Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1876, page 3

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m s^s^ji KttL 'S'SiS THE FRES PBES9,i ACTON, HfLTOKT COUNTY, :^m fife , mm: * r-.-J: ! ' " -fijlS.T*\\l HIE TABLfc, Trains leave Acton as follows: ' T GOING WKS.T. Moming^M ;f * - Dsjr Krprcss : ; - xpro*s .- ' Mild " Si|flt Kxpress - 9.10 *.mj iOOp.m. 5.1* p.rh. 7:15 p. ni. 12:45 *.m- GOIJitt KAST. Jfight Express Mixed pay Express Mixed 3:37 a.m. 9il0-a.m. '11:35 a.m.- 5:17p.m. r0.O5.m. I Ks<inlag riawlag Match. ' The annual plowing watch under the auspice* of the Eequosinj Agricultural Society vrai held on tho farm of Mr. K. \V.-Dex-craux last Friday, The day was favoroblo and tho ground was in .good condition, vfith tho exception of being a littlo too dry for first-class work... There was not a large number of competitor*, but; those that were there evidently knew well how to handle a plow, as the work performed HEW AI>V&RTISEMBNTS. I To Breeders Robert Sims, -j Sugar Found Wm. Gordon,. Masonic Meeting AVslker Lodge. 'Slaughtering in Priced D. MfcSair.,-- " ' ' LOMl MATTERS. :-V;:-i: m -~i) j IS. J-..-- ^bb /sew ceS Btw THE ONT.j- OCTOBER 26, 18^6. GRAND OF; THE BXaiBITioN SEASON. Hut r^d from Great Brftafn and tne *Ke* ***, ts& Padres An|omil and ^ Ccodf# 70B2rsoaaai Is u ti ^ * ont.Wbda,, Canada. I ingest, finest,' i aciattoiek. of . .;-': i Insert brown*.: v - itsoBt*u. ^:;Wioe^Jta. f;-:% tsba&e, ..r "-y:^. pm ~ - ocarlav -J fhawW 'VToBtHl: /ik : bote* i/|' Meeting ofLthe Tillage Council this evening. - * . retired from the~Milton -Vetf*.-- Tho paper i* .now.published by Mr. Jarac* McBrien. Andrew Mcf>ermaidT ^ will r. reach (D. V.) in the Disciple C~hpcl Acton, on Friday^ the 2*'th ins~]at 7 J i/clock in the evening. J j i A public demonstration,tinder the. *nap:ces of the Acton Division'Sons of'Temperance, will" be held in their Ball on Tuesday evening, Xov. ~th. Further partkularsGwill be announced in postsrs. i ' - Be ^ure to call and examine thoao Centennial Checked Suitings. $13 per)suit, at-tko East- Knd Clothing Store. Also "gents' umlerelolhing' in great variety from 91 to $2.50 ner?shit. -.Dickaon * McXab. ?T "- Ask for the "Canadian Sjash> er," gat up to our own order. It is thy Beet perfect Chopping Axe inado.) Only to be had from Record"Bros. : ' ' A special meeting of theScbool Board was-heldrlast Monday evening, but no business-of public interest was transacted. _ It having' been rutnorqd ..that some action was likely to be taSen " relative to the re^engagnietit _of teach ers, quite-a number jn" ratepayers wererj -present.. 2Co complaints having/Been entered, the Chairman stated that any liat prise in men's data and tho first in boys'class wore both taken by- operators of-the Stephenson plow; and those were the only t.wo~plows of that make on tho ground. An excellent lunch was bountifully provided by Mr. and Mrs. Deveraux, aud at tho close of tho match a superb ^tinner was furnish, ed by tho Soofoty .at Clark's-hotel in Stewarttowai Tlie judges were Messrs. John Duff, f Erin, ;\Vm.- Kent, of Chinguaousy, and Richard graham of Esquesing. . V1RST CLASS .MBS. AVm. Gordon, 1st price,' 510, Stephen son, plow. Ji .'