Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1876, page 1

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i] iSm* i.'I ^Ifl SOH. phase ":*1 JiWSlXESS CA2WS. W. f. r OMIcf*. Member tadSgrtgons ." DR. R> MORROW, Physl- etsa. ttonxvon, Ac, of Bi-llcvuo C<>1- 1mA,N>* YorR.isor.uluat tof Victoria _Cwl*ft Canada. Caii*nllatii> i1k\r TnjHnU Kridavn, from 8K. m, rUU iv, m. Rcsldenco West Uo>Hrr street, ACTQt-________'____________________ JAMES, MATTHEWfc, Con- r*Jane<r Iwsuerof Marriage License*, fwimVlcr, Insurance Ascot. _gm Hooey 10 Loan, Agent Mouirval Yele- rnh Co.. C tta Ifourtb. nlvislcn Court, Com. In Q. B., Ac, AtttoN, OM. J^CIVS BAKERY. Cheap Bread. D HENDERSON a anccr, *<:.-, also Ul Assaninc* Co. Deeds. MnrtsuRt^, Ac-, priur<f neatly, promptlyeortvcll> and on reasonable Kriu*. Aloncw to Lou on Mortgage security, OtHce ttiasfow Houses Acton. OMINION ARNESS SHOP. E.' K. CO05 vine purchased tho "stock ami good \|iU of the business lately carried mi tly Mr. J. r\ Dempsey, begs to announce, to the inhabitant* of Acton ami \ lcmtty that he tv ill continue the harness busi ness m the same premises. Old Post Ofllce' Building, Mill' . ",' _ , , . . . ,. r Street, ActOIl, And w^ intciid^to ^kcep Boiwith our vherc he is prepared to turn out work t> 1 D ' second to none, in the Dominion, being a JOTeOu} JjIMS, and- (JakeS. GALLOWAY BROS. ARE STILL AHEAD. . v _> . i practical workman of considerable ex- _ , , . , . , A*nt raV3 I pcrienci. 'AH work done promptly and cycred fresh around the ^Mor^e^ as cheap ai tho cheapest. On hand a vicinity o\cry day. Ago cheap p\rge and well selected stock of -BarncM. Hone Blankets^ Trunks, ' Alwava on hand at nor halt Whips, Bnuhrs, Comto, Ac. Always on nana at our nan ; rates to J LIVING ir STAB, LB JD. MATHESOX, Attorne>- at-LAW, Solicitor In Ctnucory, *. Ot&oe Cornesof Main and Cliurcn Streets, tttorfietown, 4-PPLEBE & SIMPSON, ^_L Barristers. AUorne\*-i-l.jw, :>o- Icltors in Chancery, Convejancer^, *c. Main SlreeV-QKona kto wn- ,t TT7TBE. LAIDLAW, Barrister, t IT Attornex -nt-Luw s^sJlcfior In "> Caaocery, <*e. Ufflets: Hamilton, H> K"n_ *tre*(t; MIUoo, Main strv. L rue Milton <Ji8J.*e wltl b<> oiiJei* Hie m nuct- ttoent nf-l>, W. Cuixpbrll. an) Mr ,Lii.(. la*- will atu>nd-at me-".Milton otlice" oa Friday oTeaeb. 'Keefc. H EXRY L. DRtKC, Repairing promptly attended to. E. K. COOK. Acton. Sept. 2C, 1S7U =^ji A>"D SLEIGHS. Xow 13 the time, to leave Vour onli-r I>SrKANCE 1SE>T, CTLLrD, Aeenv^lor the 51 errant i* and \\ aterioo All bosiuews entru>teU trfnis care will oe tittb.rn.Uy at;<.nJeU ;o, vHvtcre b. mill PATENTS for INTENTIONS! exie-iiUojsly and proir!> secured ' in CAn^d^^tbe Culled bUite* and Kurope. Patant jr^arantet-d or no charge s_nd fPCP^101^ in>tn.ctton<v- Agfnc> in"opt.r- t_>iileli}i:an> HEN'Kl tit.I^T, J Oltttfa, Cina'htj Mec^^nical Engii erT, Ho iciior tit i*a teuV> aD<i t au^h tiuun. illngo and good atock of BREAD. BUNS AND CAKES jry, good, fresh and cheap for ca ih. NO CREDIT GIVENi Except to prompt-paying mo nthly cus tomers. All kinds", of Produce taken in ex- , change for tioods.' I Weight for \t eight given in bread in exchange for flour. VVEDDINQ& FANCY CAKES I Made to onler in the Bhorte^t posaiblo notice, and aatiafavtiou guaranteed. ^. B. All goods are \\ nrrnnteil pure aa nothing but the best of iinttrial is used.! The-patranage of tlio public is respectfully solicited. I GALLOWAY BItOS. .A<ton, .^iig 1rlS76. n i i At J. Ry&et's factory ^ueap bread .Stylish Cntter or Seiccable)KOR THE MILLION Sleigh. W riLLLLU LTKIN'S, lusrr Harris - Uct<r> Wt Ccrtiacalo, tiv Ito^ ai Ap,-otnlnient.J Hof.nt.2A p iiale a d coi.fldti*lial iiOee al iV l'ut OIH_e. iil.inr.'iUm, Con-t_ Ht Ji ^TRJ. S. CAUTLU r4rjln-.dr, Tcachcfi DraiTlnj: and t Truck, l_li rvii !