaintifl" 1,200 season. Terms for tiro season $\, ' Centennial *M- ^ZEIH-.STriT AT TUE interesting reailing. . The magazine coiitiiiue's'to itr prove, and we trust the time is not for distant when we may find it pri rted onj a finer qual ity of paper an 1 enclosed in a more attractive covtr than; at present. Published by-John D< ugail & Son, Montreal, at oi ly ?1.50 a year. ', Errs' CocoA.+GuATEi'UL asb Co-m- ror.Trso, "By i thorough knowledge of the natural 1: 's wliich govern tlie operations, of dij [cstifin and nutrition, and by a careful application of the line propcjrties of we 1 selected eocoa, Mr. Epps has pmvidtiV our breakfast tables with I'a delioattly flavored beverage which may iave is many jheavy doctors' trated to undergo tho operation on Monday afternoon, so it was post poned. His mother, brother, and his affianced arrived from Toronto by the 1.45 i express on Monday; the meeting was a scene too painful to witness. We'understand he was shortly to have been married. Gcorijctoir.n Herald. - .'.'- An epizootic, has broken out in the soutluini part of London Town ship, ainongst the ho'-ses, of a most peculiar chui'iicter. The tongue bet comes parulyzt-d, and swells to such an extent that'the animal is unable either to eat pr drink. < From the peculiar seat of the disease, in the tongue, lnediual7 aid affords but little relief. The animal is in the most excruciating pain,' the tongue turning perfectly black. The vet- eriiiarie8 have not yet clearly de fined the disease.-4-1KopGfe/0c/i Re- victr. - I ' A fiendish! net of poisoning wa- cothmitted on the jiremises of James McFadden, Township of Downie, Ont. Recently he observed some of his sheep lying in different places in the pasttnj-e field. On examina tion lie found them to be doad. He searched the field and soon found tho cause. A human fiend had laiijl quantities, of Paris green, mix'ed with salt, in tho three different plaices. One of the piles tho sheep had partially eaten, the other two wepe untouched. A reward of 400 is offered for the conviction of the guilty party. ' Model Farm, will.also be kept for ser-1 vice. ' ' - " i i ^ ROBERT SIMS, ;' Lot No, ,TO, 2d con. Esrjucsing.i Octftfeer 23, 187C ' . ! ' . ,', East - End Clothing' Stor$ ll^DERCLOTHtM In great Variety from ^1 to S3.5pi, per Sniti: " Acton, Ortobicr 5J, 1S7B. GRAND r. OF NEW Grand Slaughter! FALL AND Tumbling to rdsist every ; tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are (loating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. "We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a pro perly nourished frame/' Ci>i7 Service j (JazcUe. Sold only in packets labeled "James Errs & Co., ! Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Thrcaanecdlc Street, and I 170, Piccadilly, London." I A CARD. To n'l sunt-rinR- from tlio orrnrsnntl l'^(ll^crf tions or.voiitn, nerVoiiH WHjikness. fftrly (icc;ij* loss of nutn'ti^od, Ac;, I will send n-ri'Cipoilliiit ti til cure yon, KKKU.OK CHAWI|K. Ti^is u-W>nt ro-nedy \raj drseovrreil by n mlsslonary in SoutU \m-rlc.iL Send i oveiopo to the ItEv: Jo'skpir T. Inman: Statloa i), Blb'o House, NvW" Voik.Clly. Attend to Your Head and Hair -Don't Delay I sing This. Wood's Improvoil Hntr Rmtorallve ls'uiilllso unyj other, mid Ins no equal. The Improved bos new vpgqtnble tonic properties; retoreseroy nalr toaglosFy natural color; r*stores faded,.dry," harsli uactfillln? hair; restoreo. dresses; gives vigor to th6 halrj resiorcs hair to prema turely bald beads; removes dandrtinybu- mor, sealy eruptions; removes lrrlla tlon, Itching nnd fcaly dryness. Ko efteots (Try It, coll for Wood's Improved Hair Restorative, and don't bio put off Willi any other article Bold bjr a'l drugg.Bls In this place and dealers evorywbrrc. Trade supplied at 'manufacturers' prices by 0. A. Cook A Co., Chicago, Sole Agonts for the United Suites and Canadas and by LYMAN-.BROS, 4:Co., To|routo. - Dowii IN PRICES OF SEW - ' >. DRY GOODS MI LLiN E RY . . i AT I D. McNAIR'S!. Terri"ble Sacrifice. GOODS SOLD AT ANY PRICE. AND WINTER DRY ""t U;- Oar magnif cent stock of new goods' how to band, comprising.alt Uum* styles and -r * - " , . , Most fashionable Assarhmant of Gooi ' Westei-n Canaaa. - We have beJn very' successTnl iff buying and getting opened' aul, trhi!. upon-inspection/will be, we are sure, The Clj.sap3st itot cf Dry Goods in To -L: .-vt- |cw| beef 15*1 .! '""Phil idv j;- -^fctj ' we] vihl terj GuJ :! 