_ James Sbauka, 2^, 5^, Qrieve-plow. ' ;ecokdV clAss mbx.' Allan Leslie, 1st pri^e S8, Grievo plowv James Riiilly, SfeGriex-e plow. George Lishc, 3d, Grievo plow. Robert Stjarret, .4th, Grieve plow/ ' boys' class. Alox. Gordon, 1st prize, $5^ Stephenson . plow. Andrew Starret. 2d. Millov plow. John Shanks, 3d, Grieve plow. - Giillowny Bros, nmfce the best bread in the county. Give'them a calL Another fresh- -stock of new Teas ; and, strange but true, better and cheaper than ever. Our now 50 cent Tea is a bargain. Afew chests .of" the 35 cent kind loft yet. Secord Bros. Bega to anhounoe to the inhabitants'of Aoton and aarrounding oountry ::- that he will hold bis , Grand ATOIJAI* EXHIBITION SALE ^^^^ff^^^}^"Al^in^^i-^i Tn CJi 11- o n /4 TTUi Jrra4-a our Stock Is really Immense, and all bought in OllS. anu VBlveuS owr* week before any knowledge ofanf Advance. Tbeae goods arealm irvelofiexoeHenae- of quality and style as well as heapnes. . aameprlcea. OF __ ____ We offr-r ai excellent overcoat^Tsi %orth ti. _ _ . __ .. . __ j . w . _, . , , - , , . l. worth 89. at[ec?*ulfatS,wortb $i.> Cknne aad aee. W SUks, Dress"Cfoods, ^haVls, Millinery Mantles. and one desirous of preferring- any, could have an opportunity of doiiy sp; in TitjEg, atrthe next regular meeting of tfie Board, on-Monday evening, 2d Nov, . 'taidHsirjb>: yo bnyi Jur ead cettlrt>:br owen>, Feath^ Furs.:-[ ? oley seat: caiBfc :t;^ 1 great :Triet|u 4 %= "Jo-Kobe*,*^1':',^ 'r.\:]i^l treeat trade ]it;^3: ,biBfc!'lsejaiW,;fc"<-'. tita in thia xt of extra OaUan& .. |larjceat Tatieljr iaaixo fajj; '.? % At the Division C-iurt held here Iast..Friday, lfore Judge Mil]erf qnite a large-number of cases were disposed ' of and one or two held over for another sitting. One. of-" the :most interestitiR cases was that of Mrs. Mealier against Mr. Vyxe. Many of our readers will j-emember tht a number of years ago, '. the latter was convicted -0f hifsnjny and confined for some time;in Milton jail, . his lawful wjfe having" come over frm- i Detroit and appeared against him. Af ter having rerVed his term, in jail, he returned to Mrs. Meaney's and contin ued to reside with her until, recently. They frequently qnarrelled and finally, agreed t permanently separate, each * tslring a certain portion of the chatties. A short time ago, Vyze got possession of a cow which Mrs. Meaney claimed a* her property and entered suit against him to regain possession of it. Both 'parties were' represented by counsel, and several witnesses were examined. Judgment was given in favor of Mrs. Meaney. '_ - 'Sartat. ' A social will be given at the residence of Mr. James Ryder'to-morrow (Friday) evening in behalf of,'the building fund of the new Congregqjtional Church. A general invitation }s extended to the public. f - ~ ~ BlsslaBarT Jarrllagv .'"-"* The annual missionary meeting will 'he held (D. V.) in St Alban'a Church, Acton, on Wednesday - evening, Kbv. lit after [evening prayer, which *:will. begin at 7 o'clock. J The RevaJ "Eoral Dean Osier, M. Ai, of' Duxuias, and Canon .Houston, M-A-, of Waterdoirn, will address tbe meeting on behalf of. the missions of the diocese of Niagara, and a collection will be made in > aid of ' the missionary diocese of AJgoma, Gallowy Bros, give 100 lbs." <Jf bread for 100. lbs. of Hour. : Orange Soiree.; A soiree un der the auspicek'of the members of Loyal Orange Lodge No._L184 will be held in the Nassagnweya town- kship hall-on the evening of Monday ^November 6th, in aid of the fund pfor ervctjng a hall for"the use of the orxler. Addresses will be delivered by Mr., U. Acton Burrows, : of Guelph, and others. Mrr J. A. Stokes bus becnaj>iiointed Secretary of thefcoti)nuitte<j for making the necessary arrangements, and the: enterjjiftinient promises to be a very succe'si-fiil one..