-lri , Ac u I am making rp a Hrge stocl. for the coming season, frour the best material. Crfl at. 1 S t wtr HumUoi u Ctilhi v. ^i prc-ent tock of BUGGIES AND "WAGONS Kill It .old Q'l \erv elie I p. Xi' is a good t me to .eeare ! -rc'A'n . ^tr et attent on l^cn Ui Sorsc-shooin.Br & General Sla:2:- saiithire. O1 kLIYER LOZIER, Plasterer, Pbkklen' tile-mite uon .uanantet^. Acton, T~tp* Ci _JI\M1> -lSTo. I;\ fill! Sh^BS,m N D E RTAK \H G. .1 KING 00: 4. reg^rdleu of j_,-T ' no* ! | | i t imse off jost U* |S0L3- . the aire* ttan4 y I ]' id up-*o- "90 -nej cent*.' :i oen^, ji J*-2*. -y- . \ *r * JI; r vi ^ ^ ,f *,7*& ^ f sdueed lro - i i RIFICEU , V- r ' '-^1 AtTOX FLOIR HILLS* 1L i E-'MClvUN, P^pr.e'^r** F-U*ur and fertl uj ..\ on 11 udv wb^te- KjJe jtn re ij O'l- lag .m I OiiopL.in_, t>a.Lvv C^sti cf Ur in "DOSSIX HOI St, Acton. c-Tlfbt Tl j r i\r- i_-'tl 1m ^*3 !e-i\e tn uifotna i'ic p-";i! i \.t-on an 1 \ie.i..t_ th..l lit v.H iurai-'u all j ITeiui<>Ucs in VndcrtaKtug ,1 ' ._ on'tlmrt ami te-asonable terras as <_.:. Le liid ll^IMMrc-'THo^rCA^i-'BEi:'! .Vroi'r,. I Iftfiril. S^jjjlud irltcu D rJ DOHIXIO.N HOTEL, Act oil J A_0 th.-t h* ill Itot>ert ^^naiT. TOjineior.Tbi- 1 ae' 'Houri l^ lit 4.~i- up in lr--c-i.-^a mi m *k.^g Itjle w.tb i.c- ii^rniLare. Comuitrei U iTlb T1"D SXQrBS 5 UXI1C6S - TfRSgllers-H-I 1 ctd _o,d ucoc ffiou.M!.n "" *" ***' fc'Kiw*' wvw nUci mifluiioDs *viaip peeiai a t-uuon. pal totU^aaiK o' tlie rra^el- IiiiSVa tic, Ear-rpp^e wnb u.e bt>t LnnDrs a 1 C"_ifr-. TooI S ^'iliig ui.d ^uenUre ilostlers. TTTM. HEHSTRLExi Licensed Auctioneer Kof the Counties c,{ Wellingtmi ami Sful- 'ton. urders- l-.t ai Uie i-Kti. Pue.-^ OfBee, Actor, or at. m> r*-bideDC*, in Koefewond. jcil. beproni} tt> atleuuei' to. Ternrs reasonable _ '" , B. & E. NICKLIU Bog to announct thit thcv}i*%e secured ; t!ie services of a First-Class Baker, ami that their Baking business is lion in full operation, in the prclnises oiwied b\ J/rs ilanna. Breail will be <lelnercil ilailv at the hotist s in the \ lllage and vicitutj Wedding Cakes, Tea Cakes, Pastry; Buns, &cv i nitile in tl.t \er\ best manner, and kept ahia^s on hand, good and fre^h Also all kiinls of Coufeetipnerj-, Biscuits, Cliecse. i.c- The pitroinje of the public is res- i po-tfuJIy iolieitciL B i K NICKliN". ^leton. Teb _0, lS7o I P^ RE !H1LK. Tbesinderslgned Kegs to thai.k his ens- tornt^s tn tbe liberal prtronag^received Sarins the past summer, and would bay taat fce is now prepared t* snpply an ad ditional number of customers with sood, porcfresli milt delivered ever} ro<rn- *ne, and twice a^ay on featurdajs. Par= tin who keep cows -will find 1t mm'h cheaper and lets txoubietoeet milsdeliv- _ ered at tbrlr doors, and they would do well tofell ineircowsand buy their milk, Twentj^one Quart tickets ior^l, if paid i la adTance, or twenty-oue pint ticket* lorfiOcentA. _ . ^,, AJiilSTBO^U. Acton, Sov. 10th, 1S75 l]yILTOX - PLAOTNG .MILLS. - J..R. MITCHELL, .Manufacturer of , Kash, Doors, Blinds, Mould ings, Boor and Window Frames, Pickets, etc. ^flatting, Scroll Worlt~and Matching Done to Order. ~ \0*J Blinds 30 cents per foot. "* - _5 AVL work delivered in ^<ston free. J Orders 4eft at Secord Bros, will be Promptly attanded to. _Milton,Jnne 6, ifiTd. 50-1 y JP TROLLOJPE CHAPMAN', JPra^tical SoolslaiBjiex. -W Descriptions oT Binding Neatly JExecntd. Account-SooU of aU Kinds Made to Order* -Baling Promptly Attended to. r 3M*T St. George's Square, Guelpl in tht stjle. *hw (a>e>. Cook Ciscs nnd Irl,t made to onUr. FUUS ITU RE Vi EPA MED. Shcp on Willow street, near Mam st. P. M. "SftCAKX. vlcton, Ma-ch 20, IS7, 3J)-fim OTEA5I Carriage & Wagon Haia. Stroat, - Acton. 