Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1876, page 4

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jse****!** ^mjmf^^MA'M^mmmm \rtUHh -**mmi aftnoiiuiiij ' m : \ , V", It rT UsefulInformation. AU sottiti of vessels, .atid utensuV tuay be-purified from long retained tm>lla of every kiiiil in "the easiest nnd utostperfect maimer, by riumng Uieiu ort weH-withdmroouf powder, after the grosser iirfpnritiea have keenBcoured off wiUiauuland jiot- S3d flannt'l beibtxi yb 'ninke >i npv 8B ilf shrinks iat " the fij-st gashing. Jtfuch of <4ie shrioWJrig risesTroKi there bdtig^oo kuuch 8**ap and the vmter being toojiool. Jfover ujse.Boda for nujuneLi i ^ Soft eoj> mixed Wi a solution of potash, or caustic simp or pearl- , *wb, kikI ^slackened lime, iniixed with sufficient water to form a juste, ! is an excellent solvent .for old putty [ nnd paint. ' Either of these laid 90 xrith. an jjld Lrubb or nigi jftuVleft for some hours, will render "the j>utty or paint easily roinovJble. , - To .clean- paint, smear it over' -^Litening mixfid to the consistency oh: common paste, in warm | -water. Bub tb surface to bo cleaned briskly, and &&hoff with pure cold water. Grease spdts will in this way be almost removed^ us lw*ll us other filth,"ami the paint will re tain its brilliancy and beauty uniui- jiaired....; . I To clean black cloth, dissolve one; i ounce of bi carbonate o.f'nmjndnia in one quart .of warm water] "With Uiis liquid rub the cloth; using a ' piece, of flannel or, black cldth for the purpose. After the app) icatiou of this solution, .clean tire cloth weli! .- on Lt, brushing theclrtth froutiime ta time 'in the direcfipjtcf the ifibre, ! Tb^restore Bto'^ched linei, take, ; two onions, peel and slice tht m, and extract the juice by squeezing or pounding. Then cut up * b tlf an ounce of white sonp^nd two junces . of Fuller's" earth; :niis with ijjem - .the onion juice aud 'litlf a ] int of. vinegar. Boil this conipcsitic n well, .and spread it, when: cool, over the scotched part of the linen, leaving to. dry thereon. Afterw^rc. wasL ' out tip linen.. -".' ' -". A Xew Tsp for iParnks. 5 That notaHs type of; pre jqeious J depravity, _the gampi de Paris, has again been distinguishing. bim&eif ;i>yra brilliant i/iyentioji, which ^ Bfjbms tcqbave'been "ai grand success until detected the other day and eiposed at rhe Police[ Gport. The T prafessor of the new science began by providing himself rwith a tame parrot, which was trained, like a f falcon in'the.aj*e of chivahyj tore. ' fhra td-the fist of lis owner in word" of -oonunand. Accompanied by this -'ally, safely-boused in a small .cage, the urchin would go,'into-a grocw^ jsbop, as if for the purpose of mak ing a purchase. Hardly had W en- - [tered the shop, however, wh^n the prisoner escaped, to the intense np- ' parent-alarm Sf the I poor 6wnef., Of course the sympathy 'of all prei nt was, ins^ihtly- arousedL aid eyeryone^shopman, assistants, and chance customers- rushed afout in pursuit of tie lost bird. "While the - chase tras strits keight the adroit .- youth would be filling his pockets ; A with all the most .costly .delicacies ' within bis reach, and as soon ss- a '6ufiicient qusf&tity had been ^ofject- ^r ed, would recall' tie bird: tc nijnj ' pretend to catch him, and Bayin</ returned him to his page, march off witlr.him, and-with the bde^f Tfes trick "was roiaad by its osro success,, a too fte^qu^it ftse .of it having ex cited theindigsa-ticn of the trades men, And brought .giant an ajipliqa- " taon to the police, who have how been ;d6w7i on t-Wff qffend,exs v<4ght ', ja tha very act. ." j U*- -t . - * An intemperate printer |s a <ypo-' ^-graphical error. Why is the tailor tine pojbr jman's best friend % Because the settles the .- rents. A dear old Yankee lady; being .asked if she had ever tad hei ears ' pierced by the wail of ^Lstresa, said. ; she couldn't just exactly* remeimber, - but shel believed it was done! wit& p. sh6etttaker*s-awl>' .'>- -. ?\.<. /] " Have yon saen my bllfkj-faced '^antelope V ^nfluuiaJ Mr, l^eoscope, who J&d a cdflef^ion of animals, of 1'] his friejadf Bottlgacfe. "iSd, J iaven'fc.; Whom; did your ^lack- faced aunt elopa';W"ith;ff j - ..