- ON THE WEEK OF THE CENTRAL EXHIBITION. Our Stock on tbis'oooasion wilt be one of the finest erer offered for sale in Guelph. The various departments will present varied attractions, ( while our prices will place the , . j Very Best Goods Within tbe Beach of AllL For prices apd other particulars we miist refer to circulars and hand bills now being circulated. H3y- WeSvill make it an object for people to deal frith us during the wjek of tho Central Exhibition. A. O. BUCHAM. Fashionable .West End Dress, Millinery and Manilo FsUbllsbment. 3 Guelph, October ,i 1876. ^ MUton. Arranzenients are lieing- made to open (- a branclp of the Bank of Hamilton in Milton ai soon as possible. , -. The sporting men in and aronndJMil- f toai are devoting most of their spare time huntiag and shooting plover. I :H- i Xj W. R. The Champion ma! informed aJcw daysago, by Mr. Arm- ' strong, engmeer on the above line, that the rails were_ then laid to within a .mile of tho St. Ann's bridge^ so thoy ; haV proliably reached it by this time. Though there U not much noise about it, the work is progressing steadily, aud will probably be done soouer than many expect. FALL SHOW OF CLOTHING. Stragers visiting the Central! Fair at Guelph should should make it a point to call and see L' . the immense stock of ' ' ' ! ' AT XUK GREAT ' : .r.'.^. I,: ' ' ' ' :..'.. ' ELEPHANT CLOTHING STORE, - No. 31 Lower "Wyndham Street, Guolph. OVERCOATS A ] SPECIALTY. varied la color*, style*, material and prlbe, that ho Idea can t co a veyed of the bcauiy and richness of It,- Sufflce to say that the loading color* of ivery material Is to be had atour store: and wo I would especially call attention to tn b n sweat produci tons now in nee for ladlr>s drosses, via;' The oroil, the Clollllan du C inrg,.thMattuli>saeorolbr.Ar>aentan>'8trtpfl,Serges,ao. Theae toate>-lalaaro all at preaenx on abpw.and In the' loading colon and abades. In Ladies' Jackets and Jacket presented Msttalase Jockdt Ololb, Bear, Seal cloth,_____________________ shades of brown, green, navy blue, aquiline blue oharmlng goods for ladle*' dresses - and cosuimos. ' . , . > THE C THAT WONDE k MAN. '* f 0Tj Tjppe VyxidJiam steoet, Qhi^hrm tj^Pro^esa^ejWeii of ttieTrade. battle against Wgh price*, aid; We will guamntetf-oilprlKa*lower, Vbla.department la well wortAy -----j.--------- -^------ attenttoir.and we invlteitlf lntciitlngtopurcluiae-to eall on us, ; " tbem that wo cannot bo tjesrt, , - -, ______,____Ml . goods tn order to meet the Pe-r will mbuUon a fewdeparjm^nlf that cannet be appi aurpi iroaeni -the stock ia, the! the prlaea aiaaalngly ooeap. ' winter Uooils will be p* ' that will call forthaurprlse and admiration." "Wei . rjapecl.ll: and we wUI s^tury ed fn Uusli h. Ready-iinadb OIoitiiDcr ~80?^:tB';^o*,*/7W^vertnatenoewiva^ bllKbmnT. 100TwhIi nitiit^ _v?iCM!* *'K 8P*eJally made'for out e'tablisbmon?. JOOTweJlsnIMat$ffpermit-ex^ellimlgnods,----^....