3IICH1EL SPEIGHT, General Blacksmith, -Carriage and I, iW agon-maker. JBatt Horde. j51tocri> in the County. Perfect satisfaction unarantded or rfo T price charged. r ~^~^~" t Flrxt-t law Plows and Collard's Patent Iron narrows always on band. k z,oo& Etock of Carnages and Wagons. Repairing promptly and properly at tended to. Acton, July 16, 187C ^CTO.N PLANINO MILLS /STEI.P1I .AR'-IOttY. %*v JOHN KIRKHAM, Gunsmith, Silver-Plater, &e Wishes to inform the public that he has rcmoi ed to Hatch's Block, Kext door to Tj son's Butcher Shop AMMUNITION FOB AIL BREECH LOADING ARMS. Ely 4 Kynoch's Cartridge Cnsep and Capb for re loading same. Re-loaders, Ke-capperx, Cap Ejectors, Curlers, and Creasors.Cleaning Hods, and all articles necessary for a Sportsimm'b outfit All sorts of Repairing and Jobbing executed on the shortest notice at Guelph, ^Ipnl 27, 187G. AND Tnmp. Sash, Door and Blind Factory. THOMAS EBBAGE, , Manufacturer of Wuxdcw Sash, Doors, Venetian Blinds Mouldings, - And other Building Requisites Alo Maker ot our Waste basket. Old Scraps Warmed Up. BT A. K. w. In order of time, decoration pre cedes dress. Spencer. Humboldt tells us1 that an Ori noco Indian, though quite regard- loss of bodily comfort, will yet labor for ft fortnight to purchase pigment wbero-vith to make himself admir ed ; and that the same woman who would not hesitate to leave her hut without a fragment of clothing on, would not dare to commit such u breach of decorum as to go out nn- painted. . Captain Speke's African attend* ants often strutted about in thoir goatskin rauntlos when the weather was tine, but when it was wet. took them ofFt^olded them up, and went about naked, shivering in the cold. Is decoration developed out of dress 1 , How to livo 1 that is the cssen- tiul question for us.. c I thank j e, my frien's for the warmth o' your greeting There's few airthly blessiu's but wats \ am and flcetiu'. But if ther' is one that hain't no cracks an' flaws. An' \with gom' in for it's pop'lar ap- clause ; j It semis up the spirits ez lively ez rock ets j An' 1 feed it wal dow n to tho eend o' my pockets. It. Blijlinc. Tho wine it so elatcth me, ' That 1 no difference can see, Between "accursed Ha-man be," And " Blessed be Mordccai." Z<t>n/W/or. Uttered not, yet comprehended, Is the spirit's \oiceless prayer, Soft rebukes, in blessings ended, Breathing from her lips *{> fair. Lvnitfciloto. If we were not weak hhall wc be less in deed than in desire. , shelly. AV Al'LLL lol' AIK TO THE SEXTANT Hi A C\SPEil. | 0 sextant of the meetin' house, which bweeps " I And dusts, or is supposed to, and make tires . ! And htes the gas, ami sometimes leases a screw loose, j In which ease it smells orful wus than lamp lie, And wrings the bel, and Itels it, and sweeps paths. And for these sen ases gits JS100 per an num ; I Which thexu that thinks "deer let em try it, Gittin' up befora starbte injall wetliers, and j Kiudlin' fares, when the "aether is as cold I t Aa zero, and like as not gregnwood for kindlius', r " \ (I would'nt be hired to to it for no some) L But, o sextant, there are one kermodity Wuth more than gold that don't east nothin' Wuth more than an> thing ^except the sole of man : 1 mean petter (ire ; I' mein pewer ore. And it is plenty out o' doora, so plenty it doant no j What on airth to dew with itself, but ilize about I Scattenn leases and blow in off men's bats; In short, its jest as free as are out dores, But, 0, Sextant, in our church its scarce as pity, Scarce as bankbills, when agents begf or mishuns, Wich some say is purty often; tain'fc nothin' to me ; I What I give is nothin1 to nobody ; but, 0, sextant, | Yon shut 500 men, women and children Speshily the latter, up in a tite place, bum has bad breths none iof 'em ain't too sweet, . Sum is fursy, sum is scromis, sum has bad teeth, , And sum hain't none, sura ain't over clean, < But cvry one brethes in and oat, and out and in, I . . Say 50 times a minuet, or 1 million and a half breths an hour ; I Now, how long will a church full of are last at that rate ? I ask ypu ; say 15 minutes, and then what's to be did t I ' Why, then they must betne it) all over Ho taught us how to live, am i high