* A. clergyman in'Boston recent Jy ^aro&sed bis s^epy audience. .by as- r.fi5?i-tiBg in. tb&most positive minner thaty " rrofcwithBtaxuiing the haj-tJ times, the wages of sin have not ~&een cut down-one iota. 1 ". A debtor, severely questioned as- 4-tbe reaxoh of his not pajinga ^just debt, replied : " Solomen was a very wise: jnah, and Samson a very strong e/bi nejtiiar of'em could pay Ma debts wition^nfln.ey.f " Yon must cultivate decision of Character and Jeai to .^y ' JJiTo,"' aid a father to his 4011. j Soon aftei-- ward, wheffthe^ather-itold bisson to chop wood, iie hoy siaid "Noy' ' With an emphasis that showed s remembrance^f ihe lesson.. _^ *' ' A blacksmith was once iuxnmon- & to^a cbupty court as siawitnebs in t ft dispute between two of his ^ork- tten. Too jndgfr, ?!fter!iea|ijBg the . t^lijponj, a&kjsd km W^f: M did Xiot ad>-ie fhetu to settle, as the -posts bad already amounted to three times the disputed sum. Ho re- . j>lied-i u.\ bald the i fool? to rsettle, /or I said the clerk would take their wats, the lawyers their shirts, and " ^ ;^y got uto*ybiir, honor's courfcl -~-w~ OTIE FREE| PRES, ACTON,' HALTON lar^e OUT;, OCTOBER share Desire again to alcknowledge with thanks the q patronage bestowed on them diiring the^asfl and again most cordially request a continuance bf the many xavofs extended to them by their numerous cxisto- m'ers and the public generally. They have great" pleasure in announcing thjat their Stockj is now complete, jahd offers all the advantages that close ^buying and ldw^^ca^h 1 prices can suggest, !- && a matter otfaotj-iLoton is known not pnlyt throughout t)he County of Haltori, out aa^oining counties as well, as one of the CHEAPJEST PLACES to buy Dry Goods,.Boots and Shoes, Teas, and Household wants gjneral.y. f1 , The business m^n and manufacturers! of Acton, bir thejir efciterprise, push, and square dealing, have placed the vil lage in a position quite in advance of,many of its older and more ptetendihg neighbors, which; position "IJfciey are determined to ikiai^itain. TThe immense quantities ot grain delivered dally ih! Acton, afford the best, eviderce that BETTER PRICES j ARE PAID than at other) poidtseast or west, and the enormous quantities of Eggs, Applekj But ter, and other Farm Product shipped from Acton Siation, prove conclusively that a large amount of business is daily transacted. Where Pijoduce or Goods are handled in large quaritities, ojilka very small iuargin for profit is needed. j , AND THI is THE GENUINE FREASCJ)N WHY Acton inerchjants pay higher prices Jfor product, ind sell goods! at lower priced thah in other plabes. In advertising our goods, we make nft rash -stat^m^nts, iand are detefmiiied to adhere to anythiuar we state When we say out goods nee 'hekperthan others, we know it to be a fact. iThe public assure us it is the case, aud we intend t!o stick ytoP facts^ and small profits. The people are our supporters and we intend to lie1 op on tfaeir side, and will sell goods at lower prices than ever. Large variety, low prices, mid the best REMOVE R, CREECH, . ; ^'. SADDLER & HARNESS-MAKER Has roinovotl one door woat of his XJlt stand, ad is now prepared to turn O'lh work, which for. 2TSAT2T3SS, 0SSAPKB5S AJTI ; - . .iS; cannot'bo Burpassod by'any 'house ui iiie county. Harness of all Kin supplied on the shortest possible notic , and warranted to give perfect isatisfn : tion. : As ho is doing business princi the Cash System, he is prepared"" to's< 11 cheaper thunever, .'.*".'._ Give him a cali and be convinced tbt this is the riht place. Juiip 28. IB76 goods are inducements we offer. OUR ,i" V4- M j ' J! f we have se- Thi^seas^n will offer more than usual attractions, lii. addition to our former sta cured the services of an excellent Milliner of long experience in fashionable civdis, 'which will fancy figures \V e as-k no Honest Pric^si." r Ladies, s lairge, bund on our enable us io execute all orders neatlyj promptly and satisfactorily, as is usually dbue for millinery, bui sell, as wc do otheri gopds, at remember jithis! . \~'~ i ".- ! : . 4- - " i ' ." ! . * Our Stock of LadiesV Dress Goods this season i varied and cheapo All .the new and fashionable- sh.ndes iand patterns will be shelves. Being determined to make! a specialty^ of this line -we have marked ever} piece down to bottom prices. 