^....w,, of-every kind and .qdaiuy, v$r> eueap. BUC Hhoollng Ceufa, Sack Coats and Ures Conts. 1191 Vests, doubleland single breiilerlrome nice eoods; j,. We weuldJURtment'onL without aitensplUig to disparage oor nelgaboWgoo*. tbnt. there cannot poMiblrbx its eqna'l quality or goods In any otber store In twn at tho -; Blankets, Qkilts, Ootinteroanes.^a^efyf^S" .rices. rBlanlCflis that are-good and mid:largeat.sza nalr, upbT*660, whltettulUK it aaahl in an? n>,.M/iTvi<its cents each to $8"j Quilted HaOljnu each to $4JSCt. shine, ami It * HI afford us trovldeat av price*! ,____ .__ ,_ >I each, to *5f Colored Qibts a/c Ail kfeids or Houxe Furilshlne, . -----L ----m^V lady lntendlrti bonld gHT> Tci<-lrof a arisabovelty to behold.-and every._. UI Utt^iitJl/B Jacket this Autumn and Fall, shot jar sur prices. . ' fitHaTrrla ,n "bowli we have a tremendous stock, ihe variety f* uuavyio, the sty es pew, the prices chear. the quality eaeellent,! plrnsnro to have an opportunity of showing sudh nice goods', ntendtbg to use-a flnetnnd most tasteful .i oveltles lnloHi;-"hate, call ana examine variety of ths 1-nUlnt t/lnimlnk<used Urlxin<1on, . wouldltfcfl to prbcure-tbe vpry newest novelties. large, aadi taste aratlfled V^calllbgJjrotir pinceof biiVinesJi" flamofci C*.am-iLa-ha "r stock of Brussels, Turklsb and Tapestry *.". . ."fr1!?*..! 9arf!?yL la .wonderfully Jarge. The styles, colors andtieslgna'of our atoc^c oroarpcuTwiU be dlfflcult to equal e^Virln*Torontc>-: Eriees-^an Sept. 1, 1875 . , an 01atr overwf at eproaofee-a savlngrpf thtt ilfpnnroent we, have pleasure fn statlrg that LMI* ulllvan, who tins ihlc branch nnder her fhpA ,fc^. ,t.. hi V.< elt iei :E^(5t^'iii^^*c.^?v?'.VresoP,,c<l toihfi section. Our pilcfs'are dpwn*Bt bow Milliner^' Luvsn, who-lina .. l_j-------. f--- . Toveltieii In.loHi;-'hats, ladle imlnifi used In- Lnn<1on, Parts very, newest novelties,rtylei ... . _____ -It our placeof buKlhess. we offer th________,_. tiints the raoBtcholce atoek of t-nncy and sin pie Dress Qooii-Carpets. Ready-made (hi* branch tindeThfir charge^ shows the- rk. e offer"tffla FoU to tbe4nh^bi- - Indies' Parts ai , **yl*s _and dtsltm's bonnets, and" as Immense' Parte and New vork. LadlG* who wlltflnd tbi>lr torn flgtirea, and we only ask. Intending purchaser* to visit oar plae#> of basins** In tle-- isamo liberal znanueras taey have-dohe tipretofori-, wh-n we will convince them of ~ our motto, viz: ^rrrill prct*,qalclffsales,cneapasd good goodii,aDd downwf eand long juoflts. ( . - "TTorks Wond^r^ ASH ISYSTEM T.New Hats & Caps, and Gents' Furnishing jGojods.^ea behntlfu] Goods." WM. RUTHERFORD & CO, Guelpli, Oct. 2, 1876. '< T:eyoad all Anticipations. AM Goods Redkicjadj from 10 to 40 per cent op Credit Prices. Below vv$ give a fewjof our present prices, show ing a striking comparison between the old Credit Prices aud the nt iw Cash System Prices. We have not room to quote all the Goods we handle here, but we have given j most of the principal articles in the trade. All other goods are being slaugh tered in the sane manner, and our patrons will recognize the fact at a glance that it has been our aim In marking down our goods to make a gjehuine jeduction on evrr thing that it is possible to reduce. We respectfully invite all persons to participate in the benefits of th s great reduction. Ez*wntatl*B *r Talable Sheep. * A