The price of knowlodgo tau to dio. hum >le pride of That under-feeding and over feeding are both bad is a tfuism, Spenacr. The pride of science ie when compared with thti ignorance. Spenser. Hodgo and Giles after o notes over their respective show by their l-emniks have been more or less of their masters' beasts and of the effects produced by this or that kind of but who hears anything sa the rearing of children think that the regimen of sery, is no concern of thdirs. " m paring jg-styss, that they (jbservant i sheep, on them utmert, id about MoaL the nt uril trsi leave all these things to consistc nt with LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN Takes pleasure In announcing to the public generally that tie Is prepared to furnish First-class fiorsps and Carriages At Reasonable Bates. His Rigs and Horses ore the bpst that be had, and lie is determlnec* ~~' " be surpassed by any City Stable. c ty Tub any iT'jfc 0* -t r~ <C' ^ *? Orders left t the Xkee. PitES . vace will receive-prompt attention. 1 B8??. v>: i0,0-^- Bow-Bia, * co. - Jnia^nrMfe/O'rP5iap nlet'SlrW0 pa* e " MlmSrl? Jr"*. of 3000 newspapers, an ""lesjshowlng cost of advertising. can be had, and be is determined not to " b surpassed by any City BUlr' - Acton July 1st, 1875. Lumber Planed and Dressed to order in the best manner. All work guaranteed. Acton, JajJwlB7fi. SUBSCRIBE FOB THE _ 1 ACTON FREE PR|SS Only One, Dollar a Year. | $5 tO $20 Samples' worth ?! free, Stinson <fe Co., Portland, Maine. <ti rt a dav at homo. Agents wanted. PJ.<2 Outfit and terms tree. IKDJG A ,CO^, Augusta, Maine. AnuVthen agin and so on till loach has took it down At least 10 times, and let it up agin, and what's more i The same mdividiblc doant. hev the pri vilege . j j Of brethin' his own are and no one else, Each one must take wotewer qomes to bim. ' 0 Sextant! doan't you know our lungs _ is bellesees I I ( Toblow the tier of life, arn^ keepHfriom Goin' out; and how can bellesscB blow without wind ! And ain't wind are ? I puff-it too yonr conuhuns; i I Are is the same to us aa milk tp babies, Or water is too fish, orpepdlums to clotf, Or roots and airbs to on Enjun Doctor, Or little pills unto an omepathj Or liae tS gurls ; ere is fur us to brethe, What signuleg who preeches llf I^can't breths. Whafa Pol rTVhat'B Pollus tb siiflfers who are dead, | Ded for the want of breth.Tt wjjy-sextant when we dye It's bnly coz we can't brethe no more that's all. I, " And now, 0 sextant; let mVbeg of you To let a little are into our cfiurch, (Pewer are is sertin proper W thepows) And-dew it week day'B, md Sunday's ' It ain/t much trouble, only make a hoal And then the are-will come in. of itself, (It loves to come in where it can git warm) And oh ! how it will raize thd people up And sperrit np the prea sher j ana stop gaspers men." Its not masculine dignity. S^i The sensations do not our guidanoo but to m seems to bo the prevalent duced to its naked form, grave error; we are in benificently constituted. What father would thin tary to go about with I bare arms, bare neck 1 tax upon the system fi om would sin ink, he inflicts; little ones who are so able to bear ie, or if he d< flict it,^ees it inflicted wit ttst. Lumenttdde indeed see mothers seriously d; constitutions of their chil of compliance with an fash ion. Spcnier. Of the transcendental d between right and wrong know little, children no; Sjjcnser. Do not regret the considerable self-will on th your children.