1. No f^ar of comparison. .. Ladies' Shawis, Jackets, Clouds, Flir Sets, Silk "ifies/^/d, in great variety and cheap. ' ! GenW Felt Hats, Cloth and Pur! daps, in all t&e~hew est makes and styles. Heavy Etoffes, Tweeds, UnierslLilrts, Drawers, Shirts. and Shirtings, decidedly! cheap ' OUR STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHIITa For gents*, youths', and boys', is immense. Why go shivering to church when yon jean get a warm; respectable oyereoalf for Only 85.00. Blankets from $1.75 per pair up. Our Stock of Boots This season is really immense, bought directly from thje inaiiufacturers and at the lowest cash prices., We positively assert: without fear of eontradict|ip i that our stock of Boots jand Shoes for cheapness, neatness, ami durability combined, is n!oi surpassed by any house ii [the trade, Sp.ecial discount off oun low cash prices for any purchjasre of five or more pairs at any one time. Scarlet and Grxey Flannels, best1 fenadian and Aiaerican makes, 12 to 20 per c.eiit lower than last year. | I ' Our stock of "Winceys is pronounced the chea])est by all who have had an opportunity of comparing values J We are willing to compare our York jshiiliiig "Wintiey with any other soM at 15 or 16 cents;j and fear;of tbo-restilt. Don't l-fail to seciii-e a piece. : ; ' . ' \\ - Teas, Sugars, Soaps, Tobaccos] &c at <icidedlF lossipriceB, N"o>: commands a larger sale than ever. Buy back if it does not give (entire satisfaction. school mm. School Children sli on Id Buy Day's 5 cent Copy Book. It contains forty copies, and is made of good paper. All the School Books nsed in the Town aud Country Schools on hand at DAY'S BOOKSTORE. Day Sells Cheap. llEi^. so a 5 lb. let, and return it and get |vour paoney BASH AND SMALL FROFITS. debts. We rely on immense sales, .1 OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY 0ash saves expense from collection and losses from bad and are satisfied with small margins. We put in no Ithreads orbutlons for tljd purpose of extracting a few morej cents per yard from our customers. It is easy to bjuy of u^, since all are treated alike, ho one getting favpirs that are denied to others. Jf you live 15 or 20 miles from Acton you will; be largely repaid^by. alvisit to our Cheap Cash Store. AH we ask isvan| opportunity pf showing! the gooijj; ypu will do the buying . QHRISTI j"*j|f*8fr* WH!.ii;iai.ifajjiLTl ..rJjj^4AjJKi'Vrf*i1^-:^ jjaf HBNDJSRSQl^t] <& {'urtfifTtifiBrM'- zgg&S; lj!^5(?!5PSBifiBBPWlMfe^Sl H O. -T. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON* DEALER IN . Qxooerlos, ' '!. '.' ;': OrobSepy, ' - ""]. Boots arSboes, ! " r- "W4U Paper, . j . " Wlui.wrJBlln,d8y ttaila, aiasr'Putti7r : .- Llns98l,0il, 1 ' j'. ';: ' Paints, !Pat|poxitlao, Coal 0U,Sftlti etc., All of which trill he sold low for! cash/ BOOTS and SHQES .Selling off at post, ,- ,! .':' . ' Also agent, for the j ' RUBBEJt PAINT CjJOMPANT Of Cleveland, Ohio.. ":".. Cash for Hides, [ Acton, buly 18,-lJ87ft;'.' . / i V buUding. The.public ruuf rely on the Best and dieapost Bargajas ever j&j&rx/sr -ccBCoSoaai <&<jfc>t>& Eut ' Cost, to i Our entire stpcfcofTDryGoods and ClothiogIsjjoje offer*dp edqce stock before* removing to our riewpVet lises, now^-gj? Oiieipier.than Old Bahkrupf Htock at Ualf price-^-CbeaptlM cause j' Cheap, because Frpsh *flii JSe? ,' THE 3T00K HT7S.T, WILL!A^TII SHAiL RE we are awe re how perplfeicing it is for honest people tb Useinenia "here:and elsewhere." 'Wn.i'11 .talkthi\$n ^ xt .-.. ... _, .. nxira of" . bra % the moat seems to be the m an intelligent [Public know well that- Shoddy Goods are dearjat Hal [-price.. : We give a 'few quota! ions of ^jjfegii i.^.00 yards' <Jf. Dress Goals, -former pri ces, l^i, 30^25 ^flBf: |.'."cent8rrrrediiced co 10, t5 and 20. eents.- ?each^ A '3-W .ton>d dam thai a ditto inesi ties cfaeap aredl: well"? Twee In -.4 Act V'im l,TtI ad jestsni'^--'^'; "I. LJOsJM :i-.\?:^: 'Bti i peii ailksr bdnced to 57 cents. Sti i e(d Grenajlinej to 10.cental Stnped,and Plain Linen to 10. cts. Pa isols from. L5-oent&, Bhlcbr and; bilored-Lnstree from ' _'" -I 12| cents Tabjla Linens, ling will ba offered' at strii dng prices.^' Cole red Shirting from Itf cents. A- lot; of; Woolen-Twi |L00to60 Guaiph, Jun?!>a876. ,-v^ Gottoa Hose ft] rati;*.^g^ Siin" Hats from' i ic^f^ft Bed (Jail ^ailts, Table jTapkms, '!:\ '* " "", 'Sheetings, bents. ColorSd and: White J)ress ^hirts^rbm A, J >B LOT of LADIES TliTDERCLOTfllNG to. be This Sale l? nd Clap *i-Reduced ;Prics .Host jPrl 'I ! :<:r- taice Curtain^ 75 coot ^;.3--.=it3s?^Mj White ! '"" SttjaW! Cashn^ere Jackets'ftbn^ Linen i -.* ' i 1 J>rom| ;.'-"." 1 I i-= Wil&LAM STE' ^ iQljic Jfe.V.:;v:-yv.--v-. Kf':v-;- '?. 1 V: ' il'?.H

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