few daya ago Mr. C. S; Smith, of Aeton, shipped per express; two: Leices ter sheep from hia celebrated flock, all the way to- Connecticut,r they having, beea^ purchased for $110 by Seth Thomas 4 Co.,.well-known stock deal-; er* in thap State. Mr. Smith also shipped a ifew weeks ago, (which we Omitted to notice at the time) a Leices ter' ram to an. extensive dealer in the State of; Illinois, for which be received rtoo. - . _ : BIRTHS. In Acton, on the ISth inst, wife of Mr. A \W Balls, of a daughter. On the 9th inst, the wife of Mr. IX C. Robertson, Esquesing, of a son, On the 17th inst., the wife of Dr. [Robertson, Milton, of a daughter. MAKBIED. At Dublin Church, near Acton, by Rev. Father Charteir, am the 23rd inst.. Mr. Jolin Hogan, of Kramosa, t<> Margaret, Becond daughter of Mr. Jas. Gibbons, qf-Ks<iuesihg. onrTr/ARV. . It becomes our painful.duty to record the death of ..John ,Lyou, Esq., one of the early settlers of this county, and the father of the present member. The decease enjoyed Iris usual health.( until a week of his death, when he gradually Bank until noon ou Tuesday, the Gth inst., when he peacefully passed away to his eternal rest, in the eighty. {..fifth'year of his age. deceased was a native pi Scotland, aud emigrated from the city of Glasgow in 1S3*2, and has re- the township of Esquesing since that time. He was a man who possess ed a' large amount of information, great energy, a strong will,' much indepen dence of'character, and strict integrity. On his arrival in Canada he associated himself with the great Reform party, of which he remained an' unwavering sup porter, and of tfiu recounted, in no meas^ nreid terms, the misrule of theTamily Compact, the evils of Church and StateJ" and many "other political evils the peo ple .'of his adopted land had to contend against. The old veterans who called things by their right names are fast passing away. Champion. THE ^9 ;iongrnont, V. JOHN HOGG & SON, Almrt^^BIoc^, Upper WyndJ^^m Street, GueJplr, Therobscrlfcer^ealrew btitanfe hts nurnenms caJh OTatomew for ibaiiWi manrier in whielj they have supported hinijr/clr^r^out S ^f SpSQOBP BBOS. During the past season we have sold , so cheap that The Licin is now known far and /wide as The Cheapest Storo in Ontario. to increase our i ,tTie. :^;% :>FH"i- m t v Sadpatemt af Apstles aad Ess*. Xearlx one thousand barrels of apples are being shipped direct to Glasgow, SeotLuM, by Messrs- Christie, Hender son t Co, Several hundred barrels have als$ been shipped to Montreal during the past few weeks. The apples have all been grown in thty vicinity, and packed nnder the personal super vision of the firm.. : . j t The same firm, have during the pasf anmmer, shipped about' 900 barrels of fresh eggs- to New York and Phila- - .delphia, ' :"..-.i. i naakacivfBs; Day. "' ^ ' r Hext Thursday, Nor. 2d, having been . proclaimed by the Lieut.-Governor of | Oatano; a day of thanksgiving througb- ;| oot tiie Province, we prestrtne it will ,be |.