-r-Spinaer. The best being thut inudo is a good woman, worst that the devil ever bad one. Tulmuge. Men who have free ridt on-vans never like the furnishes the vehicle. If our ears were enough we could on night heaf the crash of a moral shipwrecks. Looh you spend your icintcr Tolmage. Decomber, January ary aro harvest months' dev il. Tahitaye. Piotection against the of the magistrate is not there needs jprotectiqn "the tyrannies of the p opinion and feeling agu tendency of society to i other means than civil its own ideas and practice; of conduct on those w*hi from them. John Stuart No person ought to be simply for being drunk ; dier or policeman should ished for being drunk Whenever, in short, there finite damage or a defi damage either to an to the public, the case is of tho province of placed in that of morality John 'Stuart Mill. Character is what we areV tion is what people think . " From big guns and tongues deliver us," but i are quite its big blabs as Spurgeon. Common fame is a Hear say is half lies. Spi To keep dirt, debt, and out of the cottageought tc man's greatest wish. Spi A ginooine statesman should guard, I Ef ho must hev_ beliefs, no! 'em too hard; ii :h ixist for ad ulj, iolief re- It is a. more i Spenser., itsalu- ure legs, Fet thui which he lpon his much less not in- lout pro- is it to amkging the lren out i rratienal stinction rise men thing. exhibition of 9 part of i3od ever and the ilvado is & s in pris- that mugc. ly good winter hundred out how liylits. Kaals> Suit) For ez sure ez he does he'll 'em out, 'Thout regardm' the natui' more'n a spout. hume, How to Do It Nature is industrious in her dominions ; and man, this beauty is addressed, and -obey the lesson. Let be industrious in adornin;; main, in making h|s dwelling of his wife and not only convenient -and able, but'pleasant. " Let 1 as circumstances will adn dustrjious in .surrounding pleasant objects, in within and- without that tend to make it attractive. Let industry abode of neatness and place which1 briug every inmate and whioh draws back the heart by associations of comfort Let this be done, arid spot will become more iscene of cheerfulness and 'parents who would j children happy, be catefi 1 And yawn, and finits as effectual fch^ in the mld^t of As wind on the dry boang tlio Profit I "*T" i_ i__a u- U tells otf ^^ j UcteerfuLandahappyJi us how Ttckelt. the Febru- for the tyranny enough j against e vailing inbt the pose by ! >enulties, as rules dissent Miif. punished ifut a sol- be pun- duty, is a de- risk of individual or ti ken out libi irty land law. , reputa- e are. women's >uie men women. ( n com non liar. rgeon. the devil be every rgeon, bo on his le to b'lieve blurtin' o' man ERIN FALL SHOW- PRIZE LIST. J HOBBEB. Heavy -draught stallion, J. & D. Duff. Stallion of any other kind,! \V. [Robinson. Span working horses (not stallions), Mv- Smith, 2d J. & W. Collins, 3d G. Smith,1 Carriage horses, H, Swuckhammer, 2d D. Matheson,' 3d G. Currie. Saddle horoe, John Near, 2d J. White. Brood mare, S. Johnson, 2d J. R. Thomson, 3d A. McLean. Colt foal, heavy draught H. B. Boswy, 2d J. R. Thomson. Filly foal, heavy draught, Tbos. Young, 2d D. Matheson. Colt foal of any other kind, S. Johnson, 2d A. Mc- Arth tr. Filly foil of any othor kind, D. S. McMillan, 2d R. Bing ham. Gelding, 2 year old, JW^ Mullen, 2d R. Akitt. Filly 2 year old, J as. Young, 2d W. Mullen. Yearling colt, P. McGill, jr., 2d J. McK jchnie. Yearling filly, Wm. Young, (8th line), 2d Jas. Gibson. Shod horse, J. McDonald, 2d A. Currie. BULLS. Aged bull, A. Clark, 2d G. El- linton, 3d H. Smith. Bull, 2-year- old, T. Tolton, 2d D. Thomson, 3d N. McKinnon. Yearling bull,. A. Cree,1 2d D. McArthur, 3d Q. Hood. Bull calf, H. Dnnbar, 2d A. McKinnon. &UBHAM CATTLE. Cow, over 3 years old, N. Re id, 2d Jesse Anderson, 3d G. Awrey, Cow, 3 years old, D. Awrey, 2d A. McKinnon, 3d H. Smith. Heifer, two years old, D. Me Arthur, 2d G. Awrey, 3d H. Dunbar. Yearling heifer, Jesse Anderson, 2d G. Aw rey, 3d E. Tolton. Heifer calf, E. ToJUon, 2d G. Awrey, 3d L. Czer- winskL Special prizes by Messrs. Wood, McDowell and Bennet for the best herd of Durham cattle, consisting ef one bull and four fe males, and owned by the exhibitor, G. Awrey, 2d H. Smith. CATTLE, ANY OTHEB BBEED THAN