1'. I i- lrtnl thij Must be Cleared Out. We don't want to carry any of our stock iuto the new store, which is nearly completed. Cost of tbe Centennial. '["he New; York Herald thinks the t the Centennial Exhibition will be a-financial success."" The running expenses average aboutBl 1,000 peri day. At this rate the Herald says' the entire rnnning..expen8e3 of the noon. exhibition, from May 10t to Nov-; ~ ember 10,'would be about $1,800,-' 000, nnd this is hs near its estimate as it was possible to procure. The total receipts to October 14fchj amount to $2,688,635. Thfs amount will be. increased,.says the Herald, by the gate . money of tb.e( period during which the Exhibitiop, BIBTII. ; In Guelph, on the 30th[ ult., tho wife of Mr. Geo. H. Lawrence', of a eon. D^ED. . Inl Acton, on the 30th Oct., Agnes, beloved wife of Mr. Benjiimin; Nickliii, aged 42 "years. TJhe. funeral yeBterday was attended by aj very l^ge number of mourners and friends. ;' ' In - Acton, on tfie 2d I mst. fI ^Henry Samuel, soli of |Mr.!. Jimes.jjoqdall, aged about 4 montjhs. ;ea aoout t monyis. i Funeral at 2 o'clock Saturday after> DRESS GOODS, - "", '" , MILLINERY, ! WOOLEN GOODS; STAPLE GOODS, MuBt all be old at astonishingly Low Prices.-. .4-V c% T av3 foa ^'e w'" 8l>0,,r f*16 largwIjilwS Till" 1-ICtvllfc/to. innd rcost extensile >#*8l in the coiicliy, comprising all the new faehionablo colorsr in\m&l navy blues, tplum. prunes, and rayrtJe green DressGopcts. ka&Bl tres,, Tarn mattes, Persian; Cords, Repps, French Merkios, Wn, Trimmings, Tassel Frin'ses, Cords, Buttons, &c, to match .all shd 1 ;Woolen: Goods, ^^fasr^!^ Squwea, Polka .Jackets,-Hosiery, Uloies, &ci, in Wtthe fashipnabV^i-;W*j and styles. , ' 11 Millinory, Thra, depar'tnient is far ahead of tall oompetrtioD. We hava thlsj cured the services of a iirst-clais ;milliher from. New Yoj*: n should not ifail to see our millinery. Be sure and call befor* J* Mantles an^d Shwls we havp imported, direct from, thehead fashion, vis, IiOndon, Paris and New York. Novelties in blowers, s Ladies' and Ohildrenk. No where in. the\ country is such a display of. Furs, in sa"blej otter,' lyn* and heavier setts. . Fur-Jackets and Fur Capfs in. gtw Men's KuriCaps, Fur Gloves, Fur Milts,! Sleigh Kugs^BjpJ cheaper than the cheapest. ' : Ordered Glotiiin#;:^^St^&. best cuttet and turn out.the moat stylisEjand best fitting sa.itelr of the Bpminioh. We have ryasl received a splenditf &>% $* Tweeds,1 which we are.prepareii to sell at- rtock bottom prices. ;.* our stock; It will p?y yon to, do so;| No trouble to8n0*^ Ready-moke Clothihg, Men's.and Boya*_ Overcoats, UMers, pw* r\nXiJ, HoyB| Youths' and Men's Suits, warranted the iW" st stock in Canada ce :,M *.". ;1! P61'1, ... . . is Btill to remain open, added to' the income from concessions that the board of Finance feel justified in declaring fbnj there:will bea surplus of $l,5f)0,60(| after the $1,800,000 running expenses have been sub tracted, -' 1ffl#t'.i#85s3gjsfe ^Sg^g A TOM MABKPTg, ?2 50 to-2 75 1 00 to 0 10 Flonr ... ' ,..! White Wheat . .i , New Poll Wheat., Spring Wheat. Glasgow New Spring Wheat Barley ... . ,:\ . Barley, No. 2 . Oats ... . Peas ..... Apples ..', . Onions .. ' Potatoes, .per bag Butter ... Eggs. Turkeys .. , Geoso ..,".; Ducks 1 00 to 1 05 1 00 to 1 05 1 00 to 16 4 0 75 toO 76 0 68 to 0 70 0 35 to 0 00 0 65 to 0 70 0 40 to 0 70 1 00 to 0.00 0 50 to 6 60 0 17. to 0.20 0 14to0 15 0 OOtqO 00 0 06 to O 07 0 06 toO 07 J BARGAINS FOE. YOU, BARGAINS FOR YOTJ, ; . BARGAINS FOR YOU, Bargains for Everybody. Our' Millinery is first class: ~" All new and fashionable. Our Dress Upods are just what Is wanted for the season. The latest OvercoaSrBoy? Youths' and Men's Suits, warranted pattems and colors." ; ;- " ' " ' A large stock of Staple and Fancy ij' Dry Goods cheap. aoatlcmoa's FurnisUae Oooda good and cheap. Jewelery, Jewelery; Rings,, Chains, i&o. 4160 a good stock of GROCERIES. "-. r , '~av !- D. McNAIRS, ACTON. Call nnd See onr Cioods and Prices* ' ."' and eheaj .wUhex^oodVcnV^o^in"^ ^^i:^^ Fanor and Grey Flannels, Blankets, Table Linens, 1 owelunjs, ?>. ^ Ckrpets, ^loor! Oil ^llf Rugs, Matts and Mattihgs, at extra low prices. " ^ -'li^^ "***** ' cheap. We would ask a continumce of the patronageaoJh^}^ i, and in return we giia^antee to sell goods cheaser (ban ?rer- Oct; 3, 1876... IICX.JS0D, AIT3D?R50if #$m V-. i**- >tt W ,1 >>,- TA -i .- i-'"- -V- T^*

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