<>h*erred by. a general suspension ol \ ^SSaa in' our village. Religious ser- .vieea ai be. held inf ^the Variona f~*he*' ** the "nal l0nra, A*irco- w from the Moderator of the General Asaembly of the Presbyterian Church ~*he variona ministers,'recommends . tbatfteday^eobaerTedbyaUthecon- ; aWgatioiu of the ehnrch for the purr po*e tor winch it has beed named. -------- '**' - ', T^-ladic. ont for oar new stock of ""^ery- ware of all kinds,; which wte hare bought at a great bargain and *Weh we wili sell at bargain prices. . Wufbe open first of next week, coni- PJWng JtOilet seta of several kindi, :Pjteaf H kinds, cups and saucers, ^ tonds, tea seta, jugs, bowls, lamps, aM^erything in the line,-all at bar- -eampneea. See them at Secord Broa. * Jregh Oyaten, Haddie, Bloafc- : 9*> 8aaage,and Betogna Sanaage, "" Sonf ** tbejPoat Office Store. AUCTION SALES. Friday, Oct. 27th, sale of farm stock and implements, on tbe premises of Mr. Daniel Thompson, lot No. 21, 2d con. Esquesing. Wm. Hemstfeet, Auctioneer.^ Tuesday, Oct. 31st, sale of farm stock and implements, on the premises of 'Mr. Jas. Oichton, Lot 20, 1st cop. of Esquesing. G. Gibbs, Auctioneer. Wednesday, Nov. 18th, sale of horses, - thoroughbred and grade cattle, and -Leicester sheep, 'on the premises of Jdr. Wit. Waldie, lot 28,|lst con. ; Esquesing. Wm. Hemstreet,- Auc tioneer." - ] r*: > ': Tuesday, Nov. 14th, -s^e of Durham and Grade Cattle, Horses and Farm Implements, 09 tho premises of Mr. " Thos. Easton,-lpt No. 27, 5th Nassa- gaweya. W. Hemstreet, Auctioneer. [Parties gef ting sale bills printed at the Fsss; Press office, may have a no tice similar to the above free of charge. ] " >" . A<rro AB;iXT, . -..; ;,v 82 50 to 2 75 We intend in the Fall months! reputation. Our =,Stock is the largest west ofj Torontcj, It has been bought frtfect from T^ottom Prices. j Beat [dollar] jHyson Tea j i Medium HysOn Tea Splendid Hyson Tea, better than1 Meteor Best [dollar] Gunpowder Tea Medium Gunpowder Tea Best Jap in Tta . Medium Japan Tea Good Japan Tea Tolerable Japan Tea Last pick' Japan Tea Best Black Tea . Good Black Tea Medium Black' Tea Best Amber Syrup Best Golden Sy.rup Beat No.-1 white wine "\tinegar Beet XXX EieUing VitlogJr lb jllie producers at The Lion never Asks fot Big Profits, But puts down the Prices to suit small harvests th 0 times1 and Cheap. Plour..... -.-. ]White-Wheat ... ' ". New Fall Wheat.. ... Spring Wheat, Glasgow New-Spring Wheat Barley ... ... Barley No. 2 .. Peas ... .. . Apples .. _..-'., Onions Potatoes, per bag' Butter .... .. keys . Geese ,. Pucka .. Chickens .. Hay, per ton. Lambskins.. Pelts i ..... Cow. hides 1 DO to 0 10 1 00 fro 1 05 1 00 to 1 05 1 00 to 10 4 0 78 toO 76 0 68 to 0 70 0 35toO 00 0 65 to 0 70 0 40 to 0 70 1 00 toO 00 0 60 to 0 60 0 17fto-0.-20 0 14 toO 15 TO 00toO 00 0 06 toO 07 0 06to0 07 0 05 to 0 06 8 00toO 00 0 50 to 0 75 0 20toO 65 0 04too 00 ilOO Pieees TOncoys Woaderfallyj Dress Goods neyer so lew before. Flannels 215 per oent lower than formerly. i Large Stock of '- ' ' Hi "! READY-MADE CLOTHINC, LADIES1 JACKETS AND Cheaper than at any 7other House. Best Cotton GRAIN %Mg&! $Hor ! A Dollar spent at The Lion will buy more than at any other stp^e.j'i; Guelph, Sept. 26, IS,' r- sT, D.! WTJjLliM^N 6, Oat Meal, small lots, perj Pot Barley . ...'.'