DURHAM. Cow, over three old, D. Mo Ar thur, 3d D. McMillan , 3d Thomas Talbot Cow three years old, D. McMilan, 2d D. McArthur'3d T. Talbot. Heifer, t|wo years old, D. McArthnr; 2-D. McMillan, 3d T. Talbot. Yearling heifer, D. McMil lan, 2d T. Talbot, 3d D. McArthnr. Heifer calf, D. McArthur, 2d H. Dunbar, 3d P. McGill, jr. Special prizes by Messrs. Boomer, Conboy and Willis for best herd of cattle any other breed than Durham, con sisting of onevbull and four females, and owned by the exhibitor, D Mc Millan ; 2 Tbos Tolton. FA3 AND WORKING CATTLE, (any breed) Yoke of working oxen, A. Mc Kinnon, 2d R. Bather, -3d-J. Rich ardson. Yoke of steers under Ave years, old, in yoke A. McAllister, 2d T. Grey. Fat cow, steer or heifer, Hugh McMillan, 2d D. Thompson, 3d D. McArtbur. SHEEP, LONG WOOLED. Ram, Mark Sutton, 2d L. Ceer- winski, 3d J. Lang. Shearling ram, E. Tolton, 2d G. Ellinton, 3d Jas. & D. Duff. Ram lamb, E. Tolton, 2d, L. Czerwinski, 3d Mark Sutton.' Pair ewes.E. Tolton, 2d M. Sutton, 3d J. <fe D. Duff. Pair shearling ewes, E. Tolton, 2d M. Sutton Pair ewe lambs, J. Lang, 2d A. McMillan, 3d M. Sutton. FAT SHEEP. Fat sheep, E. Tolton, 2d G. El linfon. PIGS. Boar, A. McArthur, 2d Welling ton Hull. Sow,"G. Ellinton, 2d S. Hurd. Two spring pigs, W. Sayers 2d W. Harkness. RCPTS. ^Ejutyj-oso potatoes, <f. Anderson ~ J? utatoei, any other 2d W. Rott. kind, J. Anderson, |2d W. Beer, (stallion adorning to whom sljiould feel him, too, his ,do- ,the children, coHifprt- far adroit, be. in- it) with decorating it things agre ble and make the ordejf a satisfaction to n absence the fond content sacred t urely the peace. Ye your, to bring pleasant, owe. . PODLTRY. Pair of fowls, Jno. Kirk, 2d W. Hull. Pair of turkeys, A. McMil lan, 2d H. McMillan. Pair of geese, Jno. Kiik, 2d J. Richardson. Pair of -ducks, Geo. Hurd, 2d Jno. Kirk. Extras Pigeons, J. Br<idie, 2d P. McGiir; jr. ' IMPLEMENTS. , i Iron or metal beam plough,Jvith wtoden handles, H Milloy. Gang pliugh, H. Milloy, 2d J. S. Walker. Ci.ltivator, J. 'Byrne. Iron harrpw J.lByrne, 2d H. Milloy. Double lumber waggon, Rott Bros. Mar ket wagon, J. Byrne. Single bug gy, Rott Bros., 2d H. Milloy. Ci iter, Rott Bros., 2d H Johns. O:: yoke, A. Thomson, 2d W. Rott- Extra Seed drilj, H. Smith. Turnips, any other kind^ L. Talbot, 2d A. McKefcbnie. Mangold wurtrel, G. Jang,,2d J Hunter. Field jarroti:, R. Fergu son, 2d \J, Anderson. Table carrots, J. Anderson., 2d Mrs. H. Howe Beets, G.' Lang, 2d _J.i Anderson. Parsnips, J. Crosier, '3d W. Beet'. Onions,' Mr* Hovre, ^d . W. Beer. Potato onions, G. Lanj, 2d Jojyi Sliineler. Top onions]-3. Johnson, 2d J. Kinfcner, Putrpkins; W. Sayers; 2d Mrs. Dphl. . Cabbages, J. Huuter, 2d J. part. Tomatoes SPECIAL PRIZES OPEN TO ONTARIO^ .No. 1 Wm. Matthews offered a saddle for the best buggy horse (not > a , . , . T .- i.j Wm. Farrisk No. 2-r- Swede twrnps, J Anderson, 2d D, I By James Crozier, for thebesthack McGill. Turnitrt. anv other kind, horse (not stallion), to be shown in' W. Beer, 2d'J. Smith. ' Cauli- flowers, W.+ Beer, 2d'jj. Hunter, Squashes, J. Hunter, 2fl G. Burt. Gitrons, E. McDouxalll 2d J. Burt, Special prize by Jesse ^nderson for the best collection of tuj-uips, beets, carrots and mangold ijrartzels, J. Andeison._, ] Extras. Ban-el of flour, T. Dodd. Celery T. |Caroerryi_ FRUITS and flowers. Fall apples,- J. Xjntnsr, 2d Jas. jCollins, 3d Wm. Barbet. Winter apples, G. Awrey, 3d J. Andeison, 3d J. Burt. Collegian of apples to be correctly named, "\y. Beer, 2d H. Smith1, 3d Gideon Awrey, 3d W. Beek Neat.'SdTbjoa Smith, 2d Jas. of garden fl >we: DAIRY ANJ) DO| Firkin ol' butter, fitted for Akftt. Pears, - Conboy, ral> a spies, John Gripes, H. Collection Anderson. PBODCCE. ex- 56 lbs. portation, n )t less than McMilLth, 2d John Near, 3d E. Stevens, 4tli Hj P. Bessey. But ter, 5 ]bs., fpr immediate rise, mod erately salted, GJ Burt, 2d J. Rich-" ardson, 3d, J. | Baldwin, 4th E. Stevens. C beese, not less' than 10 lbs., Thos. fouifg, 2d W. Young. Bread, Mrs. Johns, 2d Hugh Mc Millan, 3d Robert- Rott.