- [Lamp Chimneys, large Lamp Chimneys, mediuti Best Benson's Laundry f tarjji Best Corn Starch Best Brown Soap, per bir Best Judd's Soap three tarsi Best new Currants Best old Currants Best Turkish Prunes, nekv Best Layer Baisins ' Best Valencia Raisins jlbced Pickles, bottles Mixed Pickles, largest site Mustard, per lb. Best Java Coffee, extra choice Good Java Coffee Fare Java Coffee Best pure ground Peppej' Brooms, extra heavy Brooms, medium. Brooms, light- ... Soda, baking. Soda, in five pouncT boxe i Set best white granite T sa ware, 44 pieces Set of China Tea ware, i i pieces One dozen white granite Cups And [Saucers! One dozen White granite Dinner Elates^ largest Set white granite Toilet wa^e, nine pieced One dozen Knives and 1'oiks One dozen* Enives^and 1 'orks James' beat No. 1 Whiti Lejad Gold medal White Lead All other Goods &!oo. Who would buy ion Credit when they can get goods at such astonishing Prices. Acton, Sept. 14, 187J -// : U" r* OLD CBbBJT PRICES. $ 90 60 60 80 50; .'80 60 50. 25'^ 15 .- . ^0 k.; so: [l 00 1 ' 80 60 40 - - : 5... .'.- .-:; 6-': . m 10 |15 j '12*- fc55- 9 V 8 . '. : 10- . !--15 10 25 SO- SO ,. 40 35 ,.; 'so .. ;r 25 .. i 40 35 "-. 25 10 10 3 ao 50 '25 25 50 50 00 00 Acton! ty Pat way .of. doing buaiheser "When 1 cobo^ me iced on the Cash or Trade System .. _J and 8 per, eent discount- ' ^ -' k ' for cash, -: '- t had to compete ' _ against trie credit trade of our vil- ..-- Wge, but today lam pleased to say we are all - | doing biisinesa en the idy right principle, thai is ready pay,]""~~~. Slnceithe tr^deof our illflgeisnow ilape on the Cash System, I will dfs> continde giving dii count for cash on and after Ist'Oct., and reduce - "" all'my go* ids in price to the jstr|ctly cash figures. : -=- My custouers wili alwaya find my stock eomp}et :. -, llrbefrtei, {Orooltarr, Qluvvrsro,' _'/-.", .. "Wall pater,. Staticaerr, Prcvialeai, dee. CASH FOE PH_6pUCJB.':if* - Spiecialtijea ^tept in Reason. Saosnges, Finnan fiaddiee, Oysters, Ac JAMES MATTHEWS. Sept) jlffj 1876. V 5 1 1 3 .3 3 3 2 50 NEW CASH PBICES. ^80 50 45 65 35 .70 _:- \ 50 ." j ,y 40 15 121 80 : 60 ". 40 , ;:85 ': . 70 40 35 i 5 -" ' 10- 8 10^ 13 ', 11 ' 23 7f '. -' '- 5 7 " ISA- n- 20 35 25 35 30 ; 25' 20 35 25 . 20 . : 8 ,"' ' .5'! 2 85 4 00 1 15 i;U ' 3 00 #60 S^40 2 35 BOOT Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage to.. A1TD SHOE STORE. FALL TT ^Tf 4at e74 came into Aotn for Price, Style and Quality^ Do & SON X Have-just received their STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, tha i n't forjget th&pla^e A0to>)t,Sep^lixa76: our. icnsvonx r I I Wui refceiv^ careful atlenUon, and all work guaranteed to give aatisaoUoa. Jtepalrlns Done Neatly, pea l^ain Stjwet, Next Door to Aeaeur'3l'aotcL KENNEY & SOK- UNDERTAKING. i And ;{ The undersigned beg* leaye to inform the people' of Acton and rouhdipg neighborhood-that he has procuroda magnificent IB -A. IR S^ 3H, in par store reduced accordingly. SECORD BROS. r snr> to ajttend and | conduct Fdnerals on the sborteat' notice and most moderate terms; L > Soffins, Burial R.obes, n|ds |of-Fnne^al Furnishings kept^tf stock, and suppjlted on the shortest aotice. ,___ and Gloves supplied when required. ' JOHN SPEIGHT. . SftTSB plor^. Aoto fifci DR|JGS, DRUGSl fa 1 * Dmtffl, 0&|ez^lo&l, Sjye JtnSt^'Tataat and. Proprietory ?4a4i6iaea, ftad, it ilot f oapa, Sposges, Sras^ee, i gauita, Oils aa& Taralaies. Faaey and, BtfMser Oeo&a [goodi wfirranted of the besfcqaaliiyand at ten per cent below Tqrcilto JDon't forget the place. M^dicaJJ Hall, Mill street, , Ma^ohj 1^, 187$. i Acton. G, Bl TdOlftRO W H

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