< staple sugar, HP. Beskey. 2d JW. Young. Maple syiiip, [ J. Smith, 2d M. Smith. Strained honey, H. Mc- Kinney.' Speciajl prizeb by Wm, Beer for the best collection of can ned and I preserved fruits, syrups JJ. Buit. Matthews. C. Foster, iles. S pe er, "for the best stove and -likiware, |A_. "Hunter. I exWas. I Raspberry wine, Mrsl H. Howe, 2d J). McGill. Kaspberry vinegar, J. Biowni 23 E.]Stevenk Tomato catsup, Mi's, H. [Howp^d D. Mc Gill. Grab] appUe syru}>, Mrs. H. Howe. Currant winej J. Buit. Cherry wine), G. Smithj Itaspber- ry jellyf S. Johnson, 2d %. Stevens. Pickled eoeumHers, S. Johnson. Mixed pickles, S. Johnson. Pick led lilly, Jasl Brown. Red pepper, S. JohnsbriJ Black currantiWine, A. CurryJ 2J1 H^s. Bi-odie. Elder- a buggy, 1st 83, 2d 82, Wm. Far- risb, 2d W. Patteown. ] 'JEXTBA PBIZES. j Berlin "wool work, MrsPSbaw, 2d Mrs. Bowje. Floss work, Mrs. Howe. Sheqiskin mats, M. Hurrtr. Lace, J. Hunter, 2d H. McMillan. Lump mut,Tffr. Howe, 2d D. Ever- dale. D'Oyley* Mrs. Howe. Table mat, Miss Collins. Mexican work, John Bifrti Sofa pillow, D. " McGill. Crotchet woik in wool, Miss Collins. Wax flowers, Mrs. Johns. Wax cios, Mrs. Johns. Splatter ^work, H. Reid.-" Sofa enshfori, Mrs. Shaw, 2d Ww. Savers. Shell wdrk, Mrs. Brodie. Collec-" tion of shells, Mrs. Brodie. ' Gdd. box, Mrs. Brodie. Pointed Honi- <on lace, Miss Brodie, 2d J. Brown. Other lace, Miss Brodie. Motto, Geprge Smith, 2d N. McKinnon. Slipper case, Miss Brodi'e^ Anti macassar stool, Miss Brodie. Toilet set, Miss Brodiw 2d ' D; Milne. Fancy knitting, _J>. Thomson-. Horse covers, Miss M.* tMcKee- Knit tidy, MTss M. McKee. Crotchet lace, Mis^ M. McKee. French raised -work1, Mrs. Johna. Stool mat, MreL JobnR. Cotton - basket, Jfira Amy Wiiljs. Moss work, Jas. Browo. Skeleton leaves', Jas. Brown. Splattered painting, iJast BrowD, 2d Wm. Price. Orna- imental stand, jfas.JBrown. Net ting, Mrs. Pricel 2d) Jas. Brown. Flowering on-ni-t, . Jame 3rown. Fancy f^ame/Jak Bfown, 2d Mrs. Price. Carviag kU j^arfotated auad- board, Jas. Brown, gtufied, Hrda, James Brown. Rustic, boose, D. - Thomson. Sanipler work, D-- Thomson. Mosaic raised w6rk, D- Tbomsoa. ^ffcidqailt, A. Thom son. Berlin wool roses, Mrs. Johns. Wax flowers. Mijs. Johns. and jellies, J. Brown, MANDFicTCREB Double! harnes Side of'uppsr le Gent's coat, C. cial prizes by berry winej Mr Bfurt. Bunsr Mrs. Johns. Spiced tomai Crab apple |jelly,_2d Cranbeniesi' G.| Lin; harness, !W. Matthe W. Matthdws. Gra; f _. Smith, 24 James Broun. Grape vinegar, ^as. Brown. Apple jelly, 'vine, Mrs. se s i >es, eDon kid. trot i S. Grigrpon, 2d "TS5fiolea ^uilt, Id Wm Bier. Cot- \m-y, 2o| W. Smith. 'Riown, factoiw William Thorn- J. S. and tl is GRAIN AND SEEDS. Treadwell fall wheat, T. Wans-- bo rough, 2d Jas. Collins. Fall wheat, any other kind, M. Sutton. Rd chaff spring wheat, W. Young, 2d S. Hurd. Spring wheat, any otber kind, J. Byrne, 2d A. Walker Small white peas, A, Hurren, 2d Peter McGill. Crown peas, or any other kind, T. Wansborougti, 2d H Dunbar. Barley, H. McMillan, 2d R, Barber. New Zealand or white Maine oats, Wrfj. Beer, 2d J, An derson. Black -oats,-J. Andtrson. Timothy seed, half bushel, J. Long J Howe. Jas. Browji. Price.* Set hi Wailker, 2d J. !iad: Coi>nber|>kije, Mrs. H_.| How] Mrs. Carbesry, triii quilt! A. C Blankets,]liitnd (made., 2d S. -Gniggson. Slujiiiets niade, N.fMfeKiimon, Sd Sayers. ' Pulleu clo h, Al son, 2d A)!' Scbtf Sfiannei, ftL Smith, 2d Bliss M. ftfcKeei Win cey, W. Yoiang, 2d M. Smith. Car pet, D. JTjhoniLon, l-5il R. Rott Hooked mat Mis. Carliernr, 2d J'. KirS. Home-spun jstosking yarn S.GriegBy,2dC.MiMilhoi. Shirt,, S. Grigs*so|i, 24 A. Curry, H.. Swackhamiuer, highly recommend ed. -Drajwiljig, Hiss Dodas. Tidy, William Young 2d Ja nee Brown Straw hut,! P. and C Furgnson, Bead wo-kl| Jaf. Blown, 3d Mrs. Price. , Hr^idinj, Jiis. Br>wn, 2d Mre. Dqhl.' E:Ltra--Vro61entidy, D. Thomson, ^fd Mrs.lH Howe. Hair vofk.', [H. Smith, id v7illiam Young. Seetl wreath, Mrs. Price. Flower 4,ieath, 1*. McMillan. Woolen wjieatl, W n. YoungT 2Jd Jas. Rrdwi. Tattiig, Mis. Dohl, 2d Mrsl Price. Weolsn liood, (|. MoMillajtiJ 2d Mrs. Ion 5. Em broidery, Mrs. Qohl, % I J. Brown, Crotchet work, P. an i O. E ergusorj, 2d Mrs. Howe. Fai toj w< ol work, Miss D0dd 2d Jas. 15r< wn. Worttr f). McMillm, 2d Mrs. ed work,] Price. Swif, M. Smith, Anderson, hive 2d E. Stevens. Flaxseed,, half bush, Rl Bingham, 2d.J. Lang. 'Indian corn,-half dozen ears, J. Kintner, 2d Wm. Rott. Beans, one gallon, W. Bier, 2d A. McArthur.. r 2d Mrs. McMllliin, stockings, stocking, |T. jA-nd^rs^n, JJCfing. Mrs, darbbny, 2d Woolei mittens, S. .2d >"W. liveidale, J. Smith, highly1 < onim an ied, Woalv gauntlets, ~ ,2d J g.l 2, Mn McMillan. Carriago [ Saddle, wine, H. relghUet, Welgklae (. rain. It will be remembered that s few week* ago the standard weight per" bushel of barley, Imperial measure, was fixed by the{Toronto Com Ex change and Board of -examiner *fc "not less than 4S 11*. ber bushel for No. 1 ; 5plbs.iftT No. 2; aid 43| lbs. No. 3." Since adopting these Btandurd weight 1 a difficulty -baa been presented tc shippers orf>arIey from this port to Oiwego, iuisiag from the differen :e in the sizes of the Imperial and Winchester meas ures, the latter oie being used 1- 'together in Oswego, and barley that weighed 48 lbs.,lo the bushel "here" was fonnd to weij ;h only 46 Bk to tha bushel in Oswego, which necessitated a greater quantity being supplied by Torontograin eX[>oi-ters, than would be required by tho Imperial measure considerably to their loss. Tie in spector here ha:i been rising the Winchester roeaBure abont a week, but at a meeting of the Corn Ex change Avssociation held to day, the following motion was adopted : "Resolved that inslmctions be g?vea_ to the Inspector by the President^ to henceforth use oely the Imperial measunj ia weigiiag grain. Tde- gram. The Easiest Way. A Frenchman,) while in Naples, was introduced toaii assembly of one of the first ladies by a Ifeapolito* ' nobleman., While lie was there his gold snuff-box was stolen1 from him.- Soon after, being at another honse, he saw q persou caking snuff out ef ' hig box. He turned te bis frie%4L " There," said |be,-" that mania bine, with gold ^mbroidery, is tak- jng snuff out of my box, stoles yesterday." Do on know him V^*; he <not a professional sharper V " Take care," skid the other, "tiha* man is o( tiie .first goality." _ "- '"I don't ifeare for Jits quality," replied .the "trenchmas. " I must have my box again. Fll go and oik "bim for at" - 1 " Pray be qui* tf s4id bis friend, " and let me go end .get it Dack fur yoq." Upon this assurance tile French man went away, after inviting his friend to dine with him .next day. He came next day,-and as'he enter ed, exclaimed "There, 1 hkve brought yow snuff-box." ^ a ",Well, how-<Iid yoo obtain it T I " Well,", said the Neapolitan nobleman," I di d not wish to make any noise about it, so I picked his pockets." -' Humility* is .he low but broad and: deep fonnda tion of every virtue. .Isn't it curious thatsotae learned> dunces, because they can-writo non sense in dead languages," sbonld think 4hemselvi is l)etter,-te*i> tsea who can talk g^od sound sense itt living ones. ^Dignity, and even hqliness ^00,1 sometimes are more questions of coat and waistx oat than some peo-~ J. Ricbe|rddonJ2d Mrs. <?0tton soiks AK Cnrry, X< ng. Wooh in 1 opks, S. 2d : Sire. L< n^- Cotton { lo ima^ao.^pickeni. A. Corry. Woolen |r , 2d Mrs. I -*- railroad r^ee^in^^Thor cdllis- j ion of two trail t3. ..I *l .

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